How to find stuff in the Bible
In a volume as large as the Bible, how does one go about finding a word or phrase?
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- In a volume as large as the Bible, how does one go about finding a word or phrase?
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- Many Bibles have a concordance in the back which provides a convenient way to search for words. These concordances, while helpful, don't index every single word in the
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- Bible. For that, you need Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. Let's say you wanted to find every occurrence of the word warning in the
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- Bible. Just go to the W's and locate Warning in Strong's Concordance. On the left are the books, chapters, and verses where the word can be found.
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- In the middle is a snippet of the verse where the letter W, in italics, stands for the word itself.
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- On the right are numbers, which are referred to as Strong's Numbers. Strong's Numbers are assigned to each root word of the original biblical language.
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- In this example, we can see that the Hebrew word translated as Warning, in Jeremiah 6 .10,
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- is assigned number 5749. However, in Ezekiel 3 .17, the word translated
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- Warning comes from a different Hebrew word with Strong's number 2094. In the back of Strong's Concordance are two dictionaries, one for Hebrew words and the other for Greek words.
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- Unlike a normal dictionary where the words are listed in alphabetical order, the Strong's dictionary is listed in the numerical order of the
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- Strong's numbering system. It's important to be aware that the Strong's numbers begin at 1 in both the
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- Hebrew and Greek dictionaries. Notice that the last entry is Colossians 1 .28,
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- and the Strong's number is 3560. If you had looked up 3560 in the
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- Hebrew dictionary, you'd find the number, but it would have been the wrong word. Just remember that Strong's numbers for Old Testament words are found in the
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- Hebrew dictionary, and numbers for New Testament words are found in the Greek dictionary. It's important to note that Strong's is an index of the
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- King James Bible. Therefore, if you attempt to look up a word in Strong's that you remember from the NIV, New King James Version, or some other translation, you may not find what you're looking for.
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- Strong's numbers are used by tons of Bible study apps and websites. Whether you are studying the old -fashioned way or online, knowing how to use