36: Baptism: Where Did It Come From?
35: Ephesians: Introduction
34: They Said “Baptism Does Not Save”—Then We Read the Verses
33: Built Up, Not Pumped Up: The Biblical Blueprint for Church Gatherings
32: Performers and Pew-Warmers: Is This What God Intended?
31: Assembly Required: What Church Gatherings Were Meant to Be
30: 24/7 Worship: Why Early Christians Didn’t Need Sunday Services
Taking Sin Out of the Cage
29: Your Church Isn’t a Temple, So Why Call Your Gatherings Worship?
28: Serving, Not Just Singing: The New Testament Truth About Worship
27: Bowing Down or Building Up? Rethinking Worship in the New Testament
26: What Is Worship? Rethinking a Misunderstood Word
25: Birthright And Blessing – Are They The Same Thing?
24: Is It True That God Will Not Allow Sin In His Presence?, Part 2
23: Is It True That God Will Not Allow Sin In His Presence?, Part 1
22: Selecting Pastors the New Testament Way
21: Accusations Against Pastors
20: Holding Pastors Accountable
19: Is Your Pastor Biblically Qualified?
10: Your Pastor Probably Isn’t A Preacher
12: What Does The Bible Say Pastors Are Supposed To Do?
14: Does The Bible Really Say A Woman Is Not Permitted To Teach A Man?, Part 2
11: Does The Bible Permit Women Preachers?
16: What Does The Bible Say About Women Pastors?
15: “Women Are To Keep Silent In The Churches”
13: Does The Bible Really Say A Woman Is Not Permitted To Teach A Man?, Part 1
17: May An Unmarried Man Be A Pastor?
9: ‘Pastor’ And Other Words The Bible Uses To Describe An Overseer
8: Is The Clergy/Laity Distinction Biblical?
6: Why Is “LORD” Often In All Caps In The Bible?
2: Was Jesus Sacrificed on Mount Moriah?
4: The Real Reason God Rejected Cain’s Offering
7: Who Was Melchizedek?
5: The Bizarre Story Of Abraham Cutting Animals In Half
3: The Sin That Really Kept Moses Out Of The Promised Land
1: Did The Binding Of Isaac Happen On The Temple Mount?
A Journey Through Biblical History with Tommy Chamberlin
Capernaum: Jesus's Galilean HQ
Tabgha: Breakfast With Jesus
Rediscovering the Biblical Purpose of Church Gatherings (Hint: It's Not Worship) with Dr. Tom Wadsworth
Is This The Location Of The Sermon On The Mount?
A Boat Ride On The Sea of Galilee
Tel Megiddo: Guardian Of The Valley of Armageddon
Mount Carmel: Yahweh vs. Baal
Caesarea: Where The Gentiles Were Grafted In
Why would anyone want to study the Old Testament?
How to define stuff in the Bible
How were the books of the Bible selected?
Why do modern Bible translations leave out verses?
How to find stuff in the Bible
Why is "LORD" often in all caps in the Bible?
Is The Bible Trustworthy?
Bible Minute: I Want My Sins To Be Erased
Bible Minute: Can I Escape Eternal Death?