Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 19 - Chapter 20


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Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 20 - Chapter 21

Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 20 - Chapter 21

Good evening and welcome to Sunday night Bible study with Pastor Josiah Shipley of Witton Baptist Church.
Glad to be back with you tonight We are going to be in Revelation chapter 20 revelation chapter 20.
So without further ado, let us begin Chapter 20 verse 1 then
I saw an angel coming down from the bottomless pit I'm sorry coming down from heaven holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain
And he seized the dragon that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan and bound him for a thousand years and Threw him into the pit and shut it and sealed it over him
So that he might not deceive the nations any longer until a thousand years were ended After that, he must be released for a little while Then I saw thrones and seated on them were those to whom the authority the judge was committed
Also, I saw the souls of those who have been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the Word of God Those who had not worshipped the beast or its image or had received the mark on their foreheads or their hands
They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years The rest of the dead did not come to life until a thousand years were ended.
This is the first resurrection Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection Oversets the second death has no power
But they will be priests of God and of Christ and they will reign with him for a thousand years And when the thousand years are ended satan will be released from his prison
He will come out and deceive the nations that are at the four corners of the earth dog and magog and gather them for battle
Their number is like the sand of a sea And they marched over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints the beloved city
But fire came down from heaven and consumed them And the devil who is deceived who had deceived them was thrown in the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet
Were and they were tormented day and night forever and ever All right, let's stop there.
That was verses one through ten Okay, this is the millennial reign now you can go way back to part one and two of revelation we talked about Premillennialism post -millennialism odd millennialism, etc
Um, but not to rehash all that from a pre -millennials perspective and I admit that's where we're coming from here
For reasons why go back and see part one and two of revelation What we have here
Is god sends an angel down? Okay And the angel seizes satan and throws him into the pit pit and seals it
Sometimes we tend to give satan too much power God sends one angel not even michael it appears that angel seized the devil threw him to the pit and sealed it over And he stayed there bound for a thousand years
Why didn't god just kill satan like he did the antichrist and the false prophet? Because he has a purpose as we will read
As we had read already He binds him for a thousand years Simply to release him again and beat him again
He will get the glory for that as well Now Um, we talked about this in person last week.
I want to reiterate something to you There is a difference In The word greek word cosmos and aeon, okay
In your bible the word world will sometimes be the greek word cosmos and sometimes the greek word aeon
A more accurate translation would be to always translate cosmos as world and aeon as age or at least most of the time
So if you have ever heard someone say satan is the god of this world They're quoting second corinthians 4 4 but the greek word there is not cosmos it's aeon
Meaning in that sense it should say satan is the god of this age not the god of this world No, I know he's roaming the earth seeking those who may devour.
I know he was thrown down with great fury so on and so forth But let me just give you a couple examples john 3 16 for god so loved the
Cosmos the world first john 2 2 he's an appreciation for our sins and not only ours it sends the whole cosmos um in second corinthians 4 when it says satan is the god of this world means he's the god of this age this time period
Just like when jesus said all authority on heaven and earth is given to me Me jesus not satan
Uh go therefore teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father son Holy spirit teaching them to observe to obey all things.
I've commanded you and I am with you always even to the end of the Aeon the end of the age you see
It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for jesus to say i'm with you till the end of the cosmos Because he's going to be raining from the cosmos for the last thousand years.
So no, duh What he's saying is i'll be with you to the end of this age, even when i'm not physically raining i'm still with you
Satan is the god of this current age. We're in he's not the god of this world. That's jesus He's the god of this current age.
It's like when we say You know when we think back to old times and we say Well in john wycliffe's world, there was no praying press
We're not saying he was in a different cosmos a different earth a different planet. We're saying in a different age different time period
Satan is the god of this time period during the millennial reign. He will not be the god of that age
Jesus will be He will no longer be able to deceive the nations right now.
Satan can deceive the nations Because god allows him to Then he will not be able to deceive the nations in the millennial reign
While obviously as we just read in verse 8 there will be many rebels The world will be more christianized and by christianized.
I don't mean in some religious church sense I mean actually christianized as in From jesus himself will be ruling with a rod of iron from the capital city of jerusalem.
How do I know that? Well The millennial reign is talked about a lot in scripture actually more than the rapture is
Um, it says right here in verse 4 They will reign with christ for a thousand years verse 6 they will reign with christ for a thousand years christ will be reigning isaiah 9 6
Most of that prophecy was fulfilled in the incarnation at the birth of jesus the first advent But not all of it.
Listen Isaiah 9 6 for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given Uh, i'm gonna mess it up And the government will be on his shoulders and he will be prince of peace everlasting father so on and so forth
All that prophecy was fulfilled except for that one line. The government will be on his shoulders That did not happen in jesus's first coming
Then he said give the caesar word to caesar's in this one. He will be the ruler of the world That part of the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled yet.
Remember God told david in second samuel 7 Someone for your line.
Yeah, i'm talking about solomon will be the next king, but someone from your line. I will establish
A kingdom that will never pass away. That part hasn't happened yet.
Totally not finally That's why it's so amazing when someone in the new testament calls jesus the son of david
They are Recognizing that he is that messiah to come from the line of david. That's what they mean by that That's why matthew starts with that long genealogy showing you that jesus comes from david
Remember david's great grandmother was ruth so Um How's it go?
Yeah It goes ruth and boaz obed jesse
David yeah So jeremiah 3 i'm going to read a passage to you ezekiel daniel jeremiah
Okay. Yeah jeremiah chapter 3 verse 12 through 18
Go and proclaim these words towards the north and say returned faithless israel declares the lord
I will not look at you in anger for i am merciful declares the lord. I won't be angry forever Only acknowledge your guilt that you have rebelled against the lord your god and scattered your favors among foreigners under every green tree
And that you have not obeyed my voice declares the lord Return of faithless children declares the lord for I am your master
I will take you one from a city and two from a family and I will bring you to zion I will give you shepherds after my own heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding
And when you have multiplied and been fruitful in the land in those days declares the lord There shall no more say the ark of the covenant of the lord
It shall not come to mind or be remembered or missed. It will not be made again verse 17 listen very closely
At that time jerusalem will be called the throne of yahweh And all nations will gather to it to the presence of yahweh and jerusalem
And they will no more stubbornly follow their own evil heart in those days The house of judah shall join the house of israel and together they will come to the land
Of the north and the land I gave your fathers for heritage At that time jerusalem will be called the throne of yahweh
In my view that has not happened yet Even if you talk about when jesus first came did all nations gather to it
Now some people say well, it's metaphorical for salvation I view it as more literal
When jesus christ is going to reign from jerusalem with the rod of iron is how psalm describes it
He will be ruling the world. He will be the universal sovereign. He already is now, but then he will be universal sovereign on this planet
And he will be called the throne of yahweh now notice Calls it the throne of yahweh, but then in revelation, it says jesus is reigning
Because jesus is yahweh And we can keep reading in jeremiah 25 and 33, but I think you get the point
Now I want to look at verse uh four again Talking about those who have been beheaded the tribulation martyrs, let's call them those who were killed during tribulation
They came to life and reigned with christ for a thousand years Those Uh tribulation martyrs are resurrected
No, this isn't the great resurrection of the dead at the end those tribulation martyrs those who were martyred
During the tribulation are resurrected and they reign with christ So here's the question
Are all saints all christians going to reign with christ or just those who were beheaded? Just those who were killed during the tribulation
Well in revelation chapter 20, it only mentions those who were beheaded those who were killed
However, we have a couple other passages in the new testament that may give us some more light on who else might be reigning
So for example, second timothy 2 12 says this Last letter paul ever wrote second timothy 2 12
If we endure we will also reign with him if we deny him. He will also deny us
Okay But first corinthians 6 may even be more explicit first corinthians 6 verse 1 and 2
When one of you has a grievance against another does he dare go to law before an unrighteous instead of the saints
Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases?
Do you not know that we will judge angels okay So what paul is saying here?
He's chiding the corinthian church because we have a believer in an unbelief. I'm, sorry We have two believers in the church to have a dispute and whether rather than settling it in house
They're going to an unbelieving judge to settle the dispute And paul is saying to them you have an in -house debate
And instead of settling in house and having someone else be a witness one of the other church members
You're going before an unbelieving judge to delineate You the saints will judge the world and judge angels
How can you not handle this trivial matters on this planet now? So even though revelation 20 only mentions the saints
That died during tribulation that three and a half year period when antichrist reigns It appears that all the saints will be judging in some capacity during the millennial reign
It's kind of like when you read the gospels you can read an account matthew But if you read it in matthew mark and luke you get the whole picture
Here Revelation 20 only mentions the tribulation martyrs, but first corinthians 6 and second timothy 2 mentions all the saints
We have um this notion That the rapture happens and then a couple years later jesus kills the antichrist the false prophet and that's the end
There's a thousand years of human history still to happen a thousand years. The united states america has only been around for roughly 250
There's a thousand years of human history that's still to occur after that happens Okay so in my view
The moment of the rapture there's one thousand seven years of human history still to happen before new heaven new earth Or one thousand three and a half or just a thousand or whatever whatever you want to do
So it appears all saints will be judges in some capacity The nations will no longer be deceived
The rulers will not be like they are today There are certain rulers prime ministers presidents and kings that I guarantee you will not be ruling during the millennial reign
But there will still be rebels Remember, we will still be born in the adamic sin. And this is probably the part
I want to Focus on before we end today ladies and gentlemen
If you have this notion that the devil made me do it or there's an angel and a demon sitting on your shoulder trying
To tell you what to do And you're as morally neutral depends on which one you give into or whatever bugs bunny taught you
I need you to read verse eight a little closer Satan has been bound for one thousand years
And yet there are still rebels enough rebels to gather them like the number of the sand guys
And you may ask how can that be because of total depravity The heart is desperately wicked and deceitful of all above all else.
It is incurable who can understand it jeremiah 17 9 Satan doesn't have to make you do anything.
You want to sin. It's in your nature The unbelieving heart
Can do whatever they want, but all they want to do is sin Every one of us including myself was in that boat at one point
When you are regenerated now, you have a desire to serve god though the flesh
Still has that desire to sin even though your spirit has been made alive There will still be rebels even with jesus reigning
And if you're like If you're one of those people it's like how could peter ever rebel jesus was right there in front of him
And you know, how could these guys ever rebel with jesus reigning on the planet
Guys They just like you and I are totally depraved you would have to If you're one of those people to think oh if i'd been in the garden
I would have never eaten of that fruit. Yes, you would have Yes, you would have Yes, you would have
I You know Take a look at your own heart for a minute and ask yourself
Do you really seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness above all else?
Do you really trust the lord with all your heart and lean never on your own understanding and in all your ways you acknowledge him?
Be honest with yourself for a minute Okay, paul paul
When he wrote the book of philippians says I have not yet attained the goal Of of perfection in the image of christ
If paul can say that I think we're in the same boat, you know, it's like When you have kids that grow up in church
Quote unquote, but they see the hypocrisy of their parents. They will rebel against it I think we're gonna have a lot of that in the millennial reign when satan gets out
He's released he goes straight to jerusalem to try to destroy it with his armies Gog and magog as a reference to ezekiel 38 and 39 magog was known as grandson just a representation of rebels
God destroys them all with fire and throws satan into the lake of fire, please notice
The false prophet and the beast were thrown in there a thousand years earlier and they're still in there
Yes, hell is eternal tormented day and night forever Finally notice
Verse 11. I saw the great white throne And him who was seated on it from his presence earth and sky fled away
And no place was found for them And I saw the dead great and small standing for the throne and books were open
Then another book was open which was the book of life And my dad were judged by what was written in the books according to what they had done
The sea gave up their dead who were in it death and hades gave up the dead who were in them and they were judged
Each one according to what they had done Then death and hades were thrown into the lake of fire This is the second death the lake of fire if anyone whose name is not found written in the book of life
He was thrown into the lake of fire Notice those in christ from verse five the second death has no power over them and verse six
Guys guys, there's the bema seat. There's the great great white throne. Let me explain the difference All of us will be judged
But not all of us will be before the great white throne Guys, if you're a christian you were already judged and you were found guilty
That's why it's so important that you understand that jesus became a curse for you that Imputation your sin was charged to his account.
His righteousness was charged to yours And in that You have already been judged found guilty, but jesus has declared you innocent romans 5 1 that's what happened
The people standing before the great white throne here Have not been declared innocent
And they will be judged on their works And they will all fall short totally and completely every one of them
And then we have And then we have uh The book of life now, we've seen this many times before The book of life here.
We've seen it in revelation. I think four or five times now Okay Are those the redeemed the elect the saved the christians?
Whatever you want to call it the saints whose names have been written in there since before the foundation of the world
The book is open if their name is not in it. They're thrown into a lake of fire Ladies and gentlemen that is to teach you this
There is nothing You can do to save yourself from that great white throne. It is only the work of god
Believe on the name of the lord Jesus christ and you will be saved. That's master
You cannot trust in anything you've done to save you only in what jesus has done to save you
How do you know if you have done that Is he lord of your life? Do you desire to serve him?
If you're one of those people that says Well, I love jesus
I just don't care for the bible Jesus based his teachings on the bible
If you're one of those people that says well, I love jesus. I just hate the church That is jesus's bride.
You're talking about If someone told me hey, Josiah, I love you, but I hate your wife. I won't love that person
That's what you're saying to jesus when you say I love jesus, but I hate the church Now when I say the church, I mean the church christians saints not whatever
Denomination or or any man -made religion? I mean the actual church Hell is hot
It is eternal. It is day and night It is eternal destruction Beasts the false prophet satan.
They're all there Well satan is not yet the beasts the false prophet are not yet, but they will be
No one is reigning No one will ever reign there everyone in there will suffer Trust in jesus as lord.
That is our only hope And if you ever need to talk about that more That is what we are here as the church to do.
We can't save anybody. We can just point them to the savior Love you guys very much next week
Revelation chapter 21 new heaven new earth. We're almost done guys new heaven and new earth next week
I hope in some way this is beneficial to you. It was edifying to you Please like comment share do whatever you want to do