132. Sex Education (Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin - Reason #8)


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In this video, Pastor Kendall Lankford uncovers the disturbing reality behind sex education in public schools and explains why voting for the Democratic Party is not just a political decision, but a sin against God's commands. Pastor Kendall dives deep into how figures like Alfred Kinsey and Margaret Sanger have influenced today's hypersexualized curriculum, leading children into moral confusion and spiritual destruction. Through Scripture, he shows how the Democrats’ embrace of sexual immorality through public education is directly opposing Biblical truth. Discover why supporting the Democratic Party’s agenda, including their promotion of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), is not morally neutral but a betrayal of Biblical principles. If you're ready for bold, unfiltered Biblical teaching that challenges the status quo, this video is for you. πŸ”” Subscribe for more teachings on Biblical truth and culture! πŸ”” Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD_3vCL8AM6U3sJIAzq9vnA/join πŸ“’ Like, share, and comment to spread the Gospel further! πŸ“’ Follow us on Social Media: 🌐 Website - https://www.theshepherds.church πŸ“˜ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Kendall.W.Lankford 🐦 X - https://twitter.com/KendallLankford πŸ“Έ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theshepherdschurch/ 🎡 TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@reformed_pastor Join us in worship at The Shepherd's Church: πŸ“ Location: 10 Jean Ave, Chelmsford, MA 01824 πŸ“… Service Time: Sunday School @ 8:30am, Lord’s Day Worship @ 10am Contact us: πŸ“§ [email protected] πŸ“ž (978) 304-6265 --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/datprodcast/support]


133. Open Borders (Ten Reasons Why Voting Democrat Is A Sin - Reason #7)

The very fact that our public school systems embrace this kind of sick and twisted legacy shows just how far we have strayed from moral sanity.
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the broadcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 132.
Ten reasons why voting Democrat is a sin reason. Eight sex education. Well, hello, everyone, and welcome back to the broadcast and welcome back to our series called 10 reasons why voting
Democrat is a sin. We are in a highly contentious and consequential election season where the future of the country is on the ballot.
And my goal has been to cut through all of the lies and all of the bleeding heart propaganda in order to equip
God's people with 10 concrete reasons for why it would be immoral, for why it would harm our nation and for why it would be a sin against God, to vote for the
Democratic Party. Unless they experience a come to Jesus moment and repent of almost everything that makes them who they are, then there's no way for a
Christian without serious moral pretzeling to vote for such a morbidly wicked party.
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't believe that many, if any of the listeners of this show, we're going to be stuffing the ballot boxes full of Kamala Harris votes this
November. Your long lost ancestors who live in cemeteries may be voting for her this election.
But to be honest, the goal of this series was not to persuade you, the audience, not to vote for Kamala.
I already assume that that is true. My goal, however, is to equip you with the information that you need in order to help other people who are struggling in this area.
I want to equip you to be a good apologist for this material. There are Christians who are wrestling with this question and who are prone to fall hook, line, and sinker for the charades and the lies that the
Democrats are playing and telling compared to the bombasticism of Donald Trump.
They seem cooler headed at times. They pretend like they're more mature and most of their policies are lathered up with a thick spread of fake empathy that can fool many people.
Now I made this series so that you and I could share this information with people who are struggling, whether that means sharing this video on X or on Facebook or sending someone that you know, a text with the link to these episodes.
My goal in this series is to help you have a good and biblical reason for why you're rejecting the democratic party so that we collectively can start a movement that's going to help other people see who they really are and end the demonic party once and for all and retake this nation for Christ.
My goal on the show is twofold. I will either be talking about post -millennial and eschatological hope that's coming to the world as a result of the victory of Jesus Christ, or I will be talking about the enemies that are still left to be put under Jesus's feet.
I'm either going to be talking about the Abrahamic blessing that all of the world's families are going to come under the blessing of the seat of Abraham, which is
Christ, or how all those who reject him are going to become a footstool for his feet.
In this series, I'm going to be calling out the enemies of God. I'm going to be giving you lots of details. I'm going to give you lots of ammunition so that you can help others see the truth and reject the
Democrats lies as well. Now, to do this, to help other people understand these things,
I would ask everyone who is watching this show to take a moment to click the like button.
When you click the like button, you help videos like these get prioritized by YouTube. It helps the algorithm, which means that they will go further up on the watch list.
They will spread wider and further than we could do it without it. So I would ask you to click the like button.
I have a good reason to believe that this series in particular is being throttled by Google and by the underlords at YouTube who are actively suppressing the reach of these videos.
We are, as I said earlier, in a highly contentious election season. We just saw this week how
Amazon is not giving the answer on why you should vote for Trump, but they will give the answer through their
Alexa app on why you should vote for Kamala. We have every reason to believe that the tech giants in Silicon Valley are going to block this content.
So how do we combat it? We like it. We share it. We do our part by clicking the subscribe button and sharing these videos far and wide.
We can beat them at their own game and own their own platform and show them that this is precisely the kind of content that you and I want on the internet that we're not going quietly away in the dark, that we are here to stay and that this content is what we want to continue seeing.
So with that, please help me by liking and sharing this content. It really does help the channel.
Now we also debuted broadcast memberships to the channel last week, which is going to help us take this content to the next level, which is going to be awesome and it's going to help us reach more people.
Making these videos is costly in a holistic sense. It takes a lot of time to write them, edit them, film them, audio, produce video, produce, upload to the various channels, which is on top of the other responsibilities that I have as a pastor.
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Well, maybe I am if you're from the shepherd's church and you're watching this, but if you're not, I'm not your pastor. I pastor a particular people in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
So all of that to say, please give faithfully to your local communion and support your local pastor.
And then after doing that, if you still want to support this content, we would have a hearty yes and amen and a great big thank you for that.
So keep that in mind. Now onto today's episode is we're going to be covering reason eight on why voting
Democrat is a sin and that is sex education in public schools. Part one, the secular foundation of education.
Aristotle once remarked, the citizen should be molded to suit the form of government under which he lives.
His insight highlights a very stark reality that education is never neutral.
Education always shapes individuals to fit the values of the society that is governing them.
Now you contrast that with the vision of the early Puritans in America who understood that education is not meant to be used as a tool of the state for conforming us to the worldly powers, but education was a sacred duty that was centered on the family and on the church for them, for the
Puritans. Literacy was not a path to success in society or, or a cookie cutter mold so that we could cut and make sure everyone looks like the state, but it was a gateway to knowing
God. It was a gateway to knowing God through the scriptures. See, their goal was not to produce citizens molded by earthly governments, but to raise up God fearing men and women rooted in biblical truth and prepared to lead lives of virtue under the authority of Christ.
Biblically, the Puritans understood, and we should as well that the responsibility for educating children falls squarely, not on the state, but on the parents with the help of the church scripture, scripture.
In fact, maybe this is controversial to you. Scripture doesn't give any authority of this sacred task to the state.
The scriptures don't ask the state to do anything when it comes to education. So think about it like this.
If you are looking for scripture to try to help you understand whether or not you should send your kids to public school, the scripture is silent on the government having any authority whatsoever.
It has none, but that's not true of the family. The family, it is explicitly stated that they are the ones who are responsible for the education of the children.
And that doesn't mean deciding to let the government do it for you. For instance, Deuteronomy six, six through nine is clear.
It says this, these words, which I'm commanding you today shall be on your heart and you shall teach them diligently to your sons.
Here God commands parents, not the government to teach their children his ways.
And this is echoed in Ephesians six, four where fathers are told to raise their children in the discipline and in the instruction of the
Lord. As first Timothy three 15 puts it, the church's role is to be the pillar and the foundation of truth in order to come alongside of the families and help support them in the teaching of their children, but not to take over the parents primary responsibility.
So in this design, what we're talking about biblically, you have three spheres of authority. You have the government, you have the family and you have the church in this design.
The family according to God in his word is the primary educator of the children with the church as the partner and the helper to the family.
The state in the Bible is never mentioned as having any role in the education of young people.
Nothing. Even in the ideal world, a Christian nation with a Christian leader,
Christian school teachers and Christian curricula. The Bible does not hand the job of educating
Christians to the state. It just doesn't. It leaves that responsibility to parents with the church assisting.
So you ask yourself the question, should Christian send their children to public schools? No, because educating children is given to the parents, not the state.
So the very foundation of a public school education is unbiblical at its roots.
Now you might ask yourself the question, what about Christian schooling? What about pub private school? Okay. Christian schooling is acceptable, but it must involve parents who are engaged parents who are being guided by the church.
And I think that the Christian school needs to be connected to a local church because it's the local church that supports the family.
If you just have an independent private school, I don't think that meets the scriptural qualifications. According to the
Bible, the parents are the primary educators of their children and the church is playing the role of support.
So if you want to send your children to a Christian academy, which I think is a good idea, the parents must be involved in integrated into it so that the church is playing the role of support through the, through the academy and the family is the one who is playing the primary role of educating children.
If that's not the way that you are educating your children, it's not the biblical model.
Now, unfortunately this model of state sponsored education is pretty much the primary to where no one even questions it today.
No one even questions whether or not the Bible gives us license to send our children to public school. It is pretty much the norm.
It's the norm that we grew up in. It's the air that we breathe. And the rise of the secular education in America has destroyed the biblical vision for how to educate our children, which is probably why
Christianity is so weak and the culture is so bleakly evil. All of this began to change in the 19th century because of enlightenment thinkers like Horace Mann.
Mann was a strong advocate of secularism. He pushed for government control of education and he wanted the schools to take away the
God given role of parents and the church in the education of children. His vision of universal education was not built on biblical principles, but on a desire to mold children into citizens of the secular state, echoing Aristotle's idea that the state should shape its citizens, not the parents.
Mann's work laid the foundation for today's public school system, which has drifted further and further and further into promoting
Godless values and moral confusion. Now, that's not all.
The state also has become a weapon of indoctrination. Since the time of Horace Mann, the public education system has increasingly fallen into the hands of secularists who are transforming it into a tool of state sponsored indoctrination.
This shift was not accidental, I argue. It moved away from the biblically grounded curriculum to one that deliberately promotes secularism, relativism,
Darwinian evolution, and atheism. For instance, John Dewey, who's often called the modern father of or the father of modern day education was an outspoken atheist and a socialist.
So the foundation of this thing, this public school education was made by a socialist and an atheist.
He believed that education should be used for social engineering rather than cultivating moral virtue.
Under John Dewey's influence, American schools became laboratories for progressive ideology, replacing
God's timeless truth with the ever shifting doctrines of man. And one of the clearest examples of this indoctrination is the removal of prayer and the
Bible from public schools in the 1960s driven by landmark cases like Engel versus Vital and Abington school district versus Shemp.
These rulings didn't just remove religious activities. They signaled the state's unholy intent to push
God out of the classroom, leaving a vacuum that was inevitably going to be filled by secular humanism.
Now today, public schools have gone even further. Children are now being taught that gender is a social construct, that marriage isn't reserved for a man and a woman, and that sexual freedom is merely an expression of self identity.
Programs like the comprehensive sexuality education or CSE promoted by guess who planned parenthood and endorsed by the guess who
United nations, another great organization are exposing young children to explicit content.
They're grooming them for a life of sexual immorality, which is abhorrent. In some states, this curriculum is introduced as early as kindergarten, which is the very definition of grooming, teaching ideas that not only contradict biblical truth, but also destroy the innocence of the children.
I mean, think about it. No parent who goes to a playground and sees a weird loaner named Chester with a pencil thin mustache.
No one feels comfortable with that guy. Playing with your children. And yet we've sent our children to the
Chester to the biggest Chester of them all to have them pervert and destroy the innocence of our children in public schools.
These are the foundations that I'm talking about, whether we like to admit it or not. For instance, take Massachusetts as an example, state law mandates that sex education programs that teach children about contraception, abortion access and alternative sexual lifestyles are mandated.
Planned Parenthood, a central figure in shaping this disgusting curriculum has infiltrated schools nationwide.
Think about that. Planned Parenthood is the one who's writing the sex ed curriculum, which tells you their true agenda.
Their true agenda is not to help. Their true agenda is to normalize sexual promiscuity, to undermine traditional family values.
Why? So that they can create lifelong customers. If they can turn your children into a sexual deviant, it's almost guaranteed that your daughters are going to end up there having abortions.
The whole thing is a money racket, has absolutely nothing to do with health and absolutely nothing to do with help.
The public school system has been weaponized by the godless state to shape children into the same pink haired and lesbian citizens who reflect its disgusting secular image, not the image of God.
They want to make your boys wimpy, weak and gay, and they want to make your girls lumberjack lesbians who have no idea what it means to be a mother.
Schools have ceased to be places of learning and nurturing and have become battlegrounds for the heart and the mind of the next godless generation.
The message is loud and clear. Your children belong to us. You'll remember the gay choir in San Francisco during COVID singing the song, we're coming for your children.
They believe that. And yet, I don't care really what they believe.
It's a lie straight out of the pit of hell. Our children don't belong to the state. Our children belong to us.
When Jesus said, render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, he was not talking about our children.
He was talking about taxes. Our children belong to God. Who's entrusted us to parent them and raise them.
We are not to send our children to Caesar. We are to raise our children in the fear and admonition of the
Lord. And guess what? If that means that mom needs to stay home and that dad needs to work a little extra hours to make sure that the family has the resources that they need.
So be it. Don't send your children to Caesar and then be surprised when they come back as Romans.
And when you could have just stayed at home with them and done what the Bible says, the Bible never ever once gives us license to send our children to the state, especially brothers and sisters, a state that is founded by atheists and has pushed such radical sexualized agendas on our children.
It would be like sending your children to John Wayne Gacy for him to be their babysitter.
It would, no one would do that. So why would we send our children to such an horrible institution as the public schools?
Now public schools, as I said before, have become a weapon that has been wielded by an authoritarian state and they're seeking to mold children into loyal subjects of a secular, godless regime.
That is not an exaggeration. The evidence is overwhelming. Schools across the country are pushing conformity to state approved values on gender, sexuality, race, and politics while they're punishing those who dare to dissent from their approved party narrative.
For example, many school districts now require teachers to use preferred pronouns, even if it contradicts their personal religious beliefs.
In states like California, parents are often not even informed if their children decides to identify as a cat while they're at school.
This aggressive push for ideological conformity has silenced many who stand against these mandates.
Take the example of a middle school student in Massachusetts who was punished simply for wearing a t -shirt that said there are only two genders.
Despite this being a scientific fact, the school deemed it so offensive, they punished him.
Even though he was expressing his Christian belief and the belief of actual real science, they punished him because he didn't fit the party narrative.
This incident is not an isolated case, but it's a part of a larger trend to marginalize and suppress Christian beliefs in the public square.
The public school system has become antithetical and openly hostile to truth advancing ideologies that directly contradict the gospel.
The result of this indoctrination is devastating. Many Christian parents send their children to public schools, hoping that they're going to be salt and light.
And they'll say things like, if we don't send our children to the public school, well then if we just abandon the public square, then it's going to become more evil.
Brothers and sisters, you don't send your children to fight a culture war. You don't send your children as missionaries.
You train them up and then send them out when they're adults. No general would ever send a soldier into battle without first sending them through rigorous basic training,
AIT and everything else. Children are not our warriors that we're going to send out and fight the culture war in school.
They're not. You're sending them there and you're expecting them to be salt and light. And yet they're being converted by them.
We can't expect to send our children into a hostile world, unprepared and unequipped and believe that they're going to be successful.
Studies have actually shown that children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools are overwhelmingly leaving the
Christian faith when they turn, when, when they become adults, the system is designed.
Public school is designed to turn your children away from you and to turn them away from God and the church and ultimately to make them citizens of the state.
It's time for us to recognize that public schools are not neutral.
They are enemies of God and they're enemies of you. They are battlegrounds where the state is seeking to steal your children right out from under your nose and turn them into a thoroughgoing secularist.
We can't hand over our most precious resource, our children to Caesar, especially when the
Bible calls us to take responsibility for their education, to raise them up in the fear and instruction of the
Lord with the church's support. Anything less than that's a betrayal of sacred trust that God has given us as parents and it honestly just defies common sense.
I don't understand how anyone can send their children to a place that hates
God, hates your children, and it's actively trying to steal them out from under you. That is as foolish as I could think of anything.
So let's not do that. Now as Christians, we also have to be concerned about the love of neighbor, but I want to speak about the love of neighbor and perhaps a different way.
This love doesn't compel us to send our children like sheep led to the slaughter with a group of wolves.
This love compels us to protect our children and also to seek on how we can protect children whose parents are blind, who are sending them into public school and who are sending them to the slaughter.
To truly love our neighbor means taking action. It means working. It means maybe Christians becoming politicians and ending the department of education.
We need Christians who are willing to go to the highest levels of United States Senate, maybe even the presidency to end the public school education's reign of secular tyranny and return education where it belongs, the home.
We've got to help people who don't yet see how these schools are driving our society's children off a moral sexual cliff.
And the democratic party is the primary one at the saddle who is whipping the horses ready to go over the edge.
We've got to do something and that's why I'm doing this series. Now I want to go even deeper.
We've now talked about in general, we've went an inch deep. Now I want to talk about how the public schools became so sexualized.
Now we've just scratched the surface right now. We've only gone about an inch deep, so I do want to go a little bit deeper. And I want to also show where the hyper sexualization came from and really you need to understand the names of two people.
There's so many more that we could talk about, but two very important people when it comes to the sexualization of public education.
And that's Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and Alfred Kenzie who performed disgusting ritualistic science upon children.
It we'll talk about in a moment and that leads me to a little bit of a warning here. The content in this section and then in the next two sections is shocking.
And if you are listening to this as a family, you need to just you'll need to determine whether or not this content is appropriate for your children.
Only you can determine that as a parent. So if you're listening to it with your children, I would say maybe listen to it first before you show it to them.
The content is shocking and I wouldn't want you, your children to be exposed to some of the insanity that I'm getting ready to talk about without you being aware.
So fair warning. Here we go. Part two, the breeding ground for sexual deviancy.
Now it is no secret that the public school system has not only failed to uphold moral values, but has actively promoted the hyper -sexualization of children.
What was once a system of basic education has now become a breeding ground for sexual deviants who in turn raise a future generation to continue their unholy cycle.
This transformation didn't happen in isolation. It was the result of deliberate actions by individuals and institutions who are aiming to dismantle the traditional moral values.
Now I want us to, for a second, take a look at how all of this started. The introduction of sex education into the public school was initially justified as a response to public health concerns in the early 20th century.
You see there was a rising rate of sexually transmitted diseases, especially among the soldiers who were returning home from world war one.
Public health officials argued that teaching about sex in schools would help curb the spread of disease like syphilis and gonorrhea.
This push became even stronger during world war one when returning soldiers were plagued with STIs and STDs and the government used this as a reason to implement broad sex education programs in the public schools.
But beneath the veneer of all of these public health concerns, which is usually how they advance their tyranny, a far more insidious agenda was brewing under the surface.
One shaped by none other than Margaret Sanger. Sanger, if you don't know, would go on to found
Planned Parenthood and is often hailed as a pioneer of women's reproductive rights.
However, the truth about her life and her beliefs paints a much more hideous and sinister picture.
She wasn't just advocating for sex education to prevent diseases. That's the way she's described.
She was using it as a vehicle to promote her twisted philosophy of eugenics, sexual autonomy, and societal control.
Sanger's view of race was horrifying. Even she was a committed eugenicist, which just means that she supported the idea of racial purity and selective breeding so that a fit population would come to bat or come to place.
Like if you think that that sounds a lot like Nazi Germany, it's because it is. She wanted a survival of the fittest, which is
Darwinian evolution taken to its logical conclusion. And she wanted a pure race, not like the
Nazis called them as Aryans, but she wanted a pure race of people who were white.
That's what she believed. She believed in using birth control and sterilization to prevent certain groups, i .e.
black minorities and poor people in the 1920s from reproducing in her 1922 book, the pivot of civilization.
She argued that birth control was essential to limit the reproduction of people that she deemed unfit and feeble minded.
She was talking about black people, which is disgusting and racist. Her infamous
Negro project, which was launched in 1939 was designed to reduce the African American birth rate through widespread distribution of birth control in minority neighborhoods.
If you ever wondered why Planned Parenthood always shows up in minority neighborhoods, this is why because they were trying to kill off who they thought were the feeble minded.
And their founder told you exactly who they thought that was. She hated black people.
She was in, she even enlisted black leaders to help her in this project of helping to, to lower the birth rate of black people, which is astounding.
She elicited help from the group she hated to make sure that they had less children.
She even said this, we do not want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the
Negro population. This is your founder of Planned Parenthood who said that she doesn't want the word to get out that she wants to exterminate black people.
And yet today she's hailed as this sort of princess of a virtue. Her obsession with controlling the reproduction of nonwhite populations was so extreme that she openly praised the policies of Nazi Germany, admiring their use of sterilization for racial control.
It's not an exaggeration at all to say that Margaret Sanger's ideology shared the very same roots that fueled the
Holocaust, but her moral corruption didn't stop there. Sanger led a life of absolute sexual debauchery.
She participated, this is documented history. She participated in orgies.
She pursued countless sexual escapades, free sex and swinging. She viewed traditional sexual ethics as oppressive for women and advocated for a world where women could engage in constant sexual encounters without the consequence of marriage and motherhood.
She even abandoned her own children to chase a life of profligate sexuality, provide or proving that her ideas about sexual empowerment are just nothing more than selfish indulgence.
And here's a question. How could a woman who hated so many people and who rejected her own role as mother, even hating her own children, how could she be put forward as the moral authority to shape the way children are educated about sex?
What you'll find is that the Democrats will take some of the most disgusting people in human history and they'll turn them into patron saints.
We saw that with marks who was an awful wicked human being and now we're seeing that with Margaret Sanger as well by promoting contraception, abortion and promiscuity.
Sanger led the groundwork for a sexually liberated society, one that separated sex from morality and family and her vision crept into the public school system where sex education was quickly evolved from focusing on health and hygiene to teaching sexual anatomy and exploration under the banner of empowerment.
Sanger and her followers sought to indoctrinate children with the idea that sexual pleasure was right and it was right and good.
Even divorced from the sanctity of marriage or the responsibilities of reproduction. By the 1960s, during the height of the sexual revolution, schools began incorporating content from her that not only normalized but encouraged sexual exploration of children.
They began teaching that contraception and abortion were acceptable choices and that sexual activity, regardless of marital status, was healthy and natural.
Sanger's dream of a society freed from the oppressive bonds of Christian morality was becoming true and in a reality and public schools were the vehicle that were driving it forward.
They were the test laboratory that was testing out these ideas on our children.
This shift created a school environment where young people weren't just informed about sexual health.
They were being taught that sexual experimentation and promiscuity were the desired outcomes.
The moral guardrails that once defined sexual behavior rooted in scripture and designed to protect the family were systematically dismantled and as a result, public schools became a breeding ground for the behaviors that Sanger herself embodies.
Sexual libertinism and a rejection of traditional moral values, teenage pregnancy, abortions, all of it.
She knew what she was doing. She engineered this whole thing and now Planned Parenthood's there.
She's the founder, remember, to rescue children from unwanted pregnancies, making millions of clients a year.
Even more shocking is how modern day Democrats continue to revere this serial killing Sanger despite her well -documented racism, her eugenic views, and in her clear, uh, culpability in the million murders that happen per year as through abortion.
In 2009, Hillary Clinton famously said, I admire Margaret Sanger enormously her courage, her tenacity, her vision.
Clinton even compared Sanger's work in reproductive rights to the civil rights movement, ignoring the fact that it was
Sanger's Negro project that explicitly was designed to curb the rate of black Americans.
But I think it's probably obvious to most people that we shouldn't take moral statements from Hillary Clinton, but such statements nonetheless are not just ignorant, they're hypocritical, and they paint
Sanger's entire life work that is rooted in dehumanization of minority populations as virtuous, which is insanity at best.
Planned Parenthood, the organization that Sanger founded continues to carry on her disgusting legacy.
It promotes abortion and is heavily involved in shaping sex education across this country. The fact that public school sex education is based on the ideas of Margaret Sanger, a woman who abandoned and hated her own children and promoted racial sterilization and lived a life of sexual indulgence.
That the fact that she should be the one who teaches our kids should raise every sort of red flag and alarm bell imaginable.
Who in their right mind would allow their children to be exposed to curriculum influenced by someone like her, her life marked by promiscuity orgies, abandoning her children, racial eugenics, all of that should disqualify her from even being in society.
She should have been put in prison yet she's lauded by many as a political hero.
The very fact that our public school systems embrace this kind of sick and twisted legacy shows just how far we have strayed from moral sanity.
Alfred Kinsey. Now at the heart of the transformation of sex education in America lies
Alfred Kinsey, a figure who's so -called research on human sexuality has profoundly altered the direction of public education and thought about sexuality.
Kinsey is a disgusting, sick and twisted monster.
Let me explain. He was originally a zoologist, but he published two significant reports in the 1940s and fifties called the sexual behavior in the human male and the sexual behavior in the human female.
These reports were hailed as groundbreaking at the time, but have since been exposed as deeply flawed, unethical and criminal even in their methods.
One of the most disturbing aspects of Kinsey's work was his documentation of childhood sexuality, particularly his grotesque and disgusting claim that children, including infants could experience orgasms.
His infamous table 34 in sexual behavior in the human male recorded the abuse of children and infants, some as young as five months old causing them to have orgasms at five years old and he would detail their orgasmic responses.
This data was obtained through abusing those children sexually by pedophiles whom
Kinsey not only interviewed, but he encouraged them in their heinous acts. For instance, one of the people that he used in this study is a man named
Rex King who is a known pedophile meticulously. This man meticulously documented his abuse of children for Kinsey's research, touching them, fondling them, abusing them.
And Kinsey himself even commented that King had a research spirit about him.
This man was abusing, serially abusing children for the work of this disgusting man.
Kinsey's defense of childhood molestation is also disgusting. In 1949 he testified before California's general assembly subcommittee on sex crimes where he argued for the liberation of sex offense statues and he advocated for the immediate parole of every child molester who was in prison.
Kinsey infamously claimed in those meetings that children were never harmed by molestation unless they were culturally conditioned and made to believe that they should be.
So basically what I'm saying is is that Kinsey said children welcome sexual touch in their private areas and genitals and they're never harmed by this unless you teach them and unless you coach them to believe that it's wrong because naturally they're born not knowing that this is wrong and actually they want it and they enjoy it.
That is what this monster said. He even went as far as to say it's difficult to understand why a child except for its cultural conditioning should be disturbed and having its genitalia touched.
This statement reveals a disturbing, nasty, satanic, demonic,
I can't even come up with enough adjectives to describe how wicked this is. This, this agenda for normalizing pedophilia and framing it as harmless or even beneficial.
And let me tell you this, do you know who are the people who champion Alfred Kinsey today or who are the people who think that Alfred Kinsey is a hero?
Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Democrats. They look at this man who purposely abused infants, sexually abused them, perverted, uh, used perverted pedophiles in his research.
They count him as a hero. It's unconscionable.
I don't even understand how the Democrats still have power with the connections to these disgusting people that they have.
I don't understand. Kinsey's personal life was no, no less troubling. According to his own official biography,
Kinsey engaged in extreme sexual behaviors, extreme sexual situations, including circumcising himself with a pocket knife without anesthesia in his later years.
He also encouraged his staff to engage in group sexual activities, which he filmed for the purpose of science.
Kinsey manipulated his colleagues into participating in these sexual acts, warning them that constant sexual activity would desynthesize them and it was an observation he later used to justify or to justify sexual experimentation.
Psych psychiatrist, Dr. Miriam Grossman has commented on Kinsey's disturbing psyche, describing him as a depraved human being whose emotional illness expresses itself through sexuality.
Kinsey's research on child sex and his collaboration with pedophiles like Rex King reveals the true nature of his work.
He is demonic. He is influenced by demons. He is influenced by Satan, who is the only being in the cosmos who would ever dare influence anyone to sexually abuse a child.
And yet why do we say that the democratic party today is fueled by demons? Because they're the ones that cheer on this crap.
It's not an objective study of human behavior, but rather it's the promotion and the normalization of sexual deviance.
These are the kind of people who need to be hanging by a noose in the streets, not lauded for their moral courage.
His research was not only reprehensible, but it was methodologically flawed. He relied heavily on the testimony of criminals, including rapists, child molesters, and homosexuals who were, known homosexuals in prison.
And yet he presented their behavior as normal in his reports. Kinsey's goal, it becomes clear was to dismantle the
Judeo Christian sexual ethic that has shaped Western society for centuries and replace it with a demonic vision where no act was too perverse.
Kinsey's influence on modern sexual education cannot be overstated. His work has laid the foundation for the sexual revolution of the sixties and the seventies, which sought to break the connection between sex morality and reproduction.
Kinsey's work gave the appearance of scientific legitimacy. He was put on the cover of Time Magazine after overseeing the sexual exploitation of babies.
He introduced the idea that human sexuality exists on a fluid continuum represented by his
Kinsey scale, which ranged from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual and everything in between.
This concept continues to influence sex education curriculum today. He is seen by a hero.
He is seen as a hero in the academic realms. If you go into a degree of human sexuality, you will read
Kinsey's work and he will be lauded as a hero. And his schools promote the notion that sexual orientation is not fixed and they encourage children to exploit their own sexuality.
They are echoing the lies of Alfred Kinsey today. Perhaps the most horrifying aspect of his legacy is that his work on child sexuality continues to inform sex education in the public schools.
The fact that modern sex education curriculum is based in part on his research, a man who defended pedophiles and advocated for the sexual abuse of infants is nothing short of abhorrent.
Kinsey's depraved view on sex, sexuality and childhood development have shaped the way generations of children have been taught about their bodies and their relationship and the damage caused by his disgusting demonic influence is immeasurable.
It's extended far beyond academia. His work has also influenced figures like Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy who described himself as Kinsey's greatest pamphleteer.
Hefner credited Kinsey with providing the scientific justification for the sexual revolution, famously promoting the mantra, fornicate early, fornicate often fornicate in every possible way.
Kinsey's research became the foundation for pornography, for sexual promiscuity and for the breakdown of the traditional family.
Kinsey's association with criminals like Rex King and his defense of pedophilia exposes work for what it truly is.
The fact that this man's research laid the foundation for the sexual education of millions of children as a testament to the moral decay of the public education system and a educational system that I can't possibly imagine a single justification that a
Christian would ever have for supporting it. His work opened the floodgates to hyper -sexualizing children that is so perverse that they have to hide it in order for you to fall into their trap, which tells you everything you need to know.
Now if Alfred Kinsey laid the intellectual foundation for the hyper -sexualization of America, then Planned Parenthood became its most effective implementer.
Founded by Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood has long been at the forefront of the sexual liberation movement in the
United States and sex education has been a key part of its strategy. The organization and sex education programs have been implemented in public schools across the country with curriculum that is designed to encourage children to become sexual early, like Hefner said, to fornicate early, to fornicate often and to promote abortion as a solution to the consequences of their promiscuity.
Planned Parenthood's involvement in sex education goes far beyond simply teaching children the biological facts of reproduction.
It is about shaping their attitudes towards sex. The materials including books, pamphlets, and lesson plans normalize sexual activity for minors, present contraception and abortion as simple consequence free choices for a sexually deviant lifestyle.
One of the most controversial aspects of the Planned Parenthood's curriculum is its promotion of gender ideology and the sexual identity exploration.
It encourages children to question their biological sex and explore non heteronormative sexual identities.
You'll know that they're advancing their perversion when they make up words like heteronormative. This curriculum also frequently includes sexually explicit material.
For example, Planned Parenthood's Our Whole Lives program used in many public schools today introduces young children to topics like masturbation, contraception at an age when most parents would expect their children to be learning basic arithmetic.
As the grade levels progress, the content becomes even more explicit, discussing sexual acts in graphic detail and promoting the use of condoms, birth control, and abortion.
What's even more concerning is that Planned Parenthood's involvement in sex education isn't purely altruistic.
The organization, as we've said before, stands to benefit financially from increased sexual activity among minors by normalizing, even encouraging promiscuity.
Planned Parenthood ensures that more people will face unintended pregnancies, which will lead them to seek out the organization's abortion services, which will make them rich.
It's no coincidence that the wealth of this organization has been built on the dead bodies of a billion infants.
And it's no coincidence that the same organization profiting from abortion is responsible for teaching children to have the kind of sexual lifestyle that will necessitate it.
This creates a vicious cycle where young people are essentially groomed to become sexual deviants that need
Planned Parenthood to murder the children. The idea that Planned Parenthood, an organization responsible for millions of infant deaths a year is the one shaping sexual education in the public schools is nothing short of horrifying.
Think about this. The Democrats support Planned Parenthood. The Democrats support Alfred Kinsey.
The Democrats support Margaret Sanger. If there was ever an organization that supported three of the worst things, two of the worst people, one of the worst organizations on earth, why would anybody ever vote for them?
Because they're really, really good at lying about who they are. An institution that profits from the consequences of promiscuity should not be in charge of teaching children how to become sexual.
Yet this is the reality in the United States. Planned Parenthood's influence over the public education continues to grow, poisoning the minds of future generations and actually handing out pornography that is disguised as sex education.
Part three, the current state of sexualized curriculum. Now that we've gone through the sordid history and we've come to the modern day, we've talked about Margaret Sanger, Alfred Kinsey Planned Parenthood and all of the disgusting parts of all of this.
You know now why the public school system is debauched as it is. And as this new school year kicks off, there are plenty of examples of this debauchery right before our very eyes.
For instance, all across the mass, Massachusetts, students are walking back into classrooms where they're going to be bombarded with ideologies and teachings that blatantly contradict biblical values.
Massachusetts schools are leading the charge and pushing sexualized curriculum through programs like comprehensive sexuality education.
And let's be clear, this isn't education. It's indoctrination. Planned Parenthood's get real curriculum, which is being fed to children as young as elementary school, introduces them to sexual content that children should never be exposed to.
For instance, one outrageous example is the recommendation that children use non -microwavable saran wrap as a polyphylactic for oral sex.
They're teaching children that. This is what Massachusetts sex eds program has become.
It's teaching children techniques on how to have better oral sex. And while that sinks in, let us consider the question.
Is it appropriate to teach a 12 year old how to have anal sex correctly? This is what the planned
Parenthood curriculum in Massachusetts is doing. Their get real curriculum, which is compliant with state health framework, which lets you know how disgusting the state really is, encourages middle school and high school students to engage in behaviors that are not just risky, but are a one way ticket to physical and spiritual and emotional destruction.
The graphic explicit content in these programs goes beyond education. It's a blatant attempt to transform society to these weird and twisted sexual and gender norms.
This isn't traditional sex education, comprehensive sexuality education, and actively encourages young children to explore high risk sexual behaviors and who benefits from that planned
Parenthood does by grooming children to become deviants. They're creating future clients, teens who need abortions,
STI treatments, and even transgender hormone therapies. Former planned
Parenthood educator Monica Klein admitted this. She called these programs the perfect business plan for lifelong customers.
I have never heard a better way to say it than that. Now, I think
Massachusetts is at the epicenter of wickedness. Let's face it. We've become one of the most sexualized, sexually deviant
States in the country, maybe other than California where even kindergartners are being subjected to this explicit material.
For instance, the state's department of elementary and secondary education approved framework that teach pre -K children to explore their bodies and masturbate third graders to question their gender and older kids to believe that any sexual act is fine so long as it's consensual and this indoctrination isn't limited to sex ed.
It's infiltrating subjects like social studies, history, and even math under the guise of anti -bullying campaigns or social justice programs or pride theme clubs aimed at elementary school students.
One of the most egregious examples in my state's endorsement of the book, perfectly normal, which is recommended for kids as young as 10 years old.
This book used in the get real curriculum includes 67 nude illustrations showing everything from sex and masturbation to a man putting on a condom.
It is nothing short of disgusting. These images and teachings are poisoning the minds of young people, pulling them away from God's design for sexual purity and are teaching them a worldview that glorifies moral relativism and sexual perversion.
Our children are going to be destroyed by these types of things. They're going to become sexually profligate.
They're going to become emotionally broken and they're going to be in either years of therapy or anxiety or worse.
They're going to get sexually transmitted diseases and then we're either going to spread those to other people in a sexually licentious lifestyle or they're going to end up alone and die from some sexual disease after they've had five or six abortions.
Like this is where public school education is taking our children and just when you thought it couldn't get worse, the
Massachusetts legislator is pushing the healthy youth act and have passed this radical curriculum would be mandatory in every public school in the state.
That means that every district would be teaching sex education and that every district would be mandated to use
CSE programs like get real in order to teach their students.
And while parents technically still have a right to opt out, they don't have a right to opt out of the environment that their children are in.
Children are going to be exposed to this kind of fill through their peers, whether they attend those classes or not.
The consequences of all of this are devastating. Parents across the state need to push back and in some cases parents aren't even given the curriculum so that they can object to it.
They're, they're, it's being withheld from their eyes so that they can't see exactly what's being taught. Children are being encouraged not to share with their parents, that kind of thing.
The fight against comprehensive sex education. There is hope. The resistance to this radical indoctrination is growing.
Groups like Massachusetts Family Institute and Massachusetts informed parents are fighting back and in some communities parents have successfully convinced their local school boards to object to the
CSE programs. Organizations like stop CSE are spotlighting this madness, producing films like the war on children to expose what is happening in their research shows how nearly all 15 harmful elements identified in their analysis, including the promotion of anal and oral sex, masturbation and transgender ideology show up in these godless curriculums.
Now let me be absolutely clear. Comprehensive sexuality education is not about health.
It's a tool for grooming. It is a tool for sexual deviants who are masquerading as public school educators to groom children to becoming sexual perverts.
It's a tool for organizations like Planned Parenthood to create lifelong customers by luring children into sexually permissive lifestyles, leading them straight into the arms of abortion mills to murder their children.
And now with the healthy youth act healthy youth act on the horizon, the battle is heating up and parents and concerned citizens have to speak out.
The most important thing you can do is get your children out of public school because God never required that we would send them there.
Educate your children at home in a loving environment or send your children to a private Christian academy that is partnering with a local church to help you educate your children, do something, but get them out of the cesspool and the toilet that is public schools.
Why voting Democrat is a sin. The democratic party is inseparable from the moral chaos that has overtaken this nation, especially when it comes to sexual education and the destruction of children's innocence from historic figures like Margaret Sanger to the ongoing defense of Planned Parenthood.
The Democrats have been at the forefront of pushing sexual revolutions that glorify promiscuity, perversion, and the exploitation of children.
If you want a party that cheers on the sexual exploitation of babies, if you want a party that cheers on the sexual exploitation of minors, if you want a party that cheers on the death of infants because of sexual immorality, then vote
Democrat. If you want a party where their chief scientist physically abused, molested, and even participated in the cheering on of childhood rape.
If you want to vote for people who support that vote for Democrats because you're a disgusting monster. If that's who you want to vote for.
I don't care if you think that they're the party of empathy. They're not. They're perverts and they're disgusting.
And if you vote for them, I think you're disgusting too. They are not passive participants in a cultural decay.
They are architects. They are supporters of Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood and of Alfred Kinsey.
She was the eugenicist, a racist and a sexual libertine who saw children as an obstacle to her sexually profligate lifestyle.
The Bible is clear that children are a blessing from the Lord. Why would we vote for a party that so disgustingly wants to either kill them in the womb or pervert them when they get out?
Psalm one 27 three says, behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb, a great reward.
The democratic party hates children. They hate pregnancy.
They hate purity and they've done nothing at all but support the kind of monsters that want to pervert our children.
I think I've proven this at this point. I don't think I need to go on any further. An important decision is happening this
November where very sanity and purity and truth are on the ballot.
I think that Donald Trump is a flawed candidate. I think that Donald Trump is immoral in a lot of ways, but Donald Trump does not support the ongoing sexualization of children.
Donald Trump does not support a scientist who participated in among us in molesting babies and making infants as young as five years old orgasm in order to do his debauched study.
Donald Trump doesn't support at least not fully the
Margaret Sangers of this world and their sexual deviancy. Donald Trump is soft on abortion and I hate that.
Donald Trump is, is soft on the abortion pill and I hate that too. But when it comes to the kind of depravity that we're seeing, whether it be from Horace Mann to John Dewey to Margaret Sanger to Alfred Kinsey to Planned Parenthood and all of the stuff we're seeing in Massachusetts and beyond, these are not things that are supported by Republicans.
These are things that are supported by the wicked and debauched Democrats and brothers and sisters who in their right mind could vote for a party like this with good conscience.
Yeah, I get that you don't like Trump because he's angry or he's bombastic or he sends mean tweets or he makes fun of people.
I get that you don't like that part of his personality that chafes at you as a
Christian. If you can't vote for him in good conscience, don't vote. But like we've said before, how can you run from Donald Trump into the arms of such monsters?
How can you do that and still maintain that you're following your conscience?
Brothers and sisters, whatever you can't do in faith is sin. If you can't vote for Donald Trump, I totally get that.
I've struggled with it. Every time I voted for him, I've struggled with it. If you can't vote for him, stay home.
But the Democrats aren't the answer. The Democrats are not the answer. Thank you so much for watching another episode of the product because this was a hard one for me because of just how wicked and evil the
Democrats are. My daughter, even today when we were sitting around the breakfast table, she said, you know, you really don't even need to do the rest of this series in three episodes.
You've totally proven how voting Democrat is a sin. And I agree with her. I agree that we don't even need to finish this because just this episode alone is so gross and so wicked that I pray that that I know that YouTube's going to throttle this.
I know that as soon as I use the words that I use about Kinsey and Sanger, this episode is going to get buried because they don't want you to know how bad all this stuff is.
And I just barely scratched the surface. There's a whole lot more. Go look it up yourself. Go find out who these people are.
Go find out who the Democrats are supporting. It's awful. It goes way deeper than Epstein's islands or the client list, or it goes way deeper than that.
The democratic party is the party of sexualizing children. The democratic party is the party of sex trafficking.
The democratic party is the party of all of that. Go look it up. Go do your own research. And to end on a positive note, as gross as this episode was and as awful as it is, let's you and I be the kind of people that end this wickedness.
Let us be the kind of people that fight against this crap and let us brothers and sisters be the kind of people who put down the democratic party or preach the gospel so ferociously that they utterly repent and sackcloth and ashes for the damaging stuff that they've done.
But let us not be silent. Let us not be quiet. I don't care if technology wants to throttle us.
Let us scream even louder. And until next time, thank you so much for supporting this show. God bless you.
We'll see you again next time on the broadcast. Now get out of here. Thank you so much for our prod squad members.
We have two so far. We have Adam who was our first prod squad member. Shout out to you and Jeremy lion.