What is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

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What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? What is the unpardonable sin? What does all that mean?
This will be our final topic on our series on the Holy Spirit Then we're moving on to some other topics including what about those who've never heard and a more question -and -answer format that we're doing and are
Here at Witten on our Sunday night Bible studies, but first today Let's finish our series on the Holy Spirit with blasphemy in the
Holy Spirit So first as we've already stated the Holy Spirit is God remember our God is one
God But he is triune one being one essence in three persons father son
Holy Spirit God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth
John chapter 4 in niacin Sapphira in Acts chapter 5
I believe it is Bible says they lied to the Holy Spirit and then says they lied to God because the
Holy Spirit is God so on and so forth So the
Bible says that we can grieve God's Spirit Says we can quench God's Spirit says we can resist
God's Spirit. We can resist the Holy Spirit he is our Advocate he's our comforter.
He's our paraclete. He is a person not a human but he is a person but Resisting the
Holy Spirit grieving the Holy Spirit quenching the Holy Spirit is all bad. It's all sinful But that's all forgivable
So what is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit that has said that is not forgivable what we read in two passages
We're gonna read in Matthew and in Mark. So first Matthew 12
And I'm gonna read verse 22 through 32 so bear with me Then a demon oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him and he healed him
So the man spoke and saw and all the people were amazed and said can this meet the Son of David in other words the
Messiah The promised one when the Pharisees heard it. They said it is only by Belzebub. I Don't know how to say it.
I was give it that accent the prince of demons Did this man cast out demons? Did you understand that they just saw
Jesus perform a miracle and they said it's only by demonic power that he's doing that alright
Think about everything they've seen Jesus do up to this point He declared himself
Lord of the Sabbath. He they saw him heal a guy with the wizard hand They've seen him do time and time and things.
He's already called the Apostles He's already healed the bleeding woman the paralytic. He's calling the storm.
I believe they have already seen him Feed one of the multitudes. I can't remember which multitude it was.
He's already preached a sermon on the mouth. They've heard all these things and Here they say well, it's only by Satan or demonic power that he's doing that and Jesus says knowing their thoughts
He said to them every kingdom divided against itself is laid to waste and no city or house divided against itself will stand
Yes, I know Abraham Lincoln said that he was quoting Jesus If Satan cast out
Satan, he's divided against himself How then will his kingdom stand if I'm casting out demons by Belzebub?
By whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges But if it's by the
Spirit of God that I cast out demons then the kingdom of God has come upon you How can someone enter a strongman's house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strongman?
Then indeed he may plunder the house Whoever is not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me scatters
Therefore I tell you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people But the blasphemy against the
Spirit will not be forgiven Anybody speaks a word against the son man will be forgiven Whatever speaks against the
Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come What are the
Pharisees do here? They are looking at the clear signs of Jesus Knowing it's from God and then saying that is of the devil
What are those who call evil good and good evil guys? Get out of your minds that there are people in hell who are gonna say
I didn't know be ignorant about it notice We all have a couple glimpses.
But for example Luke 16 with the rich man and Lazarus when the rich man is in hell Never did he say?
Oh, I didn't know Right He asked for water he asked for people to go to see the friends and his family but Never did he say?
Oh, well, that's not fair. I didn't know But here what we have is the
Pharisees knowing something's from God But when they see other people marvel at Jesus verse 23 the other people were amazed
So they get jealous because Jesus is taking away their power structure
So it's not that they actually thought Jesus was demonic. They knew he was from God But said he was of Satan so that other people wouldn't look to him instead of them
And I need you to understand that it's not that they actually thought Jesus was demonic
From reading the Bible. They knew he was from God and said that's of Satan so that other people wouldn't believe you know when
We see this with Peter and John and acts for we see this with the Pharisees and John 11 with the lazing
Raising of Lazarus in both instances in both instances. Excuse me It says they knew that it was a sign from God In acts for it.
They even get together for saying he didn't say what are we to do now? It's cut to such a clear sign has been seen
They knew it was from God they rejected it and wanted to tell the others that it was not from God, even though they knew it really wasn't the hearts and This is made more clear in Mark chapter 3
So in Mark chapter 3 the same thing But it says in verse 28, I'm sorry
Yeah in verse 22 the scribes came down from Jerusalem saying he's possessed by Beelzebul the prince of demons
He cast out demons Jesus says the same thing and then verse 28 Jesus says truly I say to you all sins will be forgiven the children of man and whatever blasphemes they utter
But over blasphemes against the Holy Spirit neither has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin for verse 30
For how were they guilty of a sin they were saying he has an unclean spirit
So what does blasphemy in the Holy Spirit blasphemy in the Holy Spirit is? Attributing something to Satan Knowing that it's actually the work of God so not being wrong about Magical stuff and God's work not being wrong about it knowing it's from God but saying
It's the money. It's of Satan. It is a continual and final
Rejection of what is good and saying it is evil You'll have some people say some theologians say in one sense everyone that goes to hell is guilty of blasphemy in the
Holy Spirit because They knownly reject God's plan of salvation and not just rejected but say
That's not good enough and that's a an okay way of looking at it
But specifically here what Jesus is saying is these Pharisees know that what he's doing is of God and tell everyone else
It's of Satan, even though they know it's not That is the unforgivable sin. That is blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit. It is attributing God's work to Satan So there's just a little tidbit on that for you
I hope that's helpful. Feel free to like and comment or if you don't dislike whatever comment and ask questions
You know, obviously it is a Serious thing when we find something in the Bible says this is not forgivable.
It's an eternal sin And I've had people come up to me over the years and say
I'm I'm concerned I've Committed this sin. It's an old saying but it's true if you're concerned about Committing this sin and remorseful and repentant
That is a pretty good indication. You have not because look at the attitude of the Pharisees. Do they seem remorseful?
Do they seem repentant? The Bible says if we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanses from all unrighteousness
This is a type of sin to where there is no repentance. Therefore. There's no forgiveness Which is true of all sin
But here knowing that it's work of God and then claiming that it is of the devil of Satan That is blasphemy
Holy Spirit. All right, that concludes our series on the Holy Spirit Next week,
I believe we're gonna do what about those who've never heard but we have done that before so we might not I got six questions
From my Sunday night Bible study crew that they need help with they say so we're gonna go over those
However many at a time almost like a Q &A format like we used to do on Saturdays. All right