TIME OUT with Pastor Ben Talley June 1st 2020

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Good morning My name is Benjamin Talley. I am the associate pastor at Witten Memorial Baptist Church and This is another timeout so I Just wanted to say this is a good day to be alive in Jesus Christ Amidst all the chaos going on this is a
A time to rejoice because God is still on the throne
God is not panicking God is still Has his hand at work.
He is still operating He is not panicking. He is not going crazy.
What shall we do? He is still At work
Working Getting his enemies below his feet So so Right now
I just want to mention two verses from from Hebrews chapter 9 verses 27 and 28
What's up, Bill? And it says this says just as it is appointed for man to die once and after that comes judgment so Christ Having been once offer offered once to bear the sins of many will appear a second time
Not to deal with sin But to save those who are eagerly waiting for him so I Was I was actually
Shared someone shared this verse with me to encourage me and I want to encourage y 'all
What's up, Rodney? So it says just as it is appointed for man to die once and after that comes the judgment
So we will all be judged. We will all stand before God and be judged for Some that's the
Bema seat and for some that's the great white throne judgment so we will all be judged before God some will have be be forgiven and not be
You know go through torment and some will be judged and go to heaven
Basically answer for what they did with Jesus Christ what they did with their lives for the cause of Christ So So he says
He says that it's appointed for man to die once and then the judgment
We're all gonna die. We're all gonna face judgment. But I mean, we're all gonna die. We're we're
We all have to face that we all have to be ready for Christians.
That is a blessing. We all go to see our Savior We all go to embrace his face
To embrace his kingdom to embrace him and just rest in his peace and finally get to see our
Savior But it also says this in verse 28 It says so Christ having been once offered once to bear the sins of many
Will appear a second time Not to deal with sin But to save those who are eagerly waiting for him
Now I want to address a situation that I think a lot of Christians are in It Says First so Christ having been once offered to bear the sins of many now
I Believe that Christ died for the sins the world you know
John said here is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world now?
I'm not gonna touch on all this I feel like I've already touched on this before once before you can go back and listen the
The video But it says he once offered to bear the sins of many will appear a second time
To not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him I feel like a lot of Christians are
Not not eagerly waiting for him I feel like You Know they are a little too comfortable
Look at it like this I feel like No, there's there's two scenarios
One is you know when a parent takes a child to the playground, okay, and They say you can play for 30 minutes, and then you're gonna go home
We're gonna pack up and we're gonna go home or say let's play for an hour They play for an hour, and then they're gonna pack up and go home.
Yeah Go play as much as you want have fun. You know and then go home
I feel like a lot of Christians have that mentality You know they they they believe they can go have fun in the world and just you know have fun do what they want and Just Do whatever they won't have fun as much as they won't party or not necessarily party, but just Enjoy themselves.
You know you see what I'm saying like go enjoy yourself You know
Take time Do what you want? I think I think some Christians have that mentality
That they just do what they want in the world and have fun. You know Bill Buy what you want build what you want spend what you want
And Jesus will finally take us one day. He'll finally come and say all right time is up And I think that's the wrong mentality to have
I Kind of I see things more like a football game. You know The coach puts us in the game.
He says go play Go make an impact in the game go go make goals
Go go score some touchdowns Go make some wins
Go go make a win for the team. You know and Then when the games over You know you've done your part
You you played your best You've you made the goals You know
I Think that's the way we should do it. You know not that necessarily life is a game
But I think you you get my point you know We're to go make an impact for Christ.
We're to go And Make a difference you know
You know preach teach make disciples Make an impact on the world
Not just go have fun, and then Christ is one day gonna. Take us back No, we don't we don't go and enjoy the world the world is not a playground for us
It's a mission field And and I think some Christians have lost that mentality
That the world is a mission field. It's not a playground So I Really hope that makes sense to some of y 'all so That is the mindset.
I think a lot of Christians have is that the world is a playground. It's not a playground It's a mission field so He says
So Christ having been once offered to bear sins of many will appear a second time not to deal with sin
But to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. I tell you what man honestly. I am eagerly waiting for Christ I want him to come back.
I am sick of sin. I'm sick of seeing things in this world happening like it does
I'm ready to see Christ Just come back You know rain on this earth
Plant his kingdom here on there set up his his millennial kingdom Reset things right make things right
You know, I'm sick of seeing sin just Seem to just take control of people but You know, that's just me.
I Could sit here and go on and on forever on that but You know, there is still hope, you know,
I see good things happening and that gives me a glimpse of hope
But guys, we should never give up. We should we should work in this mission field as the
Christ we're coming back today As though he were coming back today in this very hour.
We should get to work So that is the mindset
I feel we should have You know, so The question is are you eagerly waiting for him?
Or are you comfortable? Do you just order something on Amazon and are you eagerly waiting for it more than you're waiting for Christ?
Are you eagerly waiting for something to happen in your life more than you're waiting for Christ?
Are you eagerly waiting to get that job? More than you're waiting for Christ to come back and sit sitting up in his millennial kingdom or setting up his his reign and Restoring things and making things, right?
Are you eagerly waiting for? For that one guy to sweep you up off your feet and get married are you eagerly waiting for the end of the semester more than you're waiting for Christ to come back and Remove this sin nature from you.
Here's your questions. You need to ask yourself God has a plan and purpose for you and in your life.
Yeah, he does but he also has a plan purpose for the nation's So Something to ask yourself guys we are to eagerly wait for Christ Not just sit back and do nothing but eagerly get to work waiting for Christ.
This is an active waiting. I Love you guys Remember This is not
This world is not a playground This is a mission field