SMSS with Pastor Jeff Shipley - June 28th - HISTORY of ISREAL Joshua 5 & 6


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Alright jab jab power he'd be like But you get on the end of one of those powers.
They'd knock you through the wall man big old monster Good to see you, brother. Hey guys
We're gonna be in Joshua chapter 5 and I'm going to try to get us back on track now
I told the young men this this morning. I know we're still not up to full speed and full strength yet I know a lot of people still can't come but but listen
We I got to get back on this because as you can see this is 6 ,000 years of history 6 ,000 years of history and we're in part 1 subsection 4 now
I I turned these and I broke these down These 6 ,000 years of history into three parts number one
I call it four to four now. This is so even Mississippi people can get this Okay, and Puerto Ricans Mississippi people and Puerto Ricans can get this except for Lisa.
She's smart four to four is this about 4 ,000 BC God created and we take that history from 4 ,000
BC all the way up until about 400 BC and this is when the people of Israel returned back to Jerusalem, but we'll get to that.
Okay, and then I cover four to birth 400 BC till the birth of Christ and I put that around 4
BC not 0 about 4 BC And then the third part of which I'm gonna be honest with you
I'm the most excited about is from the birth of Christ until now Wherever we are when we get to that section
I'm going to cover the history up until that date and that is the outline of what we're going to do now every week
I'm gonna have this on one side and then the topic that is your
That work is going to be on this side. Please do me a favor study this
It's not the words of Jeff that are important But the words of God's Word now you say why are we having a history lesson ladies and gentlemen in my opinion?
I love debating The inerrancy of the Word of God. I love debating that Discussing it even and if you struggle with your faith if you struggle with the authenticity of God's Word there are two aspects of science and history that I'd like you to do number one is the science interwoven in scripture from the the sequestering or the
Quarantining of God's law Concerning people with certain plagues and certain diseases in the
Old Testament, but it's the history that I focus on There is no way
There is no way God's Word can be fake and affect the history of mankind
By its prophecy and its declaration all the way through.
Oh, amen. I just seen if y 'all hear me God bless you so much, but here's the problem with it.
You're gonna have to get out of Baptist mentality, you're gonna have to get out of church mentality.
You're going to have to study To show yourself approved.
Okay, you can quote me on that study to show yourself approved
That would be plagiarism. Yeah, what'd you say Richard? I like it.
I like it Alright guys, so now flip to the back. Okay flip to the back. We're gonna be in Joshua chapter 5
I've broken Joshua down into three parts all 24 chapters You can basically break down into three parts number one getting ready to pick a fight.
I've come to pick a fight. I like That's what the first Five chapters are all about is
God has freed the people from Egypt under Moses's leadership They get this far.
They wander around in the wilderness for 40 years Now what they've done is they've gone up the east side of the
Jordan River and they're turned west and they're fixing to Get busy. They're gonna divide and conquer the promised land
They're literally gonna go through it Jericho split it in two Turn south with all the armies of the south then turn north and whip them if they fight 31 fights and win every single one of them.
Okay. Well, I shouldn't say they win 31 fights All right, and that's what's fixing to happen
Now what we're gonna focus on what we're gonna focus on is right before the fight
Okay, how do we tear down the mentalities of our mind and I'm gonna be talking to you a lot
You men a lot today now you chicks you can glean from this too
But dudes and this it has nothing to do with the Father's Day, I don't care about Father's Day, but Men, I do care about leadership in your home in your church in your life okay, so there are three things that we need to do to focus on being a
Godly example of a warrior of God read with me chapter 5. We're gonna start in verse 13 chapter 5 starting in verse 13
Now when Joshua was near Jericho He looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand
Joshua approached him and asked are you for us or our enemies? Neither he replied.
I have now come as commander of the Lord's army Then Joshua bowed his face to the ground in worship and asked him
What does my Lord want to say to his servant the commander of the
Lord's army said to Joshua Remove your sandals from your feet for the place.
You are standing as holy and Joshua did so I Am so happy to see them young men looking down in their laps reading the
Bible You got you got you got a chance now in life you do Because without the
Word of God, you're gonna end up being a big fat stupid loser So man, my heart's just exploding with love right now.
All right the first thing that we got to learn as God's people as leaders as God's plan a to show a lost and dying world where Jesus is is we need to be
Conforming to God not God conforming to us not us conforming the culture
We've got to conform to God look at verse 13 right here when Joshua was near Jericho He looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand
Joshua approached him and said are you for us or our enemies guys notice Joshua is the leader
Joshua's the general and what was he doing the day before the battle as they crossed over the
Jordan and Jericho was the first stronghold that they had to face
Joshua wasn't in his tent going over battle maps Joshua was on the front lines
Walking to check everything and make sure everything was right guys if you want to be a leader you need to conform to the image of God and Leading means you need to be out front not in the back telling what everyone else wants to do a couple of weeks ago
I saw our youth boys. I should say our youth men our youth men guys
You know how awesome it is that we don't hire have to hire that work to be done
Why because there were like ten teenage boys out with picks and shovels in 95 degree heat building retaining wall for our children's department
Now they're a youth pastor some dork named Jeremiah and a couple of the other
Hayden and a couple of the other college boys They were leading that work
But you know what? I love seeing and men remember this Jeremiah didn't have a son
What some things called umbrellas shading him from the hot Sun, right?
He had his shirt off and yeah, he was going to do that Yeah, but but he was in the trench with him boys guys
If you want to lead listen if you want to be God's leader in your life
You can't do it by telling your kids what to do without showing the example of how to do it
Be men stand up act like you're doing something when you get home from work
Yeah, this is what you want to do right instead of doing that and this is gonna stink
Okay, prepare yourself Ask your wife how her day was
Then listen It's like fighting the Battle of Jericho Why not because your wife's stupid because men we don't care
Unless you were robbed raped pillaged shot at or something that we need to pull out our
Rambo knife for We don't really care what Lucy did at work today. We don't care what
Carlene's shoes look like Right, but you got to be on that line.
You got to stand now. Look at this. It says this Coram Deo It's a Latin term.
That's what it means in the presence of God How many of y 'all were just praising and worshiping
God in here this morning? Thank you, brother.
Thank you, Jeremy What were the rest of you doing? You were saying it
Or you were doing this Because I was watching through the door. Someone need to be shot.
What's going on? Oh That's security. Okay guys. Listen to me Were you praising worshiping
God, you know, what will help you praise and worship God is Take your mind off the style of music and start picturing yourself in the presence of God Here's what's funny you are
Where two or three are gathered together in my name Matthew 18 says there I am in the midst of them
Guys, you're in the presence of God You have to conform to the idea that you're in the presence of God But number two, you also have to conform to this not
God's presence But also God's position Josh was walking that battle line checking on his troops
He comes up over a little knoll and he gets up here all sudden He sees a man standing there with a sword in his hand
Joshua sits there and goes Are you with us or with them? I?
Love this line He says I'm the commander of the Lord's army
I am neither for you or for them I've come to take over guys
Abraham Lincoln was sitting around with his generals and They were sitting there and they were trying to come up with the strategy to fulfill
Winfield Scott's Anaconda plan was long story But anyways, they were sitting there and they were discussing this and one of the general says this
I sure hope God is on our side and Abraham Lincoln said this gentlemen.
It is not about God being on our side. It's about us being on his side
How many of y 'all think Jesus Christ votes Republican? And God is a good old southern redneck
How many y 'all sit there and go? Oh, no God votes Democrat because we care about welfare
God don't vote. He shows up and he takes over it's not about God being on someone's side the
Arrogance of that mind thought is baffling and is probably a key answer to why you're struggling in life
You need to conform to God's position and look what Joshua did
He's walking the battle line getting ready for the battle And as soon as the guy says
I am the commander of the Lord's army What did Joshua do? He bowed his head down with a man with a drawn sword and He starts to worship
Who is this guy now? I know some people want to say well, this is the angel Gabriel No, because see every time
Gabriel was worshipped. What did the angel say? Stand up man. Don't worship me.
I'm a fellow servant like you This is called a Christophany Theophany it's part of Christology what this is who this is.
It's Jesus Christ pre -incarnate as Jehovah Nisi the commander of the hosts of heaven
Jesus Christ showed up and while Joshua is physically walking the line
God is already there and the conformity of us to Jesus Isn't about our political beliefs guys, please stop identifying politically quit identifying culturally start standing up and saying
I am NOT ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for is the power of God into salvation the power of God for our nation the power of God for Everything and I'm not ashamed of it.
I got a guy on the Facebook who's trying to goat me into a racial
Conversation He takes verses out of context. Basically. He's a keyboard warrior.
I asked him Why don't you come sit down in my office tell you what we'll do. I'll put two microphones up here on the same
We'll sell tickets You can discuss with me Because he's angry at me because this is what
I said There's only one race of people He's mad at me about that He's mad at me about that no, there's more than one race there's more than one race
There's more than one race. No, man. We're all homo sapiens sapiens guys.
We're all dogs Okay Some of y 'all may be chihuahuas
Some of y 'all might be Greg Danes more bulldog. Some of y 'all may be golden retrievers
Right, some of you may be shih tzus some of you may be
Dalmatians, right But we all dogs Genetically speaking.
We're homo sapiens sapiens. By the way, I can say that now I have a genetic expert in this congregation right now
So I know what I'm talking about, but he got mad at that Why did he get mad at that?
Because his identity is in something other than Jesus Christ Guys, how afraid of you?
How afraid are you? To put it all in line for Jesus Joshua the general the warrior
Left his sword in the sheath and bowed before an armed man because he put his trust in God Almighty Conform to the presence of God but conform to the position of God number two
Look at this. We also need confidence in God's provision
Look at chapter 6 verse 1 now Jericho was strongly fortified because of the
Israelites No one leaving or entering the Lord said to Joshua. Look I have handed
Jericho It's king and it's fighting men over to you march around the city with all the men of war
Circling the city one time do this for six days Have seven priests carry seven rams horns trumpets in front of the ark
But on the seventh day march around the city seven times while on the priests blow the trumpets
What? Guys, you know how hard it is to raise boys
My hey you do I have a daughter. That's like perfect She's just like stud.
She made me cookies yesterday with stevia and Gluten -free flour and they be like crack
Okay, man, they were good. My boys make messes and Stink my house up all the time.
They're nasty I had to teach my boys to do stuff like this. I would say go dig that hole
But what did I ask you to ask me why or did I say dig a hole dig a hole? I used to tell my boys this if I tell you to die
Your heart better stop beating right now. That's so hot.
Yeah, I'm not exaggerating Y 'all think I'm joking. I'm not Because I knew this one day
Testosterone was gonna hit their little eight -year -old bodies and they were gonna look like Jeremy.
They're gonna be And I knew that all of this I had up here would slide down here and they're gonna be stronger
They're gonna be more fit and they couldn't fear me Physically, but they would fear
Disappointing me and I've made them do stupid things Like wash the walls with bleach like run up and down the stairs like run around a building with a brick over their head and it
Made no sense people say oh, you're just abusing those children Yeah, when your kid is 35 living in your basement smoking weed and playing
Xbox you can come back and talk to me, okay But here's why
I told them to do that Because they had to be trained not to carry bricks and not to dig holes
But to obey the minute an order was given The trust in God's provision means you got a trust in God's plan
Look what the commander of heaven said here is this city. We got it under siege
We are ready to attack God said, okay, don't attack. Here's what
I want you to do I want you to walk around and have a parade around the city for seven days.
Just walk for seven stinking days
But on the last day, we're going to give you a supersized moment on the last day
You get to walk around it seven times instead of one and then here's what we're gonna do to attack
Don't get your slingers ready. Don't have the tribe of Benjamin with their little arrows Don't have
Judah's heavy shock troops. Y 'all just march around and at one moment
I'm gonna say now and then I want you to yell That's the attack plan
That's how we're gonna win Yes, sir
Let's go boys now, here's what's funny You know what? It made Joshua's job a lot easier as a leader if God had told that ridiculous plan to everybody
But no, you see God's not just training warriors. He's training leaders So he told it to Joshua and Joshua had a choice to make he had a choice whether to stand up and do
What was right? No matter what people were saying or thinking or he had a right to fold like a lawn chair
Men, how you doing at work? Hey Lee Did you hear that joke about the two blondes in the bar?
How you doing, man? Can you believe even Ramirez?
Can you believe that? I'm sorry. I don't want to be a part of this conversation That's disrespectful to her as my sister in Christ as a young lady
Go gossip with some old hag because you ain't doing it with me Can you say that but you won't be cool, man.
You won't be cool young rebellious daddy issued losers
Yeah, you know I'm talking to you Hey, yeah, why are you adjusting in your seat boy?
Uh -huh. Why are you smiling looking at the ground? Cubano's You see what the problem is when you're insecure
You'll try to identify with anything to find security But as it rapes your soul destroys your life
You'll still eat that poop sandwich Because it gives you a sense of belonging to tell you what belong to God first belong here second
Because the people who are sitting there telling you oh Man, I smoked it.
Let me get ahead of that John the people's who were telling you to come over here After they done with you you ain't nothing but trash
Watch this Jeff Man, I know we've had a case of beer, but I just gotta tell you this.
I love you so much I Ain't seen that dude in 30 years
You know why? because our position our ideas what we
What we trusted in was something other than to where God now here's what's funny you people
Watching these little kids man. They're like cockroaches around here and the kids everywhere.
What's funny is in 30 years They won't know the people in high school. They won't know their friends in college, but they'll know their people from church
See because this doesn't have a time frame except when God comes and calls his home
Guys you press the provision in the plan of God or you relying on other things to find security last thing
And I'm done Last thing I'm done. We need consistency And this is the hardest this is one we need consistency, you know, what's hard about life
Guys, you might not know this But I struggle with a little bit of a weight problem.
My legs are sore from carrying all this muscle. They're flexing
I know you can't tell but all this used to be up here and I can I can look like Jeremy I just have to do it in stages, you know
What are you laughing carry muscle, yeah, I'm upside down Jeremy's like this
I'm like this guys I Could go on a diet and I do great.
I do great on diets for about the first 12 hours Then I'm done right
Now some of you skinny people are sitting there going. Yeah, I understand. You don't understand Jack. Shut up I hear some of these little skinny girls going.
I'm too fat Oh, do you need a psychological boost and a reaffirmation that you're not fat?
Please stop saying that shut up This is fact. Okay, man consistency so hard Why didn't
God just say hey get up walk around one time. I'll take care of the rest Why do you say to do it for a week in a row?
Because I guarantee you at night While they're sitting around that table Triclinium while they're sitting around the triclinium
Let's say and they're sitting there or they're laying down on their sides and they're eating their hummus and their goat and pita bread or whatever
Ain't no ham sandwich. I promise you While they're eating that I Guarantee is someone went daddy if we're gonna attack the city.
Why are we walking around it? I Guarantee some of the dad said I don't know man.
It's so stupid. It's ridiculous I mean, can you believe that they won't let my daughter go on the youth trip because she wants to wear two -piece bikini
Oh, that is so ridiculous It's someone in the room is squirming right now if you want to let your daughter dress like a ho that's fine do it at home
Not on a youth trip, I don't understand brother
Jeff every stinking Sunday All he does is sit there and tell us that we can't get saved by asking
Jesus crack the heart Lord and Savior I'm so sick of hearing it. You know why? Because you're the one I'm talking to you arrogant self -righteous dummy
And you're gonna split the gates of hell wide open because you put your faith in an aisle in a prayer rather than the blood of Jesus Christ Here's what's cool.
You're gonna remember my words and God's words as Your soul plummets into the abyss of hell and all the woulda coulda shouldas in the world
Won't change that because you so much love your sin. You don't want to repent you want to play
Jesus games That's too late for me. I've been in this church 20 years.
I'm a deacon. I'm a choir director. I'm a pastor Your soul will be quiet if you sir, ma 'am
Quit playing church games Verses 6 through 6 6 through 15
God said do this every day and you know why because once again He was training an army if they couldn't get past Jericho They never would get to the other cities if they couldn't win the battle against self if they couldn't win the battle against their logic
Rather than God's Word if they couldn't win the battle about being determined to follow
God No, whatever what he asked no matter what he does. They will never get the rest of the promised land
Last thing 16 through 20. All right, and some of you liberals y 'all hang on.
Okay, this is gonna be stressful After the seven time the priest blew the trumpets and Joshua said the people shout for the
Lord has given you the city but the city and everything in it are set apart to the
Lord for Destruction only Rahab the prostitute and everyone with her in her house will live
Because she hid the men we sent but keep yourselves from the things set apart or you
Will be set apart for destruction If you take any of those things you will be set apart from the camp of Israel for destruction and bring disaster on It for all the silver gold and articles of bronze and iron are dedicated to the
Lord and must go to the Lord's Treasury No, wait a minute. Listen verse 20
So the people shouted the trumpet sounded when they heard the blast of the trumpet the people gave a great shout Yeah, and the wall collapsed and the people advanced in the city each man
Straight ahead and they captured the city They completely destroyed everything in the city with the sword
Every man and woman both old and young every ox sheep and donkey
Now this is not very nice God. I mean seriously, this is just not nice Think about it
God. We've done all the work. We've looked like fools out here We've walked around this city all day every day and now you're telling us that we can't touch anything
But we got to kill everything in there Yeah Why and it says each man went straight ahead
You know why this is so cool. You know why each man could go straight ahead because they trusted in God They didn't have to breach a gate and stand in line while people shot him with arrows
The walls came down and they could attack from every side See they trusted in the Lord's plan Now here's what some people say.
Well God really Commanded people back then to kill everybody
Yeah Yeah Well, that's not nice to God. Okay, so let me get this straight You're okay with God sending a soul to hell for eternity to scream and burn in fire with no recess
No time off no break and no parole and no second chance, but because God orders you to kill heathen
That's really mean You say here's your problem You're a cultural
Christian You want to measure God according to your standards of morality of right and wrong
Whose side are you on again? Is God supposed to be on your side? Are you supposed to be on God's side? It's it's not it's not rhetorical go ahead and you can answer
Right. We're supposed to be on God's side. Thank you for listening last 30 minutes guys Understand when
God said this is all set apart for me. What doctrine is that? Everyone say it together shall we
Sanctification holiness, it means to be set apart. It doesn't mean perfect. It means to be set apart
Okay, just like this rag is holy carry bought it for me to you wipe my sweat from my brow
It's not used to wash toilets or anything else. It's used to wipe my head. Therefore. It was set apart for specific service
Okay, it's nastier than when you wipe a toilet, but guys God said set everything apart from for me now
Did God really need money in his bank account? Was he a little tight that week?
Then why did God say to do it No See look
We're about to take the offering here in a second. And when we do This morning and this morning only if you write a check to Witten Baptist Church Aha, you write that check
God Will visit back to you a hundred fold over you can name it and you can claim it in the name of Jesus.
Ah Why does he always have to have a vowel on his name, you know? Do you really think
God needs your check Please listen to me. If you hear a preacher doing that do yourself a favor get up and leave
Because they ain't preaching to the Word of God They're preaching a heretical message that has nothing to true with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ He let me let you know seek it.
He already owns it He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and guess what? He owns the hills, too
He don't need your help and God is not the stock market. Okay, trust in his provision.
He'll take care of the rest No, why did God say this is all set apart for me? Understand this these guys had just came out of the wilderness had just came out of slavery a generation before they weren't really wealthy and they're walking by and Killing the pigs and the peoples and they're dead and all sudden there's ten thousand dollars in cash right there.
Oh God said not to He's teaching them to obey
Don't touch That tree There's 10 trillion to the 10th power of trees on the whole world
Adam You can touch anything you want. You can go fishing. You can go hunting.
You can do anything you want to do Don't touch one tree you gotta do
Jeremiah this one
And it's all been downhill ever since People you want to raise godly children?
You can take them to church. Well, look we raised our kids to church God said raise them in the admonition of the
Lord and the admonition of the Lord is this Obey obey, but I don't understand you don't have to understand
Obey, that's the position God set up. Don't touch anything
Well, I don't have to do what my husband tells me to do because I'm one of them women
But I don't understand what my kids are rebelling against me Are you really that stupid?
Husbands, well, I Give 11 to 12 to the preacher on Sunday morning, but the rest of that's for NASCAR and drinking beer
Son, why are you smoking weed? Cause and effect it's been that way since the word go in 4000
BC and by the way, all you liberal Little millennial we've been here billions of years
You're an idiot. I'm sorry, but we hadn't been here billions of years. And when your professor sits there and goes.
Oh we have The fossil record they're made of plaster, dude There's no such thing as a fossil record from the end of all 36 ,000 million years ago