Whitten Q & A Ep. 11 - LIVE with Pastor Josiah Shipley


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Good evening and welcome to Sunday or not Sunday night Bible study Excuse me didn't evening and welcome to question -and -answer session with Witten Baptist Church.
I am brother Josiah Shipley And I'm just getting set up here If you're new to this or haven't been this before this is where we answer questions and tonight in a live format in order to better serve and better reach you guys and I'm getting all my things in order here
Seeing if I can make all this work Very good
All right, and you guys give me a sound check let me know how everything looks and we're gonna get started
Again, I'm gonna be following along in the comments and I would like you guys to Ask questions on there
So that I'm able to follow along. Okay, very good
I think we're looking okay here Someone when you get on here, would you please comment?
Let me know everything is going well You can hear me and all that stuff. Hey, Billy. Can you hear me?
Again this is our question -and -answer sessions. This is where we normally take questions
Live preferably unprepared, but sometimes we don't prepare in order to answer any questions you may have about the
Bible theology the denominations etc Okay, very good.
Well again, if you don't know me, my name is brother Josiah Shipley here as of recently
Pastor Josiah Shipley, that still sounds weird to say Is the will of the people?
Again, if you're on here, would you please just let me know do a sound check real quick make sure everything sounds, okay
And let me know if you can see me. Okay All right
Okay, and as you guys come on since today the past I'm gonna say Eight or nine weeks.
We've been doing these videos Pre -recorded and already had the questions in place tonight
The better way to do it for tonight What we're planning on doing is live and interact with you guys as you come on here in the comments
I've got them open up on my computer right here. If you would just put whatever questions you have in those comments and we'll do our best to answer them we're not going to be using the whiteboard tonight
Okay, hey Billy Yes, Billy to answer your question.
We are having church tomorrow night here at Witton Six seven seven three making road do a regular 6 p .m.
Bible study Okay, awesome guys
I have not done a live video in a few months now, so Be patient with me.
Most of mine have been pre -recorded I've been spoiled with brother Andrew brother Andrew is our music minister here at Witton and he has really done an awesome job
In addition to his music video, I mean, excuse me his music ministry duties.
He has kind of become our Social media outlet slash
IT guy slash music minister slash praise leader He does it all around here.
So very much appreciate him Okay, again as you guys come in if you would please put any questions
You have in the comments the idea for tonight is to be interactive with you guys You know, we always like feedback the question -and -answer series we've been doing we've had a lot of pre -prepared
Prepared questions that we've been answering as of late I think we've had some good success with those but also want to do these interactive types
So I've already gotten one question. That is a little bit pre -prepared and Asked me not too long ago
I've got that one queued up. I want to make sure there's nothing from you guys as you come in if you have questions, please put them in the comments on the side would appreciate it and Just one more time if I could get somebody to put in the comments that you can hear me.
Okay, I would greatly appreciate it Just say
Sounds good or speak louder or something like that. Just make sure that you can hear me.
Okay, and I'll be happy I know there's always a little bit of a delay again.
Y 'all be patient with me I haven't done one of these live videos in a while All right well
Any of my Sunday night crew that is gonna get on here tonight. They're gonna laugh.
I Always talk about my top 10 favorite my top 10 favorite this top 10 best this top 10
Favorite of these and they always laugh at me because they never produce a list. Well Sunday night folks.
This is for you If you can see my whiteboard behind me, I'm gonna move out of the way. You'll see it a little bit
I can adjust this a little bit if I wanted to but you will see On my whiteboard.
I am working on the order of my 10 favorite passages in Scripture And you can already see number one on there and I've got like 12 or 13 more on the side
I'm trying to wiggle it down and get it in order. So that's by tomorrow night as I promised you guys
I'm still covering up some of it. I'm sure tomorrow night as I promised you guys. I Will have my list ready
Now, of course a lot of this isn't just joking, of course We know that all scriptures inspired by God it's equally
Equally inspired it's equally meant to be there by the sovereign hand of God I just have some that speak loudest to me.
Of course. I want the whole Bible to Teach me. These are just ones that have had a great impact on my life
All right. Again, I am watching the comments very carefully What I really would prefer for the rest of tonight to be what
I really would prefer is for you to put questions on The side over here
Billy's question was that we have in church tomorrow. So I answered that one But if you would put questions on the side,
I prefer to answer those Okay, so I'm gonna be watching those in the meantime. I'm gonna start with one that I was asked somewhat recently
I Think it was by one of my Sunday night crew. I can't really remember who But again, if you're just joining us, my name is
Pastor Josiah Shipley here at Witten Baptist Church I'm the associate pastor one of the associate pastors and we're doing an interactive live question answer
So as you come on if you would put your questions on the side, we've been on for a few minutes now
I haven't seen any questions yet So I'm gonna start with one. I was asked in person, but I can't remember exactly by who but the question was
What is your favorite Bible verse? And why and I'm gonna answer that look at again.
I don't want anyone to say Oh, I've got to have the same favorite Bible verse as him. No, this is just one that means a lot to me
So I'm gonna share With you Genesis 50 20 Genesis chapter 50 verse 20
Okay, I'm just gonna spend a couple minutes on this and hopefully I'll see when y 'all's questions pop up on the side
Genesis 50 20 says this I'm gonna start in verse 19
But Joseph said to them do not fear for I am I in the place of God as For you you meant evil against me
But God meant it for good to bring it about that many people should be kept alive as they are today
Okay I've often talked to you guys before about how I believe the word you is one of the most misunderstood verses in I mean words in the
Bible You always have to know
Who's talking and who they're talking to before you can really understand what they're saying
Let me say that again. That may be the most important thing I say tonight when reading the
Bible It is always super important to know who's talking and Who they are talking to before you can really understand what's being said
We've given examples this before yeah, if you have any more questions about it put in the comments I will gladly give you several examples running around in my head
But I believe the word you is the most misunderstood word in the Bible Joseph is talking now.
You remember Joseph Joseph is the one who? It appeared was his father
Jacob or Israel's favorite son. That's what how some people read it. I'm 12 and Joseph Got a coat of many colors if you remember this in Genesis and He may have been a bit arrogant about it and his brothers became jealous
Jealous of the attention he had dreams that all his brothers were bowed down to him, okay
And It's funny That came true of course
But this just said 50 20 is years after that event see what happened was his brothers planned to kill him
Instead they threw him in a pit and then sold him to Ishmael.
I'd sold him to a caravan here I sold him as a slave guys Joseph's own flesh and blood sold him as a slave to a group of Ishmaelites who are traveling to Egypt And then they dipped his coat in blood and Told his father that he had died and been torn apart by a wild animal so his dad thought he was dead all these years
Well Joseph, there's a long story of Joseph long account of Joseph that you can go through and read in the book of Genesis But Joseph gets sold in the slave agreement.
He gets in prison for two years Then he he you know he does he has success.
He has declined. Yes success until he keeps finding favor So finally he ends up being the second in command of all of Egypt a very powerful nation at that time second command
Well Years later there was a famine in the whole world at that time that whole region and the
God's people the people of Israel Jacob's sons and family there were 70 of them at all were starving.
They were starving to death. They were about to die Well guess where they had to go to find food
You guessed it Egypt Well they go to Egypt and Joseph's there and Joseph doesn't reveal himself at first But later on reveals himself and his brothers like okay
We thought you had died a long time ago when we sold you into slavery now You're one of the most powerful men in the world and now we need your help
Well when all their fathers die Joseph's brothers think okay, it's been 14 years
Joseph probably wants to take revenge on us for selling them into slavery Billy I'm about to answer your question.
That's a good question. I'm about to answer that question That's what I want guys. I want interactive stuff.
Okay, that's what I want to do when we do these live ones So Billy, I'm about to answer your question at any rate just to sum up Why is just 50 20 my favorite verse after all that evil?
Joseph's brothers had done Joseph looks at them years later and says am I in the place of God you planned?
That whole event you planned selling name to slavery you plan that whole event for evil But God planned it for good.
God didn't just react to it. And then oh, we got to make good come out of this That's not our God See our
God is way more sovereign that way more powerful than that way more omniscient than that Way more omnipresent than that.
He is everywhere at every time While his brothers were scheming evil against Joseph God had already planned it for good
Had already planned the whole event for good to bring about this present result the survival of many people
You see the people of Israel should have starved to death They should have starved to death
Instead Even in their evil intentions God intended that same action for good
Man's intentions God's intentions God's wins out every time That's how awesome our
God is Though they had all planned it for evil. God had planned it for good the whole time didn't react to it
He had already planned it for good There is so much more I could go into about this verse
For example a couple verses later Joseph gives instructions on where there are to bury his bones
Even though they're about to go into slavery for 400 years because Joseph knows they're gonna come out eventually
Okay, I could go into a lot more but in summary God has already planned it to come out the good even
Man plans it for you. Okay. I want this to be way more interactive So let's get the brother Billy's question and then the rest of you and those only a few of us on right now
That's okay where two or three are gathered, right? I'm gonna answer brother Billy's questions He's the only one that's made comments so far the rest of you who are watching y 'all ask questions
I'm a side chat so I can see I wish I could Won't let me see who else is watching. I'll call you out my name
All right. Here we go. Brother Billy's question How can I get more from the
Bible what verses should I read to get more out of the Bible, okay
Billy that's a good question How do I get more on the Bible and what verses should
I read to get more out of the Bible? The first way to get more on the Bible is to realize what the Bible is
Okay, the Bible is the Word of God. It is literally God speaking to us right now
We've gone over this many times and you know, Matthew 22 Hebrews 10 first Peter So I think the first step to getting more on the
Bible is understanding what the Bible is and again Maybe write these verses down the study for later
Billy once you'd write down first Peter chapter 1 verse 20 and 21
That's first Peter chapter 1 verse 20 and 21
And you know what Billy? No, don't do that. I've got a better one for you
Billy why I don't to for to answer your question Why don't you do second
Peter chapter 1 verse 20 and 21 second Peter chapter 1 verse 20 and 21 One more for you brother
Billy and that would be 2nd Timothy 3 16 2nd
Timothy 3 16 So those two passages 2nd Timothy 3 16 and 2nd
Peter 1 20 and 21 Those verses have to do with what this is what the Bible is
So you asked how can I get more out of the Bible and what verses should I read to get more of the
Bible? First thing you do is understand what the Bible is. That's what those two verses I just gave you are for to help understand what the
Bible is secondly brother Billy It's not about what verses should
I read to get more of the Bible? Guys, you can open anywhere in here and if your hearts right
God can teach you the key Is to believe that God can teach you and read the
Bible for what it says not for what you want to say. I Understand what the
Bible is and in a broader scope understand who God is compared to what we are Brother Billy, of course
You can always ask. Hey, what's a good verse for me to reading and one of us? I will give it to you
But I want you to start with those two passages 2nd Peter 1 20 and 21 and 2nd Timothy 3 16 read them over and over and over again and listen as You read them pray for God to give you understanding to be able to Understand it.
Okay, and we can always help with that It's not about you got to read these exact verses God can speak to whoever he wants whenever he wants by whatever method
He wants we just have to have faith that he can do that. Okay, and Say those verses one more time.
Sure In fact, I'll put them in the comments right now. That's 2nd Timothy 3 16 and 1st
Peter I did it again 2nd Peter 1 23 21 there they are.
They're in the comments now, brother. Hopefully those help you Start with those and I want you to Let me know what you find, okay
Okay, very good we have another question from Jennifer see this is what I want to do on these live question answer guys every
Now and then I want to do one of these live so I can answer multiple questions I like the pre -recorded stuff, but I want to help serve you best
I can't so I want to do live sometimes seriously new interactive So miss Jennifer asked is it better to study from the
New Testament when you're beginning not necessarily not necessarily Not not necessarily
Jennifer You don't have to start in the New Testament. You can start in the Old Testament keep in mind that there's 27 books in the
New Testament and 25 of them directly quote from the Old Testament and the other two allude to the
Old Testament So all 27 books of the New Testament build off the Old Testament So when you're reading the
New Testament, this is where even Christians, excuse me even mature
Christians get this confused Most of the time when you're reading the New Testament, you are also reading the
Old Testament because the New Testament page after page quotes from the
Old Testament That's why I always say it's really convenient to have a Bible like Holman ESV.
It doesn't matter but I'm saying that Shows you when there's a quote from the
Old Testament Holman puts it in in bold ESV puts it in like an invention sometimes in all capital letters and summer.
It doesn't matter I'm just pointing out that sometimes it can be very beneficial to know when a
New Testament writers quoting the Old Testament when to answer your question Jennifer when you said
Should someone read the New Testament when beginning? Here's what I think someone should do in the beginning. Okay Brother Mike Freeman in our church.
He's the director of our A's and our sound guy He always suggests to new believers to start with the Gospel of John Okay, I think that's pretty good advice the
Gospel of John if I were to throw my own Two cents in there. I would say start with the book of Philippians.
Here's why the book of Philippians is only four chapters Okay, it's in the New Testament Don't get it confused with Philemon and that's a good one too.
That's even shorter but Philippians it's four chapters It tells you how you got saved Tells you what to do
After you get saved tells you what to do when you get discouraged about not doing what you're supposed to do
Tells you how to persevere feet through it and it tells you a promise in the end Let me say that again the book of Philippians only four chapters
It tells you how you got saved what to do after you get saved What to do when you feel discouraged about not doing what you're supposed to do
How to persevere and Where your future rest? So if I was going to say where does someone who's just starting out start
I always direct them to in the book of Philippians Yes, so Philippians would be my best bet for that miss
Jennifer Alright there just in case and you forget.
Alright got another question from Vicki. I love this All right, let's see
Vicki for those Christians that are living in fear today with kovat 19 and everything else going on Where should we direct them in the
Bible, okay Vicki First off and I'm gonna tell you where should directing the
Bible first off It's okay to be afraid the difference. There's a big difference between being afraid and living in fear
Okay, your question says those who are living in fear of kovat 19 That is not a place for Christians to be listen to me carefully.
It is okay to be afraid It's impossible to have courage if there's not an element of fear
There's scary stuff going on in the world right now. It is ridiculous to pretend. It's not scary
That's crazy talk. It is scary But there's a difference between being afraid and living in fear
We're not called to live in fear. He did not give us a spirit of Fear to fall back into slavery, but a spirit of adoption by whom to cry out
Abba father Romans 8 Not a spirit of fear a spirit of sonship or adoption because a
Christian because you said a Christian is a child of God Brother Bill Floyd just made me smile again.
He may never hear this message He may not be on here right now But brother bill once you know you spoke to me the other day when you quoted he quoted
Romans 8 Who can bring a charge against God's elect
It is God who justifies No one Can bring a charge against God's like you know,
God's elect is those he's chosen for salvation Who can bring a charge against God like no one it is
God who justifies Christ Jesus is the one who was raised and more than a seat at the right hand of God What shall we say then these things if God is for us who can be against us?
He spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all. How will he not with them freely?
Give us all things and miss Vicki where I would direct him is Romans chapter 8 There's my final answer
Romans chapter 8 and here's why Romans 8 is my favorite chapter in the Bible You see it up there on my list
Romans 8 has almost every major doctrine in it that one chapter, but Romans 8 says we are more than conquerors
Now only those that are in Christ Jesus, but we're more than conquerors
What can separate us from the God can fear life or death or angels of Principalities or nothing but height or death or any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our
Lord Romans 8 is where I direct people who are afraid and I direct him and saying it's okay to be afraid
But you can't live in fear because we are in Christ Jesus And the difference between living in fear and living in Christ Jesus is living in Christ Jesus is
I am afraid But I know whose hand I'm in. I'm in the father's hand. I'm in the son's hand
He's got the whole world as hands I hope that answered your question and if I didn't please put it on here guys.
Remember, this is the interactive session. That's the whole point So Brother Billy I gave you those verses 2nd
Timothy 316 2nd Peter 1 20 21 miss Jennifer I don't think it matters if you start with the
New Testament Old Testament I direct people to the Philippians brother Mike directs people to John. I think that's awesome miss
Vicki Distinguished between being afraid and living in fear. We are in Christ Jesus.
You can be afraid so long as you know who holds you in their hands Besides Romans 8 miss
Vicki another place another good place would be Philippians 1 6 Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 along with Philippians 4 6 3 you say those again miss
Vicki Philippians 1 6 along with Philippians 4 6 3.
Hey miss Carlene guys you For those of you who are just joining in Question answer session a lot lately
We have switched to pre -recorded videos to answer specific questions in depth fully and prepared and those definitely have their place
They can answer questions way better than I can just doing a few minutes here or there But we also want to keep the live mentality
Because when we're live we can also do interactive stuff. So this is an interactive one I've already answered three questions from the side chat.
You guys keep asking questions on the side chat I want to keep answering those. So any questions you have about the
Bible or theology or Anything in general, please put them on side chat. Okay, let me go ahead and address this because I know this questions coming
What is going on with your hands Josiah? I would like to lie to you and tell you it's just paint but I was a lot dumber than that All right, so there's this stuff okay,
I won't name the brand because I Don't know if Andrew if I get in trouble
But I don't know if y 'all seen this foam stuff that you spray into cracks and gaps to stop air leaks
Yeah, the top says wear gloves. I didn't read that till afterwards Let me tell you something you saw me all about the laughing me you get this stuff on your hands
It does not want to come off Two hours trying to get off and it doesn't want to come off. It was hurting earlier, but that's okay.
We're good to go now Yeah, and I just when I picked it up just now saw where it said wear gloves
So there's that Y 'all sure y 'all wanted to hire me as pastor
I'm a dork That's okay. Hi guys Don't I need more questions.
Give me more questions. I love answering these things We've already done one on about people living in fear.
We've already done All that stuff James says water makes it worse, yes,
I could have used that advice a couple hours ago But yes, I know that now it made it a lot worse All right
All right, Lisa, whatever any questions Bible questions theology questions, whatever
By the way, if you need a haircut Deborah Talley is your girl
She is at their new location of custom cuts. That's what it's called, right? I don't want to I don't want to promote the wrong store custom cut.
That's what it's called the new location on highway 64 Right past that Sonic.
I want to know I guess that'd be the south side of highway 64. She's awesome Alright question.
Here we go. What do you think of the ESV translation? Okay, first off a couple of preliminary things the
English language has a ton of good Translations remember the
Bible is originally written mostly in Hebrew and Greek. Okay What we have is a translation
Jesus didn't speak English. Paul didn't speak English. Okay, we have a translation
Okay now There's a ton of good translations. I can start naming them
Holman King James New King James ASV ESV in IV New live there's there's a there's a bunch of them.
They some of them are skipping my mind right now at any rate
We always have to recognize their translation and there is no such thing as a perfect translation.
Let me say that again There's no such thing as a perfect translation. I've taught language for years now
Spanish all that stuff Greek. There's no such thing as a perfect translation However In my studies of the
Greek language, and I'm not an expert. I don't have a degree in Greek And a little bit of Hebrew as well
The ESV translation is my favorite. Okay, the ESV translation of the
Bible is my favorite It doesn't mean it's the best or the most inspired or anything silly like that. I just mean it's my personal favorite now
I like the format of Holman best because Holman puts the Old Testament quotes in bold So you know exactly when it's quoting the
Old Testament. I love that. I love the footnotes of Holman all that kind of stuff But as far as translation the exact words
Lisa to answer James's question and to answer your question the
ESV is my favorite translation and it is the one I use now I've been teaching out of the ESV for about Three or four months
I switched from Holman to it not because of anything crazy. I like the Holman Bible. It used to be
HCSV now it's CSV whatever it is CSV, whatever. It's a good version, but ESV is my
Favorite translation that was a long enough answer, right? Very good.
All right, we've done four or five questions so far. I'm liking this. Let's keep it rolling guys. I'm I'm still good Yeah, Lisa did that answer your question about the
ESV It is my favorite that doesn't make it the best. It's just my preference, but I Can pick up an
NIV a King James a new King James an ESV a new living an NIV and I can preach
God's Word Just as well with one of those Okay The English language has a ton of good
Translations we're blessed in that regard other languages only have one or two. We have a ton of good translations
You gotta love some cold cups of lukewarm coffee Very grateful for my new office, by the way
For those of you who have been with me on these videos some that I Bible studies or these or any of them
You know bouncing around from room to room at the church using different rooms cornerstone annex Office here office there
I'm very grateful for this. I think it's gonna work Well as y 'all can see whenever we need to we'll have the whiteboard once I get my head position right where I'm out of the way so That's pretty cool.
I'm pretty excited. All right more questions guys. Bring them on. I'm ready. You can ask me the hard ones
I don't care. You can ask me about first Samuel. You can ask me about second Kings You can ask me whatever question you want.
Come on. I'm ready for it You can you can
You can ask me any of those questions and looming in the back of your mind. Maybe when you read your Bible last
Hopefully recently for some of us. Yes You remember when you came across something you didn't quite understand guys
Don't skip those write them down figure them out later If you can't that's what these things are for so you can get those answers put those on here
You know when I was reading Ephesians 1 it said this I don't understand it Can you help me understand it when
I was reading Joel or you know, whatever? So that's that's what these things for also if you don't want to wait till Saturday question answer or we're not doing a live one that week
Can always message them text them to me and call me Marco Polo me if you don't my contact put a message here
So we always have those options. Okay All right Next question, let's see
I'm glad that answer your question Lisa Very good. Okay, I'm making sure
I haven't missed any questions. I answered brother Billy's question Answered miss
Jennifer's question and you can ask another one guys. There's no limit. I answered miss Mickey's question
Okay, I answered Lisa's question Yeah, I like how the
USB reads to Lisa it's a More of formal equivalence, which is a fancy way to say it's closer to word -for -word and thought thought
It's not really dynamic but it's Modern enough to where we can pick it up and read it without having to get a thesaurus
Thesaurus, that's what we need, right? Next question guys put them in the comments.
I'm ready Asked me easy ones hard ones ones that you've been struggling with ask me Doesn't matter ask me those questions
Because if you can't ask me questions, I'm just gonna come back to doing my boring my favorite verse stuff You know guys
Going back to this while I wait for the last question Genesis 50 Hebrews 11 says by faith
Joseph gave instructions on where to bury his bones As Joseph was dying
As Joseph was dying He knew they were in Egypt He saw them
Growing up there, but he said in verse 25. God will visit you and you'll carry my bones from here even though Israel the people of Israel were in Egypt and slavery for centuries
Okay And they're a long time God knew
Joseph had faith in God's plan My favorite translations
Geneva 1599. Oh my goodness Geneva 1599 you like reading old
English now James. I'm gonna challenge you. Are you sure you're reading the 1599 edition and not a more modernized version of it because a lot of people like to point out
King James for example Then it was 1611. Yes, but the King James we read
King James we read is really from like 1796 I've read a 1611
King James Bible and James. I know you're a smart guy smarter than me. I'm sure but it is a pretty tough to read you know
Writing style it's it's tough to read. I had to read it several times I think I was reading an
Isaiah something. I've read it several times to be able to understand it. Maybe I'm just not as smart as you but It's pretty crazy
All right There's you just hopping on we've been on for a while What we're doing is an interactive question answer
So as you have questions about the Bible or theology or whatever put them in the comments so I can answer them
I just ran out of questions. I Put your questions on the side and we're answering we've done
Yeah, we've done Bible questions all that stuff. We've done what book to read versions all that stuff
To those who say that if God will protect you from Kovac you don't need a gun for Self protection because he will protect you.
How do you respond? Okay, oh good now we got questions, all right, let's do
Jenny's first To those who say God will protect you from Kovac If God were taking cover, you don't need a gun for self -protection because he will protect you.
How do you respond? Okay It is the same argument
Jenny as People saying stuff like And God is sovereign why should we witness
God can save whoever he wants he doesn't need me to evangelize Okay It's the same argument if you think about it
Yes, I've heard men say stuff like what you're saying Jenny. Yeah You know, why do
I need a gun God will protect my family yet God will protect your family and he put you in charge of that Okay It's kind of like that old song and when people are crying out
God The church is crying God. Why don't you do something to help these people and God says I did
I created you God can do supernatural things
But he seems to be most glorified when he does supernatural things through natural people
Okay Jesus told his disciples If you don't have a sword and you don't have a shield
Go sell your cloak and buy a sword God will protect us
Because he's given us the means to protect ourselves and he's given that to us
God is most glorified when he can do supernatural things through natural people
Okay This is the story of the Bible. Yes, I fully believe in a
God who could do this and Make whatever he wants happens But he's most glorified when he supernaturally works in natural people, so To people who say
Josiah, why do you have a gun? Don't you believe God will protect you? My answer is always yes,
I can believe you should protect me. He's given to me the means to do that Okay, he's given me the means to do that.
It's the same thing with Josiah Why do we need to persevere if we're eternally secure?
Okay, why do we have to witness if God can save whoever he wants?
Because God this doesn't predestine the end. He predestines the means by which it will happen
Okay so again Jesus told his disciples if you don't have a sword go sell your cloak and buy one
That was Jesus protecting them. He gave them instruction on how to get protection
Same as today. I do believe God will protect my family Because God has strengthened me and given me the ability to protect my family
That's how God would predict my family through me I am as pathetic as I am
God decided to make me the means by which my family is protected It's the same with pastors
God chooses to use imperfect pastors to shepherd his flock God chose to use imperfect
Kings and imperfect prophets and imperfect Apostles in order to spread his message
God chooses to use imperfect people To protect his people God chooses to give us the means by which we are to protect ourselves
Jenny if that didn't answer your question, please make a comment Good all right, we have a question from miss
Sandra question regarding Old Testament laws I know they were given to build a healthy strong nation of God's people and the law makes us aware of our inability to be
Perfect. Very good. That's our need for sacrifice in Old Testament Testament But why do we no longer need to follow the laws?
unless through Jesus even though Jesus was But why do we no longer need to follow the laws even though Jesus fulfilled the law, okay, very good
Very good. Okay. Why do we no longer need to follow the law even though Jesus filled law? Okay So the law was given to make us aware of our sin.
Now the law also Was given to a people Israel a nomadic people if you will without a home in Behind enemy lines.
They're surrounded by enemies So the law was also given to produce a people that would survive to give them laws
They didn't even understand why they were following some of these like especially a lot of the dietary and sanitation laws it was to build and provide a
People to bring about the bloodline inside the reason why we don't follow the laws anymore is because the
Bible says so Bible says that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. That's what it says.
But more than that I'm gonna go to Galatians if I can find it so I can give you a big thing to read
But the main reason why I don't follow The Old Testament law in the sense of obeying them as the command of God to me today is because the
Bible says I'm not Spanish to So, let's see
I'm in Galatians Very good
Chapter 2 verse 20 I've been crucified with Christ is no longer who I am who live but Christ who lives in me
In the life that I now live in the flesh. I live by faith and the Son of God who loved me and gave himself
For me, I do not know if I the grace of God for if righteousness were through the law then Christ died for no purpose
But here's an even more key one. Yes, Sandra This is everyone.
Listen to me Galatians 3 Starting in verse 21 this this is really important Galatians 3 starting in verse 21 is the law then contrary to the promises of God Certainly not for if a law had been given that could give life then no righteousness would indeed be by the law
Then righteousness would indeed be the law but miss Sandra. Here's the key thing And you mentioned this already, but the scripture imprisoned everything under sin
So the promise by faith in Christ Jesus might be given to those who believe so that so the scripture
Imprisoned everyone in unbelief so that the promise by faith in Christ Jesus might be for those who believe now before faith came we were held captive under the law
Imprisoned until the coming faith would be the bill revealed. So then the law was our guardian until Christ came when we read that again verse 24
The law is our guardian until Christ came in order that we might be justified by faith
But now that faith has come we are no longer under a guardian verse 25 listen again
But now that faith has come We are no longer under a guardian for in Christ Jesus You are all sons of God through faith for as many of you were baptized into Christ have put on Christ Okay, miss
Sandra the main reason we don't follow the laws anymore because the Bible says we're not to Verse 28
Man, I wish our nation would listen to this verse right now For there is neither Jew or Greek or slave or free or male or female
For you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you are Christ, then you're Abraham's offspring heirs.
According to the promise Okay The Sandra it was
God's purpose all along To have a law given to a specific ethnic group God's people
Okay, and and it was still those people would be saved by faith
Anyone who believed would be saved by faith Rahab though She wasn't part of that people group by race.
She became part of that people group by faith Yeah, brother
James was quoting what we were just reading in Galatians very good and Make sure
I didn't miss any of your questions Miss Sandra one more way to answer that question
And then if I don't answer it correctly or I didn't get to what you're gonna please put it on there I don't get offended one more way to answer it
It's really helpful when the book of Ephesians talks about Dispensation or the measuring out of God's books in other words
Dispensation What that means is at that time God reveals this much truth to his people
Okay as time has gone on God has revealed more and more truth the people of Israel living
You know goodness gracious 4 ,000 years ago would not have understood what
Jesus meant when he said I'm gonna be crucified by the
Romans. They would have said who are the Romans? Right. God dispenses a little bit of truth to Adam and then a little bit more to Noah and then a little bit more to Abraham and then a little bit more to Isaac a little bit more to Jacob a
Little bit more to Joseph a little bit more to King Solomon a little bit more here a little bit more here
And he dispenses truth throughout time periods The law was in place at that time for that time period that was his revelation of Scripture at that time more scripture would be written late later, but at that time that was the dispensation of truth and They were to follow those laws
But now that faith has come we're no longer under a guardian because Christ Jesus has come as a fulfillment of the law
The main reason why we don't fall and I don't even like saying follow the reason why we don't
Follow all the laws of the Old Testament such as the dietary and all those things is because the Bible says not to those were guardian
Okay, so that when you get to mark it says Jesus declares all things clean to eat and he tells
Peter the same thing in Acts chapter 10 Okay Lisa says
I like the live Q &A. Well, we're gonna do it more often We're not gonna do a lot of every week Sometimes we need a full hour to answer some questions like when we did the one on the trying nature of God Sometimes Cuz remember
Jesus said himself and you put it in the center. He didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it What is fulfilled me if you have fulfilled something that means you have ended it you have done its duty
And now that's passed away the book of Hebrews calls it the Old Covenant and now the New Covenant has come and under the
New Covenant We have a lot of blessings Okay That's this dispensation that God has put us in next question by miss
Vicki. Where is your new office? Really? That's the next question My new office is above miss
Carrie's office across the hall from pastor Ben's office Down the hall from brother
Jeremiah's office and next to brother Andrews office upstairs above miss Carrie's office
You know, all these offices are upstairs above the fellowship hall All right
James I'm sure sacrifices continue until more heard of the truth sacrifice made by Jesus to cover sin
So animal sacrifices are no longer required the exception of those who do not believe Example Jews stop sacrifices when the temple is destroyed and can't continue sacrifice temple.
Yeah You know In the New Testament time
Jesus In Hebrews, for example God clarifies and make sure everyone understands the blood of bulls and goats never took away sins faith
Faith was credited to him as righteous. Now. How was that faith shown through obedience of doing what God commanded?
Okay that Good question we get to that minute that is really the be -all and end -all
Their faith not their obedience, but their faith acted out in obedience is what was credited to them as righteousness
God told them to sacrifice these animals and do it this way. I mean this specific about it They didn't understand but those who obeyed believed and showed that belief by obeying
We're saved Same way we're saved now by faith Okay But the blood of bulls and goats themselves never took away sin faith and obedience
Whatever that command is whatever God commands you to do you're to have faith and obey for whatever he has revealed to you at that time
That's why That miss Sandra, I hope you're still here because I've got one more thing about this
God holds us responsible for whatever he's revealed to us at that time That's why
Romans 1 says Because the attributes of God are clearly seen through his creation
People are without excuse see God doesn't hold those who have never read a
Bible. He doesn't hold them accountable for knowing Who Apollo says or who
Barnabas is or who Paul is because he hasn't revealed that to him yet He holds them accountable for what he has revealed them to and what he has revealed them to his creation
Okay, and as people believe God can reveal more and more things to them illuminate their minds if you will
But God always holds people accountable to whatever he's revealed into it. That's their creation. That's your creation.
That's your creation and X That's the creek He always holds people accountable to whatever he's revealed them to and what he had revealed the people in the
Old Testament time Specifically in the times of Moses was just those five books of the Bible and that's what they were held accountable to All right next question
What is the best way to start a conversation to witness to someone great question Lisa that depends
Is this someone you already know or someone you're never gonna see again? Let me say that again That depends on if this is someone you know, and you're gonna see again
Or this is a cold call. You may never see this person again, but they need to hear something about Jesus Christ.
Okay So that really depends let me kind of give both scenarios let's pretend this is
Someone that you See often Okay family member co -worker
Someone goes to church with you. Yes, you can witness those people They're all automatically saved because they walk in a church building your favorite restaurant you go to every
Saturday night Whatever you're gonna see this person again. I Have always found it's best to build a relationship with them first But that doesn't mean not mention
God and not mention the Bible Okay For example you may
Start by Purposefully taking a stance or going out of the way or or saying quoting the
Bible verse or saying God bless you or Things like that or say hey, you won't listen to song but the bottom line is
You Know the truth and you're gonna share it with someone else when I am trying to witness to someone
That I'm gonna see again. I try to get to know them first. I don't just pretend like I care
I actually care for them. I Actually care for them I get to know them and as I get to know them and they know me if I'm doing my job
They will see a difference in my life They'll see a difference in my life now
I'm not afraid to speak the gospel either, but you can't speak the gospel and live a different lifestyle
Then they won't believe what they heard because you're just a hypocrite But you can't just live it and never speak about it either
You got to do both let your light so shine before men. They can see your good works and glorify your father
What's in heaven Matthew 5 19? I Know this sounds weird, but it depends on each situation
If they're wearing a cross necklace, hey, nice necklace. What does that mean to you? Hey, um, my church is having a cookout or a family breakfast this
Sunday if you want to come Do you have a church you go to? Okay. Well, are you a believer? That's normally how
I ask it by the way, are you a believer Could be something simple like Here here's something slick.
I do now. We're in a Memphis shirt Or tights or sport shirt or something?
Oh, hey you I like the Titans Yeah, me and some of my friends from church went to a game last year
Oh, yeah me some of my friends from church a couple years ago Me and my friends Johnny and Jim we were trying to organize for a bunch of us guys from church to go if we go
This year you can come with us. Hey, do you have a church? Stuff like that.
Hey, yeah this Saturday Some guys from my church are coming up there and doing some yard work brother.
Justin. Could you some help you want to come? If you are truly willing to share your faith
God will give you an opportunity You walk the talk that matters.
That's right But James and Lisa if you're talking to someone who you may never see again
This is how I normally do it Okay. Now some people would disagree with me.
They would say the first thing out of your mouth should be you know You're going to hell unless you believe in Jesus.
I just don't see it that way But at the same time I'm no coward and I know
I Know that the person I'm talking to if they're lost is one bad car wreck away from going to hell forever
So this is what I do And I have many witnesses that can testify every restaurant.
I go to If I see someone if I start talking to them for any amount of time UPS driver
Amazon my goodness Amazon Whenever they come and deliver I always ask them this
I Say hey, man Me and my wife pray together at night.
Is there anything we could pray for you about I I Can think of three people in my brain right now
Right this second and I've said that to in the past week and I'm not patting myself on the back
I'm just saying there's your conversation starter People will be so shocked that you stop to ask them that now
If they stop I say well, can I go ahead and pray with you right now? And I'll do that with complete strangers.
I'll pray with them right then So James to answer your question and Lisa answer your question.
Listen very carefully my this is my advice Before they leave say the following Hey me and my wife for me and my husband pray together at night is there anything we could pray for you about and then don't lie really pray for them that night and Then say this
James. Can I go ahead and pray with you right now? Because I don't want to forget and be a liar. So can
I pray with you right now? Now when you do that Here's the key
When I pray sometimes people say I'm good or that I'll have a good day. Sometimes they'll open up something
I had one lady cry last week Some people will ask for prayer for getting in nursing school some people you'll find out they're believers
Some people will ask for prayer for a lost family member. Some people ask for for money
Some people ask for a promotion at work, but but James I'm gonna tell you the truth I haven't told very many people this
When I know someone's lost and they say yeah, you can pray for me and then I say can I pray with you right now?
And they say yes What do you want me pray for and they'll say something like that. I get a promotion at work.
Okay Now James with my words and some of you may disagree with this, but I'm just being honest with my words
I'm saying hey God, can you give them a promotion at work, but if I'm being honest with you James in my heart
I'm praying something totally different and I'm so calm on the outside on the inside. I'm screaming God Save this person
God protect this person on their drive home Don't let any harm happen to them and when they get home
Let them be so convicted of their sin that they can't sleep tonight and then they come running with you and let them know the love
And peace of God that has their understanding help them. Love you more than they love anything And help them find a church home waiting wherever when they can meet a cycle
So in summary of all that James, how do I witness to people I start?
By saying hey me and my wife are gonna pray for you tonight Is there anything we can pray for specifically and then
I really do that with Rachel you can ask her I really do that. But then I say can I pray with you right now?
And James sometimes I'm real slick Sometimes my prayer ends up being a gospel presentation.
I don't think there's anything wrong with that I will be praying and I really am talking to God But as I'm praying out loud,
I'm really presenting the gospel that person Lord Jesus We all know we're sinners
And I know that you sent your son Jesus to die for sinners like me and you and I'll start presenting the gospel my prayer
So that they hear it Yeah, I know pretty slick, right? Pastor Ben and I once did that together with a guy who said he didn't want to hear the gospel
But he would allow us to pray for him. So we said, okay James Lisa, does that help?
Hey, how can I pray for you tonight? Can I pray for you right now? That's my suggestion
And if it's cold call He said I say hello and then
I would say after that. Hey, my name is Josiah Shippley. I go to Witten Baptist Church, man I'm just out telling people about the
Lord. Do you mind if I share with you what God has done in my life? Did you hear that James? What God has done in my life this week this month this year
Share what God has done in your life You don't have to make a three -port sermon share what
God has done in your life That's what God has done in my life, what has he done in your life?
Okay. Well, I understand can my wife and I pray for you tonight. What do you want us to pray for? Can I pray with you right now?
That kind of stuff All right. It's 831. Give me one or two more questions and we'll wrap it up We've been on for 59 minutes
But it took you a while to start asking questions. All right, one or two more Anyone else got any other questions
Any other questions I've got some
MIT classes to prepare for tomorrow All right
Jennifer asked What's all over your hands? Oh We've been over this one.
I think the person who just asked what's all over your hands already knows the answer but it is this stuff
Which apparently is very sticky and I didn't know that and when I showed people on the screen earlier
It says wear gloves and I did not see that until just a minute ago
Did your dad not teach you better I Had never seen this stuff before my dad has taught my dad taught me great, but I never seen this
Great stuff before Oh Jennifer asked the question. I'll start reading. I got distracted. I'm sorry How do you pray away the fears that creep into your mind?
Making you Making you feel like that you haven't done enough to be saved realistically
I know it's not works that save me but I have doubts always attacking me and I'm not doing enough.
Basically, I know The stronger my relationship gets the harder the devil attacks, but it's still hard to thwart those thoughts some days
Yeah, okay a lot of things there Jennifer Let me just go through a few first off and you already said this, but let me just make sure it's crystal clear
It says your thoughts creep into your mind that you haven't done enough to be saved All right, and Jennifer what
I'm about to say is gonna sound like bad news, but I swear to you. It's good news Just listen to the end. Okay You haven't done enough to be saved
And neither have I and neither has anyone on this planet That's why it's called grace
Jennifer There is a song on a Christian radio station that says that God considered you as someone worth dying for But the gospel is even more beautiful than that Jennifer the gospel is that you and I are not worth dying for We're not worth it
And he died for us anyway That's why it's called grace the gospel is not is not a gospel where God exchanges his son
God exchanges his life and gets in return an equal life of other people the gospel is
Gracious because God's getting the short end of the stick God's getting the short end of the stick
It's called grace because we're getting what we don't deserve Okay, the way you face your fears is by saying you know what?
I'm not doing enough and God loves me anyway now Jennifer here's the beautiful news about All those fears and all those anxieties as God already knew you would have those that's why he wrote this book
You asked earlier what you're to read next I want you to read Philippians and if you have those feelings right now
I want you to read the following two verses for once you read Philippians 1 6 and Philippians 4 6 let me say it again
Philippians 1 6 and Philippians 4 6 I want you to read those right now
You will always feel like you have not done enough to be saved that's because you haven't that's why it's called grace
When those thoughts creep into your head You say that's right.
I haven't done enough, but Jesus has Jesus paid it all all to him.
I owe sin and left the crimson saying he washed it Why does know you face those fears head on you don't hide from him?
You don't close your eyes and say please go away. Please go away. You face them say bring it my
God is bigger than you Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world and Jennifer Things like this
Moments for this are a big part of what a church family is for That's when you lean on each other.
That's when you text someone saying I'm struggling. Can you help me? Can you pray for me? Can you send me a word of encouragement? Can you send me a
Bible verse? Things like that, but go to his word Get out of your mind and go into the
Word of God Okay, trust what the Word of God says the Word of God says that he will never leave you nor forsake you
Thank you. Trust the Lord with all your heart lean not your own understanding in all your ways
Acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Jennifer. I have a question for you What do you think the Bible means when it says in all your ways acknowledge him you think that includes when you're having doubts?
Do you think that God already knew you would have those doubts He who started the good work
Will carry it on the completion, you know, it's so beautiful about that because he will carry it on the completion
You know how he does that Philippians 2 13 for it is God who was working in you
Enabling you to desire and work out his good purpose. Jennifer if you could do this
If thank you Lisa message her about it, that's great Jennifer if you can do this every night
Before you go to bed every morning when you get up. I want you to say John 3 30 He must increase and I must decrease
Every day if you can say, okay, I may not know the whole Bible today But I loved
Jesus today more than I did yesterday. Now. How do you love Jesus obey? I Say it every day
How do you Love Jesus obey obey
Today more than yesterday and you will show that you love Jesus more than you did yesterday
If every day you can lay your head on that pillow and say today he increased and I decreased today
I love Jesus more than yesterday. That's sanctification That's sanctification
Jesus has a plan Jesus has bought his children and Jesus will get everything he paid for because he paid for it in blood
Every day be able to go to bed saying I'm not worthy, but I'm called to live as if I was worthy to walk as if I was worthy
So every day I'm gonna love Jesus more than I did yesterday Every day decrease a little more and every day let him increase a little more
And if you can do that every day if every day you can go to bed saying today I Decrease and he increased it today.
I loved him more than in yesterday. And that was a worthwhile day That is a worthwhile day
Don't forget Jennifer Philippians 1 6 Philippians 4 6 Philippians 1 6
Philippians 4 6 One more guys one more
I'm gonna get some more coffee and I got some MIT lessons to prepare. We got to do Romans Ephesians Philippians Colossians and Philemon tomorrow
Jennifer 1 are you gonna be at church tomorrow 2? The answer the first question hopefully is yes, and if it's not
I need to know why just kidding not really 3 If you're at church tomorrow, will you please tell me what you learned from Philippians 1 6 and Philippians 4 6
Yeah, I'm gonna write that on the reply so you can see it. That's Book of Philippians is what you're supposed to start reading earlier from earlier in our conversation
Philippians I can't write with this stuff. I can't type of the stuff on my hands. What means 1 6 and 4 6
All right, one more question guys what we got Don't miss a question
John 6 the little guy he will lose He will lose none, but raise you up in the meeting all that the father has given
Is it the same as expiation Jennifer will be there. Excellent is what the same as expiation
Limited by man's sin. Oh my goodness Is it the same as expiation
I'm trying to figure out what you mean is it the same as expiation? What are you talking about? Propitiation atonement.
What are you talking about? I'm gonna submit some message I can answer
No Propitiation is the turning of God's wrath from man on to Jesus Christ First John 2 2 is the propitiation for our sin and not only ours, but for the sins of the whole world
Expiation is when he removes the sin guilt from the individual Just like John I'm gonna answer this for real.
I don't think this was answered. I don't think this was asked Legitimately, but I'm gonna answer it legitimately
John 3 36 John 3 36.
Here we go Whoever Believes in the Son has eternal life Whoever does not believe or does not obey the
Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God Remains on him the wrath of God is poured out on all humanity
Propitiation is God's wrath being turned from man to Jesus Expiation is the sin guilt
On that person the wrath that remains being removed and carried away as far as east is the west
Jesus is a propitiation for the whole world. He's only the expiator of those who believe by faith
Propitiation for all sin, but only takes away the sin guilt of those who believe Yeah, oh, thank you, thank you
Lytton Baptist Church you I finally learned how to Sign in either as my name or as Lytton Baptist Church, I think
All right, guys Are we done? Is anyone got anything else?
Oh You got on your hands and your arm, how'd you manage that? You know what Scott I didn't ask you I'm just kidding Scott it's a long quite long story.
I don't really want to talk about it We're gonna make myself look like a dork enough But long story short trying to open the door at church and not get it on the door and you know
It just happened It's terrible
It's already ripped off a bunch of the hairs off my arm and tripped off some of the skin off my hands Is that really the last question we're gonna we're gonna do is that is that what we're doing guys?
Okay Well, let's call that a night. We're not gonna do live every
Saturday night. We're gonna do the people wearing stuff James not Scott. Oh We're not gonna do live every
Saturday night I can't do it every Saturday night. And then of course, we've been using a lot of other members of what
I hope you guys I'm enjoying that We've had mr. Quito on your mr.
Beck on here miss Carrie on here brother David on here. We've had Who else have you had on here?
We've had Mercedes we've had Jeff we've had some really awesome people On these question answers, so we'll do some prepared questions.
We can do long 30 minute hour long answers of just one question Christian Torres building, but sometimes we'll do these live interactive ones too
Okay, so trying to do the best of both worlds. That's what we talked about before That's what the staff here witness talked about.
We're trying to do the best of both worlds. All right If nothing else I love you all very much.
I hope tonight was somehow edifying somehow helpful Somehow some way
Some has some way edifying to you Always want to make it better Doing our best guys.
We're not a high -budget church. We're just a bunch of people that love Jesus and want to share that love with other people, okay
How about we end this with prayer? God help everyone who sees this and everyone who hears this
Learn to love you more than we did yesterday and the show that love not by just talking about it
But by living it out every day that we love you and we praise Everything we do let it be for your glory
All right, guys, I love you all very much
I'm gonna sign off here now As always I I've noticed a couple messages on the
Whitman box that that I must have missed and I'll try to get to those soon Some of them are addressed to me.
Some of them are addressed to Brother Jeff. We'll try to get those sorted I think the ones are addressed to Miss Carrie But you can always comment on that little message box if you have my number or whatever
You can always message me. You can always send me a private message on Facebook. I look at messenger almost every day
So you can always send me one of those and I'll try to get to it And that's for all the staff here
All right, guys. Love you very much. I am signing off. Talk to y 'all later