A WOW Moment - August 27 2020



What are you doing to me here? Are you okay? She's having issues. It's okay.
All right, where am I now? Oh, there we go. Yeah, you were safe at the time. It was still limiting.
Oh, thank goodness. Oh, not for the sake of it. You had yourself a lot of room. Oh, yeah. Because it was funny.
I was trying to adjust my leg because it was asleep and it didn't work out very well. All right,
I'm gonna turn it down. It's turned down now. I have to turn it down.
That's good enough. Cross my arm. That's good to move. Go. All right.
We give it a few minutes. We do this right during the time people are cooking dinner.
Yes. Because I'm normally cooking dinner as I'm watching you guys. So, we don't always have a lot of people that watch at the moment, but usually by the time we go to bed tonight, everybody's done filming, so.
Which is fine, they can catch up while I'm getting ready for bed. We've done our due. They can laugh at me later.
Honey, if they haven't found things to laugh at me about by now, ssss. Oh, oh, you need more room?
No, I need to change my folders because sweet Alayna gave me a new one last week and I haven't changed it out yet.
Because this one is just, oh, just look at it. It's even better than those. Nicely used.
Oh, yes. Excuse me. That's what Patsy does for you.
All right. We're going live and Tara's sending us messages.
You know we can't read it right now. I have to put my phone on do not disturb because I get random phone calls. She does.
Well, I can put mine on so that you can look at comments. I got it. Okay. It's right over here.
It's over here at the right side. Yeah, if I can see the comments, I'll just read them all. All right, good evening, everybody.
I'm so happy to see you guys tonight. I hope everybody's in and out of the weather because it looks like it's gonna get kind of choppy after a while.
But tonight, I want to welcome you to our Bible study.
We are in Olive Branch, Mississippi. Down here where they don't wear shoes,
Pastor. She has no shoes on. I have no shoes on, Brother Jeff. That is an ode to you.
So, my name's Vicki, as you all probably know and everybody remembers, we're saints. Tonight we're at Jennifer Pickler's house.
For all of you that watch Bible study on Tuesday nights or question and answers or anything like that,
Jennifer usually has a comment or two or Pastor Jeff will usually call her out at some point in time.
If you come to Witten, he definitely will call her out at some point in time during the sermon.
So, this is the famous Jennifer Pickler. Yay! So, Jennifer, how long have you been coming to Witten for about guestimation?
Because not everybody knows exactly. Yeah, it's been almost two years. Really? Yeah. Wow, time flies.
Almost two years. But I didn't join until church opened back up after COVID in May.
Okay. That very first Sunday back is when I joined. Gotcha, gotcha.
And then you and Seth were baptized this past Sunday. We got kiblushed Sunday. Yes, kiblushed.
That's great. It was. It was great. Especially you sharing it with, I'll say, that moment.
Because it's a very intimate moment, really. Or day, I guess you could say. Y 'all probably made it a day.
It was very special to me. Yeah. Which it would have been anyway. I'm just proud of him.
But it was nice. Of course, I came straight home afterwards and he hung out with all the boys and girls from the church.
So I didn't see him the rest of the day. It wasn't especially him, but you know. I'll carry the memories forever.
They did it every Sunday, though. Yeah. I know they did. And it's good. It's good.
They need each other. He'll appreciate it later when he's my age and old. Right.
When he sits back and remembers mom. Right. Yeah. Didn't his head catch the baptismal a little bit?
Jeremiah kind of slammed him down a little hard. It was pretty funny. When he was on his way down,
I was like, yeah, he didn't scoot down far enough. Yeah. He's gonna hit his head. Yeah. Hunter had the microphone there so he could hear the little buzz.
Oh. Not Hunter. Andrew? Andrew, yeah. Andrew was laughing.
I guess I miss him. Well, you know, my hearing is - You can go back and watch the video on my page. You can hear it? And you can, you'll see.
It wasn't as loud as when Mickey - When Mickey hit? Yeah, but it was still audible.
Yeah, it was funny. Well, Jennifer, I'll have to say that since you've been at Witten, I have really enjoyed getting to know you and I really enjoyed watching you grow spiritually because I have seen a lot of changes just in the way that you carry yourself, just in the way, because I used to, when you would come in, if you were coming in a little late, you would sit in the very back.
Now it's like, you okay, I'm gonna go over here. I'm gonna sit up in here. So, but you know,
I mean, it's home. That's my second home. I felt like a visitor for so long until it felt, until I realized that it was my fault that I didn't let it feel like family, like it was.
It is, we're pretty tight. It did, I just felt like, you know. Well, now you don't feel like a family.
Now it's not at all. Good, good. Because you took a bath in the tub.
Well, even before the bath. Well, even before the bath. Anyway. That was the first bath
I've had in a long time. My way, bro Jeff. Thank you for that. You missed the soap.
Next time, bring some shampoo. So funny.
He's gotta really wash me clean. I know, I know, I know. But anyways, so anyways, we're very, how many times am
I gonna say anyways? We're so glad y 'all are here. Cause we're gonna enjoy this. We hope y 'all enjoy this because I already know the scripture that's been picked for the evening.
And you're saying it's just tea? And it's just really gonna be, it's just a good one, it's a good one.
So, Jennifer, what verse have you picked for this evening? I picked James 112.
Is this your go -to verse or is this a verse that you just picked for the evening to study?
It's a verse, it's actually my favorite verse. So, I wouldn't say it's a go -to.
I don't go to it all the time, but it's definitely my favorite one. It's the one that has helped push me past some of my hangups spiritually.
Some snacks? Some snacks, yeah. I've been through a lot. And you know, when you're on the fence about your faith and you're not really sure, you know, you don't understand why you've been through so much.
Why is this happening to me? When you're in that kind of mentality, it held me back for a long time.
And when I came across this particular verse, it helped me understand and pushed me through.
That's you over the fence. Mercedes, will you just read the scripture, please? A man who endures trials is blessed because when he passes the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
So, you've endured several trials.
Yes. And we're not always pretty when we come out of them. But I think the main thing is that we come out of them.
Most of them, I didn't go into them pretty either. Therefore, come out even worse on the other side.
Mercedes, how do you feel about that? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's true.
You're already beaten and broken and ugly. And then you go through something else and you think, my gosh.
Yeah. I can't take anymore. Why is this going on?
But in hindsight, you look back and you realize that this was
God's way of teaching me the lessons I needed to learn. He was pushing me towards him, even though I was resisting.
I think that's why I had to endure much more than I probably should have if I wasn't so hard -headed.
It's so much easier when you don't go kicking and screaming. Yes. And when you finally submit and you can look back, you realize he was shaping me to be strong enough to be the single mother that I've had to be for almost 10 years.
I would have never made it this far by myself.
And I know that he was with me, even though I was not in that frame of mind at the time.
I've always believed in God, but I didn't understand or I didn't understand it correctly or properly how it worked.
I've been there, too. I had a big issue, though, when I was going through so much of if God loved me so much, why?
If he cared about me as much as this book says he does, then why am
I having to deal with this damn deal? I went through one of those, I'm a decent person.
I don't go out of my way to cause harm to everybody. Why is all this crap going on? And this person who just gets away with everything doesn't have anything.
Their life's a bed of roses, right? Yeah, yeah, it's been, it's, yeah.
And it may be too personal, I don't know. But I used to be embarrassed, but now it doesn't bother me to share because it may help someone else.
But mine started on my eighth birthday where I walked in on my dad trying to guilt my mother in the stay -in and he was in the kitchen laid out and he had cut his wrist over and was bleeding everywhere.
I was there, it was my eighth birthday. And I mean, all I knew was my dad was, he was dying, so I thought, but it was superficial.
But that's kind of where a lot of my stuff started. My mom was raising us in Jehovah's Witness and then she got out of it because of the issues between her and my father because he didn't believe in it.
So I was just confused in so many different ways. Stepdad come in a week after my dad was gone.
I'm like, who are you? Why aren't you telling me what to do? Oh, wait, yes.
I was, you know, raped at 15. My story is everyone has their, everyone has their demons, everyone has their skeletons, everyone has their trials.
I'm not saying mine's any worse than anyone else's because it's not, but in my mind at that time, you know,
I struggled for so many years and I didn't understand why. So it was, it was hard for me to move past that.
And look at you now. Yeah. Look at you now. Now I'm able to say, had
I not experienced those things, I could have ended up with the first man that showed me attention after my divorce and ended up with the same cycle with my children.
But God didn't want that for me, so. Aaron? Verse 13 says, no one undergoing the trial should say
I am being tempted by God for God is not tempted by evil and he himself doesn't tempt anyone. For each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desires.
Then after, then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin. And when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.
So don't be deceived, my dearly loved brothers. Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of flights.
With him, there is no variation or shadow cast by turning. But by his own choice, he gave us a new birth by the message of truth so that we would be the first fruits of his creatures.
That's that. First fruits of his creatures. I had to go through a life with, and like I was saying before,
I finally figured out why me, because I wasn't where the
Lord wanted me to be for him and with him. So he had to break me down and get me and my selfishness out of me before anything else was gonna change in my life.
So that's where my comes from when it comes to trials.
And if you ask
Mercedes, she would probably tell you I have anger issues. But only when there's flip flops in your hand.
So, but you know. Well, you know, in endurance, we get endurance through those things that we've gone through so that when the next wave hits, we're a little bit stronger.
And when that next wave hits after that, we're even more stronger. And we will rely more each time on God to get us through.
And each time you're not quite as stubborn and reluctant to just let it go and let it happen.
If he wants you to be more and more reliant on him and lean on him and stop trying to worry about the outcome and try to fix yourself.
And that was a big thing for me, is I kept trying to,
I thought that I could fix myself and my own problems and I just wouldn't submit to the truth.
I was very hard -headed apparently. I don't think we all are hard -headed. Some stay down.
Really? No. Yeah. Are you kidding me?
Yeah. Sure. I'm so surprised. But it also has changed my mindset.
I'll say that where before I was saved, it was a why me mentality, which is what most people are.
Most people feel that way. It's easy to feel that way. You wanna internalize it.
What did I do? Why me? Whereas now, I can honestly say that I can see the difference.
It doesn't, I don't allow it to weigh me down like it used to. I do put it on him.
And now I have the mentality of, okay, I know I'm gonna get through this.
I know you've got my back. So I'm not gonna worry about it. So I pray for him to let me know what
I'm supposed to learn from this. To show you what? Instead of praying for it to be over, like I would have before.
No, God, please take this away. Please, I don't know why this is happening. Please make it go away.
Now it's a, okay, I understand that I'm meant to go through this for some reason. So I'm gonna tough it out.
I'm gonna be okay. What do I need to learn from this? And that's what I pray for now. And my life is just changed.
That's huge, that's huge though, yeah. Because now you're not allowing that to put that stronghold on you anymore.
And you're not allowing yourself to be entrapped within yourself. No, because that was where I was.
I was stuck in that place for so many years. And the devil was having his way with me.
And I had no idea. And the whole time, I thought, I'm a good person. I believe in God.
So I know, I mean, I'm gonna go to heaven. In my mind, I truly felt like, even though I was stuck in that place, that I was okay until I came to Witten, until I listened to Brother Jeff, until I was convicted and I knew that I was totally wrong.
Yeah, yeah, and that's the first step though, of you having to admit that.
Because being control freaks that we women try to be.
Okay, but I mean, we do. And to be able to sit there and say, just show me where you want me to go.
Teach me what you need to teach me. And don't leave me during this.
I let him know every day that I trust his plan for me. I'm all in.
I know that whatever is gonna happen has already been laid out.
And so I'm not gonna fight it. I'm not gonna fight the current. I'm just gonna go with it. And I'm gonna learn whatever
I'm meant to learn from it. It's like getting on that float in the ocean and just. Yeah, ride the wave, don't fight it.
That's probably the biggest mental and spiritual change for me is that.
It does get scary though. Like when you get way, way, way out, it can get really, really scary.
Well, there's things that still scare me now. The trials that I'm going through that some people know about.
With my daughter, I'm gonna go to the right here. But there's a lot of stuff and it is scary.
But I can't let it weigh me down like I was. I mean, I was letting it weigh me down.
I was so scared of what if this happens? What if that happens? And what am I gonna do? And how will
I survive this? Until I finally just said, I've given this to you. I'm meant to learn something from this.
Use me however you need to use me to bring her closer to you. And that's what
I have to do. I have to trust that if something does happen, that was his plan and I can't.
I just can't. It seems like once you finally just relinquish a control that you already don't have and you just go, all right,
God, I'm done. It's yours, take it. It seems like at that moment, things start falling into place.
Yes. And you go and, like if I was just doing this sooner.
Right. But it is, as soon as it's like, at least for me, as soon as I've done that, things start falling into place and happening and things are going well.
It's like there could be complete chaos around me but I feel like I'm at complete peace about it. Right.
It's the weirdest thing, but it's true. It's like I know when everything finally settles down and lands, it's gonna land right in place.
And so I just don't worry about it like I did. You're playing on the right team. I used to attribute that to my medication but now
I know that it's not that. It just takes the edge off. Right.
I haven't given mine a penny. No. And this is kind of what we talked a little bit about with Elena last week, was endurance and hope.
And when I read this verse that you had sent us, my brain immediately went back to Romans 5,
Romans 5, 3. And not only that, but we also rejoice, actually, actually, let's just go, let's just do one through.
Romans 5, one through. I'm gonna flip like you now, hold on a second.
This after Acts. Yeah. That's what she tells me every time.
After Acts. Oh, my bad. I'm bad with numbers, don't tell my boss.
Your secret's safe with us. Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ. There's that peace. We have also obtained access through him by faith into this grace in which we stand.
And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions because we know that affliction produces endurance.
Endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us because God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the
Holy Spirit who was given to us. There's that word, grace. Amazing. Amazing. It is amazing, grace.
And rejoicing in our afflictions. Endurance.
Endurance produces. You know, that's one thing that a lot of people don't have anymore, is character.
That is true. Very true. I don't know why
I took a glass off. I can't say these words without them. There was another scripture
I was wanting to, but I'm not even gonna try. Because I lost it.
I'm right as soon as I started to flip to it. But it was there.
One, Psalms 51, which is one of my favorite Psalms. First, it says, let me hear joy and gladness.
Let the villains you have crushed rejoice. Again, rejoicing in affliction. And this was from David who lost a son.
And, you know, came to repentance and, you know, was praying for restoration.
Yeah, they talk a lot about enjoying the trials and tribulations in there,
I've noticed. It's, once you look at it as a positive thing instead of a negative thing, once you realize that he's trying to cleanse you to be more of a reflection of him, instead of looking at it as a negative,
I'm being punished, once your frame of mind and your frame of thought switches to that and then you realize he's doing it out of love to pay you of what is still there, then it really helps you pray for the right thing.
I, yeah. You know, and it's, I've gone through stuff and I've had people say, good will come of this.
I'm like, oh, how? How could anything good come of this? And then, like, last night
I had a miscarriage and I was being told, hey, good is gonna come of this. Good is gonna come of this.
I'm like, okay, sure. Like, I don't know how, whatever.
And then, fast forward to, oh, last year.
Sorry, last year was Christmas. I think it was this year, early this year. I had a friend of mine end up having a miscarriage and I went, wait,
I can help her with this. Like, I can, I know what those thoughts are probably going through her brain and I've been there and I know how all this plays out.
And so I went, oh, this is part of the good that's coming out of that, is
I'm able to step in beside her and go, hey,
I've been there. This is what helped me. This is probably what you, this might be going through your brain.
This is not truth. I think that - Just like in James 1, 2 says, consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you would experience various trials.
Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance, but endurance must do its complete work so that you may mature and complete.
Let's get something. So that you may be mature and complete like nothing. That's what it does.
It matures you, it grows you. It's chipping away a little bit more at that stubbornness.
When did we stretch our legs out? Because mom puts us to sleep. That's what I was just doing when I look crazy.
I'm sorry, guys. She went, oh, that was great. Yeah, I said that felt good. I'm sorry. My legs are asleep.
Oh, wow. Just push the couch. Circulation to the legs. Sorry. Blood circulation to the hips.
But yeah, that's what they do. It chips away at you and it starts breaking down that I've got everything handled.
I can do this on my own. Stubborn. And I also feel like it's,
I watched some videos on the book of James because it is my favorite book in the
Bible. It's so raw and real and brutally honest, which is a trait that I love.
But I was watching it and he was explaining it like if you don't go through any hardships, if you're not going through any trials, if you're not going through any tribulations, then how are you going to develop a testament to help other people?
Because then everything's always good. So you can't relate to anyone that truly needs to know the love of God and the grace that he provides.
So that's another reason that I've come to actually,
I don't regret anything that I was put through. I wouldn't actually, and I wouldn't change it.
For a long time, I thought I would love to change all the things I've been through. But now
I realize that if it hadn't been for any of those, then I wouldn't be where I'm at right now.
And I wouldn't trade where I'm at with my relationship with the Lord for anything at all.
Well, if we don't go through those things, then the sanctification process can't really happen.
Definitely. I mean, you wouldn't, if you didn't go through anything,
I mean, your faith wouldn't grow. Exactly. You would fly a line, you'd be stagnant.
And growth always happens in the valleys. And you would never know that he is actually helping pull you out of these situations because you wouldn't realize you were in a bad situation to begin with.
One, six, but let him ask in faith without doubting. For the doubter is like the surging sea driven and tossed by the wind.
That person should not accept, no, that person should not expect to receive anything from the
Lord. I always chose that verse too. I like that one as well. That's what we're talking about.
And they were all from James, all three of the ones that I was thinking about. Do you ever, when you finally get to the point where you go, all right,
I'm done, it's yours. Do you ever, cause I mean, okay, so God already knows.
He already knows what's gonna happen. He already knows that you're gonna get to that point where you're just like, all right,
I'm done, it's yours. But when it happens, like for me, I'm sitting there going, I wonder if he's like, finally.
Like, child, why are you like this? No, he already knows, let me tell you.
He already knows that how hard headed I am. So with that being said, there were,
I was living a way I shouldn't have been living many years ago, and many years ago, many, when
I was in my 20s. That's like five years ago, right? Thank you,
I love you so much. But still,
I had to basically be body slammed by the Lord. I mean, and if you've been body slammed.
Like a rooftop. Or if you've ever been, right, right. If you've ever been taken to the woodshed, you don't ever wanna go back to the wood.
The Lord's woodshed is not a good place to be because you come out and you're wooed.
But you know what? God punishes those he loves. Right, but still, it's not fun. It's not fun, but at least you know that he loves you.
Ah, girl, you must really love me a whole bunch. Because I've been in the woodshed more than once.
More than 10 times. You know, and it, I was gonna say something.
What? I've never left a room before, I haven't. I'm sorry, I always say this. Katrina just loves the station.
She's been running 10 laps, she's blazing her mind. Oh, I remember what
I was gonna say. I wonder, and this is just me wondering.
I wonder if he just kinda, like he already knows what's gonna happen, obviously.
But I wonder if he's sitting there going, all right, I'm just gonna wait. Just gonna wait until you decide to do this so that I can start implementing the things that I have planned.
Well, he already knows how long it's gonna take you to do what he wants you to do, or how long it's gonna take you to, he already knows all that.
But at the point, at the point that you're talking about, and at that state, I understand why you would feel that way because you yourself are going,
I should have done that a long time ago. Yeah, like when things just start falling into place, you're like, oh, that's all I have to do. Right, right, and then you're going, you could have told me that the whole time he actually is.
He was, he was like, hey, hey, hey. Right. Exactly. Do you get tapped in the arm?
34 years, y 'all, and I'm 42. Yeah, yeah, since, yeah, since my eighth birthday that I can remember plain as day, that, since that day,
I have been tapped on nonstop. I've been punched in the face. Yeah.
This year in eight months has been rough. I've seen it. She comes out with a black eye.
Oh, man. I've lost two. So, she's.
It's not a lot that I haven't experienced. I would say unfortunately, but maybe it's fortunately, we were so hot.
Look, the kid, he wanted to get in. She said. Yeah. I'm sorry, he's back there. He, yes.
He likes to get up there and clean himself. That's what he's doing right now. He says, it's my house.
Well, it's fine. He can do that. As long as he doesn't attack our heads, we'll be okay. Oh, Mercedes. Yours is sticking out kind of like with the color.
As long as the wind's not blowing it where it looks like something he wants to get involved in. I mean, I could like.
He's already dragged me across the room. Yeah, that was hilarious. Well, anyways.
So, this scripture is great. I think this ought to be a good, this ought to be a scripture that hangs on your mirror in your bathroom when you're posting them.
It definitely is. I mean, it's really something that you need to be thinking about every day.
And that's like you were talking about trials and testimonies.
The thing is, is that the first part of testimony is the word test. Right. And if you don't have any tests, then you don't have any money.
You don't have no money. What? That's the second time that I've been able to crack that joke and it gets me every time.
You don't have, if you don't have the test, you only have the money. And that's the same look you get.
I'm sorry, y 'all. I'm really sorry. Deja vu? Yeah. I mean, she said it too.
I know, and that's great. But still, if you don't get put through any tests, then you don't have any testimony.
How did I get these two to not eat? And they had to drive a long way to get here.
It's been well worth it. It has been well worth it. But anyways, what time is it?
Oh, it's time. Wow. It has been a - Oh, wow. Yeah, I'm telling ya.
When you get started, it's like, boof, you're done. Doesn't even feel like we've been talking.
This all started because Mercedes and I used to study every Sunday and we would meet either at five o 'clock, or we'd meet at four o 'clock or five o 'clock because then after that,
I would have a nursery and she'd go to Bible study or whatever. Accountability or whatever. I can't remember. I know we have accountability at five.
And we started studying together because she was wanting to make sure that she was accepting what was being shown to her through the
Word of God the right way. So that's how the study has started. Well, then
COVID hit. Good old COVID. Here we are, the traveling
Bible study. That's what I call this. And see, there's good in everything. Exactly, exactly.
Because I get to spend every Thursday with her. And then we get to - Well, and more people -
Get out happy one time. Most of the time, yes. And more people get to enjoy this than just the one sitting here.
So it's great. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, I understand and realize that we cannot sit there like Pastor Jeff does or like Pastor Josiah does and sit there and look at the phone and talk to it because I get tired of looking at myself.
So that's why I told Mercedes - I can help with that part. I said, I told
Mercedes, I said, we'll just do a Bible study. We'll just invite people to our Bible study. Well, you know, and it helps allow our guests to share a part of their testimony.
And that's why, you know, I told Vicki, I said, I'd much rather let them pick because a lot of times, whatever verse they're picking has got to do with something that they've gone through that has helped them get through that.
And so there's a piece of your testimony there. Right. It's a very personal -
Yeah, it would be hard to think that someone just grabbed a verse at random, just picked it for no reason.
Because, you know, you can read this over and over again and come out with something different, something new every time that you've learned or that you've come to understand.
Sometimes, depending on what it is that you're going through. Depending on your day. And right. Yeah, that's true.
And that's what's cool about the Word of God is that it's got layers.
Like peeling back an onion and it'll make you cry when you realize. Whoa. You're awesome. I was like crying.
I'm proud of you. You didn't cry this time. I try, I like to cry often, but when I do, it's not pretty.
Well, then my feelings are hurt because you didn't cry. No. You don't want me to cry. Trust me.
You don't believe me? Just ask some of the women at church. They've seen the ugly cry.
Oh. And I try to hide my face, but it doesn't work all the time. Like last
Sunday. You just gotta throw your hair over this way. That's what I did last Sunday. Last Sunday, we were praying.
It doesn't hit. We were praying and I got touched really deep about somebody that we were praying for.
Oh yeah. And all I could do was just bend over because I just felt this rush of emotion.
And I know that emotions aren't good, but it's just my heart breaks for them. And so I couldn't even pray.
But when I bent over, I immediately started praying for this person.
And Tara, the next thing I know, I look there and there.
She's sitting there. Underneath her there. Under Vicki's face. And I'm like, I can't get
Gwen to pray. Because by this time - And everybody's like,
Vicki, are you okay? What's happening? Vicki, are you fine? Everybody's like, I'm about to fall out. But it's just, you know, it happens.
So, you know, it just sometimes happens at the wrong time. Yeah. But I have feelings, believe it or not.
Sometimes people spring a leak and it just - Right. Sometimes we need a plumber. Yeah.
It's the moth. Right. But anyways, again, I want to thank you for having us out here tonight.
The drive was not that bad. No, it's really not. I did have somebody that talked to me on the way out here tonight.
So it was nice. It was a nice drive. Actually, when we do
Thursday nights, it's about the only time Mercedes and I can actually have one -on -one conversation about women's ministry. And I can't get interrupted by the telephone or anybody else when we're in my car on Thursday nights.
So we get a lot of planning and a lot of talking done. On the trip, because last week we were in Fayette County and we got a lot of chatting done during that too.
So, cause it's hard at church because we want to talk to everybody. But then again, there's things - Everybody wants to talk to us.
Yeah. Like you get pulled in every which direction. Right, right. But - It's cause you're popular cause you change hair colors every week.
Right, I wish I could keep up with her. I don't know. She's just like the cool kid in class. I'm just gray.
You can keep it too. But I want to thank y 'all for coming and joining us tonight. I hope we, I hope maybe there was some scripture read or maybe something that was discussed that you may actually be going through yourself or find yourself going through at some point in your life.
And hopefully you will be able to grab your phone or your Bible and look at James chapter one, verse 12.
It is, it's good scripture. And it's something that you really, I think I will go home and write it on a post -it note and stick it on my mirror because it is something that we need to remember daily.
Daily reminder. Daily stuff. Expo markers work better on the mirror.
Well, you know, my vanity mirror, where my make -up mirror is, is not this big. I don't have much of it.
Oh, I was saying about that. Thank you. Sorry. Anyways, you've been in my house. Yeah.
That's how we'll talk about that because it's messy. But anyways, I'm so, it's been a joy being here tonight.
Seth was going to join us tonight, but he was cutting the grass when we got here and now he said he had homework to do.
So we've cut him off and not let him, we didn't expect him to join us because homework is important.
Schoolwork over the Lord, apparently, in this day and age. Wait a minute, ma 'am. We didn't go that far.
I know I'm kidding, Diane. Let's open the Bible book. Right, I'm telling you.
But Rosetties, will you give them the information about the YouTube page? Yeah, all of our stuff that we've done each week is uploaded onto YouTube on Witten Media Ministries.
And it's really cool when you go back and you watch it, it's edited. So whenever scripture is read, like the main scripture that we read, it's always posted so you can read it as you listen to me reading it.
And you can watch all of them that we've done up until... Last Thursday.
Last Thursday. It should be put up there. Yeah, along with all the other stuff that Witten does.
Pre -recorded Oral Life, Pastor Jeff's Tuesday night stuff, his Sunday sermons, Pastor Josiah's Q and A's on Saturdays and Sunday night
Bible studies, Pastor Ben's timeout, Brother Andrew and his hymn histories.
So anytime you've missed anything YouTube, Witten Media Ministries, subscribe, like, hit the little bell thingy, it gives you notifications.
Yeah, it's really good. It's really good. If you haven't gotten on there and checked it out, check it out. Some people actually like to wait until it actually gets on YouTube before they watch it because they say that it's a lot better.
I don't know. I've watched them both ways. I don't see a difference in them. But then again, I find a lot of times it's like, if somebody has
YouTube Premium, they can lock their phone and still listen to it without it having to be unplugged. Oh. Yeah.
Oh, I don't have that. Well, you have to pay for it. Oh, I don't think I want that.
But anyways, so everything she said, if you need to go back and watch it again, we'll be done here in a minute, and you can go back and watch it again and write it down if you need to.
I hope that you've enjoyed this evening. We have really enjoyed this evening. It's been great. And thank you again.
And we will see you Sunday. Yes. We're having a bake sale. Yes, I'm making coconut cupcakes, apparently.
Coconut cupcakes? Well, I was going to do a coconut cake, but she said it needs to be individual. So I'm going to try to make a coconut cake into cupcakes.
Coconut cupcakes for real out there. I didn't know we was having coconut cupcakes. We're having them. Yes. So anyways, we're going to have a wide variety for everybody that goes to Whitten, or if you're visiting
Whitten, we're having a bake sale on Sunday. So none of us,
I think, are on a diet right now. I watch what I eat every time
I eat. Perfect, okay. We watch it go in our mouth. Yes. So again, thanks a lot.
And thank you again, Jennifer. You're welcome. And this has been a wild moment. And it was my pleasure. Have a good night.
Oh, whoa. Almost lost her. Sorry, guys. I did not mean to make you cease it. That was the photo, not me.