TIME OUT with Pastor Ben Talley - Proverbs 9:10


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Good morning My name is Benjamin Talley. I'm the associate pastor at Witten Memorial Baptist Church, and this is another time out
It is a lovely day today I believe we got thunderstorms coming, but hey, it's a good day to be alive in Jesus and It's another good day to dive into the scriptures and see what
God would have us to Learn and to understand about him, so our scripture comes from Proverbs 9 10 and It says this it says the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the
Holy One is insight So let's just dive in on that first part the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom A lot of people say you shouldn't fear God as of being scared of God I Would I would kind of disagree you should?
be scared of Him in a sense
You should be terrified Of the things that that he could bring upon you in disobedience
That should that should drive you away from doing those things so being being scared in a sense to where you're
Diving behind every bush and fear of every lightning strike and things like that that's that's a little unhealthy, but but a sense of awe and a sense of Respect and fear to where it drives you away from doing what's wrong
I Do think that is necessary? That's what it's talking about here.
He's somehow fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom the beginning of that fear of that all of that respect of that of that that that that that fear in your heart to to drive you away from from doing
Anything that is disobedient to him to think twice about your actions that kind of fear
Should it is a good thing Also a lot of people when they hear about the wrath of God they think oh well
God's not really You know God's not really gonna bring wrath on his people he loves his people you know
God will bring wrath on on this world We're safe from wrath his people are safe from wrath, but he will bring wrath on people disobedient people those who are in unbelief
Says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom That fear should drive us to have all and respect and acknowledge
God and and drive us to obedience out of love and and and and so I think
Our our theology shapes everything that we believe every every every way
I'm gonna let me word it like this our our theology shapes Everything we do
The way we act the way we talk the way we think it has a lot more
Dictation or or a lot more It has a lot more to do with with the way we live
Than what we really think it does it really has a Lot more impact on the way we live than the way we think it does
So it says the knowledge of the Holy One is insight I had a friend who
When he was a kid he viewed his his dad was a independent
Baptist and he would Man he would he would get beatings and just extremely legalistic dad
You know and and he viewed God as a combat boot You know
God was a combat boot to him and he would crush him at any moment So see that that theology of his was shaped at a young age
So he viewed God as a combat boot as a as a dictator
That would that would smash him at any moment for other people you know for For some people they they view
God as a distant relevant relative They're distant. They're indifferent
They rarely talk to him you know they they
Rarely spend time with them whenever they do talk to him. It's it's awkward you know
They some people view him as a cosmic Santa Claus, you know God They asked
God for all these things and then whenever he doesn't give him to him. They end up thinking
Oh, where where is God? Where is he when I need him you know, and then they end up turning away or Just rejecting
Christianity in general or any Religion and then, you know, we got those who believe that Jesus is some
Our God is some high in the sky lovely blue clouds
Cosmic Embodiment of Sugar candies and cotton candy loving
Father where everything is good. Everything is lovely All is great what's up,
Lisa and and and We can do no wrong and There's no wrath there's no judgment there's no
There's no Rebuke You know everything everything is love.
Everything is good. Everything is Positive You know everything like that and and that shapes their worldview and then something bad happened and it distorts everything so I Mean you have to see how theology really shapes
Someone's Belief What's up,
Lisa, so when he says the the the knowledge of the Holy One is insight
That means that the knowledge of the Holy One is is is understanding so He's saying that true knowledge of the
Holy One is understanding is Understanding. So when you have a true understanding of who
God is That he is love that he is wrath He does bring wrath on the unbelieving on the hateful on the on the mockers on The disobedient, you know,
I think I said that but on on the disobedient and he is just and he is
Righteous and he is kind You know if if you have an understanding of who
God is from the Bible And let that shape your theology Then you really can't go wrong, you know
Because it has you have to have a balanced view You know so many people want to go from one end of the spectrum and and say that God is nothing but good and lovely and and then they then they something bad happens and they're distraught and then you know, they go to the other end and say
God is Judgmental and he's a dictator and all this and they have a they have a wrong view of God You know, you really need to see the scriptures for what they say and see
God who for who he really is and it says the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom fearing the God of the Bible the true Holy One and the knowledge of him is
Insight this brings understanding. So where do we see this?
Well You know John Actually paints this picture
If we want to know God if we truly want to understand who
God is then you know a Disciple once put it this way in his book in his gospel in John chapter 9 when he who wrote the words of Jesus He wrote the words of Jesus.
He said Jesus said to him I am the way the truth and the life
And then he said in verse 99 verse 9 Jesus said to him Have I been with you so long?
You still do not know me Philip. Whoever has seen me Check that out.
Whoever has seen me has seen the father How can you say show us the father?
Jesus said if you've seen me you've seen the father That's who we need to shape our belief in God If you understand who the
God of the Bible is You'll understand who Jesus is if you understand who
Jesus is you'll understand the God of the Bible The God of the Bible and the
Old Testament is the same in the New Testament. Okay, so I just wanted you to have that understanding that the beginning of Wisdom is fear of the
Lord and the knowledge of the Holy One is inside. Let your theology of God shape your beliefs
Let your theology of God shape your life Shape the way you move shape the way you act shape the way you think and it will
But have a have an understanding from the Bible Not from your views not from the way you think
Not from not from the way you've been raised not from your experience but from what the
Bible says Get an understanding of who Jesus is Then you will truly know the
God of the Bible Because he says when you've seen the father You've seen me or when you've seen me you've seen the father
So guys get to know who Jesus is walk with Jesus today Get to know him read his word get into the
Gospels read the Gospels There's no there's no better way to understand
God than reading the Gospels reading the Word of God reading Reading and understanding who
Jesus is so in doing that You'll get a good concept and a good understanding of God and let that shape the way you believe
Let that shape the way you view God Because that can that can that can cause some devastating things especially in counseling
I see it a lot in counseling if If you have a detrimental view of God a wrong view of God, it'll affect the way you live
It'll affect the way you believe and it'll cause major problems But view God as though as the
Bible states get to know Jesus and have a right view of God Live holy lives
Pursue God with all your heart Love him with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself