5 Reasons Reparations Are Perfect For the Church!

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Eric Mason Fails to Make His Point With the Bible Soooo....  (Part 6)

Eric Mason Fails to Make His Point With the Bible Soooo.... (Part 6)

Reparations? They're perfect for the Christian church. All right, well
I hope you had a good Lord's Day yesterday. I sure did. I was actually on a short vacation over the weekend with three other families, all
Christians. We have like 14 -15 kids between us. The kids had a blast with each other.
We went boating, we went fishing, we went four -wheeling, all that kind of summer stuff. And then on Sunday we had a small service with our brothers, and it was fantastic.
It was just a great time. We worshiped the Lord, we sung songs together, we did all that kind of stuff outdoors.
It was just great. So I hope you had a good Lord's Day too. Before we begin, some of you have been reaching out to me about how you can support the channel.
Of course you can support it on Patreon, but if you're looking for a different way, one way is to purchase a
No Despair t -shirt. No Despair t -shirts are great because they do support the channel, plus they give you opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, because the reality is there is a concerted effort to put you in a state of despair in 2020.
And the reality is that despair has no place in the life of a Christian, because we have a good King. We have
Christ as our King. Christ is our Lord. Christ is our God, and he is good all the time, and he gives us reason for so much hope.
And despair is just the absence of hope. And so if you wear this shirt in 2020, and there's another variant that says
No Despair 2020. If you wear this shirt in 2020, people might ask you about why is it that you're wearing a
No Despair t -shirt, especially in a time of full of despair. And that's gonna open the door for a lot of gospel conversations.
So pick up a No Despair 2020 t -shirt today, and you can support the channel and the content that you love.
Now let's get into reparations. I'm gonna give you five reasons why reparations are perfect for the
Evangelical Church. And I was thinking again about reparations this week because of last week's video on Pastor John Onwuchekwa.
John Onwuchekwa used to be in the SBC. He recently left, and then I reviewed a story as SmoothAD where he actually took 200k from the
SBC. They gave him 200k to renovate his building like a year ago or less than a year ago, and then he bounced from the
SBC for being too racist. And it's like, that's a pretty weird thing. And it's kind of shady that he took money and then bounced.
And so people were saying, hey, you should give the money back. And his response was that almost like in a low -key way, you know, the
SBC owes me. And what he's hinting at is reparations because the SBC was involved in slavery, whatever.
And so he's like, I'm not giving this back. You kind of owe this. Morally, you should let me have it.
He didn't actually say that, but that's what he was referring to. And it's pretty amazing. It's perfect.
It's a perfect thing. And it's a scam that every black pastor can run on the SBC. I mean, they're feeling guilty.
So collect some of that white guilt cash and then bounce from the SBC, and they can't say anything to you because they owe you.
What are they gonna say? We don't owe you. I mean, they were complicit in racism. So it's a really interesting scam. But let me tell you why reparations is actually perfect for the
Evangelical Church. I'm gonna give you five reasons, and then we'll talk about these five reasons. So when it comes to the way reparations are called for today, there is actually no actual victim, and there's no actual perpetrators.
That's the first reason why reparations are perfect for the Evangelical Church. And the second reason is because there's no perpetrators, that means there's actually no crime either.
And so that's the second reason why reparations are perfect for the Church. The third reason is because there's no actual crime, that means there's no actual real punishment that needs to be meted out for the person that committed that crime.
And because there's no actual punishment, the number four reason, that means there's no actual resolution.
And then the fifth reason why reparations are perfect, because there's no actual resolution, that means the scam can be run again and again and again and again forever.
There's no way to resolve it because it's not actually a real crime, it's not actually a real punishment, it's not actually a real perpetrator, it's not actually a real victim.
It can just keep coming up, the scam can just keep being run, and it will continue to be run forever and ever and ever.
That's how it works. And that's why the reparations issue is perfect for the
Evangelical Church. Now you might be a little confused about this, and what I mean of course is that it's perfect for someone who's trying to manipulate the
Evangelical Church. It's a perfect scam because you can always run it and it doesn't matter.
If someone starts to give you reparations, you know that you've got a mark. If you're a scam artist, you've got a mark there.
It's a perfect tool for a troublemaker. It's a perfect tool. Reparations are perfect for someone who wants to use the
Evangelical Church for their own agenda. Let me explain what I mean, because in biblical restitution, because this is the scam that people run, right?
If you know my content, a couple years ago I did a one of my only interactions with actual real social justice warriors, and they were trying to run this play where they tried to make reparations mean the same thing as restitution.
And the reason why they were doing that is because restitution, that's actually a biblical principle. That's actually the biblical punishment for many things.
You pay restitution to make up for the crime that you committed. That's biblical. So if they can make reparations and restitution the same thing, if they can make it mean the same thing, then no
Christian can oppose reparations. But you see, it doesn't mean the same thing, because God's law actually has specific standards that it uses.
And the very first one is that there actually needs to be a real crime, and so what that means is there has to be a real victim and a real perpetrator.
And with reparations, there's no real victim and there's no real perpetrator, because the victims and the perpetrators of the alleged crime, you know, slavery, they died a long time ago.
So the only people that exist now are people that came from those victims.
They're descendants of the victims, descendants of the perpetrators. And so there is no real actual victim or real actual perpetrator.
And so all you have are descendants. And when all you have is descendants, then you've got a lot of new marks that really didn't do anything wrong, but you can extract money from because, as we know, usually your generations grow, right?
So you start with one person, and then he has some kids, and then they have some kids, and then they have some kids. And so your family tree gets bigger, like a pyramid kind of thing.
Pyramid scheme. It's not a scheme, it's just a family. And so when you don't have actual victims and actual perpetrators, and all you have is descendants of those victims and perpetrators, you've got a lot of sources of income if you're a scam artist, trying to run a scam on reparations.
And actually, the Bible specifically disallows that kind of thing. The Bible says that each man will pay for his own sins, his own crimes.
So you don't put to death the sons for the sins of the father. That wouldn't be fair. Every man is responsible for what they do on their own.
And so in a biblical system, you have to actually have a living victim, people that are there, and a living perpetrator in order to actually punish the crime.
But you see, in the reparation system, there is no actual victim and there is no actual perpetrator. So that means there is no actual crime being fixed.
And so if you notice, John Anwuchekwa was never enslaved. And so he's pretending like they owe him money.
But because there was no actual crime against John Anwuchekwa, they actually don't owe him money.
You see, this is why it's perfect. Because when there is no actual crime, you can always at any time claim that somebody owes you.
John Anwuchekwa can run this scam again if he wants to. He can run this scam again and say, well, the 200k, that was for one particular aspect of the injustice that my ancestors suffered.
And then there's other ones that, you know, they need to pay me as well. You see, that's why it's perfect. Because if there's no actual victim or no actual perpetrators, then you can just pretend to be a victim, pretend that there's certain perpetrators, and just pretend crimes.
I mean, you could just always at any time bring up reparations. And how are they going to say no? Once they've given you some money for reparations, then they got to give you more,
I guess. And here's the thing. The Bible actually doesn't allow this. Because you actually have to have and establish a certain specific particular crime with two or more witnesses in order to have someone punished for that crime.
And that's actually the third thing. Because in reparations, there's no actual crime. And so that means there's really no fair punishment for that crime.
If you look in the Bible, when you steal something, because that's really the crime of slavery, they stole your income, they stole your production, and all that kind of thing, right?
When you steal something in the Bible, though, it gives you a particular punishment that's appropriate, right?
So if you steal a sheep, then you have to pay back two sheep. If you steal an oxen, you have to pay back a certain amount of oxen.
So there's a punishment that fits the crime. That's where we get that idea where, you know, the punishment should fit the crime.
That comes from the Bible. The Bible has different punishments for different crimes. And the restitution owed goes up the greater the value of what you stole was.
And so we can see that, and we can understand that there's a certain punishment that's required for a certain crime.
But you see, with reparations, there's no actual crime. Nobody did anything to John Anwuchekwa, and that means that there's no actual fair punishment.
So John Anwuchekwa, yeah, he got 200k from the SBC that he feels like he's owed because of slavery, whatever.
But he could just say, well, that's not enough. That's not enough. I mean, there's no number that is actually enough, because we don't even know what the crime was, so how can we know what the proper punishment was?
You see, that's why reparations are perfect, because you can say whatever is owed, and how is anyone gonna argue?
I mean, what's the value of a human life, right? So if you get 200k, you could easily say, well, that's only a quarter of what
I'm owed, or that's only a tenth of what I'm owed. You see, when people talk about reparations, a lot of times they'll spit out numbers.
Oh, yeah, you know, two billion, two million, whatever it is, right? And the thing is, that's actually not necessarily a fair punishment, because we haven't even established what the crime is yet.
We don't even have victims or perpetrators, so how can we know that that will be enough? And the reality is, step four, this is why reparations are perfect, this fourth reason, is since there's no actual fair punishment, then there is no actual resolution.
And so John Onwuchekwa took 200k from the SBC. He feels like he's owed that for some reason, and God only knows why he thinks that.
But he could easily say, but I'm actually owed two million. And so therefore, the 200k, that's not resolution for the issue, because there is no resolution, because there is no actual fair punishment, you see.
And so that's why reparations are perfect, because it's never resolved. You see, in God's law, when you pay back what you owe, the matter is squashed.
You have made restitution. You're a full member of society again, right? So you take $200 from somebody, you pay them back $400 because of the crime, and then the matter is squashed.
There is harmony back. It's brought back. It's restored. You are restored. There's restitution that you've made, and you're restored to the assembly, right?
That's how it works. But you see, with reparations, there's never a possibility of resolution, because we don't even know what the punishment should have been, because we don't even know what the crime was, because we don't even know who the victims and the perpetrators were.
And so there is no possibility of resolution. Do you think, if you're really so naive to think that if Congress passed a two trillion dollar reparations package, right?
Let's just throw a number out there. Two trillion dollar reparation package. Do you think that people would stop complaining?
Absolutely not. They would not stop complaining. They'll never be satisfied. There's no hope of resolution, because we don't even know what the proper punishment ought to be.
So the resolution, it's off the table from the start. That's why reparations are perfect.
And so because there's no resolution, this is the fifth point. That means the scam can continue to be run again, and again, and again, and again.
Because this is part of James Cone's theology, by the way. Because as long as there's even one black person that does not agree that things are good now, that you're not racist, that you've paid for your crimes, as long as there's even one black person that agrees with that, then the scam just keeps going.
Then you're not atoned. That's part of James Cone's theology, and it's perfect for reparations, because you could pass a two trillion, make it 20 trillion, 20 trillion dollar reparations package.
Will everybody be satisfied? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Because nobody has any idea what the proper punishment should be for a crime that you can't even identify, with victims and perpetrators that they have no idea who they are, because they don't actually exist, because they're all dead.
So nobody knows how to do that kind of stuff, and so there is no hope for resolution. And because there's no hope for resolution, that means the reparations scam can continue to be run again and again and again and again forever, and that's why it's perfect for the evangelical church.
Because if you want to manipulate people, if you want to cause trouble and divide, if you want to use the evangelical church for your own agenda, for your own purposes, for your own reasons, then reparations is perfect, because there's no hope of solving it.
That's why we've seen this again and again and again. If you give any of these social justice warriors even one inch, the next day they will be asking for a mile.
And if you give them the mile, the next day they will be asking for two miles. And if you see where I'm going, there's no resolution because it's not an actual crime, and because it's not an actual crime, there's no actual punishment, and all of that kind of stuff.
There's no actual victims, there's no actual perpetrators, they're all dead, this is all in the past, this is all over. And so to even go down this road, to even take one step down the road of, you owe me because your grand granddaddy did something to my grand granddaddy, because you can never prove it, but let's just say even if you could prove it, once you take one step down that road, what you're doing is going down a road that's going to lead to never -ending strife.
God doesn't allow this, that's why God's law is so good, that's why God's law is so perfect, he does not allow the sons to pay for the sins of the fathers, that's off the table for a
Christian. I get why pagans are doing it, because pagans love troublemaking, pagans love envy and strife and covetousness, they hate the
Lord, they hate harmony. So I know why pagans do this, but Christians should not even take one step down the road of reparations, unless you hate the
Christian church, want it to be easily manipulated, and want it to be powerless in the face of a world of injustice.
See, reparations will only continue the injustice, that's the problem, this is a scam that has no end, this is a division and troublemaking that has no end, and so that's why if you're a manipulator, if you are a troublemaker, if you seek to divide the church, then reparations is perfect for you, it's the perfect scam to continue to run, and the
SBC is continued, it will continue to be in a position to be fleeced.
And I listen, I hope other people try this game, where they pretend to be in the SBC for a while, and then they get some cash from the
SBC for their funding, to fund their church building project, and then they bounce less than a year later.
I hope more people do it, so that the SBC will see what a scam that it is. It is a tool for never -ending strife, and so if you don't care about the unity of the church, then sure, let's talk about reparations.