What’s on Eli’s Kindle? A Look into my theology & Apologetics digital library!!!


Eli scrolls through his Kindle library!


All right, this is a random video that I figured might pique some people's interest
This is my Kindle. And so I thought it might be pretty cool to kind of let people know what's on my
Kindle what are the kinds of books I like to collect and read and I Have not read all of the books in this thing, but all of these books have served as it kind of really good
Point of reference for various topics that I'm interested in so you see the first two books there
I got the ESV the MacArthur study Bible the ESV study Bible I love
Christian Christianity and philosophy the counterpoint series. Those are really good a series where they have multiple theological
Perspectives that you know The authors will kind of debate and kind of lay out their case and there's cross -examination and things like that Really really good resource the counterpoint series
I'm a really big fan of John frame. He wrote this massive book a history of Western philosophy and theology, which is great
And of course, there's dr. Craig's and JP Moreland's philosophical foundations for a Christian worldview
I'm not gonna go through all of these, you know, but and there you go. I got some Wayne Grudem systematic theology, which
I really like not because it's the best systematic theology But but it is the most hmm
It is not convoluted in my opinion. It actually lays out all of the major Theological perspectives in a nice easy to understand way
Okay, whether whether one agrees with how he you know comes at things he comes from a Calvinist perspective
So people who aren't Calvinist might take issue with that, but I think I think Grudem systematic theologies is good
And let's see here. Well, you got tactics by Greg Koukl, that's an excellent book a game plan for discussing your
Christian convictions That's an a must -have if you're doing apologetics. It helps you navigate Conversations and things like that.
So that's that would prove very helpful And yeah, I've got a bunch of stuff here.
I wonder if there's anything in my library that I haven't Touched on at all Yeah, it's not sure
I like I like Here we go, there's the the Norman the collected essays of Norman Geisler, there's a volumes one through three, which is really cool
Scaling the secular city by JP Morland excellent book. He comes out of the apologetics from a classical perspective but I mean his stuff is excellent, especially his
His chapter on The argument For them for an immaterial mind or I don't remember the name of the well, let me just click in here
Let's see what we got here. So, let's see Moreland's book Let's see here table of contents.
Which chapter am I referring to? Oh, yeah, so chapter 3 God and the argument from mind is an excellent chapter
JP Moreland That's kind of his hotspot You know the philosophy of mind and things like that.
He has he's an excellent resource in that regard Let's see. What else do we have here? Oh, man,
I forgot I had some of these here Yeah, this is what it looks like Those of you who like the presuppositional apologetics,
I have some bonds in here Socrates or Christ excellent book Of course presuppositional apologetic stated and defended
We have all sorts of stuff here. I kind of just flip through here. You can kind of if anyone watching this screen share
Finds any of these books interesting. I mean, these are all available on Kindle These are the sorts of things
I like to read and interested in There we go kingdom of the cults or a kingdom of the occult that's actually different so Walter Walter Martin That's that red one here.
I'm gonna click on it and then click back out Walter Martin Has two books.
There's the kingdom of the cults right here And then there was the kingdom of the occult which I just Clicked before so Kindle does this thing where you click if you click in your library, it'll go straight to the top that's kind of annoying because then
I'd like to then I have to scroll through everything but Let's see here
Yeah, I got a lot of stuff here. So hopefully Looking through this if you're interested in apologetics and theology and stuff like that.
Maybe me scrolling through these books will Pique your interest and maybe you'd be interested in purchasing one of them
Ah, oh, yeah, so right here on the far, right You you have the Canon revisited by Michael Kruger, which is an excellent book on the development of the
New Testament Canon And how the books of the Bible came to be in our Bible. That's excellent.
Excellent book Anyone studying the issue of Canon I think will do well to get their hands on anything that Michael Kruger puts out
I don't know. Let's see here. Yeah a lot of stuff a lot of stuff here
Just scrolling through I mean There's a lot. There's a lot of books out there
You you want to find a book that caters to the specific area that you're interested in you can kind of go the
You know, you can kind of go the route of being the jack -of -all -trades but the master of none So you get a wide variety of books, but you really don't master anything or you can get a certain
You know books that cover certain topics and really focus on those areas where it will really sharpen you in that specific area
And that's a helpful way of going about it too. So you have to know your own context To know what's the best, you know, what's the best area to study and to engage in so I'm just scrolling here
Okay, nothing nothing too fancy All right, let's see here
Moving oh, yeah all the RC sproles stuff. Let's see here
And these are just my Kindle books I have like a like a little library of books of physical books That are in my office so I like books one up one of the biggest debates for me is
Which book what what do I prefer? Do I prefer Kindle books or physical books now?
I'm not gonna lie getting a physical book in the mail is It's quite exciting but I'm super impatient and so ordering books through Amazon and I get the pleasure of just getting it as soon as I click, you know purchase that's kind of a plus for me and I don't have to lug around a giant, you know,
I used to have a backpack that I would That I would wear when we went away on trips and stuff like that and I carry, you know, four or five books
I've really wanted to look through but that's kind of annoying, you know lugging books around so What I like about the
Kindle is Its note -taking features. So let me just go through the you know,
I'll just there we go. So that that's it for the Kindle So let me go back. Oh way to the top so what
I love about the Kindle is let's say We pick a book.
Okay, so Norman Geisler's Christian apologetics Okay, one of the most annoying things about physical books for me is highlighting.
So when you highlight, you know Or if you're trying to type notes from a physical book you kind of have the book off to your side and you want to make a note you kind of have to hold the
Book open or something like that and then type it's kind of annoying But in the Kindle books, you know, you obviously have the the highlighting feature, but then if you go to your notes right here
Okay, these are my notes these are my notes from chapter 1 all the way throughout the whole book, okay however, you have this feature up top where you can go straight to the specific chapter and Isolate that chapter.
So say if you see chapter 1 on agnosticism, it says there I have 66 notes 66 highlights.
So I click there and so this is just chapter 1 All of my highlights in chapter 1 so I could print these out
I can kind of send them to myself so you can go like this and make flashcards or email them to myself and put them in like a binder or something like that and it's perfect for like You know when you want to study or something like that.
So this is kind of a plus In terms of being better in my opinion than physical books in terms of study but again, it's it's an issue of preference of preference.
All right So that's about it that is my Kindle library and I hope
By scrolling through my library you found something of interest and maybe this brief little video
Inspires someone to you know, you pick up a book and start studying
Theology or apologetics or something like that. All right. Well, that is it and thank you for watching.