Understanding Satan's Mind | Justin Perdue

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What is going on in Satan's mind? His plan is foiled by the work of Christ and his death and resurrection. How should Christians understand Satan in a post-cross world? How does the evil one relate to the end times? Justin answers this and more.


Think about the way Satan operated when it came to the earthly ministry of Jesus. You realize Satan's powerful, but he's not
God He's not omniscient. He doesn't know everything. What's going through Satan's mind? He tempts Jesus just like he attempted
Adam and Eve You're familiar with this account and in every way that Adam had failed Christ is victorious
We know that praise be to his name But do you know what it says in Luke's gospel in particular at the end of Christ's temptation?
It says that the devil left him and waited for an opportune time fast forward about 18 chapters
And then we read as if from nowhere that Satan inhabits he enters Judas who's called
Iscariot and you know what happened then? Judas would betray Jesus this is
Satan at work. He's gonna foil the plan right the Garden of Gethsemane later that evening when
Jesus is arrested He says why are you coming out after me like a robber with as though I've done all these things I've been in the temple all the time and you've never touched me, but this is your hour and the power of darkness
That was the opportune time that Satan had worked for waited for jumped on it little did he know little did he know you wonder
What's going through his head as God the Son incarnate hangs on the cross? Did he think he'd won?
Little did he know That at that moment Jesus was bruising his head and that later on down the road the ancient serpent would be thrown into the lake of fire
Little did he know Jesus Has conquered and bound the strong man and he has set
God's people free But next Jesus has delivered us and set us free from the fear of the grave
These are all the reasons why you and I can have hope tomorrow when we're tying our shoes when we're getting ready to do whatever
It is that the day holds we have been set free by Christ Now from the fear of the grave, you know
Hebrews 2 14 and 15. It's refrigerator worthy because the children partake in flesh and blood
Jesus partook of the same thing Why so that through death? I'm the one who died and lived again, right?
So that through death he might conquer the one who has the power of death namely the devil
So that what so that you and I would no longer have to be subject to lifelong slavery the fear of the grave you know what
Paul writes in first Corinthians 15 that we bore the image of the man of dust and We will bear the image of the man of heaven will be like him death is
The last and final enemy. It's the greatest enemy in that sense, and you don't need me to tell you that death is harrowing
I mean if we were honest truth serums given to everyone in the room. Are you afraid to die? I trust many would say yeah,
I am This frightening but we know
We know that our Redeemer lives We know with Job right we can say
I know that he lives and he's gonna stand again on the earth And I will see him.
We will see him not with other but with these very eyes we will May it be
We've been set free by Jesus also from the dominion of sin the tyranny of it
Let me ask you this question you ever get weary of battling against your flesh You ever grow tired of that?
You ever get weary of having to fight for joy. I do
But there is a day come in Saints that because of Christ those battles will be over you realize this
There's coming a day when we will know nothing, but joy in his presence forever
Joy will no longer be something we fight for it will be our reality joy will be our resting heart rate and We won't be able to sin
That's a mind -blowing thought we won't be able to sin nor even better nor will
I even want to Nor will you? The end you realize is better than the beginning
We have gained more in Christ than we lost in Adam Christ has also freed us though from bondage to Satan.
We just were hearing about the spiritual realm I don't know that we think enough in these terms. We were enslaved to the evil one and Christ has set us free the great adversary the great enemy of God's people
Sinister and manipulative and shrewd and powerful from the beginning a liar the great accuser of the brethren