Collin Hansen Sounds Off on Jen Wilkin (TGC Style) - Part 2

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She'll Destroy You If You Let Her - Jen Wilkin - Part 3

She'll Destroy You If You Let Her - Jen Wilkin - Part 3

All right everybody, all right everybody, all right everybody. Last video for the week, we're going to continue with this
Jen Wilkin thing. Man, last episode just ended on such a surprise, just such a welcome surprise.
We had Colin Hansen over here, you know, in the moment correcting
Jen Wilkin on her complete and utter nonsense. And, you know, obviously, you know, and there's so many layers to this.
Like Colin said, you know, hey, you're, you know, you said that the solution wasn't an elder board, but what about Moses?
You know, Moses, you know, God gave him an elder board. And that's actually, you know, when you think about it, that's actually more, that's a better analogy than, you know,
Adam alone at the beginning of time kind of thing. It actually applies more directly,
I would think, to this situation. And so, I mean, I was not expecting that.
I was expecting Colin to just say nothing because either he agreed with it or he just, you know, he knew it was stupid, but he's not going to tell a woman it's stupid on Women Appreciation Day.
How could you do that? But he did it and he didn't call it stupid, but he essentially did.
And I got to take my hats off to that guy one more time for Colin. I have a feeling it's not going to happen again, but he did it and you got to give him credit.
I'm all about giving credit where credit is due. I'm not going to say the Gospel Coalition's good now, and I'm not going to say that Colin Hansen's good now, but you got to give credit when it's deserved.
And I'm going to give Colin Hansen all the credit in the world that he did correct, you know,
Jen Wilkin. Now, Jen Wilkin tries to shut it down, like she tries to reassert her dominance in this situation.
And I really do feel like that Jen is really the dominant presence in this interview, which is so weird and unbecoming and all that kind of stuff.
But she does it in the stupidest possible way. Like what she tries to, you know, kind of clap back with is really just kind of contradictory to what she said in the first place and really doesn't help her point at all.
But it just really goes to show you the dynamics here. But I got you got to be proud of Colin Hansen.
I'm proud of him. Colin, if you watch this, I'm proud of you, buddy. I really am. I cannot say that.
I cannot stress that enough. But but hey, you know, look at this.
We're up to ninety nine views in six days and I'm sorry, nine hundred and ninety nine.
We've almost got a thousand views. That's pretty good. I mean, listen, you get a thousand views.
That's nothing. It's not easy to get a thousand views. Now, of course, when you have two hundred and eleven thousand subscribers and six days ago, you drop a video that has less than a thousand views as of right now.
That's not so that's no bueno. That's not really good engagement there. I think the
Gospel Coalition's YouTube channel is is dying. Anyway, let's continue.
Enough giving Colin Hansen credit for anything. An article that was written that talked about how
Genesis chapter two is showing us this beautiful picture of male female difference.
But if you look at what Genesis chapter two is doing, basically, Adam is shown a parade of animals that go in front of him who have been each created according to its kind.
And so I actually have a secret pet theory that that's potentially the animals going by two by two, as they will in another section in Genesis, because he looks on them and every time an animal goes by and he's giving them names, he's basically categorizing them.
He's thinking that one's not like me. That one's not according to my kind, not according to my kind. And then when Eve is created, he sings a hymn to sameness.
He says, bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Esau because she came from Ish.
In other words, she shall be like me because she came from me. And so when we don't start with what we share, we have a tendency to overfocus on difference.
And anytime you overfocus on difference, you're going to push people away.
You're going to objectify people. This is what happens in other settings where I look at you and say, we have nothing in common.
It's easier for me to push you down, to see you as just completely other than me.
And the cultural narrative is men are from Mars, women are from Venus. The Genesis narrative is men are from the same garden created by the same
God tasked with the same cultural mandate and made in the image of God together.
So our differences matter. And in a day and age where differences are what are under attack, it's understandable that we would talk about them.
But when we lose sight of sameness as the starting point, I think we devalue women in that conversation.
Man, it's like one of the hard things about, you know, reviewing or responding to something
Jen Wilkins says, it's that it really is a stream of complete nonsense.
It's like there's a thousand different ways to attack what she says, because pretty much every word is just a stream of consciousness and there's not a whole lot going on up there.
You know what I mean? Like, it's just it's just I saw someone called Kamala Harris, you know, 85
IQ, which I think is unfair to George Costanza. That's George Costanza's IQ, 85, 85.
Well, hello, Professor. 85
IQ, IQ, man, but and I do think that Jen Wilkins is actually she's not low
IQ. I don't think that she is, but but she's got she's got wrong beliefs and she's got to defend them somehow, you know, because she really desires her feminist views to be correct.
And she's got to defend them somehow. And when you're trying to defend something that's wrong, you're going to come up with a lot of crazy, wild stuff.
And so there's always a thousand ways to attack it. So you get like a one minute clip of her and it's like, I'm going to like,
I can't attack at all. But one thing I thought was interesting in that rant of hers as she corrects
Colin Hansen. And look, Colin is Colin. Look at his face. He doesn't even he doesn't know where to begin, either.
I look, Colin, I feel you, buddy. I feel I got a kindred spirit here in Colin Hansen, because Colin Hansen, he needs to present this in a good light.
But this is a face of like, man, what is she talking about? What in the world is she talking about? But anyway, one thing
I thought that, you know, I've heard her say this before, too. You know, the cultural the culture is saying men are from Mars.
Women are from Venus. You know, they're just so different. The culture is always focused on the differences. But the biblical view is focused on the sameness.
You know what I mean? It's the sameness. And I got to be honest with you. What planet are you on,
Jen? What freaking planet are you on? The culture is focused on the differences.
Are like how how opposite of what's real and true and what's obviously in front of our face.
That's like looking up at the sky and being like, wow, you know, the culture is the sky is obviously green. The culture says it's blue, but I mean, like it's so it's unbelievable.
How could you be that wrong? How could you? Well, here's how you'd be that wrong. She's got these beliefs that she needs to push through and she's got to push them through any way she can, so much so that she's going to tell you with a straight face and very satisfied with her with herself here.
Look at this face of satisfaction that the culture is focused on the differences between men and women.
I don't even have to give you the litany of things I could give you to show you how that's obviously not true.
It is obviously not true. It's obviously not true.
I'll give you one. This is just one kind of big area of that. It's just so obviously not the case.
Every hero from the past, from our movies and from our comic books and from our culture, it has been one by one being replaced by women as if it's no big thing.
James Bond's going to be a woman. 007 is going to be a woman because obviously the culture is so focused on the freaking differences.
How out of your mind could you be? This is insane what she's saying. It's not correct.
It's not true. It's obviously not true. This is equivalent to the to the party telling you how many fingers am
I holding up? And you've got to say three somehow. But you can see
I can see there's two. It's this two fingers, but you've got to somehow make it say three and you can't lie.
It's not good enough to lie. You don't know if you're lying. So you've got to tell them how many fingers are there. Holy smokes, what can you say?
Honestly, what can you say? I don't know what to say. Colin doesn't know what to say. He's looking in the distance like,
Michael, you can't believe what this broad is going to say. What is he going to say now?
Now, listen, listen, I I underestimated Colin before.
So let's maybe he can come through in the clutch, maybe he will have something to say. He's obviously willing to correct
Jen Wilkin, the great Jen Wilkin. He's done it. He has just gotten done doing it.
He's done the thing. And now Jen has corrected him and went on another insane rant. Can he do it?
Can he go two for two? This is this is going to be impressive if he does. Let's see what happens. I really don't know what's going to happen.
I think, Jen, you highlight a couple of things there. Interesting, the men are from Mars, women are from Venus question.
Is he doing it? That is a dominant cultural narrative, but it's alongside the other cultural narrative that you just you just identified there.
So there are some that push us in the we're different and there are some that push us in.
We're basically the same. We're interchangeable in there. And those can all be overlapping. I guess it helps us to see that we shouldn't be calibrating the biblical teaching to counterbalancing a biblical, a cultural narrative because the
Bible itself is the norm. Right. The Bible itself. He actually did it again. I mean, he did it in a winsome way.
And you can't you can't listen. A leopard can't change his spots. A leopard can't change his spots.
An Ethiopian can't change his skin. We all know this. It's in the book. So he's going to be winsome.
And one of the ways of winsomeness that you need to understand is that if you're going to disagree with someone, you first have to agree with them and then prove that you don't agree with them.
It's very weird. It's very it's off -putting. I don't like it. And it happens all the time.
It happens in public conversations like this. It happens in private conversations like this. I can't tell you how many conversations
I've been in where, you know, it's contentious, we're disagreeing. And the other person, because they're winsome, will say, oh, you know, we're really saying the same thing.
We're just kind of saying it in different ways. And I look at them and I'm wondering, have you been in the same conversation that I've been?
We're not saying the same thing. I mean, it's OK. I mean, you don't have to say the same thing as me.
Like, we don't have to agree on this. It's totally cool to just sit in the controversy and sit as as opponents on this issue.
I can still be your friend, but that's the winsome way. You've got to say you agree, even as you don't.
He says, yeah, you know, it is one of the dominant cultural narratives. And then in the next breath, he's like, but it really isn't.
Really, there's this other one about how we're the same and how, you know, women can be admirals, too.
You know what I mean? Why not? Women can women can pilot, can be captain of the ship, too. It's just as good.
Why not? We see it in the movies. Remember Admiral Holdo from the second new
Star Wars movie where she's wearing a lady's nightgown, has pink hair and, you know, she's the admiral. Yeah, sure.
That that makes perfect sense. But I just can't.
I got a man. Maybe I maybe I just got I'm all wrong about Colin because, listen, he didn't do it the way
I would hope he would do it. But he basically did it. He basically did it. And he makes a great point in in his refutation, if you want to call it that.
I'm going to I'm feeling generous. I'm going to call it a refutation. This is the second in a row refutation from Colin Hansen.
And that that look that he gave to Michael Kruger was like, this girl's crazy. That was right on, man.
I'm reading his body language like I'm on point with that. I'm on point with that. But he makes a great point.
Don't miss it. He said, yeah, yeah, you know, you're right about the women in Mars and Venus, but you're actually wrong because the culture is talking about the sameness.
By the way, this is a good point to bring up. We don't have to just counterbalance things.
We've got a word from the Lord on this. Like God, God has told us what's what God has told us about this.
Now, obviously, I understand that Colin is not going to maybe I shouldn't even say that. Maybe I shouldn't even say that because he surprised me twice.
What I was going to say was he's not going to actually believe the scripture as robustly as he can about men and women, about sexuality.
But maybe he does, maybe he will, because I've underestimated him. Well, just once because I I gave him
I gave him time the second time because I didn't want to be fooled again. By his parents, man, maybe you really can't judge a book by its cover.
I've always been of the opinion that actually you can't judge a book by its cover. I mean, that's that's why it's there. So you could judge the book by it.
But but, man, I'm impressed. I am I am I crazy to be impressed by by Colin Hansen here?
Let me know in the comments if you think that this is another example of old, you know, gullible
A .D. being impressed by nothing. Maybe it is. I don't know. But man,
I'm just I'm just very impressed. And Michael over here, look at his body language.
He's he's nervous because he's I think he's a he's a smart guy. He sees what
Colin's doing. He's basically saying, Jen, dude, twice in a row, what are you talking about?
There's never going to say it that way. But in their way, in the in the winsome gospel coalition way,
Colin Hansen two times in a row has said, Jen, what are you on about?
Man, I'm impressed. I'm impressed. Is telling us what we should be doing.
It's a beautiful story. Beautiful story. And so we shouldn't it shouldn't be enough for us to say, well, the world's saying this.
Therefore, we should say that. Well, the world will say this and that. But the Bible says this and this is what
God wants us to emphasize. Their last part was was a little bit more aggressive to man.
I'm not I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to sit here and be fooled by Colin Hansen like permanently.
But in this conversation, he came in and he was ready. And and I had zero expectations.
In fact, maybe I did have expectations. There were very, very negative expectations based on the how he started this, this whole thing.
But man, I I underestimated him. I really did. He's I'm like the
Phillies and he's like the Mets. And I I'm underestimating him. You know what I mean? Wow. Wow.
What can you say? I mean, that was that last part was real aggressive, like like this is essentially what
Jen was kind of saying earlier, and he doesn't address this to Jen because he can't, of course, directly directly address it to her.
That would be not that wouldn't be winsome. But he's saying, look, we can't we can't play this game where the culture saying this.
So we're going to say this. Now, I do think that if the culture is saying something, you may want to be emphasizing certain things in response to the culture.
You know what I mean? Because that's that's where, you know, if the culture is on fire, you need to bring the water hose.
If the culture is underwater, that same water hose isn't going to do any good. You're going to need to bring some sandbags or something or I don't know what you bring to stop a flood.
Like you need to adjust your emphasis sometimes based on what's going on, like what the context is,
I do think that but you're right, the message doesn't change. The content doesn't change. Yeah, yeah, man.
Wow. Impressed. Very impressed. Related to that, I do want to find out what you guys think about gender specific spaces.
Let's talk about. Let's go back a second here. I he he changes the subject or he kind of like moves on and again,
I've got a low bar for for for for Gospel Coalition affiliated people, but in the low bar, he cleared it.
He basically said that's that and he's going to move on. Doesn't give Jen an opportunity to respond.
And Jen's body language. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it did not look she was not pleased.
She was not pleased. And then she smiles in a minute like but I think she's getting her composure.
But this body language here is a woman who's not pleased. She was just contradicted two times by Colin Hansen in a row.
In a row, the first time she tried to to clap back, then Colin clap back to her, clap back and then change the subject.
Wow. You got I'm telling you guys, listen, I maybe I'm naive, but but I think you need to give hats off again.
Let's just take it off. You know, my Puerto Rico hat. You got it. You got to hand it to him.
That was really good. Very impressive. I was not expecting that to happen. Wow. Wow.
Tell me if you think I'm an idiot or if I'm naive about this. I mean, maybe I am. I don't know. I haven't seen what happens at the end, but so far, pretty good.
To find out what you guys think about gender specific spaces, let's talk about now female specific spaces here.
Is that still is that still valuable in this environment? I mean, we're talking about how they must work together.
But is that still a place that we should be encouraging? Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, I don't think a female only space, therefore, is a zero sum game.
Like if if I have a female led space and campus ministry and being impaired church is often the case, but we always congregate and come together and do fellowship together.
So I really wouldn't understand why you would bifurcate the two and keep them separate. I would think that the benefit would be of having a female led space.
And I just don't like I think, again, this is an invented problem. Like I don't and I don't believe this is really a problem where what sounds like they're talking about is complete segregation, a female only space and a male only space.
And there's no fellowship together. That's what she said. That doesn't exist. It just doesn't exist.
A female led space. Now, she might she might that might be a real thing where there's really not a lot of female led spaces.
But when you think about it. Where are those in the Bible? I mean,
I mean, I'm sure they had, you know, gatherings and there was probably one that was like maybe a little bit more mature in the faith than others.
But were they learning the deep things of theology at those times? I mean, that's not doesn't seem what the Bible seems to indicate.
The Bible seems to indicate that they were teaching the women to love their husbands, love their kids and and these kind of things so that the word of God would not be blasphemed.
I mean, it's just missing. I mean, so I don't know. Let's let's continue. Space would be the vulnerability and the maturity and the ability to be able to see a woman model her vulnerability in a way that's safe.
But then also you being able to also share and grow in that space. However, in the presence of men, that's not always as is accessible for different reasons and may not be as comfortable.
So I do think a female led space and female only space has its benefits. And it is pretty, I think, foundational.
Would have been better to ask. The first question to be asked would be about men only spaces. That would have been better because, of course, they're going to be like, oh, yeah, female only spaces, of course, you know, because, you know, that's their whole schtick.
They're feminists. But it would have been better if Colin asked the question in the opposite way to see what they would have said.
Because I now that they now that they've said what they've said about women only spaces, they kind of have to agree that, you know, men only spaces are
OK, too. But if they would have started with men, it would be it would have been interesting to see how that would have kind of colored the conversation.
I mean, I don't know what they would have said, but it would have just been interesting if he asked it the other way. Well, it's great.
You got to you got to you got to hand it to Colin. I mean, he's just done two good things in a row. I mean, you know, that would have been pretty, pretty shrewd if he did that.
This point as well, I think I love the gospel coalition. I love the work that's being done. I think the downfall sometimes is in female spaces.
We oftentimes only go to, like you said, the Jim Wilkins, the Jackie Hill Perry's or the other big names because we don't have access to women in our local congregation because those women aren't being trained or equipped to be able to know how to successfully mentor other women.
And those women, the older women are oftentimes intimidated. So I think that space needs to not only be there, but needs to be cultivated by the pastor and be resourced so that the women have a better opportunity to grow and flourish in their local settings, as well as like national platforms and settings.
Yeah, I mean, I would add to that. It's not just whether there's distinctive female space, but what's the content of it? What's the nature of it?
What's this? What's the what's the purpose of it? I mean, it's funny to ask that. That's actually a good, a good point, because, as I said in the last video, we have a direct word of the
Lord on this one. You know what I mean? We have a direct word from the Lord on what the older women should be teaching the younger women to do.
And it's not exegesis. I mean, it just isn't. It's not exegesis.
It's not hermeneutics. It's not, you know, you know, systematics. You know what
I mean? It's not that. OK, so, yeah, what's the content? That's a big, important question.
In fact, you know, I anyway. Yeah, let's just continue. I'm sitting here at the
National Conference, the Women's National Conference. This is distinctively a female space. And, you know, Collin, I walk around with 9 ,000 other women here.
Acutely. Thank you for joining us in the estrogen pond. Yes, I couldn't find one, so they got taken over.
But but no, I think that's entirely legitimate. The question isn't whether groups do that, because I think you have men's ministry, women's ministry, youth ministry of other kinds.
The question is, what is the what is the purpose of it? Right. And the idea that it's just simply, well, we're going to teach men theology, but we're going to let our women just go and socialize.
And we're going to teach, you know, our men theology. But let the youth, as another example of a of a broken off group, go and just play games all the time.
I mean, any subgroup needs to be evaluated in terms of what we're trying to do there. And so discipleship has to be the centerpiece of all that.
Now, that's not to say you seem like there's no reason that there should be different content in different groups.
We're going to teach the men theology and we're just going to let the women socialize. Well, obviously, those are not the only two options. But that's what he says.
We're going to let the men teach the men theology. Let the kids play as if that's some kind of bad thing. Why is that a bad thing?
Why is that a bad thing? Why? Let's just think about this for a second. Why would you teach the men theology and maybe not the women and the children in the same way?
Why would you do that? Why? Probably, you know, probably for a similar reason to why a man might want to do some aggressive weight training and maybe some combat training or something like that.
You know, some kind of Muay Thai or something. Muay Thai, I just picked that one out of the air. Muay Thai, maybe why you would want to treat a man how to throw hands and maybe not a kid or a woman.
Because it corresponds to their job. Their job as fathers is to teach their children, is to teach their wife, is to lead their wife in spiritual things, in physical things, in, you know, and protect their wives.
You know, and, you know, like there's reasons why you would want to do that. The women are supposed to be taught certain things.
That's true. And there's nothing wrong with a woman learning theology. But what does the Bible say if she has a question?
Ask her husband. So wouldn't it make sense for her husband to be knowledgeable of such things? Wouldn't that make sense in the ideal situation?
And now I know there's always situations where the husband's not interested. The husband's not. Maybe he's not even a
Christian. Well, obviously, that's not an ideal situation. So I'm not going to talk about the exceptions. But wouldn't there wouldn't it be appropriate given everything the
Bible says about women in the church, children and parents and all this? Wouldn't it be appropriate to have men have some more theological training than women?
Wouldn't that make sense? Like if a man if we're at wartime and men, you know, they're likely to go to war soon.
Wouldn't it make sense that we would have training for men to go into combat and not have training for the women and children to go to combat?
Because they're not going to go to combat. The men are the men are. So, of course, is going to be a different in content.
They've got different functions. I thought we were all complementarians here. They've got different functions.
So, of course, their their their lesson plans, their their curriculum is going to be different.
Again, it's like like why did God make this rule?
We said we asked the question last week. Is it just a random rule that there's really no reason? It's just God wanted to see if he wanted to, you know, if they would listen.
No, it's because he made men to do certain things. There are certain responsibilities. There are certain things that the man is required to do that a woman is not required to do.
And he didn't create them to do that. He didn't give them the faculties to do that. And so when they go and do it, it's not like the movies.
Admiral Holdo in the movies is not what normally happens when a woman decides to be an admiral.
That's not the way it works. I mean, you can fight against nature all you want, but eventually nature is going to have the last word.
It's as simple as that. How God created things is going to have the last word. It's very frustrating because you got to assume these guys know better.
They call themselves complementarians. And obviously a lot of my friends, you know, the patriarchy guys would say, well, that's just, you know, that's just egalitarianism with a little bit more fidelity to the
Bible. But it's still the same thing. And it really does come across that way. It really does come across that way.
Yeah, sure, the children learn theology mostly from their fathers. That's the ideal situation. So, of course, that's what that's where you'd probably want to spend your time training the fathers.
I, I, yeah, yeah. Do I want to continue? Let's continue a little bit.
I want all those groups cordoned off all the time. We found this problem at the seminary level at RTS. We realized that kids are going to play.
That's how they look. That's how they learn. That's what their job is. When they're kids, they're supposed to be playing.
That's what they do. You know, and yeah, it's good to have kids do some work, too. I mean, my kids do things and they learn and they learn the catechism.
They, you know, they they learn in a kid way. But most of the time they're playing. They're doing stuff.
They're pretending that just the other day I went to my my my basement and I said, oh, hey,
Ezra. And Ezra said something like, hi, I'm from the mines of Hyrule. You know, it's pretending to be some kind of thing.
I don't know. Something from Zelda. That's that's normal.
That's what they should be doing. Well, you got to separate the kids and they like.
Because seminaries, mostly men, when we have a women's only ministry at the seminary, it can sometimes even exacerbate the problem because they feel even more isolated.
Yeah. So what we tried to do is do both. What are women doing? What are women doing at seminary? I mean, this this is a question.
This is a fundamental question that I think is worthwhile asking. What are they doing there? What are what is seminary for?
Right. What is seminary for? Why do they exist? And if you answer the question, why seminary exists, the next logical question is,
OK, what are you doing there as a woman? It's very like this conversation is like, you know, a few steps up where it should be like this is a more fundamental question.
It's a more fundamental question. What is a man? What is a woman? What is ministry like?
That's the real question. If you want to have a productive conversation here, that those are the questions you need to be asking.
It's way more fundamental than what they're trying. They're they're they're talking X's and O's. But really where they're at, where this conversation is at, what it really needs to be about is how do you play football?
What's the point? What is the point of football? It's not about blocking schemes right now.
Like we're not at that level yet. We're we're still at the foot. What's the what's the goal of football? That's where we're at.
What what sense does it make when people are confused what the goal of football is to talk about blocking schemes and gaps and gaps like that makes no sense to talk about that stuff if you don't even know what the goal of football is.
I'm going to stop there. That seems like a good stopping point. Apologize in advance. Well, not in advance.
I apologize after the fact for all of you non -sports fans out here. The A -gap and the B -gap stuff, that's that's more advanced minutiae for people that are playing football, as opposed to something that a regular fan would know.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. I'm going to get back to this next week, most likely. Let me know if you think
I'm just a naive idiot for thinking Colin Hansen did good there, because I do think he did good there. I'm not going to walk back.
I'm not going to walk that back. He did good. He did pretty good there. And I got to say, I'm proud of him.
Hope you found this helpful. God bless. Fuego, mi amor por ti es puro fuego.
Fuego, fuego es mi amor por ti.