What does God Demand from Us? | Theocast Clips

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In this clip from, "Intro to Law and Gospel Distinction," Jon and Justin discuss the major differences between the Law and the Gospel as presented in the Bible. Notably, what God requires from us in the demands of the Mosaic Law versus what Christ accomplished for us in his work of Salvation in the Gospel.


The flip, the way to negatively say this, is the do this and live schema of the law, in a negative sense is don't do these things and go to hell.
First of all, the law. The easiest way to understand the law is that it's a command. They are commands to do something.
So anytime you hear a command, you can understand that that is a law. And I know that this can be hard for people to understand because when we think of law, it's hard because the
Bible uses the word law in multiple ways, which we're going to get into more in our third episode. So stay tuned for that for a full explanation.
But for this scenario, when the Bible speaks of the law, whether the
Old Testament, the five books of the law, the Mosaic law, whatever, we do understand that it is representing a command, something not suggested, but something that is commanded, that one must do.
And we've learned from Jesus, which we'll talk about here in a moment, that Jesus says, what does the law say to the lawyer?
Not one of legal, but of the actual one who knows the Mosaic law. What does he say to the lawyer? And the lawyer says, love
God, love neighbor. And he says, do this and live. And so the completion of the law is this.
We understand that the law represents righteousness. For those who obey the law, they are demonstrating they are righteous.
They can be considered righteous. The gospel is the opposite of the law in that there is no commands in the gospel.
There is no do in the gospel. Sometimes we forget that gospel literally means news.
That's what it means. It means a declaration of what has been done. So the other way we can say this is a promise fulfilled.
So you have a command to be done, a promise fulfilled, or do versus done.
And here's what is the promise that was fulfilled. The promise was that where Adam failed and now fell into sin, he failed to be righteous and fell into sin.
The promise is Christ succeeded to be righteous and removed our sin by taking it on for us.
And there's nothing left to do. He sits at the right hand of the Father as our great high priest and mediator.
Those who by faith in Christ trust that, the good news is they can be considered righteous and without sin.
So that's the gospel. And then there's nothing to do. If you ever hear someone say there's the command of the gospel or the imperative of the gospel, there's something for you to do.
There's a confusion there because the gospel is clearly this, a promise fulfilled.
It is done. It is news. Justin Perdue I'm going to go ahead and take my pass at this and just maybe reiterate some of the things that you said in my own words.
Sometimes this is helpful for people, especially if this is a new concept. It's good to hear it from a couple of different voices articulated in slightly different ways.
So yes, the law of God, like you said, is the revelation of God in the
Scripture in terms of what He requires for righteousness. The law we agree, in particular the moral law, is a reflection of God's holy character, and it reflects and communicates to humanity what
God requires in order to be righteous in His sight. God would look at a person and pronounce him or her just.
The law is an exacting standard. It is perfection in terms of what it requires.
God requires that we would love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves. That is the summary of the law according to the
Lord Jesus Christ. That is the first and second table of even the Ten Commandments, the first four commandments having to do with our love to God, the second latter six commandments having to do with our love of neighbor.
We need to do these things perfectly. As Jesus communicated in the Sermon on the Mount, this is not mere external conformity.
This is at the level of thought, at the level of motivation, desire, affection, everything.
Have you done this is the question. This is a do -this -and -live formula like you just referenced,
Leviticus 18 .5. Whoever does these things will live by them eternally. The flip, the way to negatively say this, is the do -this -and -live schema of the law in a negative sense is don't do these things and go to hell.
That's it. You do it or you don't do it. You're either blessed eternally or you're cursed eternally based on whether you've kept the law or not.
The gospel, on the other hand, has no imperative, no command pertaining to what we need to accomplish whatsoever.
The gospel is entirely and only about what Jesus Christ has accomplished in our place that is then given to us by grace, received through faith.
Whenever we hear about what we're to do for righteousness, that's law in the Scripture.
Whenever we read, hear about what's been done for us and is given to us by God via promise and grace and faith, that's gospel.