Shootin' from the Hip - The Angel of the Lord


Shootin' from the Hip - The Angel of the Lord


So gentlemen, yes, sir, who's the angel of the Lord I'd say was
Jesus I'm gonna have to agree with you. Jesus Christ and I can't argue that one.
I'd like to show you Why I think that May I begin in Genesis 22?
Okay, and then you wanted some Zachariah Zachariah 3. All right, let me start the Genesis 22. I mentioned this the bill a while back
Okay, Genesis My eyes on 20 You know
I'm such a dork. I only ever tell people the chapter because if I don't
Like I didn't mean Genesis chapter 20 verse 2. I meant Genesis chapter 22, right? That's why
I never give the verse at the beginning because people get confused by that And I'm the only person that thought of that but I'm gonna say it again
That's why I do it All right, so background Genesis 22
We have Abraham and Isaac and we all know this account Yeah, some really cool things that I missed for a long time
I'm sure you two smarter than me probably are aware of it. Anyone watching around made me not but It wasn't just Abraham and Isaac that started walking there were two servants there
I want to talk about them for just a minute if I may The Bible says
That it took about three days for them to walk there to this mountain. Mm -hmm. I Don't think that's a mistake by the way
That the son was gonna be sacrificed on the third day, right? We'll get there in a minute Rose up.
Yeah. Okay. Anyway, he rose up. Okay. All right. All right. That's enough. Okay Add to my study of threes, this is what
Abraham said and I once had an unbeliever tell me this and I at least see his point
He said Josiah from my vantage point Abraham had the most faith of anyone in the entire
Bible That's okay. Why he goes. Okay. Well Jesus for example knew the end
Okay God told Paul what was gonna happen. God told
Moses what was gonna happen God told Abraham two things at the same time one.
He told them your Seed will be traced through Isaac to go kill
Isaac Okay, yeah You read they're walking for three days they're eating together sleeping together.
The only person who knows Isaac's about to die is Abraham There's two young men with them in verse 5
Abraham says to the young men stay here with the donkey and I'm the lad. We'll go over there.
We will worship and return to you. I Don't think Abraham was lying right there
We're gonna go worship and We will return
I Believe simultaneously That's how that word right Simultaneously enough that Abraham believed he was about to kill
Isaac and that they would return and when you read Hebrews You know, how does the
Hebrew the writer of Hebrews say? Abraham believed that God could even race on the dead if he wanted to mm -hmm to keep his promise.
Mm -hmm They go and then here we are The angel of the
Lord verse 11 So if you go back to verse 1 in verse 1 who's talking to Abraham?
says God Right. Mm -hmm verse 11 The angel of the
Lord and I point out to anyone may be listening at home. Whatever Lords in all caps That's the personal name of God Yahweh or Jehovah And said
Abraham Abraham. He said here. I am verse 12. He said personal pronoun masculine. He said
Do not stretch out your hand against the ladder do anything to him for now I know that you fear
God since you have not withheld your son from me
Now as I pointed out to you guys earlier before most of the time like angels like Gabriel will
Speak for God speaking about God. In other words, they'll say and God told you this
Mary God said this you have found favor with God. They would never say Gabriel did not say
Mary you have found favor with me Gabriel did not say that the angel and I notice
I didn't say Angel from the Lord a messenger from God the angel of the Lord said you can withheld your son from me now in Hebrew, there's a perfectly good word for a
But he chose to use the word the angel of the Lord and I don't think that is an accident you read on Verse 15 the angel of the
Lord calls them and says by myself. I swear Yeah, this version says
I solemnly swear by my own name. Yeah. Yeah Verse 17.
I will greatly bless you. I will multiply you I'll see to it that your seed is as the stars of heaven the sand of the seashore
So on and so forth no angel would ever say that no No ordinary angel would ever say that after what they saw what happened to Lucifer.
Yeah Yeah, exactly. Yeah, and you know, I like to think that those angels in a revelation when
John twice Falls to the temptation of worshiping the angels even Paul warns against it in one of his book
Then angel says no, no, no Did you not just hear the whole thing about the worship of other things for the fire of a soul for all that So that that's the one that for me said with it to Bill's point, yeah, but I'm sure you guys got some others
Oh, yeah, I was looking in Zechariah this morning. Like I said Got serious
ADHD and I ended up all over the place How long before y 'all realize Zachariah was spoken to me in 7a
Every time I look at it. All right, cuz that's fun. Z a ch until I was like 22 oh
Ze. Yeah, and it's easy. Yeah, Bill's like I'm always on that cuz I read the Bible I don't think oh
I did do some Wait you highlight in your Bible, don't you know?
That was a joke that was a joke some bright orange for you
Is that orange for the University of Tennessee Your mouth
Now God will bless it You can love Memphis and Tennessee Michigan oh
That's for Michigan All right, you have to forgive me it's gonna take a sec
That's right there at the beginning yeah There is one certain oh my gosh, no,
I'm thinking if it was even in Verse one. No No, I know about the angel of the
Lord. Okay Next I saw that Joshua was talking about the angel of the Lord Standing before the angel of the
Lord with Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him That's where I think I started looking at the job
On Satan because in Job Satan is just simply technically the accuser as if that's a
Position in God's divine counsel and not necessarily the fallen Lucifer The Lord said to Satan may the
Lord rebuke you Satan May the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you isn't this man like a burning stick snatched from the fire
Joshua who was dressed filthy clothes as he did before the angel the angel spoke up to those standing all around remove his filthy clothes
Then he said to Joshua. I have freely forgiven And we'll dress you in fine clothing.
So I got that double hot underline. Yeah, I have freely forgiven Wow Regular angel no, hey,
I forgive you because I'm like God no because back to the Lucifer That's one of the proofs the
Pharisees used to prove that Jesus was referring himself as right not just a God But God because the
Pharisees asked and to Bill's point bill pointing me out to that new show Which new show chosen
I have not watched it yet. Um, I've seen two episodes I watched two episodes, but one of their proofs biblically not just in the show biblically was
Jesus Looks at them and says he does this in Matthew. Mm -hmm.
What is more powerful? Telling this man your sins are forgiving.
Oh, yeah Yeah, or saying get up and walk cuz just in case you're not sure I'll do both. Mm -hmm
And then the question is but only God can forgive sins And Jesus does not rebuke that statement
So here we had the exact same scenario. I swear if you think about it Jesus's personality was like Spot -on perfect my wife calls him the sass master.
Oh, yeah Who is it Philip? Yeah, I saw you under the fig tree.
Follow me. Yeah. Oh, yes Lord What because I said I'd saw you under the tree Really he
I Love that he uses sarcasm
I wish that I could do it without being conceded because I would use it as an excuse to use sarcasm way more often but he he does and You know the woman at the well, he was so kind hearted to her at the same time
That kind heart just to not make him not say the truth Right. Oh, yeah, go get your husband.
Oh I don't have a husband. Hey, you're right. You've had five and the dude you're shacking up with you're not married
You haven't seen that I did because remember I watched episode 7 and 8 out of order.
Yeah, that's great It's almost like Jesus went out of the way, that's heresy.
Yeah Everything in order. It's not godly. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah
You can get an app shows an app. Yeah, I think I did you can like cast it to your TV I think
I did Amazon Prime. I think there's more than I think so Look, maybe you can catch it on you.
We need a fact -checker our camera guy will let us know in a minute How can you watch the chosen? Oh wait, you can't cuz he's filming with his
But yeah, yeah, we're real high -tech here I never noticed until you just said that The Bible says only
Yahweh God can forgive sins ergo. Yeah, there you go. There you go. They'll give us another good
This is for the angel of the Lord appears to Samson's mother who is barren
Which after is it She Runs back to She runs back to the house to get her husband and He prays says, you know, please send the man that talked to my wife yet back and he did and This is it so the angel of the
Lord said to my Noah Of all I said to the woman let her be careful
She may not eat anything that comes from the vine No, may she drink wine or similar drink or eat anything unclean all that I have commanded her
To observe and then I know I said to the angel of the Lord Please let us detain you and we will prepare a young goat for you an angel of the
Lord said to my Noah Though you detain me I will not eat your food But if you offer a burnt offering you must offer it to the
Lord for my Noah did not know that he was the angel of the Lord And Noah said to the angel of the
Lord, what is your name That when your words come to pass we may honor you and the angel of the
Lord said to him why do you ask My name saying it is wonderful So Manoah took the young goat with the grain offering and offered it upon the rock to the
Lord And he did a wondrous thing while Manoah and his wife was gone It happened as the flame went up toward heaven from the altar
The angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar When Manoah and his wife saw this they fell on their faces to the ground
And the angel of the Lord appeared no more to Manoah and his wife Then Manoah knew that he was the angel of the
Lord. I just found the fact that he went up in the fire of the
Sacrifice. Yes. I mean he went up it's like he was going up as Sure Sure So like first verse of what version are you this is a new
King James you can't okay Yeah, it's a verse 18 like this is the
NET The angel of the Lord said to him you should not ask me my name because you cannot comprehend it
Yeah, it is wonderful full of one cannot be Comprehended it's to Bill's point.
I literally just saw something I've never read before So the angel of the Lord goes up in the flame then look at verse 22
Exactly to Bill's point so Manoah said to his wife we will surely die for we
Have seen God Do we need any more I mean look at that he literally said we have seen
God Yeah, verse 23 expounds if the
Lord wanted to kill us he would not have accepted her burnt offering Wow they saw the angel of the
Lord and Then they can say we have seen God this right here
Maybe for those of you haven't heard this is a theophany of Christophany. It's Jesus appearing before His natural birth mm -hmm before his becoming in the flesh
Christophany theophany even the term theophany is God appearing One of the most amazing
Testimonies about who Jesus is That I missed until last year's in John chapter 12
And you two being much more Bible literate than I am may have already may have already come across this before but I'll just take you there real quick because this is along the same lines
I Think after Bill's text there there's no denying who the angel of the Lord is different from just saying a messenger of the
Lord or and Unangel or because we recognize angel just means messenger the angel of lords who we're talking about right now
John chapter 12 has something and this is one of those examples of where It is of my opinion
That you should own a Bible that makes it easy for you to tell when the Old Testament is being quoted
So whether that's with bold or italic as I talks or italics
Andrew Right here from Mississippi To the point the chosen can be found on peacock peacock
NBC one Yeah Yeah So anyway
You should recognize that that in John chapter 12 verse 38 and verse 40 or quotes from the
Old Testament We should be able to see that right? Yep. Yep. Yep Okay now
This is why This is so cool Let me give you a background
If you have never read Isaiah chapter 6 and you're watching this right now go home and read
Isaiah chapter 6 before you go to church tomorrow Isaiah chapter 6 is the one that starts off in the year that King Uzziah died.
I saw Yahweh the Lord see it on the throne when the earth the
King died notice God is still raining on his throne, by the way, and We have the angels crying out
The seraphim, excuse me crying out Holy holy holy is the is
Yahweh of hosts is Jehovah of hosts the Lord of hosts The whole earth is full of his glory and there's a lot
I could say there I'm gonna let it go for a minute day and night. They never stopped singing it notice when you read
Revelation They're still singing it because they haven't stopped yet because they're being the voice of the Creator And they were created to do that and it says that the temple shakes not a
God speaking But at the voice just of the seraphim singing The just the created beings created to sing his praises at their voice the foundations of the doorposts of the temple are shaking and They're singing the same words over and over again
Sorry, if you don't like new modern worship music because it repeats itself you're gonna have a tough time in heaven because they continually saying holy holy holy is
I almost said Lord God Almighty that's Revelation is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory It's Yahweh Lord all caps, right?
And Isaiah says Woe is me. I am I am undone. I'm coming apart for my eyes.
I've seen the King the Lord of hosts I've seen God. I know what happens to people when they seen
God the angel gets the hot coal purifies his lips Who will go for us
Who will go for us here I am send me right? Okay, so that's the Isaiah 6
Now you look at John 12 and you
See in verse 36 Jesus is speaking While you have the light believe in light so you may be sons of light these things
Jesus spoke everyone good so far Okay Verse 38 begins the quotation of Isaiah.
This was to fill the word of Isaiah the prophet Yahweh who has believed the report to him as the arm of Yahweh been revealed to that should be from what 52 53 chapter 52
I think or the beginning of chapter 53 to get 31. All right For this reason they cannot believe for Isaiah said again now if you look at verse 40
That is a quote from guess what Isaiah chapter 6 Right.
Well, we were just referring to is everyone with me so far. Yeah now Verse 41
These things Isaiah said Because he saw his glory and spoke of him.
Yep nevertheless Even many the rulers
Believed in him because the Pharisees they were not confessing him for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue And Jesus cried out, okay
The Pharisees didn't believe in who? Jesus Isaiah saw these things because he spoke of him the him referring back to Jesus Okay, is that one thing about what
I'm what I'm not what I'm saying what God is saying but the point being made here is
That John is writing this down and John just said That in Isaiah chapter 6
Isaiah saw Jesus Okay, is everyone following the so my point is this
Pretending that they had no knowledge of other scripture if I said Isaiah down right there and John down right there and I said
Isaiah Who did you see he would say I saw Yahweh And if I asked John who does he goes?
Well, he saw Jesus and that is not a contradiction Because if we've already testified from the angel or Jesus is
Yahweh Because Yahweh has always existed triune and The fact that John can say
Isaiah saw these things and spoke of him There is a really odd Passage in Hebrews chapter 11.
Is that the one that's supposedly the faith chapter chapter? Yeah Where it says that Moses?
Forsook all the treasures of Egypt for the reproach of the Messiah was worth more than all them the reproach of Messiah How did
Moses know who the Messiah was? In other words, who's
Moses speaking to all along well, Jesus told
Pharisees if you believe Moses you would believe me in other words
What's so amazing about that is as you guys know the two major jurisects of that day were the
Pharisees and the Sadducees The Pharisees believed in the whole
Testament and all their man -made rules on top of that The Sadducees only believed the first five books the books of Moses were inspired by God So Isaiah and Daniel are really cool history books, but only the books of Moses are inspired by God Okay, so they didn't believe in a resurrection of the dead right
Because it is more clearly taught in Daniel for example than in Deuteronomy. You're talking about the
Sadducees. Yeah, that's the Sadducees, right? Well, Jesus just destroys all of that If any of you actually believed in Moses you would believe in me in other words you may memorized
Numbers but you don't understand the book of Numbers because if you did you would believe in me, right?
You search the scriptures you pour over them thinking you have eternal life and don't realize they testify about me me in Luke 2444
Jesus says the law of the prophets and the Psalms all testify about me Moses Esther Job It's all about Jesus.
It's all about Jesus and that's not a cheap Sunday school answer. Jesus said that it's about me
So when I read stuff like that in in John 12 where even the New Testament This is not something that was developed in the fifth century by Roman Catholic Jesus taught this
Jesus taught John right here a first century eyewitness account testimony
Recognized that Isaiah was speaking about Jesus Paul Recognized that Joel is about Jesus when he quotes
Joel and says whoever calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved I just it in I Can't help but smile when
I think about What God has given us in his word? It's so clear Which is why we can look at the angel of the
Lord Like we've already said as a different type of messenger than any old ordinary angel