Sunday Morning Sermon Series with Pastor Jeff - The Dysfunctional Family: Part 1


(Original Date:04/18/2021) Join us for our first look into the dysfunctional family with Pastor Jeff Shipley. Remember to like, comment and subscribe! Check out our facebook page! Opening Music: WBC Theme; written by Andrew Cook Closing Music: How Beautiful; written by Twila Paris, performed by Carla Freeman and Mary Love Cook


Sunday Morning Sermon Series - The Dysfunctional Family Part 2 - 04/24/2021

Sunday Morning Sermon Series - The Dysfunctional Family Part 2 - 04/24/2021

God's people, the church, there's only one church, there's only ever been one church.
Guys, a couple of weeks ago, I got kind of fired up a little bit. And I apologized to the staff and then
I apologized to the church body on that next Wednesday, but seeing as how it was
Easter, I thought it'd be prudent to wait till today to talk about this.
And this is a lead -in to our sermon. Trust me on this, okay? Because I'm not done talking about this.
However, I need to learn that passion is a great thing, but it needs to be aimed and directed, not just...
And that's one of my weaknesses, so I do apologize to you all for my showing of emotion.
Now, having said that, there's a reality, guys.
Proverbs 27 says, God tells His shepherds, know your flock and know the well -being of your herds.
He tells us to watch over your flock with care. And the thing that I watch over my flock most of all is
I'm not worried about Russians dropping out of the sky. Not that that's not impossible because we all saw
Red Dawn, but we're prepared for that, okay? We got that covered. We can take over a small third -world nation.
I ain't worried about that. I don't have to watch out for my people starving because I got enough to go around.
We're good to go. But what I do have to watch out, what we enjoy in this place is a unity of fellowship, okay?
Now, that is not a church term. That's a biblical term. It means that we have true koinonia, true koinonia.
Now, understanding that Satan's desire from the time where he brought division between man and woman and man, woman, and God, his strategy has always been to divide and conquer.
He does it. He's doing it today. Do you people really believe that America is the worst, most racist, divisive country in history?
Go read a history book, you crackhead. Because you have no comprehension of reality.
Guys, Satan is trying to divide God's people all the time.
All throughout history. And we the church this morning are divided.
We're divided by stupid things like race or denomination or other cultural ideals.
But we're going to get to more of that in a second. God's people, the church. There's only one church.
There has always ever been one church. And that church has existed from Adam until now.
God's people that are the remnant of God pulled positionally out of a destiny to hell into a place of salvation that compromises
God's people. Or that composes God's people. But guys, we live in a time where even the church has fallen victim to this stupidness.
Now we're going to talk about that today. I'm going to talk to you today about the church. It's unity, it's diversity, and it's ministry.
Number one, read with me Ephesians 4. And I'm going to read to you verse 16, but then in an expository fashion go out through the rest of it.
Let's read verse 16. It says this. Excuse me.
It says, From Him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building up itself in love by the proper working of each individual part.
Guys, I want to give you a quote from a minister of a
Christian church. She said this. That Christian evangelism, let me make sure
I'm quoting her right. I'm sorry. Christian witnessing is akin to religious ethnic cleansing.
Let that sink in for a second. If I share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a non -believer, it is likening to Rwanda.
It is likening to the Holocaust. It is akin to ethnic cleansing.
That's one side. The other side says this. I don't know if you all knew this or not, but this has to be true because the pastor of a
Baptist church said it. God hates thags. I mean hates them.
I mean like God is intent on burning them sissy boys into hell.
I can't fix stupid, but God's going to. Listen to me for a second. Listen to me for a second.
Both of those extremes, neither one of them are biblical.
Scriptural. Look at verse 1 again. In chapter 4. Look at verse 1. What is the first word out of verse 1?
Say it. Now wouldn't people, when it says therefore, what does that mean?
I heard a smattering of silly answers, so I'm just going to bypass you people because you might not be awake today.
It means this. Everything that has been said before it, now is conjoined with everything that's fixing to be said.
The first three chapters of Ephesians is about the doctrine of salvation.
It is about the sovereignty of God. If you read the first three chapters of Ephesians, there is not one doctrine that will not be found in that scripture.
Now it talks about the doctrine of scripture, then the last three chapters of Ephesians talks about the duty of that doctrine.
In other words, here's what you need to know, now here's what you need to do. Now the church has totally dismissed all of that.
We have people today in this room that could not put a doctrinal thesis together to save their life.
If I asked you the difference between propitiation and mercy, some of y 'all would go preposition?
You can't end a sentence with it. I mean, you don't understand. You know why? You haven't been taught or you haven't taken the time to learn.
But the other part of this, because we don't know doctrine, we think unity is simply this, we all have to agree.
And if we all have to agree, then we're going to be unified. How many of you people in this room love the
University of Tennessee Volunteers? One, two, three.
There are six of y 'all that are going to heaven. The rest of y 'all are going to burn in hell with the facts.
You're all going to burn. Guys, is that the unity it's talking about?
Here's the problem. Guys, we try to unify on things that don't matter.
The way we're unified is by looking at the doctrine and putting our wants, needs, and desires down and all conforming to the image of Jesus Christ.
That's how you're unified. It doesn't mean that we're all going to like the same things. What it means is we're all going to live by the same standard.
That's what unity in the church means. But we have forgotten to do that. We have let the world define for us what unity really is.
Listen to me. The doctrine has to come before duty and that's where unity comes from.
Guys, also understand this. Verse 1, you ready? You ready for this? Therefore I, the prisoner for the
Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received. You know us, we all have to be unified?
We've got to walk together. And that doesn't mean we all walk together all loving the UT volunteers.
It means that we walk together by working. Guys, you know how you get a bunch of people together to get on the same page?
We all charge the same hill together. We all sacrifice our individualism to accomplish a goal given to us by God Almighty.
We walk worthy of the doctrine that has been given to us and we do it together as a family.
Understand that we've got to have doctrine but we've also got to have work. Let me tell you a quote by a
Roman poet named Juvenile. He lived in the late first century into the early second century.
But he had satirical poems that he would write and he used to make fun of the government all the time.
Well, in philosophical circles now, this term bread and circuses has become very popular.
And here's what it means. What Juvenile said was the government was so corrupt but as long as they gave the people free bread and free entertainment, they could do what they wanted and no one would really care.
Guys, we see that today. Our government is in the business of keeping you people divided.
If God can keep you guys divided and looking at each other, you ain't going to be watching what they're doing, right?
And these political hacks, some of them called reverends, these political hacks want you divided and angry at yourself so you'll support them and what they're doing to keep you divided.
But here's the problem. Churches are doing this too. Hey, come with us.
Are you seeking something? We have Wow Now Jam Conference 2007.
Oh, if you come here, smile, Jesus is going to love you. Oh my goodness.
We don't want to offend you. You just come and you just come as you are. You leave as you are.
Ain't no one going to judge you. Well, right. I ain't going to judge you but I'm going to read something that probably will.
It's called scripture. If you don't understand the conviction of Almighty God, you're going to leave here just as blind, lame, and dead as you when you walked in.
I can't fix you. I can't save you. I ain't got no magical powers but I do have the word of the living
God that I found 28 years ago that changed my life forever and that's what
I'm sharing with you. You understand? I ain't here to give you bread and circuses. I'm not here to entertain you.
I am not here to make you have warm fuzzies. I am not here for your money. I don't care about your membership.
I don't care about all that garbage. But what I do care about this is when I stand before Holy God one day and He looks at me and says,
Son, did you do the job I gave you to do? I want to answer, yes, sir, I did. Without hesitation, without apology, without any intimidation whatsoever, let your yes be yes and your no be no.
Be instant, in season, and out to give an account and an answer to the hope that was within you.
Can you do that? Do you do that? Guys, unity is not based upon everyone being in agreement.
What it is based upon is us all submitting to one thing. Guys, multiculturalism.
Let me read to you something else that I found this morning from a sister church.
This is what their belief is. Ready? The church is multicultural.
It needs to look like heaven. Different colors and different hearts.
Really? Seriously. That's what heaven looks like. Here's the problem.
What is it focusing on? The glory of God or people? Humanism is the exact antithesis of what
God wants from us. It's not looking at us and our accomplishments and our needs and our wants and our feelings and our beliefs.
It's submitting to a holy and righteous God. When you get to heaven, you don't have to imagine what you're going to do.
You don't have to imagine anything. You're going to be face first before a holy and righteous God and thanking
Him and praising Him for His grace. For as the old hymn said, 10 ,000 years and you've just begun.
Guys, I don't care what revisionist understanding people have. True unity is not multiculturalism.
Look at what it says in verses 4 and 5. Are you ready for this? For there is one body, one spirit, just as you were called to, one hope at your calling, one
Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, Father in all, who is above all and through all in all.
Did you get one? It was there seven times. Guys, the goal of the church is not to be multicultural.
It's to be singular in its purpose of worshipping, serving God. You know what we've come to?
We've come to a point where we actually measure the diversity in church by the level of melatonin in someone's skin tone.
How stupid have we gotten? You know what we've done instead of leading culture, we are now following culture.
We are taking an assumed offense and we are following them instead of following the
Lord Jesus Christ. Some of y 'all out there going, ooh, pastor, be careful. You're going too far.
I'm sorry if truth hurts your feelings. Maybe you need to take a couple of baby aspirin and go call your mama and crawl up in your lap.
Because Scripture is going to tell you the truth. Guys, how many races of people are there?
Say it one more time. A German shepherd and a poodle. Guess what they both are?
They might look different, but they're still a dog. You guys in here are a bunch, we are a bunch of dogs.
Now some of us are slim like greyhounds. Some of us are
St. Bernard's. Some of y 'all are little rat dogs.
Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof. I call them personally rugby balls. You know? There's only one race of people.
Guys, you want to cancel something, watch this. Let me prove my point to you. The essence of man or the presence of man,
Darwinism. Do you understand that, God, we cancel stupid things like the all -star game.
Because someone actually has the audacious understanding to ask for IDs before you vote.
Dude. Now these are the same people. I can't go buy a car without 42 forms of ID.
It's stupid. It's absolutely stupid. But I don't want to get into politics. I want to stay right up over here.
But here's the problem. Here's what we've come to. We've come to a place in our society where we're trying to please people rather than please
God. And we think if we please people long enough, we'll come to be unified. Here's the problem though, guys.
We get into this idea where if we disagree, it's okay to disagree as long as it's not on doctrine.
You idiots who actually like Ole Miss. Memphis State.
You hacks that actually like those teams. Memphis State's not even SEC. Y 'all are nowhere near heaven.
But we've come to a place in our lives where we actually begin to hate each other who are different.
And then we cancel them. That's the new catch phrase. Cancel. Let's cancel.
Watch this. It's so funny. I want you to just read something. I think
I even put it on your little pieces of paper. Darwin, in The Descent of Man, said this.
He said that Africans are the lowest form of human evolution.
I ain't kidding you. I ain't kidding you. Now, Charquita has got some
African in her. She did one of them blood tests. And when I see her do intellectual work,
I almost kind of believe the Darwinistic theory, you know? But here's what's funny.
No, seriously. Here's what's funny. Why are all these woke, social justice, keyboard warrior mama laying in your mama's basement doing nothing, playing video machines?
Why aren't you canceling the evolution that's being taught to you in your high schools and in your colleges because it is the most racial, disgusting garbage you could ever believe?
Oh, well, we can't do that. That's science. Okay. So I am to believe because 97 % of all scientists said that the white man was intellectually superior to all other races based on cranium skull size of monkey bones that they found and then later went, oh, my goodness.
This isn't really a human being. This is a pig's tooth. Do y 'all know how they did that? They would find a tooth and they would go, oh, well, the tooth is this big.
Well, the jaw must have been this big. Well, if the jaw was this big, then the skull had to be this big. And if the skull is that big, well, then the spine...
And it had to walk like this and it had to be... You look like Shane had a bunch of bananas, right? And you know what people did?
They went... You know why? Because you didn't know doctrine. You weren't bound in unity and we were too busy hating each other and doing sin to each other rather than worshiping
God with each other. In the absence of truth, people will believe the dumbest things, that your wife, your baby evolved from a nose -picking ape.
Guys, listen to me for a second. There is one race of people and here's the only problem.
They are all totally depraved. Go read Romans 3 and Romans 6. For there are none righteous, no, not one.
For all of their mouths are open and empty graves. There are none who seek Me. There are none who are righteous.
All of their works are like filthy rags. Guys, the reason is we're all on the same page is because we have all been damned because of our sin and on our way to hell.
And we're sitting there arguing on whose side of the boat the hole is on rather than looking to God for our help and salvation.
And we've come to a place where unity means that we've all got to think the same way rather than we've all got to serve the same
God. Church, we've got to repent of that. And if you're in this room today, black, white,
Puerto Rican, even my Filipino mafia, the Korean in here, all you people, are the
Puerto Ricans here? Oh, they're out of town. Good, all your hubcaps are safe.
Listen. Listen to me. Listen to me for a second.
Yeah, we just licensed him as a minister. I'm scared. Listen to me a second.
Before you leave this room, if you have a thought in your heart or mind against someone because of their skin pigmentation, come here, that is an abomination to the holiness of Almighty God.
And you don't need to sit and wring your hands and go, oh, dear Jesus, please forgive me of that. You need to come down here in front and repent of that godless, heathen sickness and let the joy of God truly break that in your heart and mind.
And I don't care what age you are or what culture you were raised in or that's just how we talked when we were kids.
It's sin. It's still wrong. And the same arrogance of sitting there going, well, that's just how we were, but you can't accept it.
People are acting weird now. Well, that's just how they are. Right? The sin is sin is sin. I don't care what age you are.
I don't care where you come from. Repent today and be saved from that heathen sin.
Having said that about unity, what true unity is, let's now talk about the reality that there is diversity.
If we read back to verse 16 again, it says you are all one body broken up into individual parts.
Guys, Scripture tells us that we are diverse. Verse 11, it says, he personally gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and some teachers.
Guys, that ain't all of them. He also gave some to be gifts of mercy and gifts of service.
I think of Carol Red every time I think of the word service. I mean, it's like synonymous. Like, here are the gifts of spirit, service.
There's a picture of Carol right there. We all have different gifts. Our diversity is not in what we look like.
Our diversity is in what God has called us to do. That's our diversity.
That's the big secret. We all are individual parts knitted together. Guys, the diversity is that we all don't have the same job.
Now, let me ask you a question in here today. One of the issues that I take with membership in this church, we ain't ever going to be a 10 ,000 member church.
Not with me as a pastor. I can't handle y 'all. I can't handle, I'm an idiot myself. I'm still trying to keep
God, I feel like I got God's ankle and he's just dragging me across the floor I'm holding on for dear life.
I can't handle 5 ,000 people. I can't handle 500 people. Heck, I sometimes can't handle 200 people.
We now have a position opening for women's minister. Yeah, I got a wife.
Alright, never mind. Guys, yeah. Guys, we have to understand that we all have different jobs.
But now, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute. Let me ask you a question. Are you a member of this church
If you are, let me ask you this. What is your job? What's your job?
Because watch this. You ready? Let me hit you. Watch this.
If you told your kid to go clean his room and this is what he was doing, go ye therefore and teach all nations.
Well, God, I got a gold star on my Sunday school report. Well, God, I tithe money.
I gave money to you. Do you think God needs your paper with dead people's faces on it?
Guys, you don't give. Listen, man. You don't give money to get anything. You give money because God commanded you to do.
That's why in this church we have a steadfast rule. Pastors don't know anything about it. Pastors can't touch it.
Pastors can't even see the reports of who gives it. You know why? Because today in God's church it's all come about money, right?
The pastor of a church, if he is earning more than the average person of his church, that boy needs to be fired.
You need to find another pastor because he's in love with money rather than love with his peoples. You know what I'm saying to you?
If you're a pastor of a church and your church has 20 people and you're driving a Bentley, something is wrong with that picture, okay?
Sorry, I got off on a tangent there. But anyways, we are all in this room and our diversity is defined by the work that you do.
What do you do in this place? Jordan, what do you do? Baby, you're in school in Arkansas.
She's in college in Arkansas. So let me re -ask the question. What do you do here?
You what? I'm her liaison. You're her liaison. That's got to be a fun job.
It is a lot of pressure, isn't it? No, you don't count. No, you don't count either.
Robert, what do you do? He's from Mississippi, y 'all.
I'll translate. Say again? Try and come up here with a can? He said, I try to come up here with a can.
I'm fluent in rednecks, so don't be scared. What's funny is this guy's been fighting cancer four years, right?
Thursday, he was up here and he installed lights in the bathrooms. And we saw the bathrooms, and I immediately told
Rebecca, paint the bathrooms, because dang, I didn't realize how bad and nasty them things were.
Guys, we have cripples in here. Look at the cripple. Let's all feel sorry for the cripple for a second.
Sit on the tube. Fund him. What's hilarious is we got, how many cripples do we have?
We have two cripples here. And they both work harder than most of the people with two legs. It ain't about who you are or what.
How many of y 'all are like super, how many of y 'all can explain to me the propitiation and expiation in the infileps area in theology?
Anybody besides the pastor? Anybody else? Yeah, I know you'll give it a try.
Look at the little man holding up his hand. I like that optimism, but I'm going to go with no.
Guys, here's the problem. We are so busy trying to remember creeds and formulas like the
Roman's Road and all this other stuff. We don't know anything. We haven't truly learned.
But then those people who actually study theology who then sit around and just try to sound smart, you're a big of a failure too because you're not supposed to be sitting in a room reading books all the time and talking about theology.
You're supposed to be out there living it. You don't come to church. You're supposed to be the church out there.
And the reason we're so divided is because people keep trying to look for something new and fresh to try to spark that spirit in you so you can have that little feeling.
But here's the problem. If you don't go to work, if you don't serve, if you don't sacrifice, if you don't, according to what
God's Word says, bleed, you're supposed to work until you contend for the faith with blood.
You're never going to know the peace of God that passes all understanding. You're going to keep looking to religion to try to write little warm heartfelt songs or another great sermon to make you feel a certain way.
But that feeling leaves as soon as you walk out the door. Oh, you want the peace of God that passes all understanding? You want the joy of the
Lord which is your strength? Go and serve to the point of death. Then die. Get up and do it again.
Then you're going to know what it is to be diversified as an individual but then the unity of being a part of the church.
Because you know what happens to wounded warriors in a real church? You suddenly have about 32 hands coming up behind you.
They don't sit there and put you on their shoulder and take you away from the fight, but they will bandage your wounds, give you a cold drink of water, and then stand on that line with you.
That's why I love this place. Last thing and I'm done. Unity, diversity, and then ministry.
Read with me verses 12 through the end. Read with me verses 12 through the end.
It says this, For in the training of the saints, in the work of the ministry, y 'all catching them words, right?
Work of the ministry to build up the body of Christ until we all reach a unity in faith and in the knowledge of God's Son growing into a mature man with a stature, watch this, here's what the measurement is, measured by Christ's fullness.
Well, pastor, I come to church every Sunday. Wow. Here, just whoop -a -dee -doo.
You can come warm a chair every Sunday? What's the standard God just gave here? You're to look, act, walk, talk, and minister just like Jesus Christ did.
That's your standard. It ain't your gold star on your Sunday school report where I get the biggest King James or I don't cuss, smoke, or drink or I don't have tattoos.
I just saw my daughter -in -law had a tattoo. My other future daughter -in -law, where is she?
Where's Aisha? Look at Aisha over there. Aisha, she went out and got a flower tattoo all down her arm.
Baby, don't you know you're going to hell for that tattoo? You don't go to hell. She don't care.
There you are, Aisha. You don't care. Aisha, baby, why don't you go get a full -size man?
Seriously. Man, you pretty enough. She got a midget redneck for her husband.
I don't know what to do. Listen to me, guys. It says here in Scripture, listen, it says here in Scripture we're to have the work of the ministry and that means we got to equip.
I know I'm running over, but here, just listen to me. Listen to me. We need as a church, here's what we need to do.
We don't need smoke machines, glitter bombs, and fancy lights. I'm not here to make you feel better.
The music isn't here to make you feel better. I hear church people all the time say, well, I don't like the music. Guys, the music is not here for you.
That's not what worship is for. I mean, just stop the madness for a second.
If you are wanting a certain type of music, who is the center of that music?
What is it about? It's you. You should be, the center should be God Almighty. If we had some four -year -old kid up here with him drumming, we should be able to praise
God. If there was silence, Jesus said, even the rocks and trees would cry out loud. The hope and the peace that you're missing is not going to be found in a worship service.
It's going to be found in God and Jesus Christ alone. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is.
Those warm little fuzzy nostalgic feelings, they don't last. The peace of God always does.
I'm getting off case again, but let's just focus, all right? Ready? Pastor, that's you. You focus.
Watch this. Verse 12, we need to equip the body. Now, here's what
I love about Witten Baptist Church. We have put 24 people into full -time
Christian ministry. We have. You know how we've done that? Because we realize the people of this place can't afford a four -year, $100 ,000 master's degree at a religious seminary, so we started our own.
We did. We started our own. A whole long time ago, we started training folks.
Now they're doctors and pastors and missionaries. And you know what? I'm really happy about that, because here's what's so beautiful about that.
I did the first class. That's right. Senior Pastor Jeff Shipley.
I taught that first class 20 -something years ago.
You know how much I've been teaching since then? None. You know why? Because the next guys that I trained,
I got the heck out of the way and let them do it. And then they trained another group of people, and then they trained another group of people, just like 2
Timothy 2 says. Isn't that awesome? Guys, this little church, we've been all over the world sharing the gospel, and we do it with people that are actually trained.
I'll never forget a bunch of, I won't say, but cult members in Freeport decided to corner one of our folks, start talking to him.
Oh, man, that was a bad choice. Because not only was there unity, but there was unity with epignosis.
That means a knowledge based on both teaching and experience. It was like a bunch of little pit bulls on a raw piece of steak.
That guy didn't know which way to go. He said, well, in the Greek, yeah, we had it, man, too. No, it doesn't say that in the
Greek. It says this in the Greek. And he was like, oh, my gosh. And he ran away. Guys, are you educating each other?
Listen, are you worshiping God? Are you evangelizing? Let's stop right here and let me ask you this.
That's James and Lisa's boy. I bet
Lisa's about to crawl under the chair, isn't she? Hey, looky here.
When is the last time... It's just a kid, guys. Focus up here again.
When is the last time you intentionally witnessed to somebody? Think. I'm not about to beat you up.
Just listen. Think. Slow down and think. When is the last time, let me say this, you verbally, intentionally witnessed to a lost soul?
Guys, here's what's funny. Do you know my ministry is not preaching? That's not ministry.
Preaching is not ministry. Singing in the choir is not ministry. I know a lot of pastors like to think it is.
That's just because they're lazy. This is not ministry. This is not what a pastor does.
I've got men and women in this room that can preach ten times better than I can. All day long and twice on Sunday.
I recruit deacons by the pound, okay? I'm thinking of knocking you out. My chicks have witten.
Guys, when is the last time you seriously, verbally, intentionally witnessed and inviting them to church is not witnessing?
Preaching a sermon is not witnessing. Singing in the choir is not witnessing. Witnessing is you taking an intentional moment to reach into the life of somebody else and share with them the hope and passion of Christ within you.
That's what it really is. That's real work. Guys, if you've done that, good.
But do you know the height of which God calls us to? It's not worship. It's not witnessing.
Look what it says. Knit together promotes the growth of the body for building itself up in love by the proper working of each individual part.