The Obscene Treatment of Stephen Wolfe - Part 2

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Owen Strachan is the Zach Wilson of Theology - Part 3

Owen Strachan is the Zach Wilson of Theology - Part 3

So, um, in the last video, you know,
I definitely had some strong words for G3, because I really do believe that the way that they've treated
Stephen Wolfe has been completely obscene. Like, you should not treat an enemy this way, much less a brother in the
Lord. Someone that takes communion in good standing at a local church.
Someone that you will see in eternity, God willing. To treat him the way that they do has been absolutely abysmal.
It's an abysmal example. But then, these are the kind of guys, though, that, you know, they'll treat him like a...
You get my point. But then, later in the night, they'll tweet something that sounds really good, like they're above it all, like a
Christian leader must pursue maturity, even as they've done what they've done.
They've done this, they've done him so dirty all day. But at the end of the day, the reason why
I'm so angry, and I am angry, is not so much about Stephen Wolfe, because I like Stephen, I mean,
I have nothing against Stephen. I don't really know him, like, we're not friends or anything like that,
I mean, we're friends in the, you know, kind of like the online sense. I've talked with him in chats, you know, a couple of times, and it does piss me off when someone is treated the way that he's treated, but that doesn't normally make me so angry.
And at the end of the day, he certainly seems like the kind of guy that can handle it, you know what I mean?
I mean, he's got his own things going on, he doesn't have to really worry so much about being cancelled.
Although, that's just relatively speaking, because no matter how untouchable we think we are from getting cancelled, they can still reach you, you know what
I mean? It's not like he's uncancellable, but on the scale of who's cancellable and who's not, he seems to be a little bit more on the uncancellable side of it, you know, a little bit more
Teflon. Kind of like myself, I mean, I don't think
I'm easily cancelled. That doesn't mean that I'm, it's impossible to cancel me, right? So when people ridicule me or treat me poorly or things like that,
I don't really complain about it at all, you know what I mean? You never see me whining about the hate mail that I get or the threats that I get or things like that.
I don't complain about that stuff. You never hear about them, because it's just not something that I'm interested in telling you about.
So anyway, that's not what makes me so furious at G3 and their allies, the people that kind of are in that orbit.
What makes me absolutely furious is the same freaking thing that made me absolutely furious at Big Eva during the first Big Eva wars.
And that is the regular people that are affected by this obscene treatment of Steven Wolf.
Because when you treat Steven Wolf the way you've treated him, you're also treating thousands and thousands of other regular people that are just in the pews, that are in your churches, that likewise think, you know,
I understand why Christian morality should reign in our country, that much is obvious.
And the nationalism thing, I'm starting to understand a lot more. And I'm reading Steven's work, and I'm not seeing what you're telling me is in that work, that he's some kind of racist, bigot, kinnest, evil, you know, different gospel, all that stuff.
Every time you lie and treat Steven in that way, he's an avatar for people that are in your churches that believe the same thing, and you're doing the same thing to them.
You're obscenely treating brothers in the Lord, many, many, many brothers in the
Lord, every time you lie about Steven. And that pisses me off.
It's the same, it's the same stuff that I got mad about when white people would be drugged through the mud by all these woke idiots.
And oh, it's a white, it's a visible bag of privilege, like that, all that stuff, it pissed me off because I knew that this was affecting church relations on the local level.
And it was causing problems in the local level. When Owen Strong starts saying, oh yeah, you know, if your pastor starts thinking, you know,
Christian nationalism, you might want to leave that church, after a strongly worded letter. Every time he does that, he's not affecting
Steven's membership in his PCA church. What he's doing, though, is he's causing problems with lots of unknowns, people that are offline, and all of a sudden, now they're going to tell their pastor that their pastor's preaching a different gospel.
Why? Why? Well, because he's a Christian nationalist and doesn't see the problem with Steven Wolf's work. That's truly what's so upsetting with guys like Owen Strong, with guys like Josh Bison, his absolutely just abysmal, just obscene behavior for a
Christian. It's the people that are unseen, that are in local churches that you're going to be causing rifts and problems for because of the immaturity of handling these issues.
I understand to a certain degree, I understand to a certain degree, feeling nervous about some of the things, some of the topics, some of the questions that something like Steven's book and others bring up to mind, right?
What is a nation, right, a nation? What does that actually mean?
Is it just a bunch of abstract ideals? Or is it a people and a place?
Is it a land? Is there real meat in there? Is there something to it?
Is it this esoteric, weird thing, or is there something freaking to it? What does it mean to be an
American? What should it mean to be an American? What did it mean to be an
American? And why did it change? Why have we come to this place where there are so many black -pilled
Christians out there that to them, the freaking ideal, the thing we should be striving for is a secular, liberal democracy.
So maybe they don't like the trans stuff right now, but if you rewind the tape a little bit, a few years, a couple decades, and that's the ideal.
That's the perfection. That's Christianity in the nations right there. Why? Why?
So when somebody starts asking these basic, basic questions, what is a nation, and starts spitballing and starts putting forward ideas and things like that,
Steven doesn't know everything, right? Steven doesn't know everything, but he's raising interesting ideas, points that should be debated, and they should be debated by people with more maturity than are just going to go, he's a kiddist, he's a bigot.
These people, they speak of maturity, but they have not the first clue what it is.
It's all superficial to them. If you post a meme, you're automatically immature. Meanwhile, those meme posters are handling this issue, which to them, when they first heard it from Steven or whoever they heard it from, it probably didn't sit well with them either, because they grew up in the same environment that I grew up, where we were brainwashed.
The dogma was secular liberalism. Anything else was bigoted.
Anything else was Christofascist. Everything else was inappropriate for America. So they probably, these memers, these memers that you think are the most immature people around, they heard the same thing, and they felt the same feelings that you guys feel, where it's like, oh man, it sounds like,
I don't know, it sounds like, it might be racism, because that's how we were programmed to think. We were programmed to think in that way, where anyone talking about, you know, ethnicity, what is ethnicity, what is a nation, how does it, what are we talking about here?
We had the same feelings, but we were mature enough to not just shriek like a freaking out of control woman, the way you guys have.
And yeah, I am pissed off. I am pissed off, but it's really not about Steven so much, you know what
I mean? And Steven, I hope you don't take this as I don't like you, or I don't care about your feelings. You're just a person.
That's the other thing, Steven's just a person too, you know what I mean? You're treating a person this way, a man this way, a brother this way.
You should be ashamed of yourself, you really should. But I think Steven can take it, so it's not like I don't care about you,
Steven, but it's just like, my anger is really not so much about you, you know what I mean? I don't really even know you, that's another reason why
I can't really be that much about you. But I know the pain,
I've heard the stories, I've seen the tears in people's eyes as they told me about the problems, the division, all of that, that the woke church brought into their local body, the suspicion that people had, why?
For no reason, just because they said that white people are X, Y, Z. I've seen it, because of the way that the woke church treated white evangelicalism, and it's repeating itself.
It's repeating itself. Josh Bice yesterday got on his high horse and he said, you guys, you're trying to destroy
G3! You guys have decided to destroy G... That is such bull.
It is such bull. And the way that you know it's bull is because if you guys stop trying to call us racist bigots, you know, neo -Nazis, the whole nine yards, if you guys just decided to stop and you just put a cork in it, which is what you need to do, if you just decided to put a cork in it, we would not mention
G3 ever again. Except maybe to give a couple positive affirmations when you do something positive, because your ministry is not all negative.
There's a lot of positives there, a lot of positives. We would never mention you again, except when, you know, there's something shareworthy, we'll share it.
We can be on the same team. You don't have to be a Christian nationalist. You don't have to call it a
Christian nation or think that you should be promoting a Christian nation or you could believe for whatever freaking reason you want to.
I don't get it, but you can believe if you want that it's somehow a Christian good that we allow forever for all eternity.
The ideal is that people in a nation should be allowed to blaspheme Christ whenever they want. Like if that's your
Christian ideal, that's Christianity. It's very important to allow people to blaspheme
Christ. If that's you, I get it. I get it. I understand what you were taught when you were young.
I understand what I was taught when I was young. I understand how difficult it is to conceive of our country to be any other way.
I get it. I think you're missing some things about our history. I think you're missing some things about how the
United States was founded and all these things, but I get it. You do not have to be a
Christian nationalist to be my friend. Anyone who's watched my channel for any amount of time knows that I've said that the entire time.
Guys, you might not know this, but I've been a theonomist as long as I've been online. For some reason,
I've never ever been to the place where if you're not a theonomist either, I hate your guts, we can't work together, things like that.
It's never been the case. G3, if you decided, you don't have to be a Christian nationalist, in fact, you can even criticize
Christian nationalism. If you decided to stop trying to destroy our reputations by giving us the
Scarlet R and the kinism thing and all that kind of stuff, we wouldn't mention you ever again.
But the problem is that the truth of the matter is that not that Christian nationalists want to destroy
G3, but that G3 has decided that part of their reason for existing is to destroy
Christian nationalism. That's you. That's not us. That's you.
That's not us. Not a single one of us had anything negative to say about G3 until you decided that A .D.
Robles might be a kinist. He might not understand the gospel. Look, and I'm not talking about G3 only.
I'm talking about the entire group that's in your orbit, Owen and all these people.
They've decided that because I didn't freak out about Stephen Wolfe's white evangelical tweet,
I might not even understand A .D. Robles might be one of those kinists. You decided to make this part of your identity.
You made your bed, and now you're lying in it, and you're lying, all right, that's for sure.
But again, it's not about A .D. Robles. It's not about Stephen Wolfe. It's not about William Wolfe. It's not about any of these guys in particular.
It's about the run -of -the -mill people that they understand why Christian morality, the
Ten Commandments, ought to be the priority for a nation, that if a nation's going to be doing their
God -given duty to be a revenger of God, to promote what is good, to punish evildoers, if they're going to be doing that, if that's what
God instituted the civil governing authority for, and they're going to be doing that, they better be doing it under Christian principles and not
Hindu, not the Talmud. So they understand that.
And then the nationalism part, a lot of people are new to this, and I'm new to this.
I'm new to the nationalism part. But that's something that is worth talking about. It is worth talking about.
And there are people asking all kinds of questions. They're asking questions about why is multiculturalism being promoted?
What does actually Christianity have to say about this? What have the reformers said about this?
What have Protestants traditionally thought? It doesn't mean everything that they thought was correct, but it's stuff that we have not actually explored that much.
What did they think about nations, about natural nations?
What does the scripture say about natural nations? These are all questions that need to be discussed like reasonable people.
And when there's something said that goes against the orthodoxy of secular liberalism that we were all brainwashed in, we as Christians have to have the maturity to not shriek like freaking women, and not women, that's offensive, out of control women, wayward women, the kind of woman that Proverbs warns you about.
A lot of you men out there are acting like that woman. And I'm afraid to say,
G3, your mission is to help the church. You are hurting the church in this area.
Because what you are doing is going to cause all kinds of divisions at the local church level, all kinds of suspicion at the local church level, broken relationships at the local church level, because there's going to be people that can be like,
I don't really see the problem with what Stephen's saying. I mean, I understand it sounds unusual or new, but it's not really.
Why are you freaking out about this? And then those people are now have the suspicion, oh, you might be one of those kiddest, evil, racist, bigots, neo -Nazis.
I wouldn't be surprised if people are excommunicated over this. I would not be surprised. People that you'll never hear their names, but they'll email people like me.
And I'll have to hear these stories again. G3, if you're aiming to be an example of maturity in this issue, you've got a lot of work to do because the way you've treated
Stephen and by proxy, a lot of other believers, run of the mill, local church, you know, going
Christ loving believers has been abysmal.
You guys have been the example of how not to have this conversation, not how to have it, how not to have it.
It doesn't have to be this way. It does not have to be this way. I don't hate you guys, but I'm furious that the way this has gone down.