PresupU Sign-Up (Promo Video)


PresupU (Premium) is starting up again on June 1st. In this video, Eli walks folks through how to sign-up.


All right, well, happy Mother's Day. It's okay if there are folks who are not watching this or won't watch this tonight, you should be spending time with your wives and your mothers.
But I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day, those who are mothers. And I just wanted to take some time here to make this brief video.
I'm gonna wait a couple of moments to see if we can get a couple of people in the audience there. But if not, no worries.
I wanted to announce signups for Presup U, Presup University.
And I wanna walk through how to sign up for those who are interested in learning apologetics.
As many have heard me do it in past live streams, I teach an online course that is made available through revealedapologetics .com.
And so folks can sign up for that and take classes on how to defend the faith. And it's a full five week course.
And typically if folks sign up for kind of the basic program, they can just get the pre -recorded material and the notes and the
PowerPoint slides and work through the material on their own. But every now and then I do make available the premium edition, which is basically kind of the basic package with everything included there.
But I meet up with the students once a week to discuss the course content.
And through those meetings, we go into some pretty deep discussions and expansions on the things that are covered in the video lectures and things like that.
So folks have been messaging me to let them know when that element of the course is available.
And so I want to formally announce that on June 1st, we will be beginning the premium classes of PreceptU that you can sign up on Revealed Apologetic.
So what I want to do now is I want to walk folks through how to sign up on the website.
But before I do that, I actually want to give folks a tour of the website, okay?
My website is not a super vast that it's impossible to, you know, there's just all these things on there.
It's a nice website. We're going to be adding some more articles and things like that. But I do want to walk people through the website a bit and let folks know what they can find there.
And then of course, I want to walk you through how to sign up for the PreceptU Apologetics courses.
So if you're interested, through my interactions with people and just the feedback from the show, there is a growing interest in presuppositional apologetics.
And there are a lot of resources out there. So by no means, PreceptU is not the only way you can learn presuppositional apologetics.
But I would like to think that, you know, you can learn different things from different teachers.
And I kind of like to see myself as bringing a kind of unique flavor as to how the methodology is presented.
So you might find it very, very helpful. And so it would be still,
I think well worth your while to sign up. The content is great. We had some positive feedback on those who've taken the classes already.
And we also have people signing up already as we speak. So let me just take a few moments to kind of walk you through the website a bit, and then we'll walk through the signup process, okay?
So let me share my screen here. Do, do, do, do, do. And of course, if folks end up watching, those who are watching, if you have an apologetics question or a
Bible question and you want to type them in the chat, I don't mind. I was tired before I did this, but I'm kind of catching a second wind.
So if you have any Bible questions or apologetics related questions, I'll try my best to go through them towards the back end of this video, okay?
So just throwing that out there, all right? So, so here is the website.
So you want to do is you want to go to Google, Yahoo, you know, your internet search engine and type in revealedapologetics .com.
And this is what will pop up. I'll kind of minimize myself there. All right. And actually let's do this here.
There we go. All right. And it's kind of a basic layout here. You have the homepage there, the about.
PresubU is where you're going to go to sign up for the online course if you're interested in doing that.
So we'll go through that in just a moment. Here you have book recommendations for those who are interested in kind of getting a little deeper into presuppositional apologetics, just in their own study.
And of course we have the Revealed Apologetics blog, which I'll go through. I'll go through each one of these one by one.
Okay. Actually the about page is kind of boring, but we'll go here as a nice little, my yearbook picture, not really.
This kind of just goes through the summary of what Revealed Apologetics is all about. That's kind of generic there.
You don't need to know that here. We'll go through some books here. Okay. Here's some good recommendations for books for anyone interested in learning presuppositional apologetics or anything related to reform theology or something like that.
Okay. And there's some pretty good book recommendations there that I recommend. This one right here, if you could see my arrow, my cursor here, this is my favorite apologetics book of all time.
Bantill's Apologetic Readings and Analysis. It kind of unpacks the presuppositional method. And so those are a couple of book recommendations.
All right. And if we scroll off to the side here, I want to turn people's attention to the blog.
Okay. Now, let me actually go here first here. You can go through the blog, but if we go to the home,
I think the blog is mentioned. Here we go. So the blog covers questions that I receive from folks.
So if people send me questions, I, you know, if I have the opportunity, I turn them into articles.
Okay. There's one on the Trinity there, God and Logic and Presuppositional Apologetics apply to Roman Catholicism.
So any question that you think, you know, you'd like me to cover, whether it's on a show, you know, as a topic, or you want me to have a guest, or if you have a specific question, email me at revealedapologeticsatgmail .com
and I'll turn it into an article. And no, I don't get bombarded with messages. So sometimes people will, you know, maybe they'll have a question and they'll say, you know,
I don't know if I'm going to send it and he's probably not going to read it because he probably gets a bunch of mail. No, I don't.
Okay. So if you want me to address a topic, email me, revealedapologeticsatgmail .com. I totally check my email.
I totally read the questions that people give and I take quite seriously the suggestions that people have.
So please don't hesitate to do that. All right. So these are some of my blog articles.
We're going to be getting some much more blog articles and I'm going to be having some people help out in contributing.
So there's going to be a lot of content there, hopefully soon in the near future. All right.
So we also have on the website, some access to the YouTube videos just right there.
Kind of just takes you to each of the videos. You could, let's see here. And it's got all my shows nicely organized on the website.
You can keep going all the way back, all the way back to the beginning. Okay. So that's super easy.
And of course the podcast episodes, you can listen straight from your computer, but of course you could also subscribe on iTunes.
Okay. For all of the shows that I've done in audio format. Okay. And of course, if you're interested in supporting the ministry, you can do so by going to the donate section on the website.
We take Venmo, PayPal, and any kind of financial help is greatly appreciated.
As a matter of fact, that leads me to my next point here is a Presup University.
So if you go up to the top menu there and you click on Presup U, it will take you to this page.
Now, of course, this is dealing with how to sign up for the course.
Okay. However, when you sign up for a course, there is a fee of course for the course, right?
And when you sign up, you're supporting Revealed Apologetic. So it's hopefully in your support of this ministry,
I could also offer you a content that you find useful and can use for small groups and things you're doing at your church and things like that.
And suggestions on future courses, I would take very seriously. So if someone wants me to teach a particular course, particular topic, to walk through something that they think is important and relevant to the field of apologetics, once again, email me at revealedapologetics at gmail .com.
All right. All right. So if you go to Presup U, you have two options here.
Okay. The second option here is to sign up for the basic package.
Okay. So if you click on the RSVP, it gives you, you know, signup information.
You could sign up for the course and it tells you about the course. Now, the basic course is $74 .99.
Okay. And it consists of five lectures, outlines to each lecture, and the
PowerPoint slides. Okay. And the basic package, you can sign up for that anytime you want and work on it at your own pace.
Okay. And so that has been available and people have been signing up for that. But of course, the premium version is a little different.
You kind of get the element of personal interaction. We had a great community of students who signed up the last time we did the premium version.
And you get all the content, but then each day or sorry, each week, we'll be meeting on Tuesdays at 9 p .m.
for kind of expanding on the content of that particular week's video lecture.
And of course, you know, because it's 9 p .m. and I'm not super busy, I like to stay on as long as I'm able to to answer your questions and to help you or to expand on something that was mentioned in the video.
And we've had just an awesome time last time we did it. And we had a guest teacher at the end of the week.
I think we had Matt Slick who came in from karm .org and he pretended to be an atheist.
So we did a little role playing so that the students could use some of the things they were learning throughout the course.
And so we had a lot of fun doing that. And so each time folks sign up for the course, the premium packet,
I'm gonna try to get a Christian apologist other than myself to mix things up towards the backend so that we can kind of interact with them and ask your questions and do some role playing and things like that.
The way I teach, I take very seriously practical application, okay?
It's one thing to sit and listen to content, yet it is another thing to actually put the content into practice.
And I think that's such a vitally important aspect of the apologetic task. So whether you take this course or not, and you do another course, you're studying on your own, make sure that you are doing more than simply reading, watching videos.
Actually take a step of faith, right? Step out and actually use what you're learning.
And what you'll find is that you know a lot more about how to defend the faith than you actually think.
And of course, you'll also make lots of mistakes. I mean, I sure do. There are even debates that I've done, you can find on the
YouTube channel. There are things that I've said in a debate where I'm kind of like, oh man, I should have said this or I should have placed emphasis there.
And the best way to get good at this stuff is to just do it.
I asked a friend of mine who, he's an apologist. And I asked him a question about evangelism.
And I asked him, how do you get better at evangelism? And he answered me quite simply.
He says, the way you get better at doing evangelism is doing evangelism, right? You just gotta go out there and do it.
Trust and go, trust and go, trust and go. But of course, behind that trusting, right?
We're trusting in the Lord, right? But there's also a time of preparation, whether that's prayer, whether that's reading and knowing your
Bible, whether that's anticipating various objections and questions people might ask. There's a process of preparation that I think is very important.
But we trust and we go, and we pray that God gives us the words that are needed for that specific occasion, okay?
So what I wanna offer you in this course is that backend element, okay?
That prep, okay? Now you can prep anyway, you can read books. I mean, you guys can't see it here, but I got a mountain of books beside my computer right now.
And of course, you can do your own personal study. But I do think that there's great value in structured study and actually having lessons laid out and going through a topic in an orderly fashion.
I think that's a very helpful way to study, especially in this issue of apologetics where there's so much content to remember and things like that.
It is a great help to actually have some structure to that. And so hopefully this course, if you do sign up, that can offer that kind of structure to you.
I think another benefit of taking this course is that it's good. It's cheaper than seminary, okay?
I am, well, I was a seminarian, okay? And let me minimize that real quick.
I was a seminarian. I was a graduate of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. I earned two master's degrees, a
Master of Arts in Theological Studies and a Master of Divinity with a theological focus.
So theology was something that was very passionate about. What people might be interested in learning is that I took one semester of apologetics at Liberty, okay?
That's it, okay? So 99 .9 % of the apologetics that I learned,
I did not learn in seminary, okay? Now I'm not bashing seminary. I think seminary is a great tool.
It definitely creates in a student the habit of studying and organization and clarity and thinking and writing and things like that.
But you don't need to go to seminary to do apologetics. It'd definitely be helpful, but you don't need it, right?
What you need is focus, study, discipline, and just the passion to defend the gospel and a passion to share the gospel, right?
That's all you really need. There's so many resources out there. Many resources are free. If you think about it, you don't even need to sign up for this course, right?
If you wanna learn apologetics, you can do it some other way. But there is a great value, as I said, in going through a structured class with others.
We'd be meeting through Zoom and talking and discussing and brainstorming. And it's a, I don't like to use this language, but it is a safe space in which you can ask your questions, express your insecurities.
I think this is a big thing for people who get into apologetics as well, is that one of the things that people have great difficulty in, in defending the faith, is that they're afraid to say the wrong thing, or they're afraid that they're gonna be asked a question that they don't have a response to.
And again, I think taking a course like this with a nice tight -knit group of students where you can talk about these things kind of can help train you to feel uncomfortable, okay?
I remember when I was teaching, I was speaking at a youth event and I was, you know, they had the worship there and I was the speaker, but before I went up to speak, there was this great worship service, right?
And the kids were super passionate, you know, and they were super excited to be there.
I don't remember what the specific event was, and the topic that I was invited to speak on was apologetics, but I was keeping my eyes open for, you know, who in the audience really, you know, was on fire for God.
You could see it in their worship, and it's always that person who lifts their hands up and they're like, oh man, you know? And I kept my eyes peeled for this super passionate student.
And when it was my turn to speak, I was looking for a volunteer and I purposely chose the kid who was super, super excited about the
Lord, you know? And he came up to the front and I took the microphone and I asked him, I was like, listen, do you love
Jesus? And he's like, yes. And I was like, all right, cool. And you believe the Bible is the word of God? He's like, yes, that's right.
And you believe that God himself inspired the scriptures? He's like, yes. And I'm like, amen, this guy.
He's like, he's on a roll. He's like, he's all psyched. And I was like, and you believe the Bible is true? And he's like, of course.
And then I asked him the question, I was like, and how do you know? And at that moment, the student's face dropped.
He was like, actually, I remember what he said. He almost mumbled it out. I was like, you know, how do you know it's true?
And he says, the manuscripts. He said the manuscripts.
I'm like, manuscripts, what do you mean manuscripts? He goes, the manuscripts, the biblical manuscripts.
And I'm like, oh, you mean like the New Testament documents and things like that? Well, what do you mean? He goes, well, they're reliable.
I was like, well, how do you know? And he had nothing, he couldn't say anything, okay? And, you know, eventually he got to the answer.
Well, I believe in my heart that the Bible is true. And I looked at him and I said, well, the
Mormon says that he believes in his heart that the Book of Mormon is true. So how do you know that the
Bible is true, right? And how do you know all these other religious perspectives are false?
And it was just awkward silence. And I let the silence kind of, you know, just be, right?
I wanted it to get super awkward. And as the student began to get really uncomfortable,
I looked him in the eyes and I said, do you feel uncomfortable? And in front of everyone, he says, yes.
And I said, thank you, please have a seat. And that is how I introduced the topic.
And I was like, listen, we need to learn to feel a little uncomfortable. But of course, we also need to learn how to navigate that discomfort with clear thinking and biblical responses and knowing the actual reasons why we believe what we believe to be true, okay?
And this is what apologetics is all about, right? Apologetics is defending the faith, but we're giving a reason for the hope that is in us.
And so we need to know how we defend the faith, okay?
There are a lot of different resources out there, all right? On PreceptU, that's just one resource.
If this resource doesn't float your boat, get another resource or read books or listen to videos or continue to listen to the live streams here.
But it is vitally important that you're doing what is necessary to equip yourself to be ready to give a reason for the hope that's in you.
That's super, super important, all right? So again, let me just share the screen here, all right?
So if you're interested in signing up, you can literally just go here, click
RSVP and pick the course you want.
If you want the basic course here, you can do that. If you want the premium course here, you can click the plus sign there and click the checkout and it'll walk you through the process there, okay?
So that course where we're gonna be meeting together is going to begin on June 1st.
And we're gonna be meeting every Tuesday at 9 p .m. until we finish the course there.
I don't care if one person signs up, I'm going to be there on the Zoom. And if I have to work with one person,
I'm gonna do it. If I have to work with 10 people, I'm gonna do it, but I encourage folks, it is an awesome course.
And from the feedback that I've gotten from the last time we've done it, folks have found it super helpful. So if you're interested in doing that, please sign up.
It would be a great help for me in the ministry and what I'm doing. And I'm sure that you will benefit from it as well, all right?
All right, well, let me see here. I don't think there are any questions here. If you have a question, I'll take one.
If not, we could end the live stream here. Hello, hello, okay. Hello, Carlos.
I gotta give some shout outs here. Hello, Jessica, Jessica Marie or Jessica Ott.
Congratulations, by the way. I saw on Facebook, you just got married. Congratulations, that's awesome. MJ Jackson, grace and peace.
Thank you, thank you. Let's see here, oh, okay. All right, MJ, stirring the pot, are we?
When will you and Dr. Richard Howe have that sit down? Oh man, I don't know.
I don't know when we'll have that sit down. Let's see here. Converse Contender asked me if I'm doing well.
I'm doing well, man, doing well. Let's see here. Angie, hello, Angie.
Hello, hello. All right, there we go. Mr. Perdomo, how are you doing?
Okay, very cool, very cool. I'm doing really well. Thank you so much for asking. Let's see here.
Let's see here. Let's see here. Thank you,
Jesus. I became a Christian before I read the Bible. So I said to myself, I will read the Bible and I expect
Jesus to not be someone who is confused of that. Confused of that? I'm not sure what you're trying to say there. Let's see here.
After reading, I was overwhelmed with wisdom and authority that Jesus spoke with. Also, I have read the Bible, questioned it, and it makes sense to me.
Sure, yeah, I think the Bible makes good sense. Okay, think about it.
When you're exploring what makes sense of the world the best, what is the best model of understanding the world?
I think the Bible, of course, passes with flying colors and not just as the best.
I mean, I would argue, you guys know the kind of argumentation I use. I would argue that the Bible, the biblical worldview is the only worldview that can adequately make sense out of human experience and things like that on so many different levels.
I mean, we can talk about science. We can talk about philosophy. We can talk about history and all these different areas of study.
And the Bible provides for us wonderful answers to the meaning of life, to the intrinsic meaning, the very fact that human beings have intrinsic meaning and purpose, that there's a
God who loves us. The Bible gives us a theory of reality that makes sense, a theory of knowledge that makes sense, a basis for morality that makes sense.
So, yeah. And then, of course, that practical wisdom, if you're not so philosophically minded, it gives us that practical wisdom for everyday life.
So, yeah, I would totally agree there. That's a good observation there. Okay, so Brian Zeebarth, I apologize if I've mispronounced that, asked the question, if you miss a
Tuesday night, will it be recorded? Yes, yes, it will be recorded. Okay, so if you miss, you can watch the recording.
The thing with the recordings though, is that the courses themselves, so when you order the course, you get all five lectures and you're gonna watch the lecture for that specific week.
The lectures are about an hour to an hour, right? But the discussions that we have sometimes go longer than an hour.
Because I do want people to feel as though they're getting adequate time with me as their instructor, to ask all the questions, to get into all of the interesting side discussions that we get into when we're talking about the topic of apologetics.
You know, what if this person says that? What about this topic? How do we address this particular area? So those videos will be available, but they might be a little longer than an hour.
So if you're willing to sit and watch the whole, you know, discussion there, okay?
But they definitely will be available for people who miss the class, okay? Hope that helps.
Let's see here, okay. Nancy, hello, Nancy. I came in late, what class?
Okay, I will repeat, I will repeat, okay. I'm offering a Christian apologetics course on my website.
And so I was just walking through how folks can sign up for the course, okay?
And in so doing, they're supporting the Revealed Apologetics Ministry. And of course, you are getting the content to walk through the course, either at your own pace, or with me as the instructor for the course of the five -week, well, for the whole week, the whole course will be five weeks.
So each week for five weeks in a row, you'll be meeting with me on Tuesdays at 9 p .m. And of course, the rest of the students as well to kind of expand and go beyond the content of the video lectures that folks purchase if they sign up.
All right, all right, all right. Thank you for that, Nancy. And I hope you're doing well, Nancy, okay?
I know, Nancy. All right, let's see here. JesusNameMagnified asked the question, Eli, did you happen to watch the
Bloomberg versus Pullman debate? Pullman really hammered away at presuppositional apologetics. Any chance you would do a critique of his opening statement?
Why, yes, there is a great chance. I've only listened to half of the debate.
So I have more to listen to. I've been super busy and today was Mother's Day. So I didn't have time to, right now,
I'm on doing a live video now because I have the time, but I didn't have the time in the middle of the day to watch it, but I'm definitely going to watch it or listen to it.
And I think I'm going to be having Dr. Chris Bolt on with me to critique his opening statement and various elements of the debate that I think will be helpful for folks to understand.
Here, listen, there are a lot of criticisms of presuppositional apologetics, okay? They're not new, okay?
The majority, when I say the majority, from my experience, 99 .9 % of the criticisms against the presuppositional approach
I've seen, I've seen before, there is nothing new, okay? But a lot of people haven't heard many good responses to some of those things.
So yeah, I definitely want to take the time to do a response video on that, but I need to do my due diligence and actually sit down and listen to the whole thing.
So that will be coming soon, actually. So I definitely will keep folks posted there, okay? All right, let me see something here.
All right, if there are any other questions, I'd be happy to take them. If not, we could end here right now, okay?
So again, if you're not interested in taking the course and you know someone who might be interested, do me a solid and share this video.
I'm hoping that we get a good group of people. I think we'll have a really good time and folks will very much benefit from the content, all right?
All right, well, I do see the comment section kind of dwindling there, that's okay. We'll call it a quits for tonight.
I'm looking forward to having folks sign up. If you have any questions about the signup, the content of the course, some of the specifics of what we would cover.
So maybe before you sign up, you want to know, well, what are we covering? Is it super beginners or is it too advanced?
I would say if you have beginner level presuppositional apologetics and super advanced level apologetics,
I would say that it's safely in the middle, more towards beginner, but definitely not totally completely beginners.
You will get some in -depth discussions on philosophical issues, but of course the biblical foundations for apologetics as well.
So definitely going to be helpful for folks, okay?
Nancy's asking, how do you sign up? Okay, Nancy, ready? I'm gonna do a quick rerun for you, all right?
So I'm gonna share my screen. So you can see my screen there. That is my website. So let me go to the home screen.
So you go on google .com or your favorite, your preferred, you know, internet search engine, and you're going to type in revealedapologetics .com,
okay? And this is going to pop up, all right? Let me just do something real quick. I don't want my, I didn't, all right, let me see here.
Actually, there we go. All right, okay.
So if you see there, you have the website, okay? And what you're gonna do is you're going to go to Preset View right here.
You're gonna click on that and you will pick a course, okay? So this one here is what you wanna click on, the first course one, and then you want to RSVP.
When you RSVP, it will give you kind of the options here. You choose which one you want.
So the basic course, you get all five lectures with the PowerPoint slides and the outline, and you work on the course at your own pace.
You don't meet up on Tuesday nights for the live, you know, the Zoom class with the other students, or you can sign up for the premium course in which you get everything that's offered on the basic course, but on Tuesdays, you meet with me and the class who signed up to go in more deeper into the course content, all right?
So you click there, and in so doing, you get all the content, the
Zoom code to meet with the class, and of course, you're supporting Revealed Apologetics as well, and so that would be greatly appreciated.
So that's how you do it, all right? So revealedapologetics .com, and then of course, click on the Preset View and follow the simple instructions, all right?
I hope that made sense, okay? I think that I'm going to call it a night here, and if anyone has any questions, email me, revealedapologetics at gmail .com,