Have I Repented Enough? | Theocast Clips

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In this clip from: "Repenting of Repentance," Jon and Justin discuss how a Christian can find themselves caught up in their own sin and disobedience rather than looking towards the finished work of Christ.


But then what occurs is this, we start to gauge and evaluate repentance, and we start to gauge and evaluate the quote -unquote fruits of repentance.
And where this often goes is we're looking for changes in behavior that are of enough significance that we could then stamp the thing and validate it and say genuine repentance.
That's the scenario. It happens all the time. We're not seeing adequate fruits of repentance, as stated a lot.
And of course we understand what is meant here. If there's just no acknowledgment of the wrongdoing, if there's just no desire at all on the part of the sinner to not break
God's law, then of course we need to have a different conversation. But here's the thing.
People struggle because of various factors—pietism, revivalistic emphases on moral transformation and the like.
People struggle with this conversation and this issue in the church, and there are a lot of people, a lot of saints who are mired in the battle against the flesh, who are discouraged to no end because they are terrified that they have not repented well enough and that they're not even maybe repentant at all and that God is against them.
And I'm just going to say it this way. In the battle against the flesh and in the battle against habitual sin, you can be still sinning in the way that you're sinning and be repentant.
That's right. All right. Why? Because how? Right? Because I'm sure people out there will be like, well, okay, explain this to me,
Justin. John, help me out here. What do we mean? You can be still engaged in the sin and doing it and be repentant.
Here's how. Because in sinning, you're agreeing with God. That's right. You are still agreeing with God.
You're saying, it is wrong. I know it's wrong. God's law is against such things. I and my inner man don't want to do this.
I'm doing this because I'm weak. I'm failing to do the good I want. I'm failing to abstain from the evil
I don't want to do. I, because of the corruption of my flesh and finding myself doing things
I don't want to do, who can rescue me? Right? You're saying the words of the apostle effectively in the midst of the fight.
And so you are a repentant sinner. That's right. And we want to encourage the saints in the fight against the flesh this way rather than beat people to death because they think, oh, well, if I was really repentant,
I wouldn't be doing A, B or C. Yeah. It's like, no, like, brother, sister, do you agree with the
Lord? Yeah. And are you fighting? Have you taken God's side? And if the answers to those questions are yes, then let us help you carry this.
That's right. Amen. And you are a saint. Amen. And you are battling the corruption of your flesh just like the rest of us.
Sinners who are not regenerate don't want to fight their sin. No. You know, it's interesting. I think this is helpful as we kind of think about some closing thoughts.
Somehow, Justin, we get it in our mind that we must first stop doing the sin before we can repent.
And that's not true. Yeah, that's what we're talking about. That's right. We somehow, the prodigal son tried to do this.
He tried to earn back and the father repented him. He said, no, I'm bringing you back into full acceptance.
You've always been accepted. But there's idea that I must first stop the sin before I can go to the father and bring this to the father.
And this is why he says the kindness of God is supposed to lead you back to me in the midst of your sin, in the midst of your struggle.
I love how Hebrews says this in the time of need. When do you need mercy? While sinning.