Sunday Morning Sermon Series - December 6th 2020



We're going to be in Luke chapter 7 today, Luke chapter 7, verses 36 through 50.
And we've been talking in the last few weeks about submission. And of course, that verse of all verses, that ubiquitous verse that is spoken by every preacher under the topic of submission is always,
Wives, submit unto your husbands. In other words, go make me turkey pot pot. And there is an absolute truth in God's Word that the husband is the head of the household.
But we do not understand what spiritual submission is. We have no idea.
And I've been endeavoring over these last few weeks. Let's see here. What am I doing wrong? These last few weeks to.
That's all right, Mike. Don't worry about it. Say hi, church. To talk about what submission is.
And I'm all right. All right. So in Luke chapter 7, whoever is on this, make these louder from now on.
Every time I get up, just go ahead and make them louder than they were before. We've been talking about submission.
We talked about what submission is and what it is not. But someone said, I still don't understand submission.
So what I did is I found a comparison and a contrast in Scripture to define and to make us understand a little bit more of what submission is.
Mike, I don't know. There we go. Praise Jesus. All right. So here in Luke chapter 7, here's what's going on.
In the first part of chapter 7, a centurion, a Roman Gentile who was an occupant.
Think of the centurion as a stormtrooper on Tatooine. OK, they got the stormtrooper as a
I mean, as a centurion, as a stormtrooper on Tatooine. And he comes to Jesus and he says, hey, one of my servants is sick.
And Jesus said, well, where do you live? And the stormtrooper says, I believe in you so much, you don't even have to come to my house.
In fact, I'm unworthy for you to come to my house. All you have to do is speak the word and I know my servant will be healed.
Jesus looked and said, where is this faith amongst my own people?
And he said to the servant, your servant this day is healed. And people were amazed.
Jesus then continued traveling in the Galilee region. He came to a little town called
Nain, N -A -I -N. And as they were nearing the town walls, a funeral procession was coming out of the town.
And it was a widow woman. And this was her only son. Jesus walked up and looked at the woman and said, hey, it's going to be
OK. And he touched the coffin. And when he touched the coffin, the boy sat up and started speaking.
And everybody was like, O -M -G, right? They were just freaking out.
Well, word of this traveled throughout all the region. And it got back to Jerusalem. So when
Jesus came back to Jerusalem, a Pharisee sat there and said, hey, Jesus, let's me and you do lunch.
Let's me and you get together for dinner. Because I've got to figure out what is going on.
In this next few verses, in these 14 verses, I hope that you will get a clear understanding of what true submission looks like.
Look at verse 36, in chapter 7. We'll start there in verse 36. It says, then one of the
Pharisees invited him to eat with him. Jesus entered the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table.
And a woman in the town who was a sinner found out that Jesus was reclining at the table in the
Pharisee's house. She brought an alabaster jar of fragrant oil and stood behind him at his feet, weeping, and began to wash his feet with her tears.
She wiped his feet with her hair of her head, kissing them and anointing them with the fragrant oil.
When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, This man, if he really were a prophet, in other words, if this man really was a man of God, he would know who and what kind of woman this is who was touching him.
She is a sinner. For us as Christians, we've discussed that salvation is defined by the word submission.
You cannot be a Christian unless you have submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
You may invite Jesus into your heart, just like the Pharisee invited
Jesus to dinner. But there was no submission to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
You see, there is a spiritual submission that has to happen before a physical submission can even begin.
Look at this Pharisee. He was intrigued by Jesus. All over the world this morning, there are people who are going to religious services because they are intrigued by religion.
Meaning that they need something from religion. They may say, well, my marriage is in shambles.
I need to get into church. They may say, oh, I've really done something bad.
Saturday night, they may have had an epiphany as they were leaning over a toilet in a bathroom stall in a bar going,
I need to get my life back together. And so they want to invite
Jesus to be a part of their life. Ladies and gentlemen, like this
Pharisee, inviting Jesus to be your moral compass does not make you a
Christian. Okay? And I want you to understand that. Believing simply that there is a
God does not make you a believer. It does not make you a child of God to believe that there is a
God. Guys, there has to be a true submission. Look at verse 39.
And we know that this man was only intrigued with Jesus and he didn't truly understand
Jesus because in his head, this is what he was thinking. If this man,
Jesus, whom I invited into my house to figure out who he was, if he truly was a man of God, if he truly was the
Son of God, if he truly was a holy man, he would not allow this woman to touch him.
And then notice his words. And here's why. Because she is a sinner.
Ladies and gentlemen, listen to me. Your worship will never be sweeter until you realize how big of a sinner you are.
You will never know the peace of God until you understand how wretched you are standing before a holy and righteous
God. And one of the key factors for you understanding that, one of the key telltale understandings that you realize who and what you are before God is that you don't look at others and go, oh, she's worse than I am.
Guys, there are people that are homosexuals that are in this room. Okay?
But here's what your mind thing is. Is that my gossiping tongue and me making fun of someone else is not as bad as homosexuality.
You're the Pharisee. I want you to wrap your head around that. Okay? Well, there are people in this room who have children out of wedlock.
Look at my face. It's a sin. Got it. That's not what I'm talking about, though.
What I'm talking about is that there are Christians who look at those and say, they are worse than I am.
You will never know the power of submission. You will never know the glory of peace. Your songs will be so much duller and the praise of your heart will be so much dimmer because you believe your merits give you grace.
You believe merits give you peace. You believe that holding to a religious scruple will somehow get you closer to God.
And there you stand in the outer darkness and you feel no joy. You understand no peace because you have not spiritually submitted to God.
Like the Pharisee, you are only intrigued with the idea of a moral or ethical understanding.
You have not truly been set free. And the clanking you hear are not the sins of others, but the chains of sin around your own soul.
Look at this woman. Contrast that with this woman. This woman, it says here, verse 39.
I love this verse. Verse 39 says this, When the Pharisee who invited saw this, he said to them,
This man, if he were a prophet, would know what kind of woman this is. There were three people in this little conversation.
Now, I want you to get a physical understanding of what's going on. Think of your front porch.
Well, no, better yet, a deck in your backyard. OK, think of a deck about two foot off the ground.
And when it says they were reclining at dinner, what that meant was that there was a table.
Like, let's say this table is about three feet wide. And what there would be, there would be couches around this table.
And how they ate back then is they would lean on their left arm, like laying out on the couch.
And then they would simply pick up food with the right hand and eat. Well, Jesus obviously is laying down on the couch closest to the edge of that deck.
Are you with me so far? So when it says the woman is at His feet, she is sitting outside or off the deck, ministering to Christ with His feet.
Are you with me? Now, why is that so important? Well, here's why it's so important. Here's what spiritual submission will do to you.
If you are truly spiritually submitted to Jesus Christ, your place is absolutely eye -opening real to who and what you are.
You will see yourself not as a man who looks down on others. You will see yourself as someone not even worthy to be on the porch.
The only place you even have is at the feet of Jesus Christ. But Christian or person seeking, let me tell you something.
Religion will try to put you in a chair and give you a title. Being at the foot of the cross, being at the foot of Jesus will give you the peace religion never will.
Here was a woman who did not care what everybody else was doing. Here was a woman that the only thing that she had left in life, the only hope she had was at the feet of Jesus Christ.
You may be sitting in here today seeking peace. I hate to break it to you, but being a member of this church will not give it to you.
Listening to me will not give it to you. I'm just one center showing another center where to find grace.
I am as just the biggest center as the street walking whore on Jackson Avenue. Listen to me. The only place you're going to finally find peace is not in a moral compass, but at the feet of Jesus Christ.
Don't worry about sitting next to him. Don't worry about giving him a high five and saying, hey, JC, what's in the house?
Jesus is not wearing skinny jeans, guys, okay? All the modern colloquialisms and all the modern ideas of a relationship with Jesus Christ are absolute fallacy.
Your position with Jesus Christ at the moment of your salvation can only be found at his feet in submission.
Do you understand that? You see, spiritually, the Pharisee thought he was better than the prostitute knew she was unworthy, and she knew that Jesus Christ was her only hope.
You know what's astonishing to me? What's astonishing? What's the word? One of the vernacular of this generation is awkward.
Well, that's awkward. People say it to me constantly like Mercedes. Um, gosh, pastor.
Every time I'm talking, she does this. And what that means is here's a line. Pastor, you went over that line.
She tells me that all the time. And pastor, you just have to make people feel awkward. Well, here's why.
I'm spilling the tea on you. It's big facts, okay? Here's why
I do that. I know that sounds like I'm trying to be silly, and sometimes
I am. But here's what I have found in dealing with church people. They are full of crap.
And here's what's so funny. They have lived out the religious lie and absolutely have manipulated their own thoughts to believe in something that is not true.
And they walk through life broken and beaten. And they look for bigger, grander worship services.
They look for gold and glitter and lights. And they want to feel something. Guys, the feelings of peace will never proceed the act of submission.
You want to find peace? It's going to come by you kneeling, not by you standing. Do you understand?
This prostitute understood that. What's amazing to me and what is so awkward is the fact that this woman wasn't doing it in the middle of the dinner party.
What's awkward to me is there weren't 200 other people trying to do the same thing. Guys, do you ever have those thoughts during invitation time?
Oh, my God, here comes someone else. We're going to be here another five minutes. If you've ever had that thought, guess where you need to be.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Because you invited Jesus Christ into your heart a long time ago.
You invited him over to your house for dinner, but you've never submitted to him. Spiritual submission will have fruits that will be borne out.
Let's go to that second point. If you're spiritually submitted, there will be a physical submission.
There will be characteristics or fruits of your life that will be meted out.
I have people all the time. I mean, that's one of the things I do. Whether I'm in New England, whether I'm in Nicaragua, wherever I am, if I meet someone new,
I'll sit there and if I actually have more than five seconds, I'll actually sit there and go. So are you a believer?
Are you really a Christian? 99 .9 % of the time, here's the answer
I'll get. Well, yeah. And there's almost this feigned, self -manipulated awe and like shock that I would ask you that.
Well, that could be two things. Number one, I don't know you and it's my job to ask you because at the end of the day,
I really don't want you to die and go to hell for eternity. But here's the other thing, right? I actually care that you actually find the peace that I have found in your life.
I want you to have what I found. You know why? Not because I'm a preacher, but because the love of God in me.
Jeff Shipley does not care whether you live or die. I'm sorry,
I don't. I don't love the whole world. I'm sorry, I don't. I don't know the whole world, okay?
I'm not going to have these little churchy little phrases. Jeff Shipley does not care whether you live or die, but the
Jesus that lives within me does. And when I submit to him, there's something else that goes on in my heart that makes my actions different.
Does that make sense? You with me? Notice the comparison and contrast of the actions, the physical submission that follows the spiritual submission.
Jesus pointed it out very quickly here, and it says in verse 44, he lists the things.
Turning to the woman, he said to Simon, i .e. the Pharisee, Do you see this woman? I entered your house, you gave me no water for my feet, but she with her tears has washed my feet and wiped them with her hair.
You gave me no kiss, but she hasn't, listen, she hasn't stopped kissing my feet since she's gotten here.
I sure wish Andrew would sing a different song that would pep us up more, you know?
I wish Hayden or Aiden would play those drums better. Man, I wish Miss Carla, if she would just play like this,
I could get into the spirit of things. Oh, the childishness and spiritual vacancy that must be in your life to need such outward stimuli.
This woman had no band, no music, no lights, no fog machine, no preacher, no music minister. But man, she did stop kissing the feet of Jesus.
You didn't anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with fragrant oil. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven.
Now, here's what's funny. The physical submission plays out and it betrays your heart.
You see, the Pharisee, a few verses earlier, said this. He can't be a man of God because...
We good? All right. He can't be a man of God. Everybody, DEFCON 3, it's okay.
We've got to be careful in here with that. Crossfire will wear you out. Guys, the
Pharisee said Jesus doesn't know who this woman is. But watch this. He thinks that Jesus is blind.
But what's really funny is Jesus not only knows this woman's heart, He also knows the Pharisee's heart.
Because He looks at the Pharisee and says, No, I see her. Simon, do you see her?
Or has the religion of your world blinded your eyes to actually care about something other than yourself?
You want to know if a church is truly submitted to God? They get outside of this stupid building and stop having church and start being the church out there in your own individual lives.
Who are you ministering to? Who are you discipling? Who are you witnessing to in the name of Jesus Christ?
Well, well, I go to church. I'm a good Christian. I go to Sunday school.
Well, cool, Skippy. But that's not the mandate that Christ gave. He said to many of those that you give a cool cup of water to those you are doing it unto me.
You see, the Pharisee physically did not play out his spiritual submission because he had not yet truly submitted.
There is no service there. There is no service to Jesus. Let me tell you all something.
In 2021, about eight years ago, well, about nine years ago now, we had a diametric change in this church.
I knew that if we kept being the Sunday suit and tie crowd, the demographics of this community did not fit that anymore.
And I knew what would happen. I knew what would happen. We'd be sitting in here with five people over the age of 90 singing
Amazing Grace and having a proper high church service, and we would become irrelevant to our community.
Guys, you realize right now there are 50 folks sitting 50 yards from us in another part of our building praising
Jesus in Mexicanese. Right now, they're praising Jesus in Mexicanese.
Isn't that right? Kayla back there going... Guys, whether they're singing in Mexican, whether they're singing in American, whether they're singing in Filipino, whether they're singing in Korean, it don't matter.
You see, because what matters is not where they are physically, but what they are doing spiritually.
Do you understand that? The Pharisee did not get that. He wanted this woman to repent and come to the temple.
Where Jesus came, that's where they showed up. Guys, if we will actually serve
Jesus, we don't have to have great programs. We don't have to have great fancy things.
If we actually are serving Jesus, loving the Lord our God, they will come here.
People are searching for absolute truth and absolute answers. In this world today, they're sick of lies and half -truths.
They want absolutes. If we simply speak the name of Jesus, live out that life in both spiritual and physical submission, people will come.
This Pharisee had no service. He had no worship. How many of y 'all worship God this morning? Great, cool.
How many of y 'all worshiped Him yesterday morning? How did you do that without Brother Andrew and Miss Carla?
Because worship isn't about what I do with this. You know what God said to His people in Israel? I am sick of your celebrations.
I am sick of your religious holidays. I am sick of your songs. And I am sick of your prayers.
Stop it. You know why? Because they had got in the rut of doing the same thing over and over again, and they were doing it with this, but not first with this.
If you want to physically submit, the strength in physical submission comes first from spiritual submission.
This Pharisee had no true worship. Whatever he was doing on Saturday mornings didn't matter, i .e.
Sunday morning, didn't matter. What mattered is the perfect epitome of what true worship looked like.
It looked like that woman with her last hope kissing the feet of Jesus. And then the other thing is this.
He offered Jesus nothing. What ministries are you involved in here in this place?
What ministries are you involved in? Man, a lot of people just look at the floor.
What are you doing? What do you do? Well, Brother Jeff, I come to church.
Cool, Skippy. What do you serve? Guys, understand that coming to this building is not for you.
If you think that coming here is for you, then you have no idea what physical submission looks like.
You come here to serve others. That's why you're here this morning.
Who are you ministering to this morning? Let me ask you this. This drives me crazy.
In the meet and greet time, do you go say hi to the same people that you just got finished saying hi to five minutes before we started?
Why? You're going to talk to them tonight and tomorrow and on Wednesday. What about the people who are awkward?
Who don't go here? Who have been stigmatized by the world and are looking for a place to find peace and safety?
Why don't you go to them? Well, Brother Jeff, I don't know them and I'm shy. No, you're arrogant and afraid.
There's no such thing as shyness. There's no such thing. It's arrogance or fear. One of the two.
Or sometimes both. If you're dumb enough to go drive a bike off the roof of a house to impress a girl,
I guarantee you can... Watch this. I guarantee it. I guarantee you can sacrifice some of that pride to go serve
Jesus Christ. Every week, they have to beg for people to serve in the nursery.
Beg people to serve in the nursery. Why? How many of y 'all are females in here?
Raise your hand. Okay, I'm sorry. I forgot what generation
I'm in. How many of you identify as females in here? Yeah.
And people will say, well, Brother Jeff, that's sexist. Yeah, dude. If you're 40 years old and single, you are not working in the nursery.
Okay, it ain't happening. All right. Sorry. That's past the rule. If you're one of them creepy guy, no. Okay. There should never be a time where Rebecca and Carrie are the only ones doing everything.
And they weren't. There should never be a time where we're having to find people to work.
We should be able to turn people away. We got a cripple in a wheelchair who's 53 years old who works his tail off.
I was about to say running around. Works his tail off, scooting his little wheelchair around working.
I got another cripple right there. Jake's up here probably five days a week. Guys, what do you do?
And here's what's funny. When you're here serving, it's funny. Your mindset doesn't go somewhere else and you start getting into trouble more.
When you are humbled and are serving something greater than yourself, you will find more peace.
Moving on. Look at this prostitute. Three things of her physical submission. She was physically at the feet of Christ.
Listen to Matthew 6, 33. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Then all these things will be added unto you. All my single women, raise your hand. Oh my gosh, why y 'all so embarrassed?
And you chicks with boyfriends, you're single, okay? You're single, all right? Hunter's a good guy, but dang, baby.
You can do so much better. Are you worried about your husband?
You worried about who you're going to marry? Here's the thing. If you don't seek first the kingdom...
I have people all the time. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life. Senioritis, I call it. I don't know what the will of God for my life is.
Yes, you do. Well, I don't know where I'm supposed to go to school. I don't know who I'm supposed to marry. I don't know what
I'm supposed to do in life. Yes, you do. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
Then all these other little things will be added unto you. You put your thoughts, desires, wants, and needs before the righteousness of the kingdom of God, you're always going to be wrong.
But if you submit to the kingdom of God, I'm not talking about just intellectually. I'm not talking about just spiritually.
I'm actually talking about physically submit to the kingdom of God and to God's righteousness.
All these other little things will be added unto you. See? Matthew 22 verse 37 says this.
Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind. Not just on Sunday mornings at 1030, but with the total encapsulation of who and what you are.
If you want a marked understanding of what physical submission looks like, it's
Matthew 22 verse 37. With all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your might.
Now, Christians, listen to me. I'm going to tell you something. I used to tell this to my fighters when I was training them. You have a win column and an
L column. What's that stand for? Win? No, not lose.
When you're a Christian, it's not a lose column anymore. It's a learn column.
Some of you guys, you stopped your physical submission because you stumbled and fell and you've said something to yourself like, well,
God can't forgive me. Or here's my favorite one. I don't want to be a hypocrite anymore. Dummy, you're going to be a hypocrite till the day you die because you will never live up to the things of God's standards without the power of God.
Understand what I'm saying? Some of you beat yourself up and you live in defeat because you have faltered or failed some way along the way.
And so you just give up and quit. Stop thinking of yourself as a loser if you're a child of God. Learn from that mistake.
Get up and move forward. The best trophies of God's grace are the scars that you have.
Remember doubting Thomas. There are people out there that need to see your scars. Thomas did not believe until he saw the scars of Jesus Christ.
He did not believe until he saw those scars. Some of y 'all's adultery. Some of y 'all's divorce.
Some of y 'all's drug addiction. Some of your chemical addiction. Some of your homosexuality. Whatever it is you've struggled with, if you sit there and don't put yourself out there in public kissing the feet of Christ knowing that everyone knows who and what you really are, if you don't let them see the wound and the repentance and the grace and the love of God, they're never going to find it for themselves.
Because they didn't preach your stupid sermons. It's the trophies of grace in God's individual lives that he touches.
It's worth a billion sermons and a billion ministries. Your testimony.
Let your physical submission serve. Let it offer everything. And then the last thing is this.
I'm moving on because I'm running out of time. What are the results? What are the results?
Well, the results are these. The Pharisee, he ate. He learned a little bit.
But basically, he loved a little and he was forgotten. Basically, he's worthless.
I have people all the time to me say this. Brother Jeff, no life is worthless. That's true.
Unfortunately though, some people choose to make their life worthless. Galatians 6, 7 says,
Be not fooled. God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap.
Your choice to become worthless is a possibility. It really is. Christians, there are some of you in this room that have been saved by the grace of God, but you are absolutely worthless, not because of your failures in your sin, but because of your failures to live out the grace of God and serving something other than yourself.
Guys, look at this woman. I love this part. The spiritual submission, the physical submission, but the results of it is this.
When you truly submit to God, you come with everything you've got. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
You don't care. You bring it. And you use it for God's glory. She gave everything she had.
Let me tell y 'all a secret about money. There is no such New Testament principle as tithing.
It does not exist. Churches that preach you have to give 10%. That is not anywhere found in the
New Testament. It's not there. Okay. Please stop giving your tithes.
Give your all. All right. If your all is 10 cents, then it's 10 cents.
If it's 10 million dollars, like you small business owners that are just rolling in money. Man, I tell you what, you small business owners got the bucks.
Y 'all are twaxing big bucks. Oh, that's right. I'm not supposed to say that. That's waxing marijuana.
I didn't know that. By the way, that's called hash. But anyways. All my age group goes,
Yeah, guys, listen to me. Bring it all.
Unless you empty yourself, you're never going to be able to get filled up. But here's the last thing. You know what this woman had?
God. If you look carefully at the scriptures, it said she worshipped him.
She anointed it. She did it. It was an individual. The pronouns, even in the Greek, are all individual and singular.
And then it says this. Jesus said to her, or Jesus said to Simon, You know what?
Her sins are forgiven. And everybody was like, Who is this man to believe that he can forgive sins?
Now, it's really cool. In my own life, I need this. And I'm gonna let the music peoples come up.
I really need this. All right, y 'all focus while they walk up. My little brother was in town the last three or four days.
And inevitably, when he comes in town, we have war stories that we always bring up.
Remember when, remember when, remember when, right? And what's really cool now is that he can't do that to my children anymore because they know most of the stories, right?
In other words, he used to say, Hey, kids, go ask your dad about the Coke machine or go ask your dad about the 7 -Eleven or go ask your dad about bad things we did when we were younger.
Now, he's got two young kids. And so I'm sitting there going, Hey, go ask your dad about the gas pump.
My brother stole a gasoline pump from a gas station one time. It's a long story, but I get to tell him all that.
And Chris is over there going, I stole a gas pump. He don't want to tell all the gory details, right?
We start telling each other stories, right? But you know what's funny?
And it's this unwritten rule that neither one of us have to speak. There are a lot of stories that our kids don't know, that my wife don't know.
And they never will. There are things that happen that only me, him, and a few other guys, most of them who are strolling around, did.
I'm going to be honest with you. I've been a pastor now 27 years.
26, 26 years. I'm a zealot.
Like I'm one of them weird people. Like I actually believe this stuff. I'm not just doing this for a job.
I really have known the grace of God. I'm going to be honest with you. I think back on some of them stories.
I think back on some of the things I've done. Not even back then, even when
I've been a pastor. And I go, God, you're such a loser.
Or here's the one that gets... Really, Jeff? Again? Really? One of the reasons
I love the Lord with all my heart is because He didn't tell others
I was simply forgiven. Look at verse 50. Last verse. You see, the centurion's servant was healed.
The widow's son was raised from the grave, the greatest work that happened in this chapter is in verse 50.
He looks at the woman and says, Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.
It's great when a preacher tells you you're forgiven. It's great when you get a little tingle in your heart or you get the goosebumps because you realize that you're forgiven.
But it's not by the words of a preacher or church or a creed or a religion that truly sets you free.
Some of us in this room, you're not a Christian. You're not a Christian. You have never spiritually submitted.
And guys, you're on the way to hell. I'm sorry, you just are. Some of us in this room, most of us in this room, probably are
Christians, but we have faltered somewhere in our spiritual or our physical submissions. But one of the hardest things about being a
Christian and understanding what submission really is, is accepting and being persuaded by Jesus Christ Himself that we are forgiven.
The number one reason a lot of people do not serve is not because they truly are that selfish. They feel that powerless because they keep recalling back to their minds the failures of their past.
Guys, God promises this, that He will take your sin and remove it as far as the east as the west and hold it against you no more.
He looked at that woman after He'd already declared to everyone else she is forgiven. She needed to hear it personally.
And He shut out everybody else that was there. He didn't care about the dinner, the fares anymore.
And He turned His attention and He wasn't no longer talking about her. He was talking to her.
And He said, Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.
You might be in this room today and you might not know if you're a Christian. You might have invited
Jesus into your heart 5 ,000 times, but you've truly not understood what spiritual submission is.
We are here. We are here to help you. Maybe you are a
Christian, but you're still living in that rebellion and the physical submission does not match the spiritual submission.
And you know that you're doing wrong and you need accountability. We are here as a family to help each other.
Maybe you're in this room and you truly are trying, but you just can't get past the failure in your life.
And you need to know what it is to know that peace. Let's go and look at God's Word, not man's