How To Whitten - Schedule An Event

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My name is Michelle Romo and I'm on staff here at Witten Baptist Church.
Have you ever wanted to host a birthday party or an event using the church facility or schedule a church event that's off -site?
I'm here to walk you through that process. First, what you're going to do is come into what's called the copy room.
As you walk into the copy room, there's the copier straight ahead, and you turn around just to the right of the door.
Here are the mailboxes. In the mailboxes are forms to schedule your church event.
These green forms down here, we call them green sheets, are for events on the church property, and these blue forms over here are for events that are off -site.
Let's take a closer look at these forms. Obviously, you fill out all the information at the top. This one has a little bit extra for on -site activities.
There are two things to note on this green sheet. The first one is if you have any media needs. For example, you would like to use the overhead projector or the sound system, you need to contact the
AV team at avteam at wittenbaptist .org. Second, if it is an all -female event, just the ladies are meeting on the church property, you will need a safety team member to be on property at all times.
You'll contact Jake Romo at jm .romo at wittenbaptist .org.
Once you've completed these forms, you can turn them in to me, Michelle Romo. I'll bring them to staff meeting to get approved, and then they'll be entered onto the church calendar.