A Biblical Remedy for Anxious Souls
Are you anxious? There are more than enough reasons for a child of God to struggle with anxiety and worry. Jon and Justin discuss the sovereign power of the almighty God who knows your name.
Full Episode - https://youtu.be/uYjcRkZZc8s
#jesus #gospel #god #anxiety #depression #worry
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Jon Moffitt: https://twitter.com/jonmoffitt
Justin Perdue: https://twitter.com/justin_perdue
- 00:00
- Because we become anxious when we we don't think that we first of all we're not sure about the results
- 00:05
- We don't feel like we're in control. That's where anxiety comes from right sure Deuteronomy 324 This is gonna go badly, and I can't do anything about it
- 00:12
- I can't do anything about it, so become anxious, or I'm not quite sure how it's gonna go right I'm worried about it.
- 00:18
- It's right go badly, and I'm anxious. Yeah Deuteronomy 324 Oh Lord you have only begun to show your servant your greatness and your mighty hand
- 00:28
- For what God is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as yours the
- 00:34
- Bible is always comparing God Always to help the human mind somehow wrap our minds around Just how powerful he is right who can who could hold the the expanse of the universe not the world the expanse
- 00:51
- Of the universe in their hands God He he hung he hung the stars in the heavens like we hang curtains
- 00:57
- And he knows the stars by name he's number knows that he knows every single hair on every I had of every single human that ever existed and yet he has not forgotten
- 01:06
- No sparrow falls from the sky without without God willing it to happen. It's a huh. That's right What's complicated about this section in Peter?
- 01:14
- It's not just a general submission under under God's hand, but it's a circumstantial situational to because he's saying in the midst of your suffering some of your loved ones are dying and Man it's hard to read this, but Peter says
- 01:29
- Why are you surprised at the fiery trials that you face? That's just in war.
- 01:35
- Yeah, that's right, and that's that's complicated to hear because we've installed the bill that successful obedient Christians don't suffer or Even if we do suffer you're gonna be so dadgum spiritually strong that you just live above it all
- 01:52
- Right like it wanted but basically you're not gonna feel it You're either not gonna experience it or you're not gonna feel it, you know, that's right
- 02:00
- But I love those I love that language that verse man Don't be surprised when fiery trials come upon you as though something strange were happening to you
- 02:07
- It's really good. Like this is common to to all of your brothers and sisters, you know, that's right around the world at all times
- 02:13
- Yeah, Peter uses another way of like describing this humility in chapter 4. It's 419.
- 02:19
- He says it this way Therefore what's the therefore therefore? therefore Let those who suffer according to God's will that's another way of saying under the mighty hand of God Let those who suffer according to God's will in trust their souls
- 02:37
- To a faithful creator while doing good. This is another way of saying.
- 02:43
- All right This is not how I would do this This is not how I would go about it, but I'm gonna entrust my soul not not just my body my soul to the
- 02:57
- God who is fulfilling his will so This is hard to say because I don't like it at times, but it is
- 03:05
- God's will That we labor and suffer as we advance his kingdom
- 03:12
- Amongst evil wicked people and Justin in our country I think it's going to become more suffering and this verse is gonna become more important More valuable
- 03:22
- I should say to us reminding ourselves that there isn't something wrong
- 03:27
- There's something there's something that's out of place. No, I know this goes against a lot of Christian nationalism And I was gonna say
- 03:33
- John you realize that if the church Would have been faithful and if we would just be faithful then we would never have to suffer for doing good
- 03:40
- Yeah, you realize that right Yep, I'm kidding. Of course. I mean, I know I'm with you, but that's what people tell us
- 03:47
- I know again This is yet again that it's like away Yeah, we would just be faithful then we would never suffer for doing good because everybody would just celebrate good because everybody would love good
- 03:55
- Yeah, I don't think that's true. All right, that's not the purpose of this podcast keep going No first Peter 3 14, but even if you should suffer for righteousness sake you will be blessed have no fear of them
- 04:05
- Nor be troubled now that bless that blessedness is our faith our encouragement, right?
- 04:11
- it's if there is a temporary and a Eternal but our blessedness is reminding ourselves that the favor of God is upon us
- 04:18
- Like as we continue to suffer in this reminding ourselves God's love and favor is upon us
- 04:23
- But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy always being prepared to make a defense To anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you yet do a gentleness and respect
- 04:34
- Justin the reason why we struggle with that verse is that we're too anxious Trying to control our circumstances and control of the outcome that we forget why we're suffering
- 04:46
- We're suffering God has us in a place of suffering because it's in those moments That we can share the hope that we have with the people who are persecuting us