TIME OUT with Pastor Ben - Proverbs 4



Morning family It is Tuesday This is another timeout.
My name is Benjamin Talley, I'm the associate pastor at Witten Memorial Baptist Church Just came to spend some time on the word today, what's up Richard?
What's up Tara? It is a good day to be alive in Jesus Christ Good day, what's up Bill?
Spend some time in the word. We are in Proverbs today Proverbs probably my favorite book in the
Old Testament Just cuz it's got it's full of wisdom and I know we all need wisdom.
I know I need wisdom So Solomon writes the book of Proverbs and in the book of Proverbs he writes chapter 4 and in chapter 4 there is a lot of Wisdom a lot of stuff so Let's just dig into it and we will start with verse 23 in chapter 4 of the book of Proverbs And it says this it says
Guard your heart above all else For it is the source of life
Don't let your mouth speak dishonestly and Don't let your lips
Talk deviously let your eyes look forward Fix your gaze straight ahead
Carefully Consider the path for your feet and all your ways will be established
Don't turn to the right or to the left Keep your feet away from evil so there's several things
I want to point out and kind of talk about First let's look at verse 23
Verse 23 says guard your heart above all else for it is the source of life now
Some translation says from it flow the issues of life now guard your heart simply means
Good morning, Teresa Good morning Good morning,
Gwen so It means Guard your heart means keep your heart
You know keep watch over your heart now Calvin Calvin the famous pastor
John Calvin had it right. He said that the heart Lust it produces a idle factory
The heart is an idle factory Because it lust it covets it desires it does all these things
See you have we live in a culture where it says follow your heart and and the heart is
Deceitful above all things we know that from Jeremiah So the heart is deceitful above all things so we have to keep careful watch over our heart
So he says guard your heart above all else for From it flows the issues of life or for it is the source of life
I Like from it throws the issues of life just because it kind of gets the whole
Meaning of the text so We we see that from it flows the issues of life
It it gets the idea of All things see the heart is the seat of our emotions
It it shows that from the heart all of our emotions and all of our worries and all of our cares and everything flow from the heart, so That's just that's what we get that's what happens with us
So we have to keep a careful watch over our hearts, and then he says this he says don't let your mouth speak dishonestly
And don't let your lips talk Deviously see we know from Luke chapter 6 that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so that's a real problem if the heart is deceitful above all things and From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks then we got a real problem
And we really need to keep close to watch over our heart so mark chapter 7 verses 9 through 23 says that even more he says
Jesus said what comes out of a person is what defiles him from within all out of people's hearts comes evil thoughts
Sexual morality thefts murders adulteries greed evil actions deceit self -indulgence envy slander pride
Foolishness all of these evil things come from within and defile a person now that just shows
The heart of the human condition we are sinners. That's a problem, but uh you know
God offers grace to us and That's what that's what's so beautiful about grace the fact that he offers us what we don't deserve so that's the beauty of the cross so But uh, you know, he says in verse 24
Good morning, Angie Thank you for joining us. He says don't let your mouth speak dishonestly and don't let your lips talk deviously
So saying keep careful watch over what you say now our words and what we say morning,
Amber He says keep careful watch over what you say, you know, what we say is simply like a toothpaste
You know, you can squeeze all the toothpaste out of the tube, but you can't put it back in You know, that's that's a problem.
We can't put back our words. We can't take our words back So we have to be careful what we say
So it says Let your eyes look forward fix your gaze straight ahead
Carefully consider the path for your feet and all your ways will be established
Don't turn to the right or to the left keep your feet away from evil so You know, we can't look at what evil doers are doing we can't look at the evil in this world
We will be sidetracked we will be discouraged You know,
I heard an illustration once where? Where you give a cup of water to someone and you tell them to walk around the building and They're watching other people as they walk around the building.
They're gonna spill that water But if they focus on the cup and the water in the cup they'll be less likely to spill the water because they're focused on not spilling the cup as opposed to Focusing on what everybody else is doing.
They're gonna spill the water. I hope that makes sense But you should not focus on what evil people are doing
You should not focus on what the world is doing. You should focus on your own spiritual walk with the
Lord building up your brothers in Christ and Focused on what the word is calling you to do as a believer.
So I think that gets my point across. So let me just encourage you
You know James says You know resist the devil submit to God and He will lift you up, you know humble yourself in the sight of God and he will lift you up so We have a
God who looks at our impurities Who looks at our faults who looks at our sins and he lifts us up as we humble ourself
So he helps us to guard our heart above all else he sees that we struggle with our
Sin nature and he helps us look at him for all the answers he's how he helps us look at him for He is the author and the perfecter of our faith and the in the finisher of our faith so we are looking to him our gaze should be set on him as our mediator as our
Example and he helps us in doing that He gives us the power we are not left alone to our own devices
We have the Holy Spirit. So be encouraged. You're not alone in this battle. You're not alone in this fight
He guards us and we have a new Comforter we have a counselor. We have a wonderful counselor living inside our hearts who we are being renewed every day
Every day we're being renewed every day praise God so God is good y 'all
That is a good thing that God is good to those who are perishing
That may not be a good thing because God is good and he's gonna judge sin But to us that means that he is good to us and he does what is right and what is just so be encouraged
God loves us and he follows After his own
Righteousness and holiness he he he loves us man and man, that's something to rejoice about we stand in the presence of him and He he he loves us
So let let's just uh, let's pray together and I'll let you go forward in your day in God's presence
Praising and worshiping him God, I thank you for this group. I pray
God that you help us walk in your ways today I pray that you help us be encouraged and just Follow after you and seek your face today and Lord, I pray you just to give us the strength and the ability to do everything you called us to do in Jesus name.