HUGE Announcement!!!


Eli’s got a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Check out the website:


All right, we are live just wait in a few moments for people to join in and I've got a super duper big
Announcement. I can't believe 2020 is over this this this year has
Huh, it's felt like forever. I mean obviously for a lot of people as well. I'm sure You know
This year has been super super weird for a lot of people and I hope people are Holding up. Okay, and had an okay year and was able to stay healthy but now is the time of the year that that that finish line is in view and this is where people start making their
You know their promises to get in shape, right? I'm one of those people
Right when New Year's hits it's kind of that mindset. I need to exercise. I need to lose weight
I'm not a heavyset guy, but I can get a little tummy every now and then so This time of year.
I kind of promised myself. I need to write it to go running and do it more consistently So this is definitely the time of year where people are thinking of healthy choices which probably lasts
About a month if you are a little more consistent probably You know two months or so and then all of a sudden we just revert back to our old ways
And you know, we pick up that extra cookie. We stop exercising. So I've actually and I don't people know this but I've actually began to run
For three months and I felt amazing and then I stopped for a couple of weeks. And so I want to hopefully before I revert back to my
The place where I started. Hopefully I could pick up In a better position and kind of continue on pick up the habit.
I'm in New York. It's cold. It's cold So, I don't know I make excuses for that. But anyway The new year is a perfect time to set goals and to figure out what you want to do
Different than the the previous year and so with that I wanted to to offer a suggestion
All right now I threw this out a little a couple of months ago and there was a Great interest in what
I'm about to announce here. And now I'm super excited Because I would like to announce the launch of the revealed apologetics
Website, that's right. The revealed apologetics website. You can go to revealed apologetics calm right now and the website is up You could access the videos the podcasts.
I have a blog article up there right now and we're gonna be adding some more content weekly
And even more excitingly a lot of people were very interested in this
I have now set up you can sign up right now for precept you precept University Which is an online course where you can have me as your instructor and I will walk you through the presuppositional method and how to use it in practical ways right and so If you go to revealed apologetics calm, there are a couple of things that you can do and I'm gonna share my screen here
To show folks what the site looks like if my mouse is no longer possessed by a deem
My technology just bugs out but all right, I'm gonna share my screen here and you guys could
Let me know. Here we go. There we go. Okay, so this is let me do full screen You don't need to see my ugly face, right?
All right. So this is the site. Okay. So again, if you go to revealed apologetics calm
I would highly encourage you to go all the way down all the way down to the bottom
There you go and enter your name your email your first and your last name and you'll get updates on new posts
I'm gonna be spitting out a bunch of articles that are relevant to precept methodology and even like general apologetic stuff
So so don't think I'm just focusing on that narrow application. I think Apologetics should not only be focused on issues of methodology, but how to use it in practical ways
You know, how do you speak to? Your family members, how do you speak to someone when you only have a couple of minutes?
I mean, how can we apply a biblical defense of the faith in all different situations? And so I want to provide you guys with some articles that you guys can look through and study
And things like that Also just as a side note. I am still writing my book the precept answer book and that is going along very well
It's going along very well, and so I'll definitely keep you guys updated as that progresses, but let's take a look
All right So if you want to subscribe to the website You can fill that out on the bottom there and you'll get updates things like that.
You have the blog article here You have access to the video library of all the past episodes that I've done
They're nice and organized there for you. And this is my favorite part here here We have kind of what folks are saying.
Here's I had the pleasure of Interviewing all sorts of people. Here's my friend Braxton Hunter over at Trinity radio is so kind to write these words of recommendation
Of course, we've had dr. Vern Poythress on to talk about the Trinity how the Trinity affects everything
Dr. James Anderson on to talk about transcendental arguments, of course Frank Turek and dr.
Scott Oliphant So that's a pretty cool little You know what people are saying about revealed apologetics
And so if you look up here, you have also the contact information here I'm not sure if if you guys know this, but I'm actually
Let me minimize this There we go.
All right, you might not know this but I'm actually a public speaker. Okay, I've spoken in various contexts churches colleges
Was able to to speak out in Texas A &M International University at a
Apologetics conference, so I'm I'm a speaker you can call me in and book me That's like it's like a thing, right?
So and if you want me to speak at a church at an event, maybe an online event, you know go on the website check out the website and Fill out the information here.
Okay. Let me see here and And then we can set something up. So that's definitely something if you're interested.
That's something I do So if you're wondering hey, I'd like to get Eli to come out and do a workshop at my church or whatever
I'm available to do that. Okay, I'm here in the book section.
They have some recommended books. They're linked straight to the To Amazon and these are books that I highly recommend
I mean, these are great books if you want to learn about Presuppositional apologetics, of course, there's
James White's the Forgotten Trinity, which obviously has great theological and apologetic import and of course you have a bunch of other books here as well that you guys can peruse and Order if you are if you don't have any of them, okay
There's my favorite book my favorite book right there van Til's apologetic readings and analysis So there's that as I said before you have
The blog let's click on that. All right, we'll be adding more blogs I'm doing some adjustments and tweaks to various parts of the of the the website
Then you have access to the podcast, of course if you want to help reveal the apologetics out financially
Definitely all of this stuff. I mean doing Website stuff and and subscriptions to things that help us tweak things and make things look a little better.
It costs money so if you're looking to Support reveal the apologetics financially you can do that on the at the donate page.
All right All right, so I'm gonna go back here clickety -click and here is what I'm super excited about So if you see that there on the menu priests up you
Let's go there So priest up you is a great way to learn biblical apologetics without the cost and time commitment of a seminary
Education these courses will provide the student with the biblical theological and philosophical tools to effectively engage
Unbelievers with a winsome spirit and a strong apologetic defense of the Christian faith
And so you can sign up here if you clicked if you're interested you can click. Let's see here boobity boop
Let's say RSVP. All right, so if you were to click down So the first course that I'm gonna be offering is an introduction to biblical apologetics.
Okay now real quick I know a lot of people are either turned on or turned off by the terminology of introduction if you're just Starting in apologetics the word introduction can be very comforting
Okay, and if you are a seasoned apologist the word introduction can sound well, it can sound boring but Um, don't be fooled the introduction to biblical apologetics.
It is going to be practical. It is going to be Informative, but we will be getting into some of some deep issues.
We'll be speaking about metaphysics epistemology issues in philosophy things like that and of course,
I'm gonna do my best as an instructor to Really take those contact those concepts and bring them down to a level that you can understand and then apply or contextualize
Giving your own situation how you can use this information in your own
Apologetic encounters. Okay, so that's the the first course here. It's gonna be a five -week course Okay, and it will provide an overview and summary of the presuppositional apologetic methodology and how it is to be practically
Applied. Okay, and these courses are this course will begin on January 25th 2021 it's so weird 2021 when
I think of 2021 just the number eggs and we're all the flying cars. I can't believe it's already 2021 but yeah, so so January 25th is when the course will actually start and here are the costs if folks want to sign up there and you really want to pay attention to this because There are two packages that someone could
Could sign up for okay, and there and there's a difference between them So you want to make sure you read this or you listen to this carefully?
Okay, so we have a basic course the basic kind of package deal, which is going to be priced at $74 .99.
Okay, and what this is going to include is the five lectures for the five weeks the PowerPoint Notes that I will be using and outlines so you'll get the notes the five -week lectures
That's going to be the basic the pay the basic package. Okay, and you can work on your at your own pace there
Okay with regards to the premium course This is going to be priced at $99 .99 and it includes everything of the basic package with one extra added feature
And this is a weekly zoom meeting with myself Okay So those who are who sign up for the premium package will be able to meet with me once a week to unpack and go deeper
Into the concepts that are taught throughout the lectures this is going to be the Opportunity where you guys get to shower me with all of your questions and comments and and perhaps we could even do some roleplay
So that we can practice how to use some of the things you're learning in real life situation, so the premium course
Definitely priced more than the basic course, but you get that extra added kind of personal interaction there, which
I think Will create for a good experience for those who want to go a little deeper. I just real quick by Let me just remove this real quick.
Here we go For the premium package those who want to have that personal interaction weekly
There are only 20 slots. Okay, so the so the goal is going to be Is going to be
I don't want so many people signing up for premium. Well, I do I mean that would be helpful
But if there are too many who sign up for the premium package Then the zoom situation is just gonna be too unmet.
It's not I'm not gonna be able to manage it manage it Okay, so those who are Wanting to go a little deeper
I think 20 on a zoom screen would be good so that I can interact with you guys without Allowing you guys to without letting anyone get lost in the mix, you know
If we have a whole bunch of people, you know You're gonna have people hiding in the second or third screen won't be able to really interact and so I don't want that To happen.
Okay. So with that said if there are any questions about any of the the course information what it's gonna be like the details
You can ask them in your comments and I'll take a few moments to to go through the comments
All right so if you want to take a moment if you have any questions and you're kind of perusing around The website there and you find something interesting you could ask your question and I'll take them in just a few moments
Okay. Now here's the thing okay, you can see me as a person who's really really concerned with Priorities, okay, this is important All right
I kind of joked around before that during the you know, right before New Year's we make resolutions to to stay in shape okay, and I don't want to be a cliche, but Being in spiritual shape is vitally important And if not, it's more important than being, you know, physically fit, you know running to the gym
And so if you are wondering, you know, what should I do different this year? And what should
I kind of you know, if I if you do make New Year's resolutions and you're asking yourself Well, what should I do different this year really consider?
Signing up for a class. Okay, and You know You'll learn how to defend the
Christian faith and how to apply that and hopefully it will be able to equip you to be effective
In the particular context that God has placed you and I think that is a noble task And hey, if you're not interested in a precept you
I mean sign up for something else I mean learn something be intentional about learning be passionate about the truth of the gospel and Train yourself or allow yourself to be trained by others to effectively proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ and be able to defend it
Okay, so however you do that whether it's signing up with frees up you or some other program I do highly recommend that in this upcoming
New Year One of your goals is to exercise the muscle of your mind Okay, and so I want to want to encourage you there
I'm very Passionate about this stuff as you guys know if you follow the channel if if Christianity is true, that's awesome
I mean we believe that the Bible is true The Bible is the Word of God the world that we exist has been created by God He's expressed his love for us in the person of Jesus Christ.
He's given us a revelation. That means this life is interesting It's not just we are born we live and we die there's so much more to experience in a world in which we are created by We created in the image of God and so I'm so excited about the truth of the
Bible That when I teach this stuff, I want others to get excited I don't think that the learning process should be a boring kind of you're listening to someone just talk and whatever
I hope that the crazy excitement that I that I have will kind of spill over into your life if Hopefully that that's something that that will happen whether it's you just following the
YouTube channel or if you sign up for the class I want you guys to get excited about learning and exploring the
Christian faith and finding ways to To defend it effectively and biblically. Okay, so I want to encourage you guys there
So again revealed apologetics comm is live right now You can go and sign up for precept you the first 20 people to sign up for the premium then that's closed and then the basic is open to as many people who are interested who just want to go at their own pace and Listen to the lectures and things like that.
Okay, so With that said let me look in the comments here and I'm happy that people seem happy To find out that this is actually happening.
Hey, listen, I've never had a website before I've never done online courses before but I am a teacher by trade.
I've taught for over 10 years I've taught apologetics a theology. I grew up in church
As you guys know, I've engaged in debates and discussions and things like that And I think as an instructor
I have a lot to offer you And of course if you have other means by getting this information great
But what I have what God has gifted me with I want to be sure that I'm using the gift things that God has given me and so I do take this very
Seriously, and I'm very passionate about it. So You know, I just want to let you know that if you do sign up for the course, you'll be getting quality
Instruction. I love to teach. I love to see people learn I won't be able to see that with with the people who just sign up for the to get the lectures
But those who are gonna be meeting with me through the Zuma I just love to see people's faces when something clicks.
All right, that's something that I take great joy in so I'm looking forward to Being able to instruct whoever signs up and and and joins in in the classes.
So, all right Well, let me let me go up to the top here.
Okay. I have a student of mine. Hello Glastine, how are you doing? Let's see here.
I have a couple of questions here Catherine from Canada Okay, very good Canada or the territory
Yukon territory, I don't know. Okay, not sure We have a couple of whoo -hoos, which is awesome
Good. Let's see. We had a couple of questions here Yeah, and by the way, we will be making tweaks to the website
So if anyone goes to the website notices something off, you know, I do take criticism very well
Okay, so you can always email me at reveals apologetics at gmail .com And we'll make sure to update as we go along All right.
Let's see here Where are the flying cars right? Where are the flying cars?
My goodness? I remember complete side issue I remember being in second grade. I took a test and I Handed my test and I was
I mean that like daydream out the windows 1992 or something like that. I remember in the early 90s and I'm on there my goodness in just in just a few years 2000 the future and like you have this conception of what the future is gonna be like and again, where are the flying cars?
it was still Actually, there is a flying car out there, but it's not as cool as as As it looks in the movies, but alright.
Anyway, let's go here flying cars boo -boo -boo -boo Okay, so here's a here's a question.
So how many students will you be able to will be able to be in a class? Well again if you have the basic package
Okay, you will be sent the audio lectures and then work at your own pace So that can be as many people you won't be in a class.
You will be listening to the lectures on your own time Following through with the material you'll have the outlines and the
PowerPoint information. So that's going to be kind of a self -paced Work through the through the content.
Okay, so that I mean it could be a if a billion people sign up, right? Then you know as a billion students, right?
If 20 people sign up, it's 20 students So 30 people sign up that's 30 students because it's self -contained you get the the content and there you can work at your own pace for the premium package only 20 people can sign up only because as you know, and this is in line with good theological thinking
I Eli Ayala am NOT omnipresent, right? I'm not everywhere at once I'm just one person and so 20 people who will actually have access to that zoom class once a week with me
I think 20 is a good Amount so that I could manage the people and interact with everyone in an even -handed way as opposed to having such a large group where Some people might not be able to have their questions answered, you know, you know how discussions go
Sometimes we'll get on a topic and it'll occupy a large portion of the time. I want to have The right amount of students that they'll have the opportunity to ask their questions and and interact a little bit
Okay, so for now It's 20. I was speaking over with my with my my wife.
Maybe we'll we'll broaden the premium We'll see. I'm not sure how quickly it'll fill up if people are saying hey, you know,
I really want to do the premium package Um, we'll consider opening it up for a couple of more
People who want to sign up, but we'll see but I hope that answers the question here. All right.
Let's see here do do do do do Okay, here we go that's a good question here, let's see
Okay Hunter Hobgood asks will your class members contribute to your book in any way behind -the -scenes sneak peeks unpaid proofreading labor, etc
Well, I do have a couple of sections of my book already written So, you know what that that actually might be that might be something
I might think about Definitely if not in this first course maybe in the future but maybe and and you may
Indirectly contribute because if we have fruitful and you say you sign up for the premium package, right?
And we're in our zoom meetings if you bring up some really great questions and great points that might actually inspire me to add
Something that's discussed in the class to the book. Okay, and so Yeah in a way you could
Contribute to the book in some way. I hope that makes sense. All right, let's see here
Okay, let's go Start okay.
So Steven asks what level will this start at? Well, I'm not sure what you mean by level
Do you mean like from maybe Steven could could type in and clarify? Do you mean is it for like beginners versus more advanced?
If that's what you're asking, the answer is so you have beginner and you have advanced
I'm I'm looking to shoot somewhere in the middle. Okay, so we're not going to be saying hey, you know, welcome to Introduction to biblical apologetics and then just kind of go very shallow through the issue
No, like I said before we are gonna be getting into issues of metaphysics Epistemology ethics how to build world views how to deconstruct world views okay, so folks will be learning a lot of terminology and then they're gonna and then we're gonna talk about how to contextualize those
Philosophical theological and biblical concepts that we discuss how to contextualize that given our specific situation, you know
How do I take? discussions of worldviews Epistemology and metaphysics take that to the street.
How do I talk about those things without using those words? Right, so so when
I'm thinking like epistemology one's theory of knowledge, right? One's theory of knowledge so when we talk about epistemology we're dealing with questions of how do we know what we know?
How is knowledge gained is knowledge gained through sense experience as knowledge gained through intuition is knowledge gained through You know
Revelation, right? We're gonna be talking about the ins and outs of a philosophical system of thought Okay, so on the one hand it is introductory but it is not introductory in the sense that well
This is kind of just like well, this is whatever, you know, this will be challenging. Okay, and and so those who sign up for the premium
They'll be able to ask some of those deeper questions as well where we'll go even deeper So even our our live discussion might actually go deeper than the content in the lecture
So that depends on how interactive folks are going to be. Okay Because it's different depending on you know, if you're if you're if you're signing up for the course
That means you're interested in this stuff. You're willing to pay money to sit in the five -week, you know Class to talk about these issues
So I would imagine those who sign up will not just sit there looking at me in the screen while I'm talking
Right if that's if that's the case Would you? You know, why don't you just watch the
YouTube channel if you just want to sit sit there and watch someone talk But if you're going to be joining in the the live the the zoom discussions
I'm hopefully I'm looking forward to some in -depth interaction questions and discussions And so that definitely will add that extra depth if you don't feel like you're getting it in the course itself
Okay, so I hope that makes sense now someone is saying Not sure if you tackled my first question, but how long will the individual classes last?
Oh good. That's a good question Okay, let me see here. Okay So, um the the course themselves so like say you're sitting in a course the first course
I'm shooting for an hour or A little more so an hour to an hour and 15, so it'll be in -depth
There's gonna be a lot of information that's going to be covered But again, you're able to watch the videos at your own pace
The notes will will be given to you as well so that you're not looking at the screen and then Going down and writing down and you have the
PowerPoints available So you can look through the PowerPoints as well and that I think will be a good compliment to the information that you're learning you could pay attention and then go back to those other resources and kind of have it laid out for You and reflect upon it some more and and even add your own thoughts to to the things that are laid out there
Okay. So again, I hope that answers the question. All right, I think an hour hour and 15 minutes is a solid
Amount of time to get some good content there All right. We have Kyperion Kyperion Berean Says revealed apologetics
Would you consider changing the book name from the precept answer book to the Vantillian answer book for the reason of the criticism that K?
Olyphant has with the label. Um No, you know,
I agree with dr. Olyphant that Covenantal apologetics is probably a better name for the methodology because what what dr.
Olyphant does in kind of trying to emphasize that Nomenclature that name covenantal apologetics.
He tries to place the methodology where it belongs namely within the context of Scripture and the context of covenant and those who are covenant keepers and covenant breakers
It kind of puts all these things in its proper biblical categories. However with regards to the name
Presuppositional apologetics has been out there so long that it's probably not going to be the case that Covenantal apologetics will overtake the title of presuppositional apologetics for me
I don't mind calling it presuppositional apologetics as long as you define what a presupposition is.
Dr Olyphant is spot -on when he says that the term Presuppositional is ambiguous, but I mean if you are defining your terms and say hey,
I'm a presuppositionalist and by presuppositionalist Here's what I mean, and they could just lay out what Vantill, you know
Defined as a presupposition and make it you know, make the proper distinctions and things like that Yeah, so Scott Terry says here
Everyone out there already has an idea of what presupp is and that that's true. And so the name For better or for worse is probably going is going to stick.
Okay, so Yeah. All right. So with that said I'm gonna kind of scroll make sure
I didn't miss anything Okay, any more questions? You guys can still send them in. Let me see the offer discounts at any time.
Here we go Here's a coat glass Dean glass Dean's asked Will you offer any discounts at any time for those who can't afford the normal package and or premium package?
At some point we will I mean, we're just launching So I I want to see how things go first time around and perhaps that'll be something that we'll think about in the future
Yeah, we'll probably have to think about that a little bit Because yeah fine.
Hey, hey, hey, you know that that stimulus package is coming, right? It might be a good good way to put that stimulus package to good use
I'm just kidding. But seriously, you totally could use I'm totally joking. All right
Messing around but that definitely that's something that we can think about in the future there
Let's see here Catherine says yes for the new year. I want to learn more about the
Bible. Yes, very good Yeah, and here's the thing with with presuppositional apologetics
What I what I like to think in terms of here take a look at the name of my website. Okay revealed apologetics
Revealed apologetics is just another word another phrase to capture what I believe about apologetics
Namely that is a biblical discipline, right? So so When we learn about the
Bible when we take the biblical worldview apologetics is simply an application of biblical truth to the specific area of Unbelief and I think that's very very important Okay, you don't have to take an apologetics course to learn more about the
Bible, but definitely Learning about apologetics allows you to draw upon that that entire system of Christian thought that's grounded in Scripture and Apply it in various ways.
So Taking a course like this might be helpful and inspire you to be more
Familiar with the Christian system as it's revealed in Scripture, but absolutely Yes If you don't take the course or whatever you plan on doing for the for the new year
Reading your Bible is definitely something that you want to make sure you are on top of it. This is it
This is what it's all about right here. Okay, I'll give it away. What Bible do I use everyone ask me? Yes, I use the
MacArthur study Bible I have a bunch of other Bibles to you see what other Bible I have I have this
I Have this ginormous Monstrosity. This is a giant leather bound and leather strapped
ESV study Bible Which is which is pretty good um So yeah You definitely want to I mean how bad of an apologist would
I be if I encourage you to read? Apologetics and do apologetics without reading your Bible, right? You guys have heard me say this before We want to be very careful that we are not guilty of the of reading books about apologetics
Okay more than the Bible itself. Okay, so We want to be very careful with that.
So, thank you Catherine. That's right So if you want to learn about the Bible, that's something we all should Strive to do in this upcoming year.
Okay. All right. Someone is asking do I know? When my book will be published answer.
No, it's gonna depend on how quickly things move Then I want to get it proofread And there's gonna have to be some editing and things.
So I'm not sure remember I've never written a book before so I don't know exactly how long this whole process takes
But I I have three kids. I'm married I'm a youth director. I'm a teacher
So it's an issue of finding the time to make sure that I can dedicate and move at a steady pace
So as I get closer to the end of the process, I definitely will keep people You know update it, all right, so good question.
All right, let's see here Let's do do do do do do do All right.
Let's see here. Okay. All right Let's see
Graham Graham Dougas asks you have to or maybe he's saying you have to define what covenantal apologetics means as well
Either way you're going to spend the same amount of time defining your methodology
Okay, yeah, they definitely want to define our terms that that's gonna be a given in interactions and apologetics theology
Always want to define our terms. So thank you for that. All right, Melissa is asking when you do the zoom classes
Will you also be on YouTube at the same time streaming live for those who cannot do? the premium package well, well be the
The zoom classes are for the premium is for those who sign up for the premium
So those zoom classes will not be available for those who have the basic package So if they want to if the people are doing the basic package want access to those zoom videos
Then they're going to have to Sign up for the premium package.
I will be trying to record the zoom Videos so that that can late be accessible later on.
Maybe I'll release them at a later time But as they're signing up for the course those zoom classes will be
For those who are in the taking the premium package, okay, because those are actually live in interactions
I'll be there instructing you guys and talking with you guys So that'll be the extra feature that is not available in the basic.
Okay, and again You know, it adds that more in -depth touch to just listening to the courses
But again, you can learn a lot just by taking me do the basic course I mean the lectures are gonna be the same for the people in the premium course
You can get the same content but the premium gives you that more in -depth kind of Personal interaction where we can talk a little bit deeper about the stuff that is covered in the courses.
Okay. All right Let's see Scott says anyone taking the class will be called
Ayala's ballas Okay All right. All right. That's right.
Okay, that's an interesting little nickname there, but all right Well that that is my big announcement.
I mean, I'm I'm excited again, this is my first time doing this definitely not my first time teaching classes and things like that, but Never had a website never
Did this whole online thing? So I'm super excited I hope folks are excited as well excited enough to sign up by signing up Not only are you getting good quality instruction in the defense of the faith, but you're also helping out
The ministry as well because my dream if I can if I can say I have a dream, right
I would love to do this full -time That would be amazing if I were able to garner the support but little by little by God's grace and by God's By God's will we'll see how things how things work out.
Here's another question here a good question Let's see here for what a okay.
So Oh Karaoke and vlog with max asks for what age would this be for?
There's no set age Again, I am a teacher. I teach I've taught middle school high school
Bible and apologetics. So the way that I teach I always try to speak
With content but in a way that even a high school student can understand.
So if you're in high school And you want to learn apologetics, this will still be sufficiently
Applicable to a high school student. I mean, let's say for example the three foundations of every worldview as I mentioned before metaphysics of metaphysics epistemology and ethics
Yeah, I teach that to my high school students. I've taught that to my high school students I've spoken at churches where I use this information listen
Apologetics is a command in Scripture for believers whether you are young whether you a
Ten -year -old can do apologetics again again I might not use the same terminology for a ten -year -old but they're able to do it kids are able to get a grasp on the
Basics of the Christian faith and be able to give reasons why they believe it to be true again
It's a different level of sophistication as you grow in your knowledge and understanding and things like that But yeah, this this would be available to you know, middle school high school students if they're if they're interested definitely
Okay, so Let's see here. So my my wife is my okay There we go The payment portion of signing up for the class is not completely set yet check back in a bit so we can finish
Setting it up. All right. Well, that's good to know. All right, so but if you if you're Yeah, so check back a little bit later for that But definitely
I encourage you guys and looking forward to having folks sign up and even more So being able to interact with some of you in the the zoom classes.
So so that's my big announcement I I hope that I Hope this all works works out and it it it it scratches where people are itching
This is something that I've been asked by multiple people, you know When are you gonna do something like an online course or something like that?
And so I'm super excited about this. Hopefully it will be beneficial to those who Who make use of it?
All right. Well, that's it for today And looking forward to our next live stream.
I will be doing a very fun live stream in early January We have not set a date yet, but many of you don't know this about me.
Maybe you do I'm a huge Star Wars fan. So I'm gonna have two friends
Some well -known apologist friends and we're gonna talk about Star Wars and apologetics, you know mix them together
That's gonna be amazing. So when I get a date for that, I'll let you guys know and That's it for today.