A WOW Moment - Romans 12:1 2



Good evening, everyone, and welcome to our Bible study. I'm Mickey, and you know we're singers.
But tonight, we are at the lovely Michelle Berners' home. And as you see, we have many, many round tables.
And we're also wearing our retreat shirts, because we all wanted to match.
But this way, you can see how far the tables are. You can take turns, too, so everyone can get on the same page. But tonight, we decided that we were going to get together as a group.
Normally in accountability, you don't have to share. It's not a rule not to share, but different accountability groups feel differently about this.
And some people don't want people to know that they're in accountability, and some people do. Some people don't want people to know who's in their accountability group, because they don't want to be caught up in any kind of, should
I say, I don't want to use the word gossip. But, I mean, it happens amongst women.
But these ladies are in my accountability group, and we've all discussed it, and we've all decided that, hey, we don't care if anybody knows the word accountability, because we look at it as a good thing.
It's a positive thing. Michelle is our leader. Tara Hall is our co -leader. This is
Jay Hart. You all know Mercedes Watkins. And that is Hannah Wiesner at the end of it.
I just want to say a few things about accountability, if I can. If anybody has ever been in an accountability group, you've got to realize and understand that it's not all peaches and cream.
It's not always great to share things that you're going through and things that you're dealing with.
But the good part about it is that these ladies, I can come to these ladies with anything that I'm going through, whether it be in my marriage with my children, with my job, within myself, a lot of it within myself, and they will point me in the right direction for Scripture.
And they will hold me accountable to that. And like I said, sometimes it's not fun.
I have been good in my place several times in the past four years, maybe.
So like I said, Michelle is our leader and Tara is our co -leader. And it just really helps you to love each other more because you get to know each other.
You get to know the core of each other. And it just works.
It's wonderful. Anybody got anything they want to share about their feelings of accountability?
Tara? Well, I can tell you from personal experience. When I first started in an accountability group,
I had walls up. They were taller than me. But these women that I was part of an accountability group with, they chipped their tails down.
They were there during the time when I really needed spiritual guidance, a kick in the rear when
I needed it, but in a loving way. So I am different than what
I was before. I have lost three women in my life, but I have trust 100 % with everything.
There's been so many things that have happened in my past, a lot of hurts, a lot of struggles, but they know when
I need a good kick in the rear. And so that's what accountability has been done for me.
Anybody else? It's nice to have that outlet that you can fuss about your spouse for a minute, if that's the case, or just get some stuff off your chest.
But also, you might have something that you're going through in that moment, and the other people or a couple other people on the group goes,
Hey, I've been there and done that, and this is what helped me.
Or just kind of help you guide you in the direction of getting through it, just as somebody else helped them.
I think to kind of go off of what everybody has said so far regarding accountability groups is that when you bring a thing that's going on in your life to your accountability groups, they can offer a different perspective, because you may be viewing it this way, and you're like,
It's the worst thing ever. And then somebody else in the accountability group can say,
Hey, Jenny, I think you may look at it this way, and it's a totally different story. So it's a really good way to just get another opinion about something that's going on.
Or they can look at you and go, I think you know. Right, exactly.
Suck it up, buttercup. Well, I know that in this group,
I was in one group with Michelle and Tara, and we were in that group for two years.
And it's when those walls came down with you, and a lot of my walls came down too.
And I think we shipped a few away from Michelle's. But I think that this group that we are in together now,
I would not know Hannah as well as I do. Hannah is a remarkable young mother.
And I would know Hannah the way that I do with this group.
And I think that it's something that everybody should participate in at some point,
Tom, in their life, because you don't get this unity, and you don't have the love and support of others unless you crack that wall.
And those walls will crack. It's like a few meetings that we had in your group.
But I think it's because you feel the love, and you feel the comfort, and you feel the trust.
The biggest word in that is trust. Being there for one another day or night, it's incredible.
We're not going to spend 30 minutes to talk about accountability, but I wanted y 'all to understand, though all the ladies were, why we have so many here.
And Mae Mae is going to probably read Scripture for us tonight. Sounds like it. You want to read the
Scripture for us? Yes. Let's hear it. Okay. I don't know about Mercedes.
So Michelle, since we're in your home, and I want to thank you and your lovely family for allowing us to intrude this evening.
What Scripture have you chosen for us to study this evening? I have chosen Romans 12, 1, and 2.
Mercedes, will you read the Scripture, please? Romans 12, 1 through 2. Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, fully and pleasing to God.
This is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.
Well, Michelle, I have to tell you that when you told me this is what you wanted to do, study,
I read over it. That's when I told you, with our accountability group, we're going to be at your house for hours.
I know, right? Because there's so much in these two verses that I know that each one of us could speak about.
But, why are these some of your...
Why did I choose them? So, the biggest thing, when I was still kind of...
Hold on a second. Let me just start. When I was still a new
Christian, the thing that struck me in these verses, because we hear about the transforming your mind a lot.
Well, I didn't realize what that meant and why you want to do that.
It was the testing the will of God. And I thought, wait a minute. What? Because, to me,
God's will is this mystery in the sky, or this thing that we can never really grasp or put our hands on.
And here it is, laid out. This is how to find out what the will of God is. And it blew my mind.
It blew, blew my mind. So, that's why I picked these verses, because it's all the way at the end.
The will of God. All of these things leading up to, here's what He wants for us. Here's what we're supposed to do.
What am I supposed to do? What's next? We're going to do these, right? And here it is. So, I just wanted to set it apart and figure out, what's a living sacrifice?
What is spiritual bloodshed? What do all these things mean? So, that's why I got the will of God. And one of the things in verse 2, it says,
Do not be conformed. Right, exactly. To this age. Well, you know, I don't know exactly where Romans were written, but, you know, this age now, it's pretty state of the art.
I think that's the cool part about the Bible. It's like, so you can read this verse where it talks about a specific age.
So, yes, that age applied when this was written, but it applies now, too. So, everything in here,
I can take today, and it can still be applied. Yeah. Man, that's awesome.
Yeah. And that's big. What? Her whole family.
Her whole family. Right? Baby. Yeah, baby. That was the one. I told you,
I'm having fun with my words right now. If anybody has any other comments, let me know.
Well, it says, you know, the spirit of worship, do not be conformed, do not be,
I'm sorry, do not be conformed to this age. It's really hard to ignore, because it also says the same thing in Hebrews 13, 13 .50,
Therefore, through him, let us continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise that is the fruit of our lips that profess his name.
Ephesians 4 .1. Therefore, I, the first -born Lord, urge you to walk worthy of the calling you have received.
You can't say, oh, I didn't know. Right? Because it's throughout the entire,
I mean, there's so many places that it says. This is the way you're supposed to walk.
You're supposed to turn away from everything worldly that everybody says is okay, because it's not.
You're supposed to go in the direction of God daily. That was
Ephesians 4 .1. And I think sacrifice is such a weird concept to us, because we don't,
I mean, we get monetary offerings and things like that, and we sacrifice our time, but what does that really mean to sacrifice?
None of us in North America really sacrifice anything. We don't have to give up our freedom to worship
God the way, you know. So, thinking about pulling that word sacrifice apart, and what is a living sacrifice, right?
So, I looked up sacrifice. That was one of the things. And one of them was the
Hebrews that you read. But there's also, did you read 13 .16?
Yeah, you read 13 .15. So, 16, right after what you said, says, Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
So, doing good and sharing what you have, right? That's a sacrifice. And then, it's talking about spiritual worship, and that being part of your sacrifice.
In Psalm 116 .17, it says, I will offer you the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and call upon your name.
We talked about that sacrifice of praise. That's in... It's in that song.
I know, it's in the song. I can't remember. I still haven't figured out where it came from.
Or, it could have been from the 116 .17. And then, this is my favorite. Psalm 51 .17.
This one is, The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart.
O God, you will not despise. So, our humility and our brokenness is a sacrifice.
That's right. Well, you're sacrificing your cross. Exactly. You're putting your pride on the altar.
And that was something, when I was kind of looking over this, when we were deciding to do this or whatever, it says living sacrifice.
It's not saying you're going to lay down and die for someone, like Jesus did for us. But, we are a living sacrifice.
So, we over and over again put ourselves or put something on that altar that our pride,
I'm going to say our children, but I don't mean to sacrifice our children. But, we say, here they are.
I am giving them to you because I can't without them. Well, you know, and I think too, there's a lot of things that, that looks fun.
Some stuff looks fun to do, worldly things. Oh, yeah. We have to sacrifice what we want for that what we should do.
It's a dedication of a total person. I feel like part of being a living sacrifice is also, it's defined in these same two verses.
Being a living sacrifice is not being conformed to the world. So, we're being a living sacrifice by not conforming to the world.
Because, if you think about it, anything worldly can be broken down into like three different sets. Like maybe, because in another verse,
I gotta look it up. I think, yeah. It's 1 John 2, 15, and 16.
Let me go there real quick. It defines what that is.
It's 1 John 2, 15, and 16. It says, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the
Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the
Father, but is of the world. So, there's your definition of what that means right there. So, the lust of the flesh would be anything physical.
So, you know, you have food, drink, things like that. Lust of the eyes is pretty obvious.
But, you know, coveting whatever people have. Wanting things you don't have. The pride of life. We all have pride.
You know, so I think by sacrificing ourselves and not conforming to those things, it's defined right here.
That's what it means. 1 Peter 2, 11. Dear friends, I urge you, as strangers and temporary residents, to abstain from fleshly desires that war against you.
Even going through into 12, conduct yourselves honorably among the
Gentiles, so that in a case where they may speak against you, as those who do what is evil, they will, by observing or good works, glorify
God on the day of his occasion. What I take from that is, when he's talking about they observe your good works, those good works aren't getting you into heaven.
They're a byproduct. Because when you've committed your entire life to following Christ, your good works come naturally.
You want to serve your fellow Christians and the community around.
And so people who don't have that don't understand it.
They're like, oh, okay, well they're doing all this great stuff. And they want to talk bad about you, but by being such a great person, because of your love for Christ and how they want to love others through Christ, it's really hard to say negative things about them.
And when they observe you doing that, they see you leading by example. Right. What is the verse, they will know us by our love for one another, they will know us by our love for one another.
First John what? He says, they'll know that we love God by the way He loves us. Right, exactly.
Well, we got that right here. I think so. Well, the second part of that first verse is, holy and pleasing to God, this place is your spiritual worship.
So, in other words, all the sacrifices that you're given, whether it be your pride, thank you, your pride or whatever it may be, that you just cleanse yourself of all of that.
Right. And that is your sacrifice, to where it will be holy and pleasing to the
Lord. Because you can worship God all day long, but if you worship Him plainly, it's not real.
Well, I mean, literally you can't love God and love the world. It's written in the Bible. It's one or the other. Do you love the world or do you love
God? You have to make that choice. What does it mean though to give up your pride? Like, what does it mean to be prideful?
We can be like proud of ourselves or whatever, but I think that can be confused sometimes too, with not sharing your troubles, not sharing your, like being transparent, not being transparent, like you need to quantify.
Yeah. So worried about if I say this, what are they going to think? Right. How is it going to make me?
Right. Right. Well, and that's, I mean, for those of us who go to an office every day and work, and work with other people who you don't know very well, or you do know very well, which are not
Christians, or they claim Christianity, we don't really show that. It's, you know, how is this going to, you know, if I start talking about God, and I start talking about all the great things he's done in my life, they're just going to start treating me weird, and you know, all that stuff.
And that's pride talking, because I don't want, nobody wants somebody to lift you up. I don't really want to talk to her.
She's a weirdo. I know. Well, I get that. I get that from other people. But, but that's a form of pride too.
I don't want to be, I don't want to be the weird one out, because of this awesome God that I believe in, but you throw that pride away, because there's nothing better to be known for.
And it's also, look at what I did. Right. I got through this. I figured this out.
Right. You know, and that's not to say that you didn't do anything. Right. You know, it was the
Holy Spirit and God that allowed me to do those things. Amen. Amen. And there's a fine line too, between false humility and, and that actually is pride in my case, because, you know, like, oh,
I couldn't have done it without Jesus. You know, if you don't really feel that, that just sounds ridiculous.
That's so true. I think people can see through that too. Oh my, it's a lot.
So, we've already balanced out the brush stage, but I think it's hard to be conformed to this age.
I think kind of hit the nail on the head with that. I am. Because it stands, it stood true then.
And it stands true to this day. Because this is a living word. I mean, it's a living, breathing Word. Right.
Right. It's gone along. It's still alive. That's what I said a while ago.
And I love it. So in the second verse, she goes, I do think this is something that needs to be touched on.
It says, I'm just going to read it again because it needs to be read again. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by renewing of your mind.
Right. What does that mean? So, I mean, to me, when you are saved, as a lot of Christians like to put it, you're transformed.
And if you're not, then you didn't do it right. You know? You didn't do it right. Like, go back and try again.
Well, also realizing that the sanctification is a process and that it takes other people in your life.
It's that iron sharpening iron and letting Holy Spirit guide you. I'm sorry.
She got a marker taken away from her. I know this chant.
That is sharpening that iron. That's right. All right.
I know. I know. I love it.
I love it. It's a Bible study, but not an anointment. Don't say much.
All right. But to continue on there, though, it says that you should be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may discern what is the good and pleasing and perfect will of God.
So, without that transformation and going through that process of renewing your mind and change the way that you think and change the way that you think in the world.
Because, you know, before you become a Christian, there's so many things in this world that everybody's like, oh, fine, don't worry about it.
You're such a good person. You're just such a good person. Well, it doesn't do any good unless you have transformed your mind to realize that the
Word of God is what gives you the information that you need, not the world and not the people that you're listening to.
And, you know, Brother Jeff says it all the time. Don't just listen to me. Research it.
Read it for yourself. Look into it and let it speak to you.
Let it speak to you. Listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you during that time. And, yeah.
Well, I think, too, the transformation of the mind and the renewing of it, you know, it said for a nonbeliever, this is foolishness.
Right. Utter foolishness. Right. They don't get it. But when you accept Christ as your
Savior, and you decide and you choose to be obedient, that alone is that transformation and renewing of your mind.
Because at that point, this is no longer foolishness. Right. Well, it's no longer stereo instructions.
Right. You know, like you're reading the directions on how to put something together, and this is the instructions on how to do life.
Yeah. And so when you have that transformation and that renewal of your mind and that changing in your brain, it all of a sudden becomes the language you speak.
And, you know, that was something that made sense to me when I finally made that commitment and I finally gave my life over.
Because I remember, you know, I'd sit in church on Sunday mornings and I'd go, there is no way I can understand this.
This must be something that pastors are supposed to be able to understand so that they can interpret it to others.
Right. You know, and then I finally made that commitment, that full commitment. I was no longer wishy -washy.
And all of a sudden I go, oh, this makes sense now.
That's what that meant. You know, and it really is true.
It's crazy. Well, that's the whole reason why she and I started studying when we started studying because she had a lot of questions and she was doing a lot of searching.
And that's why we just brought it to share with everybody. Because, you know, sometimes it takes more than one brain to get the different, to get the words that need to be said.
Because we all know that my brain don't click right sometimes. I'll say the wrong word in a heartbeat.
And I know the Holy Spirit speaks to all of us differently too because we're all different people. So we can bring those different perspectives, you know.
Well, and the reason He does that is we all need to hear something different. Something, you know, we can look at the same scripture and get a different meaning out of it.
Sometimes every time we read it personally, and sometimes, you know, she'll read it and it'll be one thing, and you'll read it and it'll be another thing.
And then, you know, you'll be like, oh, I read that six years ago. This is what I got from six years ago.
And then we might all go, oh. Yeah, exactly. I don't know if it's always different because then you're saying that it says different things.
I think it's more like depth. Right. We understand depth. There's a deeper meaning. Each time you expose yourself to someone else's sort of perspective.
Yeah, because it doesn't say anything different. It makes you think. It's going to be deeper. Exactly. It clicks a different light bulb each time.
Exactly. It has more and more and more meaning. And every time you read something, like I was going over this again. This is one of the first verses that I learned.
And I was like, this is so good. Oh, there's just so much here. And you can get so excited about a verse you've read a hundred million times because there's so much depth and so much life in everything you read.
That's like Josiah always says. He'll say, you know, you can read, you know, I would rather you read one verse 20 times than 20 verses one time.
But it is going to be a different meaning and a deeper meaning. And that depth of that meaning can be based upon whatever circumstance you are currently in while you are reading.
Yep. You know. Absolutely. I like the verse that Josiah says, more of him, less of me.
He must increase, I must decrease. He must increase, I must decrease. So that's, you know. Thank you.
Thank you so much. Yes. Because once you become more one with Christ, you're going to want to not be worldly.
Well, and also it exposes our fallibility. It exposes our faults and our humanness.
And then we go, oh, I'm not good at this. I'm not good at it. That vulnerability.
Exactly. It's just so. It's good it can be freeing, though, to be able to let your faults kind of just go away and not be.
It's hard. Oh, definitely. It's hard. Yeah. We could just sit here and talk for hours.
Oh, we've done it. Oh, we've done it. You know, and back on the pride part.
We go into verse four. For by the grace given me, I tell everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you should think.
Instead, think sensibly, as God has distributed a measure of faith to each one. Kids, what he was talking about before,
I meant to say that before. In Romans 11, he's talking about the Gentiles versus the
Israelites, or the Hebrews, sorry. And how the Gentiles are being drafted in and all this stuff.
And he's saying, don't put it all on your high horse just because you were part of the original family.
These Gentiles are also a part of, or you Gentiles are also a part of the thing.
And don't despise the Hebrews just because they are part of the old system.
This is a unifying kind of interpretation that he's talking about. And so when he's talking about, yeah, you're right in three, he's talking about that pride.
Don't get yourself all, you know, a hundred horse because you think one is better than the other. In fact, this is the reality is that we are one family.
We're one tree. We're grafted together. And that we're all heirs. We're all part of the same, same life.
Right. And it, you know, and it even goes further into saying that we all have, we have many parts in one body.
Even all the parts do not have the same function. We go into Ephesians 4,
Ephesians 4, 16, from him, the whole body fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament promotes the growth of the body.
And, you know, you're, you can't look at one part and say, oh, I'm better than you because, well,
I do this. Each part is important. Each part has its role. And, you know, it's using an anatomical analogy.
And the human body cannot function at full capacity if one thing is out of what, if you can't, everything functions together.
It's a system. And so you have to have that humility and remember, I am no better than that next person.
My sin is no worse than that next person. Right. You mean sin in the greatest?
It's not. You mean prostitutes is no different than gossiping junk?
Absolutely not. No way. And a prostitute can still receive the same grace and same mercy and same forgiveness is that liar or that thief or that whoever, you know, gossip or whoever.
So, Pastor Jeff says the same spirit of God that's in you, the same spirit of God that's in me. Yeah. I think he says that everywhere.
Probably. Because it's so true. It's so true. And somebody said to me once, I'll just pull that line a little bit further.
There's going to be a whole lot of really good people in heaven. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. But they don't rest.
They don't rest. They don't rest their sin. And there might be people in heaven that you go, whoa.
Yeah. You're right. You're right. You're right. Yay. Yay.
Well, man, this has been fantastic. This is fun. Some good stuff. Do you want to do it again?
Do you want to do it again? Yeah. Definitely. Again, I want to thank you.
I forgot to tell you all. Michelle and her loving husband are the directors of our children's department also.
And I want to thank you all for being here. Thank you. And, uh, I've been loving my husband. I think he loves me.
He let us in here. He didn't kick us out. We'll call you later.
Anyway, um, I want to thank y 'all both for coming to your home and to interrupt your eating.
Um, uh, excuse me. I'm most excited we've done it this week.
So, in case anybody was wondering, this is pre -recorded because we all have to travel out here.
They live out in the Shawshank. Seriously. And we have horrible internet. There's no way
I can figure it all out. So, but, you know, hey, that just means me and Mercedes have more time to prepare for the next
Thursday. Which, we have an idea about that. It might just actually be some fun and all that.
But, um, thank you so much for coming. I want to thank each one of y 'all for coming out tonight. Um, tonight, actually, our accountability group has not been able to meet in person since the
COVID started. And, um, tonight was actually our first night to be face -to -face.
We've been on the phone with the messenger and all that stuff. Um, we text one another daily.
Um, but this was our first time to actually be together. So, we took care of that before we spoke to each other. But, um, again, if you ever want to consider being in an accountability group or even have thought about it, please, and you're a member of WITN, please, um, give us a call.
Or some of y 'all women know somebody that should be in accountability. You might want to ask them. Yeah, and accountability groups, current accountability groups at WITN, um, if you see other members who you feel like need to be or you'd like to invite to your group, please do so.
Please invite. So that, that way it's sort of an organic bringing someone in, um, and make sure you all agree on who you're bringing in so that it's not me just putting strangers or people that you don't know as well with other people.
It's kind of arbitrary that way, but it's better if in your group you can find someone that you want to bring in.
Um, and it doesn't have to be people you know that well. You know, we brought in people that other people didn't know as well and we got to know each other and be able to build trust that way.
Um, so it's not about cliques or friendships, things like that, but if you see someone, really get it, that, that needs, um,
WITN women, strong women that can be trustworthy in our lives, please, please seek out those women and find them in your groups.
Yeah, because that's like, I was telling Tara. I was telling
Tara the other night. I said, you know, I said, I don't really know. I did not know, um,
Hannah very well. I said, but when Michelle said, you know, I really want to bring
Hannah in. How do y 'all feel about it? Blah, blah, blah. You know, my first thought was
Michelle, because there's a trust and you have to follow these certain rules and you have to go by these certain outlines because if the trust isn't there and it gets broken, then
Michelle and Hannah didn't know me that well either. But because Michelle was saying she'll be good in here.
I think it'll be great. Um, Hannah came in and then I brought forth
Mercedes because I knew that she needed some kind of, she needed a lot of help.
And because I said you would be able to trust her, the ladies trusted my judgment.
So that's where the, that's where the trust comes in and that's why we're saying it's not, it's not a clique issue.
It's not a friendship issue. It's all basically a trust issue. So again, if y 'all know somebody or if you know somebody, let me know.
And if you're not a member of Lenten and you go to a church that doesn't have accountability groups,
I highly recommend starting one. Absolutely. Building that trust, not just amongst the ladies in the church, because as women, we have a problem with trusting each other anyway.
Um, but you need that. You need that support. You need that trust.
You need that truth telling. Like I said, kick in the rear when you need it. But it also brings you closer together with Christ to learn, you know, like, like Michelle has taught me things.
Yeah. We, we had a connection like because military, her husband was military, my husband's military.
And so we learned to feed off of each other in different ways on that. Um, but it's just brought a bond that I never had with Christ until I started an accountability group and started in one.
And you know, the changes that I have seen in myself, I'm going through some things.
My daughter was in the hospital last week. I couldn't be there because she couldn't go. Um, but I had these ladies to help me when
I needed them. So I highly recommend starting these at your church. You will learn so much.
You can grow so much with each other and with Christ. Well, and it's not just limited to women having accountability groups.
It's men too. Men need it because men don't feel like they have, they, they should or can openly speak about their thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
And that's just not true. You know, guys have just as many feelings too. And they need that safe space with other men to be held accountable.
Safe space. To be held accountable and to share what's on their mind as well.
To be held accountable. Safe space. I did. There has been accountability. Men need to be kicked in the rear too.
Let's just say it. Men need to be kicked in the rear too. Yes, I'm looking at you, Jen. But anyways,
I hope y 'all enjoyed this this evening. I know that we have. We have. And, um, it's been eventful.
We've been watching the kids run around. It's, it's, it's difficult. Is she sly?
You know, she's ready for this. She's not ready for this. She's scared. But she's good.
She's fine. She'll be all stopped in a minute. She'll win. There's no blood. No blood. No blood.
Jake, Jake will get it, he's trying to get it. So, he wanted to try to cut off some strings too early.
So anyways, we want to thank y 'all for joining us tonight. And, um. See y 'all next time.