Owen Strachan Claims He'll Debate - Part 5

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AD Earnestly Apologizes to the Audience - Part 6

AD Earnestly Apologizes to the Audience - Part 6

All right everybody, welcome back to the channel. I just got back from the Fight Laugh Feast conference.
I'm a little under the weather to be honest, but I wanted to just put an end to this Owenstron video series, because it's just time.
If you saw my short yesterday, I kind of joked that I would not, you know, talk about Owens anymore because, well, you'll have to watch that short if you want to know why.
That being said, I did want to finish this. I was just joking, Owen will get absolutely every bit of response that he deserves.
I am not going soft on you or anything like that. That being said, I will say I had a chance to meet
John here, John Root. I didn't know who he was when we started this thing. I found out who he was, and he seems like a great guy.
He really does. He seems like an honest guy, which I really appreciate. You know, when
I met him, I wore a hoodie -jacket combo just for fun, you know, just to get a little bit of a laugh.
And I got the laugh, so hey, there you go. Can't say that I liked it. It was a little weird, but it wasn't as bad as I thought.
The outfit, not John, that's not what I'm talking about. But it was a really good time, and I'll do a recap of Fight Laugh Peace Conference in a future video.
It was a fantastic time. I think everybody who was their first time going was just very pleasantly surprised.
It was a really good time. So we'll talk about that more in a little bit. I don't remember where we left off with this
Owen Strawn thing, so let's just jump into it, and maybe I'll remember. Well, and it's really sad because, you know, you want to put
Christ first. I'm determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified, and all of these things float out of that.
But I'm afraid what's happening with younger men and younger women, this is their consuming thought.
Like, they wake up, and they engage in the battle. They're thinking about this, and so their actual character is coming out, and you're like,
I just, you don't know what's going on in their heart, but this is like their life to battle for this stuff, and you're like, is
Christ sweet to you? Like, have you tasted the kindness of the Lord? Because if you have, you're gonna have his character qualities coming out of you, and the pursuit of your life is going to be
Christ and holiness, and then the world's gonna go, like, what is this hope within you, you know?
And then I know it's usually... Yeah, I mean, and they do that all, this is the kind of, like, very pious sort of thing.
This is their whole lives, they're consumed by this. Do they even care about Christ? And all of that kind of thing, and Johnny was disavowed of any inkling that she might have put into him about the
Christian nationalist side of this debate at the Fight, Laugh, Feast conference. There is... I know
I said I wasn't going to talk about that, but I'll just say this because it's relevant. There is so much joy.
We make so much of Christ. We emphasize personal holiness.
The very first talk at the Fight, Laugh, Feast conference was Toby, and man, it was something.
I heard that there was somebody in the backstage area, I will not name him, who was weeping during it, and I totally understand why, because what
Toby did was he really let Dr. Francis Collins have it for his evolutionary mindset, but then he flipped the script on everyone, and he addressed fathers in how, you know, maybe you don't believe in evolution proper, but you act like good can come from violence and evil that you perpetrate, that you do.
And of course, we know God works all things out for good, but that's no excuse to do the evil, and it was just a moving thing, and it was all about personal holiness.
You expected him to let Dr. Francis Collins have it, you know, for doing those horrific experiments on dead babies, and he did let him have it, but he did not let it finish there.
He made it all about personal holiness, and it was—I'll just say, Toby, if you ever watch this, it really moved me big time.
But this is the play, you know, they just don't care about Christ, they just care about the Christian national—it's just not true.
It's just false. It's a fantasy, and why don't we let the pastors handle that, okay? Okay, lady?
Maybe we should let the pastors handle it, because we go to church, you know, we've got pastors involved in our lives, and why don't we let the pastors handle whether or not we're on track with our personal holiness, and you, who know nothing about our personal lives, why don't you keep your mouths shut about it?
How about that? Christian walk is not always going to be rainbows and unicorns and just super big smiles.
Obviously, you and your husband here, James, is back there. You know suffering, but there is times where we are missing the joy, and we are having so many conversations, because we live in a world now where everybody is accessible.
It doesn't matter who you are. Someone's got a Twitter account, someone's on Instagram, and then you just throw a bomb in there or something, and it's just like we're not making a way forward at all, and it's a shame.
I know as we wrap this up, too— Yeah, and again, you know, again, I met Johnny, I had a quick chat with him, we shook hands, you know, there's no hard feelings there, because Johnny took my playful ribbing like a man, and it was no problem, and all of these kinds of things.
And, you know, Johnny, you know, ask him. Go on Twitter and ask him what the
Fight Lab Feast conference was like. I am sure that he understands that that room was full of thousands of people exuding the joy of the
Lord. If there's one conference that understands that the joy of the
Lord is, in fact, our strength, it is the Fight Lab Feast conference.
I mean, there's really not much else I could say about that. Ask William Wolfe what his experience was at the
Fight Lab Feast conference. I mean, I know, because I heard him talk about his experience at the Fight Lab Feast conference, meeting these people for the first time, that many out in the internet world would say that they're obsessed with Christian nationalism, that just, they're just in the fight, they just fight all the time, that's all they care about is fighting.
It's just not true. And I said this in the last video, I remember this,
I said, I feel bad for Johnny in this interview, because he had no context for this, he only heard what
Owen told him, and now this lady, what she's saying that she's so concerned about.
And if you go by what they said, it sounds pretty bleak. But the reality of it is that Owen Strachan lied to Johnny for 30 minutes in this interview.
He lied to Johnny. And if you only went with Owen's perspective, you'd have some concerns too, so I don't blame
John for having concerns. But Johnny's a good guy, and he actually sat and listened to Stephen Wolf talk about, you know, kinism and things like that.
And he didn't have to do this, but he actually retweeted himself talking about the, you know, the dangers of kinism, whatever, or maybe this interview,
I don't remember exactly what he retweeted, but he retweeted with Stephen's response, his answer. He said, hey, just, you know, just so you know, he's addressing this.
Good on him. Good on him. And I said, I walked away from the conversation with John Root thinking, oh, he's fair.
He may not agree with everything that I would say or do or believe, but he's fair.
I mean, I don't know what else I can say about that. So anyway, let's continue. Do we have to wrap up?
I know, I wish we could keep going and going. This has been great.
Final question for you is, what would make you sit down with any prominent voice, specifically
Stephen Wolf, to have a conversation? Would it have to be off camera? Or if it was on camera, what would actually need to happen in order for that conversation?
Because it seems like you two are the two figureheads of, he's got Christian nationalism, I'm going to warn you about the dangers of Christian nationalism.
What would make you sit down? So I told Johnny when I met him that this is what I thought of his interview.
And what I said was, it was not a hardball interview, and it wasn't intended to be.
But I was appreciative that he asked the kinds of questions that I would want to ask, the things that I would want to know about.
And I didn't even know that he asked this question at the end here. Fantastic, because he went back to the whole thing about sitting down and talking, because he understands that that would be beneficial to people.
So he heard Owen's ridiculous excuses earlier, and he comes back to it.
So I mean, that is, I mean, to ask the question again in a different way to hopefully get an answer this time,
I'm not going to say that's hardball, but it's harder than softball, I will say. That's a good question, because he also threw in a change to it.
He said, what about even privately? What would it take to actually hear the other side out of this movement that you have dedicated time to, that you find very concerning, and that you've studied for a long time?
You said you studied it. It's obviously important enough to do all those things. What about hearing them out and offering some give and take?
Because that's, I mean, we all understand that that's helpful, right? It's much more helpful to have a give and take than to just hear someone monologue.
Like, if somebody wanted to talk with me about this privately or publicly, I'm all for it. You know what
I mean? I'm all for it. And there's people in the audience that know that this is true, you know, that I've said something that they completely disagree with or think is dangerous.
And they say, hey, can I talk to you? And I say, yeah, here's my phone number. And we've talked.
And these are people that are, you know, non -entities or they're not like important people in the eyes of the internet. But I'll take some time for that.
I'm not saying that Owen needs to do that. I'm just saying that's what I've done. But this is a very, very good line of questioning.
And again, it's not hardball, but it's definitely not softball either. Let's see what stupid excuses
Owen has. But what
I won't do is when there is a figure who is bringing what
I would argue are unsound and dangerous ideas into the church, I have no
New Testament precedent for platforming that individual. So, again, I am willing to engage his views.
I'm trying to do it fairly. But Paul never summoned his opponents or those he was disagreeing with to some kind of online debate or something like this.
So that is not something at this time that I will be seeking to do.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't debate a Christian nationalist, though. I'm happy to do that if the opportunity arose.
I don't stage debates myself. I'm willing to do that. Very willing.
No, you're not. No, you're not.
Let's stop playing pretend. He actually probably won't even do the private thing either.
I mean, I didn't ask. I met Stephen Wolfe as well, a very, you know, kind of humble guy.
And, you know, it was funny. I asked Stephen when
I met him, I said, hey, what do you do? And he just kind of laughed. And I thought that was odd.
He goes, yeah, you know, everyone wants to know what I do if I'm asking if I'm a fed or whatnot. And I wasn't asking that.
I'm just a recruiter. I ask everybody what they do, you know, just because for my own interests. But, you know,
I wonder if Stephen has offered to talk with him privately about this. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, yeah,
I don't believe you, Owen. I don't believe you. I got to get the ad blocker.
It stands against everything I stand for. What we're definitely looking forward to is more of these conversations.
We'd like it to end, but it's something, too, that I know there's so many conversations. It's never going to end. It's never going to end, because the bankruptcy of secular liberalism and just liberalism in general is accelerating.
The obviousness of the impossibility of it, the worthlessness of it, all of it is accelerating every single day.
It is not going to end, because without a Christian foundation, a
Christian nation, a Christian nationalism, we're always going to get some form of what we have right now, which is rampant unrighteousness promoted by the law.
You can't have... Every system has a God, right? And the
God is the lawgiver of that system, and so you can't exclude Jesus Christ as the center of your system, the very foundation of your nation, and expect anything to go well.
You can't have this pluralistic thing. One of the side conversations I had at the conference was with Chocolate Knox, and he was asking a couple of us, in your ideal
Christian nation, would unbelievers have the right to vote? And I answered right away, no. No, they would not have the right to vote, because how can you have a country ruled by the people, which is what we have?
You know, we elect representatives, but we all have a say, and allow people who do not have no love for the
Lord, who have no love for the Lord, who do not care for the Lord. How can you put in their hands the power to decide right from wrong from a civil perspective?
How can you put in their hands the power to execute justice, to punish evildoers, to promote what is good, if they don't even have the foundation, the first idea what the difference between good and evil is?
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, and if they have no love for the
Lord, if they have no love for Christ, they cannot be trusted with such things. I know what I said goes against everything you learned in civics class in 10th grade, or whatever grade you learned it in.
10th grade is when I learned it. It goes against all of that. It does not go against, more importantly, what the
Lord has ordained for civil governments to do. It does not. Christ must be the center in order to have a blessed nation who is thriving and who is going to continue into the future.
That's a requirement. It's a prerequisite. This conversation is never going to end until glory.
Then what's your solution, man? It sounds like you're totally fine with the drag queens running rampant in the schools and in these institutions.
If you don't want a Christian nation, you're really not for Christ. It just seems like there's so many straw man arguments that are being thrown out there, bombs that are being thrown out there.
I'm not saying that you're for drag queens, but the possible solutions, there's only a couple of them, right?
Either Christ is the foundation of your nation or something else is, whatever that may be.
It's not that I think that Owen likes drag queen story hours, but I think that he's not perceptive enough, and I'm being totally serious here, he's not perceptive enough to understand that a secular liberal democracy or whatever system we have is always going to tend to some version of unrighteousness.
Maybe it won't be trannies running the schools, but it'll be something that you don't want running the schools.
It has to be Christ -centered. It has to be built on the foundation of God's law, of God's word.
It has to be. Encourage to stay faithful, and if those conversations happen,
I hope that we're all being prayerful about those being fruitful conversations so it's not at each other's throat or it's a bad witness, especially like you brought up earlier for unbelievers that are seeing us argue about things that sometimes just can be a waste of time.
And I'll say this, I know we got to go, I actually have to go, but in my message on Wolf, for example,
I said that he was a deep thinker and a gifted writer or something like this, and I said at the beginning of my message seven reasons why
Christian nationalism has caught on, and in several of those reasons, I commended that side for their clear stance on manhood or womanhood, for example, so that message hasn't launched yet.
It'll release soon, but I can't wait to get my hands on that. I have not been paid that same charity by tons of people on social media.
I have been pretty viciously attacked, and I am actually trying not to do worldly mudslinging.
I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'm trying to even honor Wolf, even as I disagree with him strongly, because he is not my enemy.
Nonetheless, it's hard to have people call you a snake or call you effeminate or call you
Russmore 2 .0 or Big Eva or I don't know what they call me. They can call me whatever they want, but my prayer for me is that I will state things on social media from time to time, and I'll state things more fully as I'm able, but I won't get into back and forth.
I won't get into name -calling. Except racist, kinnest, bigot, white supremacist, all the stuff that, interestingly enough, is exactly what the world calls us.
I'm not going to engage in worldly nameslinging, except for all of the same ways that they try to destroy you,
I will try to destroy you. This is insane. This is insane. I don't know exactly what's going on with Owen, but he is deceived.
Is he self -deceived? I don't know, but he is deceived, because in the same sentence, he's using the playbook of the world, and the world recognizes it!
It's not like they're ignoring it. They're promoting Owen's attempt to destroy other
Christians in the same way they attempt to destroy other Christians. They recognize it.
They recognize the game, because that's their game, and Owen's playing it. He's deceived.
And I do engage somebody, I'll hopefully even try to go out of my way to say something about them that might be true, because Wolf is a deep thinker, for example, so I've said that.
He's a deep thinker, but he's also a kinnest, racist, evil, white supremacist, neo -Nazi. All right, that's it.
That's it. Oh, and we got here, oh, by the way, I recommend this big time. This guy, Gordon Flowers.
Oh, stop. I'm going to stop right there. Gordon Flowers. Oh, here it is.
Here's one. Here's one. Let me put this over here. This guy, Gordon Flowers, he does these child predator stings, where he confronts people that were talking sexually to underage kids and stuff like that.
He is, not only is he doing good work, I mean, it's just amazing the work he does. So many arrests, so many things.
It's just amazing. He's also hilarious. And he's conservative, too, which is extra funny, because, anyway,
I highly recommend him, Gordon Flowers. He has a number of YouTube channels, because YouTube keeps banning him because of the content.
Really, really good stuff. Anyway, so that's it. That's the Owen Strachan interview with Jon Root. I hope you enjoyed it.
That's the end of it. I cannot wait for Owen's little message to, emphasis on little, his little message to be released, because I will absolutely be getting into that in a lot more detail.
Also, I had a conversation with an actual kinist, a kinist who calls himself a kinist.
That conversation was very interesting. It went very well. And so I'll be ready for Owen's, his kinist speech with knowledge from an actual kinist and all of that.
So I hope you enjoy. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.