Time Out with Pastor Ben Talley - EZRA 7:9-10



Morning family My name is Benjamin Talley. I Am the associate pastor at what
Memorial Baptist Church, and this is another time out From your day from your morning
I just wanted to spend some time in the word again our scripture passage comes from Ezra chapter 7 verses 11 through 10 or 9 through 10 says of Ezra he began the journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month and arrived in Jerusalem on The first day of the first month since the gracious hand of God of his
God was on him Now listen to this This is verse 10.
This is what we'll focus Verse 10 says now Ezra had determined in his heart
To study the law of the Lord That's one Obeyed it.
That's two and Teach its statuettes and ordinances in Israel.
Hey Gwen. Hey Richard So he had determined in his heart to study the law of the
Lord To teach it or to obey it to teach its statuettes and ordinances in Israel Now, I think this is a pivotal patch it passage
This really gets to the heart of what we're supposed to do as Christians how we handle the word
We are supposed to Determine in our heart to study the word to study it
To get down to the nitty -gritty of what the word is really saying to what it has to say about our
Anthropology about what it has to say about who we really are how we operate
To study to know what it says about us about what it says about our kinsmen about our about The world about how we should live as Christians it really explains
A lot about the way we're supposed to live and so we are to Determine in our hearts to study it to find out what
God requires of us to know the Prescriptive will of God to what he's commanding us to do how he's commanding us to live so that is what the prescriptive will of God is how he is commanding us to live and so He says the
Ezra determined in his heart to study the law of the Lord It also says to obey it we are not to like James says look into it and just Read it and walk away unchanged.
What's up, Lisa? Um so we are to obey it we are to Decide and determine that we are going to live by it
And it also says we are to teach it we are to teach it statuettes a statuette is a law
It's a it's a teaching That that we are to follow it's a
So and it says teach its statuettes and its ordinances in Israel So that was
What's up, Charles? That was his uh, that was his uh his whole mindset was to Determine in his heart to study the law to obey it and to teach it.
I want to share with you something. I think I Think that we would have a lot better Understanding of what true discipleship was if we were that have this understanding of teaching the word, you know um a lot of us we we sit down and we read our
Bibles or we listen to the preacher or You know, we listen to the Bible study teacher or something like that, but we listen to learn, you know
We just gain knowledge but think about this if you're in a class and You're in a class and Good morning,
Char You're in a class right and the teacher tells you read this book
Okay, so you read this book and he says no several things in this book cuz
I'm gonna quiz you later You know, you you read the book and you underline certain things and stuff like that.
That's one thing Okay morning morning pastor So you you know what's on the book and what's in the book to study it for a test?
But it would be a whole different thing if he said no this book because you're gonna teach this book
You know, we would prepare so differently so if we had the mindset of Hey Study this book because you're gonna teach this book
We would we would approach that book in a whole different light you know, and I think
I think Christians are failing to Truly understand that I think they're reading the
Bible just for head knowledge just for just for an understanding of what what are the
What are the understandings of it so that I can get head knowledge get?
Understanding and stuff like that. I don't think they're understanding it so that they can teach it
You know, I think that should be our mindset is I'm reading this so that I can teach it
You know, I hope that makes sense so I Think we should be like Ezra where Ezra had determined in his heart to study the law of the
Lord To obey it and to teach it Teach its statuettes to the ordinance of Israel.
See he had an obligation He felt he had an obligation as a leader to teach the
Word of God And we are all called to instruct one another and and teach one another
And and and admonish one another so if we had the mindset of instead of gaining knowledge by reading the
Bible if we had more of the Mindset of okay. Look I am to share the
Word of God with others and Instruct one another good morning, Jenny morning, Carrie So if we were ahead of the mindset of I'm going to teach this
I'm going to instruct this I'm going to make Disciples and instruct others and build others up then we would have a whole different outlook on how to study the
Word of God and I think that's that should be our heart to to To study the
Word of God and to learn the Word of God as though we were going to make disciples and teach others so may that I Pray that that will be on your heart as you study as you learn
Learn and and study as though you were going to make Disciples and break these concepts that you learn down So that you can teach others so that you can simplify your the not not not simplify your theology
But make it practical make your theology practical in your your your doctrine
Practical so that others can understand it so you can teach it to others and That's the way we should approach the
Bible To teach it to others so it is a good day to be alive in Jesus Christ Guys We are not exempt from making disciples we are not exempt from Sharing the
Word we are not exempt from an encouraging one another we are not exempt from praying for one another because of this covet 19
So Don't don't think that Like pastor said give you a grace card.
I know he meant in a different context. I'm I'm in another context We're not exempt from that.
We're still required to go there for a month Go there for and make disciples among all all nations so make disciples encourage
And and if you're viewing this and you don't know Christ You don't know
God you don't have a relationship with him, maybe you're dealing with Sins in your life or morning
Amber morning Lisa You're dealing with sins in your life that seem to overwhelm you or maybe you just don't care about God Maybe that's just not a thing for you
Well, I want to share with you one thing that God is good And that is a good thing for believers that God is good because he deals graciously with them but another thing is
God is good and that is a terrifying thing for you because The reason God is good and that means he deals with sin and Gosh is good.
And that means that sinners Those who are separated from God That shows that we are not good that shows that we are sinful we are all simple even believers are simple
But the difference between a believer and a non -believer is that they have a payment They have been justified and if you want to know more about that justification
Email me if you want to talk You know
Message me. I Would love to talk with you if you have any prayer requests for me
Message me. I'd be a little more than happy to Talk with you to pray with you to pray for you
Any Progress or anything like that Anything you need prayer for be more than happy to pray for you
God is a merciful God. He is a loving God, but he deals seriously with sin. And if you want to repent of your sin and place your faith in Christ if there's the desire of your heart to get close with God God is more than willing to hear from you and Intern to relationship with you, but you have to come to him
He's already came to you 2 ,000 years ago through Jesus Christ So I love you, it's a good day to be alive in Jesus Christ.