Eschatology Part 6 Revelation 13



It is so good to serve a sovereign God. We don't have to worry about the things that are happening.
We have to be responsive by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the Word of the living
God. We are going to be in Revelation chapter 13. We're going to do the whole chapter this morning,
Revelation chapter 13. And I've entitled this,
Where Are You Going to Stand? Yesterday, or actually this past weekend, it's become a family tradition in my house.
My little brother and my niece and my nephew, they come and spend three days with us. And it is a testosterone -laden weekend.
It involves firearms and food and fire, football definitely.
My wife last night said, I'm so sick of hearing football, she went into her room. And of course it involves females because we have to have someone to make the food.
But the idea here is that it is a weekend for my brother, my nephew, myself, and my sons and daughter to all hang out and have a good time.
So yesterday, the boys go and play a game.
It's not a sport. It's called soccer. It's usually what children and girls play.
But they, for some reason, think it's a sport. And so they go off and they play soccer.
And my nephew is, he's 12 years old. He's about 5 foot 11 and wears a size 10 foot already.
But he is a little, my brother didn't raise him from birth. They adopted him. My brother's trying to man him up a little bit because he's a little delicate.
He's a little delicate. And I've told him, son, you need to either change your ways or change your name because you got to man up a little bit.
Well, they went out and played soccer. And little Jeff, he's small, but he's wiry.
My gosh, man, that kid is so strong. And he kicked a soccer ball and hit
Anthony dead in the throat. And Anthony went down on the ground.
Well, my sons, being godly sons, pastors, ministers, ran over and said to him, dude, get up.
Get up, man. Stand up. Don't let them know you hurt. And he didn't cry.
Josiah said he was trying to, but he didn't cry. And then he carried on and continued to play.
I know that sounds, for some of you helicopter moms, that might sound a little harsh.
But I'm here to tell you, raising your kids, especially your sons in a way that is in the modern way of overindulgence and not teaching them mental toughness,
I promise you, is going to gain an interest which your child can never pay off.
There's a lady who I was talking with, and she told me that she went to a kid's birthday party and she bought the kid a present and then bought her son a present and went to the thing.
And as she was talking, I just said, why did you buy your son a present? It wasn't his birthday.
She said, well, because he would have been sad if I didn't. That's kind of the culture we're living in today.
And I think it's by design. I do. I think it's by design of a strategist that is far above anything we can do.
Rommel has no power. Shortsquad have nothing to do with the strategic power and planning of Satan.
You see, we're getting to a place where folding is seeming to be normal, that the adversity that faces us in the world, it's not good to stand up against it because you'll become the center of attention.
You will become that which you'll be intolerance. And speaking up for something that's right is saying to the rest of the world,
I hate you. I never knew that disagreeing with a lifestyle somehow equates to me hating you.
I don't hate you. I just don't particularly care for the way you live life. But if that's the way you want to live it, dude, if you want to wear high heels and a dress, knock yourself out.
But don't expect me to go, oh, those shoes look so good and it's after Labor Day and they're white. I'm not going to do it.
Not going to do it. Why is that important in relation to what I'm talking about?
Because there's going to come a time where the option to stand no longer exists.
You see, you have an option to be a Christian today. I'm not talking about through salvation.
I'm talking to be what the word Christian actually means. It means Christ -like. You see, only three times in Scripture are
Christians called Christians. Most of the time, they are called disciples. Ones who follow, who emulate, who obey.
And we don't have that in churches anymore. We don't have that in the United States anymore.
We're not obedient. We serve Christ as long as it is amenable to us.
In other words, if we have any resistance whatsoever, we fold up and we quit.
But there's coming a time where a purge is going to happen, y 'all. There's going to come a time in God's people where to serve
God is going to cost you your life. I want to just read, and if you want to read the whole chapter, that's great.
I encourage you, please take these home, read them, study them. Don't just listen to a silly sermon by a fat, bald guy.
Go and actually study to show yourself approved. As we look at chapter 13 here in Revelation, I want you to note the mimicry of Satan.
Once again, a master strategist. He mimics that which is truth.
If you look, we are going to see in verse 13, and I saw a beast, I'm sorry, verse one, and I saw a beast rising out of the sea with 10 horns and seven heads with 10 diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its head.
And the beast that I saw was like a leopard and its feet were like a bear and its mouth was like a lion's mouth.
And to it, the dragon gave power on and his throne and great authority.
Verse three, and on one of its heads, it seemed to have a mortal wound, but the mortal wound was healed and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.
If you keep reading, you're going to read about a second beast. And I want you just to note a couple of things.
You learned from last week, if you remember the sermon from last week, in Revelation 12, that this dragon, there's no ambiguity on who he is.
Verse 9 of chapter 12 says, and the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent who was called the devil and Satan and the deceiver of the whole world.
We know who this dragon is. It is Satan personified. Yet there is also a second individual that is described here, and that's that beast who's rising up.
That beast is going to have great dominion and power and authority, but it's going to emanate from Satan, the dragon.
In other words, the beast gets his authority from the dragon. It says that he will be wounded, mortal wound, yet he will be healed and the whole world will marvel after him.
If you look on down, as we go to verse 11, you're going to see another beast come out and it says this.
It says, then I saw another beast rising out of the earth and it had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon.
It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence and makes the earth and the inhabitants worship the first beast whose mortal wound was healed.
Now, some of times Christians get lost in the imagery, but for those of you that have been coming on Wednesday night, for those of you that have actually studied, that first description of that first beast is not something that's confusing or it shouldn't be because it is a direct correlation from Daniel chapter 7.
Remember, one of the key components of knowing truth is that it is repeatable and demonstratable.
That's what truth really is. And we know from Daniel chapter 7, hundreds of years before this was written, we have another idea or we have another example of what
John is talking about here in the book of Revelation. There though, there were four beasts, now there are only two.
Well, pastor, why is that? Well, because two have already come to power. We talked about the
Medes and the Persians and for those of you, how many of you have understood Alexander the Great and the division of that kingdom into fours?
You with me? For those of you that didn't, please come on Wednesday nights, but you have this idea though that there is another kingdom coming up and it's the last one and those 10 horns, as we know throughout all of scripture, represent 10 nations.
So here's Satan, he is gonna funnel through 10 nations who are gonna be his power here on earth, but then there are gonna be two other supernatural leaders who are gonna come up.
One is going to be a political and later on a military world leader and then the second one is gonna be like the cheerleader of the first one.
Do you understand how this is working? Have I lost you? Are you with me? Okay. Now, can we look at maybe some things that as we see this stratagem and we see the counterfeit
Christianity, the counterfeit triune nature of God, can we see maybe some strategies and can we see from those strategies in the future, the bedrock or the threshold of which we are today that are setting place and setting forth to have those things come through?
Read with me if you will. I'm gonna give you just a couple of things. I want you to understand that unless you conform to that triune nature,
I shouldn't say triune, that Trinity, that unholy Trinity unless you conform, there's gonna be massive persecution.
Now, when I get to conformity, I wanna ask you this. Do you conform now?
That wasn't a rhetorical question, Farley. Do you conform now? If you say no, you're usually a 13 -year -old person that says,
I don't follow anybody and I don't care what anybody says and you're the dork that looks like the other losers who couldn't make the football team all the way around you.
You say you're an individual and you don't follow anybody yet you're mimicking a cultural rebellion that is absolutely rampant in the world today.
It's amazing how we always conform and how you identify through your insecurities and the vacuum in your heart that does not have
Christ, you will conform to that image which closely resembles you and how you feel.
I did not know what an emo was. I didn't know what that was. This was years ago when
I was a youth pastor. This person came in the youth house and they were like black hair, black this and dude was wearing kind of like this lace dress and he had fishnet stockings on.
So I just said, he's queer. I mean, I let him come in, of course.
I had no big deal. And someone said, no, he's not queer, he's emo. And I went, he's what?
He's emo and what's that? And they started explaining this long list of things that the, and I just went, oh, so he's queer.
And they're like, no, no, I don't get it. I never have, but I want you to understand that I did the exact same thing.
No, I didn't wear a black dress or fishnet stockings. Guys, do me a favor, if you're struggling with your security, come talk to me.
Let's do something else other than fishnet stockings. But although Marty does look good in them.
But guys, we all conform to something.
I hear people in here say it. Well, I feel out of place sometimes. And you start thinking about cliques and you start thinking about associations.
Sometimes Christians, I'll see a person coming and visiting, makes me so mad. I'll see a person who comes and visits here and they'll be sitting alone at a table and Witten people are walking all over around them.
I'm like, dude, there's fresh meat on the table. Are they a Christian? Do they need help? Do they need prayer?
What are you here for? If you're here to visit with everybody, that's great. Have that time, but then go and talk to them because they need
Jesus. Don't conform to the, and that's one thing I love about Witten is we are not a conformist church.
We kind of our own little thing. But we need to always make sure that we're not conforming to our own, not just social or subcultures, but our own insecurities and fears.
I don't feel comfortable talking to that person. I don't feel comfortable talking to that person.
God didn't tell you to use your comfort as a measuring rod of your obedience, okay?
Your comfort is irrelevant to God's word. You know what I'd rather be doing right now?
I would rather be shooting Bambi's mom, actually dad, right now. I would,
I would love to be in the deer stand right now. I would love to be watching pre -game stuff, right?
What time is it? Yeah, it's pre -game time right now. I'd be ready, getting ready to make hot wings and got the beer ice down, you know what
I mean? That'd be a great day. But I can't conform because I already gave my heart and I already gave my life to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. In other words, how I feel and what I want have become irrelevant. I must conform to the image of Christ.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you today, listen to me, some of y 'all, I'm telling you today that that empty place in your heart that you keep trying to fill with codependent relationships, drugs, whatever, is never going to slake your thirst.
It's never gonna do it. You're just gonna jump from one thing. I know guys that are men of God who jump from one hobby to another.
In other words, as an escapism to get away from the conviction of God calling them to a place of repentance.
Come to a place where you submit and you come not in the conformity of the world, but in the conformity to God's Word.
There's coming a time where that conformity will not be optional. It tells us here in chapter 13, verse 16, that in that time, in that time, that second beast will cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead.
Dun, dun, dun, dun, the mark of the beast. What is it? Well, people say, well, it's a computer chip.
People say it's a tattoo. I'll be honest with you, I don't know. I do know this, it's not figurative.
It is going to be literal. It is going to be literal. How do you know that, pastor? Because it says that you will not be able to buy, sell, or trade without that mark.
It's not gonna be, it's not a figurative thing of, you know, you're wearing a cross, crucifix, pendant, or something like that.
It's going to be a literal government stamp of approval. Now, I know that sounds far -fetched because no country like the
United States in which we enjoy freedom would ever assign numbers to its citizens.
Ever! Right? We live in an age and a time where I gotta have a license to drive, to carry a gun, to hunt, to fish, to watch children.
I gotta have a license to do everything, and the government is the issuing body to make that happen.
You realize we live in a time that 250 years ago in our country would seem absolutely insane that the civil populace would submit to such far -reaching government oversights.
We live in a time where the separation of church and state, spoken by Thomas Jefferson at the
Danbury Baptist Conference where he said, by the way, separation of church and state is not in our
Constitution, but he set that precedence, and he said church and state should be separate.
Well, I got a question for you then. How, if Christians cannot be influencing government as the church, then how come the government can shut churches down because of a pandemic?
Do not believe for one minute the hyperbole, the absolute lies coming out of our government.
Don't believe it. And I know some of you will just say if Trump gets back into office, you're putting your hope in a dude who is that rich and cannot have a decent haircut.
Okay? I swear, he has the same haircut as Naomi does. Go look at Naomi.
She looks like a little Donald Trump. Now, I know a lot of you are Trump supporters, okay?
And I voted for him too. I voted for him too, but I am not putting my hope in Donald Trump or Republican Congress or Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden because they're all a bunch of godless heathens that have no understanding of submitting to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is God's word and the Holy Spirit of God that will be deliverance for the people of God, not the policies and government of a man -made system.
You have to understand that. Well, pastor, I agree with you, but you're inching over that threshold of conformity.
You're taking what God's word says and adding to it, trying to fix a problem that only
Jesus can fix. You see, you're already being deceived. You're already finding hope in the philosophies of men.
Guys, don't do it. Oh, hear the word of God, for it and it alone is the basis of life, peace, and health on this earth.
Now, look at this. If you look here in verse 13, God is, we have been deceived, or people will be deceived in this triune nature of God or this trinity that's mimicking
God. They will be deceived in His wound. They'll be deceived by His teaching. They'll be deceived by peace.
They will have to conform to be a part of that group. If you are a believer, the word of God tells us that you're gonna be hunted down and killed.
You will be killed to death. So how are we, or how, I won't be here, but for some people, you will be here.
How will you handle this? Well, here's the good news. The same way you handle it then is the same way you handle it now.
And like I've told every fighter I've ever trained, if you don't bleed and sweat in that practice gym, you are gonna get your rear end handed to you in a fight.
It's just the way it is. And I don't care how much Saturday morning kung fu you watch, it ain't gonna make a difference unless you sweat and bleed in practice.
That's just the way it is. Hannah, am I wrong? Coach Hannah's a world champion Muay Thai fighter. I said national champion one time.
She is actually a world champion. That's pretty cool, man. She beat me up the other day.
But anyways, huh? And she's pregnant. And she's pregnant.
Oh, dude, man, she was pregnant the other day working over there like a Hebrew slave, man. It's amazing, amazing.
She is a stud. She is definitely a waiting chick. How do we come to a place where we fight this stuff?
And listen to me. How do you, as an individual, mature in Christ right now?
Now for those of you that are not Christians, you're going to hell. Jesus is the only way.
I'm gonna set you here. For you believers, what you're needing in life is not more doctrinal education if you're a backslidden heathen.
You're not needing more education. You're not needing a new Bible study. You're not needing more of this or this or the right singing or the right preaching.
You're not needing this. You're needing to submit to a sovereign God. Now how do
I say he's sovereign? I want you to look with me, if you will, at verse five, verse seven, verse 14, and verse 15.
And I just, I'm gonna read just, and I want you to see if you pick up. In the midst of this chaos and this dominion of satanic power on the earth,
I want you to hear. And the beast was given a mouth, verse five, uttering haughty and blasphemous words.
And it was, hmm, verse seven. Also it was, verse 14.
And by the signs that it was, verse 15. And it was, you know what that means?
It means no matter how powerful that unholy trinity is, it is still more submissive to God than some of you sitting in this room.
You see, the limitations of Satan himself, there is no battle in heaven with Satan fighting
Jesus. That is religious garbage. Jesus is sitting down.
You know why? The job is done. And remember, he said, it is finished. He never said,
I am finished. You understand? The job is done then, but he is coming back again.
He, Satan, and that unholy alliance is submitted and can only do what it can do with God's allowance.
I love, my brother and I, we were sitting there, and I used to do this with my sons and my daughter all the time.
I used to, they would be sitting there and they'd start wrestling on the floor. They'd fight each other.
And I felt like Caesar, you know? It's like, entertain me, you know?
Gladiators, fight. And so yesterday, my niece, she's like 15.
She's like that tall, but she's like this. I mean, she looked like she could be a middle linebacker.
I mean, she is just, and I'm not talking about she's fat. She's just redneck strong. You know what
I mean? Just redneck strong. And she could pick her little brother up who's this much taller and just body slam him, right?
And they were sitting there wrestling and carrying on. And Anthony's only defense is called the turtle, which means he basically lays on the ground, turtles up, and waits for the beating to stop.
That's all it is. And of course, Uncle Chris and I are sitting there going, dude, get up, stand up.
Of course, I told Chris, you know, at some point you're gonna have to quit. 15 -year -old girl sister beating up on a 12 -year -old boy might not do a whole lot for his self -confidence.
But anyways, as they're sitting there doing that, it's no contest. Guys, please stop thinking in this
Frank Peretti mindset. If you don't know what that means, go read the books. But Frank Peretti is this
Christian author who has this great fictitious story of angels and demons fighting it out.
They're fighting it out over your soul every day. You know how God, how sovereign
He is? If you read there in chapter 13, it says this. It says that Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world.
1 Peter 1 .20 says the same thing. Ephesians 1 .3 -4 says that we were saved before the foundation of the world.
That's found throughout all of Scripture. Now, some of you in here, especially you hippie
Christians, don't like to hear this word, but I'm here to tell you, you should like it because it is absolutely beautiful.
That God elected me before time began to be His child.
You know how sovereign that makes Him? That means this, that no matter what I do, no matter how bad
I have failed, no matter where I go, no matter what place and time that I continually mess up,
God said, that is My boy right there. You see, Jesus didn't die in 33
AD, ladies and gentlemen. Jesus, by His submission to the will of God, it's as if it had already happened.
When God speaks a word, it says in Isaiah that His word will not come back to Him void, but it will accomplish that very thing that He spoke.
It is absolutely, the doctrinal characteristic is called immutability. It means that He can't be muted and He can't be stopped.
For those of you in this room that struggle with you losing your salvation, here's a reality.
Number one, you were never saved to begin with. Number two, you don't understand the grace of God.
I went through that hell and it is hell. It is a miserable place for a Christian to be and it's not how
God wants us to live. Don't be deceived by false doctrine and false teaching.
If you are a child of God, Romans 8, go read it three times a day for the next week, come back and see me next week.
I'm telling you this, you belong to God. In God's sovereignty, you will defeat the deception and the conformity of this world.
But also remember this, remember our verse from last week, our text from last
Sunday, it said this. It said, and they, the church, overcame Satan by what three things?
The blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and then listen to this last thing, and they loved not their lives even unto death.
You know why some of y 'all struggle with full submission to Jesus? Some of you in this room and you're looking at me and you know
I'm talking to you. You know why you have come to such a struggle place in the submission of your life to Jesus Christ?
It's because you already have a God and you look at Him or her every morning in the mirror.
You come to a place with what your will, your desire, your wants far excel what
God commands. You cannot serve both. You're gonna have to choose today whom you're gonna serve, either yourself or the living
God. Notice what it says here in verse 10. If anyone is taken captive, to captivity he shall go.
If anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword he must be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
There is coming a time where if you choose to be a Christian, it's gonna cost you your freedom and your life.
God does not say, I'm gonna get you out of that. Notice that.
Philippians 4 .13 is one of the most misquoted verses in the whole world. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
That means no matter what I'm facing, I can do it through Christ. That is not what that verse means.
It's not what that verse means. It means this, that if you're living the Christian life, there is nothing that can come against you that will break if you choose to live in the power of God, that will break your will of serving
Him. It doesn't have nothing to do with you scoring a touchdown. I hate to say this, FCA football players, that does not mean you're gonna win the game.
I love when people pray before sporting events. And for the last 16 years, I've done it with Tennessee.
But I love how people that pray before sporting events that somehow God is really concerned or God is somehow involved.
Now watching Michigan, Ohio, it was close. But how God is somehow involved, it's not true, guys.
It's not true. Listen to me. The overcoming of the world is submitting to God Almighty.
The understanding that you love not your life even unto death, that the idea that your death will somehow glorify
God is the end result of these people that are living at this time. How strong are you in standing up for Christ?
Understand this, those that don't worship the beast will be killed. Absolutely.
Verse 15. Those who would not worship the image of the beast would be slain.
But I love what Jesus says in Matthew 10, verse 28. Do not fear those who will kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Rather fear him, fear him who can destroy both body and soul and in hell.
That's what it says. Let me ask you, who are you more scared of? Are you scared of people looking at you saying you're a loser?
Looking at you saying, oh, you're one of them Christian people? Are you more scared of being divorced from the world and from those people that give you some sort of self -esteem?
Or are you more afraid of being divorced from the holiness of Almighty God? Listen, it's not a joke.
I know some of you are in this room sitting there going, I know that's me. I know he's talking about me.
Listen, I'm not talking about you. If I was talking about you, who cares? Don't conform.
The Word of God is talking about you. And you will stand before a holy and righteous
God one day. And it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.
I hope today you understand that there's a choice to be had today. Now, let me just close with this last thing of sovereignty.
Chapter 19, verse 20. And the beast was captured and the false prophet who was in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who had worshipped his image.
These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. One of the greatest lies
Satan is getting together here. I want you to understand the conformity and the deception that Satan is using is not some big, scary, horned devil tale.
It's very subtle. You see, I believe there's coming a time where philosophy, religion, and science, and I put that in quotations, are gonna come together.
And in those authoritative traits, mind, body, and soul, those authoritative traits, they are gonna set the precedent and the conformity for our world.
It's already happening in our country. I mean, literally, do you hear people say this? The science is behind it.
Have you ever heard that? Yeah, you've heard it, man. It's become a catchphrase in our world. Here's my question.
Here's my question. Is science really behind it? Because that doesn't sound like science. I love asking this question to intellectual elites who believe in evolution and believe in that.
Show me one kind of species that has evolved into another kind.
Anywhere. I got 600 bucks in my wallet. I will pull it out of my wallet and give it to you right now.
Right now. Right now. It does not exist, yet science says it has to be both demonstratable and repeatable, observable and repeatable for it to be true.
Where is it? Where is it? And I know some of you who have these degrees and you're a loser and everything else in life, so you try to be the smartest guy on your mom's keyboard in her basement on the internet so you have some semblance of self -worth, your job and your fame is cutting down everything that's of God to sound smarter.
You are a fool. You're an idiot. I promise you this, if the
Word of God says X, there is no Y. And it is absolute foolishness of you to try to do anything else.
It's absolutely foolish of you. It says here in chapter 19 of Revelation that all of these powers that have deceived are going to be cast into hell.
People say, well, there is no hell. You see, it's religious people who are saying this, not scientists.
There are churches meeting, and I'll use that in quotations right now, that are called pantheists.
Basically, they believe this, well, you can believe in Jesus, you can believe in Allah, you can believe in Vishnu, and it's all okay, you're just taking different trains to the same location.
I agree with you except that location is hell. Okay? It's hell.
I'm sorry, Jesus said in John 14, 6, I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life, no one comes to the
Father but by me. That is an exclusivity in God's Word that makes no allowances for other ideas.
And I know you want to just, everybody just be tolerant. Guys, I wish I could be tolerant.
Why life would be so much, wouldn't it be great? If I could come in here and preach some Joel Osteen message, fill this place up with a bunch of rich white yuppies, and we could have gold faucets in the bathroom, you know?
If we could have Royals Royce vans to go pick kids up, and we could have a coffee shop back there that says
Hebrews. We could have smoke machines that pour out smoke and glitter bombs, and I could be a popular guy because I am very insecure.
You know? It was your joke, it is now mine. You are the lesser pastor, be silent.
Sovereignty, you got a lot, but I'm not, dang it. Guys, it would be nice to be liked by everybody.
Do you know how many friends I've lost over the years? Preaching the truth? A bunch.
A bunch. I'm not talking about church men, I'm talking about friends. You're going to lose them too if you follow
Christ. You will. You will. Your BFFs won't be your
BFFs no more, because you've been brainwashed. You've been twisted by a fundamentalist.
I'm not a fundamentalist, look at me. How many fundamental preachers dress like this? Okay? I'm not a fundamentalist, guys.
But unfortunately, I am required by God to preach His Word and His Word alone.
That's the only thing that's going to save you. I hope you're here today and you understand the power and the sovereignty of God's Word.
Understand that He's going to win. I hope you understand there is a hell, and trying to explain it away by your pathetic
Greek lexicon is not going to change it. Jesus spoke more about hell than He did heaven. You need to wrap your head around that for a second.
I'm going to ask the music dudes and dudettes to come up. I want you to listen to me. Focus, please.
Forget church, forget sermons, forget Baptist. If you were to die right now, are you 100 % sure you'd go to heaven?
If your heart was to seize up right now, would you go to heaven? If not,
I'm going to ask you, don't come to a Baptist church, because they're just as stupid as everybody else.
Don't come to me, because the same Spirit of God is in me, it's the same Spirit of God that's in everybody else that's a
Christian. I'm nothing special. I mean, dang, look at me. But what I can do is this.
I can take you and the Word of God and put you all together. I've never led anybody to Jesus.
The Holy Spirit does that. So if you have a question about your salvation, if you have a question about your salvation, please do not leave this room without getting that solved.
Wouldn't you like to go home today different than when you came in? That wasn't rhetorical.
Okay, listen. If you are a Christian, but you know you've been conforming to the world too much and you need some accountability, you're not going to find it out there.
Okay? Where you will find it is in here. And unfortunately, once again, this is one of them churches that is designed to be all up in your business.
Okay? Because that's the only way you're going to keep straight. It's the only way.
If you need some accountability, if you need someone to help you with not conforming to the world or selling out to your desires,
I need you to come up here and we'll get... We're not going to announce. We're not going to announce. I mean, Mickey, we have never announced that he cross -dresses, ever.
But we help him with that. We help him with that. I love you, Mickey. Guys, if you need some help, come up here.
Listen, if you need to be joining a church, getting baptized, whatever it is, this is the game time right now.
If you are a believer in Christ, do not sit there and look at that silly screen and try to sing a song thinking about when
I can get out of here and go home and eat. Be the church. Don't come to church. Be the church.
Go out in this room. Find someone. If you don't know them, you now have pastoral authority to talk to someone you don't know.
Okay? It's not creepy. Okay? Now, if you're a 50 -year -old dude and you're like going up to the same 13 -year -old girl, we're going to beat your brains out.
But other than that, other than that, go find someone to minister to, okay?
I'm going to ask us as a family to stand. And if God has spoken to you today, you come up here and talk to one of these pastors.