A WOW Moment - August 20 2020



Push the start button and go ooooooo. Look, it wouldn't fly.
I don't think anybody asked you, ma 'am.
Alright. It was on display being turned down. Sure. You can't read upside down.
I can. I can, but... Do you have your Bible upside down? I'm trying to say...
Some of these words upside down aren't going to happen. Maybe that's why she... You're going to have to whisper that.
That is why she was looking at the wrong end of the Bible. She had it upside down.
I'm just going to... When I get to that word, I'm just going to look at you. I'm going to say it just like that.
Alright. Is it time? It's time. Good evening, everybody. Welcome to our Bible study.
As you know, I'm Vicki. Everyone remembers Mercedes. I don't know if she has different color hair this week or not.
Nope, I do. Because it was after last week's Wild Moment that I changed it.
I think it was that night. Look down. You see orange in there now? It's not orange. Thank you,
Elena. Never will orange ever be in my hair. Anyways.
Everybody remembers Mercedes. Tonight, we have made the trip out to Fayette County.
We are at the lovely home of Miss Elena Everett. Elena, I want to thank you for having us tonight.
It's very quiet here. Elena has several boys. It's kind of quiet.
A little bit. A little quiet. It's kind of nice, though. I bet it's on.
It's really on. I feel like I've gone deaf or something. Huh?
What? That's how I feel when I leave work. It's so loud at work. It is loud at your work.
Anyways, I want to welcome you all. Thank you all for coming tonight. I really hope that when
I found out what scripture we were doing tonight, and I read over it today at work,
I was like, this is going to be good because I know where a lot of our women are in church.
I know where they're at mentally. I know where they're at spiritually.
I know that you don't know all of where they're at, but it's just amazing how the Lord has put this verse, either this is your go -to verse or put this verse on your heart for tonight because it's very, it's a very, it's a strong verse for me.
It's a strong scripture because it's several verses. So I hope that everyone enjoys it tonight.
If you want to get your Bible out, you can. If not, you don't have to because after we read the scripture, as you all know, if you've watched before, we will be going from here to there and yonder because Flipper over there will go next.
Just wait. Just wait because you'll be talking to me about something and all you'll hear is...
Oh, I've seen the videos. And you say, isn't that right, Mercedes? And she barely comes up for air, huh?
If she answers. If you answer. If I answer. So... She is listening.
I hear you. I'm just not responding. Once that trigger gets pulled though, she's off for the races.
I'm excited about that actually. That's my favorite part about watching these is seeing what she comes up with. And how things get pulled from different areas.
Yeah. And it's a lot of fun. That's why we don't study beforehand. That's the main reason because this is our study and I want everything to be fresh for us just like it's fresh for them.
And sometimes it gets very interesting on how the directions things go.
Like the night we had Cindy on. Cindy had like five verses because she said, it depends on if I'm Cindy that feels this way or if I'm Cindy that feels this way.
It depends on what Cindy you're going to get for the day. Right. So we went through all of them, I think. That's her multiple personality.
Right. It was fun. Right. It went really well. I liked hers. Yeah. She did really good. She was a nervous wreck too.
so anyways Alayna, by the way, Alayna has been at our church now for two years?
Two and a half. Also a Sunday school teacher. Well, you're her husband.
Mostly him. Mostly him. We're not going to give him all the credit though.
I've been in there when you taught. See. So anyways, if anybody wants to come visit, here's a
Sunday school class you can go to. I like weeping. You've got it down bad too.
It's because of what I do to avoid awkward situations where I have to talk. Away from a four and then
I feel like I'm okay. You're good. I'm good. I've made contact. Said hi.
Walk away. There's no nerves in the kitchen right now. None.
So anyways, back to the verse you've chosen tonight. Is the verse that you've chosen tonight, is it your go -to verse or is it a verse that you've chosen?
Probably in the past few years it's not really been a go -to verse as much as it seems to pop up in my study over and over again.
It's becoming possible. It's probably my favorite passage in the
Bible. There you go. Alright, and what is that passage?
Daniel 3 16 through 18. Mercedes, will you read the scripture please?
Yes. Sorry, I'm already trying to pronounce words. Alright, 3, 16 through 18.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to the king, Nebuchadnezzar.
We don't need to give you an answer to this question. If the God we serve exists, then he can rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire and he can rescue us from the power of you, the king.
But if he does not rescue us, we want you as king to know that we will not serve your God to worship the gold statue you set up.
So what does this mean? What is this? You tell me that you keep coming to this verse.
What does this verse mean to you and what does it give you? A lot of stuff that I've gone through in the past probably three or four years.
Um, it comes back, it always comes back to me going
God please take this from me or God help me with this.
And then I come back to this and it goes to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego right before they're thrown into the furnace, they're saying um, our
God will deliver us. My translation says that our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand.
But it also goes on to say but if not. So for me it's
God can and he will. We have to have that hope that he will but even be able to say but if not
I'm still going to put my faith in him, trust in him, do his will, not my own.
And to me that's something that I've it's really helped me grow in the past probably three or four years.
Just remembering that. The faith. And having that hope that you know no matter what whether it goes my way or not whether he answers my prayer how
I want him to or not he's in control his will be done. My hope will continue to be in him no matter what.
And you know that whatever answer you get is the one that is supposed to happen. Yup. It's a lot of control that you have to give up.
Well you don't have it anyway. Right, right. It's your perception. That's what I mean. That's a big thing with me was for a long time
I tried to control a lot that I thought I had control over and I didn't.
And once I let go of that and I still struggle with it on a daily basis the hardest prayer
I've ever prayed is God I give you my kids. I mean just letting go of that you have peace in it but you have hope that God will take them farther than you ever could.
Well and I have the same issue which I know that you don't know a lot of the history of my marriage but after 16 years of praying it took me finally saying
God you he's yours. Yup. And I'm not in control of his life.
You have all control and Lord I just pray that your will be done in his life whatever it may be.
And when I finally said that prayer and meant that prayer and I actually let go that's when things changed after 16 years of praying and to this day it's been the prayer has been answered plus.
So I understand. So I've also had to say that prayer for my children. My children are all grown though and it's even as having children of having grown children it's just as hard because you think now it's hard but when they creep out of your house it's worse because then all you can do is pray and just just stay in prayer especially when they're going crazy.
Because most of them do. I'm not going to say all of them but most of them do and you do have boys.
Yes. They already run wild. They're so cute though. They're like Tasmanian devils just swirling around my house.
But they're so cute. Yes, that's what keeps them alive. That's what keeps them alive.
I noticed that you closed the blinds. I didn't know if you had any ropes out there or anything that you tied them to.
I guess you were hiding it. Way to bust her out, Vicki. I didn't see anything.
They just swing like monkeys. They tore up the swing set on the playground and now they just use the chains to swing like Tarzan.
Oh. Yeah. Well, there you go. But anyways, usually we read the verse before and the verse afterwards to kind of get a grip of what's actually going on.
But you know what? That's why I kind of chose all three of them. In this one you really don't have to do that. Yeah.
Wow, except for in verse 19 he says, he gave orders to heat the furnace seven times more.
And it killed the men it carried them up.
It was so hot that they couldn't even go in there. But if you keep on going through the rest of it, they were delivered and they were unharmed.
It says, not a hair of their heads was singed. Their robes were unaffected and there was no smell of fire on them.
Yeah. And I mean, in Isaiah 43 it actually, 43 one through, you can go one through two, but mostly two.
But I'll go ahead and read the whole thing. Unless you want to read it. Go ahead. Okay. But now thus says the
Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel, fear not for I have redeemed you.
I have called you by your name. You are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
And through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you. When you walk through fire, you shall not be burned.
And the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the
Holy One of Israel, your Savior. That's part of three too.
But I just wanted to have that in there. But I just Yes.
Mercedes, you've been stuck in a fire. Did it hurt? Yeah. Yeah.
And once I finally said, alright,
I'm done. It's yours. Whatever happens, happens. First, I felt better.
I felt clear. So clear. Because I couldn't, it was like I couldn't see my way through anything. And it was right around the time of my job change.
And once I was able to see clear, I could breathe.
I slept fantastic that night. And then everything just started falling into place.
Completely, I was completely blindsided by it all. I was not, I remember sitting down with Elena actually.
And she goes, well maybe maybe this is God preparing you for something else. And I went, that's fantastic,
Elena, but this is my career we're talking about here? She didn't say that out loud. She was like, yeah, okay.
Yeah, I didn't. You're right. But in my head, I'm like, well, okay, but this is, you know.
And then everything just fell into place where it was supposed to be. And now I work with Whitten Family.
And I love my job. So yeah,
I've been through some fires. And you don't have a scar?
Nope. Not one. Hmm. Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.
Is that a coincidence? It's one of those things where when you look back, you go,
I see now. Hindsight's 20 -20, right? Man. That kind of goes along with Psalm 66, 8 -12.
Bless our God, O peoples. Let the sound of his praise be heard, who has kept our souls among the living and has not let our feet slip.
For you, O God, have tested us. You have tried us as silver is tried. You brought us into the net.
You laid crushing burdens on our back. You let men ride over our heads. We went through fire and through water, yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance.
Is that refiner's fire thought? Yup. But man, that abundance is abundant.
It's more than you could ever ask for. Yup. Yup. Well, that goes back.
Let's go to Job, because that's where we are. I was just there a minute ago. In chapter 5. I'm going too far, because I forgot where Job is, because we're going chronologically, and that's not how the
Bible goes. Alright. Job. What were we in Sunday? 11?
I'm talking 11. We've plowed through a few chapters.
I can't quite remember. Well, then he had us reading one section, and it wasn't the right section. Oh. Shh.
Don't tell the secrets. We give him a hard time, but he really is an awesome kid.
John said, Mercedes, he makes everybody read, but he says, can you read chapter 10, and he'd call these verses out, and then call these verses out.
We were reading it, and he goes, oh wait, those are the verses for the next chapter. Oh well, we already read that. It's fine.
But we got through it, and it needed to be read, so we read it. Josiah looked at me the other day, and he goes, you can no longer fuss whenever I have you read on Sunday nights, because Victor lets you read every week, and I go, yeah, you're right.
You're right. I do have you read every week, but that's because I can't always see you.
It's okay. I volunteer to do it. It's different when you're all on hold. You do volunteer to read every week.
I do. Okay, Job, what are we in? 13? And this is when
Job has gone through his suffering, and he's lost all his kids.
He's lost all his wealth, his herds, his livestock, everything, and his friends have come to comfort him.
They don't do a great job, but he is actually, this is one of his comebacks to one of his friends.
They're not very good encouragers. They tried. What's John say about the theology?
Something about hard times creates bad theology or something?
Yeah, something like that. Word for word, he can comment on it later, I guess. Okay, Job 13, 13 through 16.
Let me have silence, and I will speak, and let me come on me what may.
Why should I take my flesh and my teeth, and put my life in my hands? Though he slay me,
I will hope in him, yet I will argue my ways to his face. So, if you go back and read the other chapters in Job before this, you will see that he says that his suffering comes from God.
And while he's not wrong in that, because God is allowing Satan to do that, he still says, though God slays me,
I will hope in him. And that just, it continuously throughout everything that Job is going through, even though he has these friends that are constantly going, dude, you must have done something wrong to deserve what you're getting.
Just fess up, we're here to help you. Just, come on, there has to be something there. And he even says,
I will argue my ways to his face. He wants to go before God and argue his case, because he sees nothing wrong with what he's doing.
So, he still counts himself as righteous, and he has no idea why it's happening to him, basically.
Um, but he continues to have that faith, I will hope in him through it. So, that to me just, it gives me strength, and it gives me hope throughout all this, that no matter what, how
I see my circumstances, and no matter how I worry and how I think things are going to turn out, there's, you know, 12 different paths that could possibly happen.
And, you know what, this literally says, though God is striking me down, that he is putting all this illness and harm to my family, and all this,
I will keep my hope in him. Cool. And, 2
Corinthians 1 .10, says he has delivered us from such a terrible death, and he will deliver us.
And he will deliver us. We have put our hope in him that he will deliver us again. And then, over in 2
Corinthians 6, if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation. If we are comforted, it is your comfort, which is great.
Am I on the right one? You said 2 Corinthians 1 .10. Am I on the right one?
After I'm reading it, it's... What was the first one? 1
Corinthians? 1 .10. That was... And then I jumped over in my eye.
Your eyes jumped? Yeah. What are 10 and 11?
3. 10 and 11? Before you join in helping us by your prayers, then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gift that came to us through prayers of many.
That's 11. Here we go. 3.
1 .3. 2 Corinthians 1 .3. Praise the God of... Get it together.
It's me that needs to get it together tonight. It's okay. Praise the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our afflictions so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
For as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so through Christ our comfort also overflows.
So our suffering isn't just for our sake, but it's so that we can help others after we've gone through it.
And I've been put in that position before. And it was...
It was a little tough having to rehash, but at the same time
I went... I have a better understanding of why this went this way, because now
I'm able to help this person through it, because I know what their thoughts... I had an idea of what their thought process was like, because I remembered mine.
And then that also makes me... reminds me of the one... And I can't remember where it is.
I'm sure Atlanta knows. Say the verse. I won't be able to remember it. It's talking about endurance.
Second Timothy. First Timothy. Around the race? Around... Endurance...
Character... What is it? Character and endurance. And... Maybe it is second
Timothy, because Mr. Richard was... talked about it when he did his...
Hold on. I'm just looking at what I have in drawing. Yeah, Mr. Richard talked about it when he did his
Bible study. Um... Maybe... Is it first Timothy?
Ah, I bet it's first Timothy. Where is the Timothy? It's right before second
Timothy. Is it though? Right before second Timothy. So that would be first Timothy. Yeah. Okay. First Timothy...
I can see it. We're close. We're close. Can you feel it? Um... But I think this has a lot to do with, um, like what you said with when you go through various trials, it's to help others.
Just like, you know, Job didn't know why he was going through it. Job had absolutely no idea.
But here we are, you know, three, four thousand years later, reading it, and it, you know, is to help others.
And he's probably up in heaven going, oh, okay, that was worth it, you know? Yeah. And, I mean, that just goes to strengthening the body.
That goes to the body of Christ. We are supposed to be, you know, the ones that reach out and help each other because if one person is struggling, it brings down the whole body.
Yep. Insert Josiah's MCO. Insert Josiah's MCO.
Insert Josiah's MCO. Because you know what I am in the body of Christ? Fingernail. No, I'm the eyelid.
Oh, you and Shaw are close then. She's an eyelash. We're buddies. Yeah, and you'll help each other. Like, I'll protect the eye.
Aww. Look at y 'all. Families. I don't know where I'm at. Or what I'm... Which one is it?
Where is it? it's um and I can see pieces of it in my head. Too bad you can't look at your phone.
I know. That's what I do. I just Google verses. I do too. And then I go oh wait I can't. yeah it's what is it it's and I feel like we've had somebody on here that has brought this passage up.
Well let me look through my notes while I'm a character. Romans wow we were way off.
Yeah we were. 5, 4, 3, 6. We did have somebody do this didn't we? Yeah me and Timothy.
Vicki's got all the notes and she's just over there letting us struggle. I didn't. Well you just said. I'm gonna watch this and I'm gonna fail.
Wait what was it? 5 what? 5, 4, 3, 6. Someone had said 3.
We like Romans. Start at 5. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3.
And not only that but we also rejoice in our afflictions because we know that affliction produces endurance. Endurance produces proven character and proven character produces hope.
This hope will not disappoint us because God's love is poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Amen. That's the one that I was dying to think of. Well right before that though in Romans 4 it goes over how
Abraham was justified by faith and that it actually mentions,
I forgot the reference I'm not even gonna pretend to know because apparently I don't know them, where Job's faith and his continual hope was accounted to him as righteousness as well.
But I mean that whole justification process that sanctification is it's right here in 4 .13.
Which one? 4 .13. Romans. No it's not
Abraham. No Abraham. He would inherit the world was not through the law but through the righteousness that comes by faith.
Oh you know if you think about it too it's not just God delivering us through our trials in however way he sees fit but it's also him delivering us from death and bringing us back to life so that alone we were dead.
I was dead as a door. Yeah. I mean I was flat dead. I thought
I was living. Oh I was living it up. I thought.
But now I'm living. It's celebrating that I'm living.
Hallelujah. Mercedes said mmm. Do you need more coffee?
I always need more coffee. Can I get a coffee IV drip? Is that safe? Straight to the vein.
No. This is bypass of digestion. No let's not do that. It's the caffeine. Jack can stay awake for days with those side effects.
Oh my gosh. I don't want to be around either one of y 'all. I'll just leave
Mercedes here. She'll run home. Mercedes doesn't run.
If I run you should run too because there's a problem. That's what I said at work one day. I said if you see me running you better run because either somebody's firing shots or there's a fire.
And usually if there's somebody firing shots I'm ducking. Duck and cover. Not even running. Where are you going to be like me and just sit on my back porch and go yep that was a 22.
Yeah but those apartments are close. That's true. And that's where they came from.
Anywho. You just narrowed it down for them. Yeah really. You talk about somebody wanting to come and hunt you down.
They're going to find you now. But are they going to? They would bring you back Vicki.
You know this. You know that. They would go mm mm.
They would turn around and leave. Yeah that's true. Never mind. Oh wow.
Well we have covered several scriptures. We've gone from Daniel to Isaiah to Psalms to Job to 2
Corinthians to Romans. We'll spend some time with 2
Timothy on next week. There was a little time in 2 Timothy. All good stuff in 2 Timothy. There was a little bit of time there but you know it's kind of small so we can't spend a lot of time in there.
Oh you could. Great book. What's it say? Just read the whole thing.
It'll do you good. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well I have to say that I personally have experienced that plane myself so.
You know and then sometimes everything looks big to you when you're facing it but after the calm after the storm has passed and everything is calm you look back and you're like I freaked out about that.
Like I've done that. Really? I got worked up for all that. I cried over a lamp breaking on Saturday.
Totally understand. I was over I was like okay I cried over a lamp. Time to take a step back and reassess things.
Yeah. A lamp.
Yeah. Was it a gift? It was my grandmother bought it for Elijah's nursery and it was a little ceramic elephant lamp and I love elephants.
Like they're my favorite thing. And Elijah had it up in his room up until a few months ago and finally
I'm going he was like I don't really care for it anymore. Outgrow it whatever. Finally I get it.
So I had it sitting on the mantel over there and Zeke went and tried to turn it on. And the candle ended up falling on his head because he had pulled on it and the candle came down.
So I was comforting him. He's going I just wanted to turn it on. And then Aaron trying to be the good big brother he is went and tried to turn on the lamp and it went.
Uh oh. Yeah. They were trying to help one another. They were.
It wasn't out of spite or anything. It was a complete accident. Right. So in the end.
Okay Linkin Park went through my head. I'm sorry. Continue. In the end.
I think I'm just done. I think you're done. Sorry dad. We already got it.
Linkin Park. I made an M &M reference yesterday during Wednesday night service.
Justin left. I didn't hear it. Uh so anyways back to the study we're doing.
Sorry. Focus. We've now discussed Linkin Park and M &M.
Your Wednesday night Bible study. Thanks there.
Oh. You dropped the world reference? No. Oh. Someone was going why does the world hang there?
And someone went gravity. And someone went oh there there it goes. I'm like oh there goes gravity. I'm done with y 'all.
Sorry. I hope everybody has enjoyed this Bible study tonight and not the reference of M &M and Linkin Park.
Apologies. But hey it's what Bible study is all about. Right. Full circle.
You just bring it right back. Around town. That's Spongebob. Okay she can make
Spongebob references. I wasn't even allowed to watch that as a kid. My mom found it too annoying. I did have a grandchild at home you know.
And a husband that likes Spongebob too. My mom just couldn't stand it. It's a good thing to know though that they don't get scorched in the flame.
Yeah. And that God will come through. Yeah. In whatever way he sees fit.
He will be refined if you just let it go and let him deal with it instead of yourself.
It's a lot easier when you just don't fight and you just you just deal with it.
It's hard. And you have to continually continually daily make the choice to let it go.
All right read this. Like Frozen. I gotta say that word again.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego trusted God to deliver them but they were determined to be faithful regardless of the consequences.
If God always rescued those who are true to him, faith would become unnecessary.
Oof. And the Christian religion would be a great insurance policy and there would be lines of self of selfish people ready to sign up.
We must be faithful or not. Our eternal place with him is worth any suffering we may have to endure.
What's wrong with the, oh because I'm not, yeah.
I didn't turn my waffle off. Oops. There goes the prosperity gospel, huh? I think we just kind of nipped that one in the butt.
Yeah. Dang. Well anyways. Yeah I was gonna say it says that God delights in a broken spirit because that's when he can do it.
That's when he does his best work. When we are weakest he is strongest and that's not because we get stronger because we are
Christians. It's because we let go and let him have it. Let his strength. And that's something that I had to learn because growing up you're just like oh
God's gonna give me his strength. It's gonna be fine. It's kind of like you know. I'm about to preach. It's like.
Preach. It's kind of like when you know I'm sure one of your kids they get tired of walking and they want to be carried you know and so.
John goes nope. They give up and I go just carry me. That's why they're crying when they're walking into church right?
I don't want to walk. But I gotta tell you that's that's one thing that I have told so many people that in all my praying for the 16 years
I was telling you about earlier that's when I was broken.
I got shattered. I mean it was like taking that glass up on the fifth floor and dropping it on asphalt.
There's a glass up there. I'm sorry. There is. Oh perfect. Dropping it on asphalt and just it shattering.
That's why God being the potter and me being the clay that is huge because I've never ever ever dreamed that I'd be sitting in the position that I'm sitting in with Christ on my side.
Same. Ever. Same. Ever. I was not expecting last
January when I walked into Whitten for the first time immediately being in the hot seat. I didn't want to be there.
You were in the hot seat when you walked through the threshold of the door and said yeah. He said here he goes.
Here she comes. I've been waiting for this one. You knew you were about to get good.
It all just kind of molded and folded and it's just and it's still the amazing thing is and this is what you have to remember is that it doesn't stop.
It doesn't stop. Sanctification is an ongoing process. And that potter's wheel just keeps flowing.
You know what I like about pottery references? There is a
Japanese art form I guess you'd call it where they take shattered plates or shattered bowls and they glue them back together.
They glue them back yeah they put them back together but they where the pieces were broken it it's lined with gold and so it becomes this beautiful work of art where you still see the shattered pieces but you see the beauty within the shattered pieces.
That's us! Yay! We're broken pottery stuck back together and now we gold! We got bling.
We got bling. I can't believe you just said that.
I did. That came out of my mouth then. I did. Oh my gosh.
I think we're gonna call it an art now. Mercedes said we got bling.
Oh wow. We're gonna have a gold chain next week. I didn't write that down. I had a silver tooth for a long time.
It was capped. I'm writing that down. Take the gum wrapper. Make a grill.
Middle school. Alright guys I thank y 'all so much for coming tonight.
I hope that you've enjoyed the evening as much as we have. Alayna thank you again for inviting us to your wonderfully organized home.
Complete with a nifty usb charger back in the middle of the counter. What'd you say? That you haven't been upstairs.
Oh well anyways and quiet. It's nice and quiet. I put the dog up.
She's not growling. It's great. Nova's just over doing her thing.
Yeah. Well thank y 'all for coming out. Oh we enjoyed the ride actually. Yeah once you like know where you're going and stuff.
What's funny is like it's basically 25 minutes anywhere for us. So and the kids go mommy how long until we get somewhere?
I said oh about 50 minutes. Oh that's not bad. Great. Everything's like their grandparents are 45 -50 minutes away and we do that twice a week.
So driving for them is nothing. Yeah they've gotten used to it. It's just like driving downtown to work every day.
People say you work my way downtown. Yeah. Traffic. It's not bad. I don't even go to the interstate anymore honey.
So anyways I want to thank y 'all for coming tonight. I hope that you've enjoyed the evening as much as we have and I hope you join us again every
Thursday night. We're here every Thursday night at 6 30. 95 % of the time we are live.
There are instances where we have recorded in the past but I prefer you to catch it just as we catch it.
So also if you've missed any of them and want to go back and watch it you can go to Lytton Media Ministries and all of our all of our wow moments are uploaded on that.
So on YouTube. Yes. And if you're interested in coming to Sunday school we have a young adults class that's we're right now we're doing it chronologically.
So we spent about a year and a half in Genesis. Yeah about a year and a half. And now we're going through Job and between the book studies we have topical studies as well.
So it's not like you just have to sit through book after book. We kind of mix it up. And me and my husband
John would love to have y 'all. Our Sunday school We start
Sunday school about 9 15 and we'd love for you to come and we'd love to love on you and welcome you to the family.
I mean it's a place like no other. If you don't have a family church family to go to if you're looking for any kind of support any kind of basically any kind of ministry accountability.
You better be ready for it though. Oh yeah definitely. But if you're you're looking to have ministry opportunities where you can come in and work we'd love for you to come join us.
We're a family that loves hard and works hard. So we'd love to have y 'all.
It goes very well together. Yeah oh yeah yeah it's very well together. I mean where else would you find somebody that's a grandmother that hangs out with somebody with pink hair?
True. Yeah I've said it a number of times there's not a way in this world without the
Lord God Almighty being present that I would even know Mercedes much less be somebody that I talk to daily several times a day.
So you just never know what you're gonna get. And look what
I've got these wonderful ladies. We have a moment. We've been very blessed. I've been very blessed.
Well anyways I hope y 'all had a great evening. I appreciate you tuning in tonight and if you're watching this at a later time it's fine.
Everybody's busy about 6 30 because usually everybody's having dinner. But do if you if you want to come visit us just um
I think the address is on the this page. Just come see us. We'll be there someday. Thanks.
All right this has been a while mama. Have a good night y 'all. Thank you. Diddly. You remembered.