Good Faith Debate on Public School Part 2 - Jen Wilkin's Seeming Endless Stream of Nonsense

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Good Faith Debate on Public School Part 3 - TGC Offers a Clinic*

Good Faith Debate on Public School Part 3 - TGC Offers a Clinic*

to Iron Maiden, baby, with me. Woo! Alright, alright, alright.
Let's jump into it today. We got about a tenth of the way through this video. Not even...
I was expecting to get a lot more done in the last video. But I got a lot of positive feedback on the review, the response.
I saw that Jen Wilkin was very much on the defensive on Twitter the other day. Basically, how dare you -ing people that would ever try to confront her about this.
She didn't say that this was the way to love your neighbor as yourself, to send your kids to public school, even though, of course, she did say that.
And she didn't say any of the things that she allegedly said in the video. So, listen, we're going to give her a fair shake.
I know that... I think I said this in the last video, but my opinion of Jennifer Wilkin, or Jen Wilkin, is not a good one.
That's for sure. She's the woman that did that thing where she said that a woman's...
Listen, this is gross, so if you get grossed out easily, then maybe don't listen to the next 30 seconds.
She's the one that stood on stage and said that a woman's menstrual cycle gives her a better window into the gospel.
Not kidding at all. And if you want to look it up, there's a video called Jen Wilkin's Dumbest Comment Ever, and there it is.
And it's really, honestly, like, we're having fun with this, but it really is a sad thing, to be honest, that she's kind of put out there, and she's just heaping judgment on herself.
She's just heaping just sin upon sin upon sin, being up there teaching this nonsense, and she should not be put in this position.
She's got men in her life who have failed. Her husband has failed her. Her pastors have failed her.
They're putting her in the line of fire. She's the lightning rod up there saying stupid things again and again and again.
And even in this debate, to put her as the face of public school in the evangelical church is the most ridiculous opinion you could ever have on the issue of schooling as an evangelical.
They put her as the tip of the spear. These people ought to be ashamed of themselves. And really, she's been put in a really tough spot.
It's a real shame. But anyway, let's let her continue to talk, and we're going to respond to this as we do on this channel.
You know how we do. You already know what it is. You know what time it is. All the way through public school.
That's my ghetto time. Some of the issues that are now more emerged in those spaces were already emerging at that time, and so some of the things that we felt were beneficial was that we knew we had to have conversations early.
We did not delay on talking about difficult or controversial subjects, and we knew what was going on with the curriculum as well.
We had firsthand knowledge of what was going on in those spaces, and we worked hard to make sure that we were up to speed on that.
It helped that we had a family member who's in the district who could help us sort through what was fact and what was fiction when everything was blowing up, like a
Facebook discussion group in the community to sort of sort out what was really going on.
But one of the big benefits that came from having children in the public school system from our perspective was they had an exposure to such a broad array of kinds of people so that when we had conversations about something that was going on in the culture or even the hot -button issues right now like sexual orientation, gender identity, all of that, those were not just categories that we talked about.
Those were people. Those were friends. That was an embodied truth. That was someone who sat next to them in class, or it was a teacher.
And so we were able to humanize those conversations, and that was really a gift.
Not only that, they were around children from different socioeconomic levels. They were around children from different racial communities.
They were around special -needs children. That's one of my favorite things about the public schools is that children with special needs are actually in with the other children.
They have a buddy system to help these kids, and they're visible in the lives of these kids every day.
So they also had exposure to kids whose home situations were very different than theirs.
And one of the things about a public school experience is no one is really pretending. It's all right out there.
And so our kids knew very early what it meant to be aliens and strangers, and that was something that we were able to say to them was something, a feeling to welcome, not a feeling to push away, that the more different you feel from the people around you...
I just can't believe this. I honestly can't believe this. ...assuming that those differences are rooted in a Christian conviction...
I'm trying not to interrupt her, but there's just so much. ...then the more you can know that you are probably being conformed to the image of Christ. And that means being a soft presence, not being necessarily even a loud presence.
I do think one of the misconceptions about Christian parents who send children to public school is that we've sent them there to be missionaries, to be salt and light.
And I crack up about that because the kids were actually involved in a Bible study at the school there in high school that was called Salt and Light, and I was like, shoot.
But the reality... There is so much here.
Honestly, people in the comments in the last video were... And this is something that my audience does all the time.
Tell me the missed opportunities that I had, things that I didn't notice, and things like that. And some of the things you brought up, guys,
I really didn't notice at the time, or even some of the messages you sent me privately. And so good on you.
I always like when you guys point this stuff out. A lot of it, though, I do notice. And it's just like when you're doing a video, you can't comment on everything.
You've got to let something slide. Otherwise, every minute will be like an hour of response. And it's no different here.
It's like that last three minutes of talking from Jen Wilkin, there's just...
It's hard to know where to begin with this stuff. This is just a tsunami of stupidity headed your way.
It's a tsunami of horrible takes, naivete. It's just unreal.
This woman just said, in public school, one of the things that's just so good about public school is nobody's pretending.
Nobody's pretending in public. Was that your experience in public school? Because mine, too. Nobody was ever faking it.
There was no posing going on in public school. Everyone was just an open book. Nobody hid anything.
Nobody tried to be anything they weren't. It was just open. It was all out there. Nobody's pretending.
That's not how public school is, obviously. But don't miss this, because I think this is intentional.
Now, she didn't come out and outright say this. She'll always have a way to worm out of this.
But I think what she's heavily implying is that in Christian circles, in a private school situation, in a homeschool situation, what you're getting is a bunch of fake people.
Christians are fake. Pagans are real. They're keeping it real. It's the real world out here.
You know what I like? I like real people, y 'all. That's my ghetto talk, you know? It's real. It's real out there.
That's kind of what she's saying here. And it's just like, first of all, just experience, like living life anecdotally.
That's not true. That's not true. Every Christian isn't fake.
That's what you get in propaganda. That's what the TV shows tell you. Christians are just faking it.
Christians are basically like Angela from The Office, right? She's out there. She wears the cross.
She believes in Jesus. She's very moral, but at the same time, she's having sex with Dwight as she's engaged to Andy.
That's the Christian in propaganda. In government propaganda, in pagan propaganda, that's what
Christians are. And Jen Wilkins is like, yeah, you're so right. It's so right.
And the real people, the people that don't lie about who they are, the people that are just being raw and real and all of that, those are actually the pagans.
It is mind -boggling how you could have that opinion and be seriously engaging in real life.
That's not how it is. Are there some fake Christians out there that are just faking it and then they're really just like, they're just really evil?
Yes, of course there are. There are people like that, right? Are there some pagans that are just totally truthful and real and raw and authentic and all that kind of stuff?
Yeah, sure, sure. There are some. But if you had to identify each group and the only thing, it was either real and authentic and raw or fake, in reality, one group, the pagans would be the fake and the
Christians would be the authentic, but not in Jen Wilkins' universe because in Jen Wilkins' universe, this is propaganda -style
Christianity. She's believing the propaganda about Christians instead of what's actually true about Christians.
This is right at home with CNBC talking points and CNN and MSNBC and all of that.
This is right at home with that. I hate this perspective with all my heart because I know
I went to public school. I had unbelieving friends. I had good, unbelieving friends.
There were nice guys in general. I say good, of course, with air quotes. I know there's no good, not even one. I get it.
And I had evil ones that were messed up and hated Christians and stuff like that. I had both friends. I lived in both universes.
And this is not how it is. And people that put forward the typical propaganda -style
Christian, the kind of Christian you'd see on the show Friends or Seinfeld or documentaries and things,
I hate that so much because it is so easy just to go along with that narrative because everyone goes along with that narrative.
That's what Disney says about Christians. That's what ABC says about Christians. That's what CNN says about Christians.
It's so easy to go along with that, but it's just not the reality. Christians are good people.
Christians are loving people. Christians are trustworthy people. Christians are forgiving people.
That is my experience, and that is the truth because that's what the Scripture says.
People who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, they're less fake than people who are not indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. People who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit are more moral than people who are not indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. That's not how you get indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but that's the result of being indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. But I just hate this. That's what she's putting forward.
Oh, you know, there's no faking it there. Everyone's just broken, and it's out there. That's not how public school is, number one.
But, of course, you see the contrast, of course, with Christian school. And then she's like, oh, yeah, you know, people say that you send them out there to be missionaries, and it'd be salt and light, and they were even in a
Bible study about being salt and light. Oops! It's like, yeah, people do say that. People do say that, and your kids were participating in that.
So maybe you didn't send them as missionaries, but the things that they were doing there were the same things you would do as missionaries.
Interesting. Interesting. But more than that, she had said, we didn't send them as missionaries.
We sent them out there because we're not going to be loud as Christians. We're going to have, like, a soft influence as Christians.
You know, we're just basically going to sit there and hope that one day somebody asks us, why don't you do drugs like I do, and why don't you...
We're not sending them there to preach the gospel, but we are sending them there to learn how to be a soft influence, and someone's going to ask you one day, why don't you do drugs like I do drugs?
Why don't you sleep around like I sleep around? And then, of course, they would tell them about Jesus, which is the work that a missionary does.
So I'm not sending them there as missionaries, but they're on mission. I'm not sending them there to be missionaries, but they might be on mission at the same time.
It's just wanting to have your cake and eat it, too. That's what it is. It's wanting to have your cake and eat it, too. You're sending your kids to pagan indoctrination camps and saying, well,
I'm not sending them there as missionaries, because you know that that sounds really stupid, even though the events that they go to and the clubs that they belong to are basically the same thing, and the activities that you expect them to do is basically the same thing.
It makes no sense. The reality was we sent them there for an education, and we knew that we would have a role as their parents, probably, in being salt and light, and we assumed that if they grew into their faith and did, in fact, become believers and then mature into that, that there would be that influence, but we were not trying to send a second grader into a secular space to share the good news.
We wanted to train our kids into that so that anywhere they went, that became something that was intuitive. We were not on mission in that sense.
She's such a weasel! This is so weaselly, and I have the benefit of seeing her little
Twitter tirade where she says, I didn't say they sent them as missionaries! Right, so she didn't say she sent them as missionaries, but she does have the expectation that as they grow into their faith, they will be missionaries.
So, maybe they're not when they're in second grade, but eventually, as they blossom into, you know, believing ninth graders, twelfth graders, they're missionaries, essentially.
They're there to have that influence. That's what she just said. So, she's having her cake and eating it, too.
She's trying to say that, I'm not doing what she's actually doing. And then she's like, well, she's trying to be all cute about it.
Yeah, I was cringing because it was called Salt and Light. Oops! They're not supposed to be
Salt and Light there, but they are attending a group called Salt and Light at school. It's unreal!
It's unreal! Jen Wilkin is no exception, but one of the hallmarks of Big Eva is just disingenuous argumentation.
It's like, I'm going to give you, I'm going to say things technically that aren't technically a certain way, but they are a certain way.
I'm not technically sending them as missionaries. They're not being commissioned into going into second grade as missionaries on mission for Jesus Christ, but they are actually doing that.
It's just that second graders, you know, we don't expect them to do much of anything in terms of evangelization, but ninth graders, twelfth graders, eleventh graders, yeah, you know, maybe as they're growing into their faith.
If they become believers, they're strong believers, yes. Of course they're going to have an influence. What are you talking?
That's missionary work. Jen, it's just so disingenuous. It's like, sure, it quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, eats like a duck, looks like a duck, but it's definitely not technically a duck.
I can't do this anymore. I can do it, though. I do sort of enjoy this, but man, it's so hard.
It's draining on a person to deal with people who communicate in such a disingenuous way.
It's hard to deal with. It really is. It's hard to accept because people that aren't like in Big Eva, that aren't like trained to operate in this disingenuous way, they don't talk like that.
They intend you to mean what you say and say what you mean. It's just like, it's just, it's draining.
It's like, it's draining on the soul to deal with this. Yeah, they all graduated from the public school system with an overwhelmingly positive experience and with a world -class education, and they went on to go to a large public university as well after that.
As if that's automatically a good thing. We look back on it, and I think now the question that I get most frequently is like, but you wouldn't do that now, right?
Like, knowing what you know now. And my answer would be that yes, I would because I know what our school district is and isn't teaching.
It's just like, the other thing too is just the disingenuous nature of this. It's just like, in the thread she said,
I didn't say that you have to love your neighbor by sending your kids to public school. And that's technically true.
She didn't say that, but she said I loved my neighbor by sending my kids to public school.
So yeah, she didn't technically say you need to do it, but she said she did it. So she was obeying the law of God by sending her kids to public school.
That's what she said. But she didn't technically say you should do it even though that's the implication. Of course, she's presenting the position that the
Christian ideal is sending your kids to public school, and in the same breath says that that's how I loved my neighbor.
And then she acts all shocked, like, how dare you say that I said you should love your neighbor? It's like, it's so disingenuous.
You didn't technically say it that way, but your whole thrust, your whole presentation was presenting that perspective.
You were a liar. I'm saying disingenuous, but that's actually not what it is. It's lying. You are a liar.
You're lying by arguing in this way. And look, these two losers over here aren't gonna tell you that.
But the thing is, we will tell you that. I'm not the only one. You're getting dragged in the comments, and rightfully so, because this is garbage what you're promoting here.
And by the way, guys, I'm cool doing this. I know I said I wouldn't do these debates anymore, but look at this.
This video has 40 ,000 views almost. People are and I think a lot of that is hate views to be honest.
This is getting a lot of hate views and good, I'm not against hate viewing something. But I'm responding to this because these two guys aren't gonna tell you that.
They're gonna look in your eye and be like, yeah, that's very interesting. And they're not gonna tell you that you're being disingenuous right now.
This is not good faith. When you argue like this, and you're like, it's like a like a shiesty lawyer where you're like, technically
I didn't say that, but everything that you promoted is promoting that perspective. That's not good faith.
You can be nice and you can have your nails done and wear a nice soft professor outfit.
Not you, you're wearing the Sith Lord attire. They are. You can have the proper tone of voice and all of that, and not get too animated about it.
That's not what good faith is, though. That's not what good faith is. Because everything that comes out of your mouth is disingenuous.
It's lying, Jen. Lying to somebody and then lying in a Twitter thread and then pretending you didn't say things that you did say is the exact opposite of good faith.
It's upside down. Gospel Coalition is so upside down. What I see happening now around this conversation is a great deal of misinformation and fear mongering.
Some of the things, even in our own district, that parents will say are being taught, I know are not being taught.
You don't actually know that. You think you know that, but these people are revolutionaries.
You don't understand. These teachers are revolutionaries. They don't care what the curriculum says. They don't care if people know about it.
They are purposely subverting children. They are purposely grooming children. That is a fact.
Just because you're liberal, let's just face it, Jen, you don't think that's that big of a problem.
You're willing to look past it. It's just that simple, Jen. What's happening is people read an article.
I know for a fact that they're not teaching any subversive sexuality at my school.
That's not true. About something that happened somewhere else or they hear a story. There's a lot of hearsay that travels around about what is or isn't going on.
Because we live in a time where fear is something that is leveraged at every turn, it takes root and they end up making a fear -based decision instead of an educated decision.
I think there are legitimate things to be concerned about with a public school education. Name one. Name one. People always do this kind of stuff.
Liberals always do this. Yeah, there's some good arguments. Yeah, name one. What are you concerned about? It's just like I'm just gonna let her finish.
I'm gonna let her finish. Those things or not is something that you should get first -hand information on, not have heard about from someone else.
I would also just urge not to contribute to fear -mongering and hearsay if you're a parent who's trying to make those decisions.
I recently put some information on this perspective up in my stories on Instagram.
I don't spend enough time on Instagram for the algorithm to feed me a lot of attention. When I say that I got hundreds of DMs in response to what
I put up in support of public schools, that is not normal for me. Almost all of them were from Christian teachers in the public schools who said,
I have been vilified and maligned by my Christian community because I teach in the public schools. That's not right.
I think one of the things I would love to... It's a nice story, Jen, but it all depends, doesn't it?
Doesn't it? It all depends because I'm sure there are some good teachers out there, of course, and Christians, I'm assuming that they're probably going to be better than the average teacher because I don't believe the propaganda that you so often believe about this kind of stuff,
Jen. But here's the thing. If they are teaching subversive sexuality as Christians, they should be called out for that, and that's not being maligned.
It all depends, doesn't it, Jen? A story like that is... I'm sure it makes you feel better about yourself, but it's actually meaningless to me because I don't know what they're being maligned for.
Was it because they decided to teach the COVID propaganda? Did they push vaccines?
Did they push all this stuff? Because here's the thing. I get maligned often for promoting fear -mongering, and then six months later, it turns out that I was exactly right.
And this happens again, and again, and again, and again. And so that doesn't really mean much,
Jen, when you don't know what the reason these quote -unquote Christian teachers were maligned. Are they doing diversity, equity, inclusion stuff?
Are they doing the anti -white stuff that public schools are doing? What are they being maligned for?
Because without any information, we have no clue what you're talking about or what value to assign to it. That's not the point, though, because she's arguing the way a woman would argue.
And this is supposed to derive emotions inside of you. Oh, those poor teachers that are being maligned.
Look, I don't want teachers to be maligned either, but actually, I need the information. It's not just about the ethos, it's about the logos.
What are they being maligned for? But the thing is, Gospel Coalition and the sad reality is that all of this is very effeminate, and these guys aren't going to call her out on that, obviously.
This is not a real debate. They're probably going to argue in a similar way, and they're probably going to get all emotional and get your juices flowing.
What they have entered into this conversation is that while I cannot tell you to put your children in public school, and certainly never would, because there are so many factors that are at play.
Did you see the wolf preacher clips with their faces? I understand that our decision regarding this, and even our demeanor toward this, has an impact on our community.
It doesn't just impact our family. The most common phrase I hear thrown out in these conversations is,
I just need to do what's best for my family. I think that's something that as Christians we have to push back on.
Philippians tells us each of you should look not just to your own interests, but to the interests of others.
There's no such thing as a decision that's made just for our families. In fact, even having the gift of the decision at all means that you're a person with more choices than some people.
Those who don't have a choice of where they will educate their children will be impacted by your presence, your adult parent presence not being in the public schools because you've chosen to go somewhere else.
At any given time, there's three things per second coming at me, and different angles to slice this, and different things to say.
It's just that there's so many targets. I just don't know which ones to blast into smithereens, and which ones to just let go by.
I just, I can't do it all, friends. She said that you should push back on that as Christians.
There's no decisions that are just for you and your family. You've got to consider the interests of others. She used a beautiful passage, of course, from Philippians.
People wonder why we call this... That definitely applies to the public schools.
Definitely. Definitely. Why? Well, because there are others there. There's others. This is the kind...
This woman claims to be a Bible teacher. She claims to be some kind of a leader, some kind of a full -time minister.
You're starting to understand why she would say something so ridiculous as, you know, my menstruation helps me understand the gospel better.
You know what I mean? Actually, that whole thing is probably smarter than what she just said about Philippians.
There's nothing wrong with... I'm going to save that.
Back in not too recent history on this, and see the impact of when a large number of Christian parents decide to opt out of the system and how it impacts those who are left out.
You have to think about black people and poor people so therefore, hand your kids over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.
I mean, listen, you have to give your kids over to GLSEN and diversity, equity, and inclusion, because otherwise, how are the blacks going to get educated?
That's basically what she's saying without saying. You have to send your kids to a pagan indoctrination camp because otherwise, what about the blacks?
Is what she's saying. It's stupid on a level that I have no words for.
All I can say is it's really stupid. It's really stupid. It's hard to believe that this is not left out of the room, but no, no, she's being taken very seriously by these two guys.
What is she going to be done? I can't deal with this anymore. I think I have to be done. This is too much more.
I can't deal with it. We've been going on 30 minutes at this point. I've got more to say on this. I'm going to try to remember to start my video tomorrow on it.
The Philippians verse. It's just... Man, it is...
Listen, remember what AD said. This is his eloquent analysis of this part of the debate.
Jen's take here is really, really, really stupid. And you can take that to the bank and quote me.