Leightonism part 1


Join us today as we talk about The dangers of Leightonism


Leightonism part 2 FIXED! !!

Leightonism part 2 FIXED! !!

You can say what you want, but you won't around me. Sheep among misfits.
A misfit in the trailer park at night. A misprint with the sixth sense. Been sick ever since my brother died of an
OD. My two cents never made sense. Either to me or anyone else inside of the sheep fence.
My 9th Smith on my right side. Why you staring at your cock dot? Signing my
John Hancock on the dotted line. Tell me what's the bottom line. The bottom line is
I'm not right. I'm not left, but this elephant won't fight. There's nothing left but the spotlight.
Hold my beer, you can find me in the moonlight. Moonlight. You can say what you want.
You can say what you want, but you won't around me. You can say what you want. You can say what you...
I'm whips in the deep end. And I can't find my assigned seat to sit in.
My theology don't fit in. Black sheep of the Reformation sheep pen. To the
Reformed, I'm just another Baptist. Baptized again. The bastard child of Anabaptist.
Host to child of Reformation society. We don't need your education. Give me a
Bible and a bookshelf of dead men. Cigars, bourbons, and beer cans. Bow ties, tattoos, and bearded men.
Making Reformation great again. You can say what you want. You can say what you want, but you won't around me.
You can say what you want. You can say what you want, but you won't... All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Open Air Theology.
This is a show that we have where these three open air preachers come together and just talk a lot of crap.
That's what we do. My name is Jeff. I'm one of the elders of Covenant Reformed Baptist Church.
If you're ever in Tullahoma, Tennessee, come check us out. Love to worship the Lord with you. Also, if you enjoy that song, that rap song that I did as the intro, please check out my new single called
Pimps and Prostitutes. And I'm going to pass the intro.
I don't even know where we're going, so whatever. Whichever one of you all want to speak first. All right,
I'll go. I'll break the awkward silence. I am Pastor Brayden of Valley Baptist Church in southern
Idaho, Hagerman. If you live in this area, it would be a real blessing to see you on the Lord's Day to worship
God with you at 11 a .m. It's a blessing to be a co -host here on Open Air Theology.
I also have a YouTube channel called Reformed Ex -Mormon where I'll post sermons, evangelism clips, little teachings here or there, just all sorts of good
Christian stuff. So go check that out. We also have a YouTube channel. So if you're watching this on Facebook, go check out our
YouTube. If you're watching this on YouTube, go check out our Facebook with Open Air Theology. It's a real blessing just to be able to talk with these two brothers tonight.
And I'll pass it. Bam. Hey, my name is Tom Shepard. I'm with Even If None Podcast. I'm also the co -host of Open Air Theology.
And I'm a member of Grace Bible Church of Birney, Texas, where I head up the street evangelism team.
We go out weekdays and weeknights. And we're pretty active in sharing the gospel in open air.
So it's a blessing to be here. Yeah, man, it's good to have you all guys out here tonight.
And so big news, right? So normally we have our show on Thursdays.
And then last week we were able to have one on Sunday night, being that we just wanted to do an overview of the debate that I had last
Friday. No, two Fridays ago. And then we just decided that that was a good night to have it, right?
Because on Thursday nights, the only way that we can normally have it, it's just depending on how our sermons are going, especially mine.
If I don't have my sermon put in a headlock and nailed down by Wednesday, I cannot do the show on Thursday because I got to study.
Pulpit ministry comes first. And so we had this past Sunday. And normally every one of us are open and available to podcast on Sunday nights.
So the good news, well, so it's good and bad news. If you like us, good news.
Every Sunday night, here we are. Bad news, if you don't like us, every Sunday night, here we are.
So it's kind of like a catch -22, right? We're here every Sunday night.
We're here every Sunday night, like it or not. You know what I'm saying? But so the way that we want to begin first is just kind of giving a recap of our
Lord's Day. We think that's a pretty good thing. And, Brayden, how was your
Lord's Day? You know what? I'm telling you what. When you are a born -again believer and you come to fellowship with the saints every single
Lord's Day, it's a real bummer when you miss being able to do that with your church. Today I had some required training through my employer, rope rescue training, that prevented me from being able to be participating in church today.
So we had a good brother in Christ come fill the pulpit for myself today. My co -elder, congratulations to him and his wife.
They just had their fifth child this week, and so he wasn't able to preach for me. So we had, like I said, that guest preacher.
He preached on Jonah 3. My heart was horrified, but I was breaking in and out.
You're breaking in and out just a little bit. Yeah. That's okay. Okay. It's okay.
I'll take over. So my Lord's Day was really good. My pastor was preaching in Romans 13.
It was actually on paying taxes and how we're called to pay our taxes. So we actually hit on a tithe too in the
Old Testament, and he talked about being 23%. But the highlight of the day is always the preaching of the
Word and sitting under the preaching of the Word and the means of grace and where God speaks to us through a man.
And it's always a blessing to hear a pastor faithfully preach, and my pastor does.
Lost Brayden for a second. But also the highlight of the day is we had a ministry fair at Grace Bible Church of Birney, and we have all kinds of ministries, anywhere from security team to a heritage
Bible study and evangelism. And our church of 138 people, we had 20 people sign up for the evangelism ministry.
And so that's a huge blessing. So I'm excited for that. Very cool.
Well, I'm grateful for my co -elder. We were able to sing
O Holy Night today. And a couple weeks ago, we sung Joy to the
World. And so I don't know how y 'all get down, but it's Christmas every
Lord's Day at Covenant Reform Baptist Church. Like it just seems like we put those beautiful, rich incarnation hymns in like a 21 -day box, right?
We'll break those out near Christmas, and we won't sing about it the rest of the time. Christmas in July or August.
It's like we're not supposed to speak about the incarnation all year long, right?
Right. Like tell me the gospel without talking about the incarnation. Exactly. Sorry, you can't.
And so I'm grateful that we were able to, that we sing Christmas songs every year,
I mean, all year long. And so today we sung O Holy Night. And my message this week was on biblical giving.
So we had a couple in our congregation, and they reached out to me and wanted me to do a message on biblical giving, on tithing and stuff like that.
And since I just had gotten done with John chapter 11, and I was like, well, before we get into John chapter 12,
I might as well just take that chance and go ahead and do a talk on it.
And I tell you what, like, I was nervous all week on this message. Here comes
Brayden. I was nervous all week on this message. And also I was nervous today, like right before I got started preaching, like I was nervous.
I usually don't get this nervous. But I just didn't want people to take it in the wrong spirit. And so because there's so much bad theology when it comes to giving.
And so I wanted to do something that was honorable to God's word. And so I would encourage anyone to go, like, if you want to hear a sermon on biblical giving, it's not on YouTube yet.
It's not on our church's YouTube channel, but it is on our church's Facebook page. Like, it was really well received, man.
And so, you know, I started out the sermon just talking about how, you know, how people don't like to hear about this because of the prosperity movement.
But we're not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Right. And so whenever I was praying, the
Lord convicted me. You know, we if someone's attacking the doctrine of the
Trinity, we're quick to speak up. If someone's attacking the doctrine of justification by faith alone, we're quick to speak up.
But we have this movement who is attacking biblical giving. And instead of stepping up, we don't say anything about giving in our churches for the most part, because we're afraid we're going to run people off.
They're thinking that we're a part of this heretical movement. And as I was praying, I repented.
And I was so glad the Lord had put it on my plate to preach this. And I think it's going to be a sermon that we, you know, for someone coming into membership, we're going to require them to listen to the sermon.
Like, it's really good. Yeah, because we all are called to give.
Right. We're all called to give generously with a glad heart, you know. Yeah. I mean, if giving to God is a commandment, then not giving or how do
I say it? If giving to God is out of obedience, then not giving to God is out of disobedience.
Right. So it's not an option. It's not an option. Like, if you're a Christian, you're called to give to your local church.
Now, you might be in a position, and I mentioned this in my message, you might be in a position to where you're part of that needy group that one of the tithes go to.
And I was for a while, right? And that's when the church is to give to you.
But here's the thing. If the other people are part of that congregation are not faithfully given, they're not going to have anything to give when someone in the congregation is in need.
Right. And they lose out on the blessing, by the way. Absolutely. Yeah, because it truly is a blessing to give, to give back.
It's a privilege to be able to give back to God's kingdom. You're being a blessing to others.
And you're doing it. It's a Christian duty that every single one of us are called to do. Amen. And I know,
I'll tell you, because I was convicted. There was a point in time when I didn't put God first, and He disciplined me pretty hard.
And there was a point in time where I repented and changed. And I can tell you this from experience.
I know it's going to sound like a prosperity gospel, but it's a fact. The more you give, the more
God will give you back. Not for the purpose of collecting and building up your own empire or your own financial status or being able to buy a new car, but to continue to bless others, to continue to support your local church and to continue to further the kingdom.
Yeah. I mean, the main thing that was laid out in that giving, like concern for those that were in need, like the
Levite, the minister, was always mentioned. And it was about providing food.
You have to make sure that those in your camp have food to eat.
I mean, how horrible would it be for a man to work endless hours to bring to you
God's word, and he starved to death? Right. But I would encourage people to go and listen to that.
So let's get started. So what are we talking about today? Latentism. Latentism, that's right.
Oh, it was known as provisionism, but.
Raiden fixed that, I think. I think I did. So let's pull up the first one, and let's really look at provisionism real quick.
Are you all ready to go through this? Sure. I think so. I will answer a question. They asked how many parts is this going to be for us to discuss this, and it could potentially be a large part series discussing this, depending on what happens.
So I didn't want to interject that. Yeah, because we're planning on looking at this, and then we're going to fix it to what it needs to be in another show.
And then we want to probably compare and contrast this belief with Pelagianism and Semi -Pelagianism, and kind of just break it all down.
And then we'll probably go back to the debate that I had, and show some different aspects of it, so you can see how this is like Siamese twins.
So project this real fast, and let's show them this, and then I'll change it real quick here for us, too.
And can you tell them what we're going to be looking at? So we're looking at, so, yeah, so this is what
Jeff's going to pull up here on the screen for us. When do you want me to pull it up? Go ahead and do it now. So this right here,
Provisionism, this comes right off of Soteriology 101, the website that is continually,
I would say that probably 90 % of the content on there, and on Layton Flowers' YouTube channel, has to deal with Calvinism, if not more than 90%, which is always, in my opinion, is alarming.
And if you only find yourself attacking one group of Christianity, one thing, that I think throws up some alarms.
But regardless of those things, this comes right off of Soteriology 101. As you can see,
Provisionism, and then it gives us an acronym, which is listed out in Provide.
However, if you are familiar with Provisionism, then, let me go ahead and click this real fast.
We've got a new decal for you to see. And we'll exit off this one.
I'm going to stop screen sharing. I'm going to screen share this one now with you. So again, that was called
Provisionism. Let's see what it should actually really be called.
Laytonism. Laytonism. Laytonism.
That's what it is, right? Like this is coined from him. Yeah. So Layton is trying to start his own following, let's say.
Right. Because like, listen, whenever I debated Jason Breda, and the reason why in the future we're really going to dive into Jason Breda is because Jason Breda, he only agrees with a portion of this
Laytonism. But whenever I debated him, it was as if I debated Layton. Jason Breda is an
Anabaptist. And we're going to go, in future videos, we're going to go into what
Anabaptists is and what they believe. And we're going to show that even in my debate, he's inconsistent with his own belief as he is portraying
Laytonism in our debate. And I've reached out to him. He knows everything that's going to happen.
So it is what it is. So, again, this comes right off their website.
We're not making this up. We did change this title here because Laytonism is a lot more fitting than Provisionism for what we're going to be discussing here.
But you can see up here at the top, they say this is an acronym that's representative of the Bible, and it's for God's love and provision for all people.
So Tereology 101 is where you can find this at. So for tonight, what we are planning on doing is just looking through each one of these different points, seeing if we agree with them, if Scripture agrees with them.
And then towards the end of this part, we might put this on there, but we'll definitely talk about it in the future.
We're going to also try to see if we can correct and make this a little more biblical. Yeah, for sure. So would you like me to read this?
Yeah. So the first point is P, and it's for people's sin. Any of y 'all want to read that?
Yeah. It says, People's sin, which separates all from fellowship with God, therefore a divine provision became necessary.
Okay. His first verses are Genesis 3, 15 through 24.
Yep. Which is the fall and the promise that comes after the fall, right?
Right. Regarding both the serpent, the woman and the man. Do we want to read all of this or do we just want to make reference to these things?
Yeah. So I think what seems familiar, we don't have to read. I'm pretty sure most people here understand
Genesis 3, whenever Satan tempts
Eve, Adam falls for the lie of his wife. And when
Adam took a bite of that fruit, they plunged humanity into sin.
And that's what Romans 5, 12 talks about. So in Romans 5, 12, and so this is what
I didn't understand. I don't understand what this, because if you clearly look at Romans 5, 12, it says, just as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sin.
But what's the reason why all men have sin? And it's because of the one sin of Adam.
That's right. And that's not what they're trying to get at, at this point of people sin.
They act as if people sin because they've chosen to sin or whatever.
But sin, see, here's the thing. So like I have kids and I've never once, all my kids
I have raised as a Christian. I never once try to teach my kid how to sin.
I never once try to teach him how to lie, how to steal, so on and so forth.
That came natural, el natural, right? And it's that way because Adam's sin.
You see, Adam is our first federal head. And as goes the king, so goes his kingdom, which is one of the main purposes of Christ's coming is to remove the bite, right?
So as Adam bites into this fruit, Christ comes to remove that bite.
And right now it's not going to already not yet stage. It will be fully removed on the last day when he puts all of his enemies under his feet.
Last enemy being death. And that's what Romans 12 says that sin brought in.
The wages of sin is death. And so when he's talking about sin separating us from God, it was
Adam's sin that separated us from God. We're born into sin, proving that the
Bible is true, that we are dead in our trespasses. So I would also say on that too.
So I think that's where at first these things can sound really good. And we have to realize that they're playing, those that are latinists are playing a word game that is off of what
Calvinism and the doctrines of grace with tulip is implying. And so when it says people sin, do people sin?
Amen. Yes, they do. Romans 3 said, no one is good. No, not one, right? However, the latinists compared to the
Calvinist is not going to say that someone is born totally depraved.
They would say that they have a more neutral nature of some kind that not all their doings are sinful or come from a sinful nature essentially.
And we're going to see this really in position are here in a moment because they're wanting to say that because there's this, you're the one that separate yourself from fellowship
God, not what Adam did, right? They're lessening your nature of what you're born into.
I hope that makes sense. Right. So then also the second part of the sentence there says, therefore a divine provision became necessary.
So, which totally flies in the face of a covenant of redemption that was planned before the foundation of the world.
Yes, because of our sin, it's plan B. Right, this is exactly, they're actually making almost there was a plan
A. Okay, now God is going to react because you failed. That's not the way the covenant of redemption happened.
There was a plan. It denies God's sovereignty. Absolutely. Just to say that is to say that Christ was not begotten.
Meaning speaking of his resurrection in Acts chapter two before the foundation of the world. Right. And he was not crucified according to what
Peter states in first Peter. That's right. So a lot of people will say that, you know, that the cross happened because of sin.
These people would have said that the cross happened because of sin. We would say, no, sin happened because of the cross.
God intends everything. God has a perfect plan with everything. And this was predetermined.
All of this was predetermined. And I would also say. Go ahead. No, I'm just going to point out that he points out
Isaiah 59 verse two, where it says, but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your
God and your sins have, your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.
Well, so take a step back. He is speaking. Isaiah is speaking to God's covenant people, the
Jews who have been disobedient and not doing what they were supposed to do and hiding themselves from God in their iniquities.
So, so this now, of course, can we make application from this? Yeah. Okay.
But this is a direct rebuke given to Isaiah from God for Israel.
Like the, the, the nations have been separated. They're calling the nations back together, but so, you know, he doesn't really look into all that.
He's just trying to cherry pick verses to try and make it fit with what he's saying. And you can come up with any false theology and do crap like that.
Right. So, and I don't know if I'm putting the car before the horse. If I am, you guys stop me. I want to go to Ephesians 1 here.
Again, attacking the whole, the, the whole reaction of God, because in Ephesians 1, verse 4 says, just as he chose us in him before the foundations of the world.
Now in that model that they use right there, we sin and then, and then a provision became necessary.
But according to Ephesians 1, verse 4, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that, that we would be holy and blameless before him in love, by predestining us to adoption of the sons through Jesus Christ himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.
So this was done before the foundations of the world. Yeah. So I would just say, so latinism, and I think that what we're, and I'm picking up from all you guys is it lacks a view of the, the covenant of redemption.
So it therefore is probably going to be more dispensational, right? Well, just the first part of it, it sounds more like open theism because it, because like, because it says which people sin, which separate all from fellowship with God, therefore a divine provision became necessary.
Right. Right. So like God didn't know what was going to happen. Right. Until Adam failed.
Yep. Right. And then he had to do something. And, but then they would also say, well, he looked into the future as, as, as if God learned something because he's sovereign and their idea of God's sovereignty.
God just looked into the future and saw what would happen. And so, yeah.
So I would say it'd probably be important for us. I'm going to define what divine provision is according to lateness.
And I've heard this, this analogy used. I'm going to probably butcher it a little bit, but bear with me.
They would say that the provision or the predestination that we see in Ephesians, all these kinds of things that the
Calvinist looks and says, oh, you see, that's God is predestined. We would think that that God is the first cause.
And you have this plan from all of eternity, right? That's what we think. But the lateness says provision or predestination is like an airplane.
God made an airplane for people and he asks you to get on the airplane.
He doesn't know who's going to be sitting on the seats, but it's an airplane, right?
He's predestined a salvation, a provision to save people, right?
The airplane or the blood of Christ. Now it's up to you to get on the airplane. Which is a very weak view of salvation and a weak view of Christ.
Yeah, and a weak view of God's sovereignty. I mean, so God doesn't intend to save any particular people?
You know, who does he plan? What is his plan for? They just make salvation possible.
Absolutely. And then leaving it completely up to man. I want you to imagine entering an airplane.
Let's keep it right there. And on board is Layton Flowers. And Layton is in the seat doing this.
He's flapping his arms. Yeah. Like no one else is doing anything. And Layton's over there flapping his arms.
I'm like, what are you doing, Layton? I'm helping the plane fly. That's pretty funny.
I'm helping the plane fly. Which I think actually is a perfect segue. That's a perfect segue into point number two.
Is it okay if I read what point number two is on this? Yeah. I think that's a perfect segue. Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead.
I just wanted to point out real quick, you know, like the two other verses. He's Romans 6, 23, which explains, you know, how the wages of sin is death, but the free get the
God is eternal. He's just cherry picking. And he goes to Hebrews 9, 22, which speaking about without the remission, without the shed in the blood, there is no remission of sins.
And so he's just cherry picking things to fit in what he's trying to say. But please go ahead. Yeah. So I would just pause there and also just add on to that.
Right. None of those verses proves that we were separated when we first sinned.
But no, according to Romans, it's when Adam first sinned. When Adam sinned. All of humanity, all of whom he represented.
Adam brought sin and death into the world. We did not. So let's explain what federal head is.
So people understand that. So we have a president right now. He is our federal head president.
Well, no, he's not. Yeah. President Biden is our federal head right now.
Being puppet mastered by Obama. That's right. Take my tent pole hat off. Sorry. So, but he's our federal head.
And so he makes decisions for the nation. So if we go to war, we all go to war.
If we lose that war, Biden loses that war. We all lose that war. Well, that's the same way with a federal head.
Adam was our covenant head. He was our federal head. And when he sinned, we all inherited
Adam's sin guilt from that time forward. So anybody born of natural generation from the time of Adam has inherited
Adam's sin guilt. We are guilty before God. That is our position. That is our standing before God.
Because of Adam's sin. That's right. He's our representative. And what's the beauty of federal headship?
Because people usually are like, well, I'd have nothing to do with Adam, right? I didn't choose to eat of the fruit. Well, praise the
Lord for federal headship because I had nothing to do with my salvation that was earned in Christ. Christ is now my federal head, right?
Praise the Lord for federal headship. Very nice. Good stuff. As goes the king, so goes the kingdom.
Whenever David messed up, David's kingdom was punished for his mess ups.
That's right. We have to keep that in mind. All right. So let's move forward. So you see
Layton Flower flapping his wings on an airplane, right? That's what we got now in the back of our minds is the picture.
So R for provide. So Laytonism. Again, we are changing provisionism to Laytonism because I think that's the correct term for it.
Yeah, that's the correct. R stands for responsible. Now, I would pause there and just say, do we think that the sinner is going to be held accountable and responsible for their sin?
Absolutely. Absolutely. That's an amen. But that's not what the responsible part of this is talking about.
Let's read what it says. Responsible. That is, everyone is able to respond to God's appeal for reconciliation.
Wow. Divine provision will be heard and understood. I don't hear any amens for that.
No. No, you won't get any either. Because here's the thing. If you go back and you like, this is really what caught my attention when it came to Laytonism.
Yeah. It's the debate that Layton Flowers had with Dr. White. At the very end, there was a question asked by an audience member about salvation.
Is salvation someone's being born again? Is that a miracle of God?
Layton says no. See, here's the thing. Laytonism teaches that through the cross of Jesus Christ, God has provided.
Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. And because that has happened, everyone has the ability to respond to that message.
And that's in and of yourself. And when we say respond, we mean respond positively is what the provision says.
Yeah, because everyone responds. Guess what? So as a Calvinist, we believe that everybody will respond, but they're going to respond that which is according to their nature.
So a dead man is always going to respond as a dead man. One that is born dead in their sins and trespasses is going to respond as an enemy of God because they need a change of heart.
That's right. A stony heart will never beat for the glory of God unless God changes it.
So yes, every person will respond. It's just going to be inconsistent with their nature. But that's not what they're trying to get at with this.
They're saying that everybody. So again, the changing of TULIP from the doctrines of grace that says that man in a federal headship in Adam died in Adam.
All man in all their deeds are consistent with their nature, which is enemies of God, unable to accept the things of his word unless the
Lord regenerates him. This is saying a man is more born neutrally.
Their sin is what separates them, not what Adam did, what their sin is, what separates them. However, they retain an ability to turn on their own accord to God, and they retain the ability to listen to what this to God's appeal for reconciliation.
So they're able to, and I will quote Jeff on this, stay the hand of God.
God could intend for people he provided away, and they're rejecting and they're overcoming that provision.
Just think again, rationally about this. What kind of character does this make God out to be?
Right. And I want to go to Acts 13. Yep. So let me go there.
Acts 13, 48. Now we're talking about staying God's hand.
And it says in 48, it says when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying in the word of the
Lord. And as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed.
Now in their model, the appointing doesn't matter. God apparently didn't appoint anybody and that he's leaving it entirely up to me.
And so if it's entirely up to me, then God didn't appoint anybody for an eternal life.
But according to this, and as many as had been appointed to eternal life, believed the gospel.
I inserted gospel there. But they believed. They believed because they were appointed to believe.
We cannot do anything unless God does it. John 6, 44. Nobody comes to God unless God draws him.
And so it just shoots that in the foot. So one of the scriptural proofs that he gives is
Luke 8, 12. And it's talking about the sower and the seed. And so this is the purpose of it.
It says the one along the path. So if you know the story, the sower, he sows seed and some seed falls on the path of rocks, the rocky path.
Some falls on thorns, some falls on, you know, so on and so forth. And so right here, it says the one that fell on the path are those who heard.
Then the devil comes and takes the word from their heart so that they may not believe and be saved.
And so he's trying to get out because, listen, I've listened to a lot of light and flowers. And what he's trying to get at is that they were able to respond, but Satan took that response from them.
And if you remember in the debate, I pointed out to Jason Breda, that's because Satan is
God's devil. Satan can only do what God has predetermined for Satan to do, blind eyes, so on and so forth.
Right. So Satan is one of the means that God uses to accomplish his purpose in the destruction of the reprobate.
And I'm not going to sit here and try to take up for what God has done, because that's not my it's not my job.
They are the ones that put him on the on the on the judgment seat.
Yep. So, Matthew, so another scriptural proof in here is Matthew 23, 37, which, yeah, let's read it.
Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it. How often I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings and you were not willing.
See, your house has left you desolate, for I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord. So Jesus is giving this the woes to the nation of Israel right there.
And you've got to think about in the Old Testament, Jesus is giving a because woe to you, who is who has killed the prophets.
Right. So he's talking about several years. Right. He's recapping several years of Israel.
Hundreds of years, hundreds of years, because it was it was it was whenever the tribes were separated.
Right. The two and the ten and the prophets were coming, trying to call them to repentance.
And we when we know that God is the one that separated them because of the evil king, I mean, because of the sin of Solomon.
Right. But he did not do it under Solomon's rule. He did under the rule of Jeroboam. And so he sends the prophets to them to to bring this back.
So God separates them because of sin and he sends the prophets to draw them back. And yet they kill and stone the prophets.
That's right. So notice in here, too. So so Jerusalem, this ethnic people of God are even when
God does gather them back to the land. What are they still not able to do?
They were still that was consistent with their nature. They were not willing.
Right. So in the old covenants, one of the the big cons of old covenant theology or old covenant of works is that you had several people inside of it that were born in it and under it, but did not actually believe
God. And so Jesus is talking to those that are guess what they're doing, rejecting
God in flesh. And he's saying this has been offered to not only you, but to your fathers and their fathers and their fathers and their fathers and their fathers.
And no matter how many fathers I go back, this is the consistent nature ever since your first father,
Adam. Right. They have hated me. So Romans chapter nine, verse thirty one, it says, but Israel pursuing a law of righteousness did not attain that law.
Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works.
They stumbled over the stumbling stone, just as it is written. Behold, I am laying in Zion, a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense to the one who believes in upon him will not be put to shame.
So why did they not come? Because they were not willing to come.
They were willing. They were only trusting in their righteousness. They were trusting in their own self -righteousness as if they were given the law as.
And I think it was you, Brayden, that actually said something about a rope that they hung himself.
The law wasn't given us as a rope that we could climb up and be justified with law, because the Bible says, according to according to the scripture, that by the works of the law, no man will be justified.
But that's what they were trusting in, in their own righteousness, in their own law keeping. I mean, just in Galatians, the law of God serves as a rope for the unconverted.
Those who attempt to climb it will always end up hanging dead by it. That's right. Yeah, a hundred percent.
I mean, Galatians chapter, chapter two, verse twenty one, Paul says, I do not nullify the grace of God.
For if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.
And like we do have this same struggle in the reform camp, like I hold to a law of gospel distinction.
But there's a lot of people that would hold to a law of gospel distinction as well and would say that God had made the law as a provision by which you could be saved.
No, sir. No, sir. Get your theology right. If anyone wants to debate that issue, let's let's roll with it.
Hallelujah. This verse tells us that that, you know, that if righteousness were through the law, if you could attain a right standing with God through the law, guess what?
Then Christ died for no purpose. That's right. Let's go on to Romans 10.
Brothers, my heart's desire and my prayers for that God for them is for their salvation.
For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge, for not knowing about the righteousness of God, seeking to establish their own.
They did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
We can only come to Christ through faith. We can only be reconciled to God through faith.
And in faith is a gift of God. So I would, I would piggyback on what you just said there,
Tom, and say, this is the serious danger for lateness or provisionists, right?
Lateness is good. Lateness. So if you believe in Jesus Christ, I believe that you can be saved and be a provisionist.
And I would hope that they would say that regarding Calvinists as well. I really, really do. And I mean that, I stand by that.
However, this is, this is the, yes, I did. And that's the area that I, that was very sad to see something like that, because that is totally elevating something that though is an important secondary, it's being elevated to that of the deity of Christ or grace alone.
It's, it's elevating it to an essential, which is not, I think it's uncalled for in those ways.
But what Tom had just said there, and I'm trying to get back to what I was, what I was trying to piggyback on to it.
This is the danger with it. If the law, if in somebody's mind, they think, okay, the law was a provision in the sense that I could be justified by it.
Tom just read a scripture that says that they tried to establish their own righteousness according to the law, right?
I'm able to do it and look, I'm being saved by it. I'm righteous because I'm keeping it.
How is that any different than saying God provided me the salvation? I've turned to it.
I have come unto it. I, I'm the one that got it for myself. And now I'm righteous because I did it.
You see how similar that sounds? Yeah. It's boasting. It's boasting. Yes. A thousand percent.
Are you seeking to establish your own form of righteousness by being able to say, I had faith myself?
And that's going right back to what Jeff just read. Because if you could do that, then why was it necessary to sacrifice his only begotten son?
God poured out his wrath on his only begotten son. And if that, he said, that's the only way.
It's not through my own righteousness. So you were unwilling. Yes, that's absolutely true. He needs to be made willing.
And the only way he could be made willing is through the preaching of the word of God, where the
Holy Spirit can make that stony heart alive. And that's exactly what, what
Jeffrey argued on in the debate. Absolutely. Ezekiel 36. Also, I want to point out the simple fact that, you know, like, like it says, responsible.
That is that everyone, I want to point out the everyone, because you know how they always point out the all.
All means all, all the time. And that's all, all means like, like it's so stupid, right?
So, so right here, he has that everyone is able to respond to God's appeal.
What about the people who've never heard the gospel? How are they? They're part of everyone.
Everyone means everyone. That's all everyone means. They probably have an answer for that.
I'd be afraid of what it is, but. Well, but Jason, Jason, you remember all the dreams, right?
Yeah. Without the preaching of the gospel, no one can be saved.
So, I mean, that's what Romans 10 teaches. How will they hear if there is no preacher?
Yeah, right. We're right here in Romans 10. What is it?
Verse 13. For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Verse 14. I mean, that was 13.
Verse 14. How then would they call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have not never heard?
And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how, and how are they to preach unless they are sent?
And as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news. And by the way, on that end of that right there, some of y 'all got ugly feet.
Yeah. I hear you. Let me just throw this out here for, like, think about this for a moment, what it's trying to say responsible for.
Let me just say this. Are you guys responsible for your salvation?
No. Are you responsible for the divine provision? Unless God intervenes,
I remain dead in my sin. And matter of fact, I don't want anything to do with God.
I don't want to hear it. What I'm responsible for is my sin that was laid upon the
Son of God, Jesus Christ. That's my responsibility, and Christ paid for it.
I had nothing to do with my salvation. It is all of the Lord, and I will boast in him alone. Zero.
That was my whole argument. We're dead in our sins, and 1 Timothy, Paul forms it as being slaves of Satan.
And you go back to Ephesians, where it talks about the dead in our sins. It says that we are following the prince and the power of this heir, the spirit that is at work and the sons of disobedience.
Speaking of Satan, it says that we're chasing after the lust of our bodies and mind.
And that Greek word for mind right there is speaking of our imaginations. We're living our life thinking that we're doing what we want to do.
We're chasing after our dreams while all the while we're doing what Satan wants us to do.
The Bible says that we're doing his will. And not only that, but there's nothing in creation that proclaims to us the gospel.
Yes, creation declares to us the glory of God. We know there's a God. Nothing makes us guilty.
We suppress that truth with our sins. We hold that under. There's nothing about it that's appealing.
Paul tells us in Corinthians that the preaching of the cross, this thing that we cannot know from creation is foolishness to those who are perishing.
So he said something there, and that was 1 Corinthians 2 .14. And one of the guys, and I can't remember the guy's name was, it says, but the natural man does not accept the depths of the spirit.
This is the LSB. For it is foolishness under him, for he cannot understand it. Every time the natural man, every time that that's used, and I want to say it's this one here.
That's used in five different verses. It's always making the comparison between spirit and flesh.
It's always making comparison to the natural man, the dead man, the fleshly man compared to the spirit.
It's only used in five verses. I want to say the other was in James. As a matter of fact, yeah.
So if I go to James 3 .15, it says, the wisdom is not coming down from above, but from earthly, natural, demonic.
It's talking about, it's always making that contrast in between the spirit and the flesh, the spirit and the flesh.
So yes, the natural man receives not the things of the spirit, the things from above, because it's foolishness unto him.
And besides that, he's spiritually discerned. He's dead, can't understand it, won't understand it, doesn't want to have anything to do with it.
So unless God changes that heart, you will never, ever come to Christ.
So should we read the next one? Well, before we do,
I want to say that, so after the podcast we did last week, they went and did a review as well.
And like a lot of things were not factual, but they try to say that I was a co -elder with James White or something like that.
Like the JP unplug guy, the guy that thinks he's a gangster, the
Christian gangster. But they also said that we're a bunch of meanies, basically.
That we were mean on our podcast. And I was like, have you ever watched
Open Air Theology? That's how we get down. Well, all
I got to do is flash my hands and these guys make fun of me. Yeah, I mean, it is what it is.
It's messed up. Don't turn this on. They also made a comment about how that Jason wasn't a debater and that you're a lot better debater.
Listen, the Bible says to be ready always to answer a man of the reason of the hope that is in you.
You had questions asked to you and you couldn't answer them. You answered every question.
You asked every question to Jeffrey and he answered you and then followed back and you couldn't follow up.
That's on him. It's not that he wasn't a great debater. The problem was that he didn't have the truth standing behind him.
He didn't have the truth. And it's one thing to know your position. It's another thing to recite someone else's position.
Like all he did. Listen, I'm telling you. I had watched,
I think it was six different Layton Flower videos that I could send where it was almost word for word.
I knew what questions he was going to ask because it's the same ones that Layton asked in his debates.
I just knew what it was. And it was like clockwork. I was like, well,
I already knew how to answer these questions. Listen, that was my first time doing public debate.
He was like, yeah, well, I've never took debate in school. I was kicked out of school for gang violence at 15.
What are you talking about? My debate comes from the streets.
I do open air preaching week in and week out. I have to be quick on my toes when
I'm talking to Seventh -day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, or just people that think they're
Christians. That's where my things come from. I've never been in that arena where I've been in a public moderated debate.
That was my first time. I won because I had the truth. I know my position and also studied his position.
And I didn't even know his position. I just knew he was going to copy Layton Flowers. By studying Laytonism. Yeah, I studied
Laytonism. On that note, you quoted what regeneration was several times in the debate.
Yeah, and it's like he didn't even understand it. Braden, read what regeneration is in the
Laytonism Fixed. Oh, yeah. Okay. Should I just show it? Should I flash it so that everybody can see what we got going on?
Hold on, what are you talking about? So the Laytonism Fixed, where it says regeneration is the new word. We can't get there yet.
Okay. We got to get there. It could be so mean, Jeff Colley, man.
I know, I'm sorry. Have you watched this show? Good Lord, I know you're out of it, but come on.
Let's go on to O though, because I think this is going to be interesting.
Okay, all right. We're going to come back and respond. This is part one of part possibly 20.
Okay. We got a lot going on here. Open door. They messed up calling us mean.
Open door. Right there. I just want to pause and say, Jeff just did an excellent sermon series on John 10.
It just has to deal with Jesus saying he is the door. So let's just see if this definition, which
I think right out the gate is open door. Open door.
Let me pause there. I just want to read something from John. Truly, truly. I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in by another way.
That man is a thief and a robber. So notice that a thief and a robber now notice this, but he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep to him.
The gatekeeper opens the sheep, hear his voice.
And he calls his own by name and leads them out.
When he has brought out all of his own, he goes before them and sheep follow him. And they, for they know his voice.
A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him. For they do not know the voice of strangers.
This figure of speech Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them. Let me pause there. Just take note of things and stuff.
Is there more characters and individuals that are talked about in this text and sheep? Yes. Robbers. Strangers.
Are they sheep? Nope. They're not. Was the door closed or open when the gatekeeper, what was the gatekeeper there for?
Oh, it was a closed door, right, Jeff? Closed door. Yeah. And it was guarded by the
Holy Spirit. It's a closed door. How do the sheep go through this door?
Hmm. It sounds like the shepherd is the one that calls them out and the door opens to the shepherd.
Right. Anybody else who calls them, they won't go, but he knows them by name. That's right.
When I was preaching through this, I spoke about a time that, so most of y 'all know I have a background in roofing.
I roof nearly 30 years professionally, 25, 27 years. And we put up on this job site one time.
And it was just this big old sheep pen. And we thought it was going to be funny.
It was going to get out and pet the sheep. Right. We're going to mess with the sheep. And we're out there, patting on ourselves, making weird noises.
They didn't even look at us. They paid no attention. I'm talking about 20, 30.
It was just a big old pile of sheep in this fence. They didn't look at us.
It was the weirdest thing ever. And all of a sudden, this woman sticks her head out of the door, makes some clicking noise.
They all lifted their heads, looked at her and followed after her. We're over trying to get there.
We're doing stupid stuff. We're about ready to start throwing rocks at these sheep.
Like, look at me, you dumb sheep. They will not pay any attention to us. But the moment that woman did that, whatever it was that she did, they looked at her and they followed after her.
I mean, this is no joke. And that right there really brought this portion of scripture alive to me.
So I think all of our conclusions from this text is that we would argue that the gatekeeper is the
Holy Spirit. The shepherd is obviously Jesus as he claims that title. And then the father spoken about is the one that gives the sheep or gives
God's people to him. Right. So we see a covenant of redemption here.
We see the what is it called? The man, you see the covenant of grace through the covenants.
Yeah. You see the working of the Trinity, right? The father predestines, the son redeems, the
Holy Spirit applies. Right. Like that's that's what we see here in this text. And this is missing in Latinism.
Right. So let's let's break that down a little bit. The father chose some or predestined some before the foundation of the world.
So he's going to send his son to redeem or in their model, he's going to send a son to make salvation possible for other people whom the father didn't choose before the foundation of the world.
That didn't make any sense at all. And then the Holy Spirit is going to draw just whoever he can get, hopefully, you know, as long as that can come.
So it severs the Godhead, the covenant of redemption. Every role, everybody has each each member of the
Godhead has a role. The father predestined, just like Brayden just said, that the son comes to redeem and the
Holy Spirit applies. That's the role. If you if you if you divide that up, you're severing the
Godhead. You cannot sever the Godhead. Yeah, it's a fact.
So so what it says here, open door is the divine provision offered impartially to all for anyone to enter through faith for whosoever may come to his open arms.
I'm just pause for just a moment again. Jeff just said sheep,
Tom, good stuff. Who are the ones that come to the to the to the son's voice here in John 10?
His elect. His elect. His sheep. Because a sheep man at this time would have had more than just one herd of sheep.
Right. So. So it's not all that come to him. It is part.
So is the divine provision impartially? But is it not not text?
If you just think about let's say that that that we three were shepherds and we put our different shapes into a sheep pen.
All of mine are black. Okay. They're black shades. Okay. Y 'all got beautiful white shades or whatever.
All right. So are. So let's say that all of our shapes are together.
And then I come making my click and sounds and your sheep confuse me for to confuse me for you.
And all of your sheep come out of that gate and follow me as well. Well, I'm a thief. Right.
I am exactly what that scripture is preaching against. He said, my sheep hear my voice and they follow me.
Right. If any other sheep, because he's talking about people who are still in at this time, it was a.
OK, so a sheep would have probably been built between two houses and then would have a a brick, kind of like a rock background in the back.
And there would have been a rock background. And then I've been a door portion, like a gate kind of a thing like that.
They would even a shepherd would even have to hire someone. It might be like a shepherd, an apprentice, a shepherd or someone that would watch over his sheep.
And this was kind of like the hired hand and stuff like that. I guess there's a lot of things going on anyways.
But but the point is that in the sheepfold, shepherds would bring when they would travel into Jerusalem, they would bring their sheep and their sheep would blend in with the other sheep that was already in that sheepfold.
And when he calls his sheep by name, his sheep come out from among the larger flock.
Right. And if one other sheep would have followed that sheep, you know, that went for that to the shepherd, that shepherd would have been a thief or taken something that belonged to someone else.
Right. Things that they're not thinking about. So verse 16 of John 10,
I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also. Now, Mormons would say these are these are
Native Americans. I just want to throw that out there. Of course, like they're part of it.
Right. The other sheep are Gentiles. So that's right. So, Tom, can you say that all does not mean all without exception, but all without distinction, distinction.
That's I appreciate that quote very much. That's what this is talking about. God has
Jesus has sheep that the Father has given him that is from all types of people, kings, slaves,
Gentiles, Jews, Greeks, barbarians, prostitutes, senators, you name it.
Christ has sheep that are there. And guess what? The sheep hear his voice.
And then guess what? Jesus, when he's talking more plainly to the Pharisees here, he says this in verse 27.
My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they will never perish.
And no one will snatch them out of my hand. My father, who has given them to me, is greater than all.
And no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hands. Right. So talking about the the other sheep in another fold that we're coming, talking about the
Gentiles. So Ephesians chapter two, and I can start in verse 17. And he came and he preached the good news of peace to you who are far off and peace to those who were near.
For through him, we both have our access in one spirit to the father. So then you are no longer strangers talking about the
Gentiles and sojourners talking about the Gentiles. But you are fellow citizens with the saints and are of God's household.
Having been put on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole building being joined together and growing into the holy sanctuary of the
Lord, in whom you were being built together into dwelling of God by the spirit.
And so, yeah, we are made one. That was the mystery of Christ, that he came to save all people groups, all without distinction, not every single person that would be universalism.
That's right. Could you help me understand? I feel like I might be misreading this or maybe he miswrote it.
Talking about the humble clay. Pull it up on the screen. Which one?
I just put it up on the screen. Can you see it? Yeah. What's wrong with it?
The people here. Are you talking about the. Oh, all right. I'm just wondering if he's asking us or he's just making a statement.
Is this the picture of an analogy? People here are the voice of him who here protects and feeds them.
He's saying, is that a good analogy? And I think that that's good. Yeah. Yeah. Those that are the sheep of God will recognize his voice.
I mean, that's the analogy of scripture that's given to us in John 10. That's right. Yeah, absolutely.
I'm just looking here real fast. I want to just be really clear. If there is a lateness that washes this, none of these scriptural proofs that Layton puts here is anything that we would disagree with.
We would say amen to it. And I think Layton and the provisionist, the lateness is, is misapplying these references way out of context.
We saw earlier with that Isaiah 58 burst. Right. Any one of these that would that that is understood in its context is perfectly within covenant theology.
Yes. And confessional Calvinism, confessional doctrines of grace. And just to prove that, to prove that if you just go back to the debate
I had with Jason, every verse that he was speaking about concerning a belief before the
Holy Spirit, I was saying amen. Right. I agree with that's what the scripture says, but he could not agree with, with my argument of what the scripture says clearly says that that faith is given to us in regeneration.
Right. Right. So the way that he was applying the verses were wrong.
The verses himself, I can say absolutely. Amen. But his assumption with what it was actually teaching was absolutely wrong.
Yeah. And that's, what's going on here. Like these verses are, yeah, we, we agree with all these verses and laid out in its proper context.
Right. That's right.
Yeah. All right. So we're at an hour and eight. Are y 'all able to continue or you want to pull a plug in and put a plug in it?
I can probably do one more point for tonight, but I do have to go. I, I gotta, I gotta get off that for the next point.
Yeah. I mean, I told you there's no way it was going to get done with this. Oh yeah. Whenever you guys want.
I'm good. Yeah. I'm fine too. Brayden is the Jack leg of the bunch.
I know. I'm sorry. I'm not being mean. Yeah. That was rude.
You, you, you know, I've got two good legs. That's messed up. I don't know why you would say that about me.
Do you even know what a Jack leg is? Well, I gotta look at my dog out to pee real quick.
Hold on. Oh gosh. Come on. Now, now he goes, well, let's talk about him a bit.
He had to watch this. He's going to let his dog out to pay and he's going to twist his ankle.
Apparently letting out your dog is more important than talking about the atonement of Christ. I see how it is. I would have let my dog be on the carpet.
Yeah. Hey, glad you're back. We weren't talking about you.
Oh my gosh. What'd they say? You guys type in what they say. I wasn't here. Nothing but good things.
I'm a good thing. It's a lie. It's not about how we get old, you get brittle. Did you tell, you know what is bad?
You, you made Bibles for both you and Braden and I haven't even gotten one. I got the
Bible over here. I just hadn't had time. Okay. All right. Look at that.
Look at, look at Braden's new Bible. This camera will not do it justice. It is, it is beautiful.
If you haven't bought a Bible yet from Post Tenebrous Lux. We're going to have identical Bibles when it comes to the exact cover and the layout.
Out of the same hide. Out of the same hide. Like we are doing it. All right.
We, this is one of the parts of being best friends with a
Bible reminder. You can make it out of that, Tom. Oh, y 'all hate it.
They don't like me. All right.
Should we talk about the atonement now instead of worrying about dogs anymore? Okay. Yeah, let's go.
Let's go. Which one are we on? Vicarious atonement.
Vicarious atonement. All right. Vicarious. Excuse me. It is, as, as Layden has defined it here is the divine provision given of sufficient value for the sins of the whole world.
And provides a way for anyone to be saved on the basis of Christ shed blood.
Christ shed blood. The whole world. And nothing about the world.
All of it. that's where the other sheep come in.
The green sheep. We better chill it out.
We're not being pastor. Like, like, dude, have you come to my church?
First Timothy three. It says that the pastor cannot laugh. Can I be funny?
I'm sorry. When God saved me, he saved me with a sense of humor.
He didn't do a very good job because you're not that funny. I didn't say he saved me as a comedian.
Just a sense of humor. I got a touch. And again, he goes right into, he provides a way.
He provides a way for anyone to be saved. Anyone has a chance to be saved.
Just notice. Okay. I know that Jason JP and the other gentleman,
I really did not like what I had to say during last week's video on things.
Your free will is your idol at this point. And I think it's very abundantly clear, even in this document, anybody that, that believes that they can choose
God out of their own sinful nature and desires. I'm sorry. You, you hate
God's sovereignty. I won't say that you hate God because I believe you can be saved in this position, but you hate
God's sovereignty. You're redefining it. Undoubtedly. And you're trying to elevate your free will, which as a
Calvinist, I believe in free will, but you're trying to elevate it to a place that is far beyond what scripture defines it as.
And I'm sorry. I'm not sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Not sorry. And if there's salvation, if your salvation is dependent upon you,
Braden, if our salvation is dependent upon me, then that last point that they have, the eternal security is inconsistent.
Yeah. Which we'll talk about. I'm sure that when we do it, eternal security is, is, is a hundred percent in line with Calvinism and doctrines of grace.
Right. That's right. I don't believe there's such a thing as a four point Calvinist. There's only somebody that's consistent or inconsistent.
And if I'm sorry, lateness, you're trying to be a one point Calvinist. I'm not calling you a lateness anymore. I'm calling you a one point
Calvinist. And guess what? You're an inconsistent one at that because you can't even claim that title.
In my nature. I'm just going to go off on a rabbit trail real fast on tangent. If in my nature, I can turn in my sinfulness and have faith in Christ and be saved.
Why not in that same, my own nature, right? Why can I not stop believing in God and turn my back to the blood of Christ?
Why not? That's your free will. Why can't, if some people die with their sins paid for, but they die in unbelief, therefore, it's not applied to them, which is dealing with vicarious atonement, according to the lateness.
Why can I not turn back to a position of unbelief and have
Christ not, his blood is not powerful enough to overturn that unbelief. That's right.
That's exactly right. Why? Well, that's the doctrine. So, so that's the point that Jason Breda disagrees with.
So Jason Breda would argue that you can lose your salvation. He would. Yeah. And that's what's coming from his, his, his, uh, him being a
Anabaptist. And so he's in the week. So he's a consistent Arminian then really?
Well, so, so, well, so I don't want to get too much into it really, but an
Anabaptist is basically a church. Church of Christ on steroids, baptismal regeneration.
Yeah. And, but we'll get to that. And I've had a question, Jason on that and he won't respond to me anymore.
So on what you were saying though, Braden there in the point that you were making, there is nobody in hell for whom
Christ died. That's right. Not, not one person that he did not waste his blood on anybody.
There's nobody in hell for whom Christ died. Yeah. Let's just go to late and straight
Pelagian. Who's Jay box. That's right. Box. Yeah. Lawson's chapter two verse 13.
And you who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
God made alive together with him, having forgiven. So all this is past tense language, right?
Having forgiven us of our trespasses by counseling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands.
He set aside, nailing it to the cross.
He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame by triumphant over them in him.
Wait, I'm going to just quote JP and Mahler on this. That's an analogy, dude.
That didn't really happen. Yeah. So that record of death, so picture this as, so it's kind of like, you know, like, have you ever seen someone throw a punch and instead of hitting the person they were aiming for, they actually hit themselves in the mouth.
That's what's taking place here as, as those Roman soldiers are nailing Jesus to the cross.
This text is saying that they're nailing that record of debt that stood against those who were dead in their trespasses and sins, but were right here.
It says, uh, uh, uh, trust, uh, but made alive together with, with God, with Christ.
So those who are, who were dead that were made alive, there's their sin debt is nailed to the cross.
And my dear friends, Christ came down from that cross, but you know what? Didn't that record of debt.
That's right. This is not an analogy text. Let me be very clear in saying this. This is how you are saved.
Is Christ died for you? Yeah. So, so Romans six, therefore you were buried with him through baptism into death so that the, so that Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father.
So we too might walk in the newness of life for we have been become united with him in the likeness of his death.
Certainly we shall be in the likeness of his resurrection. The debt was paid for the debt was nailed to the cross.
And because he lives, we live because he died. We died. This is our very identity in Christ.
You know, it would be interesting because then, so one of the scriptural references of lists here, second
Corinthians five 21, which is the, the text, of course, he who knew no sin became sin on our behalf, so that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
And they're obviously going to try to apply that, that Christ died for everyone, right? My question to them is then if that's the argument from that text, right?
He who knew no sin became sin on. What, what does Paul say there? Our behalf, right?
So it sounds more, doesn't say everyone doesn't, doesn't say all. And even in that, and we got to, we got to look at the context, of course, on our behalf so that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
So it sounds like those who Christ died for Christ also lived for.
And now we have his righteousness. So in Christ, so not only.
So I would ask the lateness, this, if Christ died for someone that now is in hell, did he also live for them?
And that righteousness. I pointed that out to you.
He has to deny substitutionary atonement in the life and life and resurrection.
He has denied the imputed righteousness, the imputed. Yes. If he lives for you, that means that the life that he lives, he lived for you as a substitute.
As goes the covenant head. So go the people. As goes the king. So goes the kingdom. Right? So I grew up in public school and y 'all heard me say this.
Whenever my teacher was unable to come and teach, they would send a teacher to teach in her place.
And that teacher was called a substitute, right? She taught in her place.
That's right. If Jesus lived the life that I could not live in my place, that means that I'm perfectly righteous before God.
Now, of course, in time, like, so you have to break down the Romans eight.
Those whom he foreknew, he predestined to what? To become, to be conformed to the image of his son, which will be at the glorification of our resurrection.
And it says for those whom he predestined, he also called. So this will be our effectual call.
And those whom he called, he also justified. How are we justified by faith? So in that call, we respond in faith.
And those whom are justified will be glorified. And at that point, when he justified us, it was a legal declaration where the father declared us righteousness because of his son.
Because of the life that he lived. Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. On me.
Yes. Yeah. So again, we can look at the life and his death. Yes. He lived for us.
He died for us. He rose first as a substitute. Yes, that's right. Good.
So can, are you saying we can say amen to Isaiah 53, the suffering servant song there, the text there, and Isaiah, can we say amen to that?
Amen. Absolutely. John 12? 2nd Corinthians? 1st
Timothy? 1st John? Absolutely. We say amen to all these things right here. I figured something out.
Okay. So, let's do another point. I'm not kidding.
I'm on one now. You guys got me. You guys got me jazzed up on this and wanted to keep on going.
Illuminating grace? Yeah. Go ahead and read it, dude. It's so small.
It's really hard for me to see it. Oh, okay. Is the divine provision offered sufficiently to all and provides clearly revealed truth so that all can know and respond in faith?
What? Did I read that wrong? I might've heard it wrong.
Will you read it again? I thought I heard some heresy, but. Hold on. Let me read that again.
Is the divine provision offered sufficiently to all and provides revealed truth so that all can know and respond in faith?
Wow. Provides clearly revealed truth so that all can know and respond in faith.
I would ask them these. I don't want to lay down. Oh, my dog.
I'm just kidding. My dog hears my voice. So, time out.
A person that is born in a remote part of the world, never knowing of Christ, is there a divine provision there that's sufficient to him, for him to turn to God in faith with?
No. That is the importance. I had a dream.
Right. This is the importance of the preaching of the word. Yes, that's right. This is the importance of missionary work.
This is the importance of churches. This is the importance of evangelism. You just listen.
You want to accuse a hyper Calvinist, which I'm right there with you saying that. Amen. Right.
We're right there. You're in the wrong for not doing evangelism, but right here. Do I need to do evangelism?
If God has sufficiently revealed the divine provision.
And that's the question. That's why I asked that question. That's why I asked that question.
I would love to have light and flowers on, so I can ask him that question. Is the gospel revealed in creation?
Answer? No. It's a special revelation.
The word, especially preached word, is the means how God uses, seeing how he calls, seeing how he, hold on, see how the calling and the new birth is immediately linked.
This is trash. Anyone that holds to this holds to garbage. Yeah. You ever heard that saying, you know, like birds of a feather flock together and all this other stuff.
Like people always tell me like, just because you hang out with someone doesn't mean you're going to be like them. I would say, well, go hang out beside a trash can and come back and see how you smell.
Trash is going to smell like trash. This is garbage. This is trash.
It's bad theology. Why can I, okay. And I know Leighton wouldn't say yes to this, right?
Because as a Calvinist, we would say you should go out and evangelize, right? As a late and lateness, though, according to that right there, illuminating grace, why should
I go out and preach the gospel? If God has already revealed sufficiently to the person that which is clear enough for them to have faith and to have salvation.
You absolutely shouldn't. Because here's the thing. I go out regularly and Jake just comment.
Jake just went out with me this past Saturday, right? Like there was four of us total. We were out there looking like straight up fools to those who are in the world.
That's right. Trying to do the work of God in preaching the gospel, call a man to repentance and faith through the, that, that message of the cross, right?
That's right. If all that is revealed, why would I bother? And listen, there's one thing that you can accuse us three of a lot of things, but not evangelizing is not one of those things.
That's right. Right. I will put us three evangelizing against the provisionist any day.
We go out regularly. We're Calvinists who go out regularly and preach the gospel in the open air.
That's right. We don't always post about it or make videos every once in a while. We do to encourage the saints to get out there and do so.
Right. But we go out there regularly. If these things were revealed in creation or, or had some other special way to be revealed outside of the preaching of the gospel, man, why would
I want to look like a fool to my neighbors? I listened to me. I preached in my own neighborhood. I go,
I go to a restaurant to eat. People are whispering about me, making fun of me.
You think I want that? Absolutely not. Absolutely not.
But it's the power of God and salvation. That's right. First Peter one says, for you have not been born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible.
That is through the living and enduring word of God. It is the word of God that has the power.
That's why we go out and we preach the gospel. That's why we know that it's not in ourselves pitch.
It's not in anything that we do, but it's the power of God. It's the salvation that God's word has the power to transform lives.
So one of the scriptural references that is given here for illuminating grace is
Job 33, 12 through 30, which I just got done preaching through the book of Joe.
And I listened to me on this. I would not say amen to Elihu in this text.
I would not want to put that as a scriptural reference for someone to read, because guess what?
Elihu listened to God himself. Who is this?
That darkens counsel by words without knowledge. Job 38 verse two, in response to what
Elihu has just told Joe, Hmm. I don't think
I'd be getting my theology from Eliaphus, build dad so far or Elihu, even though Elihu does better than these other three friends.
Elihu still holds to a sense of karma theology that you do good.
You receive good. You do bad. You get bad. And he's accusing Job of doing bad. And that's why his children died, which
God pronounces Job is what? Righteous, just man, upright before the
Lord and one who fears Yahweh. I'm going to listen to what God has to say and not quote Elihu to validate illuminating grace.
Look, look at the other, in John one nine, they use one verse right there.
Yep. There was the true light, which came into the world, enlightens everyone, but they forget six, seven, eight, nine, and 10.
There was a man having sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to bear witness about the light so that all men might receive, might believe through him.
He was not that light, but he came into bear witness about that light. Here's their text.
There was the true light, which, which coming into the world, enlightens everyone. How did that happen?
Through John bearing witness about this light. It was the proclamation of, hold on, hold on, bro.
You can't be reading the context. That's not how this works. Stop being mean.
I want to just also mention something too. Why is it illuminating grace? Not referring to Job 38 to 42, where God explicitly talks about,
I'm going to say the dirty word, his exhaustive, deterministic, meticulous sovereignty.
Did you say God? I did. God uses this language saying, watch it.
Listen, God says, I create the desert for the donkey that you will never see.
And he laughed at the city. I create the desert. So the donkey will laugh at Europe's obscenities in the city.
Where will the bear lay down? I don't know, but God has told it where to, that is the
God that we worship. That is the sovereign God of all the heavens and the earth. And guess what?
This is Job's response. God responds to Elihu, Job, and his other three friends.
This is how Job then responds to God. He says, then Job answered the Lord and said, I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
What purpose do you think Job is talking about? Seven days after his children just died.
Job knows now that God causes all things and that there's purpose behind it. And he might not know the purpose, but guess what?
He knows that no purpose of God can be thwarted, including the death of his children. The plot that Satan devised was that God could then therefore now show his glory, that Job never rejected
God, that God was the right one in the story. It says here, no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore, I have uttered what I did not understand things too wonderful for me, which
I did not know here. And I will speak. I will question you and you make it known to me. I had heard of you by the hearing of the year, but now my eyes see you.
Therefore, I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes. Listen, this, this is so clear.
God is sovereign and people hate that. Yeah. Even over, even over calamity.
Amos 3, 6. If a trumpet is blown in a city, will, will people tremble?
If calamity happens is the city has not Yahweh done it. He's, he's in control of everything, all things.
There's not one maverick molecule like R .C. Sproul says. Isn't it funny how, how you're the fallen on one of the two sides, right?
How they deny it and we find comfort in it. That's right. If God is not sovereign, why pray?
That's right. You know, like I just, you know, I just think about, you know, like the death of my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister, like I'm the only one left in my immediate family, birth family.
And, and through it all, I had to look to God's sovereignty and find comfort.
And the things that I did not understand, knowing that although I'm, you know,
I'm suffering with this, that somehow it's for my good and his glory. Although I cannot explain it.
That's what I lay my head on at night. Right. So it's his sovereignty. And I, and I would also say to Jason, you know,
I, I don't know you from Adam. You seem like a nice guy. And, and I, and I, and I, and I, and I, I know he knows people probably even in his family that aren't saved, but what are you doing?
Why, why are you going to a God who's not sovereign and praying to him to ask him to intervene so that your family members might be saved?
Why don't you just go convince your family members to be saved? If it's all up to them, if they have to make the decision, if he made salvation possible, no, you go to your sovereign
God. You go to your father in heaven, the creator of the heavens and the earth who can go and he could change that person's heart.
That's what you pay. Pray brother. You pray to your sovereign God. Am I being mean? No, Jason doesn't even need to go to his family.
It says here that God has sufficiently revealed himself. There's no need for Jason to do that.
But this is the danger of latent ism. Yeah. Tom is a hundred percent. Right.
Pray to God. Yeah. Pray to God that he would save your family and then go preach the gospel.
That's right. And God, you count on God to do it. You have faith that God will intervene.
Yep. That's right. Just like he interviewed in Jason's life, JP's life, the other gentleman's life, late flowers, like anybody that has turned to him, had faith in Jesus Christ, God himself intervened in you and caused you to do such.
He gave you a new heart, granted you faith. And in doing that, you had an experience that you came to Christ, that you are now trying to take boasting of and rob glory from God.
But God being rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he's loved us, made us alive together with Christ.
God did it. Grace. You have been saved. Yeah. Through faith. I'm a savior.
This is not of your own doing. It's not. Yeah. What's not of your own doing? What's not good of your own doing?
Isn't it? Your believing is not of your own doing. That's right. It is the gift of God, not a result of work so that no one may boast.
Yeah. Nothing I can do. Nothing in my own merit. Nothing, nothing. No, I can't bribe
God. I can't please him my own righteousness. There's nothing I could do. Nothing I can bribe him and merit salvation.
It's, it's, it's all about him. It's all about his grace. I'm just thinking of this guy's like, this is mind blowing.
So John 10, the sheep will hear his voice. You, me, everyone that has faith in Christ.
I'm going to talk about us three. So Jeff, Tom Brayden, we were sheep given from the father to the son, and we didn't even know it.
Right, right. Isaiah 44 or Isaiah 43 to 46, but I think it's an
Isaiah 44 in the final verses there. I got a preacher on it at the conference. It says, I have declared the ends before the beginning.
And he says, what does he say in there? I'm going to forget what he says exactly. But in there, it says that you may know that I am
God. I've told you these things before that they've happened so that you may know that I am God. God's sovereignty is actually the way that God distinguishes himself amongst the false gods of Babylon there.
And Isaiah is what's to being talked about in there in the context. You and I as sheep have been given from the father to the son in a sovereign way.
When you and I came to know Christ, it's a testimony of God's sovereignty.
It's a testimony that you and I have been prepared and predestined to be the people of God, the foundations of the world.
Hallelujah. God's sovereignty is what separates him from all false gods.
And again, the lateness, the Arminianist, and all the other individuals that are denying God's sovereignty.
You have made your free will into an idol and it's shameful. Yeah. Let's read destroyed.
D provide. I'm not done. D destroyed, destroyed for unbelief.
all right. Destroyed for. So, yeah, so this will basically fall under, you know, people are not putting the hell for their sin.
They're putting to hell because they didn't believe in Jesus. I'm sure they go to grieving and Holy spirit on this one.
Right? Yeah. Yeah. So let's read it again. So destroyed for your unbelief.
Go ahead. I'm sorry. One at a time. Hey, Jack legs. I'm not reading now.
I'm not reading it either. My feelings are hurt. I can't do it. My feelings are hurt. It's not my fault.
It's my dyslexia. What do I got? Destroyed for unbelief and resisting the
Holy spirit's drawing to God's mercy will be the divine provision of justice.
You could thwart God's hand. If God doesn't intend to say, well, listen, if, if, if God intends to save you,
Jeff, you can say, Oh no, no, no, his hands coming. I'm like, yeah, yeah, you can't do that.
Yeah. It didn't work. So it didn't work out so well for Lazarus when he came out of the grave.
Just, just saying guys, this, these two last points, I'm just going to read eternal security.
Cause these go hand in hand with each other. Eternal security. If the divine provision that is the divine provision, that is everlasting for all true believers.
Time hammer, hammer, just hammer. So, so if you turn and have faith, so it's unbelief of sin, according to this document.
Yes. Yeah. Obviously because you're thrown into hail. So Christ paid for that sin.
Divine provision of justice, right? Divine provision applied to you, right? Yeah. Of justice.
Did Christ die? Did his vicarious atonement right here? Did his death die for all sin?
According to this, let's look at it. Well, right.
Yeah. It says, it says, uh, in his divine provision, given, uh, man, so small, uh, sufficient value for the, for the sins of the whole world and provides a way for anyone to be saved on the basis of Christ shed blood.
So, okay. There's a, there's a plethora of things. So a full on avalanche of crap and trash with this theology right here.
So I, I hope you're going right to the eternal security thing. Yes, I am. You can resist his will right here by not accepting
Christ's blood, covering your sins. And, and, and you were in judgment of, of divine provision of justice.
Now I'm judged based on my ability to resist God's hand. Now that I'm eternally secure because I've accepted it.
Now I'm going to change my mind because I've decided not to accept his grace any longer. I've had it with this
Jesus. I'm going to do away. I don't want him anymore. I'm an unbeliever.
I'm throwing away the grace, man. No way. This is bad, terrible stuff, guys.
so all resist. Oh my goodness. So all can resist. So to him, you know, the
Jesus dying for the sins. Uh, he didn't die for the sin of unbelief.
So he died for every sin, but unbelief. So when you, when you, when you're cast both body and soul into hell, it's just because you didn't believe.
It's not because you're a lion, thieving, adulterous, blasphemer, who is never obedient to your parents and who resist the worship of God.
I had nothing to do with it. That's because you just didn't believe in something that you had to be told because creation does not declare.
and, and if you go back to that debate, you have to receive faith. So that means that you can reject the faith that's given to you as a gift and you reject and you reject
Christ. And you could do that at any time then, right, Jeff? Absolutely. If you can do it at the beginning, then you can do it.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There is no security. Listen, there is no assurance of salvation.
If latent ism is true. That's right. There is no assurance. You ever heard of pietism?
Let's talk about theology of pulling yourself up by your bootstrap. That's right. That's climbing the rope and hanging yourself.
This, this movement is pietistic. It's dangerous. It's garbage.
It's trash. Be a part of it. And you're going to smell like it. Yeah. It's going to keep you from being an evangelist.
Like this guy talks about that. He was a part of an event, uh, the mission board evangelist or something like that at one time.
My dear friend. No. With this theology, you would not be allowed to come out with me witnessing.
No, absolutely not. No, I would say, get your own mind, find your own street.
And I'm going to come protest when you do. Yeah. Cause I guarantee you, my mic set and speakers are louder than yours.
I got my theology is better, but I guarantee you my mic set up louder.
You're, you're giving them, you're in his model. He's given people a, a, a false hope, a weak
Jesus who, who you can reject at any time that a salvation. That's not sufficient to save because you could reject it at any time.
You could, you can thwart God's will. You can thwart his hand. You could resist the Holy spirit. You can resist his calling.
You can believe and then not believe it's just, but that's the thing though.
So any, I go to hell only because of my unbelief timeout.
I was in unbelief before I had faith in Christ. Did Christ pay for that sin of unbelief?
I hope he did. I really hope he did. Or else guess what? Guess what? If Christ did not die for that sin,
I am going to be destroyed according to this text. Right? Yeah. If our own belief is not covered in the righteousness of Christ, Christ will,
God will see us as sinners and we'll be cast both body and soul into like a fire. Right?
This is the issue. This is where it's going to go into universalism very easily and slippery. Right? So if, if Christ died, which is where Anabaptist went, by the way, that's right.
That's right. Absolutely. And we're going to get into that in the coming future. So, so unbelief, sin,
Christ died for it. When I had faith in him, according to this documents, right? Why?
If, if Christ's death was sufficient for all, and he died for all sins of all people, everyone, everywhere, in any time, what about their unbelief?
Yeah. Did Christ not die for their sins for unbelief and only mine for them for unbelief. And not only that, how many believers do we know supposed believers that then turn their back on God?
Anathema ties. Yeah. Are you saying that God shows favor that he's going to die for your unbelief, but not for my unbelief.
He's going to die for his sheep. So think about this.
They talk about God is that we make God unfair. All right. So for the
Christian, they're saying that God died for their, that Christ died for their unbelief, but for the unbeliever,
Christ did not die for their unbelief. Well, that's just not right. That's not fair.
Right? Like none of this makes sense. It doesn't. I mean, seriously,
Jason, how can you listen to this show and watch us go through every single one of these points and still remain where you are, which he's not going to hold to E.
He's not going to hold the E, but how could latent flowers or any blatant hold to this? Right.
So by including a point of Calvinism, by being an inconsistent one point
Calvinist, you have completely undone scripture itself has rejected each one of these points.
That's fine. Yeah. However, yeah. Eternal security has completely raced all the previous points.
It's a very inconsistent doc document, man. I really wish that because I'm going to be honest with you.
I like Jason. Yeah, absolutely. I really wished he would take the time to study
Baptist covenant theology. And if he disagrees with it, I would love nothing more than to have that debate on Baptist covenant theology.
Cause cause right now as it stands, he really doesn't have a foundation. Yeah. Like, like he really doesn't have a foundation and I would love nothing more.
Listen, I think that we should be praying, praying that Jason would dive in deeper to something like this.
I would love nothing more than to just have a, the vital conversation.
Can you imagine if he actually just, just came in and God opened his eyes to this and he'd be preaching at the next conference?
Absolutely. Here's the thing, like Baptist covenant theology changed everything for me.
Yeah. Like you can take me to any scripture in the Bible and I know how to interpret it.
Because of my foundation, my foundation that I have in scripture.
Like, I know, you know, like, like when he says, he says, well,
I used to be where you are and I would be still. No, brother, you've never been where I am.
You don't have a, he doesn't know what he believes to start in the end times or anything like that.
Yeah. I would say that it was very clear that, that he, he thought that you guys were in the same camp before he changed.
It was very clear in that debate that he did not ever believe or know any of the positions that you hold to Jeff, that we hold to the three of us.
Yeah. This is the issue with dis.
So this, he was holding to a much more dispensational Calvinism and that's just what it was.
Yeah. Well, he made the argument that there's many different flavors of Calvinism. No, Calvinism has five points.
Right. All right. However, we Calvinism is not our foundation for, for no idea.
I just start that much as like, yes, Calvinism.
Calvinism is not the foundation of our interpretation. Calvinism is just a tool in the belt. When you have reformed theology, right?
Our foundation is Baptist covenant, theology, and then
Baptist covenant, theology. We have a law and gospel distinction. We have Calvinism.
So depending on the subject that's being brought up, we have tools, the theological tool, a framework that we're able to, to use, to build this house of theology that we have.
And I'm unapologetic when it comes to it. Like I admit these things, however, and because I have this framework that I do have, and I think it's the best framework.
I can answer any question you have when it comes to a text because I have that foundation.
Yep. Hey, so just real fast popped up on screen for a moment. So what we are going to be doing in upcoming parts.
So we've gone through all the things. We'll refer back to them in future shows, but this is what everybody that's still able to, that's still watching right now.
This is what you got to look forward to. We fixed it. Right. Fixed.
I don't have it up here yet because we're going to go through each one of these points and fix them. But look, it's going to be latent as I'm fixed.
According to open air theology, God's love and provision. According to the scriptures.
Amen. And then we bring this back up. You're going to see all these, all this provision.
I mean, I mean, this word provide is going to have a different framework and it's going to be beautiful.
It's going to be one that every one of us. Should I just pop it up? At least those who are on here right now.
Give him a flat. No, because I give him a flash. I can give him, I can give it a little flashier. Okay.
Give him a flat. Let them do. Don't look everyone. All right. Now take it off.
Take it off. Take it off. Oh, very good.
Well, everybody, we hope y 'all enjoy the show tonight. We, we, we went a little over, but to me, it's not a little over.
I'm kind of like a Joe Rogan kind of guy. Let's four hours. This baby, you know what I'm saying? We've got some babies up in here.
People that have to get a good night's sleep. Or, you know, good time speaking to the guy down here.
Yeah. But any last words from you guys? Y 'all are meanies.
Thank you guys for watching. It was a, it was a blessing to be able to go through these points. You know, it's, you know,
I, I really truly do pray that, that Jason would come late as well.
And, and Leighton, all you guys that were, you know, commenting on, on the, the last interview that we did.
We do believe that you guys are brothers. And, you know, if we make fun of you a little bit, you know, you'd be all right.
We make fun of each other. Yeah, we do, but no, really. I mean, I, I, I honestly cannot see going through every one of those points, the way we did tonight.
And you guys still hold the position you hold. And I really truly do pray that God would open your eyes and see, see who he is and see how he saves us because it's all, all the glory goes to him that we don't contribute at all to our salvation.
Right. And any last words, brother love the lateness, love the provisionist, love those that are in the body of Christ.
However, this theology is incorrect. It's not coherent with the word of God, nor the character of God.
It idolizes oneself rather than boasting in the Lord. It is dangerous because of that.
It's dangerous. You are destroyed. Not because of unbelief, but because you have sin and the wage of sin is death.
You are saved because Christ died for you. And no one in hell is in hell.
That Christ died for. That's right. We are held responsible to our sin and accountable to such.
We, outside of Christ and the work of the Holy spirit will respond accordingly to those natures and vices, which is that of hating
God and enemies to him. That's right. We are in need of, of God to work.
And that's just the, that's just the end of the story. You, you, Jason said it in the debate.
Ephesians two, the word dead only means hurting or in pain, not actual neck cross, not actual death.
You are putting up so many hoops and mental gymnastics that you were trying to jump through to deny
God's sovereignty. And look at the end of the day, I believe in the sufficiency of scripture and I don't feel the need to make an excuse for what
God has revealed. And God has revealed himself so clearly that we can say that God is sovereign.
And I'm sorry that you don't like that. Amen. Yeah. Again, thanks everybody for checking us out and remember, we'll be back next
Sunday night and we're going to try to continue this. And, and also once we get done with this series that we're doing, if you have any ideas for us that you would like for us to talk about, please shoot us a message and we'll get to studying those things.
And like in the, in the very beginning, if you haven't checked out my new single pimps and prostitutes, please check that out.
Just look under Southie pimps and prostitutes. I'll go to my Facebook page. And if you're ever in Tallahoma, Tennessee, please come check us out and let me not forget next year's conference war.
Baby, you want to get a war? I'll take it to war. You know what I'm saying? Okay. All right.
So please come buy a ticket, come hang out with us, come fellowship with us. It's going to be one heck of a time.
I tell you what, listen, we've never had one person to come to this conference and regret it coming.
That's right. Everyone that comes to this conference loves it.
Cause it's the best thing happening. Okay. Come check it out. Hang out. You'll be able to hang out with the speakers.
Like, like it's such an amazing time. But other than that, hallelujah.