Sunday Night Bible Study - Ephesus Chapter 1, Verse 11


Sunday Night Bible Study - Ephesus Chapter 1, Verse 11


Good evening and welcome to sunday night bible study with pastor. Josiah shipley of witton baptist church This will be a very short video.
We finished our series on the book of revelation last week. Yes And uh really happy about that gonna move on to a different series soon
I'm supposed to start the um Feast the festivals mentioned in the new testament first start a series on that real soon um
But we kind of have a buffer week um So what i'd like to do because I believe next week is memorial day picnic
So I probably will not be doing a video because i'll probably be helping doing that preach the sermon that should have aired this morning um on john 11
When jesus raising lazarus from the dead And in that sermon
I noted something I never noticed before In verse Five and six in john 11
It says that jesus loved Martha mary and lazarus, so he waited two days before he went and healed them that Probably catches some people as strange if he loved them.
Why did he run over there and heal lazarus? Well, it's because even in their suffering and grieving jesus had a greater purpose and he loved them so much
That he waited two days So lazarus would die and everyone would know he was dead and even through all the grieving and the pain and struggles
He could come and raise him and they would come to believe So his ultimate love even though they couldn't see it at the time
Went out in the end and I noted a verse in that sermon ephesians 1 11 I just want to speak y 'all for a few minutes about this verse
So i'm going to read to you ephesians 1 i'm actually going to read to you Chapter 1 verses 1 through 11 and then we'll talk about verse 11 for just a little bit and then we'll be done
So ephesians chapter 1 verses 1 through 11 Paul an apostle of christ jesus by the will of god
To the saints who are in emphasis In our faithful in christ. Jesus grace to you and peace from god our father in the lord.
Jesus christ By the way, verse one. Why is paul an apostle by the will of god?
Verse three blessed be the god and father of our lord. Jesus christ who has blessed us in christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places
Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless before him
In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through christ. Jesus According to the purpose of his will to the praise of his glorious grace with which he favored us in the beloved
In him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace
Which he lavished upon us with all wisdom and insight Making known to us the mystery of his will according to his purpose
Which he set forth in christ as a plan for the filledness of time Fullness of time to unite all things in him things in heaven and things on earth verse 11 listen christian
In him we have attained an inheritance Having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will one more time
In him we have maintained an inheritance having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things
According to the counsel of his will if you listen to that sermon this morning, you know, I repeated this verse a couple times he works
All things according to the counsel of his will Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a fallen world
And just like I mentioned this morning the reason lazarus died is because he was sick But there's even a greater purpose behind that See the purpose of sin and death in this fallen world that's cursed because of our sin
His death But god's purpose will always win out in the end
His greater purpose. That's why in genesis 50 20. It says when they intended for evil god intended for good same event
Joseph being sold in slavery They intended for evil, but god intended it for good God didn't just react like oh,
I didn't see that coming when we come up with a plan. He had always intended planned It for good
God's purpose is always loving and pure God works all things
According to the counsel of his will it doesn't say he responds But he has a purpose even before any of that ever happened
He has a purpose before he ever said let there be and his purpose will win out in the end We just have to trust there is a plan even though we can't see it right now
And like I said this morning Even though mary and martha couldn't see the plan jesus was doing and waiting for two days
Their job even though they didn't do a good job at it was to trust he had one and obey in the meantime
He works all things according to account of his will christian be encouraged at this that all things means all things
What about things in your life does that count as all things? As I said this morning, yes, it does things in the past present future things in other people's lives things in nations lives things in Regions lives things in the spiritual world the physical world.
He works all things according to the counsel of his will We serve that mighty of a god who works all things according to the counsel of his will and not ours
So I just wanted to emphasize what I had already said this morning It's his will not ours we just have to trust in his over ours
Trust that he's working all things according to counsel as well. So what do we do with that? We obey
Trust him because trusting him is obeying him Trusting him is obeying him trust is believing and thus acting that something outside of your control is true regardless of how you feel
That short little word is what I wanted to leave you with tonight. I love you all very much and Stay tuned for more videos as always like and subscribe whitten media ministries on youtube