Week 11 of a 12 week course on the Doctrines of Grace. DIFFICULTY PASSAGES This class is part of Twelve 5 Church Doctrinal Training. We offer different courses that can be attended in person every Wednesday @ 6:30PM. This is for the purpose of equipping the Saints for the work of ministry. This class is designed to be interactive, that is why we have attached a PDF link to the curriculum and the appendix for the required reading each week. This material was designed and written by Dr. RA Hargrave (revised by Nathan Hargrave) It was originally used at Riverbend Community Church in Ormond Beach, Florida for their Riverbend Bible Institute. Twelve 5 Church now continues that kingdom work on the shoulders of the Saints before. Link to Dr. R.A. Hargrave's Ministry: Riverbend Community Church: We pray that it is a blessing and supplement to those who are not able to attend in person. Curriculum PDF link: Appendix PDF link: Pastoral Recommended Reading: Charles H. Spurgeon: Advice for seekers The power of prayer and a believers life The soul winner The joy and praising The fullness of joy Spurgeon vs. hyper calvinism John Gerstner: The radical biblical theology of Jonathan Edwards R.B. Kuiper: God centered evangelism Martin Luther: The bondage of the will Jonathan Edwards: The freedom of the will Jim Scott Orrick: Mere Calvinism John Piper: Desiring God Let the nations be glad God’s passion for his glory John MacArthur: The gospel according to Jesus The love of God R.C. Sproul: The holiness of God Chosen by God Grace unknown What is reformed theology? J.I. Packer: Knowing God Iain Murray: Evangelism divided The forgotten Spurgeon Arthur W. pink: The sovereignty of God The attributes of God




Well page 85 85 before we jump into some of the the difficult passages we see there a is
We can see a fact difficult passages can be found Against any doctrine.
We all know this to be true. Don't we any doctrine that you?
See in the Christian faith always has some level of objection to it
We have some examples there. You see the doctrine of the Trinity If you ever had had a discussion with somebody that denies that God is three in one
They have text that they go to things like John 14 28 because I am going to the father for the father is greater than I They go to text like that and it becomes confusing.
So there's a problem text We eternal security the believer we talked about that a couple weeks ago about you know, the
Baptist Interpretation of once saved always saved you can live however you want and you're always good and you're covered
You've got your heavenly insurance card whereas we would call it perseverance of the Saints if you truly have been regenerated you will truly persevere because You'll be preserved by the
Holy Spirit. And so you'll live out that life, but the eternal security the believer That's a hard one.
They go to places like Hebrews 6 right there And I think it's verse 5 and and then have fallen away, you know texts like this
Matthew 24 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved Well, we we have problem text, right?
So people will throw things at the doctrines of grace and say well, there's problem text So it must not be true.
Well There's problem text with everything salvation by faith alone James everybody likes to go to James and say it's not by faith alone.
It's faith plus works See James says it himself So, how do we combat against?
inaccurate interpretations of Scripture when it deals with doctrine specifically for our subject tonight, which is the doctrines of grace
How do we approach them? Well the next page you can see there be principles of Interpretation which guard against faulty theology.
This is also called Hermeneutics and by the way for those of you that enjoy doctrinal training on Wednesday nights next year.
We're hoping to introduce a Introduction to hermeneutics. It's how to study scripture, but here's just a little bit of a taste
That you hopefully will see here Most of these things you will already know because we teach this stuff all the time, but number one studying the historical
Right, we're dealing with the culture the setting the recipients. You see scripture wasn't written
Your scripture was written at a very specific time in history
Every bit of scripture was written at a certain time in history, wasn't it? Times were worldview were norms and understandings
They were very different from our current understanding of the world
And so we have to go back to how the original readers would have understood
What the writer was saying in that particular time
Lots and lots of bad interpretations due to interpreting the writings the clear the perspicuity of scripture the the clear scriptures that are written interpreting through our cultural lens
Leads to bad interpretation, right? You guys already know this, right?
Number two understanding literature style, okay, a
Lot of times people don't realize that you can't read you can't read Ephesians in the same way that you read the
Psalms In the same way that you read Acts You have differing types.
You have some poetry over here. You have prose over here Anybody know what prose are in language, right?
It's uh, it's it's like a written language It's written down in the form of natural speech so so for example
It would be like me if we go back to the historical and the cultural it'd be like me traveling in time 500 years back to Old English seeing a guy on a horse and buggy and going yo that ride is dope
That guy has no context for what I'm saying. He's gonna be like that was say it's what to me, you know
And it's gonna be a bad situation. Well, we have to deal with language here We have we have narrative things like the
Gospels and the book of Acts. We can't we don't build Doctrine upon the book of Acts we see doctrine
Embedded in the book of Acts, but we don't build a doctrine based upon it We build doctrine based on didactic teaching things like Ephesians Philippians Colossians understand
It's kind of it's a language we have to take this into account. All right, so number three the contextual setting
Statements can easily be taken out of context the contextual setting this um there's kind of a 10 ,000 foot flyover view of scripture that you need and Then there's a zooming into scripture that you need you see the broader context up here.
What is that? That's the Bible the whole But the all of Scripture, okay, and it's what we would refer to as a biblical theology
Right if you go and you try and read Exodus Outside of understanding that Jesus is there and it's about Jesus Well, you're gonna miss the whole point of Exodus You're not understanding the bigger picture of a biblical theology
But then you need in the immediate context and that is that particular passage.
Okay, this is important because sometimes we go to passages like the ones we just referred to a moment ago that are difficult to understand and We can't build a entire idea around that Passage that seems to now contradict the bigger picture of the whole
We must interpret those texts based on the whole because scripture never contradicts itself
It's always congruent. It's always consistent. And so that passage will never James is by no means contradicting
Paul Because both are inspired by the very same Holy Spirit to write a consistent thing.
So we have to understand James writings based upon the whole of Scripture and then interpret the passage based on that Everyone with me so far told you we're getting a little bit of an introduction to hermeneutics here for The language of the writer.
This is very similar to the literature and then the historical but it's important for us to See it like this.
We have Some the Old Testament is originally in Hebrew and then we have in Greek in the
New Testament Now we have the Septuagint that's all in Greek, but there there is no shortage of terrible interpretations because people think
The King James Bible was penned in Old English by the Apostle Paul. You know what
I'm talking about It's like that crazy IFB pastor as a matter of fact, I've got a little clip you think people don't think like this
Like you go pastors aren't out there thinking like this. I want you to watch this clip Y 'all ever seen this before I'd sit play
Okay, everybody's got a listen. It's coming from the TV's Amen, I can take this book and correct the
Greek That the that's a man standing in a pulpit Trying to teach people how to understand the
Bible now, that's an extreme Independent fundamentalist Baptist perspective right the
King James only perspective, but it bleeds into our world We start reading the
English translation of the scriptures if you've been through our membership covenant our membership class you'll probably remember us talking a little bit about We believe in our statement of faith says we believe that the original
Manuscripts are the inspired Word of God You and I Have translated copies of that Okay, and so we have what we don't think like that We're we're more biblicist in our culture nowadays, and we don't understand this idea, but we have to understand structure we have to understand syntax and word usage and vocabulary and all that goes
Along with that and you say well pastor. How can anybody know the scriptures? How can any of us read?
I don't read Greek I don't read how many of us in here are Greek or Hebrew scholars None of us right how many of us are doctorate -level historians
Ayla How about experts in literature particularly ancient his lecture literature?
But then we have this American idea that it's it's me my Bible under a tree. I Have the same
Holy Spirit within me that everybody else does so I can understand all of it And there is most certainly an element of that You can gain knowledge of the gospel as a
Five year old child that has the mental capacity to set and hear the truth at its most fundamental level
Okay Ella I've said it before theologians say scripture is living and active.
It's like a swimming pool It's shallow enough for a young believer to wade in it, and it's deep enough for the most seasoned theologian to drown
And so yes, we can understand all of the basic principles from just reading our
English translation But here's the thing we need the body Christian Christianity's become
Individualistic it's like I I can just study my scripture No, Paul said that that King Jesus gave the
Apostles prophets evangelists shepherd teachers to equip the
Saints We need historians Godly historians we need language guys
We need the body the universal body so that we can actually truly interpret that the depths of God's Word right so we have to be careful and approaching difficult passages
Because of that very thing all right, we'll skip over that see the debate over The invitation passages
I do not have a ton of time to deal with these you can kind of scroll through them You know Isaiah 55 you see this word come everyone who thirsts come to the waters come by wine and milk
Incline your ear and come to me here that your soul may live next page
Matthew 11 28 Jesus has come to me all who labor and are heavy laden John 4 13
Jesus said to her everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again
But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again that that person drink, right?
John 12 46 I have come into the world as light so that whoever here's the here's the whosoever passages, right?
Just like John 3 16, but whoever believes in me Revelation 22 17 the
Spirit and the Bride say come There there are passages in here that are invitation passages
That's very true. We need to be able to interpret them properly Let's see here already given the biblical examples.
Let's look at number two there on page 88 Theological agreement
Okay, who's gonna help us understand those? Yes I didn't put it in.
Sorry, babe Didn't fit. Sorry My wife loves
RC Sproul and I had a quote I had a clip from him. I was gonna play but I didn't put it in He tricked you sorry, babe, we'll watch it together later
Theological agreement, okay, we have agreement with all of our brothers, right? Okay, the the whosoever passages extend a legitimate invitation to the lost
All who will come to Christ will be saved
Man is fully responsible before God concerning this matter
I'll leave it on the screen here as y 'all write that in but You see this is an agreement that we have with all of our brothers that would differ in theological
Persuasion and some of these matters with us as we say, okay when Scripture says whosoever this is a legitimate invitation all who will the whosoever all of that whosoever that will and that man is fully responsible before God Concerning this matter of this call of the whosoever
Right everybody on the same page here. We all agree This is this is theological agreement now, let's deal with some theological
Disagreement on these whosoever passages, okay theological disagreement the ability of man to come to Christ now
You all remember at the beginning the Arminian Interpretation. Can somebody tell me what is Arminianism?
Well, they wouldn't like to say that But yes Oh, yes
To enlighten the heart of the believer. That's right The synergism right where man and God are working together
Sometimes it's just easier to say anything. That's not Calvinistic is
Arminian, but that's not really the case That's not technically accurate, but a lot of people use it in that way But let's say for the sake of what we're talking about here.
We have the Arminian view man possesses the moral ability to come to God This is one of the theological disagreements
Man possesses the moral ability to come to God So, okay
So to some that may sound fine. That's okay. Well, I get that well, if you've been with us in total depravity, we got a problem, but Nevertheless, we what do we think of the
Calvinist view? Man does not possess the moral. I made it easy. You just have to write in the same word
Man does not possess the moral ability to come to God. Why is that because man is totally depraved
He stinketh man is dead in his trespasses in his sins. We've covered that extensively
Okay, man is not morally capable. Now. Do you remember last week if you're with us last week you remember?
It's not that we can't come to Christ in our natural ability Okay It's that we won't with our moral ability
God is not putting physical walls and physical barriers between you and him to be able to be like over there banging on the wall going
I want through God I need through I want through but you won't let me that's not Calvinism in any way.
It's that man does not have the moral ability We have a quote here from the 1689
London Baptist Confession You see there in the box man by his fall into a state of sin hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation
And then we've got a few passages down here that we've referenced Romans 5 6 where we're still weak the right time
Christ died for the ungodly Romans 8 7 for the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God for it does not submit to God's law
Indeed it it cannot and then the next page you see from Ephesians and Titus and John 644 where Jesus says no one can come to me unless the father who draws draws him
It's pretty obvious right no one can no one has the moral ability to The desire of man to come to Christ who so ever will
So that's how we would interpret these whosoever passages, they're very easy for us I love it when people meet me and they go you're
Calvinist like John 3 16 boom done. I'm like, oh, yeah.
I love John 3 16. Yeah, whoever wills. That's that's a great passage You know cuts to love the world whoever whoever believes it's like yes,
I get it I love the passage, but they don't understand they can't connect it But you can see we we have a definition of what we're actually talking about here.
Look down at the bottom of 89 We have Philippians 2 13 or 12 and 13 at the at the end of 13
It's that beautiful passage says for it is God who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure
All right Next page page 90. I got a move here D the debate over who
God wills To be saved. This is a discussion here. Who does
God will to be saved? so now we've we've Defined with the distinction between our interpretation of whosoever where the one side says well man has the moral ability
So it's an open -ended whosoever and we say man does not have the moral ability So it's a it's not an open -ended whosoever
It is an open -ended invitation, but the whosoever a very specific group who have now been given the moral ability
So that is a big distinction But the debate over who God wills to be saved look at Matthew 23 37 there and you're in your curriculum
Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem Jesus saying the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it
How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings and you were not?
Willing This is one of the go -to texts we're actually gonna deal with this text here in just a few moments
This is one of the one of the the text that that they'll say well
It just seems like man just man has that choice. God is giving man a choice
Anybody ever heard of Norman Geisler? Norman Geisler wrote a book chosen but free and he felt like that's this is the silver bullet against Against the doctrines of grace and it has been thoroughly dismantled to the nth degree
But in chosen but free Geisler talking about this this text it affirms emphatically that Jesus Desired to bring the
Jews who rejected him into the fold But could not because they would not so here's
Jesus the creator of all things Who desires something deeply and it can't happen because the creature
Decides it's not gonna happen Okay, I want you to understand that. Okay? He cried
Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her how often
I wanted to gather Your children together. It's the passage there in a week, but you were not willing He says God's grace is not irresistible on those who are unwilling that's true if if God's grace was irresistible you and I would all have have resisted it and Would continue to do so that's right because we're dead in our trespass since we we we are darkness
We don't just walk in darkness. We were darkness. All right, but this is Geisler's position
So clarification right under that the reformed view of irresistible grace does not deny
Okay, it doesn't deny the reality of people resisting the grace of God We got to define what we mean here
It however refers to the elect of God who had been regenerated by his spirit to see the truth
This is a blatant misrepresentation of the reformed view by Geisler He's fundamentally
Misunderstanding what we mean by irresistible grace when we say that the grace of Jesus that true call of Jesus is
Irresistible. It's because he is breathing new life into us. He is regenerated the Holy Spirit is regenerated as he is drawing us to himself and then we we will not resist that because we see the goodness and the grace of God, but Here's the fact do many people out there reject
God's direct commands You betcha So do you a lot of times?
so is the grace of God irresistible He's showing he's showing some level of grace to the world
There the rain falls on the just and the unjust out there. They wake up and breathe. They have children
They receive good graces at some level so we can't be talking about The fact that Jesus is just hateful towards all of his creation at all times
He shows a good merciful grace, but when we're speaking of an irresistible grace, we're speaking of a irrevocable grace
That is specifically given and directed to his elect You understand that?
That's why we need to we we need to define our terms the Arminian view of this passage
Jesus wants to save the Jews to whom or about whom he was speaking in the passage, right?
We've already covered that That's what Geisler's point was number two Though this was
Christ's desire. He could not fulfill his desire Number three Christ could not bring those Jews into the fold because they would not okay.
Here's our conclusion I want to see a conclusion here God's grace that now y 'all know me.
I always want to follow the logical conclusion. Okay? So I want to be careful. I know I know y 'all would say well, that's not what they mean
It's what the logical ramifications of what they mean are
Taking place Does everyone understand what I mean when I say that? It would sometimes when you're in a debate like you see
Pastor Jeremiah and Pastor Jeremiah goes Well, if that's true, then this and this and this is true and the person's like but that's not what
I'm saying I Know that's not what you're saying. You're just missing the logical ramifications of what you are saying
So this is what this is the conclusion God's grace is dependent upon the will of man
If a man is willing God's grace will prevail but grace cannot change the will of man
That is the logical outcome of that position is it not Open theism.
Yeah, that's that's the most logical conclusion in the next page
We have the reformed view of this passage. Let's think about this. Let's talk about this passage
We have the context This passage it comes in the midst of the proclamation of judgment upon the leaders of the
Jews There in Matthew 23 before this You see the seven woes to the
Scribes and the Pharisees Or Jesus remember the phrasing it's just like the scathing like but woe to you hypocrites
Woe to you blind guides and he just keeps repeating these phrases over and over again
And it contains this strong denunciation of the of the Scribes and Pharisees and and one of the strongest in all the
Gospels So we we have fact number two Okay fact now that's fact number one fact number two
Who then is? Jerusalem who's
Jesus talking about here? See our minions claim. It represents individual
Jews That Jesus is speaking of Individuals in in this phrase however, we would say
Jerusalem here in quotes of what Jesus run to here. It seems to refer to the official leaders of Jerusalem we have
This observation here. It is to the leaders that God sent prophets
Okay It was the Jewish leaders who killed the prophets and those sent to them
Jesus speaks of your children there and in that passage in 23 verse 37 that we that we read here
How often I would have gathered your children together as a hen and he speaks of your children
Differentiating those to whom he is speaking from those that the Lord desires to gather together
You get that you see that right? He's he's making a distinction. He can't be speaking of individuals here
The context refers to the Jewish leaders scribes and Pharisees There's a conclusion here
If you're underline and writing in your in your book there you can highlight some sections of this so we can kind of get our brains
Wrapped around it But at this conclusion here Jesus was not seeking to gather the ones to whom he was speaking but their children
You can underline but their children You're not seeking to gather the ones to whom he was speaking the scribes and the
Pharisees the religious leaders He's speaking of their children The children of the leaders would be
Jews who were hindered by the Jewish leaders from hearing Christ When Jesus says but you would not he refers to the leaders who were unwilling to do what?
To allow those under their authority to hear the proclamation of Christ You see how we're we're beginning to put ourselves in the historical context
We're beginning to understand kind of kind of the the dynamics around this text to be able to understand
This verse 13 in chapter 23 speaks of the same thing But woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men
Hmm That's the that's the the background of him getting ready to say that that that that passage the phrase in the passage
That we're talking about For you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in?
He's speaking to the religious leaders and he's speaking of the people John Gill commenting on this passage said
That the persons whom Christ would have gathered are not represented as being unwilling to be gathered
Okay, this is not representing the people to be unwilling to be gathered, but their rulers were not willing that they should
If you want to do further study on Geisler's response to all of this. I would encourage you to check out the potter's freedom by dr.
James White Excellent. Excellent response to the to chosen but free.
It's the potter's freedom by dr. James White You can dive in a little bit more You see when we start to look at context and history with those those problem passages start to to explain themselves
And you begin to see well, you can't look at that text in isolation. You must see it in the bigger picture
You must use hermeneutics 1st Timothy 2 3 & 4
This is good and is pleasing the sight of God our Savior who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth
Here's another one, right? That one gets thrown thrown at me quite a bit Again and chosen but free
Geisler articulates the classic Arminian response to these verses God's will is for the salvation of all but man's free will
Obviously thwarts that purpose. That's what it boils down to.
That's right. That's a hundred percent, right? Let's look at three facts must be considered here.
Okay? Okay, God work now before I say this
This is why Context is important And then we talked about how you were to zoom out and see the whole of the
Bible see the whole of Scripture And then zoom into a passage. Okay, this this is where that'll start to stand out
Okay, we begin to see clear text in light of maybe not so clear text God works all things according to the counsel of his will
That's there in Ephesians 1 11 right and he says in him we've obtained an inheritance.
Hey, we've been predestined According to the purpose of him who works all things according the counsel of his will
The next one is Jesus prayed for those whom the father
Gave him there. We saw that in John 17 9, right?
I'm praying. I'm praying for them I'm not praying for the world, but for those whom you have given me for they are yours and thirdly
God's purpose You sir are supersedes man's will
God's purpose supersedes man's will Romans 9 15 and 16
Y 'all know the text, right? for For he says to Moses I will have mercy on whom
I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion so then it it it depends not on human will or exertion but on God who shows mercy
God who it has a mercy. So let's look here
At some contextual understanding of 1st Timothy 2 and this will help us kind of break this down We've got we got a few minutes we can spend on this number one
There and I think this is this is verse one here First of all, then
I urge that supplications prayers intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all
People that's very unambiguous, isn't it?
Is this a command to? to literally pray for each individual person by name
If you can well, that's wonderful, but that's not what he's getting at here You're talking about every single city and in the whole of the planet you pray for every person because all is all
Okay, we got to be careful with that verse 2 for Kings He explains it for Kings and all who are in high position that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life
Godly and dignified in every way in other words all sorts of men
It can't mean every individual But all sorts of men the small the great the the rich and the poor the powerful the wise the unwise pray for all sorts of men
The reason for this instruction. Why did why did Paul say this the early church was persecuted?
by their leaders And we think we're persecuted by her leaders and they give us tax exemption let us meet where we want to meet
They're persecuted by their leaders those who were in positions of power and authority Paul Paul's command was was
Needful in such a time for this this particular environment that he's writing this letter because hatred for those persecuting authorities would be prominent and So these people would pray for each other
They would even pray maybe for their neighbor next door that may be in a believer, but is maybe struggling
Financially struggling to take care of their family and all that they pray for them and they're and they're like they're looking at the the the
Higher -up people with all the wealth and all the money that are persecuting them. They're like, yeah, forget them. That's Paul's purpose
That's why he says pray for all people You pray for all types of people
Everyone's the spirit leads you to pray for no matter where they are who they are pray for your enemies
Pray for those that persecute you, right? He says verse 3 this is good and it is pleasing in the sight of God our
Savior The these classes of men are referred to in this passage is and it's verily it's clearly evident
Just as John had seen future events the the bringing together of the redeemed and they sang a new song saying worthy is he to Take the scroll and to open its seals
For you were slain and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe
Nation and tongue. It's not every individual from every tribe nation and tongue
But there is an elect from every tribe nation and tongue. That's all peoples Paul's encouraging
Timothy to pray and witness to all people Paul made no distinction between men of all types as his preaching his prayer
He says that there is neither Jew nor Greek There is neither slave nor free male or female for they're all one in Christ We talked about that in our
God's design for the family when we walked through Ephesians Remember that we can't take passages like this and go well
There's no neither male nor female and there must be no roles like throw that out. Well, that wasn't Paul's intention
That's not his purpose of saying that he's saying that there is is no distinction in God's love for specific people that are elect of all people groups
From every background from every position from every gender every gender both genders
To be clear these days. That's weird This is why historical context is important, right this is very very important We have to be able to read scripture and go this is what's going on in the context
Which then allows us to interpret that difficult passage Well, look at the next page the following context of 1st
Timothy 2 and verses 5 through 7 For there is one God and there is one mediator between God and man
The man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all Guys it's in your it's in your book.
You can read it there. I want you to look at it Put your heads down to your books. Look look at that text, right? Who gave himself as a ransom for all that Again, all means all right, which is the testimony given at the proper time for this
I was appointed a preacher and an apostle. I am telling the truth I'm not lying a teacher of the
Gentiles and faith and truth. Christ is not the mediator for every man without exception
If he was every man without exception would be redeemed We've talked about this extensively guys
If this passage if the all means all and that's every individual then Christ has paid for every single individual and if he has then every single individual will go to heaven that means
Hitler that means Stalin would think of the most evil men you've ever known even if they didn't repent
They're covered because Christ is their mediator if all is all and every individual
Jesus qualified his ransom, didn't he? Look down there at Mark 10 45
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for all
So what Jesus said? You are looking at your books, huh?
What's it say a ransom for many This is that's
Jesus words again, we have to look at the whole of Scripture. What does Jesus mean here? John 10 10 15 justice the father knows me and I know the father and I lay down my life for the sheep
Who were the sheep? The elect they're his they're his sheep
He's not laying his life down for other sheep. I Lay my life down for the sheep
Second Peter 3 9 the Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you
Not wishing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance
There's another text isn't there told you we're gonna deal with a handful of texts. I think we're getting to three tonight
But we see there second Peter 3 9 is a common one used against these doctrines
Misunderstood wishing he's not wishing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance again, if that all is all and and that any is is is everyone every individual that's ever been created will
Well, man, we got a problem with our theology guys So let's look at it.
Let's look at some contextual understanding look back at verse 1 there. We have it in our notes here This is now the second letter that I am writing to you beloved
Okay Scroll down past that text. I'm not gonna read the whole text I want I want you guys to kind of look at this
I was gonna Spend a little bit of time and let y 'all do a little bit of homework and kind of figure this out on your own
But we're gonna walk through it together. Okay? And we want to identify the ones to whom
Peter was writing. This is gonna help us understand this particular verse. Okay? So who is
Peter writing this letter to back in verse 1? Who? the beloved right
This is who he's writing this letter to this is who this particular phrase is aimed at is the beloved
Who are the beloved? believers Okay No, this helps us start to lay the groundwork contextually.
Okay, so he's identifying whom Peter was writing to so He's writing this letter to the beloved
Does he just does Peter or Paul or any of the New Testament writers do they ever call them believers beloved
They call all professing believers beloved Nobody else.
Okay So now we have another word in here in our text But is patient toward you
Okay, we need to identify. Who is this? It is patient towards you who's the you here who's he speaking to Believers The context just got easy
He's he's not he's not saying towards towards anyone is saying you Specifically the people he's writing to who he's already called the beloved very simple
And we see a second phrase in there all Any and all
Who are the any? And he should perish he's not wishing any should perish but that all should reach repentance.
Who's the any and the all? Believers That's the point is he's saying he's talking specifically to believers now.
You're saying well, what does that answer pastor? I feel like you're kind of reaching on maybe the any and the all
How do you know this? Well, let's look at the topic of the text. Okay, what's the topic of this text?
Anybody can anybody tell me? I'll give you a cue a cue you can find it kind of there in verse 7
It's actually all the way through you can see it all the way through but verse verses 7 through 9 really
Into the world, right? Yep. That's right. The second coming of Jesus You can even see it there in verse 3 knowing this first that all that First of all that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing
Following their own sinful desires. They will say where is the promise of his coming?
This is the topic this is the the context of what Paul is
Or what Peter is writing here, right? so then thirdly the point of the text
What's the point of the text? We have three separate things here that we can kind of see that give us a better understanding
If we take the the you and the beloved and the any and the all and we all lump those in to say those are
Believers, how do we come to that conclusion based off of the context of the meaning of this being the final days?
Okay Let's walk through this together verse 7 so but by the same word the heavens and the earth that now exists are stored up for fire being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly
Okay, the ungodly will be judged, right? Well, that's interesting
I thought all were represented by Christ and that all are going to heaven There's there's ungodly that are gonna be judged secondly
Actually, yeah, so we already read we already read that and not that one. Let's take a look the judgment. Okay?
I'll put my glasses on to see I keep skipping notes Verse 8 but do not overlook this one fact beloved that with the
Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand Years as one day people misunderstand this
They they go. Well, well, maybe the six days in creation. Maybe those are a thousand years each and they take this text
Well, that's out of context, but whatever we can have that conversation But the point I think that that's being made here is don't put a timetable on God Because remember they're asking
When's when's this gonna be when's the day of the Lord? When's he when's he gonna return? When's this coming? He hadn't come yet.
When's he coming? And and Peter saying don't don't be putting no timeline on God here
This is the context of the flow of this thought isn't it? And thirdly just as we said a moment ago, the
Lord is coming Verse 9 the Lord is not slow to fulfill his promises as some count slowness
But as patient towards you is elect Now I added that in there.
Okay, be careful adding to Scripture. I'm just showing you in context Towards you not wishing that any his elect should perish but that all his elect should reach repentance
What's Peter's purpose in this particular text in this verse God's elect will be saved before he returns and don't listen to the scoffers.
That's right These Saints are their their their faith is being challenged in there
They're worried and Peter's writing to me saying don't listen to those fools, you know, don't don't put
God on a timeline here You know, here's what I think Peter's getting at and this is
Nathan ology, right? Take it or leave it All right. What do we call it? Second? Second opinions chapter 4 this time verse 27.
Okay, take it or leave it You know God knows when he's when when
Christ is returning right Christ knows the day is returning I Have to think based off of this text
That all Jesus is waiting for is the very last elect to be awakened and brought to faith
It just seems like that's kind of what he's saying Is and even if that's not the case, it's for sure saying that he's not gonna return before that that Jesus is patiently waiting for his victory march
That he's already won. He just gonna come paraded in with his people Once the very last sheep is gathered and a day is is a thousand years to God So God's God's not in a hurry here.
That's the point of the text, isn't it? So for someone to take that text and say well, that's an anti Calvinistic text you like Yeah, you're kind of reading it through your own lens there.
That's not the context of what Peters getting at here This is why it's important to learn
Hermeneutics, that's why it's important to be able to study Scripture properly and here's the thing brothers and sisters have different opinions on this matter
I Y 'all ever notice I preach with like confidence anytime I talk
I say everything with the utmost confidence I would I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't because if I truly believe it
I'm gonna speak it like it's truth But you've also seen me on the other side of that show grace to our brothers and sisters who disagree
I've told many of you that have come in to be members. You're like, I'm not a Calvinist. I'm like cool Good.
Come on and serve brother. Let's go So don't divide over this don't fight over it.
I keep having to reaffirm this guys but we will stand firm when we think
Scripture is Is clear and we will stand on that and we can have great comfort
Grace and peace in the midst of it and all God's people said Amen, praise
God. I made it on time. We got to the very last note. Yes That's very true.
This just annihilates the heresy of hyperpreterism Yeah, which basically just about any time open the
Bible up anywhere and annihilates hyperpreterism. All right. Well guys, hey, thank y 'all again next week
Next week we will be doing a Q &A So any text if there are other problem text other than the ones we addressed today bring those up next week.
Let's talk about them Maybe you disagreed with my interpretation of these texts today.
Bring it up next week. Let's talk in greater detail about it Whatever questions or concerns you have let's have that conversation come prepared for that Bring your notebooks with notes written down in it and then
I'll just look at Pastor Jeremiah and smile and hand him the mic We always joke yeah, he says he says he knows his job is to come in behind me he knows that I like to come in and throw bombs in the mix and when they blow up everybody's kind of like Dumbfounded they don't know which way is up and then he comes in with a broom start sweeping up He really meant this