TIME OUT with Pastor Ben Talley - Romans 8:28 29

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morning family all you believers out there and maybe maybe unbelievers my name is
Benjamin Talley I am the associate pastor at Witten Memorial Baptist Church I just want to take a timeout in the morning to spend some time with you and spend some time in the word today's word comes from Romans 8 28 through 29 so one of the great promises of the word of God's Word it says we know that all things work together for the good of those who love
God and who are called according to his purpose for those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son so that he might be the first born among many brothers and sisters so there's a lot of things that that you could get from these passages but I just want to focus on a couple of them hey
Dina one is it says that we know all things work together for those who are good and those who are called according to his purpose called there are there is one call that goes out he is calling all men everywhere to repent and come to his son come to enter the call of his son to repent and believe in the gospel and so everyone who answers that call is a saint right this is a promise to the
Saints so he says he works to the good of those who love
God and are called according to his purpose so a lot of people say well this is a this is a promise that God works all to the good that's that's not what it's saying it's not saying that God works all to the good it's saying that God works all to the good to to his
Saints and those who are called according to his purpose the other thing is that he works through the bad through the bad things that are going on now you know there are a lot of bad things that are going on now but he works through it you know we easily accept good from God we we it easily accept the good things that come from God but but why not calamity you know um you know limitations talks about this
Moses talks about this you know if bad things happen God can work through the bad as well as the good why could he not you know think about baking a cake you know you have all the ingredients right flour salt vanilla vanilla extract sugar you know things like that those individually are not good you can't eat flour by itself you can't eat salt by itself in a candy you can't eat vanilla by itself those things are bad to eat by themselves but when you take them together and you eat them all together you you put them all together and make a cake those things all together make a cake and they're good they're you know cake is delicious so that's what we're talking about God takes all the bad and the good and puts them together and makes something good so that's that's the first thing so you think in his purpose what is what is good in what's going on now you know what is the good in this well it shows us in verse 20 29 what is the good in this what is the good in what's going on now and and it shows in verse 29 what is that good it says for those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son so that he would be the firstborn among many brothers well that is the that is the good and when he's focusing on in verse 28 we know that all things work together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose that's what his focus is that's what the good is in everything that he's doing he is working in us to be conformed to the image of his son that's the good that's what he's bringing out in every situation in every situation we go through he is working in us to be conformed to the image of his son so as you go throughout your day
I want you to focus on that be reminded of that no matter what do you go through remember that God is working in you to the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose and that good is that he is taking all the bad and the good and working in you to conform you to the image of his beloved son so I love you and I pray that you being encouraged today that you be motivated today to bear fruit for his glory and for the furtherance the the advance of his kingdom praise