How Do We Renew Our Minds? | Theocast

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In this clip, Jon and Justin discuss how a Christian’s mind is renewed. Is it all on us to renew our own minds? Do we have to depend on our own work and obedience, or do we entirely rely on Christ’s work in us?


you're in Romans, but I'll quote it and I'll let you jump on it, but he said, you know, Romans 12, two, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.
And you know, this is the latter part of the letter and I, you can't, but yeah, but you can go back to Romans eight and what are we renewing our minds in?
Well, what can separate you from Christ? So when you hear these things, well, you're not, you're not sufficient.
I promise you, we ain't renewing our minds via our efforts to obey. That's right.
We are renewing our minds according to Christ for us in the gospel. That's right. I mean, when
I hear Paul say, Hey, John, there's nothing that's going to separate you. Not even Satan and his demons.
Cause he says principalities, powers, and he describes everything that could possibly separate you. And those are the things that I need to be.
So when I'm being told, Hey, try harder, do better. I need to be renewing my mind and nope, this, this is who
I am in Christ. Therefore I'm going to boldly run into my father's throne room right now and say, father, I messed up.
I am face planted and it's been bad. Can you give me mercy? It is not coincidental that where Paul begins, he says, you know,
God's for us guys. Like how do we know all these things are going to be true that I've been saying, well, God's for us. And, uh, the evidence of that is that Christ came.
You're not, not your life, not your circumstances, not how you're doing. The evidence is that Christ came. And if that's true, is
God going to withhold anything good thing from us? Of course he won't, but then where does he start? Who's who can bring any charge against God's elect?
So he deals immediately with our guilt and our shame. Who can bring any charge against us? And who's going to condemn because God's the one who justifies and Christ is one who died more than that, who was raised and now he intercedes for us.
So he deals with the guilt and the shame part. This is to your, your point about what do you renew your mind?
According to you renew your mind, according to that, that guilt and shame and all those things that people long, like know they need and are crying out for, and it's nowhere to be found.
Mercy and forgiveness and absolution are ours in Christ. Then he pivots to suffering in this life and even spiritual warfare.
That's how to, how he goes. And I would say that it's very clear in his mind that if you don't know that you are free from guilt and condemnation, you will never stand in the midst of trial and the accusations and the onslaught of the enemy.
You can't. And so that's how we renew our minds and we persevere. That's how we renew our minds and we even strive for obedience.