Presup Explained in 7 MINUTES...or so...


In this video, Eli Ayala gives a brief overview of the presuppositional method of apologetics, while highlighting important themes such as "neutrality" and "autonomy."


Hey guys, this is Eli Ayala here bringing you another revealed apologetics video Do me a favor and don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe as well as click the notification button to stay updated in Upcoming video content instructional videos and interviews, of course, don't forget to share as well
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In this video, I will be addressing the question. What is presuppositional Presuppositional apologetics.
Okay, or if we want to say it like the cool kids, what is presupp? Well, despite the mouthful that the word presuppositional can be it's pretty easy to define this particular method of apologetics
But first let me define what apologetics is for all those kind of newcomers there that are just entering the realm of Christian defense
The word apologetics has a long history But it's also a word that's found in the Bible most specifically in first Peter chapter 3 verse 15
Which reads but in your hearts honor Christ The Lord is holy always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in You yet do it with gentleness and respect now
The Greek word in which we get the English word Apologetics is is the word apologia and it refers to giving an answer or making a defense for something you believe to be true now
Christian apologetics is the practice of giving an answer or providing reasons for why we believe
Christianity is true a Few other definitions that I think are helpful is that apologetics is the vindication of the
Christian world in life you over and against the Non -christian world in life you and my favorite definition is it is the application of Christian theology to the area of unbelief
I really think that that latter definition captures the sort of apologetic methodology
That's reflected in what we've called thus far the presuppositional Method in that in our attempt to use a presuppositional approach in our evangelism and apologetics
We seek to do so in a way that is itself Consistent with the teachings of the Bible. It is my strong conviction that it is possible to engage in apologetics on biblically
So, of course, we want to be sure that our method of defense is consistent with the position
We seek to defend now that said what does the presuppositional approach look like and how is it different from other approaches to apologetics?
Like the classical or the evidential methods Well, unlike the classical and evidential approaches which are what
I would like to call bottom -up approaches in That they begin with some common notions and seek to argue up to the conclusion that perhaps
God very probably exists or that it's more reasonable that God exists The presuppositional approach is different and that it's more of a top -down approach
But what does that mean? It means that on the presuppositional method and form of argumentation
We're not putting forth God as a conclusion to an argument per se or a line of reasoning But rather we're suggesting that unless one begins with God and his revelation
One would not be able to prove anything at all or know anything for that matter So in essence We are presenting an argument for the notion that unless one begins their reasoning and submission to the one true and living
God They wouldn't be able to make sense out of anything Now us Presuppositionalist or presuppers as we're often called take very seriously those statements in Scripture Which tell us that it is the fear of the
Lord that is the beginning of knowledge and that in Christ our head are hidden All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
We very much seek to engage on believers in a way that is consistent with these biblical truths
Which of course are expanded upon in the Bible itself and in the literature put out there by other presuppositionalist
But to really understand the Presuppositional apologetic approach you really need to understand that given what the
Bible teaches with regards to God man our relationship to God and the effects of sin upon our minds and the fact that The Bible teaches that there is a knowledge of God that all men have yet suppress and unrighteousness
There is a strong emphasis upon the idea that there is no neutrality between the believer and the unbeliever
No one is neutral on the God question and no one approaches the facts in a neutral fashion
Jesus said whoever's not with me is against me and whoever does not gather with me scatters the
Presuppositionalist does not engage in apologetics as though the facts to be investigated can be investigated in a neutral and unbiased fashion rather We argue that unless one is operating under Christian Presuppositions about the nature of reality how we know what we know and how we should live our lives
One would lack any rational basis for knowledge logic science history
Philosophy or anything else for that matter and other important point to keep in mind and really understanding the presuppositional methodology
Is that we completely deny the efficacy and appropriateness of autonomous reasoning
But what does that mean? What is autonomy? The word autonomy derives from two
Greek words auto which means self and namas which means law It basically means self law or self rule human autonomy asserts that man's reasoning is the ultimate criteria of knowledge as Christian apologists who seek to Set apart
Christ as Lord in our hearts or our minds. We reject the notion of autonomy because it's impossible to be
Really a law unto ourselves with regards to the reasoning process indeed We as believers acknowledge that Christ is the
Lord of our reasoning again We take very seriously the biblical teachings that we are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ This is really important Not only do we as Christians committed to the
Lordship of Christ in our thinking and reasoning Avoid at all cost thinking in a fashion that expresses autonomy
But because men are created in the image of God and by extension must rely upon him for everything
No one is able to think and reason in a truly autonomous fashion. This is really important This is an important element of the presuppositional approach in that within the context of the apologetic encounter when the unbeliever claims to be a law unto himself in the reasoning process or his reasoning or Argumentation seems to be implicitly assuming an autonomous posture
It's the job of the Christian apologist to point out that autonomy is impossible And in fact, the unbeliever is relying on God even to express his apparent autonomy now all this to say
Presuppositional apologetics seeks to defend the Christian worldview in a way that's consistent with biblical teaching
One's method of defense must be consistent with how the Bible teaches us how we should be defending its truth claims furthermore, the the presuppositional list is committed to the biblical teaching that God and his revelation are
Foundational to human knowledge and and understanding so human knowledge and understanding it's very foundational
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge the presuppositional Is who is committed to the authority and ultimacy of the triune
God of Scripture does not seek to present God as a mere Hypothesis to be tested by the bar of human reason, but rather reap
We present the triune God of Scripture as the ultimate light by which everything else is properly understood
That's to say that unless one begins with a humble submission to the triune God of Scripture Then such reasoning would be reduced to absurdity
Thus because we present a God who provides the necessary preconditions for meaning and rationality
We do not present a probability But a certainty the kind of God who is so certain that to reject him is to rely upon him even to rationally reject him
Now more can be said but I think this briefly summarizes the presuppositional approach If you enjoyed this video please subscribe to the revealed apologetics
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