SNBS Revelation Part 12



Revelation Part 13 - Pastor Josiah Shipley

Revelation Part 13 - Pastor Josiah Shipley

In Revelation 14, we've got our boys, the 144 ,000 are back, we have the message of the three angels, and we have the harvest of the earth leading to a great judgment of God.
So, without further ado, let's get started. Hey, Michelle!
We got something going on on the 21st, don't we? You mean March 21st? Yes, I do. Oh, are you talking about the spring break block party?
I am. Where on earth am I going? You're going to be at Witton Baptist Church, which is 6773
Macon Road. It's right on the corner of Witton and Macon. Across from the Walgreens, we're going to have free hot dogs.
I like free. Popcorn, snow cone machine, and cotton candy.
Also, it's not just food. We're also going to have games. Oh, games. So, you know, little hoops, and we've got some other games going on.
The first 100 families to come to our spring break block party on March 21st from 4 to 7 p .m.
will receive a free gift bag, and that's actually what I was just working on right now. Do we have a slide? We do have a slide.
Should I post it right now? Yes, post the slide right now. Good evening, and welcome to Sunday Night Bible Study with Pastor Josiah Shipley of Witton Baptist Church.
Happy to be here with you. Sorry about last week not having a video. There was a leak on the roof of the church, and me and a bunch of others had to unclog the gutters to help get all the standing water off the roof, and I wasn't able to finish my video.
But here we are now. We're in Revelation chapter 14. I think we're on, like, part 12. So, I'm having a lot of fun doing these, guys.
Now, of course, I could spend 100 videos on Revelation and not cover everything God has to say, but I'm trying to give you the best overview possible.
So, go back and watch these in order, and I hope they are fruitful to you. And now that we've made them, there's kind of a log of them.
There's an archive, so you can always go back when you're studying Revelation and use this for whatever help it could offer you.
In Revelation 14, we've got our boys, the 144 ,000 are back.
We have the message of the three angels, and we have the harvest of the earth leading to a great judgment of God there.
So, without further ado, let's get started. Let's read verse 1 -5 of Revelation 14.
Now, a few things I'd like to point out from the get -go. First off, the
Lamb is standing. Remember, the Lamb is Jesus. And almost every time we see
Him in the New Testament, He's sitting at the right hand of God, as Psalm 110 -1 said He would, until His enemies are made at His footstool.
Well, now He is standing. You know why? Because His enemies have been made at His footstool, and it's time for Him to come and kick butt and take names.
They have His name and His Father's name on their foreheads. If you go back to Revelation 7, we speak of our 144 ,000.
It says, I am reading verse 2 of chapter 7, they are sealed with the seal of the living
God. The seal of the living God, and yet here in verse 1, it says it has
His Father's name and His name. So, I want you to catch what I'm getting at. It's one seal, but somehow, someway, it has the
Father's name and the Son's name on it. You know how? Because it's the same name. Because Jesus is
God. Ladies and gentlemen, Yahweh, Jehovah, I am, however you want to say it, because Yahweh is you basically saying
I am, Hi -yah, Yahweh, is
His name. And we have always confessed the triune God is Yahweh the Father, Yahweh the
Son, and Yahweh the Holy Spirit. We've always confessed that as a church. And there are others who have goofed that up.
That's the clear teaching of scripture. The way it can be one seal with two names because it's the same name. And guys, if you need further proof of this, if you're like, oh, that's not convincing.
I understand. Matthew 28, a familiar verse to you. Listen to it maybe with fresh ears. Matthew 28, 19.
Yeah, you know this one, don't you, Baptist? Notice it doesn't say the names.
It says the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. How are there three persons but one name? Because it's the same name,
Yahweh. Isn't that awesome? Verse 3, they're singing a new song for the throne and for the four living creatures, for the elders.
And no one knows the song except the 144 ,000 who have been redeemed from the earth. Remember, this was probably back in Part 5 or Part 6, whatever
Chapter 7 was. There's different views on the 144 ,000. Some view them from Chapter 7 as the great multitude.
So in other words, all believers. Some view them as just those believers who endured the tribulation, the great tribulation.
I tend to look at them as a literal 144 ,000 Jewish evangelist. That's how
I look at them. And I haven't always done it. I haven't always seen it that way. Actually, this time studying
Revelation. So I guess I just started thinking that way when I started studying for this to teach on this.
This time around, maybe five months ago. But that's where I'm leaning now.
These are literal 144 ,000 Jewish evangelists. Their ministry will sync with the two witnesses from Chapter 11 that were killed.
And then after that, a lot of them, I believe, will be killed. And they will be redeemed from the earth as the first fruits in this dispensation.
You have to decide. Don't you believe the rapture has already happened? Yeah. In that end of the church age, we're in a new dispensation now.
And you proclaim this eternal gospel to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation, tribe, language, and people.
And he said with a loud voice, The gospel causes people to fear
God, to fear the Lord as the beginning of wisdom. To give him glory. Let your light, sir, shine among men.
They can see your good works and glorify your Father that's in heaven. Because the hour of judgment has come.
Remember, in Revelation, hour often doesn't mean a literal 60 minutes. It means the time.
The season. The hour of judgment has come and worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water.
Genesis 1 says God created the heavens and the earth. John 1 says Jesus created the heavens and the earth. You know why? Because Jesus is
God. Verse 8. We'll talk more about Babylon the
Great later. In chapter 18, I think it is. 9. You see, the whole idea that a
Christian can accidentally take the mark of the beast just doesn't make sense. This angel is warning everybody.
Loud and clear. Also, this shows you that we've ended the sequential part of Revelation where it's in order of this chapter, then this chapter.
Now we're doing all the flashbacks and stuff. Because we took the story of the Antichrist to its end and now we're back here where angels are warning before the mark of the beast is there.
Verse 11. Guys, hell is eternal.
Just like heaven is eternal. And we need to say that because it's what the Bible teaches. Let me just say this real quick.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of God's attributes will be put on display.
And if I were to remove one of them, he would no longer be God. He may be a God, but he wouldn't be my
God. He wouldn't be Yahweh. If I remove the attribute of love, he would no longer be God.
If I remove his mercy, he wouldn't be God. Even if he had every other attribute. If I remove his justice, his wrath, any of those attributes, his holiness, his righteousness, he would no longer be
God. He would just be a God. All of his attributes, including his wrath, will be put on display.
Any idea you have that people stop sinning in hell and all of a sudden they love
God and wish they could submit to him is not found in the Bible. What we've been reading in Revelation all along, they still did not repent.
They still did not repent. When this plagued, they still did not repent. But remember, that was every one of us at one point.
Rebellious God haters until God reached down to us. Remember, you didn't find
Jesus, Jesus found you. And now, you follow him with all your heart and all your ways.
Even if you falter sometimes. The goal is all your heart and all your ways. Here's a call for endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.
Then I looked, verse 14, and behold, a white cloud, and seated on the white cloud was one like the Son of Man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.
And another angel came out of the temple calling with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud, Put in your sickle and reap, for your hour of reap has come, and the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.
Alright, we're going to pick back up here next week in verse 14. So there was Revelation 14, 1 -13.
The gospel is eternal, hell is eternal. God has a plan for it, and all of his attributes were put on display.
Next week, the rest of chapter 14, and we'll dip into chapter 15 a little bit. I want you to read
Revelation 15, 1 -4. I love that passage,
Revelation 15, 1 -4. Meditate on that, don't just read it, meditate on it. It's beautiful.
Alright, that was pretty cool. Check out, you noticed the commercial, the ad, if you will, we made for the
Spring Block Party, March 21st, I think. It's pretty cool. I hope you guys have been blessed and enjoyed the study on Revelation somehow, someway.
Leave comments on the YouTube page or the Facebook page. I do try to read all of them.
There's normally not many, I like when you guys make comments. You can say whatever you want.
You can give pointers, you can say, I wish you had been more clear on this. This would have made it better. Do whatever you gotta do.
My goal is to help serve you guys the best way I can. Alright, don't forget about Tuesday night
Bible studies. Don't forget about the music stuff on Wednesdays.
Don't forget about wow moments, don't forget about question and answer. Don't forget about Sunday morning sermons. All that fun stuff.