F4F: Is Billy Graham's Death A Prophetic Sign? - Part 1


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F4F: Is the Death of Billy Graham Prophetic Sign - Part 2

F4F: Is the Death of Billy Graham Prophetic Sign - Part 2

Welcome to Fighting for the
Faith. If you've ever been told that the death of Billy Graham was a prophetic sign imminent to Jesus's return or some end -times eschatological schema regarding a miraculous generation of people or things like that, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
You're gonna note that this installment of Fighting for the Faith was also broadcast on our podcast.
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So let's go ahead and open up the screen here as we get to it.
So the death of Billy Graham has occurred, and now all of the prophecy wingnuts and televangelists are coming out of the woodwork to remind us that supposedly the death of Billy Graham has significant end -times significance.
Did I say significant too many times? Let's take a look first with Benny Hinn, and we're gonna jump around a little bit, but let's listen in to him first.
The Lord spoke me very clearly, very powerfully in fact back then, that when
Oral Roberts and Billy Graham go home, that would be the beginning of the greatest revival in church history.
The beginning of the greatest revival in church history. Now I need to remind people here that the
New Apostolic Reformation and the latter reign have infiltrated much of the charismatic movement, and so if you've heard teachings regarding Joel's army,
Gideon's army, the Joshua generation, and things like that, then you're gonna note that you've been taught that there's supposedly this billion souls harvest thingy that's coming, and Benny Hinn has set claims that he was told by God that the death of Oral Roberts and Billy Graham would be the sign of that imminent event, which is not prophesied in Scripture.
Nope. And instead it's a prophecy coming out of the latter reign in the
NAR. And Oral went to be home with the
Lord a few years ago. Oral was my pastor. He was actually in this building many times, did many
This Is Your Day programs with me, and was my dearest, closest friend. I would go to his home because he lived not far from where we are right now, down by Fashion Island here, and I would go sometimes take food with Suzanne and just spend time with him.
And then he went home to be with the Lord after Evelyn had gone, and now
Billy is home with the Lord. So this is an amazing time.
Think about this, dear Jim and dear people, that this is Israel's 70th birthday.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, so because Billy Graham died same time that the nation -state of Israel will celebrate its 70th birthday.
I mean, yeah, well, there you go. Yeah, that doesn't prove anything. And by the way,
Benny Hinn's a false prophet. We've documented that. I mean, he said Fidel Castro would die in the 1990s.
That didn't happen. You know, that San Francisco would be destroyed and things like that didn't happen.
He's a false prophet. And this January, last January, and May 14, 1948,
Israel became a nation. So May 14 of this year will be exactly 70 years.
And I amazingly, I'm going to be there preaching that night in Jerusalem. Pastor Chris.
Yeah, so you know, I don't know what he's up to, but that's tame.
That's tame. I mean, so he's made this overt claim that some sign regarding a billion souls harvest thingy will, you know, will be brought about, you know, you
Billy Graham and Oral Roberts are both dead. And that's now happened. Now, let me switch this up just a little bit here.
And we're going to be checking in with Lance Wallnau. And in order to prepare for this,
I had to kind of chop his video up into a couple of segments and open it up in different tabs here.
But backing it up to the beginning of this video, Lance Wallnau is like all over this story.
And what he ends up saying is just bonafide Looney Tunes. And let me remind you that Lance Wallnau is the guy who was commanding hurricanes to veer off of the coast of Florida and the
Bahamas and stuff. And all of his commanding and controlling of hurricanes resulted in none of that happening.
And those hurricanes hitting all of their targets. In fact, I was saying that if you are watching
Lance Wallnau and he's commanding a hurricane not to come towards your region, flee for your life because your house is probably going to be destroyed.
But we check in with Lance Wallnau here to see what he has to say regarding the death of Billy Graham.
And it just gets crazier with each minute that passes. But let's listen in.
My friends out there in Facebookian land. And I just wanted to comment on the
Billy Graham prophecy. I want to read to you something which is the
Kim Clement prophecy, 2006. Yeah, Kim Clement has passed away.
He had brain cancer, if I am not mistaken, passed away a while ago. The Spirit of God says, even as Billy Graham dies,
I'm going to raise up two of him. I will raise up two Billy... God's gonna raise up two
Billy Grahams, okay. Graham, says the Lord. God said, your soil surrendered him to me and so shall your soil receive him.
For the Spirit of God says, I will raise up two men. No, wait, one man and one woman again from this soil.
Yeah, I'm not buying it. And God said evangelism shall take place through the news media and the arts and in the business arena.
How does evangelism occur through the arts? Somebody is doing ballet and they have
Jesus as Lord in the eye black under their eyes. Ballerinas don't wear eye black.
What are you talking about? I'm gonna cause my servant Billy Graham to come into the place that he has spoken of all his life.
The Spirit of God says, I will receive my servant Graham. And God says, there will be a graduation.
Everything he spoke about he shall experience. Do not be sad, for in the day the king
Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high and lifted up. What are you doing here?
The day that this king dies, Billy Graham. And yes, he is a king. Billy Graham's a king.
I had no idea. Yeah, we need to make sure that he gets, you know, a royal state funeral or something like that.
The Lord Billy Graham, in the day that he dies, the eyes of the prophets shall see the Lord high and lifted up.
The prophetic, the prophetic shall indeed gain a new dimension of insight and sight.
Please do not be sad, people. God says when King Billy Graham dies, there shall be a new level of sight and dimension of sight that the body of Christ has never ever seen.
Do not be sad. Isn't dimension of sight one of those phrases that came from the
Twilight Zone? Hey, but is he in this denomination or is any of that? God said, two shall be raised up who shall become two nations and forces, forces, and those that shall come from the world shall thank you, and they shall say thank you.
Now, I got a really exciting word for you on Billy Graham. You do, yeah, because I should believe you after the whole you were not able to command and control hurricanes thing.
So I'm gonna give you a second chance now, and this time you'll get it right. No, that's not how that works.
I'm not going to deliver it yet. No. I'm going to let Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn!
Yeah, a guy who's also been shown to be a false prophet. 2006, because right when
Kim prophesied this, I see a young Benny Hinn and Mark Sharona suddenly on a
TBN broadcast, and I want to play this for you, and it's kind of, you know, it's a ghastly
YouTube of a television program, but we don't care about that. We don't judge it.
We watch it. We don't judge it. We watch it, man, you know. Eat the meat, spit the bones, yeah.
Let me see if I can get this for you here. Now, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna actually go to that YouTube video, and I'm gonna play it, and we're gonna do it because the audio here is a little bit better because it's secondhand on this edition, but it's thirdhand on Lance Wallnau, so the audio just plummets horrifically.
So here's Benny Hinn on TBN. You're gonna note that Paul Crouch was still alive when this was broadcast, and Mark Sharona and Benny Hinn are the main characters in this one, and listen in as Mark Sharona is literally prophesying that there's this coming generation of miraculous people.
This is the NAR doctrine of the Joshua generation, or Joel's army, or the episode we did recently on Fighting for the
Faith called the One New Man prophecy, and so this is Sharona spewing that out on TBN, and then
Benny Hinn literally jumping in on top of this and saying that the sign will be the death of Billy Graham, but he's not gonna say it in this first cut that we give because we're trying to sync it with what
Lance Wallnau was saying, but here we go. And what you just said is so right on, but you've got a little more in you,
I can see it. No, I would defer to you.
But I can see it all over you. We are coming into, perhaps, the most significant day in church history, and there are a number of things that are going to begin to converge.
When you talked about Luke and the signs, there's going to be a convergence of the signs, and with it, there is going to be an acceleration, and they're all going to overlap.
An acceleration of signs and stuff, okay. And when that happens, there is a company of people.
Are you hearing this? There you go. The company of people. This is the NAR and Latter -Rain doctrine of Joel's army, the
Gideon's army, the Joshua generation, the One New Man prophecy.
It goes by many different names, but it's the same thing. This idea that God's going to raise up this generation of people who can operate in the supernatural, like you and I breathe, or like fish swim.
When it happens, there's a company of people that have been hidden in God for a season, but they're coming out of hiding, and they're going to stand in the courts of Pharaoh, and they're going to challenge the spirits like Elijah did, like Moses did.
They are going to challenge the powers of Egypt, and the earth is going to see a 21st century manifestation of the demonstration of the
Spirit, not from one or two, but from a many -membered body. God is going to have the church of his dreams.
Yeah, God's going to finally have the church of his dreams, which means those of you who haven't been doing this,
I mean, you are a big letdown to God. Consider the implications of what he just said.
Institutionalizing we've done to the church, all the things we've done to try to make it our thing instead of God's thing.
God has had the church under wraps for 2 ,000 years. Maybe that's why there's 2 ,000 cubits between where this generation is and the
Ark, because God wants a church that's been hiding and prepared for power by severe tests, severe trial, severe tribulation every single season, and they feel like they're not going to be used, and it's too late, and it's all over, and that's the company that's prepared for power.
They've been like John the Baptist in the wilderness, eating locusts and wild honey. They've been eating locusts.
Kind of glad I'm not part of that group. They've had to learn how to glean from the word when they were just getting little pious platitudes from preachers all around the country, and they're being weaned away from everything that is contradicting to the powerful truth of the word of God, and that company is coming out of hiding.
They're going to cross Jordan, and they're going to move into a manifestation of power where there won't just be power on one or two.
There's going to be power on multiplied thousands. Yeah, this is moving a manifestation of power.
Now, Benny Hinn's about to blurt something out here, but let's check back in with Lance Wall now because we'll pick it up from about the part where he dropped it there.
Company is coming out of hiding. They're going to cross Jordan, and they're going to move into a manifestation of power.
All right, now I'm going to go back to this in a second, but it's only three minutes long, but it seems longer.
They're going to cross over Jordan. Now, in a moment, Benny Hinn's going to say the sign that this prophecy is going to happen is
Billy Graham dies. That was in 2006. I think a lot of people thought he was going to go earlier than that, but he went all the way to 99.
So all the way back in 2006, they were saying this. Billy Graham was unique as an evangelist.
Now, remember this. When Elijah died, as he went up, his mantle came down on Elijah.
Elijah is a type of, let's just say that when great mantle saints go up, they release great mantle saints into the earth.
This doesn't happen with every saint. I see Christians running around after everybody's forget that, but there are certain ones that do care.
And forget the whole grave sucking that Bethel does too. Yeah, you can't suck someone's mantle. It's weird that he's saying that because Benny Hinn claims to have a mantle, and he got that mantle from Catherine Kuhlman.
He claims to have it. It's weird just saying. Apparently, Catherine Kuhlman was a mantle saint.
Mantles. Elijah was a prototype. And Billy Graham clearly had a mantle on him.
And the proof of that was that he had gone over to 185 nations. He had preached him.
He was different than other evangelists because he was actually the governmental evangelist.
He was one of the few men of God who met with presidents and heads of state. Remember when
So see, that proves because he met with the president. That means he has a mantle thingy.
Well, that would mean that Kent Copeland has a mantle. Paula White has a mantle. Rick Warren has a mantle.
No scripture talks this way where it says you can tell that somebody's got a mantle if they meet with a head of state.
Was open to democracy. They wanted Billy Graham to come because he was a symbolic governmental evangelist.
He's the statesman evangelist. And we have not seen this since. Now, Billy Graham's mantle of the statesman evangelist is about to be released upon the body of Christ.
The statesman of mantle. It's going to be released. I'm not buying it.
This is the guy who couldn't even turn away a hurricane by commanding and controlling it. There are, and I just was on a phone call right now because I'm getting ready to go over into Eastern Europe and Slovakia and Prague.
And I'm asking the Lord, why am I in England? Why am I in these places? And the Lord said, because he's raising up sheep nations.
Now, catch this. The Lord is raising up sheep nations. What's a sheep nation?
Complicated thought, but you guys are going to get it. The United States is an economy. Satan wanted to take it down, but God put
Trump in so that the American role in the world could be preserved and extended longer.
And the nations that are the weaker nations and the churches around the world that are weaker can get stronger to occupy their governmental sphere.
America. To occupy their governmental sphere. Lance Wallnau, by the way, NAR guy who teaches the
Seven Mountain Dominion Mandate, NAR style. Yeah. $20 trillion
GDP nation. The only closest rival we have to ourself is
China, but China's only $11 trillion. And then underneath that you have Japan at 4 .8
trillion. And then it's Germany with 3 .4. So I'm getting a lesson in economics because Billy Graham had the statesman mantle.
And when mantle saints ascend, their mantle drops. And this has something to do with the
U .S. economy. What on earth? 2 .5
to compared to 20 trillion. Why is God given America the ability to have that level of strength?
It's to maintain the global order from the globalists who are trying to termite that system down for it's like a demonic desire to smash this
Western civilization and create a whole new game plan where power is going to be redistributed. And I had no idea that all of this was going on because of the death of Billy Graham.
I put a veto on Satan's plan and sent a wrecking ball with a Cyrus anointing into the
White House to begin to dismantle that spirit of manipulated mind control and political correctness. And right now, the
Billy Graham anointing is coming upon a new generation of believers. So notice what he just said.
The Billy Graham anointing is coming on a new generation. So apparently that mantle's falling on a whole generation of people.
Yet Ken Clement, in his so -called prophecy regarding Billy Graham, said that Billy Graham's mantle would fall on a man and a woman, singular in each case, two people.
Hmm. Yeah. Notice that these prophecies regarding the significance of the death of Billy Graham, they contradict themselves.
I'm prophesying this. Heads of states are going to open up their doors to the gospel, and I'll tell you why.
We hold a $20 trillion position, China $11 trillion, and then I said underneath that is
Japan with $4 trillion. There are 170 nations in the world right now.
Remember, Billy Graham went to 184. 170 that have less than a trillion dollar currency.
So what? I'm telling you something's going to happen. God is going to... Yeah, something always happens.
What do you mean something's going to happen? Notice the vagaries here. Yeah, something, something's going to happen.
Don't know what, but something, you know. To the least, the last, the lost, and the little.
It's like David was raised up in the tribes of Judah. Jesus came out of Nazareth and out of Bethlehem.
Cities that were not the great consequential cities. In these nations, these smaller nations, there are,
I believe, at least 140 of them are going to have serious shakings that are going to produce principled leaders like Cyrus.
Serious shakings. Principled Cyrus leaders will come flooding out of that. All of this because Billy Graham died.
Uh -huh. Not Christians necessarily, but the Christians in those nations that have been praying are going to come into influence with their
Cyrus leaders, and the Cyrus leaders are going to align themselves. They're going to be favorably disposed towards the strength of the
American economy, and Donald Trump's faith and outspoken support of Jesus Christ has authorized something for the
Billy Graham statesman mantle to go. This guy is loony tunes.
So because Donald Trump has publicly confessed Jesus, that's authorized the statesman mantle of Billy Graham thingy.
This is utter nonsense. None of this is taught in scripture, and this is not Christian discipleship.
These people, I mean, seriously, have they been sniffing glue? Open up arenas and stadiums and coliseums around the world.
Maybe he's been a victim of the Tide Pod Challenge. It's a possibility here.
New leaders are going to align with the gospel, and they're going to allow Christians to preach the gospel, and there's going to be a great global harvest, and nations are going to come to the knowledge of the
Lord. And this is happening during this time period of the shaking that's going on in the United States.
The shaking. He's telling us, and he's wagging his fingers, and he's saying, shifting and shaking and Cyrus and stuff.
Yeah. That's what's coming. Now, let's go back to our
Mark Sharona prophecy. They cross over Jordan. Yeah, cross over Jordan.
By the way, you heard Mark Sharona talk about this generation crossing over Jordan. I think that might have something to do with the
Phil Pringle sermon that we recently listened to where he mangled the scriptures. So, let me just go back just a smidge, and I'm going to back this up so that we can hear it in context as Mark Sharona is talking about this generation that's coming up.
Benny Hinn's about to chime in and then literally say that the sign's going to be the death of Billy Graham.
So, let's hear it back in context again. A station of power where there won't just be power on one or two.
There's going to be power on multiplied thousands and thousands. And may I add, the sign will be
Billy Graham's death. Wow. No, no, I'm being raw here.
Wow. You are talking about people in hiding just like Elijah was in hiding in Jericho.
Right. Yeah. But when he came out, he challenged the prophet. Exactly. Yeah. Went right into the courts.
Right there. And those are the same spirits. Oh, exactly. Those are the same principalities.
And the Lord said to me in 89. Sorry. Yeah, 89. He said when
Oral Roberts and Billy Graham go home will be the key. Wow. It'll be the sign of the beginning of the greatest revival on earth.
Oral is home. Right. Billy is about to go home. Yeah. And when he does,
I'm telling you. He's about to go home. Oh, when was this, Billy? You know, let's see the, you know,
Paul Crouch is looking pretty young there. Yeah. This is way back in what? 2006. Old church.
Get ready. Paul, can we go there? Yeah. Get ready. Get ready.
So coming out of that, then I'll just play this little bit from Lance Wall now where he literally is going to, you know, transition into playing the very last message that Billy Graham ever gave, which was a video, a short video message posted on his ministry's website.
But let's listen to the intro. I'll skip over the Billy Graham, you know, video, and then we'll then listen as Lance Wall now tries to explain to us the prophetic significance of what all of this means.
Get ready. You got to hear Billy Graham's last message to America. All right.
So he's going to say get ready. And so that he's transitioning. So this is him finishing up now watching that Billy Graham video.
It's a confrontation in all of us face. So this is an epic moment for the body of Christ.
When I was up here at Karis Bible College yesterday and I was looking out at like 800 students. And it's interesting because most of them are like over 40.
It's a different kind of school. And I was impacted by the realization that these are adults that are seeking the call of God.
They want to maximize the remainder of their life to bring forth fruit. And I said how interesting it is that here we are.
And Billy Graham just passed. Some of them gasped because they hadn't heard the news yet. But in his passing,
I could see clearly that there was a Elijah type transaction and something coming down.
And I'm praying for you and me. You saw an Elijah transaction and then something coming down. Mm hmm.
Yeah. This guy sounds like he needs to be institutionalized now that we are going to be receptive to the fresh thing that God has done.
We got to be receptive to the fresh thing because the billion souls harvest thingy is coming.
The one new man is about to emerge from hiding. Yeah. New thing that God is doing.
We are going to be bold and we're going to be outspoken regarding the truth. But we're going to be winsome and filled with the spirit and filled with the love of God.
We're going to be able to see a fresh day of courage confronting error and lies and deception.
And the spirit of the Lord is going to be giving an expansion of the prophetic insight, as Kim said, that we will begin to see the crossing over of Jordan.
And as he said, it's in business and it's an arts and it's an entertainment. And I believe that many of you have been wondering what it is you're called to do in the next season.
You're called to go in and take territory, occupy your country, take territory. Now you got to occupy, you know, because Billy Graham, whatever, advance.
There are there are Esther's who have to have permission to be covert until the time that they're unveiled to watch what on earth.
And there are the and there are the Mordecai's that are out there that are actually right now helping other people achieve their destiny.
And every one of you is important in the process. America is shaking. And but the spirit of the
Lord is not letting America go because there is yet a purpose and a destiny that must be fulfilled. And we must be stable as a nation so that the world order that wants to tear apart can be held together long enough for the dormant latent potential of the body of Christ to be activated, not just to build bigger churches and have more ministries multiplying followers, but to see the ordinary believer become an extraordinary influence within the sphere of God that they're assigned to so that major cities and these and these one hundred and fifty or sixty some nations are going to be having a witness of the gospel of the kingdom.
And that means it's going to be more than just the the the soul winning move of God. It's going to be a move of God that is going to alter economies.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, not just blessed as the person blessed as the nation.
And we've got to live right now in the tension of the fact that we have not pushed the issue that Christ is not just for a soul.
He's for a city and he's for a nation. And these nations that are going to turn to the Lord are going. Oh man, like enough already, enough.
Now, what do we do with something like this? Number one, neither Jesus nor the apostles gave the death of Billy Graham as a sign regarding the end times.
No, it's not in Scripture. And we would be wise to pay attention to what Christ did say when he warned us about what would be coming in the end times.
Matthew chapter 24 is what I'm looking at here. And let's read this out and we'll then cross -reference it with a portion of 2
Thessalonians. So Jesus left the temple and was going away when his disciples came to point out to him the buildings of the temple.
He answered them, you see all of these, do you not? Truly I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.
And as he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age.
Now you're going to note that they conflated these two things. Jesus' second coming and the end of the age with the destruction of the temple.
Jesus doesn't care to correct them and so he gives information in the Olivet Discourse that pertains to both his second coming as well as the destruction of the temple.
The destruction of the temple in some ways then serves as kind of type and shadow for the coming day of judgment and Jesus' imminent return.
And here's what Jesus said regarding the last days. And by the way, Jesus truly could tell the future and none of his words have ever fallen to the ground, not even one.
And he is none other than the Son of God in human flesh. First thing out of the gate regarding the end times, he said, see that no one leads you astray.
Many will come in my name saying, I am the Christ. Greek word for Christ there is
Christos and its Hebrew equivalent is Messiah, Mashiach. And so beware because first thing, false
Christ, false anointed ones. And we're going to note that men like Lance Wallnau and others in the
New Apostolic Reformation, holdovers and those influenced by the latter reign and people in the charismatic movement as a whole, that over and again they're talking about anointed ones, anointed ones, those who are anointed.
Those are the false Christ that Jesus warned us about. He says, many will come in my name, in the name of Jesus saying,
I am the anointed one, I am a Christ, and they will lead many astray.
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you're not alarmed for this must take place, but the end is not yet.
Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
All of these are but the beginning of birth pains. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death.
And you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.
And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.
And I need to remind you, it is an absolute fact that Benny Hinn is a false prophet. He is a fellow who prophesied the death of Fidel Castro in the 1990s, and all of his prophecies, we've covered them here at Fighting for the
Faith, they have not proven to be true. So he is a false prophet, and Benny Hinn is one of the fellows who's making a lot of hay regarding the death of Billy Graham, claiming that he had prophetic insight from God.
But he is not a prophet. Instead, he is one of the false prophets that Jesus warned us about.
He says many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken by the prophet Daniel standing in the holy place, let the reader understand.
Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let the one who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house.
Let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak. But alas, for women who are pregnant, and for those who are nursing infants in those days, pray that your flight may not be in the winter or on a
Sabbath, for then there will be great tribulations such as not been from the beginning of the world until now.
And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. For the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.
Then if anyone says to you, look, here is the Christ, or there he is, do not believe it.
For, listen again, third time, false prophets will arise, and they will perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
See, I have told you beforehand. So, if they say, look, he is in the wilderness, do not go.
If they say he is in the inner rooms, do not believe it. For as lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the
Son of Man. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the
Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the earth to the other.
So, you get the idea. Not a pretty picture that Jesus paints, but you're going to note that the signs that we are told to look for, well, regarding false prophets, false teachers, false
Christs performing signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
So, Christ has told us all of this ahead of time. So, we need to pay attention.
The sign is not Billy Graham that we need to be afraid of, or not afraid, but paying attention to.
The sign is, well, Benny Hinn. And people like him on TBN.
Now, 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 says this, Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or a spoken word or a letter seeming to be from us to the effect that the day of the
Lord has already come. Let no one deceive you in any way, for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first.
And you're going to note, if you've ever heard about the prophecies regarding what's called the great apostasy, that comes from this verse, 2
Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3. For the word that's translated in the ESV as rebellion is the
Greek word apostasia, unless the, the apostasia, the apostasy comes.
So, it's a rebellion against the word of God within the visible church, unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so -called object, so -called
God or object of worship, so that he takes a seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
Do you remember that when I was still with you, I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now, so that he may be revealed in his time, for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.
Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the
Lord Jesus himself will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.
Concerning the lawless one, concerning the coming, the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan, with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth, and so be saved.
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but who had pleasure in unrighteousness.
So you're going to note, the coming of the lawless one is through the activity of Satan, with all power, false signs, and wonders, which is exactly what we see
Benny Hinn trafficking in, TBN, the false apostles of the
New Apostolic Reformation, and others. You know, so here's the thing. The death of Billy Graham is not the thing that Scripture tells us to look for.
No. The thing that Scripture tells us to look for, both Jesus and his apostles tell us to look for, the false
Christs, the false prophets, performing false signs and false wonders in deceiving people.
And so the idea here is, is that the death of Billy Graham is not the sign you need to be looking for.
The sign that you need to be looking for is the sign of false teachers like Benny Hinn. Yeah, misplaced indeed.
So hopefully you found that helpful, and in, well, kind of teasing out the issue regarding, you know, the death of Billy Graham.
And this is just one of two videos that we're going to be doing on this topic. So if you found this helpful, please share it with other people.
And if you would like to continue to see resources like this on YouTube, or listen, you know, continue to see us do our ministry work through Pirate Christian Radio and the
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Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.