Can Christians Save America?

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Do Christians affect American culture through political activism? Jon and Justin discuss a biblical understanding of the churches role in affecting culture and the tools they are given to do so. Full Episode - (What Does America Need?) JOIN THE THEOCAST COMMUNITY: FREE EBOOK: PARTNER with Theocast: OUR WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: X (TWITTER): Theocast: Jon Moffitt: Justin Perdue: FACEBOOK: RELATED RESOURCES:


It's almost like they think that the only way to demonstrate concern for the culture or concern for the country is to be morality warriors.
You know, to be, like you said, like holding the picket signs, to be activistic in one sense pertaining to moral issues in society or politically or what have you.
You don't ever see that in Scripture, by the way. No. I mean, in all the different cultures that Paul writes to and the
New Testament writers, you just don't ever see that. The concept of like... Social or political activism.
Yeah, you don't. In terms of like what the church as an institution is called to do or really even the individual believers,
I mean, to even take it to that level, Paul's not exhorting individual believers to be cultural and political and societal activists.
He is always driving people. I mean, in the other apostles too, it's all about life together in the church and what that looks like.
And then, of course, what that's going to mean for their witness to the world. But Ephesians 2, where it just talks about that the principality of the error is the one that's influencing and manipulating them.
I mean, to indulge in their desires in such a way... The one who is at work and the sons of disobedience.
That's right. To indulge in things that aren't beneficial to anyone, not to them or anyone else around them.
Right? So Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4 .4, in their case, this is the ones who aren't believing the gospel.
The God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbeliever to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
But so what's Paul's solution though? This is what's so important. He's saying, listen, yeah, if you guys are preaching or not hearing, you need to understand what you're fighting.
And this is just, and this helps me because when I see someone who is so adverse to the gospel and they're just, they're really, they're a slave to sin.
It reminds me the solution doesn't change. Look what he says. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ with ourselves as your servants for Jesus sake.
Right? And then he says, for God who said, let your light shine out of darkness has shown in our hearts, the light of the knowledge of Christ.
So we keep preaching Christ, even though they're blind, even though they may not believe at this moment, the solution does not change at all.
I think this is so, so powerful and important. This isn't, this is later on in chapter 10.
He says in verse four, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but of divine power to destroy strongholds.
So we often try to use fleshly means to tell people they need to change their ways.
And he's like, look, they're under a stronghold and what you want to use can't be used. What does he say?
We destroy arguments in every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey
Christ. By what? It's the whole section is about preaching Christ in the gospel. So these strongholds are torn down by heralding the truth of what liberates them.
So if I were to say, what is, what does America need? America needs people who believe in the actual power of the gospel and who is willing to preach it even in the face of debauchery.
So what's the antidote? But God, I mean, this is that supernatural power of God. God has made us alive together with Christ.
That's the only solution. That's the only deliverance that could ever happen is the Lord shows up and does a thing through the preaching of Christ.
By grace, you've been saved. It is not of works, you know, that no man may boast. Right. And then it is all through the power and the supernatural work of God.
And it is accomplished through the preaching of Jesus Christ and the building up of the body of Christ that is the church.
And so that's what we need to give our lives to. That's what we need to give our energy to and our effort to if we want to be of help to our fellow man.
And I just don't see any other way forward. And then seek the welfare of the city, exercise your civic duty, serve your neighbor through your vocation, but do it all through the lens of what the
Lord is doing and building his church through the preaching of Jesus Christ. My goodness, moral preaching where it's all about what you do and don't do.
And that's the thrust of the sermons week over week over week confuses the world and confuses your people as to what
Christianity even is. Secondarily, that kind of moral preaching guts the church and robs the church of its power.
There are Muslims and Mormons across this planet that would shame us all in terms of how morally upright they are, in terms of their conduct in life.
Now, what makes us different, again, is the fact that we are trusting a
Savior who has fulfilled all righteousness and who has atoned for our sins and made satisfaction for our sins.
And it's through the preaching of him that the church has power for people's lives to really be changed and transformed.
And I would argue for the church to have a meaningful and compelling witness, there has to be the preaching of the gospel that gives the church this power that then enables
Christians by the Spirit through the preaching of Christ to love one another in a way that's compelling to a watching world.