Don't Be Ashamed of the Gospel Part 2

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May 2, 2021 Morning Service of Faith Bible Church, Sacramento, CA Don't Be Ashamed of the Gospel - 2nd Timothy 1:8-11 Part 2


The Charge to Guard the Gospel Part 3

The Charge to Guard the Gospel Part 3

Good morning everyone, and welcome to Faith Bible Church. Hello to those that are tuning in via video, and we wish you were here, but Lord be with you as you listen to this service.
A few announcements. Ladies Bible study is two weeks from yesterday.
It'll be May 15th, so ladies that's at 10 o 'clock for all of you that are interested.
And if you want to know the material, Barb would be happy to share that with you and maybe provide an outline for that.
A prayer request for Penny. Penny is in the hospital.
She's not well, but so we're just, they're kind of waiting to see what the prognosis is and so on.
So just keep Penny in your prayers, if you would. Ilgen, Pastor Ilgen, it's going to be coming in July.
I got a text from him this week. He's like ready now. You know, if we could just, you know,
I even had the thought of, well, why don't we just videotape him where he's at, and we could just insert that into Get rid of me.
No, no, Pastor John. No, no, no, no. I'd rather listen to him.
But anyway, he's, he's ready to, to, to preach. And so exciting.
You know, that's really pretty wonderful. And God has him in the exact place, right place and, and us as well to, to help support that.
And so let's pray for him as he's finishing up in seminary that he would finish strong. I'm sure he's got a lot of things on his plate and anticipating a move and, and trying to wrap up his studies and, and do that well, and then move, you know, halfway across the country.
So let's remember them for their practical needs, spiritual needs as well, of course.
We've, and I think that, I think that's it. So this morning
I wanted to, as an encouragement to you, I'd like to read from 2
Corinthians chapter four. It's just a, it's, it's a great encouragement as believers.
It's a, it's a wonderful picture of our Savior. And as we worship, these are the things we want to be thinking about of, of his glory and what a wonderful Savior we serve, but you can listen in, listen along.
Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart, but we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the
God of this age have blinded, who do not believe less than light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God should shine on them.
For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus, the Lord, and ourselves, your bondservants for Jesus's sake.
For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Amen. So if you would join with me as we join in prayer together. Lord God, we do thank you for our ability to gather as, as a church,
Father. We know that this is your church, and we just wait upon you and call upon you, Father, to guide us and to shepherd us,
Father, as only you can. Lord, we ask that you would help us to walk in the light of the gospel, that Father, that we might seek your face in all things so that as we lift our voices today, we'd be mindful of what a majestic and mighty
God you are. We serve a merciful God, a righteous God, and Lord, may our hearts reflect that truth today,
Father. We pray for Pastor John as he shares the message with us, Lord. May the power of the
Holy Spirit just fortify him, and that the word of truth would go forth,
Lord, in a mighty way. So, Lord, we thank you. We commit our time to you, and we pray for the needs of so many that needs that have not been voiced here,
Father, but you are fully aware of those, and we just ask for your hand upon them and upon their situations,
Father. So we give you praise this morning. We thank you and look forward to this service together. We pray in Jesus' name.
Amen. Amen. David? Good morning, and to Jesus I give thanks all the day long.
To him be all glory. And let's stand and sing my
Savior's love. And we are redeemed.
Thank you, and please be seated at this time. Good morning. Good morning. The scripture we're reading for this morning is 1
John 1 verses 1 through 10. That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, are the word of life.
For our life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life, which was with the
Father and was manifested unto us. That which we have seen and heard, declare we unto you, that ye may also have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the
Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth.
But if we walk in the light, and see his in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his
Son, cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth of God is in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and the clemency from all our unrighteousness.
If we say that we have no sin, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
May the Lord bless you to believe his word. I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the
Lord Most High. Please stand and let's sing first Lord Jesus, an amazing grace.
Thank you all for singing, and please be seated, and John. Well praise the
Lord, and good morning. We left off last week, do you remember where we left off last week?
Colossians chapter 3, because we're learning about standing firm in perilous and difficult times, remember that?
And we're tying our study of 2nd Timothy together with that topic, of how do we stand firm?
I mean the latest news, what more kind of weird news do you need to hear to know that we are living in difficult times, amen?
And remember I encouraged us to think about the fact that we're citizens in heaven, right? We are in this world, but we as Christians are not of this world, and we left off last week, if then you have been seated with Christ, since you are a
Christian, seek those things which are above, remember that? Where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
Do we have to work? Yes. He's not saying don't work. Do we have to mow our lawn? Yes. Do we have to change the oil on our car?
Yes. But the focus, the priority, set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
That's the whole idea. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
So we can go through scripture, and we can find all kinds of tools, all kinds of helps when it comes to living in difficult and perilous times, and when it comes to being able to stand firm in difficult times.
And this morning I want to finish our consideration of 2 Timothy chapter 1 verses 8 through 11, where the
Apostle Paul gives this challenging charge to his beloved disciple
Timothy, and he says, Do not be ashamed of the testimony of our
Lord, of the gospel, nor of me his prisoner, but share with me, start sharing with me in the sufferings of the gospel according to what?
The power of God. So we're going to just keep circling back to this whole idea of standing firm in perilous times.
And this morning, God willing, we'll finish this message title. If you have the sermon notes, don't be ashamed of the gospel.
Dear friends, we want to stand firm in the days in which we live, but we also want to do this knowing that the cure and true remedy for what ails this country is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
When people are saved and they are born again, their thinking changes, their values change, their priorities change.
And so what happens is if they're going to be obedient to Christ, they become salt and light in the lives of the people around them, with their neighbors, with their coworkers.
And you say, well, how do I do that when I'm at home because of COVID? Well, God will find a way.
Might not be with a coworker that you're chatting with on Zoom or whatever you do.
But see, something that many churches and believers seem to have forgotten in the days in which we live, maybe because of our culture, maybe because of smartphones, maybe because of the computer, maybe because of the deceitfulness of riches.
I can't give you all the reasons why I'm not articulate enough, but they seem to have forgotten and they seem to not think about in the difficult ways in which we live is the great commission.
The great command by the Lord Jesus Christ and the charge that is found here in Matthew chapter 28, beginning at verse 19, for believers to share the gospel.
Look carefully. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.
And lo, I'm with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
Dear friends, this is a charge and a command to all believers. I can't break down the
Greek. I don't have the time, but make disciples is a command. It's an imperative. Go is an aorist tense in the verb, which means this is something that you should have done in the past.
You should have started in the past and you should still be doing now. So even in the early church, right, when
Timothy's case and people stopped sharing the gospel, which is why when you go to modern day
Turkey, besides Islam and the crusades, you find it very difficult, almost impossible to find a
Christian church where the church at Colossae was, where the church at Thessalonica was, Laodicea, Hierapolis, the churches of Galatia.
They aren't there in England. Not too long ago, 95 % of the population was in some kind of church on Sunday.
Now it's less than 5%. Do you understand the United States is right behind there and it's not the president and the legislature and the governor.
It's a lack of telling people about the good news of Jesus Christ. This is a command.
Paul writes this letter. He's in prison for the gospel. He's waiting to be executed.
His disciple, Timothy had become afraid and ashamed because of the possible consequences that he might face as he shares the gospel.
And we live with that too. My neighbor might not like me, right? Man, if I tell them about Jesus, they'll never talk to me again.
Oh, what a terrible thing. I don't know how to do it.
Well, I guarantee you Ilgen will have a class on how to share the gospel when he gets here, because that's his focus.
I've never shared the gospel in my life, John. Well, guess what? We're going to show you how.
Amen? It's not that hard. I mean, believe me, when you ask somebody, are you interested in spiritual things?
And they say, no. Guess what? You don't have to share the gospel. Phew, got by that one, right?
Because the Lord hasn't opened the door. But the Lord will open doors as we pray to share the gospel, because God is faithful and God wants people to get saved more than anything else.
So let's finish today and see how the apostle Paul, under the direction and the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, sought to encourage and strengthen his beloved son in the faith, Timothy, about the business of sharing and proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.
Amen? Let's pray. Father, we're so thankful for this day. We're so thankful for your
Word, the bread of life. We're so thankful that you're a sovereign
God, that no matter what is going on in the world today, Jesus said, Lo, I am with you always, even to the very end.
He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
And God, may your Holy Spirit indeed be our teacher this morning as we seek, Father God, as we seek,
Father God, to learn the truths from your Word, the faith truths, God, the life truths, how we might stand firm in perilous times.
And Father, not be ashamed of the gospel, we pray in Jesus' name. Amen? So let's go back to 2nd
Timothy. 2nd Timothy. And we've seen that one of the effects on Timothy in the days in which he lived and Paul's imprisonment and so on was fear.
Because Paul says in verse 6, For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.
And when we come to verse 8, and we come to verse 9, 10, and 11, we get some encouragement and help and strength when it comes to not being ashamed of the gospel.
First of all, by understanding Paul's admonition to Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel, right?
Second, by understanding Paul's affirmation of the gospel. And then third, by understanding
Paul's appointment as an apostle. As I mentioned last week, we find in these verses really what is best described as a vacuum -packed, comprehensive theology of the gospel.
And what we began doing last week, and what we'll finish up today, God willing, is to open this vacuum -pack and to feast on the faith truths that Paul was communicating to Timothy in these verses.
Understand, see, faith comes by hearing. Romans 10, 17. Faith comes by hearing.
Hearing by the Word of God. So as we feast upon the
Word of God, as we read God's Word, God's Word never returns void. Beloved, read the
Bible every day. Do you eat every day? Do you brush your teeth every day? Yes?
Hopefully. Beloved, read God's Word every day. Feed upon God's Word every day.
Faith comes by hearing. Hearing by the Word of God. That is one way we stand firm in perilous times.
So Paul tells his beloved son, do not be ashamed. Stop being embarrassed about the gospel of Jesus Christ or of Paul's imprisonment.
Don't, don't, don't, don't. Put off that fearful embarrassment. People might recognize you and know that you are my disciple and know that I'm in prison.
They might arrest you. And see, friends, we have the same charge. We must not be ashamed of the testimony of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ or fear sharing the gospel. And the way out for Timothy of that condition and the path and the route that, that Paul gives him to put off his fear and, and, and put on courage is his faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the gospel.
The same gospel that saves, right? It's a powerful gospel. It saves.
It is the power of God. Romans 1 16, unto salvation, to all who believe, right?
To the Jew first and to the Greek. That same power that saves, strengthens and empowers us to get out and do the work of the
Lord. So what can we learn in these verses about how the gospel applies to not being ashamed or embarrassed or afraid and about our relationship with Christ that our neighbor might not ever speak to us again, or that coworker will think we're weird or whatever it fear it is.
They might not like me. And how do we learn from here about standing firm in the last days?
Number one, by understanding Paul's admonition to Timothy to not be ashamed of the gospel.
So by understanding and applying ourselves to Paul's admonition in verse eight, right?
Paul says, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord or of me as prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God.
Paul is saying never be ashamed to tell others about the Lord and don't be ashamed or afraid that I'm in prison.
And the idea with this word is, is don't be, don't be embarrassed. Don't be afraid. Don't be ashamed.
And then we see the importance of understanding this condition because he says in verse 12 again, for this reason,
I also suffer these things. Nevertheless, I'm not ashamed. I'm not embarrassed. I'm not afraid. What a powerful verse.
Why does he feel that way? How can he feel that way in a
Roman prison? I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded, convinced absolutely that he is able to keep what
I have committed, entrusted to him until that day. And then we see it again.
The Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus for he often refreshed me.
And Onesiphorus was what? Not ashamed, not embarrassed, not afraid of Paul's imprisonment.
So we understand and see that the major message of this section of the letter has to do with this condition of being ashamed or fearfully embarrassed about the gospel or about being in a
Christian, in a culture that is adamantly opposed to the
Christian faith. In Ontario this week, a church just 11 months ago,
Ontario, Canada, just 11 months ago bought their first building. They had been meeting in homes and in community centers and libraries and schools and God opened the door for them.
The gospel preaching church, you can Google it and find it on the internet. They bought their first building.
They upgraded the sound system. They did some things to get it ready and they're worshiping there safely against health directives.
And the police came in last week and seized the building and locked it up and they cannot worship in that building.
And the pastor wrote an article about that. It was so beautiful. He said, we were worshiping without a building before.
The church is us and we will worship again without a building. They took the building from them.
Timothy can put off his fear and he can put on courage according to the power of God, because in Christ, by faith through the gospel,
God has given us power. God has given us a spirit of power, right? A power, strength.
It's dynamite. That's the word. God hasn't given his children a spirit of fear or cowardice, not of timidity, but of power.
And see, this is accessed through the gospel. This is what Paul is taking
Timothy back to. So when it comes to guarding against the danger of being ashamed or afraid of the gospel, take comfort, right?
Take comfort and be encouraged that if we find ourselves feeling this way, oh man,
I don't even know. I might be able to pass out a track and you're shaking, you know, as you go through the drive -through.
You know, I've had them do that. I've had them slap it out of my hand at Starbucks. This happened to me.
Here, I want you to have this. I've had them throw it away. I mean, this happened, okay? It happens. Guess what?
I drove away with my coffee. Did you hear me? The track's on the ground, but I got my
Starbucks. It's okay. So how can we learn?
First of all, by understanding and applying this admonition, right? And the gospel truth there.
Now, secondly, by understanding Paul's admonition of the gospel, which is where we began last week and we'll finish up this morning, because we only have just point and one more.
So in verse eight, Paul admonishes Timothy to not be ashamed or afraid of the testimony of the gospel.
And now he comes back to the gospel and he begins to affirm, this is so important to understand, he begins to affirm salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.
Look what he says. Share with me in the sufferings of the gospel, according to the power of God, verse nine, here it is, who has saved us and who has called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
But now has been revealed by the appearing of our savior, Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
Now, Paul is circling back to the power of the gospel. And what he says in verses nine and 10 is really the gospel in miniature.
You see the word gospel in verse eight. You see the word saved in verse nine.
You see the word called in verse nine. You see the word gospel in verse 10.
Right? These are all words that are part of a theology of the gospel.
They're all a integral components of the gospel. Right? And Paul's aim and purpose in this letter is to encourage
Timothy and really any believer living in difficult times. He's encouraging believers to remember and understand, listen, that the gospel doesn't stop at salvation.
The power of the gospel saves, and it's also the gospel that can help and empower believers to not be ashamed of Christ and to live in difficult times without fear.
And I mentioned last week, and I affirm again, that there's five, at least five pillars of truth about the gospel, right?
See, there's every indication, as I said last week, that Timothy in verse six, when
Paul says, I remind you to stir up the gift of God, to kindle afresh. Right? There's every indication that Timothy took these truths from this letter and actually began to live them out again in his life, because we read in Hebrews 13, 23, that Timothy had been released from prison.
So Timothy takes the truths of this letter and the power of the gospel, and he begins to put off that timidity and fear.
He begins to put on the courage, and he suffers the consequences for that. Amen? And he gets imprisoned, and then he gets released.
So what does Paul say and not say about the gospel? That as Timothy reads this letter, understanding his spiritual father is going to die.
These are his last words. See, in this for us, it's funny. He went and visited Paul.
There's no indication Timothy did out of fear. But Timothy apparently, through what
Paul says in this letter, begins to put on that courage, begins to do the work of an evangelist and a pastor, right?
So what happened? What did he grab onto?
So last week, we understood, first of all, that there is an antecedent to Timothy's sincere and genuine faith, verse five, when
Paul says, I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, right? And we talked about what comes before that, right?
So to understand what Paul says in verse nine about being saved, and being called with a holy calling, and all of those kinds of things before time ever began, right?
We need to understand the condition before, right? The antecedent, which is you can go back, if you want the refresher course, if you want to remember go back, it's on YouTube.
Thank God for YouTube. Amen? Especially those of you that aren't here. See, how was
Timothy saved? By the power of the Gospel, by the power of God. How was this world created?
By the power of God. How was the Red Sea divided? As the
Israelites were being trapped by the Egyptian army, by the power of God.
And then how did it flow back over the Egyptians and wipe them all out? The power of God.
How did the walls of Jericho come tumbling down? The power of God. I mean, that is the most amazing thing.
If you ever want to have some fun sometime, study the walls of Jericho, because the walls of Jericho didn't tip over.
Archaeologists have found Jericho. They have found the walls. You know what those walls did? They collapsed on themselves.
And we're talking about the power of Almighty God that said, let there be light.
And there was light. How did Jesus Christ rise from the dead?
By the power of God. See, people are saved by the power of God. And Timothy could kindle afresh.
He could stir up that gift, verse 6. He could put off the timidity and the fear that was gripping his life to the point of being ashamed of the gospel and his beloved spiritual father by the power of God.
See, that's how believers stand firm in the last days, by the power of God.
And the reason I took this time just to quickly review is because this is what is behind verse 9, who saved us.
Paul passes from a reference to the gospel to the central affirmation in verse 9 that God has saved us.
This is an active voice. This is something done to us. God who saved us. This is the good news of Jesus Christ.
Paul affirms how God pours out his grace and how he alone saves, and how Timothy and true believers have this great salvation.
He also affirms that the same power of God that saves his enemies, people who are born in sin, people who are dead in their trespasses in sin, look at this, calls believers, calls people with a holy calling.
Now, this is huge. This is a deep well of gospel doctrine, and I would love to spend the rest of the morning diving down with you and plumb the depths of all that is here.
We just don't have the time. There's two important gospel truths here in verse 9.
One is that he called us, and the second is that he called us with a holy calling.
So here's what I want you to look, this is what I believe, and commentators back me up that are like infinitely more smart than I am and intelligent than I am.
Here's what I want you to lock into. The same power of God that spoke this world into existence literally from nothing, the same power of God that raised
Jesus Christ from the dead and Lazarus is the very same power of God that saves people.
And listen, it is the same power that calls people to salvation.
You see, this is a profound reminder that salvation is all a work of God.
See, anyone born again is the recipient of a divine call to saving faith from the sovereign
God of the universe. Go to Matthew and look with me at Matthew chapter 2.
Hold your place there. We'll come back in a moment, but look at Matthew 2, Matthew chapter 2, look at verse 15.
You see, we read in Matthew chapter 2 verse 15 that God the
Father called his son, and we're not talking about a phone call or a text message or an email.
We are talking about a divine call. Matthew 2 15, out of Egypt, what?
I called my son over in Matthew 22.
Look at this. And again, like I said, deep waters here. We just don't have the time to unpack all of it.
Matthew 22 verse 14. Many are called, but few are chosen.
John 6 44. John 6 44. See, the call of salvation goes out.
John 6 44. No one, how many?
No, I mean, please don't listen to me. Listen to God. No one can come to me.
That is Jesus speaking. Unless the Father who sent me draws him, calls him, and I will raise him up on the last day.
Acts 2 39. Acts 2 39. For the promises to you and to your children and all who are far off, as many as the
Lord our God will, what? Call. Paul uses this word call 40 times in his letters.
I can imagine Timothy, if you go back with me to 2 Timothy, I can imagine
Timothy getting this letter. He's over in Ephesus. He's got the curtains drawn, and I can imagine him remembering the apostle
Paul, discipling him for those three years, and I can remember how,
I can imagine how this word would have resonated with him.
Friends, by God's grace, through faith alone, in Christ alone, people are saved. They are redeemed.
They are justified. They are sanctified. All of it. The great salvation and wonderful call.
Look at what he says. Not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was granted us, given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
Paul is about to die. All of his friends in Asia had turned away from him. Timothy's afraid.
So, Paul is reminding him to remember God's purpose and that he was called by God.
And the point is, God has called us that, and God has a purpose.
And if we understand that as we're living in difficult days, as we're afraid to ask that coworker, by the way, we're on a personal
Zoom call. You can do it on Zoom. You can do it on Google Meet. Webex, is that the other one?
You can do it on those platforms. When everybody's gone from the meeting, can I ask you a question?
Do you ever think about God? I mean, how do you know that God is not calling that person unless you ask the question?
You understand? Oh, I'm too scared. We have policies, HR. Well, do it on the phone later.
There's ways. If we're thinking that way, if we understand that God has called us with what?
A holy calling. See, the call to salvation is a call to be holy, meaning set apart.
And this is a reminder to Timothy and all Christians that the Christian life and calling is not just about the forgiveness of sin.
It's not just about the assurance of eternity. The Christian life is a holy calling, which means it is a sacred, pure, dedicated to God.
Friends, you do not hide God's holiness in a house under a basket. I don't know when the last time you thought about this when you're singing on Sunday morning.
Let me really, really confront you, OK? I know you're going to get mad at me.
Can you pray for me now before you get mad at me? There's a lot of bad presidents, amen?
Well, there was recently a president about 20 years ago that was in maybe 25 who was an adulterer.
Well, that president flew to Sacramento. And at that time, I was in sales driving around.
That president landed at McClellan. And I remember, out of respect for that office, right, that that individual drove by.
I happened to be right there. They said on the radio, hey, we're following, you know, the Air Force One has landed.
The president is getting in the limousine, and they're leaving McClellan. They're turning on Watt. Well, I was right by Watt.
So you know what I did? And I didn't have no idea there'd be thousands of people. So I parked and I got and I saw and I stood in respect.
And when we were in the White House, when we visited the White House, when my mother worked for the State Department, I had such a somber, sober reverence for that place.
What we need to understand is we have a holy calling, and we are to be reverent.
We are to live a life that brings glory to God, and we need to remember that. And hiding in the house with the curtains closed is not a holy calling.
Ephesians 1 .4, just as he chose us in him before the foundational world, that we would be holy and blameless before him.
The Great Commission is a matter of obedience, church. Lying, stealing, lusting after your neighbor's wife, these are things we do out of a matter of obedience.
We come to church with a good night's sleep so we can stay awake and we can be alert.
And no matter whether the song is, you know, exactly what we like or not like, we are going to sing unto the
Lord, redeemed, how I love to proclaim it, redeemed. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
And we worship God in spirit and in truth because we have been saved with a holy calling.
And we have a sense of that. And when we read Isaiah chapter 6, and we see that Isaiah saw the
Lord high and lifted up, and he says, woe unto me, I'm a man of unclean lips.
Do you understand? And they say, who will I send? And Isaiah says, I'll go.
Church, will you go? Will you go? God has not called us, 1
Thessalonians 4 .7, God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in holiness. Holiness is an integral part of God's plan for salvation.
We have a great salvation and forgiveness and holiness and immortality. These are just three aspects of God's great.
Paul's affirming the gospel. He's taking this banquet of gospel truth and he's compressing it down into these two verses for his beloved son.
He affirms Timothy's sincere, verse five, genuine faith. He affirms that it is the truth, that it is the power of God that saves.
And he calls guilty sinners and believers to holiness.
He also affirms that being saved and responding to the call of God is what? Not according to our works, not according to human effort.
Oh, John, I've always wanted to share the gospel, but I'm so afraid I'll make a mistake.
No such thing because it's not you that saves. Did you hear me?
It's not us. It's not according to our works. We don't get saved by according to our works.
We don't get anyone else saved according to our works. Nothing we can do except be obedient.
Human works can't call. They can't save. They can't sanctify. They can't glorify. They cannot put off.
Timothy's being ashamed. This is the whole point. Remember Dr. Fisher? Yeah, his life verse,
Galatians 2 .20, I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live. The life
I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God. That's the whole point of this.
We cannot save ourselves. We cannot not be ashamed of the gospel in our own.
We can't give the gospel in our own. We just say, God, help me. How aren't people saved?
How aren't people God? How don't people kindle afresh their gift? How can't
Timothy not be ashamed? How can't Timothy be afraid of his testimony and put that off and get back to being bold for Christ?
Verse nine, not according to our works, our efforts, our strength. Friends, you know what
I put in my notes? It's kind of silly. You're going to laugh. This truth is worth the price of admission today.
You just got your money's worth if you put it in the box. Finally, Paul affirms that believers are saved according to God's own purpose and grace, when?
Given to us in Christ Jesus before time began. And I'll tell you, this is another mountaintop
I would love to spend. I would love to sit there with you this morning and look out, look out over that scenic overview of the gospel.
You have to understand the doctrinal ground that Paul is standing on here, and you have to look out over the pages of scripture to really get and see what he's saying.
Where does such a great salvation come from? Not according to our works, but according to God's own purpose and grace, which was granted us in Jesus Christ, when?
And you're sitting in your house, Timothy, watching
TV, checking your
Twitter feed for an hour when God has called you according to his own purpose and grace from before time began.
What a sober responsibility. Trace the river of salvation back to its source, and you have to go back to eternity past.
Doesn't that just do something to your brain? Paul's about to be executed for his faith.
What kind of good news? What kind of gospel is that? That certainly isn't that God has a wonderful plan for your life.
That certainly isn't God wants to bless you, press down, shaken together, and fill your bank account.
Just give me enough money for another jet. Right? What did
Timothy need to put off his fear? Where was Paul getting his peace in that cold death row stone cell?
They were drawing on the truth that God's saving purpose was not arbitrary.
It was not an accident. It wasn't a second thought. My appointment with that young lady yesterday was not a fluke.
Understand that co -worker you're going to talk to tomorrow. That could be a divine appointment.
Don't be afraid. Don't be ashamed. God gave
Paul and Timothy. He gives all true believers his own purpose of grace in Christ before we did any good works before we were born, before we could do any good works, even before history began.
That's what that means. Before time began, before history as we know it began, God saves according to his own purpose and grace, which was granted us in Christ Jesus from before the world began.
It has now been revealed in our savior, Jesus Christ, something that angels long to look into.
And we have right here. How can we not do something with it? Guilty as charged.
John, what you're saying is impossible. Timothy, Paul, what you're saying is impossible.
But once I begin to fix my eyes on Jesus and on the gospel and on the holy calling, once I begin to remember that I was saved, that God set this all up in his sovereign omniscience and omnipotence, man, once I begin to get a hold of that,
I can get courage. What did
Christ do when he appeared and proceeded to manifest God's eternal purpose of grace?
Verse 10. First, Jesus abolished death, right? Second, he brought life and immortality, right?
And life and light through the gospel. The scripture speaks of death in three ways.
Spiritual death, physical death, right? Eternal death, eternal separation of both body and soul from God forever.
All are due to sin. Their sin's terrible and just reward.
And Paul affirms that Jesus has abolished, he's nullified those three deaths that the Bible talks about.
From eternity past, God in Christ abolished death. And secondly, Christ brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.
And this is the positive counterpart. It is by Christ's death and resurrection that he abolished death.
It is through the gospel that he now reveals what he has done and offers men the life and immortality that he has won for them.
So in order to appreciate the full force of this Christian affirmation, we need to call to mind who's making it.
Who is this who is right so confidently about life and death and about the abolition of death and the revelation of life?
It is one who is facing the imminent prospect of death himself, Paul. Any day they will come for him.
So what is the prescription Paul gives Timothy to put off his timidity, his fear, being ashamed, right?
Number one, the gospel, right? We need to understand this admonition to Timothy to not be ashamed.
We need to have some sense of this incredible jewel of the gospel, all that is packed in.
And then we look at Paul's appointment, verse 11. Look at Paul's appointment. He comes back to this, to which
I was appointed a preacher. That means a divine appointment. Understand there's no apostles in the church today.
I was appointed a preacher and apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles. Go back to Ephesians chapter 2. Ephesians chapter 2.
So the church, verse 20, Ephesians 2, was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.
So the foundation was laid by the apostles. Who gave apostles to the church? Ephesians 4, Ephesians 4, 11.
He gave, he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.
There is no such thing as apostles and prophets today as there were in the early church.
There were still prophets in the book of Acts, but then they pass away, their need to pass away as the scripture becomes complete.
That's a whole series of sermons that I can't preach this morning because you're going to kill me because you're getting hungry.
Don't kill me. Just throw paper airplanes at me.
So Paul was saved. Back to 2 Timothy. Paul was saved.
He was appointed by God to be a preacher and apostle, a teacher of the Gentiles. There's certainly preachers and teachers.
There's men and women called by God. So let's finish with Matthew 28, please. Matthew 28.
I'm not kidding you. I have a whole, I'm cutting, I have 30 more minutes of preaching, but I want to be your friend.
I want you to love me. I was so fired up by this study yesterday.
See, Timothy's sincere faith wasn't grounded in trite sayings or a simple prayer. As you see so often on Christian television, you can become a
Christian today. Just pray this prayer. That's not the gospel. Yeah. Do you need to pray to get saved?
Absolutely. Right. But that's not, the prayer is not the gospel. The way to not be ashamed of the gospel, the way out of the timidity and fear that gripped
Timothy's faith. I'm sorry, that gripped Timothy was faith. He had to listen to Paul's admonition.
He had to understand this affirmation of the power of the gospel. He had to recognize and remember
Paul's divine appointment as an apostle. The prescription for what ailed Timothy didn't involve taking a pill or reading some book.
I mean, there's so much stuff on Christian radio sometimes. I was listening the other day and this lady was calling,
I won't even mention the name of the program, but these people that offer counseling on the air, it was just so funny.
Well, I have a book to recommend. Go buy this book. No, it's the power of the gospel, right?
The prescription for Timothy and for any of us, either when it comes to being afraid to share the gospel or standing firm in difficulties is simple faith, right?
The way out of being ashamed and one's fear of being a witness, the answer for Timothy and all believers is the power of God unto salvation and unto sanctification.
The gospel saves, but the gospel also delivers. The gospel also empowers.
It is Christ in us, the hope of glory. That is why Paul says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Even pass the track out to the angry Starbucks lady. Remember when it comes to standing firm in the last days,
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation and unto sanctification.
The gospel doesn't just save, it also delivers. It also empowers. The gospel is
Christ in us, the hope of glory. You think about what was going on in the
Middle East at the time that Paul wrote that letter with Nero and all of that, and what we're going through as a country is a cakewalk.
How about being a Christian in China right now, where the AI on the camera, on the
CCTV will pick up your face, and they know that that house that you're going to is a house church underground, which is illegal, and they come knocking on the door while you're singing
Amazing Grace, and they arrest you, and they take you away. You say,
John, how do I? I know that happens. I have many Chinese Christian friends. You're not going to find that on MSNBC and all those other things, but it's happening right now.
How about North Korea? You can't tell anybody you're a
Christian. I mean, it's instant labor camp, death, torture. Think about our country for a moment, please, as we close.
See, standing firm in difficult and perilous days means not being ashamed of the gospel.
Here in Matthew 28, verse 19, please look at it with me again. Jesus charges believers, go therefore and make disciples.
John, I'm a Christian. You mean, as a
Christian, I have to obey God, right? Yeah. I'm not going to live like I used to live, right?
Right. I'm not going to lie like I used to lie, right? I'm not going to covet money like I used to covet money, right?
Right, right, because I've been born again. I'm a different person, right? Yeah, right. So Jesus says to us, church, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.
John, I am so scared. I have never done it. John, I'm so scared of what's going on in our country.
I'm so worried. I say to you this morning what
Jesus says. He is with us always, even to the end of the age.
Let's pray. I want to give you a moment before David comes to lead us in a closing hymn.
I want to give you a moment to reflect. You don't have to be honest with me.
God knows your heart. If you're watching by video, number one, do you know for sure that you have been born again?
Do you know for sure that if you died today, do you know for sure what would happen two seconds after your last breath?
And number two, are you willing to be obedient to God, as scary as it may seem, to be an evangelist and to make disciples?
Use this time to pray and then I'll pray. Father, we thank you for your word.
You know our hearts this morning. There's no secrets from you.
You know that the church in the United States has fallen short in reaching the lost with the gospel.
Neighbors, co -workers, and Father, you know there's people even here perhaps listening that are watching that, you know, if they shared the gospel at work, they could be written up.
It could be a violation of a policy. I mean, my wife, when she was a nurse, they instituted that policy.
We know those things exist, that there is, you know, consequences for breaking rules at a company.
But God, that doesn't mean that you wouldn't open the way to share the gospel with a co -worker.
You will do that like you did yesterday. You will open doors for us. And God, I pray that that as a church,
Lord, as we look forward to Pastor Cho, to welcoming him here as a pastor,
God, his burden is that burden that Christ has, to get the gospel.
There is a neighborhood out there, I cannot help but remember the meetings we had with Pastor Alberto when he said to us two or three times, there are people, there are people out there waiting, waiting for us to bring them the gospel.
Help us as a church, help us as Christians here this morning,
God, to pray that you would open those doors. And you'll make it so clear to us, even if we've never done it before.
We've never passed out a track. We've never told somebody that God loves them.
We've never done that. But God, we can ask you, Lord, we, I don't have the ability, but you do.
Might you put that on our heart this week, God? Each day as we do our devotions, as we spend time with you,
God, would you open a door today for me to share the gospel?
God, if anything else from this message, that we would get the courage as we think about Christ, as we think about this holy calling, to indeed be obedient to your word,
God, to step out in faith. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you for your patience.
David? Well, please stand for our closing song,
Jesus is all the world to me. He sends the sunshine and the rain.
He sends the harvest golden grain.
Sunshine and rain, harvest of grain.
Jesus is all.
I trust him now. I'll trust him when life's fleeting days shall end.
Beautiful life with such a friend.
Beautiful life that has no end.
Eternal life, eternal joy.
He's my friend. The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.