

Pastor David Mitchell



Lord, thank you so much for the service thus far and for being with us and even guiding down to the songs that we sing.
And thank you that you meet with us. Thank you for the Sunday school lesson this morning from brother Dave and Lord, it was very, very in line with the message today.
We ask you to bless brother Bill and protect him as he's away from us today, bring him back safely.
We'll miss him and watch over us today, Lord. May we stay in the word just like the music today was wonderful doctrine and let us stay in the word and may you guide us and teach us in Jesus name, amen.
Yeah, the doctrinal message and the song Betsy put up there was fantastic and it's like reading the
Bible almost. Well, we're in making our way through Romans chapter 11 and let me see if I can get this thing to work.
Sometimes you have to click on it once. All right, so we've kind of jumped off into this area of Paul giving us the possibility of God plucking the
Gentile church off the tree and reinserting the
Jews. And we know that's exactly what will happen during the tribulation time period, the last seven years, that's when that will happen.
And of course, my belief is my interpretation of certain scripture is that when the Lord actually returns at the second coming, any
Jewish person who's still alive on the planet will receive him as their Messiah. And that's what
I think Paul meant when he said, all Israel shall be saved. And so that's gonna be a joyous event.
It doesn't mean that there's a mistaken notion out there because of so many false books that have been written about the end times.
It's unfortunate and people mean well, and they just, I don't know. I think sometimes young men learn things in seminary and it colors the way they read the scripture the rest of their lives and they interpret it through that sieve.
And so that's a problem, but they get the idea that the church is not on the planet during that seven years, which is false.
The church is here till the end. In fact, when they ask Jesus, the apostles ask him, tell us when the end of the world will be.
The word is age, and it's a reference to the church age, the age that they were about to go into at Pentecost.
When will that age be over? And he answered that question. And it's the answer to his question in Matthew 24, answered and gave signs of when the end of that age would happen.
And the church is very much still here. In fact, people are added to the church throughout the seven years, or at least a lot of the seven years, hundreds of thousands of Gentiles will be saved.
And as I just said, I believe all the Jews will be saved. They're still alive at the end of it. So that's an amazing thing to understand.
So it's sad that books mislead people and they call it predominantly a Jewish time period.
It's not predominantly a Jewish time period. It's a Jewish and a church time period. And it's talking about God's people.
And we've given much evidence of that in the last few messages. So if you missed those, go out and check out the archives at parkmeadowschurch .com
and listen to some of the previous messages where frequently, well, I'm gonna lose my voice here.
And it didn't bring any water when you know it. Frequently, it's probably because Matt's here. He can get me some water.
I always forget when Matt's here. But anyway, so many times up here, we'll push a little box up there and it'll show you, well, there's the church beyond chapter three of Revelation.
Here it is again, here it is again. So you've seen all those, you can go back and check that out. So we've gotten to the place here where the seven angels, the same ones that have the seven trumpets, also have these vials, seven vials, they're pouring out, which are plagues from God, which are judgments on the world system.
That's what they're designed for. Just like hell is designed for Satan's children, not for God's children.
And none of God's children will ever set foot in hell. But these plagues are designed predominantly for, thank you so much, to chasten the world system and technically to destroy the world system as Satan has it set up and it will be destroyed by the end.
But that's not the only role. The scripture is very clear that it also has the role of the church being under so much trials and tribulation that she purifies herself, which means experiential righteousness.
It's her making herself be better people. That hasn't happened yet. Okay, I mean, look at the church today.
It's probably in the saddest state it's been in the history of the church. And I think the
Laodicean church in the early chapters of Revelation sort of picture the end times church, perhaps the
Lord meant for it to do that. But certainly there are many churches that pattern themselves after that Laodicean lukewarm church.
And so the church, there's no way in the world the church is making herself ready right now. But when that tribulation hits and she has to go through it and God takes all of our toys away, that's gonna make a big difference.
Anytime you go through trials, tribulations, you clean your life up. I'm talking about if you're God's person, if you're already
God's child, you live better. You draw into closer to him, you pray more, you read the scripture more and you stop sinning more.
Cause that's a double negative. You sin less, stop sending more.
That takes no, it makes no sense. Okay, so we're about to see these.
And we already talked about these seven vials last time. Here they are. And these just point out what happened and give you the verses where they happened.
And the last one down there is a violent worldwide earthquake, cities fall, islands flee, mountains are not found, and then there is hail.
And you can use that word hail there to match up certain different chapters of the book of Revelation where they're not chronological, where there's a parenthetical that talks about some of the stuff that's in the chronological part and you can match them.
And that's going to help us with our chronology chart that we're building to match these things up.
But this is interesting because Dave Huber came up to me at the end of the service last time.
And I hadn't really gotten to that seventh one or finished it and we ran out of time. So we stopped right about here and he said, man,
I got to show you something because I found this, you know, while you were talking about that, because we've had this talk before, we sort of have like a three -stage plan.
Maybe it's cut back to two now, who knows, but it's like a three -stage plan. And one of them, this phase two included, well, maybe, you know, maybe sometime it's wise to get away from the
United States and get off, maybe out in the Caribbean or somewhere on an island that's predominantly
Protestant where the taxi drivers talk to you about the
Lord. I've been on them, they're like that. Everybody talks to you about the Lord. There are islands like that out there. Maybe that would be a good place to be next.
And then you end up in a cave in South America for the last three and a half years. All right. So you got to have a sailboat to get there.
All right. So there's the plan. Now, interesting thing is I was telling you right at the end of last time,
I met this wonderful cab driver on St. Martin one time who reminded me of brother Otis. He just the same doctrinal stance.
I mean, he believed in sovereignty of God really strong. And he said, our church has seven members and all the rest of the churches here persecute us because of our belief in the sovereignty of God, because they're all
Armenian, he said. And he knew the whole thing. I mean, he was like talking to Otis, the cab driver.
So I was messing with him. I said, well, you know, the scripture where it says, you know, the islands will sink into the sea.
I said, man, what do you how do you deal with that? You live on this little island. He said, I will have a boat. God will give me a boat.
And I said, OK, I'm with you then. So that's great. Well, anyway, so we've talked about that before, like, because the plan includes islands and then ending up in a cave in a mountain, right?
And here it says the islands flee and the mountains are found not. So naturally, we tend to interpret things, you know, you interpret so much through a sieve.
So what do you how do you read that? You read that the islands will sink into the ocean and the mountains will fall in on themselves, right?
And so Dave comes up to me and says, you should see, you know, you should actually see the Greek words for these things.
They're not saying that. I said, really? And so thanks to you, we now have this in the notes. So let's take a look at that where it says the mountains are not found in the
Hebrew. I'm sorry, in the Greek, it means to find or to perceive or be able to see something.
So it doesn't say the mountains sink or fall in on themselves. It says you can't see them.
You get where you can't see the mountains. Now, I want you to think about nuclear winter because you were all over that and Joel this morning.
I don't know if you were noticing that little stuff about the darkness. How many times did it mention in the day of the
Lord, there shall be utter darkness. Listen, all it takes is just one button to be pushed by one human being.
And, uh, and Russia releases hers this direction. We release ours, that direction,
China gets involved and you will have no more crops. You talking about how it says you're going to have a famine.
You know, there's nothing even to offer to the Lord, all of that stuff. One or two buttons get pushed, then the rest of them get pushed.
And you're going to have total darkness because the dust cloud and it'll be radioactive. Dust cloud will be such that the sun can't get through and the crops can't grow.
Little animals won't have anything to eat. The fish in the sea will die. What are you going to do?
Well, you got to hope the Lord tells you what to do before it happens. And he will, he says that he will hide his people.
So the mountains don't fall in there. Just the people can't see him because you can't see through.
Like if you're trying to land an airplane, you got like a thousand yards of visibility and that's it.
You just can't see the mountains anymore. That's what that means. Isn't that cool.
It doesn't mean they go away or they fall in. Now it's interesting to take a look at what it, the little, uh,
Greek word for flea, where it says the islands flea, you think, well, it means they just sink into the ocean, right?
Well, not really. Uh, it actually means they run away or they vanish.
You can't see him anymore. You can't see him anymore. It can mean a place to escape too.
So you, like you, they just don't, when you have nuclear winter and you've got the, the clouding and the mist that's out there with the nuclear material in it all over the world, you don't see the skyscrapers if there are any left.
I think those do. I think scripture is clear that those fall in. Uh, but, uh, you can't see a mountain from a distance.
You can't see if you're out on a ship, even if you were out on a ship, you couldn't see the islands. That's what it means.
Doesn't mean they fall in. Isn't that interesting? And we didn't know that after years of studying this, we didn't know that till last
Sunday morning after the service, when they brought this up and we start looking at it, uh, just cause we just assumed it meant,
Oh, you know, the island sink and the mountains fall in. Doesn't say that in the original.
So, uh, it's so interesting how the Lord promised that as we get closer to these events, he will shed more light on the scripture for us so that we understand these things better.
And we see that happening almost every week now. So this little Greek word,
Fio Fugo, it means to flee away or to seek safety by flight.
It means, um, something to avoid by flight, something bad to be saved by flight, to escape safely out of danger or poetically it means to ban it, to flee away or to banish.
So it just doesn't show up. Isn't that interesting? Now I want to remind you of this scripture once again,
Zephaniah two, one through three, it may be, you shall be hid in the day of the
Lord's anger. Is that interesting? It may be, you'll be hit, like you'll be there.
They just can't see you. Now what's interesting is I wonder about this. Anybody's been in military or I just probably just need to ask
John Quinn and my rocket guys, this question, if you got nuclear winter and, and you've got, uh, you know, radioactive material in the clouds, can the satellite still see through and see you hiding in your mountain?
And I bet the answer is no. So the technology is going to pretty much be gone.
Have you ever noticed how in the book of revelation, they're fighting with bows and arrows and spears and swords. It's not gun, you know, but I think there are stages of it where you still have the weapons, but I think there comes a point of annihilation where, uh, the nukes that have been built my whole lifetime, they were built to be used.
Ladies, gentlemen, they weren't built to just be stockpiled. And I believe they will be used. And I think you read
Joel today where it pictures the use of those and many other places.
But the saints have been hidden on the earth from the time the seventh trumpet began to blow, if you go back in the messages we've preached in the last few weeks, right.
As the very beginning of the blowing of the seventh Trump, the Bible says that God releases the church from her responsibility of witnessing because she can't both witness and hide.
Right. So the Lord releases her from the responsibility of witnessing.
He raises up three different witnesses that are more powerful than the church. You have 144 ,000 virgin, uh,
Israeli witnesses going around the world, evangelists, you have an angel circling the earth, shouting, don't listen to him.
Listen to the one true God. Don't take the mark of the beast. That's an amazing witness.
And you have the two witnesses for three and a half years on the streets of Jerusalem street preaching who they try to kill.
Everyone tries to kill them is killed until the very end of that. When, when, uh,
Lucifer and dwells the antichrist and he comes and has power to kill them and they kill them, they throw a party and they give gifts like at Christmas for three and a half days.
And then the spirit of life comes from God and really rise up and stand on the streets on full television.
CNN even can't say anything about it. They have to show it. And there they are. And do they repent?
No, they hate God. And then those two ascend into a cloud and disappear out of their sight.
How do you think that people of Satan are feeling at that point? Well, we thought we killed them.
Well, you did kill them, but God raised them back up and all of this stuff. So you've got these witnesses there.
The church is allowed to hide. And then the seven miles are poured out.
Now I do have to say that I think, I don't think it works like so many of the charts, even the one we use just until we can get ours fixed to kind of give some idea of the chronology.
Remember that we put it up here a few times. What they tend to do is have the trumpets one, two, three, four, five, six, and then it'll show a long line, you know, over this much of the chart that says seventh trumpet and underneath that it'll have these seven vials.
I think if you read it carefully, some of these vials are lined up with the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth trumpet and the seventh.
They're not all under the seventh. I believe that I'm going to totally finish my investigation for.
I say that dogmatically, but I'm pretty sure that the sixth vial, for example, happens during the sixth
Trump, not the seventh. So they've got those drawn incorrectly. I think, but we'll make sure that by the time we're done and you can even investigate it yourselves, uh, look up things like the, this great hail thing that happens where the hail stones are about the size of a
Volkswagen bug falling out of the sky and killing millions of people, um, you can line those where you see them in like two places.
So if you line them up, they have to be in the same time period chronologically. So that helps you line up things.
So that's what we're going to, that's how we're going to approach it. And I've never seen that approach taken any of the books I've read. They always just say that, well, they're part of the seventh
Trump and they happen in order like that. I don't think they do, but we'll see. Um, so anyway, um, the very worst parts of it.
However, I do believe happened after the church is allowed to stop her witnessing and begin to hide.
All right. So I heard the angel, the water say thou are righteous. Oh Lord, which art, which was, which shall be because thou has judged thus.
So now we see that these vials are judgments upon the world system for they have shed the blood of the saints and the prophets, you see the world will be killing every
Christian and Jew they can find that's why during that time period,
I don't want to be in a country like America that has the best technology to find me. Who knows
XOs aerospace may have built some of that technology to find me. That would be ironic. Wouldn't it?
Uh, so I'm going to have John put a destructive button in those things where we can push a button and those go away, that would be good.
But anyway, um, the blood of the saints and the prophets have been shed by the world system.
And so God is pouring out these judgments upon the world system as judgment because of what they've done.
And, uh, it even turns the water into blood to drink because they're worthy because of the blood they shed of God's people.
You see the, you see the righteousness there. And I heard another one, um, out of the altar say, even so Lord almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and the power was given to him to scorch men with fire.
We talked about that one, right? The end of last time, if you remember. And so there is climate change, but it's not man that causes it it's
God. And, um, the upper atmosphere is damaged to the point where the sun's rays can get through more than they have up until now.
And they begin to scorch the people and men were scorched with great heat.
It's a good time to be in a cave because the temperature remains pretty constant in a cave and blaspheme the name of God.
So did they repent when these things happen? Do the people of the world, Satan's children, the tears, do they repent when they were, when they're spanked?
No, they just get angrier at the father. They hate God. It's not that they don't believe in him at this point.
They just hate him. They hate the one true God. They hate the Lord Jesus Christ. And so they're scorched, but they blaspheme the name of God, which has power over these plagues.
And see, they blame God for the plagues. They don't look at themselves and say, well, this happened because we're sinners.
And, you know, people still do that. People all the time will say, well, you know, the
God of the old Testament was kind of mean spirited, wasn't he? You know, he killed people and stuff. Right. You've heard people say that and they don't realize it.
Well, no, wait a minute. He's not mean he's holy. And he judges sin and the sin belongs to us.
It's our fault. If we point the finger at God, people will be doing that to the very end.
So they blaspheme the name of God, which has power over these plagues and they repented not.
To give God any glory. Isn't that something that's sort of where we ended last time. Now, remember, we've had this ongoing discussion of the fig tree.
And, um, so let's look at this close. This is a close in view of the destruction of what the
Bible calls the harlot. And then, and we're talking about revelation chapter 17, it gives us a close view of this destruction of the harlot.
It's a false religious system and a false world system, a one world government with no borders, which is what all the, uh, and I won't say all, you never mean all, but so many of our young people between the age of high school age and up to 30 years old.
Now they believe you shouldn't have borders. They've been taught that by the liberal establishment, predominantly the democratic party in the
United States and the liberal universities on the East coast and West coast. And they, they buy into it.
Well, that's great because the antichrist is going to say, I'm going to get rid of the borders. And they'll follow him because they love a person that does that.
And they hate a person that wants to put a wall up there and keep your nation, your nation, like you would keep your home, your home, and not just let anyone walk in off the street and come in your home, it's tantamount to the same thing.
If you don't believe in putting up borders, then why do you have a lock on your front door? Just let any street bum come in and eat your food, rape your wife, kill your kids and take everything you got and leave.
You don't need a border, right? Well, you say, oh, that's not true. Well, if you need a border, then your whole nation is just a family.
It's a it's Americans. It's we're a family. You need to keep people out, but now they've all been trained that that's evil because they call good evil and they call evil good and we're there.
So we're already to, you know, the foothills to the, if you say the seven years or a mountain, we're already well up the foothills, almost to the mountains,
I think on the timeline. So this world system that has everything backwards is going to be destroyed.
It's called a harlot, but also the religious system will be a one world religion and it's called a harlot too.
So you have kind of a two, two meanings of it, I think going on here at the same time, so you've got a secular one and you've got a religious one.
All right. So now this one, we're going to talk specifically about the destruction of the secular one.
And it starts, I'm skipping some of it because we're not doing a verse by verse study through revelation. It kind of seems like it sometimes, but we're just looking at the high points of starting with about verse 12, the 10 horns, which you saw are 10
Kings. It is a, an ancient Roman Confederacy of modern nations that are where the ancient
Roman empire used to be. And you have to remember that the Roman empire extended all on into Iraq and Iran and includes those, and a lot of the former
Soviet union countries are, were, are now Islamic. It includes those as well.
And so these will be 10 world leaders that probably are alive right now. They may not be in control now, but they will be the leaders of these 10 particular ancient, whatever the ancient
Roman empire used to be, which is predominantly Europe, but also, uh, some of where the former Soviet union was
Asia, Asia minor, and then, um, you know, Russia and the
Arab nations, Russia used to rule under the Soviet union, all those nations. So there'll be Kings from those areas of the world.
And, um, it says they have received no kingdom as yet. So you see, they're not currently world leaders right now, but they'll be raised up and they will be the world leaders when this seven years begins, but they receive power as Kings for one hour with the beast now, one hour.
What do you think that means? Literally an hour. Do you think it just represents a short period of time? It's just like a short period of time.
They're not going to be in power forever because antichrist is going to turn on him. He uses them to get control of everything and he gives them power and they do give him their allegiance.
The beast is the antichrist and these Kings have one mind and shall give their power and strength to the antichrist.
These shall make war with Jesus Christ. Anything to do with Christianity. I want you to pay attention here.
You've been taught that at the same time as the great resurrection, there are only two in the word of God.
The first one is at the end of the church age. Second one is at the end of the millennial kingdom. There are only two and the rapture cannot happen until after the first one, which is at the end of the church age, which is the end of the seven years or close to the end of seven years.
And so at that time, Jesus will establish his power, set up his kingdom and reign for a thousand years.
And that's a four view. Verse 14 is a four view of that. Hasn't happened yet in the chronology here, but it's going to happen.
So like, what does that tell us? We're going to have to go through battles, terrible, fierce battles, but we win in the end.
It's good to know that when you're fighting a war, isn't it? It's good to know that you win in the end and that you'll be immortal and no one can kill you in the end.
Jesus said, whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. So Satan blows up death bigger than it really is.
The person dying, he's in shock. He doesn't feel it. He doesn't, he doesn't even have a clue what's going on.
Everybody's watching. So, Oh, this is horrible. Look, what's happening to this poor person. Satan just wants you to fear death. And the
Bible says no Christian on this earth needs to fear death because you don't die. Whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
Jesus said, and then he said, believe us now this, cause he knew that's hard for us to believe in his fleshly body. We fear death in the flesh, but in the spirit, we don't need to.
Cause we never die. So at worst, death is a thump in your head and you just wake up and you're with Jesus.
There is no cessation of life, none whatsoever. So we don't need to fear any of this.
Like we're immortal already. We're already living eternal life. Now we don't have to die to get it.
We have it now. Jesus said, whosoever believeth in me has eternal life. Doesn't say you'll get it.
You have it. So he has, the son has life. He has not son of God has not life.
You have it in the Greek. It's now present tense. You already have it. So we don't need to worry about these things, but we do need to hide.
If you like your head, because the predominant matter of death will be
Islamic in nature. They learned it from the Islamics. They won't be empowered by now though, because antichrist is going to kill them too, and he's going to set up a new
God to worship called the God of forces, but they will still have the practice of decapitating
Christians and Jews, not a bad way to go, if you think about it, I don't want to try it out or anything, but.
You know, I don't fear it. I do fear it enough to run and hide in that cave though.
I'm supposed to laugh when I say that. Okay. And he said unto me, the waters, which thou sawest where the whore sitteth, whatever this one world system is, it's multitudes, it's peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.
And that interprets the passage that we read earlier in one of the earlier chapters of Revelation, if you remember,
I referred to this, it shows that we have an out, the water here is an allegory, which pictures people groups.
And so this includes many of the nations of the world at that time, and they're all involved with this.
And so this is what's being judged. And, um, the 10 horns, which you saw upon the beast, these will hate the whore.
Now what's interesting about that is that now we're looking at the religious harlot.
So the one world church that the Bible says is seated on seven hills, which
Rome it's seated on seven hills. And everyone has known that since ancient history, it's called the city of seven hills.
If you go there and look, you see the seven hills and that's where the false church is seated.
It doesn't mean it's only Catholicism in my mind. I used to think it was, but it's also all the false Protestant churches that follow along with her.
And Antichrist uses the false religion for three and a half years to gain control of the whole world and get everybody believing that right is wrong and wrong is right.
They won't be preaching the true gospel. They'll be saying, follow the Antichrist and he'll use that.
But then at the end of the first three and a half years, he turns on them and destroys the false religion too, because he's going to set up his own religion.
And that's something. So he's about to obliterate the Catholic church and the mega church
Protestant mega church movements going to be killed, destroyed in every city. And he will go through and just simply destroy him because why he has trained the leaders of these 10 nations to hate
Christianity and any other, even Islam and to hate
Buddhism and all of those, because there's only one true God, the God of forces, the Antichrist says, and they'll kill everyone that doesn't bow the knee to that new
God. And it's basically Lucifer is who he is. So there you go.
And there's the description of it right there in 16. Don't you find it? You know, your whole life, you read this stuff.
You don't really pay attention to the fact that it says that the 10 crowns hate the whore because you think they are, you think they are the harlot, right?
Well, there are places where it calls them the harlot too, because they, because they're a false, they're a false one world government, not led by God, you know, but they're satanic, but anyway, they hate the religious whore.
And we see that in verse 16. For God has put in their hearts to fulfill his will. So let me ask you, is the
Antichrist in control? Is Satan in control or is God still sovereign? They're all just playing out what
God says is going to happen. It's like brother Otis taught us so many times in the 13 years, he was with us that, uh,
God uses the lost people in the tears and even Satan, he uses them all. They all serve him.
They wouldn't like it if you told them, but he is sovereign over everything they do, they fulfill his purposes. And God put in the hearts of these evil
Kings to fulfill God's will and punish the world system and the false religion of the world and destroy it.
So God uses lost Kings to destroy the Roman Catholic church, the
Protestant false church, and everything that's false religion, and they do it in the name of a new false religion, but he still destroys all the false religions that exist right now.
Everything that exists right now. That's false will be destroyed by these false Kings. Is that funny? I mean, it's, it's kind of ironic, don't you think
God put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and to give their kingdom to the beast until the worlds of words of God should be fulfilled.
And the woman which thou saw is the great city, which reigns over the Kings of the earth.
I don't think that's Rome, but it could be, but I think that's a secular, secular harlot that spills the blood of the saints.
And it could be New York city right now. It would be if this happened now, because it's the financial center of the world.
And you're about to see whoever this city is. You're about to see it totally annihilated in one hour.
That's nuclear. I think, and after these things, I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power and the earth was lightened with this angel's glory.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon, the greatest fallen. So this is the mystery
Babylon. This is not ancient Babylon, nor is it has, nor does it have to be geographically where Babylon was, because this is mystery
Babylon. And it is the future one world government of false, uh, the false world leadership and all that.
And it said, and it's led apparently by a city and I would pick New York. I'm guessing at that one though,
I would pick New York city as being that city. And I can picture what you're about to see.
I've been there so many times in the Harbor out there. You can put a 10 ,000 boats out there, people out there in the water, watching this city fall.
They were out there watching the two towers fall when it happened. But imagine this, it cried with a strong voice saying
Babylon, the greatest fallen is fallen and it's become the habitation of devils. That means demons in the
Greek and the whole of every foul spirit. These were already there.
This is one reason this place is being destroyed. Those are already there. The demonic forces have taken over most of the cities of the
United States and the governments and the seminaries and the universities, not all, but I'm saying most are controlled by Satan and they're part of his world system.
And they're controlled by people that are filled with demons. And they think they're exercising their own free will.
And the Bible says, Satan moves them at his will. So they have no free will. They're responding to what
Satan is telling them to do, but they don't know that. They think it's their own idea because he puts thoughts in their heads. And there you have it.
Habitation of demons and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird, black birds in the
Bible, filling these trees that picture of the church or a picture of false prophets in the end times church that is larger than it should have been just like these mega churches, larger than they should be because if you took out just the true
Christians, they could probably fit in this room in most churches. So the churches are larger, just like the little tree grew bigger than it should have grown and it's full of black birds, which pictures false teachers.
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of this particular world system leader and the
Kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are grown rich through the abundance of business, uh, that they can do with this particular city.
And I heard another voice from heaven say, come out of her. My people, what is that telling you and me? Don't stay in that system.
Come out of it. Whether we're talking about the one world church, false church come out of that, or whether we're talking about the, this world of commerce, the worldly system come out of it, don't love it because you're going to have to flee it and you don't want to turn back, um, you know, like lots wife come out of her, my people.
Does that not insinuate that my people are still on the earth when this is happening and yet the books you read say, no, they're raptured already.
I don't get it to me. The scripture is so clear and I've had people say, well, that's the new
Christians. Well, okay. I can agree with that. But the new Christians are baptized in the church too. They're part of the church.
The Holy spirit indwells them. They're baptized spiritually into the body of Christ. It's still the church and the church is still here.
And they'd be not partakers of her sins come out from her. Don't partake of her sins that you received, not her plagues.
What does that tell you? That tells you, you are still going to be here. He is not taking you out of it.
He's protecting you through it. Just like Noah was on that arc. He didn't remove him from the earth.
Christians are going to be here. We're going to be protected through it. We're instructed to come out of her though, away from the world system.
Don't continue to partake in her sins. And that way you won't receive the plagues.
What plagues these seven vials. So how do you escape death from these seven vials?
Don't be in the world system, be somewhere else. You get it. You're still here though.
I might get to heaven someday and find out my whole calling and purpose for living on this earth was to have my wonderful kids and grandbabies.
But other than that, was to warn the church about this because they've been taught a lot.
Maybe, I don't know, but I'm certainly going to do it. And I got access right now to 50 ,000 people.
That's not many, but that's more than I had 10 years ago. Isn't it, Raymond and Sharon? So God is giving us, we're the backbone of this.
This little bitty church is the backbone of this platform where we can warn Christians from all denominations through tradeway because they won't walk in a
Baptist church, even though we took that off the side because we're not Baptist anymore, but they, you know, people won't come in here, but they'll go to, they'll go learn how to make money.
And while they're there, I'm telling them this stuff. And I have people come up and disagree with me at the breaks, disagree with me at the breaks, and I say, good, you'll go study, just go study.
It proved me wrong all over this country. We've done that. So we're trying to warn the church to do what verse four says right there.
Verse eight, therefore shall her plagues come in one day. Now think about this picture being in a boat out of the
Harbor of New York city, death and mourning and famine. Sounds like what you taught
Dave in Sunday school out of the book of Joel and she shall be utterly burned with fire.
What does that sound? What can burn a city? The size of New York city in one day with fire, a new wouldn't take, but one.
It's so big now for strong is the Lord who judges her and the
Kings of the earth who have committed fornication and live deliciously with this city. You see
New York city is the seat of commerce of the entire world. All of the financing for every business comes from New York city, from wall street.
And they can't do it without her. They've become rich because of her financing.
That's what capitalism means. It means providing capital to build businesses. And that's what they've done all over the world.
She, these people that got profit from the American system, predominantly
New York city will be well, the destruction of this city, and they will lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning standing afar off because the fear of her torment, they don't want to be killed.
So they get off out in these boats out in the Harbor and watch it from a distance. And alas, alas, the great city,
Babylon, it's mystery city. It's not actually Babylon. It's it's an allegory. Babylon was a picture of the world system.
Egypt was a picture of the world system. Now the United States is the world system. Everyone. Listen, I had friend tell me he was in the near the
Amazon river among tribes. It used to be cannibals and all they have is the government gives them a
TV set and one shotgun. And through that TV set, they watch American TV and movies, and now they're committing suicide for the first time in those, in those tribes, we're
Americanizing the tribes. So we are the one we're the harlot that makes the whole world love the world and hate
God. Isn't that sad? Cause this country was founded to do the opposite. And so we're all the seminaries and all the colleges on the
East coast were Bible preacher schools. Hail, hail. Yale, that was a
Freudian slip. Yale, Harvard, Brown, Princeton, William and Mary.
You go through name, they're all Bible colleges. Look at them now. Now they're teaching the world how to love the world and hate God right now today.
And so people will be standing afar off watching the total annihilation of this city.
Or in one hour is I judgment come in the merchants of the earth. Well, wait, cause they can't get rich anymore.
There's no, there's no products to sell. There's no financing for their businesses. It's done in a day.
It is destroyed today. You know why? Because money is electrons. Now, all you have to do is ignite one nuclear weapon.
I don't know, maybe five miles above the New York city or 10 miles above.
It'll destroy every electronic device in the city, including the banks, including computers that have your money in it.
Cause it's just electrons in a computer, right? It's gone. You have nothing unless you've got some gold and silver.
Like trade way tells you, you should have, you got to listen folks. You're not going to get warning forever.
You got to prepare now and the merchants of the earth week and mourn over her for no man buys their merchandise anymore.
Even if they got the mark of the beast, they can't buy stuff now, but they already took the mark of the beast.
So they're going to hell and they can't even buy stuff with a little token that the government made them put in her forehead, the right hand.
And cinnamon and odors and ointments and Frankincense and wine and all the stuff that the world system has prepared.
And I think it mentioned, I think it's interesting that it mentioned slaves, which I think is another finger pointing at that.
It might be the United States is talking about is we're known worldwide as the ones who had the slaves. We had them less years than almost any other country that had slaves.
We're the first country that ever freed slaves, but we're the battle people. You know, the, the only people that ever had slaves, we know that's not true.
But we did have slaves and you know what? Christian people apparently did. And they shouldn't have, should they? I do find it interesting.
I think it would find interesting. Uh, my badge and Emily's already found the statistic for me. Like what percentage of white people actually own slave?
Cause it would have only been the Bezos's of the time. You know, it would have been the Warren Buffets who had enough money to own slaves.
So what do you think? 5%, 3%. And yet all of us are supposed to provide reparation for that.
Am I getting too political? But I mean, think about it. I doubt my parents, grand, great, great grandparents owned any slaves, but don't you think the fact that it mentioned slaves could point to America that that's who this is talking about and we should have never owned slaves, you think it's right to own a human being.
You think God gave any man the right to do that? I mean, it happens, but it's man's sin that causes it.
Right. So, uh, slaves and the souls of men, all of these were traded just as a, as merchandise and the fruits that die soul lusted after are departed from the, and all the things which were dainty and goodly or departed from the, and now she'll find them no more at all on the earth.
The entire economic infrastructure is gone. Same as David read about it's already happened to Israel and they've already had this happen when they were judged by God many, many years ago, thousands of years ago.
And the merchants of these things, which were made rich by this woman, the picture in the city, uh, shall stand afar off because of fear of her torment.
And they'll be weeping and wailing because they're losing their money. And they'll say, alas, alas, the great city that was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls or in one hour, so great riches has come to nothing.
And every ship master. That's why I think it's New York city. One reason and all the company and ships and sailors and as many as trade by the sea stood a far off and cried when they saw the smoking from burning saying what city is likened to this great city.
And now it's gone. Wow. I want to be watching this on color
TV from the Caribbean. I do not want to be in America when this happens and they cast dust on their heads and they cried weeping and wailing saying, alas, alas, the great city where it made rich all that had ships and see by reason of her costliness or money or in one hour is she made desolate.
Verse 23 and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in this city. The voice of the bridegroom, the happiness of just normal affairs, like young people getting married, things like that, the bride, it should be heard no more at all.
Indeed for that merchants were the great men of the earth for thy for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived on television, right?
We have, listen, we have made the whole world worldly. America has Hollywood.
Hollywood has done that. Everyone wants to be lustful and rich. And fornicate because of Hollywood.
And in her was found the blood of the prophets and the saints and of all that were slain upon the earth.
And so you don't want to be where that technology is chapter 19.
And after these things, I heard a great voice of much people in heaven saying hallelujah, salvation and glory and honor and power into the
Lord for true and righteous or his judgments. So everything that happened is so bad that you see it's just because the world system deserved it because it's, it's slew
God's children. It beheaded hundreds of thousands of Christians and Jews who weren't, who believed they'd be okay.
And they didn't prepare and they were staying in those cities predominantly. You don't want to be in the city and true and righteous or his judgments for he has judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication and all that's a picture of just evil, like calling good, evil and evil.
Good is what that means. And they've avenged the blood of his servants at her hand and the four and 20 elders and the four beasts.
Now this is up in the heavenlies where John is watching all this happen and they fell down and they worshiped
God that sat on the throne saying, amen, hallelujah. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters is the voice of mighty thundering saying, hallelujah for the
Lord God omnipotent, that means all powerful reigns. Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to God for the marriage of the lamb is come and his wife has made herself ready.
This is at the end of everything, guys, who is the wife? Who is the bride of Christ?
Is that not the church? And because of the tribulation and all the worldly stuff we've had our minds on is gone.
We have focused on fasting and prayer and walking with God and scripture, memory, and telling our kids that the
Lord is going to come back and get us to keep us safe and huddled in there. And we're doing a whole lot less sinning.
Would you agree with that? Your focus is not on that anymore. Your focus is on survival and you're not going to be sinning and you're making yourself ready to meet
Jesus face to face, which happens at the end of the seven years, not in the front end of it.
And so she makes herself ready. If you check all the Greek out there, it's talking about experiential righteousness, not positional.
That's not the robes of righteousness that Jesus gives us that saves us. It's being, it's trying to live right after you're saved is what that's talking about.
And it's saying we finally accomplished that. Don't you think that in itself will be nice? Charlotte, what was that?
You were reading to me where Spurgeon said that quote about how these types of tribulation cause us to learn, to be closer to the
Lord. And they're really a great blessing when we're going through the most trouble in our life. Can you quote any of that? Can you remember a little bit of what
Spurgeon said, how he phrased it? Oh, you have it with you. All right. So this is not a woman preaching here.
This is, this is a, this is someone reading scripture in case you guys are worried about that.
Okay. This part,
I think for your reference statement, it says when it makes the person get alone to contemplate and meditate, affliction is already doing that person good.
Did you hear that? When affliction gets so bad that it makes you get alone and meditate or maybe even fast and pray or whatever, the affliction is already accomplishing its purpose.
Spurgeon said that. This is that in huge, enormous amounts happening all at once across the world to every
Christian that's on the face of the earth. We will be making ourselves ready. I'll guarantee you.
It's exactly what's going to happen. We're going to be so clean because all we have to do to be clean is confess our sins, which means to agree with God that they're sinful one time.
And they're all gone because they're already gone. He's already removed our sin. But our conscience will be clear too, because we will not have been sinning much during this time period.
We won't have time to sin. We'll be running and hiding. We won't be sinning much. And it's just going to be, we're going to feel closer to God than we've ever felt in our, in our entire life on this planet.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean white, which is an allegorical picture of righteousness, which is what scripture said.
And the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. And that's something. And he said unto me, right, blessed are they, which are called into the marriage, the supper land of the supper of the lamb.
And he said unto me, these are the true sayings of God. Now people have asked me, well, in your system,
David, I know you used to believe that the rapture happened seven years prior to all this, and then you go through this and then at the end, second coming.
And so there's space in there to have the marriage supper, but in your space where in your new belief, where the second coming happens and the raptures actually happens after the resurrection, which is at the end and part of the second coming, where do you have space for the marriage supper?
Well, I got space for it right there because that's where God put it. So I don't know. You know, I think
Daniel talks about it. What we'll get to that eventually not today, but there's a few days added on beyond the seven years.
I don't know if you ever noticed it. It gives a specific set number of days and it said, blessed are they that lived during those days.
That could be where this happens. I'm not sure, but I know it happens and I know what happens in this chronology and God's going to take care of it.
And I'm going to tell you this though, you're not going to have the wedding supper with a bride who is as dirty as she is right now.
All right. So something has to happen before that marriage takes place. And I believe that's called the seven -year tribulation period where she makes herself ready.
I just believe it with all my heart and soul and scripture that I can lay my hands on.
And I saw heaven open and behold, a white horse. What's this? There was a white horse at the front end.
Who was that? That was the antichrist acting like he was Jesus appearing as an angel of light and his ministers appear as ministers of righteousness, and they're all false as false can be, but this is the true
Jesus Christ coming right when he said he would come. And he said,
I didn't come in a mystery of say, said that I'm already out in the desert. I'm in a secret room. Don't believe them.
False prophets will teach you. I'm coming that way. But he said, when I come, I'm coming as lightning from the east to the west.
Every eye shall see me. There is no secret rapture coming like a secret coming that happens before this.
This is how it happens. Every eye sees him. I saw heaven open and behold, a white horse.
And he that sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness, he doth judge and make war.
His eyes are a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns. And he had a name written that no man knew, but he himself.
So there's going to be another name that we call Messiah that we call Jesus that hasn't been even revealed to us.
But I'll tell you this, every name of God that's listed in the Bible is a picture of one of his attributes. So it'll be wonderful to find out what this name pictures.
Maybe it'll have to do with the conqueror or the King, but it'll be something like that.
And he was clothed with a best year dipped in blood. Who is that? That's the one who died for us.
When he comes back, he will have some of his blood with him. Still imagine that as a symbol on his clothing, blood smear dipped in blood.
And his name is called the word of God. In the beginning was the word and the word was
God. And the word was with God. And the same as in the beginning with God and without him was not anything made.
It was made. This is who's coming back on that white horse, the creator of all things and the armies, which were in heaven, followed him upon white horses, clothed in fight, finally white and clean.
So there's your rapture. And, uh, it doesn't happen like you've been taught, but it does happen.
It nowhere is it called rapture really, but it's the gathering. Jesus called it the gathering.
He said, after that in Matthew 24, after the tribulation of those days, after the tribulation of those days, will
I send my angels and gather my people from the four corners of everywhere, both heaven and earth, and I'll bring them together.
That's what we call the rapture. And this is where it happens. And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it, he will smite the nations.
The battle of Armageddon, he destroys the armies of the world system and the blood will be as high as the bridles on the horses.
He will smite the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron for a thousand years, and he treads the wine press of the fierceness and wrath of almighty
God. And that wine is a red picture of blood that flows when he destroys the armies of the world.
Including 200 million Chinese foot soldiers that will be right on the door of Israel, Jerusalem, about to walk in when
Jesus destroys them in the valley of Megiddo. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written,
King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, the buzzards, what we call them here in Texas, come and gather yourselves together into the supper of the great
God. And they will eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of them that sat on them and the flesh of all men, both free and slaves, both small and great.
And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army, which is us, by the way.
Don't you like the idea that at that point you're getting to fight the enemy of God and you're immortal?
They can't kill you. They can shoot at you, but they cannot kill you. I like fighting that way.
I have a whole lot more, you know, courage in that scenario.
And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast.
You see, they made them think he was Jesus because he could do miracles. Listen, the whole
Pentecostal and charismatic movement of these end times is all about making you think that every miracle you see came from the
Holy Ghost. When the apostle Paul himself said there is another spirit, there is another
Jesus and there is another gospel, but none of them are real. And yet they're prepared now to believe that anything they see that's miraculous is
God. Listen, there's no it's not a secret to me how God has already put everything in place in the world and the world system has helped do it.
And Satan has helped do it where it's all ready for all these dominoes to fall. Now it's all in place.
It's ready because you've got the mindset is right. Everybody's looking for a miracle. Doesn't matter who did it.
They're going to say it's God. And that's exactly what they're doing here. And he deceived them with these miracles.
So they took the mark of the beast. And once they took that mark, they were doomed to hell forever. They cannot be saved, will not be saved.
And then that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshiped his image, these both were cast alive into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain.
The ones that were still there were slain with a sword of him that sat on the horse. That's Jesus destroys him with his word.
It's the sword in his mouth is a picture of his word. He just said like he like when he said, let there be light. And there was light.
He created a whole universe. He's going to say, let the blood flow and and they're destroyed with the sword of his mouth.
The sword proceeds out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh that day.
That's the supper. That's the last supper. And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
Now, this is an angelic, this is a heavenly angel, not a demon. And he lays hold of Satan.
Now we've already had the false prophet and Antichrist have been cast into Hades already. Now he grabs hold of Satan.
The dragon is Satan. The old serpent, that Satan all the way back to the Garden of Eden, which is the devil and Satan, and he binds him for a thousand years and he cast him into the bottomless pit that's in the center of this earth.
That's where Hades is. And it's bottomless because there's no gravity in there. You just float.
You're always falling. It feels like you're falling when you're in hell. And he puts
Satan in there and binds him there for a thousand years. And he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nations no more.
So he is the deceiver of the nations, right? The destroyer of the nations. But now he can't do it for a thousand years until the thousand years shall be fulfilled.
And after that, he must be loosed a little season. You know why? Because every person that survives this period.
And goes into the millennial kingdom is 100 percent a saved person. But then they start having babies and some of them are non -elect.
Some of them are ghosts. And they still have to live for God because Jesus rules with a rod of iron.
He doesn't allow criminality. And they know it. But at the very end,
Satan is loosed and those very people will rise up, hating God and try to attack Jerusalem again.
Can you believe it? And God just destroys them with fire from heaven and boom, they're gone and it's over. Then he destroys this earth and builds it back as a new earth and a new heaven like it was in the
Garden of Eden. And now sin is gone and pain is gone and death is gone and crying is gone.
And you go into the next stage and then the Bible says, and then there's age unto age. For zillions of years, there will be human beings born and born and born and populated.
And who knows where they'll be? Some will be on this earth. Maybe they'll all be on this earth. I don't know, but there's sure a lot of planets out there for us to explore.
And I'm going to be on an Exos rocket exploring those other worlds.
I saw an angel come down and he throws him into hell for a thousand years, but he let him loose for a little season.
And watch this. And I saw thrones and they that sat on them and judgment was given to them.
And I saw the souls of men that were beheaded because of their witnessing for Jesus. Now that does not sound like that sound like church people to me and they were beheaded and they were beheaded because they witnessed for Jesus and because of the word of God that they believed in.
The particular Bible they were using is the one that the enemy said, that's not the true Bible. You can't use that one.
It's already been done. They killed William Tyndall who printed the Bible in English the first time because it wasn't the right
Bible. Because they didn't want the people to be able to read it. So because of the word of God, because their witness, they were beheaded.
And these are people that never worshiped the beast nor never took his image. So they're on the earth through the whole thing.
Neither had received his mark in their foreheads or in their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
That's the bride. The first resurrection happens.
And so does the rapture right after it, right at this point in the chronology, but the rest of the dead live not again until the thousand years were finished.
So the goats who had died did not get resurrected at this resurrection.
They're still in shoal, which is the hellish part in the center of the earth.
And they will be resurrected at the end of the thousand year millennial kingdom and judged. And God will just simply ask him, what did you do with my son?
And they'll say nothing. He'll say, depart from me. I never knew you. And then Hades will be poured out into the lake of fire, which we don't know where that is.
Hades is in the center of the earth like a fire could be anywhere in the universe. It's probably in a it's real fire, though.
And it's a real lake of fire. And all of hell is poured into it. And God puts it off in a place where even
God himself doesn't remember it, but it's still there. So they have no hope of getting out. Because even
God, the only one who could have gotten out, doesn't even think about him anymore. You know, he can forget things, right?
How would you like to be forgotten in that place? Well, you can't be because you were his from the beginning of the foundation of the world.
Praise God. But the goats will be in that place in a very real place. Satan will be there.
The Antichrist, false beast, all of his people that loved him so much, the whole world system, Harvard, Yale, all of it, you know,
Hollywood. I'm not saying they're all I'm not saying there aren't some Christians around, but I'm just saying, generally speaking,
Hollywood, the music industry, all of that will be there. And God won't even remember they're there. But they'll be burning in fire and tormented by this fire, wishing you could have dropped on the tip of your finger and put it on their tongue for all eternity future.
That's difficult for me to think about, but God says it's true. You know why
God does it? Because he loves you so much and me, he does not want them around us anymore. So God kills them because he loves us.
He loves his son who he gave us to and they killed him. And you can't tell me that's not righteous, righteous justice.
But the rest of the dead live not again for a thousand years. This is the first resurrection, the
Bible says, and there's only two. So there it happens. Now, that right there. Is where the rapture happens.
Blessed and holy is he that takes part in that first resurrection, and that's where the apostle Paul, well, you'll see that on such the second death has no power.
So if you're raised at that resurrection, you were a sheep. And you can never experience the second death, which is hell, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him for a thousand years.
And Paul said this and we're done with this one. First Thessalonians four 15 for this, we say, and to you, by the word of the
Lord, Jesus Christ taught this to Paul in the Arabian desert. That's what he meant when he said, this is not me talking.
This is what Jesus taught me to tell you is that we, which are alive and remain until the second coming shall not prevent them that died before us.
Now that word prevent in the Greek is Thano and it means to proceed.
So Paul says, we that are still alive when all of this happens and we remain until the end of it all, when the second coming happens, everybody agrees that that happens at the end.
Uh, we will not proceed them, which already died. Are you with me? That's, uh, that's an actual rendering of how it reads in the
Greek for the Lord himself would ascend from heaven with a shout, this is the seventh, the seventh trumpet and the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ will rise first.
So the resurrection, those who died before us, the ones that are asleep in the graves, their soul is with Jesus, but their body's asleep in the grave.
They must rise first. We shall not proceed them. They will rise first when the trump of God sounds, the dead in Christ will rise first, and then we, which are alive and remain will be caught up.
That's what we call the rapture. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the word anymore. It's the gathering is what it is.
We will be caught up together with them. So it happens simultaneously with the resurrection, which happens at the second coming, when the seventh trumpet is finished blowing, not until the front of it, but when it's finished blowing and they're caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord and by the way, that says caught up together in the
Greek, it means at the same time, okay, wherefore comfort one another with these words and the city had no need of sun, now we're moving into the thousand year millennial kingdom.
Neither moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it.
And the lamb is the light thereof. Wow. We're headed to some really good things are, well, let's have a word of prayer and let's stand and we'll be dismissed.
We've got lots of wonderful things to look forward to, but we have some tribulation to get through before we get there, but it would just make us closer to the
Lord. So we're ready when he comes to get us and take us away from this place.
And then we get to rule and reign for a thousand years. And I don't want Corsicana, who'd like to have
Corsicana? I want
Florence, Italy, Charlotte. I'm going to watch over that one. What do y 'all want? Tell me what you want. Hawaii.
She says, can I visit your kingdom? All right, let's pray. Lord, thank you so much for your word.
Thank you for how it's clearer than any book in a human can write about it. And it even clears up the books that humans have written about it.
It straightens them out. Thank you for that. Thank you that your Holy spirit is the teacher and your word is the authority.
Thank you that we have each other. And you told us to gather together as we see these things happening and to stick together and have unity.
Lord guide us, give us wisdom to know exactly where to be and when to be there and to provide the way for us to be there, that we might be hidden from the world throughout this until the end so that we can go up to meet you on that joyous day.
Thank you that we may very well be the generation that never experiences physical death. What a glory that would be for all of us and our loved ones and help us to go together and bless the meal we're about to have in our fellowship time.