Owen Strachan and His Latest Little Tirade - Part 1

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Owen Strachan Got His Reward (Hope It Was Worth It) - Part 2

Owen Strachan Got His Reward (Hope It Was Worth It) - Part 2

All right, let's jump right into it today. God bless you. I hope you had a good weekend
I hope you had a good Lord's Day. I hope you had a good Everything we had a good Lord's Day.
We had a good Lord's Day. In fact, it was unfortunate We didn't get a chance to go to church because most of my kids are coughing up lungs, you know
My wife is under the weather. I wasn't feeling that great I probably could have gone but we're all just kind of sick basically.
And so we stayed home and And Watch it on video which was you know, it's not the same but at least it's available there if if you're not feeling it well that being said
My pastor was preaching through The part in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus says do not think
I've come to abolish the law I have not come to abolish it but to fulfill And that's always risky because I have very particular beliefs about the law
Now I'm not the kind of guy who criticizes my pastor's sermons I'm always looking for the good in the sermons because I know that I have some very
Particular beliefs that are not that popular today and so I don't expect everyone to Handle every nuance exactly the right way, but in my opinion, of course
The right way that my way is the right way, obviously But So but you know,
I was like, oh no, this is gonna be a tough one This is gonna be a tough one. That's what I thought when I heard the passage that we're going through But It wasn't he did a really good job.
I mean, you know, he doesn't believe everything I believe about the law But I I thought he did a great job. I thought it was very edifying.
I thought it was just fantastic I don't know if you watch my videos brother, but if you do Thank you for that was great.
I'll tell you in real life, too In any case What I've decided to do is dedicate a week's worth of videos to Owen Strawn that's right
Owen Strawn I was warned By a few people a handful of people less than five more than two
That That I need to lay off Owen because people were noticing people were catching on and it wasn't gonna go well for me and People were going to abandon me and and strongly implied that you know,
I would have no followers on YouTube left and I would have no patrons left because everyone sees that I'm attacking a good brother in the
Lord and How dare you? Touch Owen Strawn. How dare you say these things about especially in defense of Andrew Torba?
I've heard this from a few people and So what I've just set my result consider this my response
I'm dedicated an entire week's worth of videos to Owen's Sad little tantrum last week
Because it was sad and it was oh so little and it was a tantrum
It was the kind of thing that you would expect from a caged stage Calvinist That was the quality of it.
That was the the rhetoric used that was everything And it was just so sad in my opinion so pathetic
That I was gonna respond to it because it was it was it was interesting in its own, right
But then when I got the warnings from people to to not do it That's when
I knew I had to do it And let me just say this kind of in general because you know I'm a veteran of the first big evil war but big evil war one
I'm a veteran of that war and I remember it wasn't that long ago. I remember how that war started and I got a lot of the same warnings essentially touch not the
Lord's anointed How dare you even say that about Matt Chandler? And I had people that they essentially withheld friendship from me because I dared disagree publicly with the likes of Matt Chandler with the likes of Russell Moore With the likes of these kinds of guys
Tim Keller was another one these kind of guys And I didn't care about those warnings then and I don't care about them now
I Don't do this for popularity I don't do this from us the fact that someone would think that I do this for money and this is the approach
I've taken Is just so I mean you you have to think I'm a complete idiot because if I was trying to make money on YouTube Obviously, I would choose different things to talk about than the things that I talk about.
I would choose different opinions I would choose different approaches. I would choose different styles I'm still doing
I still have the same exact camera that I've been speaking to for years Slightly different microphone because I was gifted a microphone and but but I'm essentially doing the same tired content that I've always done
I'm not Interested in becoming a YouTube celebrity Obviously, so no,
I don't care that Owen is the chosen one now I don't care Owen has revealed himself to be essentially an opportunist.
He's a mini version and I do mean mini a mini version of the old al moeller well at weathervane where you lick your finger you see which way the wind is blowing and That's the way that you start to signal.
That's what Owen's doing on a much much much Smaller scale al moeller is a giant.
He's a giant in the evangelical world There's just no question about that And and and and I believe
I believe that Owen has seen what guys like al moeller is I don't know if he's actually looking at al moeller.
I mean, it's very likely because they're both Southern Baptists Well, at least Owen used to be a Southern Baptist. I don't know if he still is But they had the same circles roughly
Owen saw how al moeller did it and of course al moeller rose to essentially the pinnacle
I mean, this is the pinnacle of evangelical life just about and He's copying that kind of approach.
It certainly seems that way people have shared numerous tweets that are just I find them mind -boggling of Flip -flop
Owen just he believes one thing one day and the next day he believes something different and it's like there's it's he pretends as If nothing's changed right and it's just it's just I don't have a problem with people changing opinions because that's the thing
Owen did change his opinions at least I thought you know Let's wait because what
I've decided to do as I've decided to React to to John Harris's podcast the other day.
It's called the shadow that follows liberalism. I thought he did a fantastic job Organizing everything in this video.
I thought it was really good And so I just figured and I asked his permission to do this. I'm just gonna piggyback on this
I'm just gonna make because I agree with what John said in this but I've got of course my own perspective and I think
John and I you know, we're often in very much agreement not a hundred percent all the time but we're often in agreement, but we have very different styles and so I'm gonna bring my
Patented 80 Robla style to John's words about this whole thing but but we're gonna have a lot to talk about along the way because It's just it's just it doesn't have to be this way
It really doesn't but it is this way you got it Sometimes you got to accept the world as it is and even if you're seeking to change things
You do have to be you have to give an honest appraisal of where you're at In fact, I think that's good advice for any of any changes you want to make in your life in general in any way it anyway
You need to be honest about where you're currently at in order to get and understand the steps needed to get to where you want
To be and sometimes the the truth of the matter is pretty ugly. So let's let's do that.
Let's let's follow Up and John's a very very capable footsteps and let's talk about oh and strong because this is the exact thing
I've been warned. This is this is big. This is this is Sadly, this is Big Evo war 2 .0
and it's not that big But it's a similar kind of war and the strategies have all been the same
There I've been warned in the exact same ways I was warned against you know talking about Russell Moore and in my opinion
This is going to go the exact same way that war went It's going to go the exact same way where yes a lot of people still follow
Owen and Russell But it's gonna be a lot fewer than used to and pretty much his name has become a byword amongst conservatives
Simple as that if you're compared to Russell Moore, you understand that's an insult and that's that's what
Russell Moore's name has become now It's an insult now to be compared to Russell Moore And that's what's gonna happen with Owen and the rest of the gang unless they change course
But I don't think they're capable of changing course at this point. Let's uh, let's get started here we've got a lot to talk about and I'm sure a lot's gonna come up and Here we go.
So yes guys those who have warned me against doing this consider this my answer To this this whole issue in walks
Owen Strawn Into this now Owen Strand, by the way, I'm starting around minute 29
This podcast is about various things. So the Owen stuff starts around 20
Oh, he he has of course John has it all organized. You don't need my you don't need my
My advice here you could just go to John's podcast and he's already organized it into chapters. So there you go
Fran is For those who don't know he wrote a book. I don't know two years ago three years ago called
Christianity and Wokeness and I've been familiar with Owens work at least
I don't know since 2018 or 19 in 2018 though and prior to that Owen said some pretty woke things and I Gave some of I have some of that information on my hard drive
We're not gonna go over it today, but I gave it to 80 Robles just because I was like true Maybe this makes sense of some of the things that he was doing a few months ago
And 80 did a whole podcast on if you want to go see 80 Robles on this But yeah, I sure did and I'm gonna create a new folder on the channel.
It's gonna be the Owen Strawn folder and Yeah, absolutely. We're gonna have a lot of content about him
So yeah, this is true because because I remembered Oh and I met Owen a number of years ago at the time when he was
In that transitionary phase where he was woke the day before This is figurative language but he was woke just a little bit earlier and he was in that transition of starting to speak out right and I remember meeting him and he was given a presentation.
It was random. I like I didn't even know he was gonna be there In fact, I don't even think he was planned to be there He just showed up and it was a very nice thing, whatever and he gave a presentation that was kind of a mix it was it was signaling non woke and Warning and cautioning and this again, this was his transitionary period but it was still kind of tainted with some woke stuff
I remember meeting him afterwards and he knew who I was because of my Twitter engagement He he looked a little wary to be perfectly honest with you
Not that I was gonna do anything But but just like he didn't trust me and and I can understand that because you know all of his friends
He was in those circles. I was the people the circles that I was ripping apart at the time and Quite frankly the circles that he started to rip apart, but not quite in the same way because he is absolutely
Positively a product of Big Eva and so he doesn't criticize Certain people
Directly or by name It's always the general vague stuff and that's a strategy that he's continued to this very day
Of course, it doesn't apply to certain people, but yeah, we'll talk about that But I remember he was transitioning and I remember at the time
Many many people told me you can't trust Owen. He's obviously not changing for real.
This is just kind of a Sort of a grifty type thing He's just doing the owl molar weathervane thing and I remember at the time in fact in my content
I would say look I understand why people wouldn't trust Owen and there were some other guys like this and I said
But but here's the thing you got to hear me out You got to encourage this kind of behavior because whether or not he's a true non woke believer or not
You want to encourage this behavior in public because the more people that see other people, you know
Just saying it just just going out there and saying no. No, this is evil We can't do this and just say that encourages more people to do it empowers people to do it
In fact, this is what my channel is all about, you know I told someone privately just the other day one of the guys that was warning me about Owen Or warning me to not criticize
Owen. I said my channel all I do on my channel is I'm preaching to the choir I'm trying to encourage people that they're not crazy that they're that the things that they're seeing are actually really true
And they don't have to pretend like they're not even though Big Eva taught you to pretend like it's not like you don't actually have
To go along with that stuff. That's the that's those extra Pharisaical type laws that you don't have to obey.
You can just obey God's law. You could just do it God's way You don't have to have their rules of decorum.
You don't have to have their 11th commandment You don't have to pretend like everything's just fine and you've never can criticize
Russell and more because he's the anointed saint You don't have to actually do that. You're not crazy and you could only
Anyway, you get you get you guys get it. That's what my channel is about It's about encouraging people and so I was encouraging.
Oh and at the time in fact John in this in this video is gonna say I reached out to Owen to encourage him in an email and you know
I did the same thing. I said look at yeah, I believe I let me let me not say what I believe
I said but but I Reached out to him to encourage him either on on Twitter or on email or something like that to encourage him because I said
It can't be easy to take these attacks The liberals are coming for you and look I got your back.
I appreciate what you're doing, you know, you know God bless all while I kind of knew like Yeah, there's some there's some problems here, but I'm gonna be encouraging
I'm gonna be building up because this is the kind of behavior that I want to encourage and so I will encourage it I've done this many times to many different people and There are probably people in the audience right now that used to hate my guts that know that I was encouraging very early on Kind of thing that being said let's continue.
That was which is fine I defended Owen on this podcast because people went after him liberals
Progressives went after him and said Owen used to be with us. What happened? He just wants power and I said people change their mind
Owen's never acknowledged this as far as I know publicly or talked about it But I just assumed okay people change their mind yeah, it's okay to change your mind we all do it
And hopefully you know that that was what was happening. In fact, I emailed Owen In like 2020 maybe and just said
I appreciate what you're doing You're you're trying to go after this stuff and not many are and I remember at the time it was hard to stand against that In some ways it was a hundred percent and you got to give
Owen credit where credit is due whether or not He did it for good or bad reasons or he's just grifting or whatever
He did take a good stand at a time when it was hard to take a good stand and there were consequences to taking that good stand and Whether he's doing it for money or notoriety or he's doing it for pure motives
It really isn't relevant to me because I wanted to encourage the stand I wanted to encourage others to take those stands and I wanted to treat him like a friend
Doesn't mean I have to agree with everything He says because at the time he was still kind of you know, saying things that weren't exactly right, but again
Encouraging that that's what that's what I was trying to treat him like a friend I wasn't going to counter signal him because he was a friend and not an enemy
We're gonna be talking a lot more about that kind of thing in just a bit Maybe not today, but we're gonna get to it because we're gonna dedicate an entire week of videos to this
Pathetic little display of Owens, it's pathetic and you know, I wish you know
There are things I wish he would have done name names more Like the names actually in his circles like Southern Baptists.
Yeah, and he just didn't seem he seemed kind of reluctant to do that and It's like okay, but he's doing something and that's exactly he's doing something and and I can understand look
I was naming names and I encourage everyone to name names because that's the only way to really kind of move the needle
Because otherwise it just stays this Weird like like amorphous threat that nobody really can understand
But when you say no what you're saying Russell Moore is wrong, and here's why it's wrong that wakes people up That wakes people.
Oh, so even Russell Moore's woke and Then you'll get some people that'll say how dare you say that about roughly the conservative stalwart and then a few years later
He's you know writing for Christianity today You know what, I mean, it's just that simple
Yes, of course, it'd have been better for Owen to name names, but I can understand being hesitant to do that I can understand a lot of these guys were his friends.
I can understand not wanting to attack your friends by name In fact, I don't I don't want to attack my friends by name.
I get it. I totally understand It would have been nice But it didn't happen and I was encouraging it all the way whether you push back a little bit
I've said this many times whether you push back a little bit Or a lot you're pushing back against the zeitgeist.
I'm encouraging you I Felt at the time I still feel that to some extent like if you're doing something to help push the needle
I'm not gonna like rain on that parade or critique you too much but now
Owen and I would say more broadly speaking some of the people who tend to run the g3 not the speakers at g3
I'm saying I would encourage everyone who who isn't coming to the men's conference because apparently the weekends conflict
I didn't realize that when I was scheduling it, but everyone big mistake John I'm gonna be at the men's conference.
You guys gotta come to that. I'd be a real fun time that the way that People Like myself even have been treated and I'll just use myself as the example has been
Frankly rude in my opinion. It's been rude and I haven't been as transparent but I'm starting to wonder if I should be more transparent with things that that Exchanges behind the scenes and And the attack has been and this is public so people have seen it has been some of the people who run g3 against Christian nationalists or culture people who want cultural
Christianity and it's been a It's been a lot of straw manning.
It's been a lot of like Painting positions in such a way that that is just inaccurate
I don't even know like it what I believe hardly resembles what some of those guys think
I people like myself believe like it's not It isn't this integralism it isn't a
Watering down of the gospel in a political gospel. It's not It's not like a it's not
Nazi esque or fascistic or any of that kind of stuff It's not a lot of the things that are being attributed to it.
I'm just like that's not it's just not a fair Dialogue and and I and I've invited that I've wanted that.
I know others who have really tried to say, can we get together? I know guys who have had longer conversations with Owen about this kind of stuff and I just I'm sad to report to you
We haven't been able to get anywhere and it's just ought not to be with Christian nationalists In my opinion, I would love to have some public exchanges.
I think that would edify the body, but that's it's not happening And so this is a question that this time because it's not happening.
This is another big even attack when attacked We're kind of forced to do you remember when
I was interested in this kind of thing and I would regularly say hey Let's have a conversation on my channel.
Let's do it. Let's talk about it. Let's hash these issues out Let's let's let's get have a give -and -take, you know, respectfully all that kind of thing there were like two people who would to Two people who would and then it never ever ever happened.
It never happened with anyone Big Eva Big Eve. It had happened with a one guy that was kind of connected to some of that Big Eva stuff but but that was it and it was very clear that that was not something they were interested in and Okay, and I eventually
I stopped asking and I stopped caring but it's the same thing happening here You know, there's no interaction with Christian nationalists
There's it's just an absolute just Disregard for the body of Christ and edifying the body of Christ They just want to sling mud over and over and over and over again
And if you dare respond, they're going to call you, you know, you're a wolf or you know, they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna completely try to Could disregard you almost like disregarding you even as a brother
That's the approach that many of these g3 connected guys have taken It's really pathetic and it's upsetting
G3 I don't consider you an enemy Owen I don't consider you an enemy
But it's very clear you consider us enemies It is abundantly clear and it doesn't have to be that way.
It shouldn't be that way And so we're kind of forced like John's about to say here to respond publicly, but I still
I'll still get your back man When the liberals come for you for whatever reason I'll still get your back because I don't think you're an enemy
And it's and it's just a shame It's a shame Respond publicly when attacked publicly we have to kind of respond publicly.
And so that's part of what I'm doing But the greater goal here is to help everyone think through the common sense
Hopefully common sense that we talked about at the beginning of this podcast and apply it to this particular situation.
So Here's some tweets from Owen Strawn on This was over.
So we're gonna get into the tweets here and I've got another I don't know Maybe all seven minutes to go into this.
So this video is gonna be about a half an hour that being said We're gonna go into all these tweets. We're just gonna do them all
Because I'll give you what my reaction to Owen's tweets are I'll give you what my reactions to Andrew Torba's tweets are because I Remember the other day when this was all going down a couple people had reached out to me privately about Andrew's tweets
And I'm not exactly sure why they reached out to me about Andrew's tweets. Why not just ask
Andrew? You know what? I mean? But I think one reason is because I consider him a brother in the
Lord Which I do some people were wondering if I still do yes, I do Because I like Andrew and that's
I've made that very clear. I like Andrew Torba and all of that So they were asking me about his tweets and I hadn't
I don't follow Twitter that carefully but they were asking me about his tweets and and I want to give you what my reaction in real time to those tweets was at the time and Then at having looked at them in context and you know heard more about them
I want to give you how my reaction changed because there is a change there and I think it'll be helpful for you to understand how
I think through these things and and the people that I've kind of messaged with Privately they know this is how
I thought through them because this is I told them, you know, I mean, so anyway Let's uh, let's continue. We're gonna go into this 17
I think these are all from August 17th He wrote a blog first of all and he talked about Matt Walsh in that blog and I'm not gonna go through it
It's long. I think it was poorly written in my opinion. It's poorly argued I should say not poorly written but poorly argued
But he put out a bunch of tweets that were even more flame -throwing so he said if your pastor has been radicalized and now preaches paranoia and a false gospel of ethnocentric nationalism and graciously raise
You need to pray and speak to him and graciously raise major concerns It may be time to find a new church home because the pulpit is no place for fear mongers
Which of course we agree with that but who's doing it is the question. Where do you see a gospel of ethnocentric?
nationalism the gospel of Ethnocentric nationalism.
So the idea here and and and keep in mind the irony
Because there's such irony in this one tweet He's saying you might need to find a new church home.
If your pastor is preaching fear -mongering in a tweet where he is fear -mongering it's
Unbelievable the gospel of ethnocentric nationalism what this is designed to imply is
That there are preachers out there that are preaching the scripture and they think they've got the gospel right, of course because everyone thinks they've got the gospel right and the gospel that how you're saved according to them the good news of the
Bible is ethnocentric Nationalism that's the good news
That's why he chooses the word gospel because he's saying this is a false gospel Which of course if you are preaching a gospel of ethnocentric nationalism, that would be true.
That would be a false gospel, of course and the idea is that they're preaching either this in replacement of the actual gospel of the forgiveness of sins because of the death, burial and resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ for his people and Or it's either a replacement for that or it's in addition to that So yeah, sure
Jesus died on the cross But the the whole reason he did is so that we could be actually saved through ethnocentric nationalism
That's the implication here that this is a an addition to the gospel and it's being put forward as this
You know, this is the script This is what Jesus died for or it's a replacement for the gospel of what
Jesus died for That's the position Owen Strawn is wanting to put forward in this tweet and that is classic fear -mongering because I've never heard even
I've paid attention to some kinest some actual kinest now Because I've been wondering in the past.
I didn't really care right but now I actually care. What are these kinest saying? even the kinest that are self referentially kinest do not preach this
They don't They don't I Don't like what they preach, but it's not this so so so what is he even talking about?
I'm sure there's somebody that preaches this But it can't it's not a a big enough threat to even register on the radar it's not even and this is one of the things that somebody asked me when
I When I when they asked me about Andrew Torba's tweet one of the first things
I said to him was Okay, let's it's clear you disagree with this tweet, right?
let's just Put this on a register right on a scale of 1 to 10. How serious is this?
You know, I mean is this error on a scale of 1 to 10 because I would put this at a 3 maximum Not that important because everybody has beliefs that I don't agree with some of them are more important Some of them are less important.
It's like we've got one of the things evangelicals really need to practice is Their sense of proportion what is a huge deal and what is a small deal that is something we don't have a very good gauge
For that what's versus what's a huge deal and what's a small deal that that's gonna save you a lot of grief getting that right practicing that anyway, so Ethnocentric nationalism who's preaching that what who's preaching that gospel?
That's the gospel. That's what he's saying It's a false gospel who's preaching it a gospel a false gospel of ethnocentric nationalism
A false gospel. I mean, I don't know of anyone like no one comes to mind in fact There was a guy a more woke guy that was trying to give me all these examples of this and none of them were gospel
The closest he got was one guy who said there's a difference between false teaching and a false gospel
Like like I think that some people teach wrongly You know or incorrect teaching let's say and a false gospel because I think there are a lot of people who teach wrongly about baptism
Wrongly about the law Do I think that they're preaching the false gospel of? credo baptism, no
Like again, there's got to be a sense of proportion and and and and one of Owen's biggest problems is he has absolutely no sense of proportion
Everything is a gigantic. Well, I guess I can might maybe I understand why everything to him is a gigantic problem
Let the reader understand I'm an idiot.
I am an idiot. There's just no question about that. I'm not I'm an idiot
Not too bright this guy. Anyway, you know what? We're gonna stop there This episode is the first of a few we'll see how many we do
A Sensor proportion guys sensor proportion if Andrew Torba says something about ethnicity
That you don't like you wouldn't word it that way. You wouldn't say that you're not quite sure where he's coming from Owen Strawn's gonna get all hot under the collar get red in the face and you know put on his dress and clutches pearls
That's what Owen's gonna do because he has zero sensor proportion, but you know what happens when I see
Andrew Torba say something that I wouldn't say Most of the time It's like yeah,
I wouldn't said that. Oh Well, and I'm gonna move on with my day because it it's very rarely that much of a big deal
It's very rarely. There are certain things that are a big deal. There are certain things that are not a big deal
We're gonna get into some of the differences, especially in relation to Andrew Torba's tweets because I had a reaction when
I saw the tweet In isolation somebody screenshotted it to me and sent it to me to get my reaction.
I had a reaction I'll tell you how I thought of it. And then I'll tell you what
I did afterwards when I got more information Evangelicals all of us all of us you and me
We need to work on our sense of proportion Not everything is a huge deal.
Just because liberals have taught you that it's a huge deal. I Hope you found this video helpful.
I hope you're looking forward to this week of Owens I'll probably lose a lot of subscribers doing this week on oh and strong Jimmy crack corn and I don't care.