Owen Strachan Got His Reward (Hope It Was Worth It) - Part 2

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It wasnt.


Owen Strachan Calls Himself Out For Being Woke- Part 3

Owen Strachan Calls Himself Out For Being Woke- Part 3

All right, well we are going to continue this week's Owen Straychan's extravaganza.
That's how you pronounce his name, by the way. It's like you've heard of 4chan, 8chan, well this is Straychan. Someone told me that's how you pronounce his name.
I've got it on good authority, that's how it is. Owen Straychan. And so we're going to get into some of these tweets now, and yeah, let's just do it.
...major concerns. It may be time to find a new church home because the pulpit is no place for fear mongers. Which, of course, we agree with that.
Right, so I started a little bit earlier, right where we left off a little bit before.
And so this is the fear mongering tweet where he denounces fear mongering. This is just so ironic, and John's about to go into some of the reasons why this is just fear mongering.
This is just pearl clutching, this is just... It's just, it's exactly what the left always does to the right.
And now here Owen is adopting this as his strategy for dealing with people to the right of him.
And so, you know, it's just, it's very apparent that Owen, he's decided that there are certain people that are his enemies.
And he's willing and able and ready to tell every lie about them that the left tells, and maybe even then some.
And maybe it's going to have more authority because he's a conservative stalwart, and he uses big words like pernicious.
And we're going to get to that in a minute. But, you know, this is the thing, like, he's unwilling to seek any understanding.
He's unwilling to get people to clarify or let them kind of define their own terms. He is just going to beat them to death with the propaganda that he knows the left loves.
And he will get accolades, and he will be a stalwart conservative. He's not one of those conservatives. That's what he's desiring, and John's about to go into some of the reasons why.
We're going to talk about it. Doing it is the question, where do you see a gospel, a false gospel of ethnocentric nationalism?
A false gospel, I mean, I don't know of anyone. No one comes to mind. In fact, there was a guy, a more woke guy, who was trying to give me all these examples of this, and none of them were gospels.
The closest he got was one guy who said that the gospel should help you obey the law better, and he thought part of the law was basically preserving your people.
That's the closest he got. Right, so that's exactly my point from last time. So it's like, is part of the law, the moral law of God, preserving your bloodline or your ethnicity or your culture or something like that?
I don't know what this guy specifically said. I'm just going by what John said. In my opinion, no, that's not part of the law of God.
You couldn't put that burden on somebody. That would not be part of the law of God. So that's an incorrect teaching on the law.
Is that a false gospel? No, that's not a false gospel.
I mean, plenty of people teach poorly on the law. John Piper, for example, this is the one that comes to mind. John Piper teaches that Christians ought not to, according to the moral law of God, ought not to own handguns and,
I don't know, defend their wife violently or whatever, because God said to love your neighbor, turn the other cheek, all that kind of stuff.
That's poor teaching. That's wrong. That's really stupid. John Piper's wrong about that. But does that mean that I could just go fire up a tweet?
The false gospel of pacifism. Does John Piper teach the false gospel of pacifism?
No, he doesn't. I mean, he's wrong about his pacifist beliefs, but is that the false gospel of pacifism?
No, there's obviously a difference between poor teaching, bad teaching, even dangerous and pernicious teaching, as we're going to see in a minute.
Owen Strawn is the kind of guy that uses the word pernicious. Pernicious, in my opinion, is a word that if somebody uses it in a tweet, nine times out of ten, they're just performing.
They're performing for you. It's a performative dance that they're doing. And he wants to sound really smart and authoritative, so he uses a word like pernicious.
Anyway, maybe you guys like pernicious. I hate that word. I hate that word. Anyway, so yeah, that's a perfect example,
John. Nothing close to what Owen Strawn is saying here. He said, sadly, looks like some prominent conservatives have bought into a version of the
Great Replacement Theory. Okay, that's—how is that a theory anymore? Really? Like, that's—is that really a theory?
They fear the replacement of whites or Anglo -Saxon people and culture. This mirrors fears shown among other ethnicities, and it is both very dangerous and pernicious.
And I feel like I'm being gaslit at this point. You are. That's because you are.
Owen has adopted—and I don't even know if he's adopted it. This is just who
Owen Strachan is. He's using the leftist playbook of mudslinging, muckraking, slinging every slur you can imagine— not slur, but bad thing that you can imagine at your enemies, and eventually, hopefully it sticks.
They're racists. They're bigots. They're kinnists. They're this and that. And there's no accuracy to any of it.
Oh, there's just a false gospel of ethnocentric. That sounds really—for a lot of normal people, that sounds really scary, the false gospel of ethnocentrism.
Nobody's preaching it, but Owen is very sure that that's dangerous and pernicious. And what ends up happening is he uses these big, scary -sounding terms without defining them, and then he applies it to people who aren't doing the thing that he's doing.
So now all of a sudden, A .D. Robles is an ethnocentric nationalist, and it's like, whoa, that sounds pretty scary.
And the idea is to smear guys like me in that way, and Christian nationalists in that way, because we would dare talk about something that's obviously not true, like white people being replaced by black women in the movies.
That's definitely not happening. You know what I mean? Like, they didn't turn Ariel from the
Little Mermaid black or anything. That didn't happen. Nah, didn't happen at all. Snow White's not black either.
April O 'Neil, you know, remember, red -headed friend of the Ninja Turtles? She didn't become a fat black woman.
Definitely not. So the great replacement theory, I mean, it's like, you can argue about how much of it is intentional, how much is actually happening or things like that, but to pretend like this is something that only those scary ethnocentric white nationalists are talking about and it's not really happening, it's a fantasy, that's gaslighting.
And it's a standard part and parcel tool of the left that Owen uses to people to the right of him.
This is just who Owen Strachan is. This is the guy who wrote a book against wokeness, supposedly.
That's woke, right? If someone sees it differently, please help me, because I don't understand how this isn't woke.
That's what's happening. It's not even like this is a secret. Our enemies tell you that they're doing this intentionally.
They tell you what their goals are. They tell you what they're trying to do. And it's like...
But it's dangerous and pernicious. Very dangerous and very pernicious. And we've cataloged this on this particular podcast over and over and over.
So here's just a few other things. He says, while believers honor elements of unique cultures, the New Testament nowhere commissions
Christians to preserve the ethnic homogeneity of a society. We can honor distinctiveness, but the gospel brings disparate peoples together in both church and society.
The devil despises it. Does the devil despise this?
Now, the church is a separate matter, right? Obviously, that's different. In the church of the
Lord, we've got people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. And that is beautiful, right?
Obviously, a good follow -up question is, what's a nation? Every tribe, we know what a tribe is.
Every tongue, we know what that is. Every nation. And I'm pretty sure what
John meant when he said every tribe, tongue, and nation. What he meant was, you know, just the idea of a nation.
Okay, so the church is different. We get that. We understand that people can be different ethnicities and worship the same
Lord. And that is beautiful. We love that. Everybody loves that. Everybody loves that.
But in society, here's the thing. The devil despises diverse societies?
Is that really true? I mean, I'm not so sure. Because what I've noticed, and what a lot of people have noticed, is that the demons among us that are promoting sexualization of children.
They're promoting homosexuality. They're promoting all kinds of evil in the name of wokeness.
They're also, abortion, all the human sacrifice.
They're also promoting this. They're promoting this. Where, you know, the opposite of nationalism.
They want to bring mass immigration. And they're saying, well, it's just diversity.
That's beautiful. That's our strength. And so, you could be a reasonable person and not have thought about this very much.
Because, listen, this is not my area of expertise. I don't think about this all the time.
This is not my thing. But just a regular Joe like me can think, yeah, that's very weird.
And I've asked people about this, too. And I've had some decent conversations about this exact topic. Why is it that the demons among us want this so desperately?
They want to have tons of interracial marriages. They promote them as if they're this ideal.
Why do the demons seem to like this so much? I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying, why are they promoting it, right?
Did the demons just forget about this? And they're like, oh, like, oh, right,
Satan doesn't like this. Oh, they just forgot on this one? Satan actually doesn't like this.
We forgot that. And, like, I don't think, like, Satan is, like, a forgiving taskmaster.
You know what I mean? Like, I think that they'd be on top of it. You would think that Satan would be on top of this one trying to prevent this.
But instead, he's got his legions out there promoting this. And you've got to ask the question why.
And the thing is, guys like Owen Strawn, they are not – they don't have the courage, quite frankly.
Owen lacks the courage to openly ask the question that I just asked.
Why is it that the demons seem to be promoting this? That's not something to be discussed in private – in public company.
Unless you're going to be discussing it while throwing, you know, negative slurs at the other person.
You're a kines, you're this, you're that. Then you can, of course, you can talk about it. But in a reasonable, rational, like, without throwing insults way, this cannot be – this shall not be named among respectable people.
That's dangerous and very pernicious. Pernicious. And it's just very interesting.
Like, the devil – he just says the devil despises this. And I'm like, okay. I'd like to see you unpack that a little bit.
Okay, I mean, if that's true – and I know Owen is against this. He doesn't want open borders.
But if that's true, why not open borders? I mean, there's nothing – there's nothing in scripture that says we have to have a border.
Right. Why not? Like, it's a good question. And this is a question that you can kick around without being a kines, quite frankly.
You can kick this around without being a white nationalist, you know, Nazi, whatever you want to call us.
Like, you can kick this question around. Because if the devil despises people being brought in, you know, ethnic diversity and all of this kind of thing, why wouldn't you want more of that?
If the devil hates it and he's just like, oh, no! Like, why wouldn't you want a lot more of that instead of having these ethnically homogeneous societies?
Why would that be the case? It's a good question. I'd like to see him hash that out if he has the courage.
It doesn't commission Christians to secure their border. I mean, this is silly. He says
Christians honor various elements of different cultures and ethnicities. We love diversity because God formed it.
But hear this clear as a ringing bell. The gospel, here we go again, the gospel of ethnic or cultural preservation is not the biblical gospel.
It is a replacement gospel. It is a false gospel. So here's what I've got to say to this. So this is, you know, he's not necessarily talking about interethnic marriages here.
But that's the big thing that he's really concerned with because he starts to throw around words like kines and stuff like that.
That's really what he's talking about here. And I saw a really good tweet from Woke Preacher Clips. It was a great tweet.
And he said, look, it's really simple. It doesn't have to be more complicated than this. He said, if you want to marry within your own kind, even if that's for, you know, reasons because you want to have, you want to preserve, you know, the culture, the traditions of your forefathers and all this kind of stuff, that's fine.
You can do it. And if somebody wants to marry someone outside their ethnicity and they want to do that, that's fine.
You can do it. It's really not much more complicated than that. And then he goes, and the minute someone binds your conscience and says, this is a matter of God's law, actually, you have to do this or that, you know, because people do that on both sides, actually.
It's weird, but they do. He says, that's wrong. That needs to be fought against. I agree with Woke Preacher Clips there.
But I think there's another issue that needs to be addressed that Woke Preacher Clips didn't address in this particular tweet.
I'm not saying he doesn't. I'm just saying he didn't in this tweet. And that is, can you encourage others to do what you're doing?
Is that allowable? Is that acceptable? If you're a white guy and you want to encourage, you personally want to marry a white woman because you want to carry on the traditions of a
Protestant white woman, whatever it is. Or black and the same thing. I think we all know the answer.
If you're black and you want to marry another black person, that's totally OK. Everybody agrees with that. It's really the white people we're talking about here.
That's where the issue comes up. And that's one reason you know this is a bunch of nonsense, obviously. But is it
OK to sort of encourage others to do the same? And to say, you know, this is actually the wise thing to do. This is the smart thing to do for our nation, you know.
Would that be acceptable? Would that be allowable? That's the question I think a lot of people have a little bit more trouble with.
Yeah, we know that we shouldn't bind consciences. But can we encourage? Can we talk about the benefits of it?
Because people get really freaked out if you do. If you talk about that stuff, people get super freaked out.
Anyway, so let's continue. I might be a little strong, but I think it's worth saying.
And this is in hopes that if Owen hears it or someone close to him, they can really help him with this.
Because this needs to be retracted. This is exactly what the social justice activists did to us.
Just a few years ago. This is exactly the kinds of things that you saw from people like Eric Mason.
And Matt Chandler. And so many others. Paul Tripp. They were saying things like, well, these evangelicals who aren't concerned about racial stuff, they have a false gospel or a path gospel or they have an incorrect gospel of some kind.
And they have it because they're getting this ethical thing wrong over here that we think.
We think disparity should be eliminated and they don't. So they don't have a good gospel. This is the same kind of thing.
It's like no one's saying that preserving your ethnicity is part of the gospel. No one. This is exactly.
This is a great point. It's the exact same tactic. You're lying about people and saying they have a false gospel because of this ethical issue.
And a lot of times back in the woke wars 1 .0, the issue that they said was wrong was not wrong.
You don't believe in reparations. You don't believe in reparations. That means you've got the false gospel of whiteness.
I don't know what they would call it. And they're wrong about that, obviously. But in this case, maybe they're right about the ethical problem, but they're using the tactic.
Oh, it's a false gospel. It's a false gospel. It would be like me saying that John Piper preaches the false gospel of pacifism.
When all I have to say is John Piper is wrong about pacifism and he's wrong epically and spectacularly.
This is the thing. So this is the problem, right? This is the thing that I hope that somebody reaches out to Owen and says.
Because there's just no way he'll listen to a guy like me. That's very obvious. He thinks he's on a holy war right now.
He's on a holy war. He's on a mission from God. And ain't nobody going to tell him nothing. I'm an enemy in his mind.
And in their little plan, you can say anything about an enemy. It doesn't matter if it's even close to true.
It just doesn't matter. They're your enemy. Here's the thing. I don't have a problem with you criticizing something that Andrew Torba said.
Okay? That's not what this is about. And you can even criticize things that I say. And many people have.
And everyone knows that I treat them fairly. It's not about criticism.
It's about you treating those people like the enemy. You treat them exactly the way the leftists treat them.
You use the exact same tactics. A lot of times, you use the exact same words that they would use.
And this is not debatable. They saw the signal you sent up, Owen. And we're going to get into this in a minute.
But all of the wildest, most liberal, just evil leftist
Christians were applauding you for this. Because it's exactly what they would have said.
So, if you want to criticize Christian nationalists, I don't have a problem with you criticizing
Christian nationalists. Just don't do it as if you're our enemy. You're working like a leftist.
And they recognize that. They recognize what you're doing. And it's evil, man.
You're lying about people. None of us have the gospel of ethnocentric nationalism.
None of us have it. And yet, you're telling all of your followers that we do.
And that we're kinists. And that we don't understand the gospel. I had a conversation with Owen.
I had a conversation with Owen about the Stephen Wolf tweet. And I expressed, you know, just...
I expressed, like, the problem I had with what he said. It's just that there's no... Even if you thought it was a bad tweet, a stupid tweet, right?
It just doesn't warrant the extreme reaction. It was really no big deal.
Even if you don't agree with the tweet, what he actually said, it's not a big deal. This is what
I was saying last week about sense of proportion. It's all off in evangelicalism.
You can disagree with it if you want. You could even counter -signal it if you want. But it did not warrant the full -on, full -bore, you're an evil racist, you know, kinist, you know, the whole nine yards that you always do.
Every time you do that, by the way, and go thermal nuclear on nothing, you lose more and more and more credibility.
And I don't want that for you. And I said to him, even in the worst -case scenario, this is a stupid tweet, let's just say.
It's just not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. He's talking about voting.
He's talking about political demographics. Who cares, right?
Who cares? It's really not a big thing. And just from that, just from me saying,
I just don't see how this is a big deal. He says that I don't understand,
I don't know if you even understand the gospel. That's what he told me.
Because of that tweet about white evangelical voting and how they vote,
I might not understand the gospel. That's his mindset.
That's his mentality. And you're just, oh, and you're lying to people.
And you're dragging your brother's names through the mud.
For what? For what? You got your reward on that.
You got a lot of leftists that said, Owen's right on this one. Yeah, you know, I'm trans, but right on, just like I would have said.
That's what you got. That was your reward. You guys have to learn,
Owen and the rest of the G3 crew. You guys have to learn how to critique those on your right without going blue hair.
You know what I mean? Because it's almost like your brain turns off, you grow blue hair, and you got pronouns all of a sudden.
Because the rhetoric is identical. You just have to learn how to resist that.
You really do. And we're going to get into this more because there's a lot more coming. That's for sure.
And I haven't seen even like an anon account on Twitter. I have not seen one example yet of that. I'm sure it's out there.
But if it is, it's so minuscule. No one's saying it. No one's serious. I saw one.
In fact, one of my friends had reached out to me to talk about some of these issues.
Good guy. Didn't have any ill will towards me. Not angry with me or anything. And he showed me a tweet.
An anon tweet from someone about interracial marriage and how it's bad or something.
I don't remember the exact thing about the tweet. He showed me the tweet. And it was an anon, you know, totally irrelevant.
Anonymous, nothing account. Totally irrelevant to my life. And he showed it to me and I said, yeah,
I don't agree with that. Obviously. But on a scale of 1 to 10, this doesn't even register.
This is a 3. At the best. Probably less because this is just a random account. Who cares?
It's not this threat that everyone seems to think it is. It's like, okay, someone doesn't like interracial marriage.
What does that have to do with me? You move on with your life. You move on with your life.
It's crazy, man. It's just the sense of proportion. That's what I think the big deal is here. There's just no accounting for it.
Your threat. Owen Strawn seems to think it is. And so he uses this. He uses this device, this rhetorical device of categorizing it as a false gospel.
Identical to the woke church. Whatever it is. And then instead of having the ethical argument with someone about what are the boundaries with immigration policy.
How separate should cultures, nations be? Is it incumbent on us to preserve our people?
Instead of having those conversations, the conversation that's going on right now is whether or not there's a false gospel looming out there threatening your church.
Exactly. John hit the nail on the head. But it's worse than that. It's not even a conversation really about that.
They go full blue hair. They do. It's as if they have blue hair and pronouns in the bio. That's what happens.
So instead, someone's like, well, what about this great replacement theory? I definitely see some of their points.
I understand. I saw it. I took my daughter to see Little Mermaid and all of a sudden they turned Ariel Black.
Why did they do that? Well, there's a reason they did it. They tell you why they do it. They tell you why.
And you can argue about whether that's good or bad. Nobody's saying that this is not debatable.
You can debate this stuff. But the problem is, Owen, when you do the things that you do and you go thermonuclear on this and you just shut the conversation down.
This is a false gospel. This is dangerous. This is pernicious. This is hot garbage. It uses all the same language.
It's unbelievable how similar the language that Owen uses to the language that a blue hair would use.
This is a hot mess. Who even speaks like that? This is a hot mess.
This is a hot mess theology. Does Owen speak like that in real life? I don't think so. I think this is all performative.
And it just shuts everyone's brains off. And it's just like, you're doing this.
And in the process, you're damaging so many people. Not us. You're not damaging guys like me.
You're not damaging Torba. You're damaging a lot of people in the pews.
That they don't agree with every single thing Torba says. But some of that replacement stuff rings true to them.
And they're being signaled by you that if they even have questions or even have conversations, or even the immigration thing, they even want to talk about that, they're going to be labeled a kinist and a racist with a false gospel because that's what you did to Torba.
They're the ones that are damaged. And that's good for our side of this debate, of course.
But I don't want to damage the people. See, I don't want to drag people through that.
You don't really seem to care because you're getting something out of this. I don't know what you think you're getting out of this, but you think you're getting something.
You need to grow up, Owen, is what you need to do. You need to grow up. Folks, there are false gospels out there, but this is an invented one.
And I really don't want him giving anyone ideas. Because someone will take that, and they will develop their own false gospel.
So anyway, I have more tweets to share with you. I don't know if we'll get through all of them. I don't want to beat the dead horse. But I did respond because, you know,
Owen said, civilization should not actively try to replace a given ethnicity. Immigration is a practical matter.
Countries can and should limit it per their stability. All that's totally sound. Why is it sound, though?
I don't know why that's sound. Right, it's a good point. Owen's got a great point there. That's all sound, but for what purpose?
If a civilization should not allow itself to be actively replaced, and they've got practical considerations for immigration to limit it, to make sure that things are stable, to make sure that their culture is preserved, because that's kind of what
Owen is saying here, right? Okay, all that's fine, but why?
To what end? To what purpose? I thought the devil despised that, or despised diversity.
So wouldn't he be very pleased with your immigration limitations? Wouldn't the devil be very pleased by the fact that you're saying that this is actually a good thing for nations to do?
Because I thought he despised diversity, so you would have to think that he'd be very happy that nations were limiting immigration, right?
So this is the thing. Owen obviously has an opinion here on this, and it would be nice to talk to someone like Owen about his opinion here on this, but the problem is that he doesn't talk to kinists, he doesn't talk to racists, he doesn't talk to white ethnocentralist nationalists, which a lot of you in this audience allegedly are.
Because you have questions. It's unbelievable. It really is.
I've got to let John finish here. I'd love to hear an explanation for that, because his article doesn't really give a good explanation of it.
What is not sound is thinking that the gospel is about preserving an ethnicity. It's not. Yeah, no kidding.
No kidding! Literally no... Everyone says amen, including people
Owen would probably think are white supremacists say amen if they're true Christians. Yeah, the gospel is not about preserving an ethnicity.
Yeah, Owen, thank you so much for your courageous stand. Yeah, we're really grateful for the stand that you've taken there, and later he's going to come out with even more courageous stands that are just...
It's hard to even fathom why he tweeted these things in any way that makes him look good.
But we're going to get into it. We're going to stop there. Hopefully you enjoyed this. If you have any follow -up, any questions, any pushback, you want to call me an idiot, do it in the comment sections.