- 00:02
- To James chapter 5 and we will be looking at verse beginning at verse 13 through 18
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- We're not going to be able to cover all this today Actually, I just want to cover Just verse 13 today
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- Possibly like I said three parts out of this. This is really the conclusion of this letter
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- We're almost finished. I was looking at my notes the other day and And the orders of worship
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- We began this sermon series in the book of James on November 7th
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- I believe November 7th or 4th. I'm not for sure. I can't remember exactly what the date is there.
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- I know it was November of 2018 we have taking
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- It's been over a year and a half And of course have been some sidetracks here and there and holidays and so forth
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- But we have spent quite a bit of time in this wonderful epistle And then I'm looking forward to going into the book of first Peter And Lord willing we'll go through first Peter, which
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- I believe ties right in with James And then we'll be going to second
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- Peter Lord willing to be going to book of Jude and we're gonna be making tracks all the way to Revelation.
- 01:35
- Yes Revelation who knows Jesus may be back before then but And that'd be greater so Anyway, here we are in the book of James and actually these are concluding thoughts from the
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- Holy Spirit to the Apostle Let me read verse 13 through 18 and then we're going to have prayer and then we're going to look at verse 13 specifically
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- Here the word of the Living God is anyone among you suffering let him pray
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- Is anyone cheerful let him sing Psalms is anyone among you sick
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- Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the
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- Lord and The prayer of faith was saved the sick and the
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- Lord will raise him up and If he has committed sins
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- He will be forgiven Verse 16 confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another
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- That you may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much a
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- Elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and The earth produced its fruit.
- 03:25
- Let's stop right there and let's seek our Lord in prayer this morning as we study his wonderful word
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- Within this next hour our father we do. Thank you for the wonderful privilege To even come to you
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- Lord may we never forget this To even call you father
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- Abba from our hearts It's such a wonderful wonderful privilege as we are adopted into your kingdom as sons and daughters of the
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- Living God Lord how gracious you are to us how good you are to us as it has already been said this morning
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- It is your loving kindness and your tender mercies That has saved us along with your power
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- Lord how wonderful that is to know And Lord we hollow your name
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- Lord. That is our desire is to hallow your name To praise you
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- For who you are of your greatness and your goodness and your mercy and your loving -kindness and your faithfulness
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- But above all your name is holy holy, holy, holy
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- Lord God Almighty and father not only for who you are but for what you've done the mighty acts that you have brought
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- You have saved us That is a miracle of miracles that you can save people that are so depraved
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- You come to us and rescue us from our sin and father we ought to pray your kingdom to come your kingdom to come
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- Our kingdom must go Father your glory your Your kingdom is glorious and we desire for your kingdom to come in earth as it is in heaven
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- Your will be done Father as our brother already said for your will to be done.
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- Our will must be undone Father we thank you for this This should be our desire
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- It should be our agenda as people of the Living God So father our eyes and our focus is upon you this morning
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- And we give you praise Father bless your people with your word this morning and may it go deep into our hearts as we look unto
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- Jesus your son and Let us not forget for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen and amen in this text
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- He speaks of the power of a praying church That's what
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- I like for us to look at for the next several weeks You know, the gift of speech is a marvelous blessing, isn't it?
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- It is used if it is used to the glory of God it could be a such a positive thing as We've seen in James He has a great deal to say about the tongue doesn't he?
- 06:53
- I would say And in this chapter is no exception if you look at it, he mentioned some of the
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- The lowest uses of the tongue in the negative perspective chapter 5 verse 9
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- Do not grumble That means do not groan or complain against one another
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- Brethren, he's speaking to the church least you be judged And then he says this behold the judges is standing at the door
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- And in verse 12 as we looked at last Lord's Day He says above all
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- My brethren again, he speaks to the church Do not swear Either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath
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- But let your yes BS your no, no least you fall into judgment
- 07:52
- And we know that's talking about speaking truth But he also named some of the highest uses of the tongue just not the lower uses
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- They are the proclamation of the Word of God. Now, where do you see this? Look at verse 10 of this chapter
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- He says my brethren Take the prophets who spoke in the name of the
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- Lord as an example of suffering and patience and Also as In our text he speaks about praying and praising
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- God That's really what our text is speaking of praying and praising God in our text in verses 13 through 18
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- Now prayer is certainly no doubt the highest and the greatest of all privileges
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- Especially to the Almighty God. I remember in Seminary this really
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- Changed me not only is a professor said this and we had a class of prayer.
- 09:03
- That's unusual, isn't it? But this particular Bible College Decided to have a class of prayer and which is very unusual in seminary, but I thought wow, that's great
- 09:16
- I signed up for that right away. It's called intercessory prayer. I Learned so much probably more in that class in my
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- English class than any other class and I say my English class because most of the time we We just didn't learn
- 09:32
- English. We ended up worshiping most of the time and I recall Just spending so much time in the presence of God.
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- It was so wonderful, so that really brings a Sparks a great memory for me, but in the intercessory prayer class the professor
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- I never will forget what he said he said Prayer is not necessarily just talking to God but Going to God and as a father to fellowship with So It's more than just talking to God, even though that is a part of it, but it's our fellowship with the father and that Changes the perspective all together
- 10:23
- So prayer is fellowship with our father and it is the highest and the greatest Privilege that we have.
- 10:30
- It's a holy privilege, isn't it? And think of that that as God's children we can come freely and boldly to the throne of grace anytime anywhere and Share with the
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- Almighty God who is our Heavenly Father and bring our burdens and our needs to him
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- Matter of fact prayer is the very lifeblood. I like to say and power of the church and without it
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- The church will be powerless We have to pray
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- To be a powerful church and this is what's lacking today in the churches among us
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- We need the power and I say this to redeeming grace If we really want to see
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- God do a work in our midst Spend time with God in prayer in the secret place
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- Hide yourself And then as God told Elijah go show yourself and I see two things here
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- It's almost as in the book of Acts before evangelism was to take place God says the
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- Lord actually said tarry until you be endued with power from on high So there was a tarrying
- 11:52
- Before there was a going They and God knew this the Lord Jesus knew this for his church you have to have that power to evangelize always prayer and Power and a lot of we just don't focus on the power actually where the power is is in the purity
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- If we won't power with God there must first be purity with God So that's where the power comes in But in Acts 1 8
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- But you shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me and then he says and to Jerusalem Judea and Samaria and other most parts of the earth
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- There there was the going but first it was the tearing that's the same thing as God spoke to Elijah hide yourself
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- Then go show yourself We it's always that order always that order
- 12:47
- So prayer is the very lifeblood in the power of the church One of my favorite evangelists.
- 12:55
- I had the privilege of listening them to pray him preach years ago, and it was a transforming event an experience for me and many other
- 13:05
- Bible college students Leonard Ravenhill went home to be with the Lord in the early 90s, but he was born in 1907
- 13:14
- He came to America to evangelize he was a great evangelist and He has a classic book on revival and most of it is just it's incredible if you
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- I would definitely say Say you bid to get this book. It's a great book and it's not hard to read
- 13:32
- But in this book why revival Terry's he puts it this way about prayer No, man is greater than his prayer life
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- The pastor who's the pastor who's not praying is playing the people who are not praying or straying
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- The pulpit can be a shop window to displays one's talents The prayer closet allows no showing off Poverty stricken he says as the church is today in many things.
- 14:02
- She's most stricken here in the place of prayer We have many org organizers, but few agonizers many players and payers few prayers many singers few clingers lots of pastors few wrestlers many fears few tears
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- Much fashion little passion many interferers few intercessors many writers but few fighters
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- Failing here We fail everywhere in quote That's well put and I love the way that he just Gives those bullet shots at us
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- Just to wake us up. It's a walk of wake -up call. This is what we need to be doing.
- 14:59
- We need to be praying Prayer grasped eternity Well, here's a question
- 15:07
- I have for all of us At redeeming grace Church Do we want and desire a deep spiritual lifeblood and power within?
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- our body or within our our self Do we really desire a deep spiritual lifeblood and power?
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- Beloved it starts with the intimate personal relationship with Almighty God our
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- Heavenly Father We know him through this eternal word this is his mind and It's so important To know him in the word, but we communicate with him through prayer
- 15:47
- I like what somebody said to CH Spurgeon once I love Spurgeon's wisdom.
- 15:52
- Somebody came up and asked him What's more important pastor Spurgeon? The word or prayer and in turn he asked him a question
- 16:04
- What's more important to you breathing in or breathing out? That's wisdom
- 16:11
- Both is important in other words the Word of God and prayer
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- Go hand -in -hand hand -in -glove. You cannot separate the two And if we really are to know
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- God and as Paul said That I may know him in the power of his resurrection and in the fellowship of his sufferings to be conformed
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- Unto his death and the likeness of his death We must abide in his word and abide in prayer.
- 16:41
- You cannot separate the two in knowing God well Think of this we can fake a spiritual life in public prayer, right?
- 16:51
- Like the Pharisees did they love to pray standing in the corners of the market But the one who knows us best cannot be fooled
- 17:02
- We are before God and see in the secret what we are before God in the secret places is who we really are
- 17:09
- Now I want you to think of this seven times in this text in this section James mentions prayer seven times
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- The mature Christian is a prayer is always prayerful in troubled times of his life instead of grumbling and instead of complaining
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- About his lot in life or his situation or whatever may come or go
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- He goes to God about it, that's what God's people do we go to God in prayer
- 17:40
- God hears the prayers of the righteous and he answers the prayers of the righteous you see this all the way through the book of Psalms and Here he takes it to the
- 17:52
- Lord in prayer, right and This is a real mark of a truly spiritual
- 17:58
- Christian is to abide in prayer The text before us has been a battleground for various groups of use of interpretations of different Interpreters over the centuries and it's been a long time
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- It's been around a long time and this text before us has been so misused and so misinterpreted
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- It boggles the imagination when I was doing a little study on this I just could not believe but let me just give you an example the
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- Roman Catholics They take from it the biblical support for the sacrament of what is called extreme unction
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- That there is a particular Anointing just with the priest With those that anoint the elders of the church
- 18:48
- Praise over the the people and you know, that's how they they operate and they anoint them with oil in the name of the
- 18:57
- Lord But that's called extreme unction Also, we not only among the
- 19:03
- Roman Catholics. We also have among the charismatics The faith healers have take this text and used it to teach that all sick
- 19:13
- Christians are guaranteed healing through prayer and through the prayer of faith and they're raised up and others seek it and Misinterpret it with different Annotations about healing and anointing of the sick with and anointing them with the oil
- 19:35
- So this this passage raises a number of difficult interpretive questions
- 19:42
- These are not original with me. I'd like to say this. I got this from John MacArthur I'll be quoting him a few times here
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- But I thought this was very excellent in the beginning in the introduction of this this series on The power of a praying church
- 19:58
- Here's some questions that he sets before us and it's always good to ask questions especially when we come to a text like this that is called so much debate and controversy within the church and As always as your pastor or anytime as a student of the
- 20:16
- Word of God and you are just the same when we study God's Word we want to get the right interpretation out of it
- 20:24
- Now R. C. Sproul said this is really one interpretation of Scripture It can have thousands of applications
- 20:33
- But there's one interpretation Now we are to seek that one interpretation by the power and the help of the
- 20:40
- Holy Spirit. But also we are to study to show ourselves approved unto God a
- 20:46
- Workman that needed not to be ashamed but rightly divide the word of truth So that is really what counts we've got to rightly divide the word of truth
- 20:55
- Here's the questions that pastor John MacArthur that sets before us and if you can write these down I would encourage you to in shorthand
- 21:03
- Because it would serve you well in this text about The power of a praying church and meeting specific needs in the body
- 21:13
- Number one. He says what kind of suffering does James have in view in verse 13? What kind of suffering does
- 21:21
- James have in view in verse 13 number two? What type of sickness is in view in verse 14?
- 21:30
- Let me say this again what type of sickness is in view in verse 14 third
- 21:36
- Why are the prayers of the elders different from those of the other believers in verse 14 and 15?
- 21:46
- For the fourth what is the anointing with oil described in verse 14?
- 21:53
- Fifth does the prayer of faith in verse 15 always restore the sick?
- 22:00
- Six, how does sickness relate to sin in verse 15? 7
- 22:07
- What type of healing is in view in verse 16? 8
- 22:15
- What does James? insert an Illustration Why does
- 22:23
- James I'm sorry, why does James insert an Illustration about rain in verse 17 and 18 and 9th
- 22:32
- Why does he use this illustration into the middle of the discussion of healing? MacArthur goes on to say this the key to answer these questions and properly interpreting the passage lies and understanding in It in its context
- 22:52
- The Bible is not a random collection of verses That may be interpreted in isolation
- 23:00
- To pray goes on to say to properly understand any passage one must interpret it in light of the paragraphs immediately proceeding and following it the chapter or section in it and the book containing its context
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- Provides the flow of thought in which any given passage of Scripture exists to ignore
- 23:26
- Context is To sacrifice is so important to ignore context is to sacrifice a proper interpretation it has well been said that a text with that a without a
- 23:41
- Context is a pretext. Let me say that again It is well been said that a text without a context is a pretext
- 23:52
- In quote and I thought that's so good as we go into this study in this section to understand the true interpretation that which
- 24:02
- James gives With that in view, what do we gather and see in this?
- 24:08
- What do we gather and see in this what James wrote his epistle number one? This is important.
- 24:14
- We've got to know the audience Who's his audience? to Jewish believers These are
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- Jewish Christians Who had been forced to flee from Palestine? By persecution that's recorded and you can read this in Acts chapter 8 verse 1 through 4 now in James 1 1 at the introduction
- 24:37
- Almost a year and a half ago that we went through this He referred to these
- 24:42
- Jewish Christians as the twelve tribes who are dispersed
- 24:48
- Scattered abroad Now think of this being both
- 24:54
- Jewish and Christian brought about much persecution to these people from both sides and from the pagans and the culture in which they lived and As we studied this knowing that truth of the audience
- 25:15
- That James is lovingly pastoring James opened his epistle with an exhortation to patiently to endure trials
- 25:28
- And you see this in chapter 1 verse 2. He gives them the exhortation When trials come he to encourage them to be what patient to endure and in in chapter 5 notice what he does
- 25:44
- It's like a good writer. He concludes almost with what he began with He returned to the exact theme notice that the first six verses that's described in the persecution of his readers that were poor were suffering at the hands of wicked rich people
- 26:10
- Even to the point of death we saw that in verse 6, right? He says you have condemned
- 26:15
- You have murdered the just He does not resist you And then in verse 11 notice what he says in verse 11
- 26:26
- Indeed we count them blessed who endure Say the same thing from chapter 1 and then he talks about the patience and the perseverance of Job and seeing the end
- 26:41
- Intended by the Lord that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful Now they this is a call to patient endurance under trials.
- 26:51
- That's the thing and It's a test to us Whether we have living faith or dead faith, and it should be a test to everybody
- 27:02
- Now James exhorted those about that was about literally to Collapse under the pressure and the weight of afflictions and persecution and his
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- Encouragement was to prompt him up to to go on and not to give up and not to lose heart
- 27:23
- He's a good pastor He tells the truth He's pointed
- 27:29
- He's Frank in these five chapters. I don't know about you But there's there's much conviction especially chapter 3 about the untamable tongue
- 27:39
- It's constantly a battle with us and when we see about the tongue
- 27:44
- It's what comes from the heart and then he goes into heavenly wisdom Versus demonic wisdom and he speaks about wisdom and in chapter 4 he talks about pride that promotes strife there's just just Knocks the pride between the eyes and that whole chapter
- 28:01
- And then he talks about humility that God is the God of the humble and it goes on and on it
- 28:07
- But in view of the overall context of the epistle Particularly chapter 5.
- 28:13
- It's not surprising. Is it that James mentioned suffering in verse 13? And we see this is anyone among you suffering?
- 28:23
- That's the first thing he says in this In verse 2 in the beginning of this section and he calls on those who are suffering under persecution in verse and actually if you read it in context from verse 1 through 11 and What is he called them to do to pray?
- 28:42
- To pray he's very pointed about it seems simple doesn't but prayer is a huge encouragement
- 28:49
- Now since prayer taps into the very source of spiritual endurance Think of the opposite For a moment, would you?
- 29:00
- It would have been surprising if in James's letter
- 29:06
- From from this for who is an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the way in his letter to those who are struggling and persecuted and afflicted
- 29:18
- If James had neglected to even mention prayer period Now think of that What kind of an apostle would he be if he did not encourage them to pray, you know,
- 29:32
- I Know pastors and preachers can be hard on preachers in a sense, but I want to be careful what
- 29:39
- I say here, but I Don't think much of pastors that sit down and counsel me for two or three hours and do not pray with me
- 29:49
- You can give me all the head knowledge in the world. That's not what I need The matter of fact a lot of times when
- 29:56
- I have said under counselors Pretty much what they already given me.
- 30:01
- I've read or I knew already knew What I really need and you know what? I'm talking about beloved.
- 30:08
- I Needed somebody just to put his arms around me and I'm just going to pick on pastors, but maybe brothers and maybe your sisters and the
- 30:18
- Lord but Not picking on you I don't mean it by that but I'm talking about when you go to a sister to be encouraged or brother go to be encouraged
- 30:27
- Just put your arms around me and encourage me and pray with me. That means more to me than anything else
- 30:35
- That's what we need to do Prayer and that's what James encourages those who are suffering to do.
- 30:41
- What did you say? Let him pray. Let him pray You know a strong commitment to prayer is the very key to enduring suffering beloved and affliction we must have a strong commitment to pray and Without it.
- 30:57
- Let me say this without it. We will fail. We will fail the Lord now people say.
- 31:03
- Oh, hold on. I Know who I am and I can stand I can go through this
- 31:11
- Without prayer, well when we say that We're in trouble because first of all
- 31:19
- Paul says that's prideful take heed least you think you stand you're gonna fall Because we're too weak
- 31:27
- We cannot fight the spiritual battle within our own power We need the power of the
- 31:33
- Lord. So prayer is actually going to God and saying Lord. I'm too weak.
- 31:39
- I Cannot handle this This is bigger than me but you can and With God all things are possible
- 31:49
- So actually it shows our dependence upon God, doesn't it? when we truly pray
- 31:56
- And when we don't pray we showing our dependence upon ourself so but when we pray we pray and would depend it on God Almighty to come and Help us because he is our help
- 32:11
- You know through Jesus Christ our Lord we can be victorious in this but verses 13 through 18 speaks about prayer
- 32:20
- And by the way, he's mentioned every one of these verses in Prayer verse 13 the individual believer are called to pray in verse 13
- 32:31
- Notice in verse 14 and 15 the elders are called to pray Verse 16 and congregations called to pray and so this section reflects
- 32:41
- James is compassionate pastoral care for the suffering flock that's scattered abroad and His main focus is on the casualties
- 32:54
- I love this when I was studying this as I never thought of it this way, but you looking at believers Jewish believers
- 33:01
- That have been really weighed down The pastor James the
- 33:07
- Apostle comes alongside To help the casualties and then what a good pastor does the hurting the weary spiritual fatigued
- 33:24
- Persecuted weak worn out burned out
- 33:29
- Weary does these words strike something to you? I've been there defeated beat down and Here comes the pastor.
- 33:39
- I Encourage you to pray pray Lift up your eyes to heaven
- 33:46
- God's your help He doesn't give the answers himself, he doesn't say
- 33:52
- I'm gonna supply counseling for you now, I'm not against counseling Okay, especially the right counseling
- 33:57
- But the greatest counsel is taking it to the one who is the counselor
- 34:03
- The Almighty God the Prince of Peace. He is the great counselor And you know,
- 34:10
- I can't remember if it's Tozer's version That says is that you can you can get more on your knees in a few minutes than thousands of hours a
- 34:21
- Counseling time that's so true And not to say that there is at a time for Christian counsel,
- 34:28
- I know that Multitude of counselors are safety. I'm not going to fight against that but the greatest
- 34:34
- The greatest encouragement we can get is on our knees on our knees
- 34:39
- John MacArthur says is as the context and the content of this section makes clear the subject is not physical illness or healing
- 34:49
- Instead its concern is with healing spiritual weakness spiritual weariness spiritual exhaustion spiritual depression through prayer as well as dealing with the suffering and the sin that accompanies it and then he goes on to say this to insert and discussion a
- 35:12
- Discussion here on the physical healing would be incongruous. I hope I said that right
- 35:18
- Nothing in the preceding or following context would prepare James's reader for that But a section on how to help the casualties of persecution through prayer
- 35:31
- Fits perfectly into the flow of James's thought Specifically James discusses the relationship of prayer to comfort to restoration and to fellowship and to power
- 35:46
- I love that and That's in quote what McCarthy says now? I'm gonna tell you this.
- 35:53
- I have five points, but we just gonna hit one today. Okay? We don't have to this is the introduction to this section
- 36:00
- So as I was studying it, I said that we need to get the background to understand what James is really saying now the reason
- 36:08
- I do this as your pastor and a student of the Word of God, I Honestly, I mean this
- 36:13
- I tremble before God's Word because I know one day I'm gonna stand before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and and My my yearning is to hear him say well done good and faithful servant
- 36:25
- But just not in the preaching that's laboring. Yes but the preaching of the word is very important because If I give you a misinterpretation
- 36:36
- I'm going to answer severely for it now there's like I said other interpretations that people may give and I'm not saying
- 36:46
- I'm the only one right but I Study and I glean from other godly men and commentaries
- 36:52
- I go to the verses of Scripture and I said Lord, I want to get the right interpretation here So and what
- 36:59
- I'm saying is I'm going to give an account for it. So how important it is I would rather for us to take our time
- 37:06
- Not rather than rush through it and throw some thoughts down Well, we want to get the right meaning of it and by the way,
- 37:13
- I'm just a type of person Can I illustrate this in a physical way?
- 37:20
- I love steak and You guys know what I'm talking about and and one of the reasons a verse steak
- 37:28
- Versus some kind of appetizer steak I love to chew it and get the juice out of it and get the good out of it
- 37:35
- The Word of God steak beloved and if we get the right interpretation out of it
- 37:42
- We can chew it up and we can meditate on it and it becomes so real to us
- 37:47
- It's life -changing, isn't it? And the Holy Spirit through the Word of God will change our lives in a practical way
- 37:55
- So here in this section we we have Many thoughts so next
- 38:00
- Lord's Day. We'll be going to part two Like I said, I think there's gonna be about three parts in this
- 38:06
- My first point is this and we're just gonna look at one point Believers pray for themselves and suffering and if and those who are afflicted
- 38:15
- The suffering inflicted pray for themselves and this is where he starts verse 13
- 38:21
- Our prayers should be personal. That's what he's saying. Our prayers should be personal. Is anyone among you suffering?
- 38:28
- That's the question The answer is let him Pray is
- 38:36
- Anyone cheerful second question back to back to that. The answer is let him sing psalms
- 38:42
- Let him sing psalms. Let's just look at that because I believe What what is he saying here will help us if we look into what the
- 38:51
- Word of God is really saying what he's saying here Everything else is gonna fall in context in the flow of thought
- 38:58
- If we're personally suffering we should personally pray to God, right? And prayer to God is what really matters if we are personally cheerful, we should praise
- 39:08
- God as An antidote to the suffering that James exhorts them to pray why?
- 39:16
- Why that's a good question. I like the wise don't you? David did this and David God God is it obligated to answer sometimes
- 39:26
- God wouldn't answer sometimes he would if he chose to But that's a good question
- 39:32
- David asked this question why a lot Why well because God is the ultimate source of comfort
- 39:40
- Isn't he who could comfort us more than God? But no one can he is our comfort
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- Paul describes him as the father of all mercies and the God of all comfort who comforts us and our afflictions in 2nd
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- Corinthians 1 3 & 4 The Apostle Peter in 1st Peter 5 7 says casting all your anxiety or your cares on him
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- Why because he cares for you? God is a caring God He's not this force.
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- That's Out in the universe. That's a distant He's here
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- He's here among us. He's God with us And aren't you glad to know that?
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- He's with us and Think of what Jonah said from the stomach of the great fish the great sea monster the original
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- Hebrew says when he even as is he? was disobedient Being a disobedient prophet and Jonah 2 7 he prays
- 40:43
- Hey, well, he says while I was fainting away. I remembered the Lord and my prayer came to you into your holy temple again
- 40:54
- James says is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray or he must pray another translation says he must pray
- 41:04
- Suggest a continued pleading in the Greek This is what he means. It's a continued pleading with God in prayer and it could be translated.
- 41:14
- Let him keep on praying Don't you love that doesn't it remind you that Jesus spoke of persistence of prayer?
- 41:20
- That men ought to always to pray and not to faint I love that and the and that word faint means not to lose heart not to give up and The disciples came to Jesus and what did they ask him?
- 41:34
- Did they say Lord teach me to sing? No Did the disciples come to Jesus said
- 41:40
- Lord teach me to preach no Didn't say that teach me to be a counselor
- 41:46
- Lord. No No, what did he say teach us to pray?
- 41:52
- Teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples Shows you right there that John the
- 41:58
- Baptist was a teacher of prayer as well But then Jesus gave the disciples the blueprint the pattern how that they should pray
- 42:08
- Well, Paul tells the believers to pray without ceasing, right? Why because like Spurgeon says because we sin without ceasing
- 42:17
- That's that's very obvious and that's a very good counsel You know,
- 42:22
- I love the hymn what a friend we have in Jesus. I started to sing that today, but Lord Willie We're gonna sing that next week
- 42:28
- I thought it fits perfect and what is being said here, but listen to the words of this
- 42:34
- Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh What needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer
- 42:46
- Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged
- 42:53
- Take it to the Lord in prayer Are we weak and heavy -laden? Cumbered with a load of care precious
- 43:01
- Savior still our refuge take it to the Lord in prayer and To those think of that who managed to maintain a cheerful attitude in their sufferings
- 43:12
- What does he say? Sing praises sing psalms. That's what he's saying.
- 43:18
- Sing praises to God Well, he speaks to both Here those that who are afflicted
- 43:25
- Suffering to those who are cheerful. Let's look at this very quickly You know, I love this because if you look at it says sing, let's look at this just sing psalms.
- 43:35
- It makes me think of the psalms Sing psalms, and I'm sure that's what he's referring to Sing the psalms that's a hundred fifty psalms to sing
- 43:45
- All all every chapter and if you look at it, they're really prayers Prayers ascending to God in a song in a song cheerful Here the word cheerful in the
- 43:59
- Greek describes those in spirit having a joyful attitude joy Not Those who are physically well, no, he's talking about the suffering
- 44:11
- That are joyful, you know, you could be suffering but be joyful at the same time.
- 44:17
- We see that in Scripture, don't we? Even the Apostles after they will beat they went away rejoicing that they were beaten for Jesus sake the wounded broken spirits the whole
- 44:31
- Rejoicing spirits are both To pray and the one is to plead with God for comfort and the other is to sing praises to God well,
- 44:43
- I Love the singing of the praises The verb in which is now translated a psalm
- 44:50
- Prayer and praise they go hand in glove don't think they're closely related praising and praying
- 44:58
- Actually form a prayer if you notice in Philippians there's so many verses I just chose a couple here
- 45:03
- Philippians 4 verse 6 The Apostle Paul says this and this is a prison of he was in prison by the way when he wrote this
- 45:11
- Be anxious for nothing. It's called the epistle of joy Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving there it is.
- 45:26
- Let your requests be made known to God Colossians 4 to Continue earnestly in prayer being vigilant in it with Thanksgiving You cannot separate
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- Thanksgiving from prayer Prayer and praise go hand in glove.
- 45:50
- They were very closely related in Worship so meaning basically the meaning here to Colossians 4 to says is to courageously be
- 46:02
- Persistent in prayer to hold fast and not to let go Not to let go even though your feelings may say let go
- 46:12
- You know, you've heard that let go and let God know You don't let go
- 46:17
- You persist and you go on First because it's essential for spiritual strength
- 46:26
- Especially to those who are undergoing persecution now It's hard for us to relate to this because we're not being persecuted like these
- 46:33
- Christians were But I'm telling you when you're severely Persecuted when you hear an apostle come alongside and says let him pray.
- 46:43
- I'm telling you that's encourage That's exhortation Pray take it to God What James answers the questions?
- 46:54
- What should we do? What should we do? I love that question. Don't you what should we do? single word pray pray
- 47:05
- It raises another question in our minds What should we pray?
- 47:12
- What should we pray now? Let me say this right in this Text in verse 13.
- 47:18
- He doesn't specifically give us to what we should pray for But let me say this
- 47:26
- James here in the text and chapter does not answer that but he does answer that question in other verses in the book
- 47:34
- That James has already told These Christians Jewish Christians what to pray for an opening set in the opening session of his message
- 47:46
- And I'd like to give this as my application because time is about gone and I knew I wouldn't be able to get far
- 47:52
- But here are five things we that he that is exhorted for us of What to pray for what to pray for so he says pray
- 48:07
- Well, here's things he says to pray for and I'm gonna give you chapter and verse for it to number one
- 48:13
- We should pray that we be able to count it all joy when we meet trials and various kinds
- 48:21
- Now he answers that James 1 Verse 2 my brethren counted all joy
- 48:32
- When you fall into various trials Count it all joy when we fall into various trials
- 48:39
- Second we should pray that we will receive wisdom in Order to respond to our situation in a way that glorifies
- 48:50
- God Look at James 1 verse 5 He speaks that right there if any of you lacks wisdom
- 49:00
- Now he's talking about the suffering believers Let him ask of God ask of God what wisdom
- 49:07
- Heavenly wisdom from above who gives to all liberally and without reproach and It will be given to him
- 49:19
- God loves to give wisdom especially through suffering third
- 49:26
- We should pray that we will have the kind of endurance We need to be patient when we face trials
- 49:37
- Look at James verse chapter 1 verse 12 Blessed there's a blessing
- 49:44
- Blessed is the man who endures temptation For when he has been approved
- 49:52
- He will receive the crown of life Which the Lord has promised to those who love him
- 50:01
- And we studied that verse a while back ago It basically means of believers who
- 50:08
- Successfully endure trials are truly happy They endure it and the outcome is victorious in Jesus Christ Well, that's the third the fourth is we should pray
- 50:22
- That we will recognize what is happening when we are tempted
- 50:31
- When we are tempted This is important that we we recognize what is happening when we are tempted and be given strength to resist that temptation
- 50:41
- Rather than to be deceived He speaks of that in verse 13 Through 16 let no one say when he is tempted.
- 50:50
- I'm tempted of God by God For God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he himself tempt anyone
- 50:57
- But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed then when his when desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and Sin when it is full -grown brings forth death and then he says this do not be deceived my beloved brethren
- 51:17
- So we better be careful this is what we need to pray for and and specifically in in hard times and Then in fifth the last one we should pray that the
- 51:31
- Lord will sustain and strengthen our conviction that he is an
- 51:37
- Unchanging God of light and he gives us good gifts and that is given to us in verse 17 and 18
- 51:48
- Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights with whom there's no variation or shadow of turning of His own will he brought us forth by the word of truth
- 52:01
- That we might be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. Praise God Well in closing, that's that's after that's some some practical application questions or how
- 52:13
- That we are number one. What are we to do with a pray? What are we to pray for and I just gave you five good reasons
- 52:24
- There is a battle cry to pray and This is the church's the church militant, right?
- 52:33
- We're not the church triumphant yet. Not until we go home to be with the Lord with a church militant We're in a battle if you haven't already noticed this since you came to the
- 52:41
- Lord You know a lot of people may say oh, yeah when I come to Jesus everything's gonna be all great and wonderful I'm here to tell you that's when the fire heats up That's when the battle is on that's when the devil points all
- 52:57
- The weapons at you and he comes after you because he's not gonna fool with those.
- 53:02
- He already has Right, but when one is converted to Jesus Christ, he fires all hell on him, but he's not going to be successful, right?
- 53:12
- No, not in Jesus name. He has to get through the blood of Jesus Christ, and he can't do that He has to get through the power of the
- 53:20
- Holy Spirit. He can't do that He has to get and he has to open up the hand of the Father and he surely can't do that Well, it's a battle cry notice in Ephesians chapter 6
- 53:31
- That's so many verses on prayer But this is just an encouragement in this introduction to encourage you to keep on praying
- 53:38
- Especially if you having a hard time, but I want you to notice something that Paul says the whole armor of God is given and Starting beginning with verse 10
- 53:51
- Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and the power of his might not our might his might
- 53:56
- Put on the whole armor of God It's his arm, right? That you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil
- 54:06
- And then he reminds us of this great truth in verse 12 where we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against Principalities and against powers against against against Against the rulers of darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of our wickedness in the heavenly places
- 54:21
- Notice, it's a battle. We're against it against it in verse 13
- 54:27
- Take therefore take up the whole armor of God not part of it the whole armor of God That you may be able to what withstand in the evil day and have it done all to stand
- 54:43
- Notice how many times he said stand Stand therefore then he talks about the equipment having girded your waist with truth
- 54:52
- Having put on the breastplate of righteousness verse 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace and Above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and the helmet take the helmet of salvation and The sword of the
- 55:14
- Spirit which is the Word of God and notice what he says in verse 18. This is what
- 55:19
- I'm getting to praying always Let us not leave that out
- 55:25
- Have the whole armor of God But it's almost like got to be praying always always notice he says it here always with all prayer and Supplication that's crying out in the spirit in the
- 55:41
- Spirit of God not an own strength or flesh but in the spirit be being watchful to this end with all perseverance there's the word perseverance got to be persevering and supplication for all saints
- 55:56
- I'll stop right there. We've got above to be praying always with all prayer one more tie -in and I appreciate again brother
- 56:04
- Keith I Love this brother because he sends me these verses and he just so much here.
- 56:11
- Thank you, brother Keith and It just gets me going. I said that's a great tie -in to this this opening of this section and He brought the attention to the
- 56:23
- Romans chapter 15 notice what it says in chapter 15 of Romans and Keith is saying
- 56:30
- I know praise God right now because he don't like to get the credit But it's God that gets the credit. So I want to say that for brother
- 56:36
- Keith here verse 30 in chapter 15 now I beg you this is the Apostle Paul brethren he says
- 56:44
- Through the Lord Jesus Christ and through love of the Spirit that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me
- 56:56
- Say it's together The church is a body and I want to say this to redeeming grace
- 57:02
- Church This is not one pastor cannot do this It's not
- 57:08
- I'm not an island to myself I'm just a small part right along with you in the body of Christ But I'm telling if we want to see great things for God all of us seek the face of God be in prayer
- 57:22
- We're in this together striving together Striving together with me in prayers to God We go before God in verse 31 that I may be that I may be delivered from those in Judea Who do not believe that?
- 57:39
- my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the Saints and then he says is that I may come to you with joy by the will of God and May be refreshed
- 57:49
- Together with you in that beautiful together refreshed and Then he says now the
- 57:56
- God of peace be with you all. Amen It's a battle cry, but it's a good togetherness there.
- 58:01
- It's not a me Church. It's a we Church one another one another
- 58:06
- Well, let me close with a quick thing that Spurgeon said about this and we'll wrap this up Spurgeon speaks about one another pray for one another and Now by the way another quote by Spurgeon.
- 58:22
- He says this We cannot all Argue, but we can't all pray
- 58:30
- We cannot all be leaders, but we can all be pleaders We cannot all be mighty in rhetoric
- 58:38
- But we can't all be prevalent in prayer That's Spurgeon.
- 58:43
- And this is what he says about this text be encouraged to cheerfully offer intercessory prayer
- 58:49
- By remembering that such prayer is the sweetest God ever hears The prayer of Christ is of this character and all the incense
- 59:01
- That our great high priest now puts into the golden censer There is not a single grain for himself
- 59:09
- His intercession must be the most acceptable of all supplications and the more our prayer like Christ the sweeter it will be
- 59:21
- Thus while petitions for ourselves will be accepted our Pleadings for others having then more of the fruit of the
- 59:29
- Spirit more love more faith More brotherly kindness will be through the precious merits of Jesus the sweetest sacrifice that we can offer to God Remember again that intercessory prayer is exceedingly prevalent powerful
- 59:49
- What wonders it has accomplished The Word of God teens with its marvelous deeds believer
- 59:56
- You have a mighty engine in your hand Use it. Well Use it constantly use it with faith and you will surely be a blessing to others
- 01:00:08
- Then he says this When you have the King's ear Speak to him for the suffering members of his body
- 01:00:16
- When you are favored to draw very near to his throne and the King says to you ask and it will be given to you let your petitions be not for yourself alone, but for the many who need his aid and You have if you have any grace at all and are in and not in an intercessor
- 01:00:38
- That grace must be as small as a grain of mustard seed You have just enough grace to float your soul clear from the quicksand but you have no depth of grace or else you would carry in your vessel a heavy cargo of the wants of others and You would bring back from the your
- 01:01:03
- Lord rich blessings for them that apart from you they might not have obtained and Then he closes with this
- 01:01:13
- Oh Let my hands forget their skill My tongue be silent cold and still
- 01:01:22
- This bounding heart forget to beat If I forget the mercy seat
- 01:01:29
- Amen, and amen, let us keep before us let's be a praying people and Praising God at all times.
- 01:01:39
- Let's pray Father we thank you for this introduction of this section
- 01:01:46
- Lord is so much to learn here Lord we desire to meditate upon it
- 01:01:54
- Lord to chew to chew it up to ponder on it And that your truth would sanctify us holy
- 01:02:04
- Purify us unto yourself a holy people Lord a praying people
- 01:02:11
- Lord if we neglect to pray we will be weak
- 01:02:17
- But if we desire to be a strong people before you in your strength
- 01:02:25
- Let us remember Praying always in the spirit. Oh Lord Forgive us for the times we have neglected you in this
- 01:02:35
- Because it is sin to neglect you in prayer Lord when we have
- 01:02:41
- Lord that's often when we fall to temptations And when we're not praying and pleading on our knees
- 01:02:50
- Lord forgive us Lord For being prayerless Forgive us.
- 01:02:57
- Oh God have mercy upon us But Lord you desire us to be strong in prayer
- 01:03:03
- To prevail in prayer to be persistent in prayer Lord we need your help and we need your grace and we thank you for this hour
- 01:03:11
- Lord that within your word you give us the means to meet together like this and to hear your word that sanctifies us, but instructs us and teaches us and Lord when we do make it to the place of prayer
- 01:03:27
- Not only does your word teach us But the Holy Spirit your Holy Spirit teaches us how to pray because we don't know how to pray as we ought
- 01:03:36
- But your Holy Spirit teaches us to pray Father we look to you We look to you in these things and we give you praise.
- 01:03:45
- We give you glory For all things Lord may we be a people of prayer in Jesus name.