SNBS - The Book of Matthew part 6



SNBS  -  The Book of Matthew part 7

SNBS - The Book of Matthew part 7

Judge not lest ye be judged Is one of the most commonly cited verses in the
Bible, but how rarely is it accurately? contextually applied in a correct hermeneutic
Very rare indeed We're gonna look at that and other things as Jesus finishes up his long sermon on the
Mount greatest sermon ever preached I'm pastor Josiah with Witten Baptist Church here in Memphis, Tennessee Matthew chapter 7 is where we're at.
Let's dig into God's Word. All right So section 1 is talking about proper biblical judgment verse improper judgment.
Let's read the Word of God Judge not that you may not be judged for with a judgment you pronounce you will be judged and with the measure you use it
You will be measured to you Why do you see the speck that's in your brother's eye at Delphoi?
Do you see that right here at Delphoi? Like Philadelphia the city of brotherly love
Adelphoi's brother Why do you see a speck in your brother's eye? But you do not notice the log that is in your own eye
How can you say to your Adelphoi? How can you say to your brother? Let me take the speck out of your eye when there is a log in your own eye you hypocrite hypocrite
Who will creep up like an actor you hypocrite first take the log out of your own eye
Then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. Do not give dogs
What is holy? hagion and Do not throw your pearls before pigs.
That's a trample them on the foot and turn and attack you We know holy means
Hagion set apart sanctified do not give your dogs that which is set apart. Holy don't throw your pearls before pigs
We'll get to that in a minute so Judge not that you will not be judged.
What is the Bible saying here? Well, oh I messed up well If that verse was by itself and we didn't read anything else we would say oh
That's a prohibition on all type of judgment But 1st Corinthians 5 12 tells us explicitly that we're supposed to judge other believers
So when we read Matthew chapter 7 1 through 6, not just the first sentence.
We don't cherry -pick One sentence out of it. That's bad hermeneutics. We understand that this is not a
Prohibition on all judgment, but on hypocritical judgment You ever walked in the middle of a conversation and realized that you could take something the wrong way
If you don't have the context of what they're talking about before or if you just read one part of a text message without the whole
Thread before it you might take it out of context Well the same thing if you just pluck out a verse plug out a sentence out of a whole sermon
That Jesus teaching you can misunderstand it. Well chapter 7 verse 1 is not a prohibition on judgment
It's a prohibition on hypocritical judgment when you have a log in your eye and there's a speck in your brother
By the way, it should be noted It's not just I think saying that you have so much worse of a sin that you have a log in your eye when they just Have a speck.
I think the point is that you should see your sin as a log a beam and There's as a little dust mite a speck.
You should always be your own sin as worse than someone else's that's an example of humility When you cast judgment on someone for you doing the same thing and pretending you don't you are an actor a hypocrite ease
We are all hypocrites in some Form our job is to humble ourselves
Remove the logs from my own eye even though we still struggle so we can clearly see To help a brother with the speck that's in their eye.
Do you notice that this judgment is what's in view? I bet most of the people listening have heard the phrase don't cast your pearls before swine
But probably do not realize in context. We're talking about judgment our judgments to be given to other believers
We're not the judge the world Bible does that we're to judge other believers based on what the Bible says So we don't give the dogs what is set apart?
We don't throw our pearls before pigs less than trample them underfoot and attack you We judge each other hold each other accountable those who want to be held accountable other believers within the body
So if you are giving judgment if you're giving correction rebuke correction
To those who don't want it. You're casting your pearls before swine Then we see in chapter 7 he moves on and he starts talking about Seeking God through requests in verse 7 is probably best translated this way.
Let's read Let's read this section here Ask and you may note to see if I can point this out here.
Yes. There we go Present if you look on the right over here On the right side of your screen.
You should see where it says over in this area. It says Present plural active imperative
That is an ongoing present progressive Asked as in keep asking and it'll be given to you some of your translations may even say it that way keep seeking and You will find keep knocking the door will be open
For everyone who asks receives and everyone who seeks finds and to one who knocks door will be open Or which one of you have a son asked for bread will give him a stone
Or if you ask for a fish will give him a servant if you then who are evil Remember that word if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts your children
How much more were your father who's in heaven give good things to those who ask him so Do you enjoy giving gifts to people you love?
How much more do you think the father enjoys giving gifts to his children that he loves Luke chapter 12 says so much
It pleases him to do that But I want to know what Jesus did to this multitude of people multitude of people
He unambiguously calls them evil If you then who are evil
How few Pastors today are willing to say that truth out loud and without apology
Though it is necessary for understanding of salvation How few pastors today are willing to look at their listeners and say you and I are
Evil, that is what Jesus says to his multitude if you have a vision of ease it of Jesus as some white
Long -haired blue -eyed guy who would make a great Buddhist would make a great pacifist because He never wants to hurt anyone's feelings
That's not the Jesus of the Bible Jesus does love and he loves people by telling them the truth that they are in sin and need repentance the rest of this chapter
I titled Your foundation determines the outcome of your life and what it produces because the rest of this chapter is about what's the foundation your life
And what is your life? producing So real quick, let's just read a little section of it
Whatever you wish others to do you you should do for them for this is the law and the prophets That's just a summary of saying this is what the
Old Testament saying Enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is easy Destruction and those who enter it by it are many
Scariest word in the Bible for the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads the life and how few find it
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but in the Lee are ravenous wolves
Congregation can I tell y 'all something one of the hardest jobs about being a pastor is this false prophets
They come in sheep's clothing But in when Lee inwardly are ravenous
If they come in sheep's clothing some of the other sheep may just see them as sheep
The shepherds job pastor is to find those sheep that aren't really sheep
But are wolves now the other sheep might say to you. Well, you're just being mean or picking on them But you know, they're not really a sheep
But a but a wolf in sheep's clothing Therefore sometimes you have to Expel you have to point out you have to correct you have to Highlight the danger of those who to other sheep just looks like another sheep.
So how do we find false prophets? Well, you will recognize them by their fruit. Is this not a common theme in the
Bible? Our grapes gathered from thorn bushes of figs from thistles So every healthy tree bears good fruit
But the disease tree bears bad fruit a healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit or disease tree bear good fruit
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you would recognize them by their fruits
Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord Courier courier will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the
Thelema the will of my Patras father who is in heaven on that day
Many scariest were in the Bible will say to me Lord Lord Did we not prophesy in your name cast out demons and new money works your name and I would declare them
I never knew you depart from me you workers of Lawlessness, so we got many people saying
Lord Lord, but if he's only Lord of your mouth and not
Lord of your heart. He's not really your Lord. He's not your Lord That's that's what the
Bible says You'll know them by their fruits What are they producing love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness self -control or?
selfish ambition and envy Jealousy and selfish ambition an increase of themselves arrogance proud ungratefulness unthankfulness
Whatever they're producing. That's what kind of tree they are Someone can claim they're an apple tree all day long, but if they're producing oranges, they're not really an apple tree.
You know I'm saying Now your foundation determines the outcome of your life and what your life produces
Not everyone who says to me Lord Lord Really came down the narrow path the whole
Old Testament hangs on those two commands to love the Lord your God with all your heart so my restraint and love your neighbor as So so Verse 24 through 27.
Let's let's look at this. Yes.
I like this everyone who hears the words of mine and Kai and Does them not just hears them, but doesn't be doers of the word or not here's only remember how
I told y 'all while back I think James was present at the Sermon on the Mount he quotes it three or four times
But he was an unbeliever when he was there He became a believer later as Jesus the rest of his family
Will be like a wise man Who built his house on the rock and the rain fell in the floods came the winds blew and beat on that house
But it did not fall because it been founded on the rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built this house on the
Sand and the rain fell in the floods came and the winds blew and beat against the house and it fell and great was the fall of it you see
Church the same rain the same floods the same winds come against us all people
The same rain the same floods the same winds come against all people Those whose foundation is built on the rock
Barely feel it those whose foundation is on the sand will fall and great
Great will be that fall Megal a great will be that fall.
What is your foundation on church? That will be the fruit you produce Last two verses when
Jesus finished these sayings The crowds were astonished at his teaching
For he was teaching them as one who had authority and not as their scribes So Jesus is teaching with authority.
He's anyone the scribes. He's teaching with more authority than that. He called them evil He claims to know the Old Testament perfectly.
He claims to Tell them what the things of God are but notice
It says they were astonished at his teaching at his teaching What they should have been astonished at is their sin in need of a
Savior what we have here is In one sense the greatest
Preacher to ever preach preaching the greatest sermon to ever be preached Greatest sermon ever ever said in Zero conversions happen that we know
Why because salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit not a fancy words preachers.
I need y 'all listen to me on this an Invitation time is not a time for you to measure how good your sermon was
It's time to measure what the Spirit decided to do that day Greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest preacher ever preached zero conversions that we know of Because salvation is a work of the
Holy Spirit not by fancy words and fancy preachers. You've never led anyone to Christ That's the Holy Spirit's job
You are pointing them to the cross. That's your job That's chapter 7
All right. Very good guys. I hope this was of some benefit to you
So next time we got chapter 8, by the way, I hope you had a good New Year We got work to do and Matthew still chapter 8 coming up where he comes down the mountain.
So this was a big major discourse for Jesus here
Sermon on the mount. We're finally through with it. Now. We head to a narration of a bunch of events and healings
All right. Love you guys very much as always check out the wet map the latest videos news schedules