Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor Jeff - John 18



Listen, okay, so I have been talking to and witnessing to this guy and ministering with this guy for 17 years, 17 years, and today, over the phone, he said,
Jesus is Lord and we are going to baptize him. And the reason
I'm saying that is this, guys, you know, there are people out there, and I was one of them, that, you know, since moving back to Memphis, you know how many times people have said, you're a preacher, you're a pastor, and, you know, they're shocked that I'm in that now.
And to be honest with you, there are still days I look in the mirror and go, really? And then my little brother becomes one, too.
In fact, he's preaching somewhere right now on live. But guys, the
Word of God tells us that his Word will not return void. It will accomplish what it was.
And Christians, sometimes we have a tendency to kind of plan for God.
Listen, man, once God has, when people are genuinely asking questions, man, you know, they're asking.
God told us, Jesus told us, if you seek, you will find. And it's not going to be in our time frame.
It's going to be in his. Now, there are times, as Witten people know, that you got to lower the hammer.
We did a public debate years ago, and, you know, it could have been a little, it got a little dicey there a couple of times.
And different times you lower the hammer. But if someone is genuinely seeking, I don't care who they are.
I don't care how long it takes. Be patient, because that's what God's called us to do.
And there are people who aren't seeking who are, and I don't even mind skeptics. I love debating.
I love debating. Barnes and Noble, I love going in there and sitting with an atheist or a skeptic or this one older gentleman who is an
Orthodox Jew, and we sit there and we talk, and I talk to Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and everybody.
And we're just having conversations, man, and just continue to have those conversations. There's nothing wrong with it.
And Christian, if you're threatened because someone disagrees with what you believe, you got to start asking yourself the tough question, do you really believe what you say you believe?
Because if you're threatened by another opinion, you got to ask yourself, you know, why are you threatened?
The Word of God, Charles Spurgeon, as most of you know, one of my heroes in the faith, you know,
Charles Spurgeon said, trying to defend the Word of God is like needing to defend a 500 -pound roaring lion.
You don't. All you need to do is speak it and get out of the way. The Word of God will change hearts.
I guarantee it. All right? So, John chapter 18, verse 1.
John chapter 18, verse 1. Now, remember that the large majority of the
Gospel of John is having to do with what we colloquial now call Passion Week.
It's the last week of Christ's physical life here on earth. And in John 18, this is the betrayal, the
Garden of Gethsemane, if you will. And so it says in verse 1, after Jesus had said these things, he went out with his disciples across the
Kidron Valley, where there was a garden, and that's the Garden of Gethsemane. It's not mentioned here, excuse me, in the
Gospel of John, but that's the garden it's talking about. And he and his disciples went into it.
Judas, who betrayed him, also knew the place because Jesus had often met there with his disciples.
Think of a bunch of olive trees. Think of kind of like grassy, high desert, plain kind of brown grass, but cropped.
And think of olive trees. That's the garden it's referring to. Now Jesus, we know, when he was in Jerusalem, this was one of the places that he and the disciples would rest, and they'd get out of the city, and this is where some of the places he taught.
But what's really cool is you had to cross what was called the Kidron Valley. Now why that's so cool is because in your mind's eye, if you can see
Jerusalem, I don't know how this is going to look on the camera, but if this is north and here's
Jerusalem right here, up here, I guess that would be east, was the temple.
And then down here was the Kidron Valley and the Garden of Gethsemane, but anyways, there was a little stream, if you will, that ran into that valley, and it was really a drainage brook is what it was.
And here is what is so awesome. The Kidron Brook, as it's called, it was basically the blood of all the sacrifices.
Remember, when Jesus rode in to Jerusalem, the triumphal entry, remember there was as many lambs as there were people there because everybody brought that sacrificial offering.
Well, you slaughter 70 ,000 lambs, and I'm not trying to be crude here, but if you've ever field dressed a deer, you know what
I'm talking about. And so that blood had to go somewhere. And so Jesus literally was stepping over, just give me a chill to think about it, stepping over the blood of the lamb and the lamb of God.
The end of those sacrifices was literally in human physical form, going in the
Garden of Gethsemane, waiting to be arrested to become the final propitiation, the final, oh, someone asked that.
Propitiation, can I detour here just a second? I used some words the other day and someone didn't really understand what they meant, and that's totally cool, and it won't take too long to explain.
Propitiation, atonement, think of atonement. Atonement is a covering, the payment rendered.
Propitiation is the biblical word that is used, hey mammo, hey, there's Dennis and Robin.
It is the biblical word used, and it means the turning away of God's wrath. So in other words,
Christ made a propitiation for us, and the wrath of God was turned away from us and turned to Christ.
Expiation is the removal of sin. When they laid their hand on that goat in the tabernacle on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, and they would confess the sins of Israel, and then they would send the goat out into the wilderness, never to be seen again.
They wouldn't kill it, because the goat had to have movement, it had to leave. Once again, everything in the
Old Testament is a foreshadowing. It is a representation, everything is a representation of who
Jesus Christ was, what he was coming here to do, and what he would accomplish. And so all those tabernacle sacrifices and all those things that God told them to do, they were like, why are we doing?
Because it was painting the picture, it was, and this is where dispensation comes from.
Let me try to explain to you what dispensation means, and this might not be a good analogy to be, it's one
I made up when I was outside of Kroger one time. You know, I don't even know if they're, if y 'all know what
I'm talking about, but the little gumball machines and little toys, you know, you put a quarter in and turn the little thing and the little candy or gumball falls out and everything.
Think of the entire plan of God, okay? In other words, getting us home.
We're not finished with it yet, God's plan's not done yet, okay? But think about from Adam to the last saint coming home.
That's God's plan. Now, God revealed that plan at different moments at different times.
Think about Adam and Eve in the garden. God sat there and said, hey, one day this woman's seed will crush the head of Satan.
They were like, what? I don't understand. Right, just, it's okay.
You don't have to understand. You know, when Mchelzedek, when Abraham went to sacrifice
Isaac, people ask, why would God do that? Propitiation, right?
Take Isaac off the altar and lay that sacrificial animal down in his place, vicarious atonement.
Everything was looking forward to it, pointing to the cross of Jesus Christ.
That's why it boggles the mind of any kind of sentient, lucid, logical thought that this was written over 5 ,000 years by hundreds of different peoples in three different languages in all different nations.
People never met each other, yet one continuing story went from point A all the way through.
So dispensation is like that gumball machine full of gumballs, and at different times, boom, the knob was turned and God's plan was a little bit more revealed and a little bit more revealed.
I mean, can you imagine if he had gone to Adam and said, hey, one day the incarnate presence of who
I am is going to come and walk the face of the earth, and he will be a vicarious, propitionary, atoning sacrifice that will justify you and be in the process of sanctifying you and one day glorify you into an eternal kingdom?
Adam would have gone, what? People still go, what? That's why in the New Testament when you read and it says
God has made known to us the mystery of his will, that dispensation is closed. That part,
Jesus came and fulfilled most of the Old Testament, but not all of it because there's some still to go.
All right? All right. So anyways, I just, sorry I got sidetracked there, but that's good for us to know, okay?
All right. So anyways, so Judas who betrayed him knew the place because Jesus is often met there from disciples.
Verse three, it says, so Judas took a company of soldiers and some temple police and the chief priests and the
Pharisees and came there with lanterns, torches, and weapons. Okay, now understand this.
They went to arrest Jesus and as they were going to arrest him, they weren't just arresting
Jesus because the Pharisees didn't like him because it lists five different groups of people here.
First of all, it says a company of soldiers. This was actually part of the Roman garrison.
Now some people say it was the entire legion. I doubt, I strongly doubt that, but it would have been at minimum a couple of hundred guys because remember everybody thought that Jesus was going to be this next military guy.
When they kept saying, Hosanna, save us now, hallelujah, the son of David, blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord. What all the Jews were looking for is for Jesus to ride into Jerusalem and overthrow the
Romans and reestablish the throne of David. They thought it literally meant when
God had prophesied in the Old Testament that a seed of Judah would reestablish the line, a child, a descendant of David would reestablish the line of the
Davidic throne. They were waiting for him to march up to Mount Moriah and man, overthrow the
Roman government. So the Romans took a company of soldiers. Then it says the temple police.
Now what's really wild about this is this. These were literally
Levites. They were of the tribe of Levi. They worked in the temple. And remember what
I told you yesterday is that the temple had their own court system, their own court clerks, their own soldiers, i .e.
police, and they did the bidding. They were kind of like Guido. You know what I mean?
They worked for the high priest. And so Romans showed up, the civil government showed up, the religious government showed up, and then it says the chief priests and the
Pharisees. So you have not just one guy going out to arrest him or send him.
They didn't just send the SWAT team. They sent the Green Berets. They sent, excuse me, they sent the regular army.
They sent everybody because they were afraid that Jesus and his followers were going to put up a fight.
Now here's what's cool. Here's what's cool. Then Jesus, now look at verse four.
Then Jesus, knowing everything that was about to happen to him. Okay, that little parenthetical, it shouldn't be parenthetical, but in that little understanding right there, it shows his cognitive understanding, his foreknowledge of what was going to happen.
Remember, Jesus is outside of time. Okay, now his body right here was limited by time, space, and matter.
But the deity of who he was was not. That's how he could walk on water and feed 5 ,000 people and raise the dead because he literally was
God incarnate, God in the flesh. Knowing everything was about to happen, went out and said to them, who is it you're looking for?
So here are all the disciples. Kind of picture a little campfire, full moon, but had a little campfire.
The disciples and Jesus are sitting around, minus Judas, of course. All of a sudden, this group of hundreds of soldiers and police march up.
Jesus steps up, walks across, I was about to say walks across the street, gets up, walks over and says, what are you looking for?
What are you looking for? Or who are you looking for? They said, verse five, Jesus the
Nazarene. Now notice they didn't say, they called him rabbi just a week ago. A lot of people were calling him
Lord. A lot of people calling him Messiah. A lot of people calling him prophet. Now they're basically saying
Jesus from Nutbush or what's that area,
Riverdale or whatever it was that you kids used to call it, Reeferdale or whatever it was.
Basically, they were saying Jesus of Nazareth. That's who we're here to see. And Jesus said,
I am he. I got to take issue with this just a second. Follow me on this, please, because this is really important.
There in verse five, when he says, I am he, that's really not a great translation.
I don't want to get too carried away with this, but literally in the original text or the original copies,
I should say, it actually just says, ego and me, which again translates to I am.
It's a weird way to answer it unless you're understanding who Jesus Christ was. Later translators put the he in there because they weren't thinking, but literally it says
I am and you get that. And then
Judas who betrayed him was also standing with them. When he told him, I am he, they stepped back and fell to the ground.
Now, this is why I'm so sure he said, I am, and I'm going to try to explain this like this.
What was the Matrix movie? Remember the Matrix movie? I can't remember the dude's name.
Keanu Reeves. And I can't remember which one it was because I didn't watch them all.
But anyways, one of the little Matrix movies, he sits there and he kind of goes, and there's this ripple in the fabric of matter.
You know, it just kind of goes out when Jesus, when they said, we're looking for Jesus in Nazareth. And he said,
I am, it wasn't just like, you know, over here, table of one, when he said, I am something happened at that moment.
We don't know what it was, but for three or 400 armed people to suddenly step back, to step back and then fall to the ground, something happened.
Could it be that Shekinah glory of God was just revealed just a bit? Could be, could be.
Could it be that some sort of angelic presence was behind? Could be.
We don't know what it was, but we know when he said, I am, and that's why I'm so convinced, not with just harmonetical, the language of the copies that we have in the
Greek and the Aramaic, but because of what they responded to when he simply said, if he just said, yeah,
I'm here. Why did they fall back? Why did they fall on the ground? It goes back to show this, when you're in the presence and the revelation of the holiness of God is revealed,
I don't care how bad you think you are. I don't care how bad you think you are.
I don't care how right you think you are. All of your presuppositions go right out the window in the face of a holy and righteous
God. So they fell back. Now watch what he says. Verse seven.
Then he asked them again, who is it you're looking for? And I kind of like, I kind of like the insinuation here.
And it was kind of like, say what, who are you looking for again? Um, and they, and they said,
Jesus, the Nazarene and verse eight, he goes, I told you, I'm he. So get off the ground, change out your depends if you have to, you know, clean up, fix your hair, do whatever you got to do.
But I've already told you, I'm the guy you're looking for. And then he goes on and says this.
So if you're looking for me, let these men go. Now, once again, this is not
Jesus begging for their lives. This is more of a declarative statement. So if you're looking for me, let these guys go and let's get on with the business.
Stop groveling around the ground. And of course, verse nine, this was to fill the words that he had previously said.
I have not lost one of you. I have not lost one of those you have given me. So verse 10.
Now here comes dork. All right. Mr. Ninja.
So verse 10, then Simon Peter, old Rocky again, Simon Peter, who had, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest slave and cut off his right ear.
The slave's name was Malchus. Now there's some church tradition that tells us that Malchus eventually became a
Christian and became a pastor. We don't know if that's true.
That's just, that's just hyperbole at worst, or it could be true, but we really don't know.
But I want you to think about something. Think about this. Here is 12 guys,
Jesus and 11 disciples against four or 500 people, right?
Four or 500 people. They've intermingled now, you know. I'm sure it wasn't just the soldiers and the police that stepped back when
Jesus revealed. I'm sure the disciples did too. So now it's just kind of a, probably
Jesus standing here and everybody's standing over here, right? And it says when they went, hey,
Matt, when they went to arrest Jesus, Peter drew a sword and hacked off a slave's right ear.
None like taking on the toughest guy in the room, man. I remember I used to, for those who don't know, I used to run a martial arts school and there was this one dude, you know, it's amazing how many
Green Berets, Navy SEALs, ninjas, and everything else you meet when you teach martial arts.
It's amazing. I mean, rangers, special forces, death ninja, whatever. Every week some tough guy would show up and, you know, he had been trained by secret
Buddhist monks in the hills of China or something. Anyways, so this guy, he asked, he asked to spar someone and I was like, well,
I'll tell you what, dude, let me finish the class. He was a black belt. I was like, let me finish this class. Well, I had this little homeschool student.
His name was John and John was probably about 160 pounds, but nothing but muscle and sinew and the kid had a great heart, but he was tougher than the nickel stake.
But he was a clean cut kid, never been in a fight in his life. And so this guy, he was actually a custody and control instructor at a law enforcement academy, and I won't go any further than that, on how to take people down and hold them in custody.
So I got him out there after everything was over and I got him out there and he had picked him.
He didn't want to spar anybody else. He wanted to spar him because he looked really unassuming. And so I yelled, go.
And this guy did like something you'd see off a Van Damme movie, you know, jumped, flipped up in the air 12 times or something.
And I'm like, oh my gosh. And John looked at me and I was like this.
And so John did jab, jab and caught him with the overhand right, knocked dude out.
And when I say out, I couldn't get him back awake. I had to call 911 to come to the church to wake this guy up.
And of course, some police responded. And of course, they knew the guy and they were giving him a hard time.
But anyways, this guy thought he was all that in a bag of chips, right? But when he came to getting in the ring, he wanted to pick on what seemed to be the weakest guy there.
This is what Peter's doing. All these soldiers and cops are there. And Peter draws a sword on an unarmed slave.
This guy's, he's there as a walking torch holder. That's all his job is, is to hold the torch.
Here's guys in armor and swords and spears and clubs. And Peter attacks the slave.
Now also notice this. He cut off his right ear. It specifically says his right ear.
Now, I am not a master or of an engineer or physics or what are those people that come to crime scenes?
NCSs or whatever they're called. I don't know. But anyways, if Peter, most logically, if you're going by statistics, was right handed, okay, and he cut off dude's right ear, the only way that the easiest way that could have happened was from behind.
I mean, think about it. If I'm facing a guy here and I pull out a sword, I would have to have this lopping motion, but I have to like somehow in the middle of my swing, go over his shoulder and then come up like this.
Or if I was standing behind him, I could just go. So more than likely, Peter drew a sword and he cut off the slave.
If he chose a slave and cut off the slave's ear, not his throat, didn't split his wig, didn't stab him, he cut off an ear.
Sounds like my spiritual life there to be honest with you sometimes. I know I'm kind of rough on Peter because I identify him so much.
Sometimes I want to do what's right, but I take the path of least resistance. You know what
I mean, Christians? It's okay. God's still going to use you. So Peter struck off his ear.
At that verse 11, Jesus said to Peter, you have no need of weapons.
Anyone who owns a firearm is going against the love of God.
In the original Greek, that's what it says. Please sell all your guns.
And is that what it says? I know a couple of y 'all are going, man, that preaching done smoked way too much crack.
Guys, no. But this is one of the verses I hear a lot of liberals use in saying that Christians should not have guns.
Well, what's funny is in Luke 23, and of course, the Georgia person's going to say no.
In Luke 23, Jesus actually looks at disciples and says, hey, if you don't have a sword, go sell your coat and buy one because boys, you're going to need it.
Really? Yeah. Go look it up. Luke 23. It's that way or that way. Guys, owning a firearm is not a violation of anything in scripture.
It's amazing to me how people say, well, you have to, you can't sit there and Jesus was a pacifist.
Okay. Yeah. I love you, Hannah. Guys, it's amazing to me how people say, well, you shouldn't own firearms.
You, God will protect you. Just have faith. But it's funny to me how
David picked up five stones out of the brook to go meet
Goliath. Yet he had more faith than anybody there. He already knew who was going to win before he even went down to fight
Goliath. But he didn't go in down there singing just as I am. He went down there armed, right?
Common sense, legitimacy, and protection do not violate faith.
There's Ralph Stacey. Okay. So if you're a tree -hugging, dirt -munching, tofu -eating, liberal,
Birkenstock -wearing hippie, that's fine. Man, I have no problem with you.
But please do not take God's word. Please do not take
God's word and prostitute it to your own liberal, hippie agenda.
Okay. Because that is not what it's meaning right here. Jesus said, put up your sword. We don't have to guess why he said, put up your sword.
Because he says it. He said, I'm sorry, verse 11.
That's right. Verse 11. At that, Jesus said to Peter, sheathe your sword.
I am I not to drink the cup the Father has given me. It had nothing to do with the idea of weapon ownership.
Jesus is sitting there saying, Peter, you don't understand, son. Go over there and sit back on the sideline.
I got the ball. I'm going to run this on in. Okay. This is all part of God's plan.
Jesus wasn't going what's going to happen. He knew what was going to happen. Jesus didn't need protection from Peter.
Not because guns are evil, but because Jesus came to die.
That was his whole purpose for being here. The ambition of Christ from the cradle on that day of the annunciation and then his birth was to be the lamb of God, to be sacrificed for the sins of the whole world.
Now, let's just keep reading. Oh, man. Verse 12. Are you ready? It says this. Then the company of soldiers, the commander and the
Jewish police arrested Jesus. So it was both civil and religious laws and tied him up.
These are the guys that just got off the ground. By the way, they tied him up. First, they led him to Ananias.
Now it says, Anus said the other and I'm going to say
Ananias because that's what I said. For he was the father -in -law of Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year.
Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jews that it was advantageous that one man should die for the people.
Now, let me explain the politics that are going on. Now, I know unlike our day where we are so much more civilized and our culture and our has evolved into this utopian mass of social love, back then they had political corruption.
I know it's hard to believe, but they had political corruption. Ananias was the chief priest, but all of a sudden out of all these people who were available, his son -in -law got the job.
All right. Now, but Caiaphas was really nothing more than a figurehead because when they arrested Jesus, they didn't take him to Caiaphas, who was rightfully the high priest.
They took him on to Ananias. Hmm, right? You with me? In the next eight hours,
Jesus is going to have six trials. This is about two o 'clock in the morning. He's going to go to Ananias.
He's going to go to Caiaphas. Then he's going to go to the Sanhedrin in the morning. In the meantime, he's also going to the
Roman courts. He's going to Pilate, you know, back and forth. This is their covering the bases.
Let me explain to you. When the Jews arrested Jesus at two o 'clock in the morning, they were breaking their own laws.
Nobody could be arrested at night. That was one of the laws. Everything had to be done out in the open.
At the trial, the witnesses had to already be there. There were no witnesses for Jesus.
They didn't show up until the morning time, like 10 o 'clock in the morning. They weren't there.
And he'd already had five other trials by the time he got to the Sanhedrin. You see, this has already been decided, not just by God, but in the evil hearts of men.
They had already decided what was going to happen to Jesus. Because if you go back to John chapter 11, it's referring to what
Caiaphas had said. It said this. Now notice his prophetic words. It's better that one man die for all the people.
Now what Caiaphas was saying was this. Hey guys, all these people following this guy Jesus around, the
Romans are going to think that we're going to try to overthrow them and bad things are going to happen. So it'd be better if one guy dies so the rest of us can live.
Which was the very, once again, plan of God from the word go. Men think they got an understanding.
You don't have nothing. The minute you think it was your idea or the events of life have turned exactly how you planned them, whether it be for the positive or the negative, you're out of your mind.
God's been in control. You ain't snatching the control of this world away from God. You're not faulting or overthrowing the plan of God.
Look at the lineage of Jesus Christ was found in Matthew and Luke. There were prostitutes, heathen, godless pagans all throughout his lineage.
But did you actually think that was going to stop the plan of God of having his savior born on that day in that place at that exact time?
No, God's in control guys. It's just that simple. The question for you is, are you going to be on the winning team or are you going to be a bunch of losers?
That's the bottom line. All right, I'm going to stop right there in verse 15 or verse 14 because I've gone on a little bit too long.
So anyways, I love you all. I hope... Has the video been good tonight or has it been bad?
Uh -oh. Ruh -roh, Raggy. That's what
I was afraid of. Julie says it's been good.
Kimmy says it's been good. Okay, okay. It's been good. Okay, so maybe I was wrong.
All right. God, if it's been great in Mississippi then... We are actually...
Well, good. Hey, Miss Linda. Are you enjoying this, Miss Linda? You stay...
A little flutter. Okay, okay. We're actually going to...
I love you too, Hannah. We're actually going to buy a video camera, camcorder, whatever you call it, to do this.
I don't know what that means or what that will do but we're actually going to buy a camera to do this.
So it's like six bills or something like that or I don't know. I got smart people to handle that because I'm not...
Well, guys, I love y 'all very much and it's all good.
You look pretty. Thank you, Ralph. You so sweet. I love you, boy. Only one object to him continues.
Any one object to him continues. Not sure what that means but that's okay.
Guys, I hope all of y 'all are resting in the promises of God. I hope all of y 'all are at peace knowing that God is in control and there is absolutely nothing that's happening in this world.
Guys, please. The guy who's running around saying that 5G phone lines are causing the virus.
I mean, come on, guys. Come on, man. Christians, don't worry about...
Don't fear what's going to prepare, okay? But don't fear what's going to happen because I'm going to tell you what's going to happen.
Jesus Christ is coming back. We're going home. That's what's going to happen and there ain't nothing that's going to change that.
You can book it. So relax, be at peace and know that God's in control.
If you're not a believer, if you're a church person or if you're a heathen, either one, and you're not a
Christian, I'm sorry. I can't offer you that hope. Not at all. In fact, to you, there only remains one destiny and that is an eternal damnation in hell.
And I know you've probably been on the internet and you've probably looked at a bunch of stuff trying to assuage the fear in your heart that there really is no hell and the
Bible didn't mean this. And you're probably looking on the same sites where God says homosexuality isn't a sin or something like that.
Get off of those and get into this because this is the same yesterday and today and forever.
And if you choose not to follow the Lord, these words are going to echo into your heart in all eternity as you spin and fall into the abyss of hell.
You have an opportunity to surrender your will and by faith accept the grace of God.
And if you need help with that, I know about 20 -something people right here that will help you.
But I don't care whether you come to my church because there's only one church. And I know that sounds weird to you, but once you actually get out of religion and get into Scripture, you'll understand that.
I'm not looking for your money. I'm not looking for you to fill a pew. I'm not looking for you to get saved.
I ain't looking for any of that. I'm looking to obey my Father. And that's all I care about. You choose to do with this what you want.
But there's not a sweeter place in the world and not a more softer pillow than a conscience that has been cleared by the grace of Almighty God and a person who stands redeemed by the blood of the
Lamb. I hope that you choose correctly. And Jonathan Hall, you're going to hell.
Dennis Jernigan says if I choose to obey the Lord, I'm going to sin. Oh, you're hilarious.
What was the rich man's name asking Lazarus to bring him? We're not sure. We're not sure. We're not sure what his name is.
But the poignant part of that is simply this, is that people think that's a parable. It wasn't a parable at all.
Was that Luke 16? It wasn't a parable. Jesus talked about a specific individual named
Lazarus, and he talked about specific events in specific places. So anyways,
I love you all. I love you all. And I will see you tomorrow night at 730.