Sunday Morning Sermon Series Pastor Jeff Shipley - 11/29/2020



Please turn with me to Romans chapter 8, and we're talking about how
God's sovereignty and how our submission come together. That's what we discussed last week.
This week, we'll be talking about the problems with submission. But first, I think it's prudent that we go back and review a little bit, what is sovereignty?
Sovereignty means that God is absolute in authority and is unrestricted in anything
His will does. Absolute. It is immutable. It is omniscient.
It is omnipotent. It is omnipresent. It is infinite, and it is eternal.
That are the attributes of the doctrine of sovereignty of the doctrine of God.
Does that make sense? God is absolutely sovereign. Now, our job is not recognizing
God's sovereignty. Don't sit there and say, we need to say God is sovereign. Ladies and gentlemen, God does not need us to tell people
He's sovereign. It just is. It's like whether, do you believe in gravity? Whether you do or not is irrelevant to the absolute fact that it exists.
What we have to do is submit to God's will, to God's word. Now, people have a jacked up idea of what submission is.
Submission, ladies and gentlemen, you know when it begins? Submission to God begins at salvation.
Salvation is submission. Without submission, you'll never be saved. You have to come to an understanding where you will willingly submit to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. That's why there are so many people who go to church who are going to still split the gates of hell wide open because they prayed
Jesus into their heart, but they never truly submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Ladies and gentlemen, remember, you believing that there's a God is irrelevant, just like you believing in gravity is irrelevant.
The question is, will you obey? Also understand this, discipleship is submission.
If anyone, Jesus said, if anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, pick up his cross and follow me daily.
That is an act of submission. Without submitting to that discipleship process, you are going to be a carnal
Christian. You're going to be one of those folks who are going to live in a state of rebellion and going to be under the constant discipline of God.
If you say, pastor, I know that I'm not living a Christian life and I'm not having the discipline of God.
Well, let me explain to you why, because you're not a Christian. God chastens and disciplines those who are his.
If you're walking through this life and you walk down an aisle and ask Jesus Christ your heart and Lord and favor and you got baptized and you're a member of a
Baptist church for 30 years, but you've been living in constant rebellion since your salvation, you have not been convicted and or disciplined by God, buy asbestos, okay?
Because you are not a child of God. Number two, submission is part of salvation, but why do we need submission so bad?
James 4, 7 says this, it says, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Church, the reason the church is so weak today is because we want our rights, our will, our wants, our needs, our desires to be met.
We have folks that are more concerned about pews and churches and church and chair setups than in the salvation of souls.
We are here to learn, to minister, to worship God. Our individual creature comforts do not matter.
And so why some people live in a constant state of defeat, why they can't resist the devil.
James 4, 7 again says, first you must submit to God. If you don't submit to God, you don't have the power or the authority to resist the devil.
Do you understand? And so that's why you live a constant defeated life. Without submitting to God, you have no power to resist the temptations of sin.
Last thing on this review is what is godly submission? I'm just going to give you three of the characteristics to find out what godly submission looks like in your life.
First of all, is your submission broad or is it very narrow?
Now, I know this sounds counterintuitive. Baby, are you cold? You are.
We got to figure out something. Hot water tank heater or something. But anyways, hey, I know next time someone gets, let's just put a 220,
Matt, just put two naked 220 wires in the water. All right, thanks electrician.
Eddie, I think you're up next. It's good to see your face here, man.
Guys, who are we to submit to? All right, let me be Baptist for a second.
Women! No, no, we're not at that point yet, woman. Be silent.
Go make me a sandwich. Listen, women, who are you to submit to?
No, no, listen to me. Be very careful with that.
Who are you to submit to? Someone said it. God. We're going to get to this more in a second.
But if you can't submit to God, you can never submit to your husband. But we've got a jacked idea of what submission is.
The scripture in Ephesians 5 that I hear so many Baptist men quote, first of all, the verse right preceding why submit to your husband actually says this.
Let us submit to one another in godly love and fear. Things that make you go.
We'll get to more of that in a second. Guys, I am to submit to everyone.
Not whom I deem is worthy of submitting to. I'm going to submit to Joe Biden. Yes, sir.
And I will. Now, I didn't vote for Joe Biden. OK, I know,
Robert, you did. But I did not. I did not vote for Joe Biden.
But he will be the president of the United States. And according to the Constitution, which is the ultimate law in this land,
I will submit to Joe Biden. Yes, sir, I will. And guys, I'm not ashamed of that.
And if you can't say that, you have a spirit of rebellion in you that is going to cause you some issues later on.
But we'll get to more of that in a second. Guys, also understand this submission is freedom of legalism.
If you're one of those folks that tries to have a whole bunch of rules to be a metric or a meter on how much you're in love with God, you're going to live in a very defeated state because you're going to obey a bunch of rules.
But you'll never know the freedom of what really is in submission. You see, submission is from the inside out.
See, that's what submission is. God said in Romans, I mean, in Hebrews 10, I will write my laws on their heart.
I want to submit to God. If you're one of those people that feel like God's constantly have to do in this to you, you don't have a spirit of submission.
You're trying to follow God in obedience only. Lord, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, obedience is a lot better and a lot easier if you first submit, then try to obey.
OK, guys, last thing is this. And this is all on your little your little pieces of paper.
But independence, independence, godly submission is dependence.
Now, in my home, I am a very independent person. I don't look for the government to feed me, to clothe me, to protect me, to take care of my kids.
I don't. I I have a trauma unit in my house. I'm ready to go. OK, I have other things in my house to protect my house.
I have because in the same thing in our church, I believe in individual responsibility.
But I'm still dependent on my family. Guys, without you,
I can do nothing. Without me, you can't do nothing. We are mutually independent, dependent upon each other.
If you're one of those people to say, I don't need anybody in my business between me and God is between me and God.
It ain't none of your business. You are a very weak, if not backslidden
Christian, because if you don't have the accountability and the dependence on your church family, you are going to be in left field tomorrow.
I always love those folks to say, well, I can be a church in my own house. How's that working for you there,
Skippy? You know, it's hilarious that most of the New Testament, when it talks about the church, is talking about a multitude of believers coming together to be the family.
Ladies and gentlemen, we need to understand what it looks like. All right, now let's transition after that review.
What is submission? We've talked about it. What are the problems with submission? Let's go to the first one.
Turn with me in Romans chapter 8, verse 7 and 8. It says this, Romans chapter 8, verse 7, 8 says, for the mindset of the flesh is hostile to God because it does not submit itself to God's law.
Watch this. For it is unable to do so.
Ladies and gentlemen, the first problem with submission is that we misunderstand what submission is.
Watch this. Unless you are a Christian, you cannot submit to God.
You will obey his will, whether you like it or not. You will one day end up in heaven or hell by the will of Almighty and a sovereign
God. But submission is something different. Read with me Philippians 2, and I'm not going to read the whole thing, but if you ever want the perfect example of biblical submission, it comes from Philippians 2, 3 through 11.
It says this, do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.
One of the number one things I hate more than anything is selfishness. I hate selfishness.
It drives me up the wall. Jesus is the perfect epitome of submission and that he thought of everyone else before himself.
Everyone should look not out for only his own interest, but also the interest of others. Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus who existing in the form of God did not consider equality with God as something to be used for his own advantage.
A little Christology doctrinal there for you. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a slave taking on the likeness of man.
And you can keep reading. But here's the thing. Some of the misunderstandings of submission is that it is simply
I'm going to do what I got to do. It is what it is. Guys, that's not submission.
Submission is a state of being that its effects are played out in obedience.
So let me try to see if I can explain this. Just like joy. Joy is not happiness.
Biblical joy is not... That sounded really bad, didn't it?
But anyways, joy can lead to happiness, but you can still be in the joy of the
Lord without happiness. You can have a really, really bad day.
Like if you're a Tennessee fan, the last 22 years have been a really, really bad
Saturday. Okay? But it's a rebuilding year. It's a rebuilding decade, month, year.
But just because I'm not happy does not mean I don't have a state of joy.
Now watch this. Obedience, just like happiness, is the effect of having a submissive spirit.
Do you understand? You see, submission is not me saying yes, sir. Submission is me before the question's even asked.
I'm already obeying. Watch this. Have you ever told a child... I'll give you an example.
This is an old story, but it's a good one. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with my kids, so they're happy. A little girl was standing up in the pew at church, and the mother said, sit down.
She said, I don't want to sit down. She said, sit down, I'm going to tune you up. She was from my side of the track.
She said, I'm going to tune you up. And so the little girl sat down with her arms crossed, and she said, I'm sitting down on the outside, but I'm still standing up on the inside.
See, she obeyed, but she did not have a spirit of submission. If your children only obey, you have failed as a parent.
And the rebellion that they have towards you will be played out in rebellion towards their spouses, their church, their
God, their world, and everything else. You can't just teach your children to obey.
You have to teach them by example what it is to submit.
The misunderstanding of submission is not what's on the outside, but what's on the inside.
And remember, just like our verse said right here, submission is not natural. It's got to be taught.
Submission is the total opposite of the world. We're not gonna take it.
No! Right? I don't know any of the stupid music from this generation, but we're not gonna take it.
Teachers! Leave those kids alone. Right? Some of you kids are looking at me like, what?
I'm sorry, I don't dress in heat seats, and you can't figure out if I'm a boy or a girl. But anyways, our whole nature, our whole culture speaks against submission.
It speaks against it. Guys, we are not naturally submissive people.
Guys, here's another misunderstanding of submission. Submission makes us a servant to other people.
I'm about to make a very politically incorrect statement. Everybody hold on. This is usually when
I see church members like doing this if they brought guests. Oh God. I like slavery.
I really do. I love slavery. White power. I like slavery.
But not the slavery you're thinking of. I'm talking about submissive slavery.
You see, there were actually slaves, bond servants, in that day who chose, after their debts were paid off or whatever, and you can go back in Deuteronomy, God actually set this up.
If you were a slave of someone and then after seven years or whatever the time was, that slavery was over, you could actually choose to remain a slave of that family.
And you were taken to the courtyard there and your ear was put on a post and your ear was pierced and you had a ring, a gold ring, that sat in your ear.
And you became a bond slave. Now what's really cool is this. You were actually part of the family. You could have an inheritance.
You had a family name now. That is the difference between slavery and bond servant.
You see, understand this. Submission means you must become a slave of God.
Do you understand what that means? It means you have zero will except a new will that's been born into you.
You know one of the things I learned very early on as a parent? My kids could not just be afraid of the punishment
I would hand down for disobedience. They had to be absolutely fearful of disappointing daddy.
In other words, they didn't want dad to be disappointed in them. Do you understand the difference?
One was fearing the wrath of a dictator. One was disappointing someone that they loved.
The difference between obedience and submission is, is we misunderstand and try to put the two together.
Why? Listen to me. Are you one of those people who said, I'm not going to submit to my husband?
Ain't nobody going to tell me to submit. I remember in this church preaching and I said, why would you need to submit to your husband?
And I had a lady sitting right there. They still go to church here. And she went real loud so everyone could hear.
A couple of weeks later in our counseling appointment, I said, do you realize you were setting your children up for absolute failure and destruction?
Do you realize that? You said, oh brother Jeff, you don't understand the times.
No dork, you arrogant, stiff necked, heathen. You don't understand the power of God's word. If you rebel against God's word, you are going to face the wrath of God.
But what's more important is everyone under you will also face it as well.
Men, you're going to be in that driver's seat. Okay. Understand this.
You are driving that vehicle in such a way that it's going to go off the side of the curve or side of the hill and down the embankment.
But it's not just going to tear you up. It's going to tear everyone else in that car with you.
I don't feel like going to ministry today. I don't feel like getting up. I don't feel like doing that.
I don't feel like men. Listen to me. Does it feel awkward to pray with your wife?
You know what that awkward is? It's not because it's not something you're used to.
It's because you're in rebellion against God in the height of hypocrisy is beating your brains out.
That's what it is. Now, here's how you fix it. Do it anyway. Submit to God.
I'm a move on. Guys, people misunderstand submission. Second thing, though, is this misplaced submission.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because it's pretty self -evident. First John says this. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
For the love of God is not in this world. The lust of the eye, the pride of life and the lust of the flesh is not of God, but of this world.
If you're submitting to this world, what it means is you're buying into the lies and the enticement.
They're trying to steal you, your soul and your family away from the truth of God's word. Guys, worldliness can never be on the same level as godliness.
And if you put worldliness and godliness like this, you are not submitting to God, but you are submitting to the world.
It's not 60 40. Well, I'm 60 percent submitted and 40 percent, yeah, I'm still struggling.
Have you ever heard someone say this? Well, they're sinning. Well, yeah, everyone sins. That's your excuse.
Well, everyone does it. OK, I want to get on an airplane with you to be the pilot.
Well, we crash. Yeah, well, everyone crashes. I don't want to follow you. No, I want the guy that says, coach, give me the ball.
I'm going to score. That's who I want to follow. Guys, men, if you're submitting to the world, you are leading your wife and children in a place of absolute destitution.
You say, well, my kids are grown up now. I don't have that choice. You don't know how powerful it would be for you to sit down with your grown children and grandchildren and go,
I messed up. I want to ask your forgiveness, God's forgiveness.
And I'm going to live the rest of my life showing you now how it is to live and die in a state of submission to a holy
God. You see, repentance can fix a lot. I don't care how much you've messed up.
God's grace can heal anything in your marriage and in your home. But what you got to do is not look to the world for guidance, but you have to look to the word of God.
And the last thing is this multiple submissions. And here's the main point of this sermon.
Oh, my gosh, 29 years I've been counseling folks, 29 years, thousands and thousands of people all over the world.
Man, trying to do counseling in another language is so much fun. I was in Nicaragua one time doing a pastor's conference and one of the pastors came to me with blood coming down the side of his eye.
And I go, what happened? My wife hit me. And this is what he actually told me.
You don't understand, pastor, you're from a different culture. But Latin, what have you said? What's the politically white say it?
Latino. Latino women, man, they have a little bit of fire through them.
I'm going to find somebody else. I don't care where you from. You hit me in the head with a can of soda and split my eye open.
There's a problem. And it ain't your culture, OK? I'd be like me saying, well, it's my culture to smack my wife around.
No, I want to. My shins would be black and blue. She fought me. Jump up.
Guys, how do you have multisubmission? How do I submit to Joe Biden and still submit to the
Lord? It's not that difficult. See, your mind is thinking on a lateral human fleshly thing.
You're not thinking spiritually. Look at this. Matthew, Jesus was facing the same thing.
If you look at Matthew, Matthew chapter 22, verse 17 through 22, it says, tell us here the
Pharisees are trying to trick Jesus. They say, tell us, therefore, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?
But perceiving their malice, Jesus said, why are you testing me, hypocrites? Jesus wasn't very nice.
Why are you testing me, hypocrite? Show me the coin used for the tax. They brought him a denarius whose image and inscription is on this, he asked them.
Caesars, they said to him. Then he said to them, therefore, get back to Caesar. The things are Caesar and to God, the things that are
God's. When they heard this, they were amazed. They left him and went away. Guys, I can obey
Joe Biden and still be in submission to God. It's very simple.
It's not that hard. You see, the problem is you have an either or mentality.
You're sitting there going, what do I obey this or obey this? The only answer is I obey God. Only, only
I obey God. I'm sorry. Only I submit to God. But I can obey God and still obey man because my heart is submitted to God.
Look further on Daniel chapter one, and I'll let you read this on your own. Daniel, his entire country,
Judah, had rebelled against God. And God said, boys, if you don't get it together, I'm sending in Babylon to wipe you out.
We talked about it, sending Babylon to wipe you out. They did. And the first time they invaded, they took a bunch of guys together.
Daniel was one of them, a bunch of slaves, captives, and they took him back to Babylon. So they're in Babylon, right?
And they're sitting there. And Daniel looks at the chief prison guard, the chief steward, and he's handing him meat and wine.
Now, here's what a lot of dorks always say. See, wine and meat are against God's will. They had nothing to do with it except for the fact that what was used at the king's table was used in sacrifices to idols.
So Daniel said, I'm not going to defile myself with this filth.
Well, the chief steward. Am I really that far over? Why is everybody moving? OK, OK, OK.
All right. All right. I just I was getting a little insecure. Sorry. I have some insecurity issues. I've swallowed a lot of insecurity along with a lot of pizza.
But watch this. So Daniel's sitting there and he goes, I can't eat this garbage.
And so this is what he said. It says he went to the chief. We'll call it prison guards.
He all understand. Went to the chief prison guard and said, hey, I want to ask your permission to do something.
Christian, listen. I want to ask your permission to do something. Can you give us water and vegetables instead of this meat and wine?
And the chief prison guard was like, man, I'm in charge of you guys, you know, if you get skinny and you start getting faint, man, it's going to be my head.
Daniel said, listen, do me a favor. Give us the food according to our law and not the slop you're giving us.
And in 10 days, if we're not healthy or looking better than the rest of these schmoozes, we'll go back and we'll figure something else out.
Prison guards said, OK. And after 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better. So they continue.
Now, the thing about this is he was still in submission to God. He wanted, notice the key word, he wanted to obey the authorities that were over him, even a foreign government who had attacked his homeland.
He understood so much in submission to God that the authority that God had placed over them, he realized it was
God's will to obey. And so he asked the permission to not obey this, but still be in submission to God.
It's not that hard, guys. What it is is why we get confused is because we want a spirit of rebellion.
We want to be there. Ain't nobody going to tell me what to do. I did that pretty good, didn't
I? I just threw my back out, too. But we don't want to submit. We don't want to obey.
We measure strength by our rebellion. But the only thing that sows is destruction in your homes and in your lives.
People, stop. Last thing is this. When can I? I know it's the last thing
I know. Whatever. Paul said the last thing in like five chapters and kept going. So I'm a good stead. Listen. First Peter, chapter two, verses 13 through 14, says this.
Now, this is God's word, Christian. God's word. It's not up to your little feelings or angels or demons or ambiguity.
It's not up to how you think. It says this. Submit to every human authority because of the
Lord, whether to the emperor as a supreme authority or to governors as those sent out by him to punish those who do what is evil and to praise those who do what is good.
The United States government is here by design and the sovereign hand of Almighty God.
It is my duty to obey it. Well, Pastor, I don't like what they're doing.
Well, Skippy, neither do I. If you've been sitting under my teaching for a long time, you know that.
But what I like and don't like is irrelevant to what God has told me to do.
Listen to this. God again says, if you read with me in Romans, chapter 13, everyone must submit to governing authority.
Guys, you know why we have to have government? Because we're evil, totally depraved people. I know some of you in the
Z or YZ generation or whatever, you know, Antifa, anarchy.
We want no government. You're an idiot. Your little mocha latte sandal wearing little sissy self could not live in an anarchy survivor situation.
You would be a slave now because you cry if you get a little finger splint in your little finger or something.
You little sissy. Guys, understand this, that because we're sinful, we've got to have a government.
We've got to have structure. You know what God's original government was? Him. That was it.
But we rebelled against him and separated for him because we now got to have stupid
Republicans and Democrats. But watch this. Everyone must submit to governing authorities. There is no authority except from God.
What do I do when the government says I have to have an abortion?
If that's a legitimate question for you, I think that's kind of obvious. But don't look for things that aren't a reality yet.
You see, what you're doing is you're coming up with hypothetical situations to validate your rebellious spirit is what you're doing.
OK, well, I ain't going to wear a mask. I ain't going to do it in public. I ain't going to do it.
Guys, that spirit of rebellion ain't going to cut it. It ain't going to cut it.
It just ain't. If everything you're told to do, you immediately rebel against it.
You've got big, big problems. And once again, someone other than you is going to pay the price.
Watch this. Acts chapter four, verses 18 through 20 says this. So they called them talking about the disciples.
And I'll close with this. So they called them and ordered them not to preach or teach at all in the name of Jesus.
But Peter and John answered them and said this. Whether it was right in the sight of God for us to listen to you rather than the
God, you decide. For we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.
What is the ultimate authority in the United States of America? OK, besides God, who is the ultimate authority in the
United States of America? Biden, Biden. Huh? Well, yeah, but it's not really.
Say it again. The law that I have been given by God to obey in this form of government is the
United States Constitution. It's not the president. It's not Congress. It's not any of that.
It's the Constitution of the United States of America. That is the ultimate law of this land.
After the Constitution is state laws and we could have a discussion on that, but state laws.
I see you smiling, Matt, Jeff state laws. And then after that, local law. OK, that's the hierarchy.
But no matter how many different levels of human hierarchy there is, I'm not submitting to that as much as I am submitting to God.
There's not a conflict here, guys. There really isn't. There's not confusion.
Look at this in Acts chapter five. After they told Peter and John, you better quit preaching a chapter later, they rearrested them.
And they said after they brought them in and had to stand before the Sanhedrin, the high priest, this is the most powerful person in all the land, said, didn't we strictly order you not to teach in the name?
And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and determined to bring this man's blood on us.
A little bit of insecurity by guilt. But anyways, look at verse twenty nine.
But Peter and the apostles applied. We must obey God rather than man. Guys, I will submit to everyone.
I will. I have no problem. Well, I struggle not to have a problem with that. I'm going to submit to the government of the
United States, the government of the state of Tennessee, the government of Memphis, Tennessee, the people of Witten Baptist Church.
Y 'all are, as a group, my authority. I have to submit to y 'all. Y 'all have to submit to me.
That's how it works. Right. But my submission to God will never be interrupted by splitting that because I'm like an algorithm.
Here's my submission to God. I'm walking clearly. Pastor, speed limit's fifty five.
I'm good. Pastor, wear a mask when you're in public. I don't want to get. But I'm good. I'm good.
Pastor, quit preaching. Bye. See, I haven't stopped obeying man.
I haven't stopped obeying man. I've kept obeying God. This is the only thing
I'm really submitting to. Everything else is really submitting back to God. Wives, when you submit to your husbands, you're not submitting just to them.
You're submitting to God. See, that's what you're submitting to. And men, if you want to be worthy, remember, if you have to tell your wife to submit, she's not submitting.
And ninety nine percent of the reason probably is you. You're probably the dork causing that to be a problem.
Your wife's submission is a gift of grace to you. It is a beautiful package of trust and security.
If you leave it in the floorboard, if you track like you do your Bible, things are going to be bad.
And I'm not talking about you and your wife arguing all the time. I'm talking about you have just signed your own children's death warrant.
You really have. They're going to have a codependent relationship with someone, be just emotionally butchered because you will not submit to almighty
God. And the same dorks that sit there and go, I got you're the same idiots going to be sitting in my office saying something really intelligent like, well, we brought him up in church.
No, it says that nowhere in Scripture. It says, bring him up in the admonition of the Lord. Guys, are you in submission to God?
First of all, are you a Christian? I don't give a flying poop about you walking down this aisle.
I do not care how many times you've prayed Jesus into your heart. That prayer is nowhere in Scripture.
You're betting your eternal life on some stupid prayer that a religious preacher made up.
Let that sink in. Guys, the bridge is out. Stop living your life as a non -believer.
No matter how many times your rear end is in this building, you are not a Christian. You will want to submit to God if you're a
Christian, because your natural state doesn't want to. If you find yourself wanting to, it's the
Holy Spirit of God. But it's not a prayer that saves you. It's never going to be. It's faith in the finished work of Jesus.
And if you're not sure that's where you're at, please don't leave here before you understand that.
Number two, if you are a Christian, but you're living a carnal lifestyle.
In other words, you're a good old boy. Y 'all know what I'm talking about. You're a good old boy. I mean, while you're here, you got manners.
You say yes, ma 'am and no, ma 'am. But you're the guy with the rest of the guys telling nasty jokes about women.
You're that guy. You're the guy that sits there and watches things on his computer that you ought not to watch.
You know what I'm talking about? Arkansas football game. Do not. Just kidding. That was for you.
Guys, you're watching stuff you shouldn't watch. You're the guy that will be the first guy to yell about your wife submitting.
But you have never submitted to the Lord. How ungrateful and unworthy you are for such a gift. And you're the ones that will have rebellious children.
If you're in that place today, it's not too late.
I don't care if your kids are 33. It's not too late to turn it around. You can undo a lot of damage by this one really cool word.
Repent. It's a beautiful word. It's not a word of subjugation. It's a word of willingness and submission.
If you need help with that, please come see me. Please come see us. I got chicks up here.
They're 10 times smarter than any dude in this place. If you're a chick and I don't want to go talk to a pass. Oh, dude, that's fine.
I got a girl. They're pretty long hair. Smell good. You can go talk to them. But please don't walk out those doors living a defeated carnal life anymore.
If you need help living out your submission Christian life, that's what a church is for.
You got guys that will sit there like Mickey. He'll go, Andrew, you look at anything this week.
You shouldn't have looked at. Did you just lie to me? He'll do that for you. And he's a trained killer in the
United States military. He is a Green Beret Ranger Ninja. And he will born killer right there.
He'll call you up. Hey, man, are you doing this? For some of y 'all that are looking around and looking down right now and looking at your watch?
You're the idiot I'm talking to. And more importantly, you're the dummy that's going to walk out of here and keep ruining your life and everyone else's life because you're too arrogant, self centered and prideful to make the change.
Now five more minutes ain't gonna bust your bubble. So sit down, shut up and stop moving around. Well, you're disturbing people's around you.
I'm trying not to look at you because I won't embarrass you, but quit it. If you're in this place today and you know you need to repent because you live in an ungodly life,
I'm not joking. This is not a sermon. It ain't a church service, you idiot. It's the opportunity for you to actually make a change in your life that will actually do something for someone else other than yourself.
Stop thinking of yourself. Repent before God for other people around you and people that are following you.
Dang it. Sorry, I didn't mean to get upset. Well, guys, I'm sick of watching little girls getting these codependent relationships at 14.
I'm tired of seeing young men who don't know what it is to be a man anymore because you're so busy sitting there watching your computer or watching
TV. You don't know what it is to raise a man no more. These little Nancy boys we got running around here is because we got punks as daddy.
Time to man up a little bit. The first way you man up is you submit to Almighty God. Quit being scared.
I'm done. Sorry, I apologize. So if you're not saved, get saved.
If you're living a carnal life, quit praying in your seat for a change and start standing up and say,
I need help. Okay? Third and last thing. If you're not a member of a church, let me make this crystal clear to you.
I don't want your money. I don't want your membership. I am not interested in being Joel Osteen. I don't care.
What I want is for you to get with a group of people. Not me. I'm an idiot. Okay? I'm nothing.
I got studs in this place. I want you to get with other peoples in here that are struggling like you and y 'all bind together and encourage one another and actually be different than the lost and dying world out there and be different from the carnal churches down the street.
Guys, I'm going to die soon. I have more years in front of behind me than I do in front of me. I'm good.
I'm going home. I don't need an attaboy. I've done my job. If I died right now, I'm good to go.
Well done, thou good and faithful servant is waiting for me. What I want is these guys over here, these guys to have something that maybe my generation didn't have in church.
And so that's why I yell so much. Okay, I've gotten way off topic. Get saved.
Get right. Come join. I'm asking everyone to stand up. Andrew and music people come up here.
Pastors, ministers come up. If you're in this room today and anything I said makes sense to you, please don't be lazy.
Please don't be arrogant. And please don't give into fear. You come down this morning as godly.