Daily Bites Of God's Word - Part 4 - Psalm 119:4


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Daily Bites Of God's Word - Part 5 - Psalm 119:5

Daily Bites Of God's Word - Part 5 - Psalm 119:5

Hello there, and welcome back to Daily Bites of God's Word.
This is Andy Cain, and it's a joy to be back with you once again. Today we are looking at Psalm 119, verse 4.
It says, You have commanded us to keep your precepts diligently, and that word diligently means carefully, meaning it's not something that you do very lackadaisical or without focus or without a centeredness on the task at hand and what it is you're trying to accomplish.
So with this you in this verse obviously is God, because in the previous verses it talked about the blessed person being walking in the law of the
Lord, keeping his precepts, seeking him with all of your heart, and now it says you,
God, have commanded us. Notice the relationship there. It is not we who command
God or we who command each other, but it is God who commands us.
He is the creator, we are his creatures. He has every right and the power to command his creatures.
It says the thing that you've commanded us to do is to keep your precepts diligently so that it's not just enough to walk in the law of the
Lord, it's not just seeking with all of our heart, we need to do so in a careful manner. In a diligent manner, consistency, in a consistent manner, making sure that we know what he has said, make sure that we are following what he has said, make sure that we are keeping what he has said.
So how is it in your life? Do you know the command of God? Have you studied his word? And are you keeping his commands and precepts diligently and carefully?
I trust that you are. And I want to thank you for joining me on this daily bite of God's word.