The Davidic Covenant | Theocast Clips

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In this clip from "The Law, the Gospel, and Sanctification" Jon and Justin discuss the importance of the Davidic Covenant and it's implications of Christ and God's sovereign plan of redemption for his people.


So, when we start looking at scripture and you compare what the flow of scripture is, you learn right away that no one can keep the law.
One of my favorite, and Justin I think would agree, one of my favorite parts of covenant theology is the covenant that's made with David, the
Davidic covenant. In that covenant, the psalmist says it this way, that there is a promise that's been given, and in that promise that the son of David that sits on the throne and perfectly obeys my law will earn for everyone eternal, not only righteousness, but entrance into the kingdom.
So, you have to understand when Jesus comes and he perfectly obeys the law, and you have people who are standing up to him saying, well, yeah, no,
I'm obeying the law. And he's like, no, you don't understand. You're not even close to me. You should be grabbing onto my feet as the prostitute did.
You should be clinging on to me for dear life because your righteousness cannot match my righteousness because one sign of guilty is a sign of guilty altogether.
This is why James comes in and says, we live as people under mercy, and so we have to show mercy.
Every day we live as people under mercy. Justin Perdue The Davidic covenant bit, a couple of comments there.
2 Samuel chapter 7 is where that covenant is formally given to David. God promises that there will be one of his sons who will sit on his throne forever and reign in righteousness provided that he keeps the law.
So, that's a lot of conditions there, but the Lord is telling him this is what will occur should your son obey.
Well, then we have the prophet speaking, most notably to me anyway, the prophet Jeremiah speaks, though Isaiah has language about this too.
Jeremiah in chapter 23 and chapter 33 speaks very clearly about this righteous branch that God is going to raise up for David who will execute justice and righteousness in the land and who will be called the son of David.
This righteous branch of David will be called the Lord is our righteousness. So, that's insane.
All of that stuff to unpack how the Davidic covenant is very clear that this righteous son of David will come and not only execute justice and righteousness, but will be the righteousness for his people that they need.
It's really, really incredible stuff that is hope -giving, that this has always been the plan of the
Lord to accomplish righteousness in our stead because we can't. So, that's the